国外IC厂商列表(简称及官方网址) 简称对应国外生产厂商互联网网址AC TEXAS INSTRUMENTS [T1](美国德州仪器) /ACT Active-Semi, Inc / AD ANALOG DEVICES(美国模拟器件公司) /AM ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES(美国先进微电子器件公司)/AM DATA-INTERSIL(美国戴特-英特锡尔公司) /AN PANASONIC(日本松下电器公司) /industria l/semi/AN PANASONIC(日本松下电器公司) /AS AUSTRIAMICROSYSTEMS(奥地利微电子公司) http://www.austriamicrosystems.co m/AT ATMAIL(美国爱特梅尔公司) /cn/default.as pAY GENERAL INSTRUMENTS[G1](美国通用仪器公司) /BA ROHM(日本东洋电具制作所)(日本罗姆公司) /BX SONY(日本索尼公司) /Products/SC-H P/CA RCA(美国无线电公司) /CA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/CA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /CAW RCA(美国无线电公司) /CD FAIRCHILD(美国仙童公司) / CD RCA(美国无线电公司) /CIC SOLITRON(美国索利特罗器件公司) / CM CHERRY SEMICONDUCTOR(美国切瑞半导体器件公司) /CT SONY(日本索尼公司) /CX SONY(日本索尼公司) /CXA SONY(日本索尼公司) /CXD SONY(日本索尼公司) /CXK DAEWOO(韩国大宇电子公司) / DBL PANASONIC(日本松下电器公司) / DG VISHAY( 美国维希公司) /EA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /EEA THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) / EF THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) /EFB PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/EGC THOMSON-SGF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) /ESM PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/F FAIRCHILD(美国仙童公司) / FA FUJI ELECTRIC(富士电机) /FA3FUJI ELECTRIC(富士电机) /cn/i ndex2.cfmHA HITACHI(日本日立公司) / HD HITACHI(日本日立公司) /HEF PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/HM、HZHITACHI(日本日立公司) / ICL、IG INTERSIL(美国英特锡尔公司) / IN INTEL(美国英特尔公司) /INA BURR-BROWN(美国BB公司)已被美国德州仪器公司(TI)收购/IR、IX SHARP[日本夏普公司] / ITT、JU ITT(德国ITT半导体公司) / KA、KBSAMSUNG(韩国三星电子公司) / KC SONY(日本索尼公司) /KDA SAMSUNG(韩国三星电子公司) / KIA、KIDKEC(韩国电子公司) http://www.kec.co.kr/KM KS SAMSUNG(韩国三星电子公司) / L SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(SGS-意法半导体公司) /L SANYO(日本三洋电气公司) http://www.semiconductor-sanyo.co m/LA SANYO(日本三洋电气公司) /LB SANYO(日本三洋电气公司) /LC SANYO(日本三洋电气公司) /LC GENERAL INSTRUMENTS(GI)(美国通用仪器公司) /LF PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) / LF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /LH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /LH LK SHARP[日本夏普公司] /LM SANYO(日本三洋电气公司) /LM NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /LM SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂公司) /LM FAIRCILD(美国仙童公司) /LM SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利SGS-亚特斯半导体公司)/LM PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/LM FREECASE(飞思卡尔半导体,前摩托罗拉半导体)/ LM MOTOROLA(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) / LM SAMSUNG(韩国三星电子公司) / LP NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /LR、LSCSHARP[日本夏普公司] /LT、LTC LINEAR TECHNOLOGY(美国凌特公司)/index.jsp LTM LINEAR TECHNOLOGY(美国凌特公司)/index.jspM SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利SGS-亚特斯半导体公司)/M MITSUBISHI(日本三菱电机公司) /M RENESAS(瑞萨) /MA ANALOG SYSTEMS(美国模拟系统公司) / MAX MAXIM(美国)美信集成产品公司/ MB FUJITSU(日本富士通公司) /MBM FUJITSU(日本富士通公司) /MC MOTOROLA(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) /MC PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/MC ANALOG SYSTEMS(美国模拟系统公司) / MF MITSUBISHI(日本三菱电机公司) / MK MOSTEK(美国莫斯特卡公司) / ML MITEL SEMICONDUCTOR(加拿大米特尔半导体公司) / MLM MOTOROAL(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) / MLX MELEXIS / MM NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) / MN PANASONIC(日本松下电器公司) / MN MICRO NETWORK(美国微网路公司) http://treiber.de/MSM OKI(美国OKI半导体公司) /MSM OKI(日本冲电气有限公司) /N、NA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /NCP ON SEMICONDUCTOR(美国安森美公司) / NE SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /NE PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/NE SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利SGS-亚特斯半导体公司)/NJM NEW JAPAN RADIO(JRC)(新日本无线电公司) http://www.njr.co.jp/index_e.htm OM PANASONIC(日本松下电器公司) /OM SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /PIC MICROCHIP(美国微芯科技公司) /RC RAYTHEON(美国雷声公司) /RM RAYTHEON(美国雷声公司) /RH-IX SHARP[日本夏普公司] /S SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) /S AMERICAN MICRO SYSTEMS(美国微系统公司) /SA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/SAA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/SAA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS(GI)(美国通用仪器公司) / SAA ITT(德国ITT-半导体公司) / SAB SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /SAB AEG-TELEFUNKEN(德国德律风根公司) http://www.telefunken.de/engl/index _e.htmlSAF SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /SAK PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/SAS HITACHI(日本日立公司) /SAS AEG-TELEFUNKEN(德国德律风根公司) http://www.telefunken.de/engl/index _e.htmlSAS SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) / SDA(德国西门子公司) / SC SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /SE SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /SE PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/SG SILICON GENERAL(美国通用硅片公司) /SG MOTOROAL(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) /SG PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/SH FAIRCHILD(美国仙童公司) / SI SANKEN(日本三肯电子公司) http://www.sanken-elec.co.jp/ SK RCA(美国无线电公司) /SN MOTOROAL(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) /SN TEXAS INSTRUMENTS(TI)(德国德克萨斯仪器公司) /SND SSS(美国固体科学公司) /SO SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) / STK SANYO(日本三洋电气公司) /STR SANKEN(日本三肯电子公司) http://www.sanken-elec.co.jp/ T TOSHIBA(日本东芝公司) /T GENERAL INSTRUMENTS(GI)(美国通用仪器公司) / TA TOSHIBA(日本东芝公司) /TAA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) /TAA SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利SGS-亚特斯半导体公司)/TAA PRO ELECTRON(欧洲电子联盟) /home.htmTAA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/TBA FAIRCHILD(美国仙童公司) / TBA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /TBA SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利SGS-亚特斯半导体公司)/TBA HITACHI(日本日立公司) / TBA NEC EIECTRON(日本电气公司) /TBA ITT(德国ITT半导体公司) /TBA AEG-TELEFUNKEN(德国德律风根公司) http://www.telefunken.de/engl/index _e.htmlTBA PRO ELECTRON(欧洲电子联盟) /home.htm TBA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) /TBA NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /TBA THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) /TBA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/TC TOSHIBA(日本东芝公司) / TCA ITT(德国ITT半导体公司) / TCA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /TCA SPRAGUE ELECTRIC(美国史普拉格电子公司) /inde x.htmTCA MOTOROAL(美国莫托罗拉半导体公司) / TCA PRO ELECTRON(欧洲电子联盟) /home.htmTCA SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利SGS-亚特斯半导体公司)/TCA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/TCA AEG-TELEFUNKEN(德国德律风根公司) http://www.telefunken.de/engl/index _e.htmlTCA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) / TCM TEXAS INSTRUMENTS[TI](美国德克萨斯仪器公司) /TDA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /TDA SPRAGUE ELECTRIC(美国史普拉格电子公司) /inde x.htmTDA MOTOROLA(美国莫托罗拉半导体公司) /TDA PRO ELECTRON(欧洲电子联盟) /home.htm TDA NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /TDA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) /TDA NEC ELECTRON(日本电气公司) /TDA AEG-TELEFUNKEN(德国德律风根公司) http://www.telefunken.de/engl/index _e.htmlTDA ITT(德国ITT半导体公司) /TDA HITACHI(日本日立公司) /TDA SGS-ATES SEMICONDUCTOR(意大利-SGS亚特斯半导体公司)/TDA PRO ELECTRON(欧洲电子联盟) /home.htm TDA NXP /TDA RCA(美国无线电公司) /TDA THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) /TDB THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) /TEA THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) /TEA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/TL TEXAS INSTRUMENTS(TI)(美国德克萨斯仪器公司) /TL MOTOROLA(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) /TM TOSHIBA(日本东芝公司) http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/ TMM TOSHIBA(日本东芝公司) /TMS TEXAS INSTRUMENTS(TI)(美国德克萨斯仪器公司) /TP TEXAS INSTRUMENTS(TI)(美国德克萨斯仪器公司) /TP NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR(美国国家半导体公司) /TPA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) /TUA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) /U AEG-TELEFUNKEN(德国德律风根公司) http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/openb2b/websearch/start.jsp UAA SIEMENS(德国西门子公司) / UC SOLITRON(美国索利特罗器件公司) / ULN SPRAGUE EIECTRIC(美国史普拉格电子公司) / ULN SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /ULN MOTOROLA(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) / ULS SPRAGUE ELECTRIC(美国史普拉格电子公司) / ULX SPRAGUE ELECTRIC(美国史普拉格电子公司) /UA MOTOROLA(美国莫托罗拉半导体产品公司) / UA SIGNETICS(美国西格尼蒂克公司) /UA PHILIPS(荷兰菲利浦公司) http://www.semiconductors.philips.c om/UA FAIRCHILD(美国仙童公司) / UAA THOMSON-CSF(法国汤姆逊半导体公司) / UPA NEC ELECTRON(日本电气公司) / UPB NEC ELECTRON(日本电气公司) / UPC NEC ELECTRON(日本电气公司) / UPD NEC ELECTRON(日本电气公司) / UPD NEC-MIRO(美国NEC电子公司微电脑分部) / UT Aeroflex Circuit Technology /VTV ASI http://www.advancedsemiconducto /XR TEXAR INTEGRATED SYSTEMS(美国埃克萨集成系统公司)/YM YAMAHA(日本雅马哈公司) http://www.yamaha.co.jp/。
CANBERRA CORPORATIONSAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct Identifier: HUSKY 1230 DISINFECTANT DEODORANTApplication or recommended use: Hard surface disinfectantRestrictions on use: Do not use in any fashion not specified on the product label.Manufacturer / supplier: Canberra Corporation3610 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd.Toledo, Ohio 43615 USATelephone: 419-841-6616Emergency phone: 866-836-88552. Hazards IdentificationGHS Classification: Classification of this mixture in accordance with paragraph (d) of §1910.1200.Flammable Aerosols - Category 1Eye Damage/Irritation - Category 2ALabel Elements:Symbol:Signal word: DANGERHazard statements: Extremely flammable aerosol. Causes serious eye irritation.Precautionary statements: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking. Do not spray on an openflame or other ignition source. Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.Wash thoroughly after handling. Wear eye/face protection.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if presentand easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists, get medical advice/attention.See 4. First-Aid Measures for specific treatment.Store locked up. Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.Dispose of contents/container to an approved disposal facility.Other Hazards: None known.3. Composition / Information on IngredientsChemical characterization: Mixture of water, emulsifiers, solvents and auxiliary agents.Hazardous ingredients: The exact percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.40 - 60% Ethyl Alcohol CAS 64-17-510 - 20% Butane CAS 106-97-82 - 10% Propane CAS 74-98-60.1 – 1% o-Phenylphenol CAS 90-43-74. First-aid measuresInhalation: Move to fresh air. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist.Skin contact: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.Eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.Ingestion: In the unlikely event of swallowing contact a physician or poison control center. Rinse mouth thoroughly.Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed: Headache. Irritation of nose and throat. Severe eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Coughing. Skin irritation.Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media: Alcohol resistant foam. Water spray. Water fog. Dry chemical. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing media: Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.Specific hazards arising from the chemical: Contents under pressure. Pressurized container may explode when exposed to heat or flame. During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed.Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters: Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Fire-fighting equipment/instructions: Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Cool containers exposed to heat with water spray and remove container, if no risk is involved. Containers should be cooled with water to prevent vapor pressure build up.General fire hazards: Extremely flammable aerosol.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Keep out of low areas. Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ventilate closed spaces before entering them. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Move the cylinder to a safe and open area if the leak is irreparable. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Scoop up used absorbent into drums or other appropriate container. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Environmental precautions: Avoid release to the environment. Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Do not use if spray button is missing or defective. Do not spray on a naked flame or any other incandescent material. Do not smoke while using or until sprayed surface is thoroughly dry. Do not cut, weld, solder, drill, grind, or expose containers to heat, flame, sparks, or other sources of ignition. All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Do not handle or store near an open flame, heat or other sources of ignition. Avoid contact with eyes. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Avoid release to the environment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities: Level 2 Aerosol.Pressurized container. Protect from sunlight and do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122 °F. Do not puncture, incinerate or crush. This material can accumulate static charge which may cause spark and become an ignition source. Do not handle or store near an open flame, heat or other sources of ignition. Store in original tightly closed container. Store away from incompatible materials.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Components Type ValueEthyl Alcohol (CAS 64-17-5) PEL 1900 mg/m3 (1000 ppm)Propane (CAS 74-98-6) PEL 1800 mg/m3 (1000 ppm)US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesComponents Type ValueButane (CAS 106-97-8) STEL 1000 ppmEthyl Alcohol (CAS 64-17-5) STEL 1000 ppmUS. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsComponents Type ValueButane (CAS 106-97-8) TWA 1900 mg/m3 (800 ppm)Ethyl Alcohol (CAS 64-17-5) TWA 1900 mg/m3 (1000 ppm)Propane (CAS 74-98-6) TWA 1800 mg/m3 (1000 ppm)Appropriate engineering controls: Good general ventilation should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Provide eyewash station.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment:Eye/face protection: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles).Hand protection: Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves.Other: Wear suitable protective clothing.Respiratory protection: If permissible levels are exceeded use organic vapor cartridge or an air-supplied respirator.General hygiene considerations: When using do not smoke. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearancePhysical state: Gas. Form: Aerosol.Color: Not available. Odor: Not available.Odor threshold: Not available. pH: Not available.Melting point/freezing point: Not available. Flash point: -156.0 °F (-104.4 °C) Propellant estimated.Evaporation rate: Not available. Initial boiling point/boiling range: 140.71 °F (60.39 °C) estimated. Flammability: Not available. Auto-ignition temperature: 856.4 °F (458 °C) estimated.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsFlammability limit – lower (%): 2.6 % estimated. Flammability limit – upper (%): 12.8 % estimated.Explosive limit - lower (%): Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%): Not available.Vapor pressure: 75 - 85 psig @70F estimated. Vapor density: Not available.Relative density: Not available. Specific gravity: 0.79 estimated.Solubility (water): Not available. Viscosity: Not available.Decomposition temperature: Not available.Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): Not available.10. Stability and reactivityReactivity: The product is stable and non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport.Chemical stability: Material is stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactions: Hazardous polymerization does not occur.Conditions to avoid: Avoid temperatures exceeding the flash point. Contact with incompatible materials.Incompatible materials: Strong oxidizing agents. Nitrates. Fluorine. Chlorine.Hazardous decomposition products: No hazardous decomposition products are known.11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposure:Ingestion: Expected to be a low ingestion hazard.Inhalation: No adverse effects due to inhalation are expected.Skin contact: No adverse effects due to skin contact are expected.Eye contact: Causes serious eye irritation.Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics: Headache. Irritation of nose and throat. Severe eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Coughing. Skin irritation. Information on toxicological effects:Acute toxicity: Expected to be a low hazard for usual industrial or commercial handling by trained personnel.Skin corrosion/irritation: Prolonged skin contact may cause temporary irritation.Serious eye damage/eye irritation: Causes serious eye irritation.Respiratory sensitization: Not available. Skin sensitization: This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Carcinogenicity: This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA.IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity: o-Phenylphenol (CAS 90-43-7) 3 Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050): Not listed.Reproductive toxicity: This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects.Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure: Not classified.Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure: Not classified.Aspiration hazard: Not available.Chronic effects: Prolonged or repeated contact may cause drying, cracking, or irritation.12. Ecological informationEcotoxicity: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Persistence and degradability: No data is available on the degradability of this product.Bioaccumulative potential: No data available.Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow): Butane 2.89, Ethyl Alcohol -0.31, o-Phenylphenol 3.09, Propane 2.36 Mobility in soil: No data available.Other adverse effects: No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component.13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate or crush. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Waste from residues / unused products: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners mayretain some product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner.Contaminated packaging: Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste site for recycling or disposal. Emptiedcontainers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied.14. Transport informationDOT UN number UN1950 UN proper shipping name Aerosols, flammable Class 2.1Packing group: Not applicable.Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling.Packaging exceptions: This product meets the exception requirements of section 173.306 as a limited quantity andmay be shipped as a limited quantity.15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulationsFIFRA: This product is a U.S. EPA Registered pesticide, EPA Reg. No. 706-69-8155, and is subject to certain labelingrequirements under Federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard informationrequired for safety data sheets (SDS), and for workplace labels of non-pesticide products.This product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.All components are on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory List.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D): Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4): Sodium Nitrite (CAS 7632-00-0) Listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notification: Not regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050): Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA):Hazard categoriesImmediate Hazard – Yes Delayed Hazard – NoFire Hazard – Yes Pressure Hazard – NoReactivity Hazard – NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance: NoSARA 311/312 Hazardous chemical: NoSARA 313 (TRI reporting)Chemical name CAS number % by wt.o-Phenylphenol 90-43-7 0.1 - 1Other federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List: Not regulated.Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130):Butane (CAS 106-97-8) Propane (CAS 74-98-6)Safe Drinking Water Act: (SDWA): Not regulated.US state regulationsUS. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListUS. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActUS. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know LawButane (CAS 106-97-8) Ethyl Alcohol (CAS 64-17-5) o-Phenylphenol (CAS 90-43-7) Propane (CAS 74-98-6)US. Rhode Island RTKButane (CAS 106-97-8) o-Phenylphenol (CAS 90-43-7) Propane (CAS 74-98-6)US. California Proposition 65: WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to causecancer. o-Phenylphenol (CAS 90-43-7) Listed: August 4, 200016. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionDate issued: 01. 02. 2015 HSK-1230 Revision: N/ADisclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and beliefat the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates onlyto the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or inany process, unless specified in the text. We cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and its product, orthe products of other manufacturers in combination with its product, may be used. It is th conditions for handling, storage and disposal of the product, and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due toimproper use. The information in the sheet was written based on the best knowledge and experience currently available.。
LED 简略介绍(Nichia)
2009年9月22日消息,台湾《经济日报》周二报道,群创光电股份有限公司(Innolux Display Co.,简称:群创光电)已与日本发光二极管(LED)生产商Nichia Corp.结盟,拟共同生产LED显示器。 报道称,与Nichia的合作使群创光电LED个人电脑显示器的售价更低,并因此吸引惠普公司和戴尔 公司释放订单。但报导未披露这两家公司的具体采购规模。 报道还称,群创光电最快会在今年第四季度超越冠捷科技有限公司(TPV Technology Ltd.简称: 冠捷科技),成为全球最大的个人电脑显示器代工企业。
08年3月11日消息,群创光电股份有限公司(Innolux Display Corp., 3481.TW, 简称:群创 光电)计划在市厦门建一座平板模组厂,在东部城市嘉善建一座监视器组装厂,台湾《工商时 报》周二援引该公司发言人许嘉成(Thomas Hsu)的话报导。 2005年3月24 日报道,美国 Intematix 公司 公司与主要蓝光 LED 制造商—中国 , 台湾的先进光电科技公司 先进光电科技公司(AOT)达成有关白光技术的特许协议,允许 AOT 采用 先进光电科技公司 Intematix 公司专利的蓝光 InGaN LED 与可转换波长的荧光粉相结合技术生产白 光 LED 产品。在 Intematix 公司以体材料﹑薄膜及纳米技术为基础经 14 个月的 研发开创了专利支持的“启明星”系列产品之后,很快与 AOT 成该项协议。 据报道,白光 Y450(工作波长等于或小于 450 nm)和白光 Y460((工作波 长为 460 nm)产品能够达到相当于 YAG 荧光粉的性能及色彩,可满足 LCD 和键盘 的背光照明、相机闪光灯照明、汽车照明、大面积信号照明及建筑照明的需要。 目前 WL-Y450 和 WL-Y460 系列产品已可批量提供。
BP-CS14177NICHIA CORPORATION~ Ever Researching for a Brighter World ~Ever Researching For A Brighter World© 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS14177Main Products & Worldwide ShareNICHIA CONFIDENTIAL3 major products are honored as worldwide No. 1 shareLED W.W. Share 〜21% Phosphor W.W. Share 〜25%(by volume)( High Brightness LED / by sales revenue)Lithium Ion Battery Cathode materialW.W. Share 〜20%(by volume) * Based on NICHIA research in 2012Ever Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS14177Location of Sales Offices [Overseas]25ヶ所Netherlands (Amsterdam) Germany (Frankfurt) Russia Korea Japan (San Jose) (Los Angeles) USA (Detroit) (Atlanta)NICHIA CONFIDENTIALGermany (Nuremberg)“Direct Sales”China IndiaMalaysia Singapore Taiwan ThailandChinaAustraliaIndia(Beijing)(New Delhi) (Mumbai) (Bangalore)Asia (Excl. Taiwan/China/Hong Kong) Taiwan/China/Hong Kong North America Oceania EU (Incl. Russia)7 places 7 places 4 places 1 place 4 places(Shanghai) (ShenZhen) (Hong Kong)Ever Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS14177Plants & Sales Offices [Japan]Tokushima: 5 plants Kagoshima: 1 plantNICHIA CONFIDENTIALTokushimaNaruto Plant Domestic Sales office : (Tokyo・Osaka・Nagoya) Tokushima Plant H.Q. Plant Kagoshima Plant Yokohama Technical Center Tatsumi PlantAratano Plant“Our products are manufactured mainly in Tokushima”Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS141772012 NICHIA Market ConstitutionNICHIA CONFIDENTIALNICHIA Optical Semiconductor Business Sales 2012 : \233 billion ( in USD 2.33 billion*1, in EUR 1.79 billion*2)Others 19%*1 1USD=\100 *2 1EUR=\130LCD Backlighting 52% Automotive 12%Lighting 17%Ever Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS14177Product TrendNICHIA CONFIDENTIALKeywords of TV/LCD trends❒ ❒High Highdefinition definition<高精細> <高精細> ❒ ❒Thin・Narrow Thin・Narrowbezel bezel<薄型> <薄型> ❒ ❒High Highcolor colorgamut gamut<広色域> <広色域> ❒ 低消費電⼒> ❒Low Lowpower powerconsumption consumption< <低消費電⼒> Edge> 3010〜7020PKGThin&High Efficiency 150lm/WHigh color gamut Narrow FWHM *New Red PhosphorNew concept PKGUnder development Direct> 3030PKGEver Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONNichia Top View PKGStandard Luminous Flux Color Point: (x, y)= (0.290, 0.275)BP-CS14177NICHIA CONFIDENTIAL20142Q 3Q 4Q20151Q 23.0lm 124lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1Q2013147 SeriesNEW1QNSSW147DRecommended LGP thickness: 1mm-1.5mm Lifetime: 70%@30khrs IF=60mA,VF=3.1V Tj≦80℃ (3.0mm×1.0mm×0.52mm)NSSW147A20.0lm 108lm/W22.0lm 118lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.157 SeriesRecommended LGP thickness: 1.5mm-2mm IF=40mA,VF=3.0V Lifetime: 70%@30khrs (3.0mm×1.4mm×0.52mm) Tj≦90℃NESW157D NESW157B14.5lm 120lm/WNSSW157B16.0lm 133lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.17.0lm 142lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1QNSSW157DIF=80mA,VF=3.0V(3.0mm×1.4mm×0.52mm)29.0lm 121lm/W31.5lm 131lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.33.0lm 138lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1QNS2W157BRIF=60mA,VF=5.95V(3.0mm×1.4mm×0.52mm)43.0lm 120lm/WNFSW157DIF=120mA,VF=3.0V(3.0mm×1.4mm×0.52mm)2 chips→1 chip46.0lm 128lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.48.5lm 135lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1QEver Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONNichia Top View PKGStandard Luminous Flux Color Point: (x, y)= (0.290, 0.275)Lifetime: 70%@30khrs,Tj≦90℃ 557 SeriesRecommended LGP thickness: 2mm-3mmBP-CS14177NICHIA CONFIDENTIAL20141Q 2Q 3Q 4Q20151Q2013NS2W557BR47.0lmIF=60mA,VF=5.95V(4.0mm×2.0mm×0.52mm)132lm/WNJSW557C49.5lmIF=120mA,VF=3.0V(4.0mm×2.0mm×0.52mm) 2 chips→1 chip52.0lm144lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1Q138lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.NF2W557BRNF2W557CR73.5lmIF=100mA,VF=6.0V(4.0mm×2.0mm×0.52mm)77.0lm128lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.81.0lm135lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1Q123lm/W657 SeriesRecommended LGP thickness: 2mm-3mmNF2W657BRNF2W657DR90.0lm122lm/W95.0m129lm/WES: Available MP: Feb.100.0lm133lm/WES: 2014/4Q MP: 2015/1QIF=120mA,VF=6.15V(7.0mm×2.0mm×0.6mm)Ever Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS14177For Wide color Gamut (deep and vivid red color)NICHIA CONFIDENTIALNeed Narrow FWHM *and Color Purity PhosphorsThe Target Spectrum* FWHM=Full Width at Half-MaximumRP h os . . P h os L E Dx y 0.330 x 0.307Gy 0.613 0.313 0.298 0.639 x 0.153BNTSC Ratioy 0.054LCDBrightnessre e nluee dYAG0.635BGR72%450nm 0.158 0.034100%RG0.66285%650nm 540nm 0.272 0.659 448nm 0.158 0.04260%New Red QD0.6650.30190%630nm 0.675 0.297 540nm 0.208 0.695 450nm 0.154 0.05892%100%630nm 530nm 0.222 0.726 450nm 0.138 0.05474%Red Phosphor target ・FWHM<40nm ・λp=630nm Green Phosphor Target ・FMHW<50nm ・λp=530-540nmOLED0.6740.325107%625nm 523nm 460nm-----【Remarks】 ・Efficiency The brightness of New Red is estimated 40% higher than conventional RG and 25% higher than QD.Ever Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATIONBP-CS14177For Wide color GamutNICHIA CONFIDENTIALThe New Red Phosphor allows a wider color gamut without significant brightness loss.○Features<Pros on LCM>・Better matching with R/G CF<Cons>・Compared with YAG, Lower reliability →Improved by Nichia tech to meet the customer spec. ・Phosphor Decay (18msec :1/10 intensity) Need to confirm the effects w/ PWM drive<Pros>・Narrow spectrum ・No emission over 655nm (poor visibility) →Matched CF properties, Waste power for LCD panelLED・CF SpectrumNew Red Conv. RedEver Researching For A Brighter World~Ever Researching For A Brighter World ~ © 2014 NICHIA CORPORATION。
级别: 总版主精华: 5发帖:30651威望: 162604 点金钱:3041300 正方币贡献: 863 点注册时间:2006-02-27最后登录:2009-02-09日本厂家中英文对照名录/haiheng17_Article_10139.html新潟理研测范Niigata Riken Sokuhan Co.,Ltd理研测范Riken Sokuhan Co.,Ltd明石Akashi Corporation暁制作所Akatsuki MFG. Co.,Ltd朝日电机制作所Arrow Electronics Ind. Co.,Ltd爱特尼克Attonic Co.,Ltd安立计器Anritsu Meter Co.,Ltd五十铃制作所Isuzu Seisakusho Co.,Ltd今田Imada,Inc威纳公司Winner Co.,LtdA & D公司A & D Company,Limited新潟精机Niigata Seiki Co.,Ltd爱拉塑特龙Elastron Inc.欧士机OSG CorporationOKM卡尔蔡司OKM (Carl Zeiss Technology)大阪精密机械Osaka Seimitsu Kikai Co.,Ltd大冢大菱光学Otsuka Optics Co.,Ltd大西测定工具制作所Ohnishi MFG. Co.,Ltd大场计器制作所Obakeiki Seisakusho Co.,Ltd欧霸Oval Corporation大菱计器制作所Obishi Co.ltd尾崎制作所Ozaki MFG. Co.,Ltd小野测器Ono Sokki Co.,Ltd奥普泰克斯Optex Co.,Ltd卡通光学Carton Optical Industries,Ltd卡斯通公司Custom Corporation钟太克Kanetec Co.,Ltd中村制作所Nakamura MFG. Co.,Ltd鸭下精衡所Kamoshita Seikohjyo Co.,Ltd川铁先计Kawatetsu Advantech Co.,Ltd菊池制作所Kikuchi Works Co.,Ltd卡瑞Cary Division de Brown & Sharpe Tesa Sa卡力帕Caliper Co.,Ltd图计Graphtec Corporation精密黑田Precision Kuroda LtdKerb-Konus-Vertriebs-GmbHKerb-Konus-Vertriebs-GmbH京北计器工业Keihoku Keiki Kogyo Co.,Ltd凯特科学研究所Kett Electric Laboratory神津精机Kohzu Precision Co.,Ltd高分子计器Kobunshi Keiki Co.,Ltd小阪研究所Kosaka Laboratory Ltd越巣计器Cosmo Instrument Co.,Ltd可夫烙可Kofloc藏王产业Zaoh Company,Ltd坂田英克思Sakata Inx Corporation鹭宫制作所Saginomiya Seisakusho,Inc.佐藤计量器制作所Sato Keiryoki MFG.Co.,Ltd三共Sankyo Co.,Ltd三兴电气计器Sanko Electrical Instrument Co.,Ltd三高电子研究所Sanko Electronic Laboratory Co.,Ltd三宝光学Sanpho Optics Co.,Ltd三和电器计器Sanwa Electric Instrument Co.,Ltd三和电机制作所Sanwa Electric Co.,Ltd西格玛光机Sigma Koki Co.,Ltd新戸静电气Shishido Electrostatic Limited西铁城时计Citizen Watch Co.,Ltd喜木高Simco Japan,Inc.神港精机Shinko Seiki Co.,Ltd神港Shinko Technos Co.,Ltd新可思模电机New Cosmos Electric Co.,Ltd日本电产申保Nidec Shimpo Corporation杉崎计器Sugisaki Meter Co.,Ltd砂川精机Sunakawa Seiki Co.,Ltd骏河精机Suruga Seiki Co.,Ltd精工仪器Seiki Instruments Inc.清和光学制作所Seiwa Optical Co.,Ltd赛克尼库Sekonic测范社Sokuhansha Co.,Ltd索尼制造系统公司Sony Manufacturing Systems Corporation索尼精密技术Sony Precision Technology Inc.第一计器制作所Daiic Gauge MFG. Co.,Ltd第一测范制作所Dai-ichi Sokuhan Works,co.大豊公司Taiho Corporation大雅太思特Diatest Co.,Ltd立野Tateno Co.,Ltd千野Chino Corporation中央精机Chuo Precision Industral Co.,Ltd卡尔蔡司Carl Zeiss Co.,Ltd津上Tsugami Corporation津上精密Tsugami PrecisionTESATesa东荣工业Toei MFG. Co.,Ltd东海海产Tohkai Sangyo Co.,Ltd东京金属Tokyo Kinzoku东京计装Tokyo Keiso东京精机Tokyo Seiki Co.,Ltd东京精密Tokyo Seimitsu Co.,Ltd东京技术量仪Tokyo Technical Instuments Inc.东京流量计研究所Tokyo Flow Meter Co.,Ltd东京流机工业Tokyo Ryuki Kogro Co.,Ltd东与化学研究所Toko Chemical Laboratories Co.,Ltd东商联合Tosho Associate Corporation日本电产东测Nidec Tosok Corporation东陶机器Toto Ltd.东日制作所Tohnichi MFG. Co.,Ltd东洋计器兴业Toyo Keiki Kogyo Co.,Ltd东洋测器Toyo Sokki Co.,Ltd东洋生活Toyo Living Co.,Ltd鸟藩Tolihan Corp.拓普康Topcun Corporation长野计器Nagano Keiki Co.,Ltd中村制作所Nakamura MFG. Co.,Ltd永森电机Nagamori Electric Works,Ltd新潟精机Niigata Seiki Co.,Ltd新潟理研测范Niigata Riken Sokuhan Co.,Ltd尼康Nikon Corporation日商精密光学Nissho Optical Co.,Ltd日进电子工业Nissin Electronic Co.Ltd日本神野玛库思Kanomax Japan Inc.日本金属电铸Nihonkinzokudenchu日本计测系统Japan Instrumentation System Co.,Ltd日本计量器工业Japan Thermometer & Hydrometer Industrial Co.,Ltd日本光器制作所Nippon Optical Works Co.,Ltd日本丝补溜Nippon Sprew Co.,Ltd日本电产神步Nidec Shimpo Corporation日本电产东测Nidec Tosok Corporation日本电色工业Nippon Denshoku Industries Co.,Ltd日本特殊测器Nippon Tokushu Sokki Co.,Ltd日本幻显技术Vision Engineering Ltd.日本浮塞Nippon Flow Cell Co.,Ltd野贺日本Noga Japan Ltd好握速Hios Inc.林时计工业Hoya-Schott Corporation东海产业Tohkai Sangyo Co.,Ltd尾崎制作所Ozaki MFG. Co.,Ltd日置电机Hioki E.E. Corporation日本幻显技术Vision Engineering Ltd.标乐Buehler Ltd.福田Fukuda Co.,Ltd富士可烙纳Fuji-Corona Corporaton富士图相胶卷Fuji Photo Film Co.,Ltd藤田制作所Fujita Works,Ltd富士工具Fuji Tool Co.,Ltd富佳技术Future-Tech Corp.精密黑田Precision Kuroda Ltd日本浮槽Nippon Flow Cell Co.,Ltd马尔Mahr微方Micro Square Co.,Ltd松泽Matsuzawa Co.,Ltd丸井计器Marui-Keiki Co.,Ltd三丰Mitutoyo Corporation美能达Minolta Co.,Ltd密如科光学Miruc Optical Co.,Ltd武藏野精机Musashino Seiki Co.,Ltd明治技术Meiji Techno Co.,Ltd茉丽特Moritex Corporation。
121Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA10-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Standard ..............................................1810-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs.............................1810-1530.........1.5" x 3" Standard .................................................2110-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ................................2110-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round ...............................................2010-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45......................................................2010-1560.........1.5" x 6" Standard .................................................2410-1575.........1.5" x .75"..............................................................2010-1591.........1.5" x 1.5" Mono Slot ............................................1910-1592.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Corner......................................1910-1593.........1.5" x 1.5" Tri-Slot .................................................1910-1594.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ...............................1910-3030.........3" x 3" Standard ....................................................2310-3030PKG..3" x 3" Standard 2 x 8' Pcs ...................................2310-3092.........1.5" x 3" Tri-Slot Corner ........................................2210-3093.........1.5" x 3" Quad Slot................................................2210-3094.........1.5" x 3" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ..................................2211-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Heavy...................................................1811-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs .................................1811-1530.........1.5" x 3" Heavy......................................................2111-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs ....................................2111-3030.........3" x 3" Heavy .........................................................2312-001............Upper Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-002............Lower Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-006............Sliding Door Guide 1", Upper ...............................8312-007............Sliding Door Guide 1", Lower ...............................8312-010............Mesh Clamp Profile, Clr - Max 13.1ft ...................8212-011............Stiffener/ Handle Profile, Clr - Max 9.8ft ..............8212-012............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Upper, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-013............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Lower, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-018............Panel Extrusion 40, Clr - Max 19.7ft ....................8212-022............Rolling Door Guide Profile, Clr - Max 13.1 ft.......8612-032............32 x 18 Bi-Slot .......................................................2512-090............Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Clear ................................2912-090B .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Black ................................2912-090Y .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Yellow ..............................2912-095............Aluminium Cover Strip 1"......................................2912-095B .........Aluminium Cover Strip 1", Black ..........................2912-101............Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft........................2912-1010.........1" x 1" Standard ....................................................1612-1010PKG..1" x 1" Standard 6 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-101B .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft .......................2912-101Y .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Yellow - 6.6ft..................2912-102............Al Cover Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft..................................2912-1020.........1" x 2" Standard ....................................................1612-1020PKG..1" x 2" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-102B .........Al Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6 ft. Length ..................2912-1030.........1" x 3" Standard ....................................................1712-105............Clamp Bar Profile ..................................................2712-106............Panel Gasket .........................................................2812-107............Mesh Gasket .........................................................2812-108............Panel Gasket 10 Clear - Max 410 ft.....................2512-109............19" Rack Angle......................................................2612-110............Rack Angle, Blank .................................................2612-111B .........PVC Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft.............................2912-111BL .......PVC Cover Strip 40, Blue - 6.6ft ..........................2912-112............Safety Cover Strip 40/28, Yellow - Max 9.8ft.......2812-114............Anti-Skid Cover 40, Blk - Max 65.6ft....................2812-2020.........2" x 2" Standard ....................................................1712-400............UHMW Slide Bar 40 max 120"...........................11112-402............Slide Strip 1" max 120".......................................11112-410............Slide Strip 1.5" max 120"....................................11112-420............UHMW Slide Bar 40 x 10 max 120"...................11112-421............UHMW Guide Profile .............................................8613-012............Steel Tube, Plastic Coated for handles(max. 120 in.).....................................................5413-410............Slide Profile 40....................................................11013-430............Slide Profile 40 Side Flange . (110)13-440............Slide Profile 28....................................................11013-450............Slide Profile 28 Side Flange ...............................11013-800............Slide Profile 56....................................................11013-810............Slide Profile 80....................................................11018-1010.........1" x 1" End Cap .....................................................3118-1020.........1" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-1030.........1" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" End Cap...............................................3118-1530.........1.5" x 3" End Cap..................................................3118-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round End Cap................................3118-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45? End Cap.....................................3118-1575.........1.5" x .75" End Cap...............................................3118-2020.........2" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-3030.........3" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-710............Access Hole Plug ..................................................3118-713............Access Hole Plug - Steel ......................................3118-807............32x18 End Cap......................................................2519-004............Drill & Counterbore for BHCS or SHCS .............11419-006............Drill & Countersink for FHCS ..............................11419-007............Saw Cut for Linear Shaft.....................................11419-009............Tap 5/16-18........................................................11419-026............Panel Packing for Secure Transport ..................11419-029............Panel - Chamfer Corner ......................................11419-030............Panel - Notch Corner ..........................................11419-104............Special Miter Cut .................................................11419-200............Special Invoice Required ....................................11419-201............Assembly Required .............................................11419-202............Assembly Form Follows......................................11419-203............Packaging in Kit Form.........................................11419-204............Kit Form Follows..................................................11419-205............Special Assembly Documents Enclosed............11419-206............Engineering..........................................................11419-207............On-Site Installation..............................................11419-208............Special Packing Slip Required ...........................11419-210............Special Machining ...............................................11419-211............Miter Connection Service....................................11419-300............Inspection/Acceptance/Approval ........................11419-501............Saw Cut up to 3"x1.5".........................................11419-502............Saw Cut up to 3"x3"............................................11419-503............Saw Cut 6"x1.5"...................................................11419-511............Drill .277" Access Hole - Except 6" side ............11419-512............Drill & Tap (10/32",1/4",5/16", 3/8")....................11419-514............Drill & Tap (1/2" or 5/8" up to 1.5" Deep)...........11419-515............Step Drill for Universal Fastener 1.5" or 1"........11419-516............Drill/ Tap 5/16x1.5" for 5/16"Foot .......................11419-517............Drill/ Tap 3/8"x 2" for 3/8" Foot...........................11419-520............Step Bore for Pneum. Univ. Fastener(3/4" x 1/4")......................................................11419-525............Drill .277" Access Hole thru 6" side ...................11419-527............Panel - Thru Hole up to 3/8"l Profile Square 3"x1.5"l Profile Square 3"x3"l Profile Square 6"x1.5"..................................11419-603............Drill/ Tap/ Mill for Roller PA ................................11419-605............45° Miter Cut, up to 3x3" profile .........................11419-606............45° Miter Cut, 6"x1.5" profile ..............................11420-059............T-Slot Profile 1.5"..................................................3620-062............Heavy T-Slot Bar - 1.5".........................................3620-082............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18.....................3520-082SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18,Stainless Steel ...................................................3520-083............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 1/4-20.......................3520-088............Economy T-Slot Nut, #10-32...............................3520-093SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 Stainless Steel .......20-1010.........Cast Gusset 1"......................................................4520-1010C.......Cap for Cast Gusset 1".........................................4520-102z4........Gusset Profile ........................................................2720-182............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18. (35)122Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business Unit Wadsworth, Ohio USA20-193............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut 1.5" - 1/4-20.............3520-200............Retainer for Wire mesh 1"Single ..........................8120-201............Retainer for Wire mesh 1" Double........................8120-202............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Single ......................8120-203............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Double.....................8120-300............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 3"..........................................4820-301............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 6"..........................................4820-302............Joining Plate, 3" x 3".............................................4820-303............Joining Plate, 3" x 6".............................................4820-304............Joining Plate, Corner 4.5" x 4.5"..........................4920-305............Joining Plate, T , 4.5" x 4.5".................................4920-306............Joining Plate, Corner 6" x 6"................................4920-307............Joining Plate, T , 6" x 6".......................................4920-310............Joining Plate, 1" x 2".............................................5020-311............Joining Plate, 1" x 4".............................................5020-312............Joining Plate, 2" x 2".............................................5020-313............Joining Plate, 2" x 4".............................................5020-314............Joining Plate, Corner 3" x 3".................................5120-315............Joining Plate, T , 3" x 3".......................................5120-330............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 1.5"...........4220-335............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 1"....................4320-336............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 2"....................4320-337............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 3"..............4220-338............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 3" x 3".................4220-4040.........1 x 1 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4520-440............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1.5"..............................4420-441............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 3".................................4420-442............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1".................................4420-500............Corner Element 1, 1.5"..........................................4620-501............Corner Element 1, 3".............................................4620-502............Corner Element 2, 1.5"..........................................4620-503............Corner Element 2, 3".............................................4620-504............Corner Element 3, 1.5"..........................................4620-505............Corner Element 3, 3".............................................4620-506............Machined Gusset 1" x 1"......................................4720-507............Machined Gusset 1" x 2"......................................4720-508............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 1.5"................................4720-509............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 3"...................................4720-8040.........2 x 2 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4521-020............Rubber Insert 80....................................................9221-021............Clamping Shoe 80.................................................9221-032............Floor Fastening Set...............................................9221-057z4........L-Bracket Profile....................................................2721-060............L Base Floor Anchor 1.5"......................................9321-061............L Base Floor Anchor 1".........................................9321-073............UHMW Guide Insert Set - 1/4-20..........................8621-075............Roller Insert Set.....................................................8621-1020-04....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 1/4-20..................................10121-1020-05....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-1030-04....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 1/4-20..................................10121-1030-05....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 5/16-18................................10121-1530-06....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 3/8-16..............................10121-1530-08....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 1/2-13..............................10121-1530-10....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 5/8-11..............................10121-2020-05....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-2020-06....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 3/8-16..................................10121-2020-08....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 1/2-13..................................10121-250............Flange Foot 1.5" x 1.5".........................................9521-252............Flange Foot 1" x 1"................................................9521-255............Flange Foot 1.5" x 3.0".........................................9521-256............Flange Foot 3.0" x 3.0".........................................9521-300............Caster Swivel 2" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-301............Caster Swivel 2", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-302............Caster Rigid 3" - Top Plate ...................................9721-303............Caster Swivel 3" - Top Plate.................................9721-3030-06....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 3/8-16..................................10121-3030-08....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 1/2-13..................................10121-3030-10....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 5/8-11. (101)21-304............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-305............Caster Swivel 3" - 7/16 Grip Ring.........................9621-306............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - 7/16 Grip Ring..........9621-309............Caster Swivel 3" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-310............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-311............Caster Rigid 5" - Top Plate ...................................9721-312............Caster Swivel 5" - Top Plate.................................9721-313............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-316............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 550lbs ..........................10021-317............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 550lbs ...........10021-318............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 900lbs ..........................10021-319............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 900lbs ...........10021-320............Standard Duty 1-5/8" - 7/16 Grip Ring .................9621-323............Leveling Caster 1"- Threaded Stud M12..............9921-324............Leveling Caster 1" - Plate Mount.........................9921-325............Floor Lock - Plate Mount.....................................10021-327............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Threaded Stud M12...........9921-328............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Plate Mount.......................9921-330............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Heavy....................................9621-331............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Standard ...............................9621-332............Corner Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ..........9621-333............Straight Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ........9621-336............Caster Swivel 3" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-337............Caster Swivel 3" - Locking - 1/2" Stem ................9721-338............Caster Swivel 5" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-339............Caster Swivel 5"- Locking - 1/2" Stem .................9721-340............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring.................................9821-341............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring-Locking ..................9821-342............Institutional Twin Wheel ........................................9821-343............Institutional Twin Wheel Locking ..........................9821-344............Dual Wheel 3" - 1/2" Stem ....................................9821-401............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 2"............................9021-402............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 3"............................9021-403............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 3/8-16 x 3"..............................9021-404............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 4".................................9021-405............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 6".................................9021-406............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 4".................................9021-407............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 6".................................9021-409............Corner Mounting Plate ..........................................9221-410............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 1/4-20 x 2"......................8921-411............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 3/8-16 x 3"......................8921-412............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/4-20 X 2".......................8921-413............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 3/8-16 X 3".......................8921-414............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/2-13 x 3".......................8921-415............L-Base Leveling Foot 1.5".....................................9321-416............L-Base Leveling Foot 1"........................................9321-420............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 1/2-13......................9121-421............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 5/8-11......................9121-422............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Light......................9121-423............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Medium.................9121-424............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Heavy ...................9121-440............Floor Mounting Bracket 1.5".................................9421-441............Floor Mounting Bracket 3"....................................9421-442............Floor Mounting Bracket 1"....................................9421-443............Floor Mounting Bracket 2"....................................9421-500............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-501............Adapter Plate 1.0".................................................9921-502............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-504............Base Plate for heavy Casters.............................10022-111............Economy Mesh Clamp 1.5"..................................8122-115............Multiblock 1.5" - 1/4-20.........................................8022-116............Multiblock 1" - 1/4-20............................................8022-153............Corner Bracket 1.5"...............................................4122-154............Connector Cap 1.5" Radius ..................................4122-155............Connector Cap 45 Degree ....................................4122-202............Cable Tie Holder....................................................8722-204............T-Clip 5/32-1/4 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-206............T-Clip 1/4-5/16 w/Fast Kit . (87)123Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA22-209z1........T-Clip 5/16-3/8 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-211z1........T-Clip 3/8-1/2 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-213z1........T-Clip 1/2-5/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-216z1........T-Clip 5/8-3/4 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-219z1........T-Clip 3/4-7/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-223z1........T-Clip 7/8-1 w/Fast Kit ..........................................8722-230............Cable Hose Holder w/ English Fast Kit ................8723-030............Light Duty Aluminium Handle ...............................5323-031............Handle PA 132......................................................5423-032Z1.......Handle PA 179......................................................5423-033............Handle PA 93.5.....................................................5423-038............L-Handle Locking...................................................5523-038z1........Backing Plate.........................................................5723-039............L-Handle Non-locking............................................5523-046............Magnetic Catch......................................................6023-051............Strike Plate for Magnetic Catch............................6023-058............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Straight Key .................7023-059............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Angle Key.....................7023-060............Safety Switch 1 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7223-061............Safety Switch 1 (2 NC)..........................................7223-062............Safety Switch 2 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7323-063............Safety Switch 2 (2 NC + 2 NO).............................7323-064............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Lock.........................7423-066............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Unlock .....................7423-070............Open Angled Handle .............................................5323-071............Closed Angled Handle ..........................................5323-072............Tube Handle Ends.................................................5423-073............Tube Handle Center Supports ..............................5423-102............Mini-Key Mounting Bracket...................................7023-104............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 1.......................7223-108............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Top .........................7123-109............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Sliding ....................7123-110............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 3.......................7423-119............Mounting Bracket for Magnetic Catch..................6023-120............Ball Catch Bracket Style 1....................................5823-121............Ball Catch ..............................................................5823-122............Magnetic Catch Bracket........................................6023-124............Door Stop 1"..........................................................6323-125............Door Stop 1.5" - Straight.......................................6323-126............Door Stop 1.5" - Angle ..........................................6323-127............Ball Catch Bracket Style 2....................................5823-128............Ball Plunger, 3/8" Dia x .786"...............................5923-129............Ball Plunger, 1/2" x 1.10"......................................5923-130............Rachet Lock (for panel sliding doors)..................6323-133............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking..........5523-134............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking...............5523-135............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert ......................5523-137............Ball Catch Bracket 1"............................................5923-140z1........Spare Key for 23-134/23-144...............................5723-140z2........Square Key for 23-135/23-145.............................5723-140z4........Cam 45-2 Offset ....................................................5723-140z5........Cam 35-10 Offset ..................................................5723-140z7........Keeper Bracket......................................................5723-140z8........Cam 45-8...............................................................5723-142z1........Hooked Cam..........................................................5723-143............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking Panel 5623-144............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking Panel ....5623-145............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert Panel ...........5623-155............Slam Latch - Keyed...............................................6223-156............Slam Latch - Non Locking.....................................6223-158............Velcro Plate ...........................................................6323-159............Internal Handle for Quarter Turn Handles............5623-160............Deadbolt Latch ......................................................6223-210............Grabber Door Catch ..............................................6123-211............Grabber Door Catch w/Micro-Switch..................6123-212............Grabber Door Catch Bracket 90 degree ..............6123-213............Grabber Door Catch Bracket Flat.........................6123-220............Adjustable Hinge 1................................................6823-222............Adjustable Hinge 2................................................6823-224............Positioning Hinge 85°............................................6823-226............Positioning Hinge 120°..........................................6823-228............Positioning Hinge 155°..........................................6823-250............Hinge 1" - Steel .....................................................6623-250L .........Hinge 1" - Steel Left ..............................................6623-250R.........Hinge 1" - Steel Right............................................6623-251............Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel..............................................6623-251L .........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Left ......................................6623-251R.........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Right ....................................6623-252............Hinge 1.5" - Steel ..................................................6623-252L .........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Left ...........................................6623-252R.........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Right ........................................6623-260............Pivot Joint 1", Blk ..................................................6923-261............Pivot Joint 1", Blk - Locking..................................6923-262............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk ...............................................6923-263............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk - Locking...............................6923-550............Plastic Hinge 1".....................................................6723-550L .........Plastic Hinge 1" - Left ...........................................6723-550R.........Plastic Hinge 1" - Right .........................................6723-551............Plastic Hinge 1.5"..................................................6723-551L .........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Left ........................................6723-551R.........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Right......................................6723-552............Plastic Hinge 1/1.5"...............................................6723-552L .........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Left .....................................6723-552R.........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Right...................................6723-620............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Long .......................6423-621............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Long..........................6423-622............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Short ......................6423-623............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Short .........................6423-624............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Receiver ..........................6423-625............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Double Pin .......................6423-626............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Heavy Duty ..........6523-626L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Left .......................6523-626R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Right .....................6523-630............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Long ..........................6423-631............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Long.............................6423-632............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Short..........................6423-633............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Short ............................6423-634............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Receiver..............................6423-635............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Double Pin ..........................6423-636............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Heavy Duty..............6523-636L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Left...........................6523-636R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Right ........................6523-640............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Heavy Duty......6523-640L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Left ...................6523-640R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 1/pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 5/16-18...........................3525-001............T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 1/4-20....................................3425-002............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18......................................3425-002SS.......T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18, Stainless Steel...........3425-003............Standard Fastener 5/16-18...................................3225-003SS.......Standard Fastener 5/16-18, Stainless Steel........3225-004............Universal Fastener 5/16-18..................................3325-005............Drop In T-Nut 10-32...................................................25-006............Drop in T-Nut 1/4-20", Rubber post...........................25-007............Drop in T-Nut 5/16-18", Rubber post.........................25-008............Drop-in T-Nut, 1/4-20, 28/56......................................25-009............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" *- #10-32......................................3425-014............Single Ear Standard Fastener 1.5" - 5/16-18.......3225-015............Profile to Wall Universal Fastener 5/16-18..........3325-016............Butt Fastener Assembly 5/16-18..........................3325-017............Butt Fastener Assembly 1/4-20............................3325-022............Standard Fastener, 1/4-20....................................3225-022z1........Standard Fastener, 1/4-20 - Clip .. (32)。
Lear Corporation Holding Spain S.L.U 商品说明书 - JV6T-
EMITIDO POR / ISSUED BYLGAI TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER - No. 0370 (APPLUS) SOLICITANTE / APPLICANTLear Corporation Holding Spain, S.L.U. C/ Fusters 54, 43800 Valls, Tarragona, Spain FABRICANTE (Nombre, Dirección)MANUFACTURER (Name, Address) Lear Corporation Holding Spain, S.L.U.C/ Fusters 54, 43800 Valls, Tarragona, SpainCOMERCIALIZADO POR (marca)COMMERCIALISED BY (Brand) Lear Corporation Holding Spain S.L.U.PRODUCTOPRODUCT Body Control Module (JV6T-14A073-U) TIPOSTYPESJV6T-14A073-U Versión HW / SW / FMW HW / SW / FMW versionSW: v12.9_C520MCAHW: 8.2DIRECTIVA APLICABLEAPPLICABLE DIRECTIVEDIRECTIVA 2014/53/UE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO, DE 16 DE ABRIL DE 2014, RELATIVA A LA ARMONIZACIÓN DE LAS LEGISLACIONES DE LOS ESTADOS MIEMBROS SOBRE LA COMERCIALIZACIÓN DE EQUIPOS RADIOELÉCTRICOSDIRECTIVE 2014/53/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILOF 16 APRIL 2014 ON THE HARMONISATION OF THE LAWS OF THE MEMBER STATES RELATING TO THE MAKING AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET OF RADIO EQUIPMENTDESCRIPCIÓNDESCRIPTIONJV6T-14A073 is a BCM (Body Control Module) combining both smart electronic board and power board embedded in a single package enabling to control the main body electronic functionalities in a car. It also acts as a gateway between the different communication buses.CUMPLE CON LOS REQUISITOS ESENCIALESMEET ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTSArt.3.1a Salud y Seguridad / ☒Art.3.1a Health & Safety Art. 3.2 Uso eficiente del espectro radioeléctrico / ☒Art.3.2 Efficient use of Radio spectrum Art.3.1b EMC / ☒ Art.3.1b EMCArt 3.3 Características especiales / ☐Art.3.3 Special characteristicsEste documento carece de validez sin su anexo, cuyo número coincide con el del presente certificado. // This document in not valid without its technical annex, whosenumber coincides with the number of the certificate.La evaluación de la documentación técnica entregada se encuentran recogidos en el expediente técnico número: 19/31707099The evaluation of the technical documentation delivered is included in the technical file number: 19/31707099 Restricciones (si aplican) / Restrictions (if apply):Bellaterra, 30 de octubre de 2019 // 30th October 2019Xavier Ruiz PeñaManaging Director, Product Conformity B.U.Este Certificado es válido mientras no se produzcan cambios en el estado de la técnica que indiquen que el equipo radioeléctrico aprobado ya no puede cumplir los requisitos esenciales de la Directiva 2014/53/UE y no haya notificaciones en el tipo aprobado que puedan afectar a la conformidad con los requisitos esenciales de la Directiva 2014/53/UEThis Certificate is valid as long as there are no changes in the prior art indicating that the approved radio equipment can no longer meet the essential requirements of Directive 2014/53/EU and there are no notifications of the approved type that may affect the Accordance with the essential requirements of Directive 2014/53/EU No.0370-RED-3744LGAI Technological Center, S.A. (APPLUS)Campus UAB - Ronda de la Font del Carme s/n 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) T +34 93 567 20 00 No. CERTIFICADO DE EXAMEN UE DE TIPOEU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATEF +34 93 567 20 01Anexo técnico Ed. 130/10/2019ANEXO TÉCNICOTECHNICAL ANNEX0370-RED-3744A. MODEL DESCRIPTIONA.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE RADIO EQUIPMENT:Manufacturing country: Spain Brand: LearCommercial designation: JV6T-14A073-U Country of commercialization: European Union Radio service: 433MHz ReceiverApplication: Vehicle Body Control Module for remote keyless accessA.1.1 TRADE VERSIONS/VARIANTS:JV6T-14A073-UA.2. FEATURES: JV6T-14A073 is a BCM (Body Control Module) combining both smart electronic board and power board embedded in a single package enabling to control the main body electronic functionalities in a car. It also acts as a gateway between the different communication buses.A.3. SOFTWARE VERSION(S): v12.9_C520MCAA.4. HARDWARE VERSION(S): 8.2A.5. OTHER COMPONENTS Disposable antenna YES ☐ NO ☒ Antenna gain (dBi)*:* Only if you have previously checked YES.A.6. OPERATING FREQUENCIES AND MAXIMUM POWER EMITTED BY BAND ** Antenna Gain includedBAND Operational frequencyMax power**CNAF/UN-XXX Band 1 F_min : 433.805MHzF_max : 434.035MHzN/AUN-30, UN-115F +34 93 567 20 01 Anexo técnico Ed. 130/10/2019ANEXO TÉCNICOTECHNICAL ANNEX0370-RED-3744A.7. OTHER PARAMETERS OF RADIO INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS (RI)FREQUENCYBANDS SERVICEBand 1 SRD at 433.92MHzReceiver OnlyN/A: Not applicableN/D: Not definedRequires license/Use authorization: YES ☐ NO ☒B.TEST PROTOCOLREQUIREMENT STANDARD Laboratory Report no.Health and Safety (Article3.1a) EN 62368-1:2014EN 62368-1:2014/AC:2015EN 62368-1:2014/AC:2017-03EN 62368-1:2014/A11:2017LGAI Technological Center SA(Applus+)19/31705663M1EMC (Article 3.1b) EN 301 489-3 v.2.1.1EN 301 489-1 v2.2.0LGAI Technological Center SA(Applus+)19/31707370Radio Aspects (Article 3.2) EN 300 220-2 v3.1.1LGAI Technological Center SA(Applus+)19/31707369M1C.RESTRICTIONS (IF POSITIVE)Restrictions YES ☐ NO☒Describe restrictions:F +34 93 567 20 01 Anexo técnico Ed. 130/10/2019ANEXO TÉCNICOTECHNICAL ANNEX0370-RED-3744D.ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE NBTechnical Documentation Review☒ Assembly drawings(s) ☒ Block diagram ☒ Circuit diagram/schematics☒ External photographs ☒ Label drawing/location ☒ User manual☒ Internal photographs ☒ Operational description ☒ Risk Assessment☒ Test set-up photographs ☒ Test reports ☒ EU declaration of conformity☒ Bill of materials ☒ PCB layout☒ Installation diagrams andexplanations ☒ List of applied (harmonized and non-harmonized) standardsOther activities☒ RIS☒ EFIS/CNAF☐ Review Technical Justifications☒ Analysis report☒ EU type certification issuedE.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU, Article 10.4: Manufacturers shall keep the technical documentation and the EU declaration of conformity for 10 years after the radio equipment has been placed on the market.Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU, Annex III, Module B.7: The manufacturer shall inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation relating to the EU-type examination certificate of all modifications to the approved type that may affect the conformity of the radio equipment with the essential requirements of this Directive or the conditions for validity of that certificate. Such modifications shall require additional approval in the form of an addition to the original EU-type examination certificate.This review includes draft standards, deviations from the standards and technical justification for compliance.。
LED 芯片及厂商中英文命名
LED 芯片及厂商中英文命名台湾 LED 芯片厂商:晶元光电(Epistar)简称:ES、(联诠、元坤,连勇,国联),广镓光电(Huga),新世纪(Genesis Photonics),华上(Arima Optoelectronics)简称:AOC,泰谷光电(Tekcore),奇力,钜新,光宏,晶发,视创,洲磊,联胜(HPO),汉光(HL),光磊(ED),鼎元(Tyntek)简称: TK,曜富洲技 TC,(Formosa Epitaxy)国通,灿圆,联鼎,全新光电(VPEC)等。
华兴(Ledtech Electronics)、东贝(Unity Opto Technology)、光鼎(Para Light Electronics)、亿光(Everlight Electronics)、佰鸿(Bright LED Electronics)、今台(Kingbright)、菱生精密(Lingsen Precision Industries)、立基(Ligitek Electronics)、光宝(Lite-On Technology)、宏齐(HARVATEK) 艾笛森等。
大陆 LED 芯片厂商:三安光电简称(S)、上海蓝光(Epilight)简称(E)、士兰明芯(SL)、大连路美简称(LM)、迪源光电、华灿光电、南昌欣磊、上海金桥大晨、河北立德、河北汇能、深圳奥伦德、深圳世纪晶源、广州普光、扬州华夏集成、甘肃新天电公司、东莞福地电子材料、清芯光电、晶能光电、中微光电子、乾照光电、晶达光电、深圳方大,山东华光、上海蓝宝等。
国外 LED 芯片厂商:科锐 CREE,(HP)日亚化学惠普,(Nichia)丰田合成,(Toyoda GoseiCo.),大洋日酸,(Toshiba)昭和电工东芝、(SDK)飞利浦 Philips Lumileds luxeon)旭明,(,(Smileds),Genelite,欧司朗(Osram),GeLcore,首尔半导体 Seoul 等,美国普瑞(Bridgelux),韩国安萤(Epivalley)Lumileds创建于 1999 年,Lumileds 照明是世界著名的 LED 生产商,在包括自动照明、计算机显示、液晶电视、信号灯及通用照明在内的固态照明应用领域中居领先地位。
TEL : (03)462-6569 (桃園-總公司) / (04)2261-0357 (台中) / (06)208-6651 (台南)●BreadboardsSolid Aluminum Breadboard ............................ Honeycomb Optical Breadboard ......................●Benchtop Isolation Systems ..........................●Optical TablesWorkstations .................................................... Table System ................................................... Customized Workstations ................................●Optical RailsMiniature Series ............................................... Optical Bench / Rail / Carrier ............................●Bases / ClampsPost Adaptor .................................................... Base Clamps / Slide Bases ..............................●Posts / HoldersHolding Fork / Pedestal .................................... Miniature Series ...............................................12.7mm/12mm Posts / Holders ...................... Isolated Series .................................................●Optical MountsMirrors Mounts ................................................ Prism Mounts .................................................. Polarizer Mounts .............................................. Lens Holders .................................................... Filter Holders ................................................... Cylindrical Mounts ...........................................●Tilt PlatformsSingle Axis Tilt Platforms ................................ Multi-Axis Tilt Platforms . (3)4791524272935374349525559848894111119127131136168172175185188193206210216220226229230246251253254257258264267269●Manual StagesLinear Translation Stage ...................................Dovetail Linear Stage ........................................Large Platform Stage ........................................Rotation Stage ..................................................Jack ..................................................................●Goniometers ....................................................●Multi-Axis Stages ...........................................●Angle Brackets / Adaptor Platforms ..........●Fiber Alignment Stages ................................●Beam Steering ................................................●Large Stand Rods / Clamps / Platforms ...●Spatial Filters ...................................................●Magnetic Bases ...............................................●Screws ..............................................................●Actuators ..........................................................●Motorized SeriesRotation Mount ..................................................Iris Diaphragm ...................................................Compact Controller / Switchbox ........................Filter Wheel ........................................................Linear Translation Stage ....................................Rotation Stage ....................................................Driver / Controller ..............................................●Shutters ............................................................OptoMechanicsEmail:*****************.twAOptoMechanicsB e n c h t o p I s o l a t i o n S y s t e m sB r e a d b o a r d sO p t i c a l T a b l e sO p t i c a l R a i l sB a s e s /C l a m p sP o s t s / H o l d e r sO p t i c a l M o u n t s實心鋁合金光學平板(麵包板) / Solid Aluminum Optical Breadboard* 預壓型非磁性鋁合金材料經精密加工而成的光學平板特別的平整,提供方便和高性價比平台,非常適合簡易光學架構,模型組合、量測系統的安裝和配置。
USER MANUALNI cRIO-9063Embedded Real-Time Controller with Reconfigurable FPGA forC Series ModulesThis document describes the features of the NI cRIO-9063 and contains information about mounting and operating the device.ContentsConfiguring the cRIO-9063 (2)Connecting the cRIO-9063 to the Host Computer or Network Using Ethernet (2)Configuring Startup Options (3)cRIO-9063 Features (4)Ports and Connectors (4)Buttons (9)LEDs (11)Chassis Grounding Screw (13)Internal Real-Time Clock (14)Battery (14)File System (14)Mounting the Device (15)Dimensions (16)Mounting Requirements (16)Ambient Temperature (17)Mounting the Device Directly on a Flat Surface (18)Mounting the Device on a Panel (19)Mounting the Device on a DIN Rail (21)Mounting the Device on a Rack (22)Mounting the Device on a Desktop (22)Worldwide Support and Services (25)Configuring the cRIO-9063You can connect the cRIO-9063 to a host computer or network and configure the startup options using the USB device port or the RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port 1.Tip Refer to the getting started guide on /manuals for basic configurationinstructions and information about connecting to a host computer using the USBdevice port. NI recommends using the USB device port for configuration, debug,and maintenance.Connecting the cRIO-9063 to the Host Computer or Network Using EthernetComplete the following steps to connect the cRIO-9063 to a host computer or Ethernet network using the RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port 1. NI recommends using the RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port 1 for communication with deployed systems.1.Power on the host computer or Ethernet hub.2.Connect the RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port 1 on the cRIO-9063 to the host computer orEthernet hub using a standard Category 5 (CAT-5) or better shielded, twisted-pairEthernet cable.Caution To prevent data loss and to maintain the integrity of your Ethernetinstallation, do not use a cable longer than 100 m (328 ft).The cRIO-9063 attempts to initiate a DHCP network connection the first time youconnect using Ethernet. The cRIO-9063 connects to the network with a link-local IP address with the form 169.254.x.x if it is unable to initiate a DHCP connection. Finding the cRIO-9063 on the Network (DHCP)Complete the following steps to find the cRIO-9063 on a network using DHCP.1.Disable secondary network interfaces on the host computer, such as a wireless accesscard on a laptop.2| | NI cRIO-9063 User Manual2.Ensure that any anti-virus and firewall software running on the host computer allowsconnections to the host computer.Note MAX uses UDP 44525. Refer to the documentation of your firewallsoftware for information about configuring the firewall to allow communicationthrough the UDP 44525.unch MAX on the host computer.4.Expand Remote Systems in the configuration tree and locate your system.Tip MAX lists the system under the model number followed by the serialnumber, such as NI-cRIO-9063-1856AAA.Configuring Startup OptionsComplete the following steps to configure the cRIO-9063 startup options in MAX.1.In MAX, expand your system under Remote Systems.2.Select the Startup Settings tab to configure the startup settings.cRIO-9063 Startup OptionsYou can configure the following cRIO-9063 startup options.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 3Table 1. cRIO-9063 Startup Options (Continued)cRIO-9063 FeaturesThe cRIO-9063 provides the following features.Ports and ConnectorsThe cRIO-9063 provides the following ports and connectors.4| | NI cRIO-9063 User ManualFigure 1. cRIO-9063 Ports and ConnectorsB Device Port2.RS-232 Serial Port3.RJ-45 Ethernet Port 1B Host Port5.Power ConnectorRJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet PortThe cRIO-9063 has one tri-speed RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port. By default, the Ethernet port is enabled and configured to obtain an IP address automatically. The Ethernet port can be configured in MAX.The following table shows the pinout for the RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 5Note The Ethernet port performs automatic crossover configuration so you do notneed to use a crossover cable to connect to a host computer.The following NI Ethernet cables are available for the cRIO-9063.Related InformationEthernet LED Indicators on page 13Power ConnectorThe cRIO-9063 has a power connector to which you can connect a power supply. The following table shows the pinout for the power connector.6 | | NI cRIO-9063 User ManualThe cRIO-9063 has reverse-voltage protection.The following NI power supplies and accessories are available for the cRIO-9063.Related InformationPOWER LED Indicators on page 11RS-232 Serial PortThe cRIO-9063 has an RS-232 serial port to which you can connect devices such as displays or input devices. Use the Serial VIs to read from and write to the serial port. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for information about the Serial VIs.Find examples on how to use NI-Serial or NI-VISA to perform serial communication in the NI Example Finder. The NI Example Finder is located on the Help menu in the LabVIEW Help.Note The RS-232 serial port cannot be accessed by the user application when theConsole Out startup option is enabled.The following table shows the pinout for the RS-232 serial port.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 7USB Host PortsThe USB host ports on the cRIO-9063 support common USB mass-storage devices such as USB Flash drives, USB-to-IDE adapters, keyboards, mice, and USB cameras.Caution Do not hot-swap USB devices while the cRIO-9063 is in a hazardouslocation or connected to high voltages. If the cRIO-9063 is not in a hazardouslocation, you can connect and disconnect USB devices without affecting operation.The following table shows the pinout for the USB host ports.The following NI cable is available for the cRIO-9063.8 | | NI cRIO-9063 User ManualRelated InformationFile System on page 14USB Device PortThe cRIO-9063 USB device port is intended for device configuration, application deployment, debugging, and maintenance. For example, you can use the USB device port to install software or driver updates during field maintenance instead of interrupting communication on the RJ-45 Ethernet ports.Caution Do not hot-swap USB devices while the cRIO-9063 is in a hazardouslocation or connected to high voltages. If the cRIO-9063 is not in a hazardouslocation, you can connect and disconnect USB devices without affecting operation. The following table shows the pinout for the USB device port.The following NI cable is available for the cRIO-9063.ButtonsThe cRIO-9063 provides the following buttons.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 9Figure 2. cRIO-9063 Buttons1.RESET ButtonRESET ButtonPress the RESET button to reset the processor in the same manner as cycling power. Troubleshooting Network ConnectivityYou can use the RESET button to troubleshoot network connectivity.Complete the following steps to reset the network adapters to default settings.1.Hold the RESET button for 5 seconds, and then release it to boot the controller in safemode and enable Console Out.2.Hold the RESET button again for 5 seconds to boot the controller into safe mode, enableConsole Out, and reset network adapters to default settings.System ResetThe following figure shows the reset behavior of the cRIO-9063.Figure 3. Reset Button BehaviorPress and holdRESET button for ≥ 5 s Press and holdLEDsThe cRIO-9063 provides the following LEDs.Figure 4.cRIO-9063 LEDs1.POWER LED2.STA TUS LEDER1 LEDER FPGA1 LED5.RJ-45 Ethernet LEDsPOWER LED IndicatorsThe following table lists the POWER LED indicators.STA TUS LED IndicatorsThe following table describes the STATUS LED indicators.User LEDsYou can define the USER1 and USER FPGA1 LEDs to meet the needs of your application. The following table lists the USER1 and USER FPGA1 LED indicators.Ethernet LED IndicatorsThe following table lists the Ethernet LED indicators.Chassis Grounding ScrewThe cRIO-9063 provides a chassis grounding screw.Figure 5. cRIO-9063 Chassis Grounding Screw1.Chassis grounding screwFor EMC compliance, you must connect the cRIO-9063 to earth ground through the chassis ground screw. Use wire that is 2.1 mm2 (14 AWG) solid copper wire with a maximum length of 1.5 m (5 ft). Attach the wire to the earth ground of the electrode system of the facility.Caution If you use shielded cabling to connect to a C Series module with a plasticconnector, you must attach the cable shield to the chassis grounding terminal using2.1 mm2 (14 AWG) or larger wire. Attach a ring lug to the wire and attach the wireto the chassis grounding terminal. Solder the other end of the wire to the cableshield. Use shorter wire for better EMC performance.For more information about ground connections, visit /info and enter the Info Code emcground.Internal Real-Time ClockThe cRIO-9063 contains an internal real-time clock that maintains system time when the cRIO-9063 is powered off. The system clock of the cRIO-9063 is synchronized with the internal real-time clock at startup. You can set the real-time clock using MAX, or you can set the clock programmatically using LabVIEW.Refer to the specifications on /manuals for the real-time clock accuracy specifications. BatteryThe cRIO-9063 contains a lithium cell battery that stores the system clock information when the cRIO-9063 is powered off. There is only a slight drain on the battery when power is applied to the cRIO-9063 power connector. The rate at which the battery drains when power is disconnected depends on the ambient storage temperature. For longer battery life, store the cRIO-9063 at a cooler temperature and apply power to the power connector. Refer to the specifications on /manuals for the expected battery lifetime.The battery is not user-replaceable. If you need to replace the battery, contact NI. Refer to the specifications on /manuals for information about battery disposal.File SystemLabVIEW mounts USB devices to the media/sdx1 directory and creates symboliclinks /u, /v, /w, or /x to the media mount point, starting with /u if it is available. To prevent any file corruption to external storage devices, verify that any file IO operations with the specific drive finish before removing the device. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information.The file system of the cRIO-9063 follows conventions established for UNIX-style operating systems. Other LabVIEW Real-Time targets follow Microsoft Windows-style conventions. In order to facilitate the porting of applications from those targets, this target supports the Windows-style /C home directory. This path is bound to the UNIX-style directory /home/ lvuser.Various LabVIEW Real-Time system files which would be accessible from C: (or /C) on other LabVIEW Real-Time targets are found in different locations on this target.UNIX-style file systems support the concept of a symbolic link, which allows access to a file using an alternative file path. For example, it is possible to link /C/ni-rt/system, where dynamic libraries are deployed on other LabVIEW Real-Time targets, to /usr/local/lib, where they are stored on the cRIO-9063, if the application requires this.For more information, visit /info and enter the Info Code RT_Paths.Mounting the DeviceTo obtain the maximum allowable ambient temperature of 55 °C, you must mount thecRIO-9063 horizontally on a flat, metallic, vertical surface such as a panel or wall. You can mount the cRIO-9063 directly to the surface or use the NI Panel Mounting Kit. The following figure shows the cRIO-9063 mounted horizontally.Figure 6. cRIO-9063 Horizontal Mounting1.UpYou can also mount the cRIO-9063 in other orientations, on a nonmetallic surface, on a35-mm DIN rail, on a desktop, or in a rack. Mounting the cRIO-9063 in these or other configurations can reduce the maximum allowable ambient temperature and can affect the typical accuracy of modules in the cRIO-9063. For more information about typical accuracy specifications for C Series modules and temperature deratings caused by different mounting configurations, visit /info and enter the Info Code criotypical.Caution Make sure that no C Series modules are in the cRIO-9063 beforemounting it.Tip Before using any of these mounting methods, record the serial number fromthe back of the cRIO-9063 so that you can identify the cRIO-9063 in MAX. Youwill be unable to read the serial number after you mount the cRIO-9063.DimensionsThe following figures show the front and side dimensions of the cRIO-9063. For detailed dimensional drawings and 3D models, visit /dimensions and search for the module number.Figure 7. cRIO-9063 Front DimensionsFigure 8. cRIO-9063 Side DimensionsMounting RequirementsYour installation must meet the following requirements for cooling and cabling clearance. Allow 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) on the top and the bottom of the cRIO-9063 for air circulation, as shown in the following figure.Figure 9. cRIO-9063 Cooling DimensionsAllow the appropriate space in front of C Series modules for cabling clearance, as shown in the following figure. The different connector types on C Series modules require different cabling clearances. For a complete list of cabling clearances for C Series modules, visit /info and enter the Info Code crioconn.Figure 10. cRIO-9063 Cabling ClearanceAmbient TemperatureMeasure the ambient temperature at each side of the cRIO-9063, 63.5 mm (2.50 in.) from the side and 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) forward from the rear of the cRIO-9063, as shown in the following figure.Figure 11. cRIO-9063 Ambient T emperature Location1.Location for measuring the ambient temperatureMounting the Device Directly on a Flat SurfaceFor environments with high shock and vibration, NI recommends mounting the cRIO-9063 directly on a flat, rigid surface using the mounting holes in the cRIO-9063.What to Use•cRIO-9063•Screwdriver, Phillips #2•M4 or number 8 screw (x2), user-provided, longer than 23.00 mm (0.91 in.) to pass all the way through the cRIO-9063What to DoComplete the following steps to mount the cRIO-9063 directly on a flat surface.1.Prepare the surface for mounting the cRIO-9063 using the Surface Mounting Dimensions .2.Align the cRIO-9063 on the surface.3.Fasten the cRIO-9063 to the surface using the M4 or number 8 screws appropriate for thesurface. Tighten the screws to a maximum torque of 1.3 N · m (11.5 lb · in.).Surface Mounting DimensionsThe following figure shows the surface mounting dimensions for the cRIO-9063.Figure 12. cRIO-9063 Surface Mounting Dimensions 4.1 mm (0.16 in.)47.0 mm(1.85 in.)47.2 mm(1.86 in.)30.6 mm (1.20 in.)41.1 mm(1.62 in.)Mounting the Device on a PanelYou can use the NI panel mounting kit to mount the cRIO-9063 on a panel.What to Use•cRIO-9063•Screwdriver, Phillips #2•NI panel mounting kit, 779097-01–Panel mounting plate–M5 or number 10 screw (x4)What to DoComplete the following steps to mount the cRIO-9063 on a panel.1.Align the cRIO-9063 and the panel mounting plate.2.Fasten the panel mounting plate to the cRIO-9063 using the screwdriver and M5 ornumber 10 screws. NI provides these screws with the panel mounting kit. Tighten the screws to a maximum torque of 1.3 N · m (11.5 lb · in.).Note You must use the screws provided with the NI panel mounting kitbecause they are the correct depth and thread for the panel mounting plate. 3.Fasten the panel mounting plate to the surface using the screwdriver and screws that areappropriate for the surface. The maximum screw size is M5 or number 10.Panel Mounting DimensionsThe following figure shows the panel mounting dimensions for the cRIO-9063.20| | NI cRIO-9063 User ManualFigure 13. cRIO-9063 Panel Mounting DimensionsMounting the Device on a DIN RailYou can use the NI DIN rail mounting kit to mount the cRIO-9063 on a standard 35-mm DIN rail.What to Use•cRIO-9063•Screwdriver, Phillips #2•NI DIN rail mounting kit, 779019-01–DIN rail clip–M4 × 25 flathead screw (x2)What to DoComplete the following steps to mount the cRIO-9063 on a DIN rail.1.Align the cRIO-9063 and the DIN rail clip.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 212.Fasten the DIN rail kit to the cRIO-9063 using the screwdriver and M4 × 25 flathead screws. NI provides these screws with the DIN rail mounting kit. Tighten the screws to amaximum torque of 1.3 N · m (11.5 lb · in.).Note You must use the screws provided with the NI DIN rail mounting kitbecause they are the correct depth and thread for the DIN rail clip.Clipping the Device on a DIN RailComplete the following steps to clip the cRIO-9063 on a DIN rail.1.Insert one edge of the DIN rail into the deeper opening of the DIN rail clip.2.Press down firmly to compress the spring until the clip locks in place on the DIN rail.Caution Ensure that no C Series modules are in the cRIO-9063 before removing itfrom the DIN rail.Mounting the Device on a RackYou can use the following rack mount kits to mount the cRIO-9063 and other DIN rail-mountable equipment on a standard 482.6 mm (19 in.) rack.•NI Sliding Rack-Mounting Kit, 779102-01•NI Rack-Mounting Kit, 781989-01Note You must use the NI DIN rail mounting kit, 779019-01, in addition to a rack-mounting kit.Mounting the Device on a DesktopYou can use the NI desktop mounting kit to mount the cRIO-9063 on a desktop.What to Use •cRIO-9063•Screwdriver, Phillips #1•Screwdriver, Phillips #2•NI desktop mounting kit, 779473-0122 | | NI cRIO-9063 User ManualFigure 14. Components of the NI Desktop Mount Kit1.Desktop mounting brackets (x2)2.Adapter bracket3.M3x14 screws (x2)4.M3x20 screws (x2)What to DoComplete the following steps to mount the cRIO-9063 on a desktop.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 23e a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws from the back of the chassis onthe front-panel side.e the screwdriver and the two M3x20 screws to attach the adapter bracket to thechassis.3.Align one of the end brackets with the mounting hole at one of the ends of the chassis.e a #2 Phillips screwdriver to tighten the captive screw on the end bracket.5.Repeat steps 2 and 3 to attach the other end bracket to the other end of the chassis. Desktop Mounting DimensionsThe following figures show the desktop mounting dimensions for the cRIO-9063.24| | NI cRIO-9063 User ManualFigure 15. cRIO-9063 Desktop Mounting Front Dimensions17.2 mm22.9 mmFigure 16. cRIO-9063 Desktop Mounting Side DimensionsWorldwide Support and ServicesThe NI website is your complete resource for technical support. At /support, you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers.Visit /services for NI Factory Installation Services, repairs, extended warranty, and other services.Visit /register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting /certification. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at /calibration.NI cRIO-9063 User Manual| © National Instruments| 25NI corporate headquarters is located at 11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NI also has offices located around the world. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support or dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of / niglobal to access the branch office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at /patents. Y ou can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NI global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMA TION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2016 National Instruments. All rights reserved.。
610 615 620
R8 625 630 635 640 650 660 670
0.20 0.60
0.70 x
* 本製品はRoHS指令に適合しております。 This product complies with RoHS Directive.
NICHIA STS-DA1-1353 <Cat.No.110117>
波長 Wavelength(nm)
指向特性 Directivity
TA=25°C IFP=20mA
* 光度は±10%の公差があります。
* 色度は±0.01 の公差があります。
* 1 注文単位に対して上記のランクを納入します。 又、その納入比率は問わないものとします。
NICHIA STS-DA1-1353 <Cat.No.110117>
0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25
NICHIA STS-DA1-1353 <Cat.No.110117>
Duty 1000
TA =25°C
許容順電流 Allowable Forward Current(mA)
150 100
10 1
デューティー比 Duty Ratio(%)
株式会社 小糸製作所殿 専用 KOITO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Only
上海市浦东南路1101号远东大厦514室,200120 info@cst www.cst 2158356288 公司总部: 美国
Established in Beverly, MA in 1999, Cell Signaling Technology (CST) is a privatelyowned company with over 400 employees worldwide. We are dedicated to providing innovative research tools that are used to help define mechanisms underlying cell function and disease. Since its inception, CST has become the world leader in the production of the highest quality activationstate and total protein antibodies utilized to expand knowledge of cell signaling pathways. Our mission is to deliver the world's highest quality research tools that accelerate progress in biological research and personalized medicine. 总引用数为4670,来自于1966篇文章。最常引用的试剂包括: Akt, ERK2, ERK1, p38, Akt1。
AbD Serotec (BioRad)
Dynaflex 230 - All Colors Safety Data Sheet说明书
Safety Data Sheet 24 Hour Emergency Phone Numbers Medical/Poison Control:In U.S.: Call 1-800-222-1222Outside U.S.: Call your local poison control centerTransportation/National Response Center:1-800-535-50531-352-323-3500NOTE: The National ResponseCenter emergency numbers to be used only in the event of chemical emergencies involving a spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident involving chemicals.IMPORTANT: Provide this information to employees, customers, and users of this product. Read this SDS before handling or disposing of this product. This product is covered by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and this document has been prepared in accordance with requirements of this standard. All abbreviated terms used in this SDS are further described in Section 16.1. IdentificationProduct Name:Dynaflex 230 - All Colors Revision Date:4/12/202212/29/2021Product UPC Number:Supercedes Date:Product Use/Class:Caulking Compound Manufacturer:DAP Global Inc.2400 Boston Street Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21224-4723888-327-8477 (non - emergency matters) Emergency Telephone: Transportation: 1-800-535 -50531-352-323-3500Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222SDS No:1000101Preparer:Regulatory and EnvironmentalAffairs2. Hazards IdentificationEMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. This product contains ethylene glycol.GHS ClassificationNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Symbol(s) of ProductNoneSignal WordNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Possible Hazards37% of the mixture consists of ingredients of unknown acute toxicity3. Composition/Information on IngredientsChemical Name CAS-No.Wt. %GHS Symbols GHS Statements Limestone1317-65-330-60No Information No Information Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate27138-31-45-10No Information No Information Diethylene glycol dibenzoate120-55-81-5GHS07H312Diethylene glycol monobenzoate20587-61-51-5No Information No InformationEthylene glycol107-21-10.5-1.5GHS07H332Silica, amorphous7631-86-90.5-1.5GHS07H332Glycol ethers Proprietary0.1-1.0No Information No InformationThe text for GHS Hazard Statements shown above (if any) is given in the "Other information" Section.4. First-aid MeasuresFIRST AID - INHALATION: Material is not likely to present an inhalation hazard at ambient conditions. If you experience difficulty in breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical attention immediately.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: In case of contact, wash skin immediately with soap and water.FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes until irritation subsides. Get medical attention immediately.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Get medical attention immediately.5. Fire-fighting MeasuresUNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None Known.SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand (NIOSH approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Use water spray to cool exposed surfaces.EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Alcohol Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Spray or Fog, Water6. Accidental Release MeasuresENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES: Wipe up or scrape up and contain for salvage or disposal. Clean area as appropriate. Dispose of saturated absorbent or cleaning materials appropriately. Local, state and federal laws and regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which federal, state and local laws and regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal and state requirements.STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Use personal protective equipment as necessary. In case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Scrape up dried material and place into containers.7. Handling and StorageHANDLING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. Use only with adequate ventilation. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Wash thoroughly after handling.STORAGE: Avoid excessive heat and freezing. Do not store at temperatures above 120 °F (49 °C). Store away from caustics and oxidizers.8. Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionIngredients with Occupational Exposure LimitsChemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH-TLV STEL OSHA PEL-TWA OSHA PEL-CEILING Limestone N.E.N.E.15 mg/m3 TWAN.E.total dust, 5 mg/m3TWA respirablefractionDipropylene glycol dibenzoate N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Diethylene glycol dibenzoate N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Diethylene glycol monobenzoate N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Ethylene glycol25 ppm TWA vapor fraction50 ppm STEL vapor fraction, 10 mg/m3STEL inhalable particulate matter,aerosol only N.E.N.E.Silica, amorphous N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Glycol ethers N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Further Advice: MEL = Maximum Exposure Limit OES = Occupational Exposure Standard SUP = Supplier's Recommendation Sk = Skin Sensitizer N.E. = Not EstablishedPersonal ProtectionRESPIRATORY PROTECTION:No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required.SKIN PROTECTION:Rubber gloves.EYE PROTECTION:Goggles or safety glasses with side shields.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT:Not required under normal use.HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use.9. Physical and Chemical PropertiesAppearance:ColoredPhysical State:PasteOdor:Very Slight Ammonia Odor Threshold:Not EstablishedDensity, g/cm3: 1.42 - 1.45pH:Between 7.0 and 12.0Freeze Point, °C:Not Established Viscosity (mPa.s):Not Established Solubility in Water:Not Established Partition Coeff., n-octanol/water:Not Established Decomposition Temperature, °C:Not Established Explosive Limits, %:N.E. - N.E.Boiling Range, °C:100 - 100Auto-Ignition Temperature, °C Not Established Minimum Flash Point, °C:100Vapor Pressure, mmHg:Not Established Evaporation Rate:Slower Than n-Butyl Acetate Flash Method:Seta Closed Cup Vapor Density:Heavier Than AirFlammability, NFPA:Non-FlammableCombustible Dust:Does not support combustion(See "Other information" Section for abbreviation legend)(If product is an aerosol, the flash point stated above is that of the propellant.)10. Stability and ReactivitySTABILITY: Stable under recommended storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat and freezing.INCOMPATIBILITY: Incompatible with strong bases and oxidizing agents.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal decomposition products, i.e., COx, NOx.11. Toxicological InformationEFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INHALATION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Inhalation of vapors in high concentration may cause mild irritation of respiratory system (nose, mouth, mucous membranes). EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - SKIN CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause mild irritation.EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - EYE CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Direct eye contact may cause irritation.EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INGESTION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Single dose oral toxicity is very low. Amounts ingested incidental to industrial handling are not likely to cause injury; however, ingestion of large amounts may cause injury. Ingestion of ethylene glycol can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and if ingested in sufficient quantities, death.CARCINOGENICITY: No InformationEFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - CHRONIC HAZARDS: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause mild irritation of eyes and skin. Ethylene Glycol may cause kidney and liver damage upon prolonged and repeated overexposures. Studies have shown that repeated inhalation of ethylene glycol has produced adverse cardiovascular changes in laboratory animals. Ethylene glycol has been shown to cause birth defects in laboratory animals. Constituents of this product include crystalline silica which ,if inhalable, may cause silicosis, a form of progressive pulmonary fibrosis. Inhalable crystalline silica is listed by IARC as a group I carcinogen (lung) based on sufficient evidence in occupationally exposed humans and sufficient evidence in animals. Crystalline silica is also listed by the NTP as a known human carcinogen. Constituents may also contain asbestiform or non-asbestiform tremolite or other silicates as impurities, and above de minimus exposure to these impurities in inhalable form may be carcinogenic or cause other serious lung problems.PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Skin ContactAcute Toxicity ValuesThe acute effects of this product have not been tested. Data on individual components are tabulated belowCAS-No.Chemical Name Oral LD50Dermal LD50Vapor LC501317-65-3Limestone6450 mg/kg Rat N.I.N.I.27138-31-4Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate5368 mg/kg Rat>2000 mg/kg Rabbit>200 mg/L Rat120-55-8Diethylene glycol dibenzoate2830 mg/kg Rat2000 mg/kg Rabbit>200 mg/L Rat20587-61-5Diethylene glycol monobenzoate N.I.N.I.N.I.107-21-1Ethylene glycol4700 mg/kg Rat9530 mg/kg Rabbit N.I.7631-86-9Silica, amorphous7900 mg/kg Rat>5000 mg/kg Rabbit N.I.SEQ548Glycol ethers N.I.N.I.N.I.N.I. = No Information12. Ecological InformationECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Ecological injuries are not known or expected under normal use.13. Disposal InformationDISPOSAL INFORMATION: This product does not meet the definition of a hazardous waste according to U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste Management Regulation, 40 CFR Section 261. Dispose as hazardous waste according to all local, state, federal and provincial regulations. State and Local regulations/restrictions are complex and may differ from Federal regulations. Responsibility for proper waste disposal is with the owner of the waste.STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Use personal protective equipment as necessary. In case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Scrape up dried material and place into containers.14. Transport InformationDOT UN/NA Number:N.A.DOT Proper Shipping Name:Not RegulatedDOT Technical Name:N.A.DOT Hazard Class:N.A.Hazard SubClass:N.A.Packing Group:N.A.15. Regulatory InformationU.S. Federal Regulations:CERCLA - SARA Hazard CategoryThis product has been reviewed according to the EPA ‘Hazard Categories’ promulgated under Sections 311 and 312 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III) and is considered, under applicable definitions, to meet the following categories:None KnownSARA SECTION 313:This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372:Chemical Name CAS-No.Ethylene glycol107-21-1TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:All ingredients in this product are either on TSCA inventory list, or otherwise exempt.This product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States:No TSCA 12(b) components exist in this product.16. Other InformationSupersedes Date:12/29/2021 Revision Date:4/11/2022Reason for revision:Substance and/or Product Properties Changed in Section(s):01 - Product Information08 - Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionSubstance Hazard Threshold % ChangedDatasheet produced by:Regulatory DepartmentHMIS Ratings:Health:Flammability:Reactivity:Personal Protection: 100XVOC Less Water Less Exempt Solvent, g/L:39.5VOC Material, g/L:280.04VOC as Defined by California Consumer Product Regulation, Wt/Wt%:VOC Actual, Wt/Wt%: 1.9Text for GHS Hazard Statements shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient:H312Harmful in contact with skin.H332Harmful if inhaled.Icons for GHS Pictograms shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient:GHS07Legend: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not DeterminedDAP believes the data and statements contained herein are accurate as of the date hereof. They are offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH REGARD TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN PROVIDED OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. Since thisdocument is intended only as a guide to the appropriate use and precautionary handling of the referenced product by a properly trained person, it is therefore the responsibility of the user to (i) review the recommendations with due consideration for the specific context of the intended use and (ii) determine if they are appropriate.。
按照规程的使用 ..............................................................................................1-5
不正确的使用 ..................................................................................................1-5
RS-232 接口 ...................................................................................................4-7
标准和指令 ..............................................................................................................1-6
培养箱的交货.......................................................................................................... 2-1
本使用说明书中采用的安全说明和符号 ..........................................................1-2
• Utility Library提供 400多筆LED光形資 料. • 所有資料皆可轉換 為切趾檔案使用
練習: 定義光形
• 將光源屬性視窗開啟 • 將TopSurface以外的表面取消 發光特性
– 分別點選各表面,將 Emittance 頁面 的Emit Rays From Surface取消勾選
Note: 假設 LED 強度 分布是旋轉對稱 的模式, 因此只 需要ㄧ行數據表 示Latitude方向 的分布
結束值為最大值, 表示 Latitude 最小處 (“北極”)
Asymmetric Distributions
• You can use EXCEL (or other) program to generate the data set • This usually works well when the distribution is smooth (no deep valleys/peaks). If the distribution is not smooth then interpolation must be used • It should be noted that this is an approximate method to generate the data
Angular Apodization Mapping
• The coordinate system can be “Source” or “Surface” [Longitude 180, [Latitude 180] • Different coordinate system [Longitude (U), 90] Latitude Latitude (V)]
Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Global Headquarters201 N. Service Rd. Melville, NY 11747-3138 Tech Line: 1-800-824-3005 Fax: 1-800-832-9538Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Energy Management, Controls and Automation.4330 Michoud Blvd., New Orleans, LA, 70129 Tel: 1-504-736-9810 Fax: 1-504-253-2954Visit our Website at: /emca©2016 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.HLC Keypad Room Controllerhlc™H L C K e y p a d R o o m C o n t r o l l e rAPPLICATIONThe HLC Keypad Room Controller, available inwhite or light almond, is designed to be a room or house controller for the HLC product line, including dimmers, switches, plug-in modules, and hard-wired load controls.As a room controller, default settings are pre-programmed. Scene A provides 80% illumination in a room, B represents 60%, C represents 40%, D represents 20%, as well as on/off buttons to turn the room on or off. When the room is on, the on/off buttons can be held to brighten or dim the entire room. If a homeowner wishes to adjust the room to a custom look, they may adjust dimmers and switches to the appropriate illumination and then press the scene button five times to save. When using an Omni family controller with PC Access software, the scene buttons can be programmed for custom scenes based on activity such as homework, movie time, dinner prep, and more.This device can function as a six room house status switch if it is set up on the eighth address in a room. In that case, the top/on button controls the first room in that room group, the bottom/off button controls the second room, and the “A” through “D” buttons control the third through sixth rooms, respectively.The keypad is unique in that it can be configured as a room, house, or general purpose keypad, for scene, zone, and/or automation functionality.FEATURES AND BENEFITS• Includes pre-programmed scenes with manual customization options• Control all lights in a room or area • Custom engraving available• Leviton recommends every HLC installation include a Phase Coupler, part number 39A00-1• Manual Lock-out is perfect for kids and parties.WARRANTY INFORMATIONTwo-Year WarrantySAT-10094Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Global Headquarters201 N. Service Rd. Melville, NY 11747-3138 Tech Line: 1-800-824-3005 Fax: 1-800-832-9538Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Energy Management, Controls and Automation.4330 Michoud Blvd., New Orleans, LA, 70129 Tel: 1-504-736-9810 Fax: 1-504-253-2954Visit our Website at: /emca©2016 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.PRODUCT DATAORDERING INFORMATIONWIRING DIAGRAMSPECIFICATIONS:Number of Backlit Pushbuttons with LED Indicators 6Dimensions 4.1 x 1.75 x 1.2Weight 3.2 oz Mounting Standard J Box Input Power 120 ± 12 VAC Standby Power < .8 Watts Input Frequency 60 ± 3 Hz Temperature-40 °F to 194 °F。
Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 1:2MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040890744429002CSMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040 890744429002CSMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040 890744429002CSMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040 890744429002CST e m p e r a t u r eT T T MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040890744429002CSCautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of Film Capacitors of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for a written approval (following the certain PPAP level procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in the field such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •Direct mechanical impact to the product shall be prevented as material of the body, pins or termination could flake or in the worst case it could break.•Avoid any water or heavy dust on capacitors surface, which may cause electrical leakage, damage, overheating or corrosion.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristic, beyond Würth Elektronik specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of his or her own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.•The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the body, pins or termination may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not apply any kind of flexural or compressive force onto soldered or unsoldered component.•The capacitance tolerance as specified within the datasheet is only valid on the date of delivery and according specified measurement criteria.Product specificStorage conditions• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components into direct sunlight.•The storage condition in the original packaging is defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The environment in which the capacitors are operated and stored has to have atmospheric characteristics and must be free of dew condensation and toxic gases (e.g. chlorine, ammonia, sulfur, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen sulfate).•Do not expose the capacitor to environments with hazardous gas, ozone, ultraviolet rays or any kind of radiation. Avoid any contact of the capacitor with direct sunshine, saltwater, spray of water or types of oil during storage. •The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Operating climatic conditions•Do not exceed the lower nor the upper specified temperature under no circumstances.•Do not use the capacitors under high humidity, high temperature or under high or low atmospheric pressure which may affect capacitors reliability.•Surface temperature including self-heating must be kept below the maximum operating temperature.Operating load conditions•Due to self-heating the reliability of the capacitor may be reduced, if high frequency AC or pulse is applied.•Consider carefully possible specific changes of electrical characteristics like capacitance over temperature, voltage and time as well as the specific performance over frequency for the actual use conditions.•Avoid any overvoltage and do not apply a continuous overvoltage. If an overvoltage is applied to the capacitor, the leakage current can increase drastically. The applied working voltage is not allowed to exceed the rated working voltage of the specific capacitor.•If film capacitors with safety approvals are operated with a DC voltage exceeding the specified AC voltage, the approvals given on the basis of IEC 60384-14 are no longer valid.•For the WCAP-FTDB film capacitor the maximum peak voltage Vpeak+ shall not be greater than the rated voltage VR according to the temperature derating of the rated voltage VR. The peak-to-peak value of the ripple voltage Vp-p should not be greater than 0.3*VR according to the temperature derating of the rated voltage VR. The rated voltage of the capacitor may need to be reduced for different operating temperatures. See voltage derating curve within this datasheet.Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Soldering•The solder profile must comply with the Würth Elektronik technical soldering specification. All other profiles will void the warranty. •All other soldering methods are at the customer’s own risk.•Strong forces which may affect the coplanarity of the component’s electrical connection with the PCB (i.e. pins), can damage the part, resulting in void of the warranty.•Customer needs to ensure that the applied solder paste, the paste thickness and solder conditions are enough to guarantee a sufficient solder result according to the relevant criteria of IPC-A-610.•Excessive amount of solder may lead to higher tensile force and chip cracking. Insufficient amount of solder may detach the capacitor due to defective contacts.•Do not use excessive nor insufficient flux.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu001.0002022-10-13DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTDB DC-Link Capacitor MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040ORDER CODE890744429002CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGECleaning•Do not use any other cleaning solvents for box-typed capacitors except: ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol - water mixtures. After cleaning a drying process with temperatures not exceeding 65°C and not longer than 4 hours is mandatory to prevent any kind of electrical damage.Coating, molding and potting of the PCB•If the product is potted in the costumer’s application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the body and termination. Expansion could damage the body or termination. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.•If final assemblies will be placed completely in any plastic resin, physical, chemical and thermal influences must be considered. •When coating and molding the PCB, verify the quality influence on the capacitor.•Verify the curing temperature and assure that there is no harmful decomposing or reaction gas emission during curing. •Do not exceed the specified max. self-heating.Vibration resistance•Do not exceed the vibration limits given by IEC60068-2-6.Handling•After soldering, please pay attention not to bend, twist or distort the PCB in handling and storage. •Avoid excessive pressure during the functional check of the PCB. •Avoid bending stress while breaking the PCB.•WCAP-FTXX and WCAP-FTX2 capacitors are not designed and not recommended to be used in series connection to the mains. •The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.Flammability•Avoid any external energy or open fire (passive flammability).These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.(V2.2)Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive Solutions Max-Eyth-Str. 174638 Waldenburg GermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCEPROJECTION METHODFPu001.0002022-10-13DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONTECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTDB DC-Link CapacitorMDBP525256JA20DCPP15040ORDER CODE890744429002CSSIZE/TYPEBUSINESS UNITSTATUSPAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu001.0002022-10-13DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTDB DC-Link Capacitor MDBP525256JA20DCPP15040ORDER CODE890744429002CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
The first six digits number shows lot number. The lot number is composed of the following characters;
- Year ( 8 for 2008, 9 for 2009 ) - Month ( 1 for Jan., 9 for Sep., A for Oct., B for Nov. ) - Nichia's Product Number - Ranking by Color Coordinates, Ranking by Luminous Flux
Rank P12
Luminous Flux
Rank P11 φv IF=150[mA] Rank P10
Rank P9
Luminous Flux Measurement allowance is ± 7%.
Min. 36.0 30.3 25.5 21.4
(Ts=25°C) Max. Unit 42.8 36.0
lm 30.3 25.5
Color Ranks
x 0.280 y 0.248
x 0.287 y 0.295
x 0.296 y 0.276
Rank a0 0.264 0.283 0.267 0.305
Rank b3 0.283 0.304 0.305 0.330
Rank b5 0.287 0.307 0.295 0.315
Please refer to “OUTLINE DIMENSIONS” on the following page.
· The LEDs are packed in cardboard boxes after taping. Please refer to “TAPING DIMENSIONS” and “PACKING ”on the following pages. The label on the minimum packing unit shows ; Part Number, Lot Number, Ranking, Quantity · In order to protect the LEDs from mechanical shock, we pack them in cardboard boxes for transportation. · The LEDs may be damaged if the boxes are dropped or receive a strong impact against them, so precautions must be taken to prevent any damage. · The boxes are not water resistant and therefore must be kept away from water and moisture. · When the LEDs are transported, we recommend that you use the same packing method as Nichia.
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Un it:m m
NSPx(W,L)510DS, NSPx(W,L)515DS
Lead Standoff
NSPx(W,L)570DS, NSPW570GS-K1
Care must b e t aken to desig n LED shape-related par ts and tool s a s th e l e n s sh a p e va ri es
b y part n um ber, even among th e same 336 ser ies pr odu
c ts.
Care mu st be ta ken to des ign LE D s hap e-related par ts and tool s a s th e l e n s sh a p e va ri es
by par t num be r, even amon g t he same346 ser ies prod ucts.
Ca re m us t b e t a ke n t o d e s ig n LE D s h a p e-re l at e d p ar ts a n d to o l s a s t he le n s s h a p e va r ie s
b y pa rt n um b e r,e ve n a m o ng th e s a m e346 s er ie s pr od u
c t s.
26.3 1
1.5 MAX Not Soldered
9.8 0.5
[B u l k ]
[T a p i n g ]
N c h
a L E D
Lead Forming
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Thermal Management
Eye Safety
S old er th e LED no c lo ser th an 3m m f ro m t he b as e of the epo x y bu l b. So ld erin g b e y on d t h e b a se of t h e t i e b a r i s r e co mm e n d e d.
Pr e -He art Pr e -He art Ti me S o ld e r Bat h Te mpe r a ture Di p p i ng Time D ip p ing Po s i tion
Tem pe ratur e
Soldering Time Pos ition
120 Max.60 second s Ma x.260 Max.10 second s Ma x.No lo wer th an 3 m m
2mm f or 336AS,346KS Serie s) from
the b ase of th e epo xy b u lb.
350 Ma x.3 seco nds M ax.No clo se r than 3 mm
2mm for 336AS,346K S Ser ies)
fro m the base o f the e po xy
Hand So lde ring
Dip Sold er in g。