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个人理财分析系统设计与实现Personal Wealth Management System Design and Implementation




本论文实现的个人理财软件可完成收支记账管理、资产、负债管理、数据导出、多账簿多用户操作及各种财务报表的自动生成。在各种常用Windows 操作系统下都可以正常工作,达到了预期的设计目标。

关键字:数据库,ADO, Visual Basic,理财

Personal Wealth Management System Design and Implementation


This design is a personal wealth management software through manage the information of a family’s income and expenditure, assets and liabilities to provide financial analysis statements and database access software.

Designed in accordance with the "object-oriented software engineering" requirements, uses PowerDesigner to carry on the analysis and the design the system, the system Execution is through Visualbasic. Use FlexCell, DTPicker, Listbar and other High-level controls software. Then founds the general data accessing module: OperatDataBase.bas. This module Standard the Process of ADO data access, only a modification of the connection character string then to realize a visit of many kinds of different databases system. By calculating account balances algorithm research, I have grasped the skill of using the SQLsentence to visit database.

In this paper, personal wealth management software to achieve complete revenue expenditure account management, asset-liability

management, data derived, and multi-accounts books of operation and the automatic generation of financial statements. It can work commonly under each kind of Windows operating system so it can achieve the anticipated design.

Key word:Database,ADO, Visual Basic,Personal financing


摘要........................................................ I ABSTRACT ................................................... II 目录...................................................... III 第一章绪论. (1)

1.1什么是个人(家庭)理财 (1)

1.2个人理财分析中最重要的四份财务报表 (1)

1.3常见个人理财软件分析 (2)

第二章系统功能介绍 (3)

2.1系统简介 (3)

2.2系统主要功能 (3)

2.3系统特点 (4)

2.4系统运行界面 (4)

第三章系统设计 (7)

3.1系统需求分析 (7)

3.2系统性能要求 (7)

3.3硬件配置要求 (7)

3.4软件开发所需软件配置要求 (8)

3.5系统结构设计图 (9)

3.6数据库分析设计 (9)

3.6.1 系统E-R图 (11)

3.6.2 数据字典 (12)

3.6.3 创建表关系 (14)

3.6.4 创建查询 (15)

第四章系统实现 (18)

4.1系统主界面 (18)

4.1.1 创建工程项目 (18)

4.1.2 创建系统主窗体 (19)

4.1.3 主窗口菜单 (21)

4.2公用模块 (23)

4.2.1 OperatDataBase.bas (23)

4.2.2 PublicVar.bas (23)

4.3ADO数据访问技术 (24)

4.3.1 从 Microsoft Visual Basic 引用 ADO 的步骤 (24)

4.3.2 在 Visual Basic 中创建 ADO 对象 (25)

4.4F LEX C ELL表格控件 (25)
