(5分)( )1.BC( )2.A B C( )3.A B C( )4.A B C( )5.A B C二. 听句子,选择正确答语。
(5分)( )6. A. Two weeks. B. Twice a week. C. Three times. ( )7. A. It was Wednesday. B. It was June 3rd. C. It was fine. ( )8. A. This way, please. B. It’s hard to say. C. No way. ( )9. A. Yes, I can. B. I like English. C. I speak Japanese. ( )10. A. January. B. November. C. December.三. 听对话,选择正确答案。
(5分)( )11. What does Lily often do in her free time?A. Goes shopping.B. Goes fishing.C. Goes swimming. ( )12. Which country does the boy plan to visit?A. America.B. Australia.C. Canada.( )13. What does the girl tell the boy to do?A. Be on time or a little late.B. Bring some presents.C. Don’t be late. ( )14. Where are they talking?A. In the classroom.B. At the bus stop.C. In the library. ( )15. When is Li Ting’s birthday?A. August 22nd.B. August 23rd.C. August 24th.四. 听对话,选择正确答案。
2014年人教版七下期末数学测试题(2)一、选择题:(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.若m >-1,则下列各式中错误的...是( ) A .6m >-6 B .-5m <-5 C .m+1>0 D .1-m <2 2.下列各式中,正确的是( )±4 B.=-43.已知a >b >0,那么下列不等式组中无解..的是( ) A .⎩⎨⎧-><b x a x B .⎩⎨⎧-<->b x a x C .⎩⎨⎧-<>b x a x D .⎩⎨⎧<->bx ax4.一辆汽车在公路上行驶,两次拐弯后,仍在原来的方向上平行行驶,那么两个拐弯的角度可能为 ( )(A) 先右转50°,后右转40° (B) 先右转50°,后左转40° (C) 先右转50°,后左转130° (D) 先右转50°,后左转50° 5.解为12x y =⎧⎨=⎩的方程组是( )A.135x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩B.135x y x y -=-⎧⎨+=-⎩C.331x y x y -=⎧⎨-=⎩D.2335x y x y -=-⎧⎨+=⎩6.如图(1),在△ABC 中,∠ABC=500,∠ACB=800,BP 平分∠ABC ,CP 平分∠ACB ,则∠BPC 的大小是( )A .1000B .1100C .1150D .120PBA(1) (2) (3)7.设a=2-3,b=2-3,c=5-2则a 、b 、 c 的大小关系是( )A .a>b>cB .a>c>bC .c>b>aD .b>c>a8.在频率分布直方图中,各个小长方形的面积等于相应各组的( ) A .频数 B .组数 C .频率 D .组距 9.如图(2),△A 1B 1C 1是由△ABC 沿BC 方向平移了BC 长度的一半得到的,若△ABC 的面积为20 cm 2,则四边形A 1DCC 1的面积为( )A .10 cm 2B .12 c m 2C .15 cm 2D .17 cm 210.课间操时,小华、小军、小刚的位置如图(3),小华对小刚说,如果我的位置用(•0,0)C 1A 1表示,小军的位置用(2,1)表示,那么你的位置可以表示成( )A.(5,4)B.(4,5)C.(3,4)D.(4,3)二、填空题:本大题共8个小题,每小题3分,共24分,把答案直接填在答题卷的横线上. 11.49的平方根是________,算术平方根是______,-8的立方根是_____. 12.不等式5x-9≤3(x+1)的解集是________.13.如果点P(a,2)在第二象限,那么点Q(-3,a)在______象限. 14.如图(4)所示,在铁路旁边有一李庄,现要建一火车站,•为了使李庄人乘火车最方便(即距离最近),请你在铁路旁选一点来建火车站(位置已选好),说明理由________________ ____________.15.从A 沿北偏东60°的方向行驶到B,再从B 沿南偏西20°的方向行驶到C,•则∠ABC=_______度.16.如图,AD ∥BC,∠D=100°,CA 平分∠BCD,则∠DAC=_______.17.一组数据,分别落在5个小组内,第一、第二、第三、第四、第五小组的数据个数分别为2,x ,15,20,y ,且第一的频率为0.04、第二组的频率是第一组频率的4倍,则x-y 的平方根是__________。
() 1、Which of the following pictures are the speaker talking about?A. B. C.( )2、What was the man’s hobby when he was a child?A. B. C.第二节听力理解(共8小题;每小题1.5分,满分12分)每段播放两遍。
()3、What was the weather like in Chicago during Lily’s holiday?A. It was snowy.B. It was OK.C. It was rainy.( ) 4、what’s t he relationship of speakers?A. They are neighborsB. They are classmates.C. They are lovers.听下面一段对话,回答第5—7三个小题。
2013-2014学年度第二学期期末质量检测七年级语文试题(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)一、语言的积累与运用(24分)1、下列词语加点字读音完全正确的是 ( ) (2分)A、祈祷.(qí)亢.奋(kàng)鲜.为人知(xiān)磐.(pán)石B、花圃.(fǔ)脑髓.(suǐ)回环曲.折(qū)羸.(léi)弱C、哺.育(bǔ)遒.劲(qiú)潜.心贯注(qián)讪.笑(shàn)D、阴霾.(mái)归省.(shěng)叱.咤风云(chì)撺掇.(duō)2、下列词语的字形完全正确的是 ( ) (2分)A、逞能仰幕相德益彰石破天惊B、无垠巴望家喻户晓迫不急待C、怪诞静穆永往直前知足安命D、冗杂惬意语无伦次义愤填膺3、下列括号内的解释有误的一组是()(2分)A、亘古(远古)人迹罕至 (罕:稀少) 气冲斗牛(斗牛:星宿名)B、余暇(暇:空闲)疲惫不堪 (堪:能忍受) 进退维谷(维:是)C、晦暗(昏暗)略胜一筹 ( 筹:档次) 人声鼎沸(沸:开水)D、蓦然 (突然) 面面相觑(觑:看) 鲜为人知(鲜:少)4、下列说法有错误的一项是()(2分)A、《从百草园到三味书屋》这篇散文回忆了作者童年时代在百草园里得到的乐趣,用百草园的自由快乐衬托三味书屋的枯燥无味。
5、下列几则公益广告,从主观感受和客观效果看,用得不够得体的一项是( )(2分)A、粗口成脏,话脏嘴贱——寄说话粗鲁者B、让一让心畅路畅,抢一抢心堵路堵——寄驾车者C、带走您的垃圾,留下您的品格——清洁寄语D、先下后上能下能上,一哄而上难上难下——乘车寄语6、背诵优美诗文,可以丰富语言积累,提高语文素养。
一、选择题: 1 2 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 B 8 A 9 A 10 D B D 二、填空题:
11.7;12.-1;13. 50 ;14.216;15.④. 16.解: x 2 y 1①
. 3x 2 y 11②
①+②,得4x=12,解得:x=3. 将x=3代入①,得9-2y=11,解得y=-1.
x 3 y 1 x 2 0 , 17.解:由 得 x 2.
∴方程组的解是 由
2 x 1 ≥ 3 x 1, 2 x 2 ≥ 3 x 1. 得 解得 x ≤ 3. ∴不等式组的解集是 2 x ≤ 3. 在数轴上表示如下:略。 c b, 18.解:∵ c a, ∴ a∥ b.
嫒嫒,你上周买的笔和笔记本的价格是多少啊? -1哦,…,我忘了!只记得先后买了两次,第一次买了 5 支笔和 10 本笔记 本共花了 42 元钱,第二次买了 10 支笔和 5 本笔记本共花了 30 元钱.
A、0.8 元/支,2.6 元/本 B、0.8 元/支,3.6 元/本 C、1.2 元/支,2.6 元/本 D、1.2 元/支,3.6 元/本 二、填空题(每小题 3 分,共 15 分) 11、已知 a 、 b 为两个连续的整数,且 a < 11 < b ,则 a b 。 2 12、若 m 3 n 2 0 ,则 m 2n 的值是______。 13、如图,已知 a ∥ b ,小亮把三角板的直角顶点放在直 线 b 上;若∠1=40°,则∠2 的度数为 。 14、某初中学校共有学生 720 人,该校有关部门从全体学 生中随机抽取了 50 人,对其到校方式进行调查,并 将调查的结果制成了如图所示的条形统计图,由此可 以估计全校坐公交车到校的学生有 人。 15、设 x 表示大于 x 的最小整数,如 3 4 , 1.2 1 ,则下列结论中正确的 是 。 (填写所有正确结论的序号) ① 0 0 ; ② x x 的最小值是 0; ③ x x 的最大值是 0; ④存在实数 x ,使 x x 0.5 成立。 三、解答题(每小题 5 分,共 25 分) 2 x 3 y 1 x 2 0, 16、 解方程组 17、解不等式组: 3 x 2 y 8 2 x 1 ≥ 3 x 1. 并把解集在数轴上表示出来。
2014-2015学年七年级下期末考试数学试卷及答案一、选择题(每小题3分、共30分)1.中国园林网4月22日消息: 为建设生态滨海,2013年天津滨海新区将完成城市绿化面积共8 210 000m 2.将8210 000用科学记数法表示应为(A )482110⨯ (B )582.110⨯ (C )68.2110⨯ (D )70.82110⨯ 2.下列各组长度的三条线段能组成三角形的是( ) A.1cm ,2cm ,3cm B.1cm ,1cm ,2cm C.1cm ,2cm ,2cm ; D.1cm ,3cm ,5cm ; 3.下列乘法中,不能运用平方差公式进行运算的是( )A 、(x+a)(x-a)B 、(b+m)(m-b)C 、(-x-b)(x-b)D 、(a+b)(-a-b) 4. 如图,已知AE=CF ,∠AFD=∠CEB ,那么添加下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ADF ≌△CBE 的是( )A .∠A=∠C B .AD=CB C .BE=DF D .AD ∥BC5、在△ABC 中,∠ABC 与∠ACB 的平分线相交于O ,则∠BOC 一定( )A、大于90° B、等于90° C、小于90° D、小于或等于90° 6、将正方形图1作如下操作:第1次:分别连接各边中点如图2,得到5个正方形;第2次:将图2左上角正方形按上述方法再分割如图3,得到9个正方形…,以此类推,根据以上操作,若要得到2013个正方形,则需要操作的次数是( )A . 502B . 503C . 504D . 5057、下面是一名学生所做的4道练习题:①(-3)0=1;②a 3+a 3=a 6;③44144m m -=; ④(xy 2) 3=x 3y 6,他做对的个数是( )A .0B .1C . 2D .3AO8、如图,在△ABC 中,∠C=90°,∠B=30°,以A 为圆心,任意长为半径画弧分别交AB 、AC 于点M 和N ,再分别以M 、N 为圆心,大于MN 的长为半径画弧,两弧交于点P ,连结AP 并延长交BC 于点D ,则下列说法中正确的个数是( )①AD 是∠BAC 的平分线;②∠ADC=60°;③点D 在AB 的中垂线上;A . 1B . 2C . 3D . 49、如图,下图是汽车行驶速度(千米/时) 和时间(分)的关系图,下列说法其中正确的个数为( )(1)汽车行驶时间为40分钟;(2)AB 表示汽车匀速行驶;(3)第40分钟时,汽车停下来了(4)在第30分钟时,汽车的速度是90千米/时;.A 1个B 2个C 3个D 4个10、如图,一只蚂蚁以均匀的速度沿台阶12345A A A A A →→→→爬行,那么蚂蚁爬行的高度..h 随时间t 变化的图象大致是( )二、填空题(每小题2分,共20分) 11、已知等腰三角形的一边长为4,另一边长为8,则这个等腰三角形的周长为___________. 12、将 “定理”的英文单词theorem 中的7个字母分别写在7张相同的卡片上,字面朝下随意放在桌子上,任取一张,那么取到字母e 的概率为___________.13、计算: -22+20-|-3|×(-3)-1 =;14、 =⨯-200220035)2.0( 。
2013—2014学年度七年级第二学期期末调研考试数 学 试 卷(人教版)注意:本试卷共8页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟.一、选择题(本大题共12个小题;每小题2分,共24分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.点到直线的距离是指……………………………………………………………( ) A .从直线外一点到这条直线的垂线 B .从直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段 C .从直线外一点到这条直线的垂线的长 D .从直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段的长2.如图,将直线l 1沿着AB 的方向平移得到直线l 2,若∠1=50°, 则∠2的度数是…………………………………………( ) A .40° B .50° C .90° D .130°3.下列语句中正确的是…………………………………………………………( ) A .-9的平方根是-3 B .9的平方根是3 C .9的算术平方根是±3 D .9的算术平方根是34.下列关于数的说法正确的是……………………………………………………( ) A .有理数都是有限小数 B .无限小数都是无理数 C .无理数都是无限小数 D .有限小数是无理数5.点(-5,1)所在的象限是……………………………………………………( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限6.将点A (2,1)向左平移2个单位长度得到点A ′,则点A ′的坐标是………( ) A .(0,1) B .(2,-1) C .(4,1) D .(2,3)7.下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查方式的是……………………………………( ) A .对我国首架大陆民用飞机各零部件质量的检查A Bl 1l 212 (2题图)B .调查我市冷饮市场雪糕质量情况C .调查我国网民对某事件的看法D .对我市中学生心理健康现状的调查8.二元一次方程3x +2y =11………………………………………………………( ) A .任何一对有理数都是它的解 B .只有一个解 C .只有两个解 D .有无数个解9.方程组⎩⎨⎧=+=+32y x y x ■,的解为⎩⎨⎧==■y x 2,则被遮盖的两个数分别为…………( )A .1,2B .5,1C .2,3D .2,410.如图是甲、乙两户居民家庭全年支出费用的扇形统计图,根据统计图,下面对食品支出费用判断正确的是…………………………………………………………( )A .甲户比乙户多B .乙户比甲户多C .甲、乙两户一样多D .无法确定哪一户多11.如图,点O 在直线AB 上,OC 为射线,∠1比∠2的3倍少10°,设∠1,∠2的度数分别为x ,y ,那么下列求出这两个角的度数的方程是………………………( )A .⎩⎨⎧-==+10180y x y xB .⎩⎨⎧-==+103180y x y xC .⎩⎨⎧+==+10180y x y x D .⎩⎨⎧-==1031803y x y12.5名学生身高两两不同,把他们按从高到低排列,设前三名的平均身高为a 米,后两名的平均身高为b 米.又前两名的平均身高为c 米,后三名的平均身高为d 米,则………………………………………………………………………………( ) A .2b c +>2b a + B .2b a +>2b c + C .2b c +=2ba +D .以上都不对ABC1 2O (11题图)二、填空题(本大题共8个小题;每小题3分,共24分.把答案写在题中横线上)13.在同一平面内,已知直线a 、b 、c ,且a ∥b ,b ⊥c ,那么直线a 和c 的位置关系是___________. 14.下列说法中①两点之间,直线最短;②经过直线外一点,能作一条直线与这条直线平行; ③和已知直线垂直的直线有且只有一条;④在平面内过一点有且只有一条直线垂直于已知直线. 正确的是:_______________.(只需填写序号)15.11在两个连续整数a 和b 之间,a <11<b ,那么b a 的立方根是____________. 16.在实数3.14,-36.0,-66,0.13241324…,39 ,-π,32中,无理数的个数是______. 17.一只蚂蚁由(0,0)先向上爬4个单位长度,再向右爬3个单位长度,再向下爬2个单位长度后,它所在位置的坐标是_________.18.某空调生产厂家想了解一批空调的质量,把仓库中的空调编上号,然后抽取了编号为5的倍数的空调进行检验.你认为这种调查方式_____________.(填“合适”或“不合适”)19.如图,围棋盘放置在某个平面直角坐标系内,如果白棋②的坐标为(-7,-4),白棋④的坐标为(-6,-8),那么黑棋的坐标应该是_________________.20.如图,母亲节那天,很多同学给妈妈准备了鲜花和礼盒.从图中信息可知,则买5束鲜花和5个礼盒的总价为________元.(19题图)(20题图)三、解答题(共72分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 21.解下列方程组或不等式(组):(1,2小题各4分,3小题6分, 共14分)(1)⎩⎨⎧-=+=+;62,32y x y x(2)⎩⎨⎧=-=+;2463,247y x y x(3)解不等式组,并把它的解集表示在数轴上:3(1)7251.3x x xx --⎧⎪⎨--<⎪⎩≤, ① ②22.(本题8分)如图,CD 平分∠ACB ,DE ∥BC ,∠AED =80°,求∠EDC 的度数.23.(本题6分)小刘是快餐店的送货员,如果快餐店的位置记为(0,0),现有位置分别是A (100,0),B (150,-50),C (50, 100)三位顾客需要送快餐,小刘带着三位顾客需要的快餐从快餐店出发,依次送货上门服务,然后回到快餐店.请你设计一条合适的送货路线并计算总路程有多长.(画出坐标系后用“箭头”标出)ADB CE24.(本题10分)已知:如图,AD ⊥BC 于D ,EG ⊥BC 于G ,AE =AF .求证:AD 平分∠BAC .25.应用题(本题10分)某校为了解七年级学生体育测试情况,以七年级(1)班学生的体育测试成绩为样本,按A ,B ,C ,D 四个等级进行统计,并将统计结果绘制成如下的统计图,请你结合图中所给的信息解答下列问题:(说明:A 级:90分~100分;B 级:75分~89分;C 级:60分~74分;D 级:60分以下)(1)请把条形统计图补充完整;(2)样本中D 级的学生人数占全班学生人数的百分比是__________; (3)扇形统计图中A 级所在的扇形的圆心角度数是__________;(4)若该校七年级有500名学生,请你用此样本估计体育测试中A 级和B 级的学生人数约为多少人.(24题图)FE ACBGD3 2 1C BD A 46% 20%24%如图,长青化工厂与A、B两地有公路、铁路相连.这家工厂从A地购买一批每吨1000元的原料运回工厂,制成每吨8000元的产品运到B地.已知公路运价为1.5元/(吨·千米),铁路运价为1.2元/(吨·千米),且这两次运输共支出公路运输费15000元,铁路运输费97200元.求:(1)该工厂从A地购买了多少吨原料?制成运往B地的产品多少吨?(2)这批产品的销售款比原料费与运输费的和多多少元?(1)如图,∠AOB=90°,∠BOC=30°,OM平分∠AOC,ON平分∠BOC,求∠MON 的度数.(2)如果(1)中∠AOB=α,其他条件不变,求∠MON的度数.(3)如果(1)中∠BOC=β(β为锐角),其他条件不变,求∠MON的度数.(4)从(1)(2)(3)的结果能看出什么规律?(5)线段的计算与角的计算存在着紧密的联系,它们之间可以互相借鉴解法,请你模仿(1)~(4),设计一道以线段为背景的计算题,写出其中的规律来?AMBONC2-1-0 1参考答案题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 答案DBDCBAADBDB A12∵a >d ,∴2a +2b <2c +2d , ∴a +b <c +d ,∴<, 即>,故选B .二、填空题 13.a ⊥c ; 14.②,④; 15.4; 16.3; 17.(3,2);18.合适 点拨:因为这样使得该抽样调查具有随机性、代表性. 19.(-3,-7); 20.440. 三、解答题: 21.(1)解:由①得:y =-2x +3……③ ③代入② x +2(-2x +3)=-6 x =4………………………………………………………………………………2分把x =4代入③得 y =-5 ∴原方程组解为 ⎩⎨⎧-==54y x ………………4分(2)解:①×3+②×2得: 27x =54x =2把x =2代入①得:4y =-12y =-3………………………………………………………………………2分 ∴原方程组解为 ⎩⎨⎧-==32y x ……………………………………………4分(3)解:解不等式①,得2x -≥; 解不等式②,得12x <-.在同一条数轴上表示不等式①②的解集,如图所示:…………………………2分……………………………………4分所以,原不等式组的解集是122x -<-≤.……………………………………6分 22.解:∵ DE ∥BC ,∠AED =80°,∴ ∠ACB =∠AED =80°. ………………………………………4分 ∵ CD 平分∠ACB , ∴ ∠BCD =21∠ACB =40°,……………………………………6分 ∴ ∠EDC =∠BCD =40°.…………………………………………8分 23.解:合适的路线有四条,如图所示是其中的一条, 即向北走100 m ,再向东走50 m 到C ;接着向南走 100 m ,再向东走50 m 到A ;接着向东走50 m ,再向 南走50 m 到B ;接着向西走150 m ,再向北走50 m 回到O .尽可能少走重复路段.如图所示,所走的路线 长最短,共为600 m. …………………………………6分 24.证明:∵AD ⊥BC 于D ,EG ⊥BC 于G∴AD ∥EG ,………………………3分 ∴∠2=∠3, ∠1=∠E , ………………5分 ∵AE =AF ∴∠E = ∠3,∴∠1 = ∠2,……………………………8分 ∴AD 平分∠BAC .………………………10分 25.解:(1)条形图补充如图所示.………………3分(2)10%……………………………………5分 (3)72°……………………………………7分 (4)500×(46%+20%)=330(人).………………10分26.解:(1)设工厂从A 地购买了x 吨原料,制成运往B 地的产品y 吨.则依题意,得:⎩⎨⎧=+=+.97200)120110(2.1,15000)1020(5.1x y x y …………………………………6分DB七年级(下)数学期末试卷 第11页(共8页) 解这个方程组,得:⎩⎨⎧==.300,400y x ∴工厂从A 地购买了400吨原料,制成运往B 地的产品300吨. ……………………………………………………………9分(2)依题意,得:300×8000-400×1000-15000-97200=1887800∴批产品的销售款比原料费与运输费的和多1887800元. ……………………12分27.解:(1)∠MON =∠COM -∠CON =12∠AOC -12∠BOC =12×120°-12×30°=45°; ……………………………………………………………2分(2)∠MON =∠COM -∠CON =12∠AOC -12∠BOC =12(α+30°)-12×30°=12α; ……………………………………………………………4分(3)∠MON =∠COM -∠CON =12∠AOC -12∠BOC =12(90°+β)-12β=45°;……6分 (4)∠MON 的大小等于∠AOB 的一半,而与∠BOC 的大小无关;……………9分(5)如图,设线段AB =a ,延长AB 到C ,使BC =b ,点M ,N 分别为AC ,BC 的中点,求MN 的长.规律是:MN 的长度总等于AB 的长度的一半,而与BC 的长度无关.…………12分。
2014人教版七年级下英语期末测试题及答案 姓名
![2014人教版七年级下英语期末测试题及答案 姓名](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bc92ccd750e2524de5187e9c.png)
2014人教版七年级下英语期末测试题姓名一、单项选择:( )1. It took my friend and me half hour to go to Feng Yang Foreigh Language School by bus.A. a;theB. the ; aC. an; /D. an / the( )2. --- Are you robots? --- No, I am not.A. interesting atB. interesting inC. interested inD. interested at( )3. your brother enjoy music last year ?A. Was; listeningB. Did; listen toC.Did; listening toD. Was; listening to( )4.My grandpa told me ______ potatoes.A. how to grow B what to grow C what grow D how grow( )5.----Would you like to come to the party tonight? ---- Yes, ________.A.I would beB. I’d likeC. I’d like toD. I do( )6. If it tomorrow, we will go to Shao Lin Tample.A. doesn’t rainB. isn’t rainyC. rainsD. A or B( )7. Don’t make so much noise, Lily,______? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you ( )8. Look ! who on the playground?A. is swimmingB. runningC. swimmingD. is running( )9. _____there early, he often takes a taxi. A. To get B. Get C. Getting D. Got( )10. I saw a monkey in the tree when I looked up at it.A. jumpB. jumpingC. jumpedD. to jump( )11. my mother wanted to buy a hat she went shopping.A. Because ;soB. So; becauseC. Because; /D. / ; because( )12. There are only two students in the hall but there were of students on it yesterdayA. hundreds; hundredB. hundred ;hundredsC. hundred ;hundredD. hundreds ;hundreds( )13. ---What your friend ? ---He has long curly brown hair.A. does; likeB. is ;likeC. does; look likeD. is look like( )14. One of my classmates often late class. A. is; for B. is ; in C. are; for D. are; in ( )15. How long it take you to school?A. is; to getB. does; to getC. is ;getD. does; get二、完型填空(10分)There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take me there on 1. I like animals. I have 2toy animals in my room. In the 3, I can see the tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears, snakes, and many other ___4. Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and some snakes are 5 , that is why they have to stay in 6. But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages(笼子). They should be free. The animals in cages can’t be 7 . I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins. I like 8them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and walk 9water! They are very 10to people. If you fall into water and can’t swim, they may come to help you.( )1.A. summer B. month C. weekday D. weekends( )2.A. a lot B. a lots of C. a lot of D. lot of( )3.A. zoo B. park C. bank D. library( )4.A. tigers B. people C. friends D. animals( )5.A. dangerous B. friendly C. interesting D. ugly( )6.A. houses B. buildings C. cages D. ponds(池塘)( )7.A. angry B. happy C. friendly D. boring( )8.A. looking B. seeing C. watching D. hearing( )9.A. in B. at C. with D. on( )10.A. friendly B. interesting C. warm D. cold三、.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AJim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They comeHeretowork.Jim comes here to study.He is in No. 15 Middle School.He gets up early every day. He is never late for school.He studies hard.He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chi nese. After class, he likes playing football, swimming,running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We’re very glad tostay with him. On Sundays, he often helps his mother clean the house, mendsomething or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.He likes living here. He likes the Chinese students very much. We all like him, too.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
2014七年级英语下学期期末复习 2...(答案).....
![2014七年级英语下学期期末复习 2...(答案).....](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b064c89bceb19e8b8f6bae5.png)
单项选择1.---Can you______ anything strange? ---It _______ like a small mouse.A. listen; soundsB. hear; listensC. hear; soundsD. sound; hears2. ---Could you join us this afternoon?---Sorry, I _______. I _____ take care of my little sister because my mother is out.A. can’t; mayB. couldn’t; have toC. can’t; have toD. couldn’t; may3 .---What _________you_________last week? ---I bought a bagA. did; buyB. did; boughtC. do; buyD. do; bought4 . ---Doctor, is there anything wrong with my eyes? ---No. _________ is OK.A. SomethingB. EverythingC. NothingD. Anything5. The man can write with________hand and draw with ________at the same time.A. one; anotherB. one; the otherC. first; secondD. one; it6. How much is this coat? It’s ____ yuan.A. four hundredB. four hundredsC. fourth hundredD. fourth hundreds7. ---It's so cloudy, isn’t it?---Yes, I think it __________. ______ bad weather!A. rain, HowB. is raining, How aC. is going to rain, WhatD. will rain, What a8. ________ the river there is ______bridge.A. On; a 90-metre-longB. On; a 90-metres-longC. Over; a 90-metre-longD. Over; a 90-metres-long9. -- James, I am sorry I used your computer while you were away this morning. -- _________.A. That’s all right.B. Come on.C. You are welcome.D. All right.10. Why not_______ our poem club to practice_______ poem?A. join; readingB. to join; readingC. take part in; to readD. to join; to read11. - The pet tortoise(乌龟)is very nice. Is it____? - Yes, but I'll give it to my grandmother as____ birthday present.A. you; herB. your; herC. yours; herD. yours; hers12. The teacher often tells us_______ much time_______ TV.A. not to spend, watchB. not to spend, watchingC. don't spend, watchingD. to not spend, watch13.. Mrs. Li is nice. Every day she tried to cook _______for me during my stay in Suzhou.A. something differentB. anything differentC. different somethingD. different anything14. Shall we stop_______ something? I'm quite hungry and tired. I can't go now.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats15. _______ a book in her hand, our Chinese teacher came into the classroom.A. There isB. BeC. WithD. Has16. Two interesting places in Suzhou are famous to people from home and abroad. One isHumble Administrator's Garden(拙政园),_______ is Tiger Hill.A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. others17. The snow made them_______ cold, so they decided to make a fir_______ warm.A. feel ,to keepB. to feel, keepC. feel, keepD. to feel ,to keep18. _________ good time we had yesterday!A. WhatB. What aC. How . How a19. My grandma is ill. I have to______ her at home.A. look forB. look atC. look afterD. look around20.. Amy, ______afraid of dogs. They are our friendsA. don’tB. doesn’tC. don’t beD. doesn’t be25. –I failed in the English exam. –Oh, _____ . You can study harder to do well in the next exam.A. that’s rightB. never mindC. good ideaD. good luck26. –You should _______ the umbrella with you. It’s going to rain. –OK, Mum.A. takeB. bringC. to takeD. to bring27. This book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the cover(封面)of the book.A. can’t beB. can beC. must beD. mustn’t be28. –Can you tell me the way_____ the bank? –Turn left _______ the second crossing.A. to; atB. to; toC. at; atD. at; to29. --- Why are you so happy? ---That’s because an old friend of _____ is coming.A. IB. meC. myD. mine30. --- I’m sorry I _____ my homework at home. --- Don’t forget ________ it to school tomorrow, please.A. left; to takeB. forget; to takeC. left; to bringD. forget; to bring31. ---Would you like to eat, dear?---Yes, some bread please. I’m a little hungry.A. something deliciousB. anything deliciousC. delicious somethingD. delicious anything32. --- Would you like to go for a picnic to enjoy the fresh air outside this weekend?--- __________. It will be a rainy day.A. I’d love toB. I’m afraid notC. I hope toD. I think so33. This is _______useful bag and there is _______unusual book in it.A. a; aB. an; anC. a; anD. an; a34. The little cat _______a sound _______a whisper(口哨).A. make; likeB. made; likesC. made; likeD. makes; likes35. It's _______for me _______you.A. interesting; to withB. interested; to withC. interesting; to be withD. interested; to be with36. Could you tell me _______?A. why does he hate runningB. why he hates runningC. why did he hate runningD. why he hated running37. _______they_______ when you met them the day before yesterday?A. Did; dangerousB. Did; in dangerC. Were; in dangerD. Were; dangerous38. The pair of jeans _______expensive.A. are quietB. is quietC. is quiteD. are quite39. Parrots are clever. Some parrots even can_______.A. sayB. talkC. tellD. speak40. You look so tired. Why not _______a rest?A. to stop to haveB. stop to haveC. to stop havingD. stop having41. _______interesting film it is!A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an42. - _______does it take you _______your homework? - Half an hour.A. How soon; to finishB. How long; finishesC. How often; finishesD. How long; to finish43. –Who left the window open?- Sorry. I forgot _______it when I left yesterday.A. to closeB. to closeC. closingD. closing44. The park is far from here. It's about_______.A. thirty minutes' walkB. thirty minute's walkC. thirty-minute's walkD. thirty-minutes' walk45. Most students like dinosaurs, but _______of them know the story of dinosaurs.A. manyB. eachC. fewD. any46. It's snowing heavily, so there is a lot of snow all _______the ground.A. aboveB. overC. onD. in47. -Please _______be late for school again. -Sorry, I_______.A. not; don'tB. don't; don'tC. not to; won'tD. don't; won't( )48. --- Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me which is the way to the youth center?--- Please go ___ the bridge and turn left.Then walk _____ the railway station. You’ll see its entrance on your right.A. cross; pastB. across; passC. cross; pastD. across; past( )49. ---When will you ______________? I’ll meet you at the airport.---The plane took off late. I think I’ll _______________ Shanghai at 5p.m.A. get to; arrive inB. arrive in; arrive inC. arrive ; get toD. get to; arrive at ( )50. You mustn’t put__________ into the rubbish bin.A. hot somethingB. something hotC. hot anythingD. anything hot( )51. _________ important news he brought us!A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an( )52. It’s important________ give rabbits__________ carrots.A .not to, much too B. not to, too manyC. to not, too muchD. to not, too many( )53. Look! There are about _______ people in the shopping mall.A. two hundredsB. two hundred ofC. hundred ofD. hundreds of( )54. Shall we stop _____ something? I’m quite hungry and tired. I can’t go now.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )55. Whose school uniform is that in the armchair, yours or _______?A. hersB. theirC. myD. him( )56. --- Don’t leave the stove on when you are away. --- _______ .A. Yes, I won’t.B. Of course, I will.C. Sorry, I won’t.D. No, I will.57 . Our teacher asked us to write _________story..A. a 80-wordB. an 80-wordC. a 80-wordsD. an 80-words58.—Would you like _______cup of coffee?—No, thanks. I've had enough.A. anotherB. otherC. elseD. the others2013年新目标人教版七年级英语(下)期末复习题1. Bob can play _____ chess but he can’t play _____ violin.A /,/B the ,/C / ,theD the, the2.Martin often helps the students ______ swimming.A withB toC atD do3.-----Can your sister sing or dance? ----- _________A Yes, she can.B No, she can’tC SingD Yes, I can4.I’m good at ______ , so I want to join the ______ club.A telling stories, telling stories.B tell stories, story tellingC telling stories, story tellingD tell stories, stories telling.5.My sister ______ her homework in the afternoon.A doesn’tB doesn’t doC don’tD don’t do6.This _____ girl is my cousin.A ten-years-oldB ten-year-oldC ten years oldD ten-year old7.Thanks for _____ me with my English.A helpB to helpC helpingD helps8. How long _____ take to get there by bus.A do youB does itC does it youD does she9. It’s not easy ______ the river.A for we to crossB for us to crossC of us to crossD of us to swim across10. --- How do you get to school? ---- I ______.A take a bikeB ride a bikeC by bikeD in a bike11. --- _____ is the train station from here? --- About ten minutes’ bus ride.A How longB How farC HowD What time12. They don’t live ______ the middle school.A far toB far fromC far awayD far13. What time does Jane _______ after school?A. do her homeworkB. does her homeworkC. do her homeworksD. does her homeworks14. ---Are you always late for school ,Tom? ----No, ______,I get to school early.A. neverB. usuallyC. sometimesD. often15. He ___ at 6:00 in the afternoon.A. goes to homeB. go to homeC. goes home16. He ____ his homework ____ Sundays.A. doesn’t , onB. d on’t do, inC. doesn’t do, onD. don’t do, on17. Lily goes to school ______ eight o’clock.A. in aboutB. at aroundC. around atD. around about18. The story was so ________that all of the children took much ________in it.A. interested; interestingB. interesting; interestC. interesting; interestedD. interest; interested19. Mike often exercises ________ half an hour in the morning.A. atB. forC. withD. in20. _____ do they run?—At six o’clock..A. WhatB. What timeC. WhereD. How21. He usually gets up early_____ the morning, but he gets up late _____ Sunday morning.A. in, onB. on, inC. in, inD. on, on22.______ is it from his home to bus station? - About ten kilometers.A. HowB. How longC. How farD. How often23.- How long does it take you to have a shower? ______.It’s a short time .A. About ten minutesB. About ten milesC. About ten hoursD. About ten days24.How far is it from your school to the cinema ? _ It’s ______walk.A. five minutesB. five minute’sC. five minutes’D. five minute25.Peter is a _______boy .His younger brother is _______.A .ten-years-old ; six years old B. ten years old ;six years oldC. ten-year-old; six years oldD. ten-year-old; six-year-old26.Thanks for______ a walk with me .A. takesB. takingC. to takeD. took27.It’s interesting _______ games with them.A. to playB. playsC. is playD. playing28. The number of the students _____ 2000 in our school.A. isB. areC. beD. am29. The number of the books in this library ____ almost 2,000,000.A. isB. amC. areD. were30. They arrive ____ Shanghai ____ a warm afternoon.A. in, inB. at, inC. in, onD. of; for31. Don't _______ in the hallways at school.A. smileB. talkC. wear a uniformD. fight or run32. ------Don't eat in class, Bill. --___________.A. Yes, I doB. No. I don'tC. Sorry, I won'tD. Yes, I will33. You must come here_________.A.in timeB. on timeC. at timeD. sometimes34. He wants _______music to relax himself.A. to listen toB. listen toC. listenD. to listen35. Mary practices ________ every day.A. danceB. to danceC. dancesD. dancing36. Nick ________to clean his room today.A. haveB. don't haveC. doesn't haveD. hasn't37. We must ____________the school rules.A. followB. takeC. BringD. write38. Her mother is very strict__________ her.A. atB. onC. inD. with39. Do you have to _________every morning?A. make a bedB. make your bedC. make bedD. make you bed40. There are ________ people in the hall and there are___noise(噪音) in it.A. too many; too muchB. too rnany; much tooC. too much; too manyD. too much; much too41. We have lots of fun ________games.A. playB. to playC. playingD. plays42. Please remember _______ the door when you leave.A. to closeB. closeC. closingD. closed43.-_______ I take some photos in the hall? –No, you_________.A. Can, needn’tB. Must, mustn’tC. Could, won’tD. May, mustn’t44.Don’t forget________ me this evening.A. to callB. callC. callsD. calling45.Don’t ta lk ________ in the library.A. loudB. loudlyC. lowD. lowly46.I have _______ rules in my home. We have ________ homework to do today.A. too many, too muchB. too much , many too C much too , too many47.It’s raining all day , so I ________ stay at home.A. mustB. have toC. must toD. can48. He’s never ________ class.A. arriveB. late forC. arrive lateD. late49.‖No______ !‖says the sign.A. smokeB. smokingC. smokesD. to smoke50.This problem is too difficult. _________ students can work it out.A. A fewB. FewC. A littleD. Little51. Don’t worry! There is _________ much wrong with you.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing52.Do you want ________?A. else anythingB. anything elseC. something elseD. other anything53.The doctor asked him to stay ________ for two or three days.A. in bedB. on bedC. in the bed D . on the bed54. Let’s ____ after school.A. to play basketballB. play basketballC. play the basketball55. Do you want _____?A. eat riceB. to eat riceC. to eat ricesD. eat rices56. I like koalas because they are _________ friendly.A. a kindB. a kind ofC. kind ofD. kinds of57. _____ pandas from China?A. AreB. IsC. DoD. Come58. I like_______, but this afternoon I don’t like_______.A. swimming;B. to swim; to swimC. swimming; to swim59.The trees are green. Don’t______.A. cut down themB. cut them upC. cut them down60. One of the boys________ a pet. The pet is really cute.A. haveB. hasC. keep61. Lucy is talking ______ her good friend ______ the new teacher.A. with; toB. with; withC. with; about62. It’s 7 o’clock. Tom ______ dinner at home.A. is havingB. hasC. haveD. plays basketball63. In ______ picture, a girl is singing.A. the twoB. the secondC. second64. The boy isn’t ___ the teacher.A. listenB. listeningC. listen toD. listening to65. Here ____ some food for you. You can have it.A: are B: is C: am D: has66. ——_______ does it take you to go to work on foot? ——About half an hour.A. How farB. How longC. How much67. The villagers live _______ a small village. They live _____ there for 20 years.A. in, inB. / , inC. in, /D. at, in68. She would like _______ TV on weekends.A. watchB. to watch C watches D. watching69. Mr Simmons __________ medium build, and he has yellow hair.A. isB. is ofC. looks likeD. isn’t70 — Who is in the classroom now?— __________. All the students are on the playground.A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. NobodyD. Everybody71. — Is your friend quiet? — No, he never stops __________.A. talkB. talkingC. to talkD. talks72. Do you think everyone __________ their weekends?A. enjoysB. enjoyC. enjoyingD. to enjoy73. This problem is too difficult. __________ students can work it out.A. A fewB. FewC. A littleD. Little74. He ________ of medium height and he _______ red hair.A. is, isB. has, hasC. has, isD. is, has75. —What does Mary look like?—______.A. She looked like her mother.B. She is funny.C. She had brown hair and black eyesD. She looks like a movie star76. My little brother likes _____________ chess. He wants to join the chess club.A. playsB. playC. playingD. played77. ―Stop __________,said the teacher, ――There is too much noise here.‖A. talkB. to talkC. talkingD. talks78. please look _______ the boy in the photo. He looks _________ you.A. like, atB. at, likeC. at, at D like, like79. She’s a funny girl. She likes to _________ jokes.A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk80. Mary’s mother _________ very young.A. looks likeB. lookC. looksD. likes81. Nancy looks ________ her father and she _________ taking photos.A. like, likesB. likes, likeC. likes, likesD. like, like82. Tom is good at __________ basketball.A. playB. to playC. playingD. plays83. The story is so boring. Nobody _________ it.A. likesB. likeC. to likeD. liking84.I’m tall but my sister is of medium _________.A. heavyB. buildC. height85. He can walk ________two legs.A. inB. onC. forD. at86. Koalas sleep ________. They only come out at night.A. all dayB. all the dayC. day allD. the all day87. Don’t cut down ________trees.A. manyB. too manyC. too muchD. so many88. Where ________he _________?A. is, come fromB. does, fromC. is fromD. does, comes from89.I want to eat some ________.A. milkB. juiceC. teaD. hot dogs90. Give me ________ bread and ________ orange, please.A. some; anB. some; aC. some; anyD. a; an91. — Would you like a small hamburger? — ________.A. No, I would likeB. No. I wouldn’tC. No, thanksD. No, I don’t92. — What ________ dessert would she like? —She’d like a small dessert.A. kindB. kinds ofC. sizeD. kind of93. I don’t like onions, green tea ________ porridgeA. andB. orC. withD. in94. He’d like a small bowl of noodles ________ mutton and potatoes.A. onB. inC. withD. of95. Would you like ________ ice cream?A. anyB. everyC. someD. no96. I would like ________ and ________ noodles.A. beef; carrotsB. beef; carrotC. beefs; carrotsD. beeves; carrot97. Some oranges__ in the bag. Some chicken________ on the table.A. is, isB. are, areC. are, isD. is, are98. He’d like a bowl of_______ noodles.A. tomato and eggB. tomatoes and eggC. tomatoes and eggsD. tomato and eggs99. --- Would you like some tea? ---______ .A. Yes, it isB. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, I wouldD. No, I wo uldn’t100. ---Do you like ice cream? ---Yes, I do. I like _______ very much.A. itB. themC. theyD. its101. There ______ some juice in the bottle.A. isB. areC. amD. be102. He doesn’t want salad, apples _____ chicken.A. soB. alsoC. andD. or103. ---What kind of _______ does your son want to buy? ---Ice cream and bananasA. fruitB. vegetablesC. dessertD. drinks104. --- ______? ---I’d like some milk.A. Can I help youB. What do you wantC. Do you like milkD. Would you like some milk105. ---Would you like _______? ---Thank you. I am not hungry.A. some juiceB. some breadC. any juiceD. any bread106. Miss Gao likes ____ cakes. She doesn’t like_____ broccoli.A. some, anyB. any, some C some, some107. ---I’d like ______ for lunch. What abou t you? --- Me, tooA. onions, beef and tomatoB. onions, beef and tomatoesC. onion, beefs and tomatoD. onion, beef and tomatoes108. ---Would you like ______ football with us? --- Sure. I like _______football very much.A. play, to playB. playing, to playC. to play, playingD. playing, playing109. How _______ green tea _______ there in the glass?A. much, isB. many, isC. much, areD. many, are110. I want to drink ________ water. Is there ________ water in the glass?A. some; someB. some; anyC. any; anyD. any; some111. Let ________ help ________.A. they; youB. us; thisC. her; themD. we; you112. Mr Hu showed us _________ their school.A. withB. aroundC. inD. to113. Tom wants _____ you _______ the story of animals.A. telling;/B. to tell; aboutC. tell; aboutD. tell;/114. ____________ people do the same thing _____________.A. Different, differentB. Different, differentlyC. Differently, differentD. Differently, differently 115. When you see ________, please tell the police what the ______ is like.A. crimes, crimesB. crimes, criminalC. criminal, crimesD. criminal, criminal116.My uncle _______ tall and he _______ a medium buildA. has; isB. is; hasC. is; isD. has; has117.Jay Chou is a good ______, He is good at_________.A. singer; singingB. sing,C. singing; singD. singer; sings118.I don’t like the pen. Please show me _______ one.A. the otherB. otherC. anotherD. others119. The young man _________ glasses is my teacher.A. wearB. wearsC. put onD. with120.---_______________________? ---It’s cloudy and cool.A. How’s the weather today?B. What’s the weather today?C. How’s the weather like today?D. What the weather like today?121. There’s ________today in Shanghai.A. a rainB. rainingC. rainyD. rain122. It often ________in Wuhan in summer.A. is rainyB. is rainingC. rainD. rains123. It’s _______hard in Harbin today.A. snowingB. snowyC. snowwyD. snows124.---___________________? –-Terrible.A. What are you doing?B. What do you do?C. How’s it going?D. What do you look like? 125. John _________his homework right now. He always ________his homework in the evening.A. is doing, is doingB. does, doesC. is doing, doesD. does, is doing126. I want __________.A. some juicesB. a juiceC. lots of juicesD. some juice127. They often have a great time ________English.A. studiingB. studyingC. studyD. to study128. Please remember to tell him ________his homework here tomorrow.A. to bringB. to takeC. bringingD. taking129. It’s Sunday today. All my classma tes are ________a vacation _______the mountains.A. on, onB. on, inC. in, inD. in, on130. It’s so _______here that we are all _______.A. relaxing, relaxingB. relaxing, relaxedC. relaxed, relaxingD. relaxed, relaxed131. There _______ snow in Canada every year.A. has manyB. has muchC. are manyD. is much132. I can tell you the way _______ the airport.A. toB. onC. inD. at133.What did you ________ yesterday?A. buyB. boughtC. buysD. buying134. There _______ lots of popcorn in the kitchen last night.A. wereB. hadC. areD. was135.Did you buy________ in the supermarket?A. somethingB. everythingC. anythin gD. some thing136.Were there ____________ animals in the zoo?A. someB. anyC. a lot137. He finished____ the composition early last night.A. writeB. writingC. to writeD. wrote138. I ____ late ______ class yesterday morning.A. was, forB. was, toC. am, forD. am, to139. We____ any monkeys on my last school trip.A. sawB. didn’t sawC. didn’t seeD. See140. _______the stories exciting?A. DidB. DoesC. WasD. Were141.Did you buy________ in the supermarket?A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing142. Many boys ________ something for their mum on mother’s day yesterday.A. are buyingB. boughtC. buy143.She went ________ a drive after work last Friday?A. to B . for C. in D. by144.What about going _________ with us?A. fishB. fishesC. fishedD. fishing145.He had to help his parents __________ on the farm on weekends.A. workB. workingC. worksD. worked146. —Did you see any cows on the farm? —Yes, I did. I saw _______a lot.A. quiteB. quietC. specialD. very147. The farmer _______the visitors around his farm.A. gaveB. showedC. wentD. saw148. My grandparents fed many _______in the countryside.A. chickenB. horseC. strawberriesD. chicks149. My school trip was great! We had so _______fun!A. muchB. manyC. a lotD. a little150. What about ___________?A. go swimmingB. going swimC. go swimD. going swimming。
2014—2015学年度第二学期期末考试模拟试卷七年级地理(时间:60分钟满分:110分)一二三四附加题总分一、单项选择题(请将正确答案的字母填入下表中,每题2分,共50分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案题号14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25答案1、关于亚洲的叙述,正确的是()A.跨经度最广,东西距离最长B.湖泊众多,拥有世界面积最大的淡水湖C.地跨寒、温、热三带D.南部的三大半岛都濒临太平洋2、亚洲流经国家最多的国际性河流在中国境内称为()A.湄公河B.澜沧江C.黑龙江D.恒河3、某旅游者在游记中写道“烈日下,成群的斑马悠闲地在草原上散步,不远处有几只幼狮在母狮周围嬉戏”,该旅游者记述的地区应在()A.南美洲巴西高原B.非洲的东非高原C.亚洲的青藏高原D.北美洲的拉布拉多高原4、关于非洲地理位置的叙述,正确的是()A.赤道横贯北部的撒哈拉沙漠B.东濒大西洋,西临印度洋C.北隔地中海与欧洲相望D.西北与亚洲大陆相连5、南北美洲地形的相同点是( )A.都分为三大南北纵列带B.地势均为北高南低C.西部都有高大的山脉D.平原、高原相间排列分布6、马六甲海峡位于()A.马来半岛与苏拉威西岛之间B.马来半岛与苏门答腊岛之间C.印度半岛与斯里兰卡岛之间D.雷州半岛与海南岛之间7、恒河注入的海洋是( )A.阿拉伯海B.红海C.孟加拉湾D.里海8、下列特产和国家组合正确的是( )A.紫羊羔皮—伊朗B.安卡拉羊毛—阿富汗C.羊毛地毯—土耳其D.椰枣—伊拉克9、有关欧洲部分国家特色产业的说法错误的是( )A.瑞典是闻名世界的“钟表王国”B.丹麦素有“欧洲的牧场和食品库”之称C.挪威的海洋渔业发达D.荷兰以花卉种植业发达而著称10、南极大陆资源特征是( )①标志动物是企鹅②有世界最大的铁矿③龙虾资源丰富④石油资源蕴藏量大A.①②B.②③C.③④D.④①11、关于极地地区的叙述,不正确的是()A.无常住人口B.有极昼极夜现象C.是地球上极其寒冷的地区D.跨经度最广、纬度最高的地区12、四国岛与本州岛之间的水域是()A.白令海峡B.朝鲜海峡C.东京湾D.濑户内海13、日本群岛附近的大渔场是()A.北海渔场B.北海道渔场C.纽芬兰渔场D.舟山渔场14、下列国家中,地跨亚、非两大洲的是()A.土耳其B.埃及C.俄罗斯D.美国15、埃及重要的出口商品是( )A.长绒棉B.小麦C.水稻D.椰枣16、俄罗斯气候复杂多样,但大部分地区属于()A.温带大陆性气候B.温带海洋性气候C.温带季风气候D.亚热带地中海气候17、俄罗斯的农业区主要分布在()A.乌拉尔河流域B.鄂毕河流域C.叶尼塞河流域D.伏尔加河流域18、如果你的朋友冬季去法国巴黎旅游,你应该告诉他那里( )A.比北京冷B.比北京温暖C.和北京差不多D.比北京干燥19、关于美国的叙述,错误的是( )A.领土跨寒、温、热三带,跨两大洲B.是世界上输出工农业产品数量最多的国家,进口商品少C.三面临海,海运便利D.进口咖啡、可可、天然橡胶等热带经济作物20、美国电子工业中心“硅谷”位于()A.旧金山B.洛杉矶C.休斯顿D.芝加哥21、分布在美国五大湖附近和东北部地区的农业带是 ( ) A .乳畜带 B .小麦带 C .玉米带 D .棉花带 22、巴西最大的城市是 ( ) A .里约热内卢 B .巴西利亚 C .贝洛奥里藏特 D .圣保罗 23、巴西产量居世界前列的矿产是 ( ) A.铁矿 B.铜矿 C.黄金 D.石油 24、世界上唯一独占一个大陆的国家是 ( ) A.美国 B.澳大利亚 C.俄罗斯 D.日本 25、下列动物中,不属于澳大利亚特有的动物的是 ( ) A.鸸鹋 B.巨嘴鸟 C.袋鼠 D.鸭嘴兽 二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1、有“非洲屋脊”之称的是_________________,_______________________是世界上最大的沙漠。
第I卷(选择题共65分)一、听力选择 (共15小题,计15分)(一)请听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出你所听到的句子的正确答语。
(每个句子仅读一遍)1. A.I like music. B. Yes, I do. C. I want to join the music club.2. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he was.3. A. It was great. B. I stayed at home. C. I don’t like the trip.4. A. That’s all right. B. That sounds good. C. Sorry, Mr. Smith.5. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, it is.(二)请听下面五组短对话。
(每组对话读两遍)6. How’s the weather in Shanghai now?A. B. C.7. What does Scott usually do at eight?A. B. C.8. What would Tom like?A. B. C.9. What animals does Bob like?A. B. C.10. How does Tony go to school?A. B. C.(三)听录音中两段较长的对话,选择能回答下面问题的正确答案。
2014七年级下学期期末试卷和答案 (1)
![2014七年级下学期期末试卷和答案 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/202908c858f5f61fb73666d7.png)
2013/2014学年度第二学期期末测试试卷七年级数学(满分:100分 考试时间:100分钟)注意:1.选择题答案请用2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡...相应位置....上. 2.非选择题答案必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卷上的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效.一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母代号涂在答题..卡.相应位置上.....) 1.计算(ab 2)3的结果是( ▲ )A .ab 5B .ab 6C .a 3b 5D .a 3b 62.若a >b ,则下列不等式中,一定正确的是( ▲ )A .-2a >-2bB .a 2>b 2C .a 2>b 2D .||a >||b3.下列整式乘法中,不能..运用平方差公式进行运算的是( ▲ ) A .(x +a )(x -a ) B .(b +m )(m -b ) C .(a -b )(b -a ) D .(-x -b )(x -b )4.关于代数式-x n 与 (-x )n 的关系,下列描述中一定正确的是( ▲ )A .相等B .当n 为奇数时它们互为相反数,当n 为偶数时它们相等C .互为相反数D .当n 为奇数时相等,当n 为偶数时它们互为相反数5.很多同学都玩过“俄罗斯方块”的游戏,如图所示,将图中的图形M 平移至下方的空白N 处,那么正确的平移方法是( ▲ ) A .先向右平移4格,再向下平移5格 B .先向右平移3格,再向下平移4格 C .先向右平移4格,再向下平移3格 D .先向右平移3格,再向下平移5格(第5题)6.如图,在将一个三角形折叠成长方形的过程中,能够验证以下结论的是( ▲ )A .三角形两边之和大于第三边B .三角形两边之差小于第三边C .三角形的内角和为180°D .三角形的外角等于与它不相邻的两个内角和7.如图,已知CB ∥DF ,则下列结论成立的是( ▲ )A .∠3=∠2B .∠3=∠1C .∠1=∠2D .∠1+∠2=90º8.球赛入场券有10元、15元、20元三种票价,老师用500元买了30张入场券,其中票价为20元的比票价为10元的多( ▲ ) A .5张 B .10张 C .15张 D .20张二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题..卷.相应位置....上) 9.不等式-x ≥2的解集是 ▲ .10.某种花粉的质量约为0.00000533kg ,数字0.00000533用科学记数法表示为 ▲ .11.命题“直角三角形的两个锐角互余”的逆命题是 ▲ .12.若a +b =3,a -b =7,则4ab 的值为 ▲ .13.如果不等式3x -m ≤0的正整数解为1,2,3,则 m 的取值范围是 ▲ .14.如图,已知AB ∥CD ,点E 、G 分别在直线AB 、CD 上,EF ⊥GF .若∠AEF =n °,则∠CGF = ▲ °.(用含n 的代数式表示)(第7题)(第6题)15.如图,△ABC 中,CD 、BE 分别是边AB 、AC 上的高,CD 、BE 交于点O .若∠A =70°,则∠BOC = ▲ °.16.下面3个天平,左盘中“△”和“⊙”分别表示两种不同质量的物体,第三个天平右盘中砝码的质量数是 ▲ g .三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共64分.请在答题卡指定区域.......内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(8分)计算(1)(-2)2 + (23 )0 + ( 15)- 2; (2)(2a -3)(3a +2).18.(4分)因式分解 x 3-9x .19.(5分)解不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧2-x >0,5x +12+1≥x ,并写出不等式组的整数解.(第16题)AFEDCBG BADCEO(第14题)(第15题)20.(5分)先化简,再求值:(a +2)2-(a +1)(a -1),其中a =12.21.(8分)解方程组(1) ⎩⎨⎧y =x +1,2x -y =3; (2) ⎩⎨⎧5x +6y = -7,7x -9y =25.22.(8分)证明:平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行.已知:如图, ▲ . 求证: ▲ . 证明:23.(7分)如图,已知点E 、C 在线段BF 上,AB ∥DE ,∠A =∠D .求证:∠F =∠ACB .24.(7分)养牛场原有30头大牛和15头小牛,1天约用饲料675kg ;一周后又购进12头大牛和5头小牛,这时1天约用饲料940kg .饲养员许大叔估计每头大牛1天约需饲料18~20kg ,每头小牛1天约需饲料7~8kg ,你能通过计算检验他的估计吗?cba (第24题)CEBFDA (第25题)O25.(7分)(1)当x 在实数范围内取何值时,代数式x 2-2x +2是否拥有最大值或者最小值呢?小明做了如下解答,请完成小明的解答过程.小明的解答:解:无论x 取何值,代数式x 2-2x +2有最小值1. 理由:因为x 2-2x +2=x 2-2x +1+1=(x -1)2+1,又因为 ▲ , 所以 ▲ .因为当x =1时,x 2-2x +2=1,所以x 2-2x +2=(x -1)2+1的最小值是1.答:当x =1时,代数式x 2-2x +2有最小值1.(2)若a +b =-2,且a ≥2b ,b ≠0,则代数式ab 是否拥有最大值或者最小值呢?小兵与小红分别做了如下解答,得到了截然相反的两个结论分析两人的解答过程,判断谁的结论是错误..的.,并指出其错误原因(可以举反例辅助说明).26.(9分) (1)教材原题如图①,在△ABC 中,∠ABC 、∠ACB 的平分线相交于点O ,∠A =40°,求∠BOC 的度数.(2)拓展研究如图②,在四边形ABCD 中,试探究:任意两个内角角平分线所夹的角与另两个内角之间的数量关系.AO 图① DCB图②第26题2013/2014学年度第二学期期末测试试卷七年级数学试题参考答案及评分标准一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)9.x ≤-2 10.5.33⨯10-6 11.有两个角互余的三角形是直角三角形 12.-4013.9≤m <12 14.(90-n ) 15.110 16.23 三、解答题(本大题共9小题,共68分) 17.(8分)计算:(1)解:原式=4+1+25 ………2分 (2)解:原式=6a 2+4a -9a -6……2分 =30. ………4分 =6a 2-5a -6. ……4分 18.(4分)解:原式=x (x 2-9) ………………………………………………2分=4a 2+2. ……………………………………………………4分 19.(5分)解:由①得:x <2由②得:x ≥-1 …………………………………3分它们在数轴上表示为: …………………………………4分 ∴不等式组的解集是-1≤x <2.从而不等式组的整数解是-1,0,1.…………5分 20.(5分)解:原式 = a 2+4a +4 – a 2+1= 4a +5 ……………………………………3分 当a = 12 时,原式 =7 ……………………………… ………………………5分 21.(8分)解方程组(1)解原方程组的解为⎩⎨⎧x =6,y =5. ………………………………………………4分(2)原方程组的解为⎩⎨⎧x =1,y =-2.………………………………………………4分 22.(8分)已知:如图,直线a 、b 、c 中,b ∥a ,c ∥a .………2分 求证:b ∥c . …………4分 证明:作直线a 、b 、c 的截线d . ∵b ∥a ,c ∥a ,ba d 1 2∴∠2=∠1,,∠3=∠1. ∴∠2=∠3.∴b ∥c . …………8分 23(7分)证明:∵AB ∥DE ,∴∠A =∠EOC . …………2分 又∵∠A =∠D , ∴∠EOC =∠D .∴AC ∥DF . …………6分 ∴∠F =∠ACB . …………7分24.(7分)解:设每头大牛和每头小牛1天各约用饲料x kg 和y kg . …………1分根据题意,得⎩⎨⎧30x +15y =675,42x +20y =940. …………4分解得⎩⎨⎧x =20,y =5.…………6分答:李大叔对大牛食量估计准确,对小牛食量估计偏高. …………7分 25.(7分)解:(1)(x -1)2≥0; x 2-2x +2≥1 . ………………4分(2)小兵的推理是错误的.两个分数比较大小,分子越小,分母越大,分数的值越小.这个结论在自然数范围内成立,在实数范围内不成立,例如-3-5与3-10,虽然 -3<3,-5>-10,但是-3-5>3-10. …………7分26.(9分)(1)∠BOC =110° …………3分(2)(角的表示不唯一)当∠A 与∠B 相邻,且它们的角平分线的夹角为θ,则θ=12(∠C +∠D )或180-12(∠C +∠D ) …………6分当∠A 与∠C 相对,且它们的角平分线的夹角为β,则β=12||∠B -∠D 或β=180-12||∠B -∠D …………9分CEBFDA(第23题)O。
2014七年级政治第二学期期末试卷答案一、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.C10.B 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C二、16.以顽强的精神、百折不挠的毅力战胜困难。
(6分)(观点正确即可)五、21.略一1.radic;2.×3.×radic;4.×5.×6.×7.×8.radic;9.rad ic;10.radic;11.12.radic;13.radic;14.radic;15.radic;16.radic;17.radic;18.radic;19.× 20.radic;只要这样踏踏实实完成每天的计划和小目标,就可以自如地应对新学习,达到长远目标。
学校 班级 考号 姓名_________________试场号______________ 装订线内不要答题 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆装◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆订◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆线◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆2013-2014学年度下期期末教学质量检测试题七 年 级 数 学考生注意:本试卷共23道题,时量100分钟,满分120分.一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1.在下列各数:3.1415926,0.2,1π13111,中,无理数的个数为…( )A .2个B .3个C .4个D .5个22的值在…………………………………………………………………( ) A .1和2之间 B .2和3之间 C .3和4之间 D .4和5之间3.如图,在数轴上表示某不等式组中的两个不等式的解集,则该不等式组的解集为( )A . x < 4B .x <C . 2<x <4D .x >24.为了了解某县参加中考的15000名学生的视力情况,抽查了1000名学生的视力进行统计分析,下面四个判断正确的是…………………………………………………………………( )A .15000名学生是总体B .1000名学生的视力是总体的一个样本C .每名学生是总体的一个个体D .以上调查是普查5.点A(3,5-)向上平移4个单位,再向左平移3个单位到点B ,则点B 的坐标为…( ) A .(1,8-) B .(1,2-) C .(7-,1-) D .(0,1-)6.某次知识竞赛共出了25道题,评分标准如下:答对一道题加4分,答错一道题扣1分,不答记0分,已知李刚不答题比答错的题多2道,他的总分为74分,则他答对了 ( ) A .18道 B .19道 C .20道 D .21道二、空题:(每小题3分,共27分)7.把“等角的补角相等”写成“如果……,那么………”的形式____________________________ 8.如图是我们生活中经常接触的小刀,刀柄前端是一个直角,刀片上、下边是平行的,转刀片时会形∠1、∠2,则∠1+∠2=________________9.写出二元一次方程3x+2y=19的一组正整数解为_________________ 10.一下长方形的三个顶点坐标分别为(-1,-1),(-1,2),(3,-1),则第四个顶点的坐标是_________________.11.不等式4x -8≤3(x+1)的解集是_________ 12.已知二元一次方程组m-2n 423m n =⎧⎨-=⎩,则m -n 的值是________.C 等 30%B 等 50%A 等 12 第13题第8题13.如图,据统计,某班50名学生参加2013年初中毕业生学业考试工,综合评价等级为A 、B 、C 等的学生情况如扇形图所示,则该班A 等学生有__________名 14.若不等式组5x x a>⎧⎨>⎩ 的解集x a >则a 的取值范围是___________.15.若点M (44,28x x --+)到两坐标轴的距离相等,则点M 的坐标是__________________. 三、解答题:(本题8小题,共75分)16.(620132(1)--17.解方程组不等式组:(7+7=14分) (1)解方程组2x-y 33410x y =⎧⎨+=⎩(2)解不等式组,把它的所有整数解;12215(1)x x x ⎧>-⎪⎨⎪+≥-⎩18.(9分)书店向学校推荐两种教育图书,如果按原价买两种书共需880元,书店推销时,第一种书打八折,第二种书打七五折,结果买两种书共少用200元,那么这两种书原价各是多少元?① ②②①19. (9分)某班级从文化用品市场购买了签字笔和圆珠笔共15支,所付金额大于26元,但小于27元,已知签字笔每支2元,圆珠笔第每支1.5元,求签字笔和圆珠笔各买几支?20.(9分)如图,已知∠A=∠F ,∠C=∠D 试说明BD ∥CE 。
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七年级英语试题(2013.7)注意事项:1. 本试题分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。
2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。
3. 第一卷为选择题,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的正确答案标号涂黑。
4. 考试结束,应将答题卡交回。
(5分)1. A. I’m watching TV.B. He is reading English.C. They’re playing soccer.2. A. How’s it going with you?B. How is the weather in Jinan?C. How can I get to the museum?3. A. The girl looks like her mother.B. My brother is of medium height.C. The movie star has long curly hair.4. A.I’d like some noodles for breakfast.B. She’d like a medium bowl of noodles.C. There’re some tomatoes in the nice soup.5. A. Where did you go for your last school trip?B. What did you and your parents do last weekend?C. Who did you visit in the hospital yesterday morning?B)听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。
每段对话听两遍.(5分)6.A. B. C.7.A.B.C.8.A.B.C.9.A.B.C.10.A.B.C.C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。
(5分)11. A. Listen to music. B. Watch a video. C. Have a party.12. A. It’s on Center Street. B.It’s on Green Street. C. It’s on Bridge Street.13. A. Y es, there is.B. No, there isn’t. C. We don’t know.14. A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi.15. A. He is heavy and wears a hat. B. He is thin and wears glasses.C. He is tall and doesn’t wear glasses.D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。
(5分)16. A. cold B. sunny C. rainy17. A. She went to the beach. B. She went to the mountains.C. She went to school.18. A. They were interesting but crowded. B. They were not crowded but interesting.C. They were interesting and not crowded.19. A. It was boring. B. It was relaxing. C. It was funny.20. A. $ 600 B. $ 5,000 C. ¥1,000II 选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
(15分)21. ---What does your sister look like?---She has small mouth.A. aB. anC. theD. /22. Many people still eat very long noodles for birthday.A. heB. sheC. theyD. their23. ---When did they go to the zoo?---They went to the zoo Saturday afternoon.A. inB. atC. onD. for24. There a pen and two pencils in the box.A. areB. isC. amD. be25. —Would you like something to drink?—Yes, some , please.A. milkB. beefC. muttonD. chicken26. — the police station?—It’s next to the bank.A. What’sB. Where’sC. How’sD. when’s27.---Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?---.A. It’s across from the library.B. Y es , there is .C. It’s far from hereD. You are welcome.28.---How is it going?---.A. The weather is great.B.I am doing my homework.C. Not bad.D. Not at all.29.---What kind of noodles would you like?---.A. I’d like beef noodles.B. No, I don’tC. I’d like some applesD. Yes, please30.---How do you get to school?---?A. It’s about 2 kilometers.B. I ride my bike.C.I have a nice weekend.D. It’s sunny.31.---What did you do last weekend?---.A.I do my homework every day.B. I did my homework.C. I am doing my homework.D. I am having fun.32.---I am going on a school trip next week.---.A. Excuse me .B. Have a good time!C. You are welcome.D. Not at all.33. —_____ the weather like in Jinan? .—It’s raining.A. How isB. What isC. What doesD. How does34. The school trip is really relaxing . All the students feel .A.relaxedB. relaxingC. relaxD. to relax35.---?---I like that woman with long blonde hair.A. Who is your favorite actorB. What’s your favorite subjectC. What size would you likeD. Where is sheIII. 完形填空阅读下面对话和短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。
(10分)Peter was a good boy in the past. He studied hard at school. But 36 his parents divorced(离婚), many people thought he wasn’t a good boy any more.Peter began to arrive late for 37 . His teacher told him to get to school on time, but he 38 did as the teacher said. Sometimes when he got to school, the first 39 was over. In class, he didn’t 40 the teacher. he slept. He didn’t like talking to others any more. He often 41 with other boys after school. Once he had to be in hospital for a week, but he didn’t stop. His 42 couldn’t stand him. They told Peter he must leave school if he broke(违反) the school 43 again.On weekends Peter stayed at home and 44 all day playing computer games. When he felt hungry, he only ate some snacks(零食). Nobody 45 for him. He lived with his father. But his father wasn’t often at home.Who can help Peter?36. A. in B. after C. on D. under37. A. school B. home C. shop D. library38. A. really B. often C. never D. always39. A. day B. class C. show D. time40. A. put up B. wait for C look for D. listen to41. A. saved B. used C. fought D. woke42. A. teachers B. dogs C. books D. hands43. A. exams B. rules C. life D. culture44. A. wanted B. spent C. hoped D. worked45. A. reported B. cleaned C. washed D. cooked IV. 阅读理解第一部分:阅读下列4篇短文,从每题的选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。