




※ 本手表即使拧动表把,表针也不会走动.每次移动1秒每次移动2秒每次移动5秒秒针已停止已充好电※ 充电以后,仍然没有恢复1秒走针的时候→这种时候怎么办?时间·日期·星期正确可以继续使用时间·日期·星期不正确时区的确认→ 8电波接收的大致范围 → 1电波接收困难的环境 → 5不能接收电波的时候手动调整时间手动调整日期手动调整星期能够接收电波的时候電接收电波,调整时间·日期·星期→ 412能源余量已经短缺正在保留能源 保留能源解除后,确认秒针的动作没有能源充电的方法请充分进行充电使用时注意事项2・日常要注意多充电,把手表放置或保管在光线照射之处。

■ 注意充电■ 如何更好地接收电波・ 把手表放置于窗户边儿等容易接收电波的场所。



天线部分※ 电波发射站的地点→ 1电波接收的大致范围・在接收电波过程中,不要挪动手表。




通过接收电波来调整时间·日期·星期 使用说明书4・应该把手表放在窗户边儿等容易接收到电波的地方。

・在接收电波过程中不要挪动手表 → 1 使用时注意事项 ■如何更好地接收电波除了自动接收以外,还可以随时任意实施电波接收。

→ 强制接收的方法※ 当接收成功时,则自动接收即刻结束。

■ 自动接收■ 强制接收※ 当时区选择为日本和中国及美国以外的时候,不能接收电波。


 → 8 选择时区※ 接收电波是否能够成功受接收环境的影响。



转换格林威治时间格式 - 从世界时钟到全球标准一、引言格林威治时间(GMT) 被广泛接受为世界标准时间,它对于跨国交流、天文学以及国际航空航海等领域至关重要。





















Angelier, 1994 安朔葉
Schematic diagram of focal mechanism
沿著斷層面的突然錯動會產生 地震,而地震的發生也可能產 生新斷層,因此,要徹底了解 某次地震,研究人員必須找出 該地震的斷層面。地震學家用 「斷層面解」來描述地震,要 說明一個斷層面,必須明確指 出它的走向、傾角和滑移方 式。 海灘球圖示法:斷層面解,或 稱"海灘球",能幫助我們了震 源機制,即震央附近斷層面的 幾何與應力分布的特性。
Phenomena of stress permutations: fault slip analysis in eastern Taiwan
Hu and Angelier, 2004 JGR
Geological observation of a fault and geophysical analysis of a focal mechanism of earthquake
SHmax: Orientation given for thrust or strike-slip faulting stress regimes Shmin: given for normal faulting stress regime NF: Normal faulting, NS: predominately normal with strike-slip component SS: Strike-Slip faulting (includes minor normal and thrust component) TF: Thrust faulting; TS: predominately thrust with strike-slip component



刘万科 1 ,李征航 1 ,丁文武 2 ,龚晓颖 1
1 武汉大学测绘学院 ,湖北武汉(430079) 2 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,湖北武汉(430077)
摘 要:针对仅利用星间测距观测值进行自主定轨时所遇到的秩亏性问题,采用了顾及先验 信息的最小二乘配置法同时处理所有卫星的轨道状态参数和钟差参数的统一解决方案, 110 天模拟数据的自主定轨结果表明采用此方法可成功地解决自主定轨中的秩亏性问题,有效地 控制和约束星座的旋转误差,实现导航星座的自主定轨,获得了与广播星历相当的定轨精度; 提出了在高精度自主定轨中顾及潮汐摄动的必要性,并指出了有待进一步研究解决的问题。

保证安全,一般需配置 1~2 颗具有中心计算功能的备用卫星),缺点是计算工作量大,但目 前的星载计算机已有可能完成此数据处理工作[2]。
自主定轨中状态参数估计一般可采用两种方法:一种是逐历元解算的滤波方法,另一种 是分批求解的最小二乘法。各卫星单独定轨时既可采用滤波算法,也可采用最小二乘法分批 进行解算。整个卫星星座进行统一数据处理时,由于待定参数个数很多,例如采用 9 个光压 参数和 6 个轨道根数时,即使采用先消除钟差参数,统一解算后再回代的方法,30 颗卫星 也有 450 个待定参数,此时采用滤波方法将非常耗时。我们进行过试算,采用上述的待定参 数时,使用 UD 分解的扩展卡尔曼滤波法在微机上解算一天的轨道将耗时 15 个小时,而采 用最小二乘配置分批解算时,则只需 15 分钟。因此在本文的研究工作中采用最小二乘分批 解算法,正式运行时也可考虑此方法。
在模拟计算中,发射天线的波束角θ 取 90°,接收天线则无限制,可接收星座中任一通 视的卫星的测距信号。生成星间距离观测值时所加的测量噪声的均方差为 0.75m,其为 Block IIR 卫星进行星间距离测量时的测量噪声[3]。



香港钟表测试标准香港钟表科技中心于1995年由香港政府工业及科技发展局拨款成立.其宗旨为本港钟表业提供全面性支持服务.钟表科技中心引进瑞士著名钟表测试中心的技术及设备设立一所独立测试中心,提供产品测试及分析服务.中心于2000年取得ISO9002国际标准认证.中心共提供五十多项测试,其包括四类型的测试.第一:防水测试类(如:防水表测试及潜水表测试);第二:功能及准确测试类(如:功能指数及电子性能量度);第三:机械动作耐用测试类(如:拉、扭、摇摆表带测试);第四:环境老化测试类(如:紫外光、人工汗、耐磨测试).四类型的测试表A 防水测试测试目的1 防水表防水测试(ISO 2281 标准) 测试防水表的全面防水性能2 检查出表壳入水处当防水表不防水时,检查出表壳入水处3 皮表带抗水滴测试测试皮表带受水滴后,皮表带的变色及外观改变程度4 皮表带吸水及蓄水量测试量度皮表带吸水量及是否容易干5 皮表带染料释放测试测试皮表带浸水后会否释放染6 潜水表测试套装测试计划(ISO 6425 标准) 测试潜水表的全面防水性能B 功能及准确测试类测试目的1 石英机芯的功能指数计算量度石英机芯在8、23、38℃中之日差,并计算出其在温度改变中的可靠性及稳定性2 机械机芯的功能指数计算量度机械机芯在23、38℃中之日差,并计算出其在温度改变中的可靠性及稳定性3 环境改变周期测试试验表经高低温度,高湿度,外加磁场及旋转后能否保持准确度4 电子性能量度量度石英机芯电子特性,如:电池电压,机芯耗电及表针扭力量度5 机械机芯的能量储存及上弦速度测试量度机械机芯能量储存及上弦速度6 24小时量度及记录石英机芯耗电流量测试量度及记录石英机芯连续24小时的耗电流量7 防磁测试(ISO 764 标准) 测定出专业防磁手表8 防震测试(ISO 1413 标准) 测定出专业防震(冲击)手表9 冲击测试测试手表承受500g冲,击后的准确及改变10 下坠测试测试手表承受下坠后的准确及改变11 表玻璃推出力量测试量度表玻璃推出力量12 玻璃抗钢珠冲击测试测试表玻璃能承受多少冲击能量才破裂13 表玻璃硬度测试量度表玻璃硬度14 塑料表壳/表带硬度测试量度塑料表壳/表带硬度15 表壳底/表的防水橡胶圈硬度测试量度表壳底/表的防水橡胶圈硬度16 塑料表壳/表带浸液内应力测试浸塑料表壳/表带于特定测试溶液后,检查是否出现内应力导致的裂纹17 定时器莹光测试(ISO 3157) 量度表针/表面/表顶圈上的莹光物料的光度及持久性18 金属表壳/表带硬度测试量度金属表壳/表带硬度19 表顶圈转动测试(10转) 量度表顶圈转动10转所需扭力及稳定性20 表的扭力量度量度表的转动10转所需扭力及稳定性21 线路板焊接品质检查用显微镜检查线路板焊接品质22 CE测试(EMC测试:EN50081,EN580082,IEC801) 测试手表与电磁波的干扰性,防干扰,防静电能力C 机械动作耐用测试测试目的1 特定程序之计时秒表耐用测试/按制耐用测试量度按表/计时秒表的按制3000次过程中及之后所需力度及稳定性2 皮/胶表带拉力及扭力测试测试皮/胶表带承受3000次拉力及扭力过程中及之后的改变3 金属表带拉力及扭力测试测试皮/胶表带承受5000次拉力及扭力过程中及之后的改变4 皮/胶表带干磨擦测试用特定测试毛毡物料干磨擦皮/胶表带表面,检查其表面改、颜色脱落及转移程度5 皮/胶带湿磨擦测试用特定测试毛毡物料湿磨擦皮/胶表带表面,检查其表面改、颜色脱落及转移程度6 金属表摇摆测试测试金属表承受50000次摇摆动作过程中及之后的改变7 震动测试测试金属表/成表承受18小时震动过程中及之后的改变8 开关金属表扣测试量度开关金属表扣3000次过程中及之后所需力度及稳定性9 拉力测试测试手表能否承受标准拉力度D 环境老化测试测试目的1 皮表带人工汗测试测试皮表带接触有人工汗的试纸会否脱色及改变2 皮/胶表带紫外光测试(NIHS 96-50) 测试皮表带经紫外光照射后会否改色及改变3 表针表面紫外光测试(72小时) 测试表针表面经紫外光照射后会否改色及改变4 金属表壳/表带人工汗测试(48小时) 测试金属表壳/表带受人工汗影响会否被腐蚀及改变5 表壳/表带耐磨性测试(ISO 3160-3) 测试表壳/表带的镀层于标准研磨环境下的耐磨程度6 抗刮测试测试镀层的抗刮能力7 镀层剥落测试测试镀层/涂层的附着力8 磨擦测试测试镀层/涂层的抗磨擦力9 24小时高温高湿度(50℃,85% R.H.)环境测试测试手表于高温高湿度环境中的可靠性及准确度10 24小时低温度(-20℃)环境测试测试手表于低温环境中的可靠性及准确度11 24小时温度湿度(__℃,__% R.H.)环境测试测试手表于不同温湿度环境中的可靠性及准确度* 化学分析服务测试目的含镍测试:1 a)EN1811 b)EN1811+EN12472 测试金属/镀层的含镍是否符合欧盟标准2 金属镀层种类检定检定金属镀层是什么种类镀层厚度测定:3 a)破坏性横切面检定法(ASTM B487)3 b)X-射线测试厚法(ASTM B568) 测定镀层厚度4 耐腐蚀检定:人工汗试验(ISO 3160-2) 检定样板受的人工汗变化5 金属成份分析分析样板金属成份。

iMeter 8 高端智能电表使用说明书_V2.0 _20130428

iMeter 8 高端智能电表使用说明书_V2.0 _20130428
iMeter 8 高端智能电表
使用说明书 (V2.0)
iMeter 8 高端智能电表使用说明书 版本 V2.0
危险和警告 本设备只能由专业人士进行安装,对于因不遵守本手册的说明所引起 的故障,厂家将不承担任何责任。
触电、燃烧或爆炸的危险 设备只能由取得资格的工作人员才能进行安装和维护。 对设备进行任何操作前,应隔离电压输入和电源供应,并且短路所
2 技术指标 ................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 工作环境 ....................................................................................................................................5 2.2 工作电源 ....................................................................................................................................5 2.3 电压输入回路 .............................................................................................................................5 2.4 电流输入回路 .............................................................................................................................5 2.5 开关量输入 .................................................................................................................................5 2.6 开关量输出 .................................................................................................................................6 2.7 通信接口 ....................................................................................................................................6 2.8 精度指标 ....................................................................................................................................6 2.9 电气绝缘性能 .............................................................................................................................7 2.10 机械性能 ....................................................................................................................................7 2.11 电磁兼容性能 .............................................................................................................................7





1. –R作用:设定地图区域和数据范围。


-Rxmin/xmax/ymin/ymax当采用的投影方式使经线和纬线都是直线的时候采用该方法-Rxll/yll/xur/yurr (ll: low left; ur: up right )当采用斜投影方式时,很难用经纬线范围来定义地图边界时,通过定义地图的左下角和右上角来确定范围。


-Rgridfile 在格网文件中定义地图的范围,-R选项可以直接调用该文件。


地理坐标的格式:经度和纬度的格式通常有两种小数形式:如-123.45417度分秒形式:[±]ddd[:mm[:ss[.xxx]]][W|E|S|N],如123:27:15W两个简写:-Rg –Rd-Rg 等价于–R0/360/-90/90-Rd 等价于–R-180/180/-90/90备注:-Rg和-Rd只能用于绘制全球区域,而对于有些投影来说,是不可能反应全球的。




格里高利历的时间格式为:[date]T[clock],其中date的格式为yyyy[-mm[-dd]](year, month, day-of-month)或yyyy[-jjj](年和day-of-year);clock的形式为24小时制,具体格式为hh[:mm[:ss[.xxx]]].ISO历:date格式为yyyy[-Www[-d]](year,week, day-of-week)注:如果date没给,默认是当天;如果clock没给,默认是00:00:00.相对时间系统:可以通过给定初始历元和计时单位两个参数,用来标定相对时间系统。

ECE R10.03

ECE R10.03

E/ECE/324 )Add.9/Rev.3E/ECE/TRANS/505 )August 14, 2008STATUS OF UNITED NATIONS REGULATIONECE 10-03UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF:VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Incorporating:02 series of amendments Date of Entry into Force: 03.09.97 Corr. 1 to the 02 series of amendments Dated: 11.03.98Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Date of Entry into Force: 04.02.99 Corr. 2 to the 02 series of amendments Dated: 10.11.99Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Date of Entry into Force: 12.08.04 03 series of amendments: Date of Entry into Force: 11.07.08E/ECE/324 )Add.9/Rev.3E/ECE/TRANS/505 )August 14, 2008UNITED NATIONSAGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS (*)(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on October 16, 1995)Addendum 9: Regulation No. 10Revision 3Incorporating all valid text up to:Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments − Date of entry into force: August 12, 200403 series of amendments: Date of entry into force: July 11, 2008UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLES WITHREGARD TO ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY(*)Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on March 20, 1958.REGULATION NO. 10UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLESWITH REGARD TO ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITYCONTENTSREGULATION1. Scope2. Definitions3. Application for approval4. Approval5. Markings6. Specifications7. Amendment or extension of a vehicle type approval following electrical/electronic sub assembly(ESA) addition or substitution8. Conformity of production9. Penalties for non-conformity of production10. Production definitely discontinued11. Modification and extension of type approval of a vehicle or ESAprovisions12. Transitional13. Names and addresses of Technical Services conducting approval tests, and of AdministrativeDepartmentsANNEXESAnnex 1:Examples of approval marksAnnex 2A:Model of information document for type approval of a vehicle, with respect to electromagnetic compatibilityAnnex 2B:Model of information document for type approval of an electric/electronic sub assembly, with respect to electromagnetic compatibilityAnnex 3A:Model of communication form for vehicle type approvalAnnex 3B:Model of communication form for type approval of electrical/electronic sub-assemblies Annex 3C:Attestation with regard to Paragraph 3.2.9.Annex 4:Method of measurement of radiated broadband electromagnetic emissions from vehicles Annex 5:Method of measurement of radiated narrowband electromagnetic emissions from vehiclesAnnex 6:Method of testing for immunity of vehicles to electromagnetic radiationAnnex 7:Method of measurement of radiated broadband electromagnetic emissions from electrical/electronic sub-assembliesAnnex 8:Method of measurement of radiated narrowband electromagnetic emissions from electrical/electronic sub-assembliesAnnex 9:Method(s) of testing for immunity of electrical/electronic sub-assemblies to electromagnetic radiationAnnex 10:Method(s) of testing for immunity to and emission of transients of electrical/electronic sub-assemblies1. SCOPEThis Regulation applies to:1.1.vehicles of Categories L, M, N and O (1) with regard to electromagnetic compatibility;ponents and separate technical units intended to be fitted in these vehicles with thelimitation given in Paragraph 3.2.1. with regard to electromagnetic compatibility.Itcovers:(a) requirements regarding the immunity to radiated and conducted disturbances forfunctions related to direct control of the vehicle, related to driver, passenger and otherroad users' protection and related to disturbances, which would cause confusion tothe driver or other road users;(b) requirements regarding the control of unwanted radiated and conducted emissions toprotect the intended use of electrical or electronic equipment at own or adjacentvehicles or nearby, and the control of disturbances from accessories that may beretrofitted to the vehicle.2. DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Regulation:2.1."Electromagnetic compatibility" means the ability of a vehicle or component(s) orseparate technical unit(s) to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment withoutintroducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment.2.2."Electromagnetic disturbance" means any electromagnetic phenomenon which maydegrade the performance of a vehicle or component(s) or separate technical unit(s), or ofany other device, unit of equipment or system operated in vicinity of a vehicle. Anelectromagnetic disturbance may be electromagnetic noise, an unwanted signal or a changein the propagation medium itself.2.3."Electromagnetic immunity" means the ability of a vehicle or component(s) or separatetechnical unit(s) to operate without degradation of performance in the presence of(specified) electromagnetic disturbances which includes wanted radio frequency signalsfrom radio transmitters or radiated in-band emissions of industrial-scientific-medical (ISM)apparatus, internal or external to the vehicle.2.4."Electromagnetic environment" means the totality of electromagnetic phenomena existingat a given location.2.5."Broadband emission" means an emission, which has a bandwidth greater than that of aparticular measuring apparatus or receiver (International Special Committee on RadioInterference (CISPR) 25, second edition).2.6."Narrowband emission" means an emission which has a bandwidth less than that of aparticular measuring apparatus or receiver (CISPR 25, second edition).(1)As defined in Annex 7 to the Consolidated resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), (document TRANS/WP.29/Rev.1/Amend .2, as last amended by Amend.4).2.7."Electrical/electronic system" means (an) electrical and/or electronic device(s) or set(s) ofdevices together with any associated electrical connections which form part of a vehicle butwhich are not intended to be type approved separately from the vehicle.2.8."Electrical/electronic sub-assembly" (ESA) means an electrical and/or electronic deviceor set(s) of devices intended to be part of a vehicle, together with any associated electricalconnections and wiring, which performs one or more specialized functions. An ESA may beapproved at the request of a manufacturer or his authorized representative as either a"component" or a "separate technical unit (STU)".2.9."Vehicle type" in relation to electromagnetic compatibility includes all vehicles, which donot differ essentially in such respects as:2.9.1.the overall size and shape of the engine compartment;2.9.2.the general arrangement of the electrical and/or electronic components and the generalwiring arrangement;2.9.3.the primary material of which the body or shell of the vehicle is constructed (for example, asteel, aluminium or fiberglass body shell). The presence of panels of different material doesnot change the vehicle type provided the primary material of the body is unchanged.However, such variations must be notified."ESA type" in relation to electromagnetic compatibility means ESAs, which do not differ 2.10. Anin such essential respects as:2.10.1.the function performed by the ESA;2.10.2.the general arrangement of the electrical and/or electronic components, if applicable.2.11."Vehicle wiring harness" means supply voltage, bus system (e.g. CAN), signal or activeantenna cables, which are installed by the vehicle manufacturer.2.12."Immunity related functions" are:(a) Functions related to the direct control of the vehicle:(i) by degradation or change in: e.g. engine, gear, brake, suspension, activesteering, speed limitation devices;(ii) by affecting drivers position: e.g. seat or steering wheel positioning;(iii) by affecting driver's visibility: e.g. dipped beam, windscreen wiper.(b) Functions related to driver, passenger and other road user protection:(i) e.g. airbag and safety restraint systems.(c) Functions which when disturbed cause confusion to the driver or other road users:(i) optical disturbances: incorrect operation of e.g. direction indicators, stop lamps,end outline marker lamps, rear position lamp, light bars for emergency system,wrong information from warning indicators, lamps or displays related tofunctions in subparagraphs (a) or (b) which might be observed in the directview of the driver;(ii) acoustical disturbances: incorrect operation of e.g. anti-theft alarm, horn.(d) Functions related to vehicle data bus functionality:(i) by blocking data transmission on vehicle data bus-systems, which are used totransmit data, required to ensure the correct functioning of other immunityrelated functions.(e) Functions which when disturbed affect vehicle statutory data: e.g. tachograph,odometer.3. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1. Approval of a Vehicle Type3.1.1.The application for approval of a vehicle type, with regard to its electromagneticcompatibility, shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer.3.1.2. A model of information document is shown in Annex 2A.3.1.3.The vehicle manufacturer shall draw up a schedule describing all relevant vehicleelectrical/electronic systems or ESAs, body styles, variations in body material, generalwiring arrangements, engine variations, left-hand/right-hand drive versions and wheelbaseversions. Relevant vehicle electrical/electronic systems or ESAs are those which may emitsignificant broadband or narrowband radiation and/or those which are involved in immunityrelated functions of the vehicle (see Paragraph 2.12.).3.1.4. A vehicle representative of the type to be approved shall be selected from this schedule bymutual agreement between the manufacturer and the Competent Authority. The choice ofvehicle shall be based on the electrical/electronic systems offered by the manufacturer.One or more vehicles may be selected from this schedule if it is considered by mutualagreement between the manufacturer and the Competent Authority that differentelectrical/electronic systems are included which are likely to have a significant effect on thevehicle's electromagnetic compatibility compared with the first representative vehicle.3.1.5.The choice of the vehicle(s) in conformity with Paragraph 3.1.4. above shall be limited tovehicle/electrical/electronic system combinations intended for actual production.3.1.6.The manufacturer may supplement the application with a report on tests which have beencarried out. Any such data provided may be used by the approval authority for the purposeof drawing up the communication form for type-approval.3.1.7.If the Technical Service responsible for the type approval test carries out the test itself, thena vehicle representative of the type to be approved according to Paragraph 3.1.4. shall beprovided.3.1.8.For vehicles of Categories M, N, and O the vehicle manufacturer must provide a statementof frequency bands, power levels, antenna positions and installation provisions for theinstallation of radio frequency transmitters (RF-transmitters), even if the vehicle is notequipped with an RF transmitter at time of type approval. This should cover all mobile radioservices normally used in vehicles. This information must be made publicly availablefollowing the type approval.Vehicle manufacturers must provide evidence that vehicle performance is not adverselyaffected by such transmitter installations.3.2. ESA type Approval3.2.1.Applicability of this Regulation to ESA:3.2.2.The application for approval of a type of ESA with regard to its electromagnetic compatibilityshall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by the manufacturer of the ESA.3.2.3. A model of information document is shown in Annex 2B.3.2.4.The manufacturer may supplement the application with a report on tests which have beencarried out. Any such data provided may be used by the approval authority for the purposeof drawing up the communication form for type-approval.3.2.5.If the Technical Service responsible for the type approval test carries out the test itself, thena sample of the ESA system representative of the type to be approved shall be provided, ifnecessary, after discussion with the manufacturer on, e.g., possible variations in the layout,number of components, number of sensors. If the Technical Service deems it necessary, itmay select a further sample.3.2.6.The sample(s) must be clearly and indelibly marked with the manufacturer's trade name ormark and the type designation.3.2.7.Where applicable, any restrictions on use should be identified. Any such restrictions shouldbe included in Annexes 2B and/or 3B.3.2.8.ESA which are brought to the market as spare parts need no type approval if they areobviously marked as a spare part by an identification number and if they are identical andfrom the same manufacturer as the corresponding original equipment manufacturer (OEM)part for an already type approved vehicle.ponents sold as aftermarket equipment and intended for the installation in motorvehicles need no type approval if they are not related to immunity related functions(see Paragraph 2.12.). In this case a declaration must be issued by the manufacturer thatthe ESA fulfils the requirements of this Regulation and in particular the limits defined inParagraphs 6.5., 6.6., 6.8. and 6.9.During the transition period, ending on November 4, 2008, the person or legal entityresponsible for placing on the market of such a product has to submit all relevantinformation and/or a sample to a Technical Service which will determine if the equipment isimmunity related or not. The result of the inspection shall be available within three weeksand not require additional testing. A document according to the example given in Annex 3Cshall be issued by the Technical Service within the same period. In case of doubts and ifthe Technical Service refuses to issue an attestation according to Annex 3C, themanufacturer has to apply for type approval for his product.4. APPROVAL4.1. Type Approval Procedures4.1.1. Type Approval of a VehicleThe following alternative procedures for vehicle type approval may be used at the discretionof the vehicle manufacturer. Approval of a Vehicle InstallationA vehicle installation may be type approved directly by following the provisions laid down inParagraph 6 of this Regulation. If this procedure is chosen by a vehicle manufacturer, noseparate testing of electrical/electronic systems or ESAs is required. Approval of Vehicle Type by Testing of Individual ESAsA vehicle manufacturer may obtain approval for the vehicle by demonstrating to theapproval authority that all the relevant (see Para. 3.1.3. of this Regulation)electrical/electronic systems or ESAs have been approved in accordance with thisRegulation and have been installed in accordance with any conditions attached thereto. A manufacturer may obtain approval according to this Regulation if the vehicle has noequipment of the type, which is subject to immunity or emission tests. Such approvals donot require testing.4.1.2. Type Approval of an ESAType approval may be granted to an ESA to be fitted either to any vehicle type (componentapproval) or to a specific vehicle type or types requested by the ESA manufacturer(separate technical unit approval).4.1.3.ESAs, which are intentional RF transmitters, which have not received type approval inconjunction with a vehicle manufacturer, must be supplied with suitable installationguidelines.4.2. Granting of Type Approval4.2.1. Vehicle4.2.1.1. If the representative vehicle fulfils the requirements of Paragraph 6 of this Regulation, typeapproval shall be granted. A model of communication form for type approval is contained in Annex 3A.4.2.2. ESA4.2.2.1. If the representative ESA system(s) fulfil(s) the requirements of Paragraph 6 of thisRegulation, type approval shall be granted. A model of communication form for type approval is contained in Annex 3B.4.2.3.In order to draw up the communication forms referred to in Paragraph or, the Competent Authority of the Contracting Party granting the approval may use areport prepared or approved by a recognized laboratory or in accordance with the provisionsof this Regulation.4.3.Approval, or refusal of approval, of a type of vehicle or ESA in accordance with thisRegulation shall be notified to the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation on aform conforming to the model in Annex 3A or 3B of this Regulation, accompanied byphotographs and/or diagrams or drawings on an appropriate scale supplied by the applicantin a format not larger than A4 (210 x 297 mm) or folded to those dimensions.5. MARKINGS5.1.An approval number shall be assigned to each vehicle or ESA type approved. The first twodigits of this number (at present 03) shall indicate the series of amendments correspondingto the most recent essential technical amendments made to the Regulation at the date ofapproval. A Contracting Party may not assign the same approval number to another type ofvehicle or ESA.Markings5.2. Presenceof5.2.1. VehicleAn approval mark described in Paragraph 5.3. below shall be affixed to every vehicleconforming to a type approved under this Regulation.5.2.2. Sub-assemblyAn approval mark described in Paragraph 5.3. below shall be affixed to every ESAconforming to a type approved under this Regulation.No marking is required for electrical/electronic systems built into vehicles which areapproved as units.5.3.An international approval mark must be affixed, in a conspicuous and easily accessibleplace specified on the approval communication form, on each vehicle conforming to the typeapproved under this Regulation. This mark shall comprise:5.3.1. A circle containing the letter "E", followed by the distinguishing number of the countrygranting the approval. (1)5.3.2.The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approval numberto the right of the circle specified in Paragraph example of the type-approval mark is shown in Annex 1 to this Regulation.5.5.Markings on ESAs in conformity with Paragraph 5.3. above need not be visible when theESA is installed in the vehicle.6. SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications6.1. General6.1.1. A vehicle and its electrical/electronic system(s) or ESA(s) shall be so designed, constructedand fitted as to enable the vehicle, in normal conditions of use, to comply with therequirements of this Regulation. A vehicle shall be tested for radiated emissions and for immunity to radiated disturbances.No tests for conducted emissions or immunity to conducted disturbances are required forvehicle type approval. ESA(s) shall be tested for radiated and conducted emissions, for immunity to radiated andconducted disturbances.6.1.2.Before testing the Technical Service has to prepare a test plan in conjunction with themanufacturer, which contains at least mode of operation, stimulated function(s), monitoredfunction(s), pass/fail criterion(criteria) and intended emissions.(1)1 for Germany,2 for France,3 for Italy,4 for the Netherlands,5 for Sweden,6 for Belgium,7 for Hungary,8 for the CzechRepublic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland,15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for theRussian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania,37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for theEuropean Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan,44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for Malta, 51 for theRepublic of Korea, 52 for Malaysia, 53 for Thailand, 54 and 55 (vacant), 56 for Montenegro, 57 (vacant) and 58 for Tunisia.Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.6.2. Specifications Concerning Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation from Vehicles6.2.1. Method of MeasurementThe electromagnetic radiation generated by the vehicle representative of its type shall bemeasured using the method described in Annex 4. The method of measurement shall bedefined by the vehicle manufacturer in accordance with the Technical Service.6.2.2. Vehicle Broadband Type Approval Limits6.2.2.1. If measurements are made using the method described in Annex 4 using avehicle-to-antenna spacing of 10.0 ± 0.2 m, the limits shall be 32 dB microvolts/m in the30 to 75 MHz frequency band and 32 to 43 dB microvolts/m in the 75 to 400 MHz frequencyband, this limit increasing logarithmically with frequencies above 75 MHz as shownin Appendix 2. In the 400 to 1,000 MHz frequency band the limit remains constant at43 dB microvolts/m. If measurements are made using the method described in Annex 4 using avehicle-to-antenna spacing of 3.0 ± 0.05 m, the limits shall be 42 dB microvolts/m in the30 to 75 MHz frequency band and 42 to 53 dB microvolts/m in the 75 to 400 MHz frequencyband, this limit increasing logarithmically with frequencies above 75 MHz as shown inAppendix 3. In the 400 to 1,000 MHz frequency band the limit remains constant at53 dB microvolts/m. On the vehicle representative of its type, the measured values, expressed indB microvolts/m shall be below the type approval limits.6.3. Specifications Concerning Narrowband Electromagnetic Radiation from Vehicles6.3.1. Method of MeasurementThe electromagnetic radiation generated by the vehicle representative of its type shall bemeasured using the method described in Annex 5. These shall be defined by the vehiclemanufacturer in accordance with the Technical Service.Narrowband Type Approval Limits6.3.2. Vehicle6.3.2.1. If measurements are made using the method described in Annex 5 using avehicle-to-antenna spacing of 10.0 ± 0.2 m, the limits shall be 22 dB microvolts/m in the30 to 75 MHz frequency band and 22 to 33 dB microvolts/m in the 75 to 400 MHz frequencyband, this limit increasing logarithmically with frequencies above 75 MHz as shown inAppendix 4. In the 400 to 1,000 MHz frequency band the limit remains constant at33 dB microvolts/m. If measurements are made using the method described in Annex 5 using avehicle-to-antenna spacing of 3.0 ± 0.05 m, the limit shall be 32 dB microvolts/m in the 30 to75 MHz frequency band and 32 to 43 dB microvolts/m in the 75 to 400 MHz frequency band,this limit increasing logarithmically with frequencies above 75 MHz as shown in Appendix 5.In the 400 to 1,000 MHz frequency band the limit remains constant at 43 dB microvolts/m. On the vehicle representative of its type, the measured values, expressed indB microvolts/m, shall be below the type approval limit. Notwithstanding the limits defined in Paragraphs, and of this Annex,if, during the initial step described in Paragraph 1.3. of Annex 5, the signal strengthmeasured at the vehicle broadcast radio antenna is less than 20 dB microvolts over thefrequency range 76 to 108 MHz measured with an average detector, then the vehicle shallbe deemed to comply with the limits for narrowband emissions and no further testing will berequired.6.4. Specifications Concerning Immunity of Vehicles to Electromagnetic Radiation6.4.1. Method of TestingThe immunity to electromagnetic radiation of the vehicle representative of its type shall betested by the method described in Annex Vehicle Immunity Type Approval Limits6.4.2.1. If tests are made using the method described in Annex 6, the field strength shall be30 volts/m rms (root mean squared) in over 90% of the 20 to 2,000 MHz frequency bandand a minimum of 25 volts/m rms over the whole 20 to 2,000 MHz frequency band.representative of its type shall be considered as complying with immunity Thevehiclerequirements if, during the tests performed in accordance with Annex 6, there shall be nodegradation of performance of "immunity related functions".6.5. Specification Concerning Broadband Electromagnetic Interference Generated byESAs.6.5.1. Method of MeasurementThe electromagnetic radiation generated by the ESA representative of its type shall bemeasured by the method described in Annex ESA Broadband Type Approval Limits6.5.2.1. If measurements are made using the method described in Annex 7, the limits shall be 62 to52 dB microvolts/m in the 30 to 75 MHz frequency band, this limit decreasing logarithmicallywith frequencies above 30 MHz, and 52 to 63 dB microvolts/m in the 75 to 400 MHz band,this limit increasing logarithmically with frequencies above 75 MHz as shown in Appendix 6.In the 400 to 1,000 MHz frequency band the limit remains constant at 63 dB microvolts/m. On the ESA representative of its type, the measured values, expressed in dB microvolts/m,shall be below the type approval limits.narrowband electromagnetic interference generated by ESAs.6.6. Specificationsconcerning6.6.1. Method of MeasurementThe electromagnetic radiation generated by the ESA representative of its type shall bemeasured by the method described in Annex ESA Narrowband Type Approval Limits6.6.2.1. If measurements are made using the method described in Annex 8, the limits shall be 52 to42 dB microvolts/m in the 30 to 75 MHz frequency band, this limit decreasing logarithmicallywith frequencies above 30 MHz, and 42 to 53 dB microvolts/m in the 75 to 400 MHz band,this limit increasing logarithmically with frequencies above 75 MHz as shown in Appendix 7.In the 400 to 1,000 MHz frequency band the limit remains constant at 53 dB microvolts/m. On the ESA representative of its type, the measured value, expressed in dB microvolts/mshall be below the type approval limits.6.7. Specifications Concerning Immunity of ESAs to Electromagnetic Radiation6.7.1. Method(s) of TestingThe immunity to electromagnetic radiation of the ESA representative of its type shall betested by the method(s) chosen from those described in Annex ESA Immunity Type Approval Limits6.7.2.1. If tests are made using the methods described in Annex 9, the immunity test levels shall be60 volts/m for the 150 mm stripline testing method, 15 volts/m for the 800 mm striplinetesting method, 75 volts/m for the Transverse Electromagnetic Mode (TEM) cell testingmethod, 60 mA for the bulk current injection (BCI) testing method and 30 volts/m for the freefield testing method in over 90% of the 20 to 2,000 MHz frequency band, and to a minimumof 50 volts/m for the 150 mm stripline testing method, 12.5 volts/m for the 800 mm striplinetesting method, 62.5 volts/m, for the TEM cell testing method, 50 mA for the bulk currentinjection (BCI) testing method and 25 volts/m for the free field testing method over the whole20 to 2,000 MHz frequency band. The ESA representative of its type shall be considered as complying with immunityrequirements if, during the tests performed in accordance with Annex 9, there shall be nodegradation of performance of "immunity related functions".。

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格林威治时间转化北京时间以及时间转换格式代码⼤全格林威治时间与北京时间的相互转换,后台服务器是格林威治的时间没有处理就丢给我了,解决吧,⽹上⼀搜,发现这个问题在10年,甚⾄08年就有⼈提出来并解决了,向前⼈致敬,⽤到了,把有⽤的总结⼀下:》1 08年有个哥们解决的⽅式是截取字符串转换格式: String ts = "2007-10-23T17:15:44.000Z"; System.out.println("ts = " + ts);ts = ts.replace("Z", " UTC");System.out.println("ts = " + ts);SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS Z");Date dt = sdf.parse(ts);TimeZone tz = sdf.getTimeZone(); Calendar c = sdf.getCalendar();System.out.println("Display name: " + tz.getDisplayName());System.out.println(getString(c));》2改时区: public String paserTime(int time){ System.setProperty("user.timezone", "Asia/Shanghai");TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai"); TimeZone.setDefault(tz);SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");String times = format.format(new Date(time * 1000L)); System.out.print("⽇期格式---->" + times);return times; }》3设置到闰年,时分秒等传六位参数,截取判断。



欧米茄机芯出处详解使用说明先通过表款在互联网或者论坛中搜索出机芯好,再通过机芯号到此贴中查找出处Calibre 1108基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2动储:42小时基础机芯:ETA 7751动储:44小时说明:计时Calibre 1120基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2动储:44小时宝石:23颗说明:带日历,天文台认证,Nivarox游丝Calibre 1128基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2 Calibre 1151" 基础机芯:ETA 7751动储:44小时% 宝石:23颗& 说明:GMT 动储:44小时宝石:25颗7 说明:计时,日历"Calibre11641-基础机芯:ETA 77500动储:42小时宝石:25颗说明:计时Calibre 1438, 基础机芯:ETA 225.461动储:石英宝石:6颗说明:日历Calibre Calibre 1532基础机芯:ETA225.111动储:石英宝石:说明:日历Calibre 1680基础机芯:1441基础机芯:ETA 225.561动储:石英:宝石:6颗说明:日历ETA Thermoline 252.511"动储:超级石英宝石:说明:年历,日历Calibre 15382; 基础机芯:ETA 225.461# 动储:石英宝石:6颗说明:日历Calibre 1861.基础机芯:Lemania 1873动储:48小时(宝石:说明:计时Calibre 1538 Calibre 18744基础机芯:Lemania 18739 动储:48小时;宝石:18颗说明:计时基础机芯:Lemania 1874动储:48小时宝石:18颗说明:计时,月相*Calibre2007基础机芯:动储:48小时宝石:说明:同轴Calibre2200: 基础机芯:Omega 1120 (ETA 2895)8动储:44小时宝石:29颗说明:小秒针Calibre2201基础机芯:ETA Unitas 6498-2动储:60小时宝石:17颗TCalibre2202/基础机芯:Omega 2500C (ETA 2895)动储:48小时宝石:33颗说明:同轴Calibre 2403,基础机芯:Omega 2500 (ETA 2892-A2),动储:44-48小时宝石:27颗Calibre 2500- 基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2动储:44-48小时2宝石:29颗说明:2500A,说明:2403A and 2403B) 2500B, and 2500CCalibre 2600:基础机芯:自家动储:45小时宝石:48颗说明:陀飞轮,Calibre2601基础机芯:Piguet 6763-44动储:72小时宝石:31颗8说明:日历,月相Calibre 2627,基础机芯:Omega 2500 (ETA 2892-A2)动储:44小时宝石:Calibre 2628基础机芯:Omega 2500 (ET A 2892-A2)*29颗说明:同轴,日历动储:44-48小时宝石:27颗说明:GMT,日历,同轴Calibre 26336"基础机芯:自家动储:45小时宝石:48颗说明:中心陀飞轮,镂空Calibre 3200&基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:25颗9说明:计时Calibre 32016Calibre 3200基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:25颗说明:计时基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:29颗Calibre3205#基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:33颗*说明:计时6Calibre 32201"基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2, Dubois Depraz 2020/动储:40小时宝石:47颗说明:计时Calibre 3301Calibre 3303# 基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:33颗说明:计时基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:33颗说明:计时Calibre 33138基础机芯:Piguet 1285动储:55小时宝石:33颗!说明:计时,同轴Calibre 3600+基础机芯:ETA 7750动储:44小时宝石:25颗说明:计时Calibre 3601'基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2,Dubois Depraz 20297动储:40小时宝石:39颗说明:计时Calibre 3602-基础机芯:ETA 2892-A2,Dubois Depraz 2027动储:44小时宝石:49颗Calibre 3603基础机芯:Piguet 1285,omega 3313动储:55小时宝石:37颗说明:计时,GMT,同轴Calibre 36047基础机芯:Lemania 1884)动储:48小时宝石:18颗说明:计时,月相'Calibre 3606基础机芯:ETA7751动储:44小时宝石:说明:计时,年月日Calibre 36124"基础机芯:Piguet 1286luxe动储:55小时宝石:3说明:计时,同轴Calibre 8500#基础机芯:自家动储:60小时宝石:39颗说明:同轴Calibre8501基础机芯:自家动储:60小时宝石:39颗L。



详解卡西欧手表系列编号大全时尚派()DW- Digital Water Resist 数显防水AW - Analog Water Resist 指针防水WW - Wide Temperature Water Resist 各温度下防水GS 个人觉得应该翻译作GIEZ 系列吧G - G-SHOCKGW - G-SHOCK WaveCeptor 太阳能电波,但用在蛙人上的时候就只是指太阳能GL - G-Lide 极限运动系列MTG - Metal Twisted 橡胶金属交织而成的设计风格MRG - Majestic Reality 这个有点难翻译,好像是‘顶级呈现’的意思GMN - G-SHOCK Mini,迷你系列BG - Baby-G 系列BGR、BG - Baby-G 的 Reef,珊瑚礁透明系列MSG - G- Miss系列,商务女表OCW- Oceanus Waveceptor 海神电波系列LOV - 情侣对表中国限定款系列EF - Edifice 重金属系列,全金属指针或双显EFX - 加了蓝宝、涂层的Edifice Expensive EQW - Edifice (Quartz?) Waveceptor 重金属电波款SHN - Sheen 光辉闪亮(全抛光)女表prg - 登山系列prw - 登山系列,附电波功能paw - 美版电波登山表,部分旧款在中国时区下不能开启电波功能再来是型号,纯数字编码DW 字头里的8200、8201、8250、8251、9900、9901、6300 - 蛙人 (ISO防水200M,不对称造型)8400 旧泥人 (防泥防尘)8600 Fisherman (潮汐月相)8800 Code Name (记忆功能)9100 飞人 (高度压力计)9300、9350 Raysman (太阳能)9800 Wademan (电子罗盘)AW 系列570、571 Gaussman (防磁指针)G系列9000 泥人 (防泥防尘)9100 湾人 (月相潮汐)9200 飞人 (测温度压力高度)GW系列200、205、202、225、、2xx 蛙人 (ISO防水200M,不对称造型,新款增加太阳能功能) 9000 泥人 (防泥防尘)9200 飞人 (测温度压力高度)另外 5600 和 6900 两组号码永远保留给经典两款其他的附加叙述:A、B、C、D不锈钢材质E、H、T - titanium 钛L - leather 皮表带GM - Gold Frogman Model 金蛙人HL - Hawaiian Lifeguards 夏威夷救生员HD - Hawaiian Pro Designs 夏威夷冲浪选手风格设计NISMO - Nissan Motor Sport ,Nissan 车赛RE- Red Eye,红眼 (指的是红字液晶)RF - Rain Forest 雨林RJ - Rastafarian 牙买加领袖风格SA - Street Artist 街头艺人TC - Triple Crown of Surfing 三冠皇盃冲浪比赛WC - World Cup 世界杯,但在蛙人上代表的是 WCCS- World Coral-Reef Conservation Soiety 珊瑚礁保育协会K,AK - 鲸豚会议PP - puppy,Baby-G的小猫小狗系列颜色有:黑蓝绿红咖啡紫白灰金order,纯粹是顺序,ABCD复刻版字母会往上加。



天地图数据融合技术要求(试行)国家测绘地理信息局2014年2月目录1 说明 (1)2 技术依据 (1)3 术语 (1)4 成果数据规格 (2)5 数据处理总则 (2)5.1 数据源 (2)5.2 基本原则 (2)6 技术流程与分类处理要求 (3)6.1 技术流程 (3)6.2 分类处理要求 (4)6.2.1道路数据处理要求 (4)6.2.2铁路数据处理要求 (5)6.2.3水系数据处理要求 (6)6.2.4居民地数据处理要求 (6)6.2.5境界与政区数据处理要求 (6)6.2.6绿地数据处理要求 (6)6.2.7地名地址与兴趣点数据处理要求 (7)7 数据质量要求 (7)附录A 数据分层与命名 (8)附录B 属性结构 (9)附录C 属性参考值域 (16)1说明天地图是由国家、省、市三级节点构成的国家地理信息公共服务平台。







2技术依据●天地图省市级节点建设方案,国家测绘地理信息局,2011.7●国家地理信息公共服务平台地理实体与地名地址数据规范,CH/Z9010-2011●导航地理数据模型与交换格式,GB/T 19711-2005●车载导航地理数据采集处理技术规程,GB/T 20268-2006●数字测绘成果质量检查与验收,GB/T 18316-2008●公路路线标识规则和国道编号,GB/T 917-2009●基础地理信息要素分类与代码,GB/T 13923-2006●数据元和交换格式信息交换日期和时间表示法,GB/T 7408-20053术语●数据融合:从不同数据源、不同数据精度和不同数据模型的地理空间数据中抽取所需要的信息,构建新的地理空间数据集。

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Potential Fields
egm360.e.16.grd: EGM geoid, up to degree/order 16, 1 x 1 degree grid egm360.e.grav.grd: EGM gravity, up to degree/order 360, 30 x 30 min grid egm360.e.grd: EGM geoid, full solution (degree/order 360), 1 x 1 degree grid egm360.h.0.5.grd: EGM hydrostatic geoid, full solution (degree/order 360), 30 x 30 min grid egm360.h.16.grd: EGM hydrostatic geoid, up to degree/order 16, 1 x 1 degree grid egm360.h.grd: EGM hydrostatic geoid, full solution (degree/order 360), 1 x 1 degree grid osu91a1f.0.5.grd: Global geoid from Ohio State University, 30 x 30 min grid [OSU] geoid.9.2.img: Sandwell/Smith 2x2 min Mercator grid of geoid, version 9 [Sandwell/Smith] grav.9.1.img: Sandwell/Smith 1x1 min Mercator grid of gravity, version 9 [Sandwell/Smith] grav.11.2.img: Sandwell/Smith 2x2 min Mercator grid of gravity, version 11 [Sandwell/Smith] curv.7.2.img: Sandwell/Smith 2x2 min Mercator grid of vertical gravity gradient, version 7 [Sandwell/Smith]
GMT ex09 : Geoware
Jyr-Ching HU, Dept. of Geosciences, NTUISΒιβλιοθήκη CHRONSeismology
CMT_catalog.d: Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor earthquakes, 1976-2003 (to 09/31) [Harvard]. bigquake.tsv: Pacheco & Sykes catalog of large earthquakes [L-DEO] 64-02EHB.d: Engdahl, van der Hilst, Buland, 2003 relocated earthquakes > M5.5 [Engdahl] epic_quakes.dat: NOAA NEIC EPIC earthquake catalogue, 2100BC-2003 (to 12/31) [NEIC] gshap_globe.grd: Global seismic risk assessment [GSHAP] slab_contours.d: Depth contours of subducting slabs [Sambridge & Gudmundsson, 1998] map2_ice.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for Ice thickness [G. Laske et al, 2000] map2_rho1.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of water map2_rho2.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of ice map2_rho3.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of soft sediments map2_rho4.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of hard sediments map2_rho5.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of upper crust map2_rho6.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of middle crust map2_rho7.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of lower crust map2_rho8.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for density of mantle below Moho map2_t0.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary top of water map2_t1.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of water map2_t2.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of ice map2_t3.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of soft sediments map2_t4.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of hard sediments map2_t5.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of upper crust map2_t6.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of middle crust map2_t7.grd: CRUST 2.0 1 x 1 degree model for boundary bottom of lower crust (Moho)
Plate Tectonics
ridge.d: Outline of global spreading centers from Plates project transform.d: Outline of global transform faults from Plates project trench.d: Outline of global subduction zones from Plates project cande_fz_and_features.b: Misc. global marine tectonic lineations cande_mag_lineations.b: Global marine magnetic lineations hs2_nuvel.vx.1.-1.grd: Global plate motions relative to HS2, x-component hs2_nuvel.vy.1.-1.grd: Global plate motions relative to HS2, y-component nnr_nuvel1.vx.1.-1.grd: Global plate motions (Nuvel-1) assuming no-netrotation, x-component nnr_nuvel1.vy.1.-1.grd: Global plate motions (Nuvel-1) assuming no-netrotation, y-component nnr_nuvel1a.vx.1.-1.grd: Global plate motions (Nuvel-1a) assuming nonet-rotation, x-component nnr_nuvel1a.vy.1.-1.grd: Global plate motions (Nuvel-1a) assuming nonet-rotation, y-component nuvel1.vx.1.5.grd: Global relative plate motions (Nuvel-1) x-component nuvel1.vy.1.5.grd: Global relative plate motions (Nuvel-1) x-component
Surface Relief and Volcanism
IBCAO_ver1_geo.i2: Arctic geographic bathymetry grid (version 1) [IBCAO] IBCAO_ver1.grd: Arctic stereographic bathymetry grid (version 1) [IBCAO] etopo5.i2: Global 5x5 arc min relief [NGDC] us_topo30s.i2: 30x30 arc sec topography for the continental US [NGDC] world_relief_1m.i2: Global 1x1 arc min relief, a blend of GTOPO30, ICBAO, TOPO6.2, & ETOPO5 [Geoware] topo.6.2.img: Sandwell/Smith 2x2 min Mercator grid of predicted bathymetry, version 6 [Sandwell/Smith] LIPS.1999.d: Polygon outlines for Large Igneous Privinces [UTIG] LIPS.1999.sym.d: Point locations for Large Igneous Privinces [UTIG] hotspots.d: List of global hotspots [UTIG] volcanos_of_the_world.txt: Global catalog of recent and active volcanism [Smithsonian]