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1. Abandon - to leave behind or give up
2. Abbreviation - a shortened form of a word or phrase
3. Ability - the skill or capacity to do something
4. Absorb - to take in or soak up
5. Abstract - existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical existence
6. Accelerate - to increase in speed or rate
7. Access - the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place
8. Accommodate - to provide lodging or room for
9. Accurate - precise, correct, or exact
10. Achieve - to successfully accomplish a goal or task
11. Acquire - to obtain or gain possession of something
12. Adapt - to adjust or modify to fit new conditions
13. Adequate - satisfactory or sufficient in quantity or quality
14. Adjacent - next to or adjoining something else
15. Adjust - to change or alter in order to fit or conform
16. Administration - the process or activity of managing an organization or business
17. Admit - to allow someone to enter or have access
18. Adopt - to take up or start using something new
19. Adult - a person who is fully grown or developed
20. Advantage - a favorable or beneficial circumstance or feature
21. Adventure - an exciting or unusual experience
22. Advertising - the activity of promoting goods or services through various media
23. Advocate - to publicly support or recommend a particular cause or policy
24. Affect - to have an influence on or cause a change in something
25. Agriculture - the practice or science of cultivating crops and rearing animals for food
26. Aid - to provide assistance or support
27. Aim - a desired outcome or purpose
28. Air - the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth
29. Alert - a state of heightened watchfulness or preparedness
30. Algebra - a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating them
31. Alien - a foreigner or someone from a different country or culture
32. Align - to arrange in a straight line or bring into coordination
33. Alleged - said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality
34. Allocate - to distribute or apportion for a particular purpose
35. Allowance - an amount of something, especially money or time, given regularly or for a specific purpose
36. Ally - a person or organization that cooperates with another for a common purpose
37. Alter - to change or modify
38. Alternative - one of two or more available possibilities
39. Amateur - a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis
40. Ambiguous - open to more than one interpretation
41. Ambitious - having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
42. Amend - to make minor changes in order to improve or clarify something
43. Analogy - a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification
44. Analysis - detailed examination of elements or structure
45. Analyze - to examine in detail for a purpose
46. Ancestor - a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended
47. Anchor - a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a ship
48. Ancient - belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence
49. Animation - the technique of photographing successive drawings or
positions of models to create an illusion of movement
50. Annex - to append or add as an extra or subordinate part
51. Annual - occurring once every year
52. Anticipate - to regard as probable or expect or predict something will happen
53. Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
54. Apology - a regretful acknowledgment of offense or failure
55. Apparent - clearly visible or understood; obvious
56. Appeal - make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request
57. Appendix - a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans
58. Appreciate - to recognize the full worth or value of something
59. Approach - a way of dealing with a situation or problem
60. Appropriate - suitable or proper in the circumstances
61. Approval - the action of officially agreeing to or accepting something as
62. Approximate - close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact
63. Arbitrary - based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any
reason or system
64. Architecture - the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings
65. Archive - a collection of historical documents or records
66. Arid - having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation
67. Arrange - to put (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order
68. Array - an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing
69. Article - a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication
70. Artistic - having or revealing natural creative skill
71. Ascend - to go up or climb
72. Aspect - a particular part or feature of something
73. Assemble - to gather together or collect in one place
74. Assess - to evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of
75. Assign - to allocate (a job or duty) to someone
76. Assist - to help or aid someone
77. Associate - to connect or bring into relation
78. Assume - to suppose something to be the case without proof
79. Astound - to shock or greatly surprise
80. Athletic - physically strong, fit, or active
81. Atmosphere - the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
82. Attach - to fasten or join one thing to another
83. Attain - to succeed in achieving or reaching
84. Attribute - to regard something as being caused by
85. Audience - a group of people assembled to hear a lecture or other presentation
86. Authentic - of undisputed origin, genuine
87. Authorize - to give official permission for or approval to
88. Automatic - working by itself with little or no direct human control
89. Availability - the state of being able to be used or obtained
90. Average - a typical amount, rate, quality, or degree
91. Avoid - to keep away from or prevent from happening
92. Aware - having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
93. Back - the rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips
94. Background - the area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation
95. Balance - an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright
96. Ban - to officially or legally prohibit something
97. Bankrupt - declared in law unable to pay outstanding debts
98. Bargain - a thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or expected
99. Barrier - a fence, gate, or other obstacle that prevents access or progress
100. Base - the lowest part, often forming a foundation or support
101. Behave - to act or conduct oneself in a specified way
102. Belief - an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without proof
103. Benefit - an advantage or profit gained from something
104. Bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another
105. Bilingual - using or knowing two languages
106. Biography - an account of someone's life written by another person
107. Biology - the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields
108. Bit - a small piece, part, or quantity of something
109. Bond - a force or feeling that unites people or causes them to feel close to one another
110. Boost - to help or encourage something to increase or improve
111. Border - a line separating two political or geographical areas
112. Bore - to make someone feel weary and uninterested by dullness or tediousness
113. Boundary - a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line
114. Brainstorm - a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems
115. Branch - a division or subdivision of something larger
116. Brand - a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name
117. Brave - showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
118. Breakthrough - a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development 119. Breed - a stock of animals or plants within a species having a
distinctive appearance
120. Bridge - a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc. across a river, ravine, or other obstacle
121. Brief - of short duration or low extent
122. Brilliant - exceptionally clever or talented
123. Broadcast - transmit (a program or some information) by radio or
124. Budget - an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time 125. Bulk - the mass or size of something, large and taking up much space
126. Burden - a heavy load that is difficult to carry
127. Calculate - to determine the amount or number of something mathematically 128. Campaign - a series of military operations intended to achieve a particular objective
129. Cancel - to decide or announce that something planned will not take place 130. Capacity - the maximum amount that something can contain or produce
131. Capital - a city where a country's government is located
132. Capture - to take into one's possession or control by force
133. Carbon - a chemical element present in all organic compounds
134. Career - an occupation or profession, typically requiring special
135. Casual - relaxed and unconcerned
136. Category - a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics
137. Celebrate - to acknowledge a significant or happy day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
138. Celebrity - a famous person, especially in entertainment or sports
139. Census - an official count or survey of a population
140. Ceremony - a formal religious or public occasion
141. Certainty - firm conviction that something is the case
142. Challenge - a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior
143. Champion - a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition
144. Channel - a television station and its programming
145. Chaos - complete disorder and confusion
146. Characteristic - a typical feature or quality that distinguishes someone or something from others
147. Charge - demand (an amount) as a price from someone for a service rendered
148. Charter - a written grant by a country's legislative or sovereign power 149. Cheerful - noticeably happy and optimistic
150. Chief - a leader or ruler of a people or clan
151. Circumstance - a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action
152. Citation - a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author 153. Civil - relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns
154. Clarify - to make something easier to understand by explaining it in more detail
155. Classify - to arrange in categories or according to shared
156. Climate - the long-term weather conditions prevailing in an area
157. Climb - to go or come up (a slope, staircase, etc.), especially by using the feet and sometimes the hands
158. Clinical - relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies
159. Code - a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy
160. Cognitive - relating to cognition, the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning
161. Collaborate - to work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something
162. Collapse - to fall down or give way suddenly
163. Colleague - a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business
164. Collect - to bring or gather together into one place
165. Combination - a joining or merging of different parts or qualities
166. Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
167. Companion - a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time
168. Compare - to estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between things
169. Compatible - able to exist or work together without conflict
170. Compensate - to make up for something lost, missed, or damaged
171. Compete - to strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others
172. Compose - to write or create a work of music, an essay, or a poem
173. Comprehensive - complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something
174. Comprise - to consist of; be made up of
175. Conceal - to keep from sight; hide
176. Concentrate - to focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity
177. Concept - an abstract idea representing the fundamental characteristics of what it represents
178. Concern - a matter that engages someone's attention, interest, or worry 179. Conclude - to bring something to an end
180. Concrete - existing in a material or physical form; not abstract
181. Condition - the state of something with regards to its appearance, quality, or usefulness
182. Conduct - the manner in which a person behaves, especially on a
particular occasion or in a particular context
183. Confirm - to establish the truth or correctness of something previously believed or suspected
184. Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one 185. Confuse - to cause someone to become bewildered or perplexed
186. Conquer - to overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force
187. Conscience - an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior
188. Consequence - a result or effect of an action or condition。
