公司陆续申请逻辑板方面技术专利百余项,获得由中华人民共和国国家版权局颁发的如下计算机软件著作权登记书:视显液晶显示主板测试系统、视显液晶显示拼接控制系统、视显液晶显示背光控制系统、视显液晶显示驱动程序系统、视显数字变频器算法软件、视显FULL HD 液晶屏驱动软件、视显光电4K四色高清成像算法软件。
目前视显光电有如下逻辑板系列:1、LG系列逻辑板视显光电 6870C-0357A逻辑板适配如下LG屏LC370EUS LC470WUS LC470DUT-SEF2 LC420WUG LC320WUG-SCA1视显光电 6870C-0318B(6870C-0310A)系列逻辑板适配如下LG屏2、华星系列逻辑板视显光电 ST5461D02-2逻辑板适配如下华星系列屏TT4851D01-1/2/3/4/5/6 MT5461D01-1/2/3/4/5 ST5461D02-1/2/3/5/7ST5461D04-1/2视显光电 TT4851D01-2逻辑板适配如下华星系列屏TT4851D01-1/2/3/4/5/6 MT5461D01-1/2/3/4/5 ST5461D04-1/23、奇美UD系列逻辑板视显光电V580DK2-PS1逻辑板适配如下奇美系列屏V390DK1-PS1 C1 V420DK1-QS1 C1 V420DK2-PS1V500DK2-PS1 C1 V500DK2-PS1 V500DJ2-KS5-L1 V500DK2-QS1-C1 V500DK2-QS1D1 V500DJ2-QS5 M1 V500DJ2-QS5 M3V580DK2-QS1-C2 V580DK2-PS1 V580DJ2-QS5-M1M280DGJ-Q02 C1 M280DGJ-XR30 M280DGJ视显光电V500DK1-P01逻辑板适配如下奇美系列屏V500DK1-P01/LS1/KS1 V500DK3-QS1 V580DK1-KS1/4、奇美FHD系列逻辑板V420HK1-CS5 V500HJ1-PE6-D4 V500HK1-PS6-D2 V580HJ1-PD6-C2 V500HJ3-PE1-C1 V400H2-XLPH1 V500HJ3-PE1-C1 V400H2-XLPH1 V500DK1-P01 H5,C1,B3 5、友达UD系列逻辑板视显光电 T550QVN02.0 T430QVN01.0 系列逻辑板适配如下系列友达屏T650QVJ01.0 T650QVN02.0 T550QVN02.0 T500QVN01.2/1.4/1.5 T550QVN03.0 T420QVN01.0 T430QVN01.06、友达FHD系列逻辑板7、.京东方逻辑板视显光电HV550QU2-301 HV550QU2-305 系列逻辑板适配如下京东方屏HV550QUB-B10 HV550QUB-B20 HV550QUS-301 (300) HV490QUB-B05。
AS154216-Channel, 1 Msps, 12-Bit ADC with SequencerP r o d uc t B r i e f1 General DescriptionThe AS1542 is a 12-bit high-speed, low-power, 16-chan-nel, successive-approximation ADC that operates from a single 2.7 to 5.25V supply. The device features high throughput rates (1Msps) and a low-noise, wide-band-width track-and-hold amplifier that can handle input fre-quencies in excess of 1 MHz.The AS1542 features 16 single-ended or 8 fully differen-tial analog inputs with a channel sequencer to allow a programmed selection of channels to be converted sequentially. The conversion time is determined by the SCLK frequency (also used as the master clock to con-trol the conversion).The conversion process and data acquisition are con-trolled using a chip select pin and a serial clock signal, allowing the device to easily interface with microproces-sors or DSPs. The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CSN and conversion is also initiated at this point. There are no pipeline delays associated with the device.The AS1542 uses advanced design techniques to achieve very low power dissipation at high throughput rates. At maximum throughput rates, the AS1542 con-sumes just 2.8mA (@3.6V), and 3.5mA (@5.25V). By using internal control register, single-ended or fully-differential conversion mode with different input ranges can be used with either straight binary or twos comple-ment output coding.The device is available in a TSSOP-28 pin package.Figure 1. Typical Application2 Key Features! Single Supply Operation with V DRIVE Function:2.7 to 5.25V! Fast Throughput Rate: 1 Msps ! Sequencer & Channel Counter! Software-Configurable Analog Input Types:-16-Channel Single-Ended -8-Channel Fully-Differential! Software-Configurable Input Range! Low Power Consumption at Max Throughput Rates:-10.1mW @ 1Msps (3.6V Supply)-18.4mW @ 1Msps (5.25V Supply)! Shutdown Mode Current: 0.5µA! Flexible Power/Serial Clock Speed Management ! Wide Input Bandwidth: 71dB SNR @ 50 kHz InputFrequency! No Pipeline Delays! High Speed SPI/QSPI/Microwire/DSP Interface ! TSSOP-28 Package3 ApplicationsThe devices are ideal for remote sensors, data-acquisi-tion and data-logging devices, pen-digitizers, process control, or any other space-limited A/D application with low power-consumption requirements.SCLK AS1542REFINCSN V IN0:15DOUT AGNDMultiplexer16Track/HoldV DD SequencerControl Logic12-Bit ADCDIN VDRIVEGNDDGNDAS1542Product BriefCopyrightsCopyright © 1997-2007, austriamicrosystems AG, Schloss Premstaetten, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, trans-lated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. DisclaimerDevices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriami-crosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location.The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the tech-nical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services.Contact InformationHeadquartersaustriamicrosystems AGA-8141 Schloss Premstaetten, AustriaTel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0Fax: +43 (0) 3136 525 01For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit:/contact。
产品技术手册适用于台式TFT液晶显示屏操作箱体操作箱体适用于最大尺寸达24˝ 的台式 TFT 液晶显示屏台式TFT液晶显示器操作箱体可确保,即便在恶劣的工业环境下,商务型TFT显示屏也可长持续顺利运转。
与威图支托臂系统CP 60/120/180完美匹配。
◾钢板外壳经过浸入式涂漆处理且涂有超强抗腐蚀粉末◾经多重折边的箱体防护槽在开门时能阻止脏物和水侵入◾透明检视窗由单片安全玻璃构成◾后部维护入口◾集成式连接悬臂VESA 75/100◾用于单人安装的支托臂连接件◾用于放置最大尺寸达24˝的台式 TFT 液晶显示屏◾为比例为16:9/16:10最大尺寸为24˝ 的商用台式TFT液晶显示屏提供设计美观而有效的防护◾支托臂连接件,直径 130 mm,在加强板偏中心位置预制为模板◾高防护等级 IP 65◾侧面装饰板包括手柄功能24˝的台式TFT液晶显示屏威图产品获得了众多国际认可的证书及许可,并且达到了国际公认的最高质量标准。
为各个CAD 系统提供的专业数据提高了设备的设计效率,并缩短了安装时间。
◾CAD 数据可通过移动应用程序或在威图官网上使用◾可以通过电子信箱地址索取数据◾超过 70 种 CAD 格式可供选择◾直接链接到威图产品手册当前页,由此实现“ 一站式” 服务◾图纸精准到每一个细节并经过检验从而较好地确保了设计的安全性◾不必费时地进行重新设计,从而节约时间操作箱体用于最大尺寸达 24˝ 的台式 TFT 液晶显示屏1 2最佳的表面防护表面经过的三层处理提供最佳的防锈蚀保护。
ICS31.120CCS M74团体标准T/XXX XXXX—XXXXTFT-LCD液晶显示模组TFT-LCD liquid crystal display module(征求意见稿)XXXX-XX-XX发布XXXX-XX-XX实施目次前言 (II)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4技术要求 (1)5试验方法 (2)6检验规则 (2)7标志、包装、运输、贮存 (4)8使用说明书 (4)前言本文件按照GB/T1.1—2020《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。
3.1液晶显示模组Liquid crystal display module外加电压使液晶分子取向改变,以调制过液晶面板的强光度,产生灰度或彩色图像的显示器件。
3.2LCD显示器LCD display经过特殊处理方法,将接收到的信息(如视频信号或计算机的二进制数字编码信号等)经过液晶显示屏幕显示,供人阅读的图形输出设备。
EV1541DJ-TFT-00AMP1541 TFT Applications Evaluation BoardEVALUATION BOARDThe Future of Analog IC TechnologyTMTMGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe EV1541DJ-TFT-00A is the evaluationboard for TFT applications using the MP1541. The MP1541 is a 5-pin thin SOT23 current mode step up converter intended for small, low power applications. The MP1541 switches at 1.3MHz and allows the use of tiny, low cost capacitors and inductors 2mm or less in height. Internal soft start results in small inrush current and extends battery life. The MP1541 operates from an input voltage as low as 2.5V and can generate 12V at up to 200mA from a 5V supply. The EV1541DJ-TFT-00A provides V OUT from the boost output and also derives V P (positive) and V N (negative) from the charge pumps off of the boost switching node.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSParameter Symbol Value Units Input Voltage V IN 3 – 3.6 V Output Voltage 1 V OUT 5V Output Current 1 I OUT 200 mA Output Voltage 2 V N –10 V Output Current 2 I N 10 mA Output Voltage 3 V P 15 V Output Current 3I P 20 mAFEATURES• 3V to 3.6V Operating Input Range • Uses Tiny Capacitors and Inductors • 1.3MHz Fixed Switching Frequency • Internally Compensated • Internal Soft Start• 3 Outputs in a Single Package: BoostConverter for 5V, Charge Pump for 15V, and Negative Charge Pump for –10V • UVLO, Thermal Shutdown • Internal Current Limit• Available in a TSOT23-5 PackageAPPLICATIONS• Handheld Computers and PDAs • Digital Still and Video Cameras • Small LCD Displays“MPS” and “The Future of Analog IC Technology”, are Trademarks of Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.EV1541DJ-TFT-00A EVALUATION BOARDDimensions (2.0”X x 2.0”Y x 0.4”Z) Board NumberMPS IC NumberEV1541DJ-TFT-00A MP1541DJEV1541DJ-TFT-00A – MP1541 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARDTMEVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICEV1541_TFT_S01VGLVN--10V @ 10mAEV1541DJ-TFT-00A – MP1541 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARD TMEV1541DJ-TFT-00A BILL OF MATERIALSQty Ref ValueDescription PackageManufacturer ManufacturerP/N1 C1 10µF Ceramic Cap, 10V, X5R 1210 TDK C3225X5R1A106K3 C2, C10,C17NS NotStuffed1 C3 4.7µF Ceramic Cap, 10V, X5R 1210 Taiyo Yuden LMK325BJ475KD10C4, C5,C6, C7,C8, C11,C12, C13,C14, C150.1µF Ceramic Cap, 50V, X7R 0805 TDK C2012X7R1H1 04K2 C9, C16 1µF Ceramic Cap, 25V, X5R 0805 TDK C2012X5R1E105K 1 D1 Schottky Diodes, 40V, 1A SOD-123 Diodes Inc 1N5819HW-76 D2, D3,D4, D5,D6, D7Diode Rectifier, Dual, 30V,200mASOT-123 Fairchild BAT54S2 JP1, JP2 3-Pin Connector Header, 0.100 Sullins PTC03SAAN1 L1 3.3µH1.6A Sumida CDRH4D28CLD-3R3 1 R1 30.1kΩMetal Film Res, 1% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF3012V1 R2 10kΩMetal Film Res, 1% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF1002V2 R3,R5 100kΩMetal Film Res, 5% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ104V3 R4, R6,R7NS NotStuffed1 U1 DC-DCConverter TSOT23-5MPS MP1541DJ 2 ZD1, ZD2 NS Not StuffedEV1541DJ-TFT-00A – MP1541 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARDTMPRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUTFigure 1—Top Silk LayerFigure 2—Top LayerFigure 3—Bottom LayerEV1541DJ-TFT-00A – MP1541 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARDNOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please contact MPS for current specifications.Users should warrant and guarantee that third party Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS will not assume any legal responsibility for any said applications.TMQUICK START GUIDEThe output voltage of this board is set to 5V, –10V and 15V on VOUT, VN and VP, respectively. The board layout accommodates most commonly used inductors and output capacitors.1. Preset the power supply to 3V ≤ V IN ≤ 3.6V.2. Turn off the power supply.3. Connect the power supply terminals to:a. Positive (+): VIN, ENb. Negative (–): GND4. Connect the load to:a. Positive (+): VOUT, VP, GND (for the negative output)b. Negative (–): GND, VN (for the negative output)5. Turn on the power supply after making the connections.6. The MP1541 is disabled on the evaluation board if only VIN is applied. To enable the MP1541,EN needs to be pulled HIGH. 7. The output voltage V OUT can be changed by varying R1. Calculate the new value using theformula:2R 1V V 1R FB OUT ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=Where V FB = 1.25V and R2 = 10k Ω For example, for V OUT = 7.5VΩ=Ω×⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−=k 50k 101V 25.1V 5.71R Therefore use a 49.9k Ω standard 1% value resistor.。
0.95 0.16+_ 0.05 0.00-0.10 0.25+0.25/-0.15
0.60 0.55
TSM Marking
S H Type Name
Lot No.
Ta=-25 C
Ta=25 C Ta=75 C
-0.1 -0.01 -0.03 -0.1 -0.3 -1
-3 -10
2001. 6. 29
Revision No : 0
h FE - I C
VCE =-2V
Ta=75 C
Ta=25 C
Ta=-25 C
50 30
10 -0.01 -0.03 -0.1 -0.3 -1
Collector Power Dissipation
Junction Temperature
Storage Temperature Range
MITSUBISHI AC150XA02_02_00 XGA TFT-LCD模块技术规格说明书
By applying 6 bit or 8 bit digital data, 1024u 768, 262k-color or 16.7M-color images are displayed on the 15.0” diagonal screen. Input power voltages are 3.3 V for LCD driving and 12.0 V for backlight unit. The type of data and control signals are digital and transmitted via LVDS interface per Typ. 65 MHz clock cycle.
The product specified in this document is designed for “Standard Usage” unless otherwise specified in this document. If customers intend to use the product for applications other than those specified for “Standard Usage”, they should first contact MITSUBISHI sales representative for it's intended use in writing.
Board Number EV1542DK-00A
Dimensions 2.0”X x 2.0”Y
700KHz/1.3MHz Boost Converter with a 2A Switch
• 2A, 0.18Ω, 25V Power MOSFET • Uses Tiny Capacitors and Inductors • Pin Selectable 700KHz or 1.3MHz Fixed
60 55 50
VIN = 3.3V VOUT = 8V
Efficiency vs Load Current
60 55 50
VIN = 3.3V VOUT = 12V
Parameter SW On-Resistance (4) SW Current Limit (4) SW Current Limit (4)
Symbol Condition RON Duty Cycle = 0% Duty Cycle = 50%
SW Leakage Thermal Shutdown (4)
© 2005 MPS. All Rights Reserved.
AVIONICS APPLICATIONSRF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS.DESIGNED FOR HIGH POWER PULSEDIFF.600 WATTS (min.) IFF 1030/1090 MHz .REFRACTORY GOLD METALLIZATION .6.0 dB MIN. GAIN.BALLASTING AND LOW THERMAL REISTANCE FOR RELIABILITY AND RUGGEDNESS.30:1 LOAD VSWR CAPABILITY ATSPECIFIED OPERATING CONDITIONS .INPUT MATCHED, COMMON BASE CONFIGURATIONDESCRIPTIONThe SD1542-04 is a hermetically sealed, gold me-tallized, silicon NPN power transistor. The SD1542-04 is designed for applications requiring high peak power and low duty cycles such as IFF. The SD1542-04 is packaged in a hermetic metal/ce-ramic package with internal input matching, re-sulting in improved broadband performance andlow thermal reistance.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T= 25°C)SD1542-04November 19921/5ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (T case = 25°C)Note:Pulse Width = 10µSec, Duty Cyle = 1%STATICTYPICAL PERFORMANCEPOWER OUTPUT vs POWER INPUTPOWER OUTPUT vs FREQUENCYSD1542-042/5TYPICAL INPUT IMPEDANCETYPICAL COLLECTOR LOADIMPEDANCEIMPEDANCE DATASD1542-043/5TEST CIRCUITC1, C2,C3:.8 - 4.8pF GigatrimC4:120pF Chip CapacitorC5:680pF Chip CapacitorC6:1000µF 63Vdc Electrolytic C7:56pF Chip CapacitorL1:100mils Wide Brass Strip L2:#18 AWG Wire Z1:510 mils x 20mils Z2:120mils x 380mils Z3:210mils x 20mils Z4:270mils x 725mils Z5:400mils x 720mils Z6:340mils x 20 mils Z7:245mils x 20 milsCIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT SD1542-044/5PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectonics.© 1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights ReservedSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands -Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.ASD1542-045/5。
MP1542 数据手册
Board Number EV1542DK-00A
Dimensions 2.0”X x 2.0”Y
700KHz/1.3MHz Boost Converter with a 2A Switch
• 2A, 0.18Ω, 25V Power MOSFET • Uses Tiny Capacitors and Inductors • Pin Selectable 700KHz or 1.3MHz Fixed
Part Number* Package
–40°C to +85°C
* For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP1542DK–Z)
For Lead Free, add suffix –LF (eg. MP1542DK–LF–Z)
EN High Threshold
VEN Rising
EN Low Threshold
EN Input Bias Current
VEN = 0V, 5V
Soft-Start Current
FB Voltage
FB Input Bias Current
Error Amp Voltage Gain
© 2006 MPS. All Rights Reserved.
柔性TFT-LCD显示器可以弯曲、折叠,甚至 可以穿戴在身上。这种新型显示技术为移动 设备带来了更多创新的可能性,如可折叠手 机、智能手表等。同时,柔性显示还可以应 用于汽车、航空航天、医疗等领域,为人们 的生活和工作带来更多便利。
为了延长设备的使用时间和节省能源 ,低功耗技术已成为TFT-LCD的重要 发展方向。
通过改进背光源设计和优化电路控制 ,TFT-LCD能够实现更低的功耗。这 不仅可以提高设备的续航能力,还有 助于减少能源消耗和环境污染。
随着可穿戴设备和移动设备的普及,柔性显 示已成为TFT-LCD的重要应用领域。
由于TFT-LCD采用了薄膜晶体管作为开关元件,因此其结构相对简单、轻薄。这一特点使得TFT-LCD 广泛应用于移动设备,如笔记本电脑、平板电脑和智能手机等,为用户提供了轻便、便携的显示体验 。
源极驱动器的性能直接影响 TFT-LCD的显示效果,包括亮 度、对比度、响应速度等。
栅极驱动器负责控制像素点的开 关,通过控制栅极的电压,决定
栅极驱动器的设计对TFT-LCD的 显示效果和性能有重要影响,如
栅极驱动器的稳定性对TFT-LCD 的寿命和可靠性也有很大影响。
去除玻璃基板表面的污垢和杂 质,确保其洁净度。
8 SS 7 FSEL 6 IN 5 SW
Part Number* Package
MP1542DK MP1542DH
–40°C to +85°C –40°C to +85°C
* For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP1542DK–Z)
Symbol Condition
Operating Input Voltage Undervoltage Lockout
VIN VIN Rising
Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis
Supply Current (Shutdown) Supply Current (Quiescent)
Switching Frequency • Programmable Soft-Start • Operates with Input Voltage as Low as 2.5V
and Output Voltage as High as 22V • 12V at 500mA from 5V Input • UVLO, Thermal Shutdown • Internal Current Limit • Available in 8-Pin MSOP Packages
Max Units
1.5 MHz
840 KHz
1.5 1 1.275
15-INCHTFT-LCD MONITOR15RTVINSTRUCTION MANUALPlease read this manual thoroughly before use, and keep it handy for future reference.SAFETY INSTRUCTION...............................................................................2 - 3 CAUTIONS . (4)FCC RF INTERFERENCE STATEMENT (5)CONNECTING WITH EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT (6)REMOTE FUNCTIONS (7)CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS....................................................................8 - 14 MOUNTING GUIDE .. (15)D-SUB CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS (16)POWER MANAGEMENT (17)SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................. (18)TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. (19).1…………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL1. Read all of these instructions.2. Save these instructions for later use.3. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.4. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning.Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.5. Do not use this product near water.6. Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand or table.The product may fall, causing serious damage to the product.7. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back are provided for ventilation: to ensure reliable operation of the product, these openings must not be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface.This product should never be placed near or over a heat register.This product should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.8. This product should be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your dealer or local power company.9. This product is equipped with a 3 wire grounding type plug having a third(grounding) pin. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electricianto replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug.10. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord.Do not locate this product where persons will walk on the cord.11. If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total of the ampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total of all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 10 amperes.12. Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill any kind of liquid on the product.13. Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks.INSTRUCTION MANUAL (2)Refer all servicing to service personnel.14. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions.A. When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed.B. If liquid has been spilled into the product.C. If the product has been exposed to rain or water.D. If the Product does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions since improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore normal operation.E. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.F. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service.CAUTIONThe power supply cord is used as the main disconnect device, ensure that thesocket-outlet is located/installed near the equipment and is easily accessible.ATTENTIONLe cordon d`alimentation est utillsé comme interrupteur général. La prise decourant doit être située ou installée à proximité du matériel et être faciled`accès3 ……………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL▶ NEVER REMOVE THE BACK COVERRemoval of the back cover should be carried out only by qualified personnel.▶ DO NOT USE IN HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTSTo prevent shock or fire hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.This unit is designed to be used in the office or home. Do not subject the unit to vibrations, dust of corrosive gases.▶ KEEP IN A WELL VENTILATED PLACEVentilation holes are provided on the cabinet to prevent the temperature from rising.Do not cover the unit or place anything on the top of unit.▶ AVOID HEATAvoid placing the unit in direct sunshine or near a heating appliance.▶ TO ELIMINATE EYE FATIGUEDo not use the unit against a bright back ground and where sunlight or other light sources will shine directly on the monitor.▶ BE CAREFUL OF HEAVY OBJECTNeither the monitor itself nor any other heavy object should rest on the power cord.Damage to a power cord can cause fire or electrical shock.INSTRUCTION MANUAL (4)NOTEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio, TV technician for help.- Only shielded interface cable should be used.Finally, any changes or modifications to the equipment by the user not expressly approved by the grantee or manufacturer could void the users authority to operate such equipment.▶ DOC COMPLIANCE NOTICEThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the radio interference regulation of Canadian Department of communications..5 ……………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUALA. BOTTOM PANEL CONTROL1 2 3 456789 10 111. DC 12V IN2. D-SUB INPC Signal Input3. VIDEO 1(AV1) INComposite signal Input for AV14. VIDEO 1(AV1) OUTVideo looping output for AV15. VIDEO 2(AV2) INComposite signal Input for AV26. VIDEO 2(AV2) OUTVideo looping output for AV27. AUDIO L INStereo Audio L Signal Input, This input is for AV1, AV2, S-VIDEO8. AUDIO R INStereo Audio R Signal Input, This input is for AV1, AV2, S-VIDEO9. S-VIDEO (Y/C) INY/C separated signal input10. S-VIDEO (Y/C) OUTY/C separated signal looping output11. PC STEREO ININSTRUCTION MANUAL (6)B. REMOTE CONTROLLER1. POWER()Turns the power ON or OFF. There will be a fewseconds delay before the display appears.2. SOURCESelect pc or video( PC / AV1 / AV2 / S-Video ) sources.3. MUTEMute the sound.4. MENUActivates and exits the On Screen Display.5. VOL()Increases or decreases the level of audio volume.6. UP/DOWN( )Move to OSD menu.7. AUTOAuto geometry adjustment in PC Source.8. EXITExit the On Screen Display.7 …………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL1. SOURCESelect input source, and move the previous menu.2. MENUActivates and exits the On Screen Display.This button can also be used to move previous menu or status.OSD MENU(MAIN) : Input Source, Screen, Audio, OSD, Color, Utility, Exit.3/4. DOWN / UPThis button allows user to enter the sub-menu of the activated function when down key is pressed on the main menu.5/6. ◀ VOL ▶Adjust the volume / Adjust menu settings.7. IR SensorRemote controller sensor.8. POWER ON/OFF( )Turns the power ON or OFF. There will be a few seconds delay before the display appears. The power LED(next to the power switch) lights with green when the power is turned ON. The power is turned off by pressing the power switch again and the power LED goes Red.INSTRUCTION MANUAL (8)1 2 3 4 567 81. SELF-TEST DISPLAYWhen there is no connection at PC, the On Screen Display will show for 3 seconds.2. OSD MENU DESCRIPTION: Input SourceSelect PC or AV1, SVIDEO.9…………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL: Screen: BrightnessIncrease or decrease the intensity of the image.: ContrastIncrease or decrease the intensity (lightness or dimness) of the image.: H. position (PC Mode Only)Move image horizontally on screen right or left.: V. position (PC Mode Only)Move image vertically on screen up or down.: Clock (PC Mode Only)Adjust the vertical noise of screen image.: Phase (PC Mode Only)Adjust the number of horizontal picture elements.INSTRUCTION MANUAL (10): Audio: VolumeAdjust audio volume.11 …………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL: OSD: H. PositionMove the OSD position to right(▶) or left(◀).: V. PositionMove the OSD position to up(▶) or down(◀).: TransparencySelect the OSD background.: OSD TimerSelect the OSD display timing.: LanguageSelect a language among English, Français, Deutsch, Español, Danish, Italiano. INSTRUCTION MANUAL (12): Color (PC Mode): Color TempAdjust color temperature to 9300, 6500, user.(note : 9300 is factory default): RedAdjust red color for user.: GreenAdjust green color for user.: BlueAdjust blue color for user.13 …………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL: Utility: RecallSelect to reset all setting to the factory default values.: LockSelect ON or OFF (ON : Control key lock. OFF : Control key unlock): Exit: ExitTurn off OSD Menu.INSTRUCTION MANUAL (14)H :15.7KHz V : 60.0HzWall-mount installation:1) Remove the pedestal mount installed on the monitor.2) Us e the VESA standard mount ing design and the 100mm hole pattern on the back panelto install the LCD monitor to the (optional) mounting bracket sold separately.(Screws supplied with the mounting bracket.)15…………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL▶ PIN ASSIGNMENTS▶ ACCESSORY1. POWER CORD2. USER’S MANUAL3. PC cable4. Adaptor5. Remote Control6. Batteries7. Wall mount (Option)INSTRUCTION MANUAL (16)This monitor features a power management system to “power down” upon receipt of the VESA DPMS(The display power management signaling) from a VESA DPMS video card. The VESA DPMS-compliant video card performs this signaling system through not sending horizontal, vertical, or sync signal.This monitor enters an appropriate mode through identifying each of the three modes of the signaling system.POWER CONSUMPTIONMODE POWER CONSUMPTION36WON <5WSTANDBY <5WSUSPEND <ACTIV OFF < 5WLED INDICATORThe power management feature of the monitor is comprised of four stages : On(Green), Standby, Suspend, Active off(Amber) and Unsupported mode(Green).17 …………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL▶ LCD Type15˝ Diagonal AM-TFT(Active-Matrix)Pixel pitch (mm) : 0.297(H) 0.297(V)BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/㎡(Typical)CONTRAST RATIO: 450:1(Typical)RESPONSE TIME: 12msec (Typical)▶ RESOLUTION(H x V)1024X768 @ 60Hz▶ FREQUENCYHORIZONTAL : 30KHz - 48KHzVERTICAL : 56Hz - 75Hz▶ INPUT SIGNALRGB (Analog 0.7Vp-p / 75Ω)SYNC(Separate TTL Level)AV(2ch input 1.0Vp-p, 75Ω terminated, loop-through out)S-VIDEO(1ch input (Y/C) , loop-through out),AV(composite) Sound inPC Stereo Sound▶ ACTIVE DISPLAY AREA (W x H)304.1mm X 228.1mm▶ DIMENSIONS (W x D x H) (With Stand)351mm X 348mm X 200mm▶ WEIGHTNet Weight : 3.7KgGross Weight : 5.7Kg▶ ELECTRICAL RATINGSDC 12V/3A▶NOTE :Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.INSTRUCTION MANUAL (18)“Going to Sleep”message on screenWEEE SymbolsCorrect Disposal of This Product(Waste Electrical &ElectronicEquipment)(Applicable in the European Union and otherEuropean countries with separate collection systems)This marking shown on the product or its literature,indicatesthat it should not be disposed withother household wastes at the end of its working life.Toprevent possible harm to theenvironment or human health from uncontrolled wastedisposal,please separate this from othertypes of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote thesustainable reuse of material resources.Household users should contact either the retailer wherethey purchased this product,or theirlocal government office,for details of where and how theycan take this item for environmentallysafe recycling.Business users should contact their supplier and check theterms and conditions of the purchasecontract.This product should not be mixed with othercommercial wastes for disposal.19 …………………………………………………………………………… INSTRUCTION MANUAL。
Copyright© by Shanghai BST Electric Co., Ltd.All rights reservedThe information in this document is subject to change withoutnotice . No part of this document may in any form or by anymeans(electronic,mechanical,micro-coping,photocopying,recording or otherwise) be reproduced,stored in a retrival systemor transmitted without prior written permission from ShanghaiBST Electric Co., Ltd.上海贝思特电气有限公司上海贝思特电气有限公司BVT605.7A 说明书一、 功能简介1. 电梯运行信息显示:实时显示电梯楼层信息、运行方向、功能信息、告警信息。
2. 电梯时间日期显示:年、月、日、时、分、秒、星期(可选)。
4. 芯子更新功能 :可通过U 盘或连接电脑更新文件及软件。
5. 工作电压:DC24V 。
二、 界面说明三、 结构尺寸图箭头显示功能显示日期显示时间显示楼层显示四、产品规格书屏幕尺寸 5.7 inch 功率≤5W分辨率320 × 240 开机时间30-60 Sec显示区域115×86mm 工作环境-20~70℃,10~90%RH纵向视角70°~ -60°储存环境-30~80℃,10~90%RH横向视角70°~ -70°安装尺寸164×121mm 亮度400(cd/m^2)体积173×131×29mm对比度500:1 外部存储接口 U盘、USB连接线五、端子定义1、CAN&485CH&B CL&A DGND DC24V CANH、485B CANL、485A GND DC24V上海贝思特电气有限公司2、J13、J24、BUZZER(新版本修改为SPEAKER)语音播报接口(扬声器接口)。
4 线-16 线译码器
54/74154 为 4 线-12 线译码器,其主要电特性的典型值如下:
ABCD->output 23ns
tpd G1、G2->output 19ns
PD 170mW
当选通端(G1、G2)均为低电平时,可将地址端(ABCD)的二进制 编码在一个对应的输出端,以低电平译出。
电源电压 Vcc
4.5 5 5.5
4.75 5 5.25
输入高电平电压 VIH
输入低电平电压 VIL
输出高电平电流 IOH 输出低电平电流 IOL
静态特性(TA 为工作环境温度范围)
VIK 输入钳位电压 VOH 输出高电平电压 VOL 输出低电平电压
Vcc 最小
a 若将 G1 和 G2 中的一个作为数据输入端,由 ABCD 对输出寻址,
54/74154 还可作 1 线-16 线数据分配器。
w 引出端符号: A、B、C、D
海纳电子资讯网:www.fpga-arm.com 为您提供本各页种已IC使中用文福资昕料阅读器进行编辑。 福昕软件(C)2005-2007,版权所有, 仅供试用。
TFT LCD 指南说明书
Instruction ManualOverviewAn IPS, full colour TFT module, offering 80 degree viewing angles allround, with a 500nit backlight. It is a transmissive type display operating in the normally black mode.This TFT LCD has a 0.96-inch diagonally measured active display area with 80 x 160 dot (80 horizontal by 160 vertical pixel) resolution. Each pixel is divided into Red, Green, Blue dots which are arranged in vertical stripes.Technical Specificationsz Size: 0.96 inchz Dot Matrix: 80 x RGB x 160(TFT) dotsz Module dimension: 30.00(W) x 28.00(H) x 3.00(D) mmz Active area: 10.8 x 21.696 mmz Dot pitch: 0.135 x 0.1356 mmz LCD type: TFT, Normally black, Transmissivez Viewing Angle: 80/80/80/80z Aspect Ratio: 1:2z IC: ST7735Sz Backlight Type: LED,Normally Whitez With /Without TP: Without TPz Surface: Glare*Colour tone slight changed by temperature and driving voltage.InterfaceTechnical DrawingAbsolute Maximum Ratings1. Temp. ≤60˚C, 90% RH MAX. Temp.>60˚C, Absolute humidity shall be less than 90% RH at 60˚C.Electrical CharacteristicsOperating conditions:Note 1 : There are 1 Groups LEDNote 2 : Ta = 25 ˚CNote 3 : Brightness to be decreased to 50% of the initial valueNote 4 : The single LED lamp caseData Colour Coding3-Wire SPI Mode: RGB 5-6-5-bit Input, 65K-Colours, 3AH=“05h”Look-up table for 65k colour mapping (16 bits to 18 bits) Note 1: Pixel data with the 16-bit colour depth informationNote 2: The most significant bits are: Rx4, Gx5 and Bx4Note 3: The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx04-Wire SPI Mode: RGB 5-6-5-bit Input, 65K-Colours, 3AH=“05h”Look-up table for 65k colour mapping (16 bits to 18 bits) Note 1. Pixel data with the 16-bit colour depth informationNote 2. The most significant bits are: Rx4, Gx5 and Bx4Note 3. The least significant bits are: Rx0, Gx0 and Bx0Display Options availableDisplay on pcb no mountingTFT display as a stand-alone itemOptical CharacteristicsTa=25±2˚CNote 1: Definition of viewing angle rangeNote 2: Test equipment setup:After stabilizing and leaving the panel alone at a driven temperature for 10 minutes, the measurement should be executed. Measurement should be executed in a stable, windless, and dark room. Optical specifications are measured by Topcon BM-7orBM-5 luminance meter 1.0° field of view at a distance of 50cm and normal direction.Note 3: Definition of Response time:The response time is defined as the LCD optical switching time interval between “White” state and “Black” state. Rise time, Tr, is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 90%to 10%.Black(TFT ON)White(TFT OFF)White(TFT OFF)100%90%10%0%DisplayNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio:The contrast ratio is defined as the following expression.Luminance measured when LCD on the “White” state Contrast ratio (CR) = Luminance measured when LCD on the “Black” stateNote 5: White Vi = Vi50 ± 1.5V Black Vi = Vi50 ± 2.0V“±” means that the analog input signal swings in phase with VCOM signal.“±” means that the analog input signal swings out of phase with VCOM signal.The 100% transmission is defined as the transmission of LCD panel when all the input terminals of module are electrically opened.Note 6: Definition of colour chromaticity (CIE 1931)Colour coordinates measured at the center point of LCDNote 7: Measured at the center area of the panel when all the input terminals of LCD panel are electrically opened.ReliabilityContent of Reliability Test (Wide temperature, -20˚C~70˚C)Environmental TestNote1: No dew condensation to be observed.Note2: The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normal Temperature and humidity after remove from the test chamber.Note3: The packing have to including into the vibration testing.。
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EV1542DK-TFT-00AMP1542 TFT Applications Evaluation BoardEVALUATION BOARDThe Future of Analog IC TechnologyTMTMGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe EV1542DK-TFT-00A is the evaluationboard for TFT applications using the MP1542. The MP1542 can be operated at 700KHz or 1.3MHz allowing for easy filtering and low noise. An external compensation pin gives the user flexibility in setting loop dynamics, which allows the use of small, low-ESR ceramic output capacitors. Soft-start results in small inrush current and can be programmed with an external capacitor. The MP1542 operates from an input voltage as low as 2.5V and can generate 12V at up to 500mA from a 5V supply. The EV1542DK-TFT-00A provides V OUT1 from the boost output and also derives V OUT3 (positive) and V OUT2 (negative) from the charge pumps off of the boost switching node.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSParameter Symbol Value Units Input Voltage V IN 3 – 3.6 VOutput Voltage 1 V OUT19 V Output Current 1 I OUT1 150 mA Output Voltage 2 V OUT2 –8 V Output Current 2 I OUT2 10 mA Output Voltage 3 V OUT3 26 V Output Current 3I OUT3 5 mAFEATURES• 3 Outputs in a Single Package: BoostConverter for 9V, Positive Charge Pump for 26V and Negative Charge Pump for –8V • 3V to 3.6V Operating Input Range • Uses Tiny Capacitors and Inductors• 700KHz/1.3MHz Fixed Switching Frequency • Externally Compensated • Programmable Soft-Start • UVLO, Thermal Shutdown • Internal Current LimitAPPLICATIONS• Handheld Computers and PDAs • Digital Still and Video Cameras • Small LCD Displays“MPS” and “The Future of Analog IC Technology” are Trademarks of Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.EV1542DK-TFT-00A EVALUATION BOARDDimensions (2.0”X x 2.0”Y x 0.4”Z) Board NumberMPS IC NumberEV1542DK-TFT-00A MP1542DKEV1542DK-TFT-00A – MP1542 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARDTMEVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICVOUT2-8V / 10mAVOUT3+26V / 5mAVIN +3.3VGNDENEV1542DK-TFT-00A – MP1542 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARD TMEV1542DK-TFT-00A BILL OF MATERIALSQty Ref ValueDescription Package ManufacturerManufacturerP/N5C1A,C1B, C2,C5, C63.3µF Ceramic Cap, 10V, X7R 1210 Taiyo Yuden LMK325BJ335KD1 C3 2.2nF Ceramic Cap, 100V, X7R 0805 TDK C2012X7R2A222K 1 C4 22nF Ceramic Cap, 50V, X7R 0603 TDK C1608X7R1H223K3 C7, C11,C141µF Ceramic Cap, 25V, X7R 0805 TDK C2012X7R1E105K4 C8, C12,C13, C15Do Not Stuff2 C9, C10 0.1µF Ceramic Cap, 25V, X7R 0805 TDK C2012X7R1E104K1 C16 2.2µF Ceramic Cap, 25V, X5R 1206 Murata GRM316R61E225KA12D 1 D1 Schottky Diodes, 40V, 1A SOD123Diodes Inc 1N5819HW-73 D2, D3,D4Schottky Diodes, 30V, 200mA SOT-23 Fairchild BAT54S2 D5, D6 Do Not Stuff1 JP1 3-Pin Connector Header, 0.100 Sullins PTC03SAAN1 L1 6.8µH1.7A Coilcraft LPO2506IB-6821 R1 61.9kΩ Resistor, 1% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF6192V1 R2 10kΩ Resistor, 1% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF1002V1 R3 10kΩ Resistor, 5% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ103V2 R4,R5 100kΩ Resistor, 5% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6GEYJ104V1 U1 DC-DCConverter MSOP8MPSMP1542DKEV1542DK-TFT-00A – MP1542 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARDTMPRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUTFigure 1—Top Silk Layer Figure 2—Top LayerFigure 3—Bottom LayerEV1542DK-TFT-00A – MP1542 TFT APPLICATIONS EVALUATION BOARDEVALUATION BOARDNOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please contact MPS for current specifications.Users should warrant and guarantee that third party Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS will not assume any legal responsibility for any said applications.TMQUICK START GUIDEThe output voltage of this board is set to 9V, –8V and 26V on VOUT1, VOUT2 and VOUT3, respectively. The board layout accommodates most commonly used inductors and output capacitors.1. Preset the power supply to 3V ≤ V IN ≤ 3.6V.2. Turn off the power supply.3. Connect the power supply terminals to:a. Positive (+): VIN, ENb. Negative (–): GND4. Connect the load to:a. Positive (+): VOUT1, VOUT3, GND (for the negative output)b. Negative (–): GND, VOUT2 (for the negative output)5. Turn on the power supply after making the connections.6. The MP1542 is disabled on the evaluation board if only VIN is applied. To enable the MP1542,EN needs to be pulled HIGH. 7. The output voltage V OUT1 can be changed by varying R1. Calculate the new value using theformula:2R 1V V 1R FB 1OUT ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=Where V FB = 1.25V and R2 = 10k Ω For example, for V OUT1 = 7.5VΩ=Ω×⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−=k 50k 101V 25.1V 5.71R Therefore use a 49.9k Ω standard 1% value resistor.。