Telegraf的配置文件(conf)是用来配置Telegraf 代理程序的重要部分,它定义了数据收集的规则、目标输出和其他配置选项。
二、基本结构Telegraf的配置文件采用TOML(Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language)格式,具有简洁易读的特点。
以下是一个Telegraf配置文件的基本结构示例:```toml[global_tags]environment = "production"dc = "us-east-1"[agent]interval = "10s"round_interval = truemetric_batch_size = 1000metric_buffer_limit = xxxcollection_jitter = "0s"flush_interval = "10s"flush_jitter = "0s"[[inputs.cpu]]percpu = truetotalcpu = truecollect_cpu_time = false[[outputs.influxdb]]urls = ["网络协议://localhost:8086"]database = "mydb"precision = "s"timeout = "0s"```在上面的示例中,配置文件分为几个部分,分别包括全局标签(global_tags)、代理设置(agent)、数据输入(inputs)和数据输出(outputs)。
ffmpeg nonrepresentable section on output 概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本文旨在探讨和解释关于FFmpeg中出现的非表示部分(nonrepresentable section)问题。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为以下几个部分:引言、正文、解释说明、结论和参考文献。
1.3 目的本文的目的是帮助读者更好地理解FFmpeg中出现的非表示部分问题。
我们将首先介绍FFmpeg基础知识,然后重点介绍非表示部分(nonrepresentable section)的概念和作用。
以上就是“1. 引言”部分内容,请按照大纲中的结构进行撰写。
2. 正文:2.1 ffmpeg基础知识:FFmpeg是一套开源的音视频处理工具集,被广泛应用于媒体相关领域。
2.2 nonrepresentable section简介:Nonrepresentable section是指在使用FFmpeg进行媒体处理时遇到的一个常见问题。
当将一个媒体文件解码为原始数据后,某些特定帧或数据包可能会被标记为nonrepresentable section。
Dr. Yellow Pages
Other family members seen here:
(Please give your insurance card to the receptionist.) Person responsible for bill: Birth date: / Is this person a patient here? Occupation: Employer: Yes / No Employer address: Employer phone no.: ( Is this patient covered by insurance? Please indicate primary insurance Cigna Subscriber’s name: Yes Blue Cross Aetna No PacifiCare Secure Horizon Scan Health Net Other Policy no.: Co-payment: $ Other Group no.: Policy no.: Blue Shield ) Address (if different): Home phone no.: ( )
Signature of Patient or Personal Representative
Name of Patient or Personal Representative
Date Description of Personal Representative’s Authority
Is this your legal name? Yes Street address: No
php中ffi使用场景 -回复
其中,FFI(Foreign Function Interface)作为PHP 7.4版本的新特性之一,为开发者提供了一种与C语言之间无缝集成的能力。
一、什么是FFI?FFI全称为Foreign Function Interface,即外部函数接口,是一种可以在PHP代码中调用其他编程语言的函数或访问其数据类型的机制。
在PHP 7.4版本之前,如果想要使用C函数,需要通过扩展或JNI(Java Native Interface)等方式进行调用。
二、FFI的使用场景1. 访问底层库函数FFI的最主要应用场景之一就是访问底层的C库函数或者动态链接库。
2. 跨语言调用FFI不仅支持与C语言的集成,还可以用于调用其他编程语言中的函数和数据类型。
3. 简化类型转换在PHP中,数据类型之间的转换是一项常见的操作。
4. 进行性能优化由于FFI能够直接调用C函数,因此在一些对性能要求较高的场景下,可以通过FFI将部分性能敏感的代码实现为C语言的函数,进而提高程序的执行效率。
FINRA Form BD Classic CRD说明书
About Form BDThe Form BD is the Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer registration with the SEC, SROs and jurisdictions. It provides background information on the applicant and the nature of its business. It includes lists of the executive officers and general partners of the company. It also contains information on any securities violations.Contents:• Logging in Through FINRA Gateway (pg.2)• Creating a Form BD Filing (pg. 3)• Form BD Filing Types (pg. 3)• Schedule A - Direct Owners/Executive Officers (pg. 4)• Schedule B - Indirect Owners (pg. 5)• Completing a Form BD Disclosure Reporting Page (DRP) (pg. 6)• Printing Form BD (pg. 9)• Submitting Form BD (pg. 10)• Retrieving a Pending Form BD (pg. 12)• Viewing Historical Form BD Filings (pg. 14)• Tips for Submitting Form BD (pg. 15)Questions on Web CRD? Call the FINRA Gateway Call Center at 301-869-66998 A.M. - 8 P.M., ET, Monday through Friday.Logging in Through FINRA GatewayAs of August 21, 2021, the previously used Firm Gateway homepage has been retired and us-ers should access all registration applications via the new FINRA Gateway. To access FINRA Gateway:1.Go to https://, and2.Enter your existing CRD user ID and password.Once you have successfully logged into FINRA Gateway, you can navigate to classic CRD us-ing the Quick Links widget on the dashboard. Select Classic CRD from the list of links and then follow along with the rest of this guide.Creating a Form BD FilingThere are two ways to access a Form BD filing:1. From the CRD Site Map, click the Initial or Amendment hyperlinkOR2. Click the Forms Tab from the Tool Bar, choose BD Form from the Sub-menu and then select the filing type on the next screen.Form BD Filing TypesThere are two (2) Form BD filing types:1.Initial –This form is used by new broker-dealer firms to apply with the SEC, SROs and jurisdictions.The form can now be submitted electronically through CRD. See the Register a New Firm page for more information on FINRA membership.2.Amendments–Amendments are used to add or change information on an existing Form BD. Theapplicant must update the Form BD information by submitting amendments whenever the information on file becomes inaccurate or incomplete for any reason.Once the appropriate filing type is created, additional form instructions will display.Schedule A - Direct Owners/Executive OfficersTo access Schedule A during a Form BD filing, click Direct Owners/Executive Officers from the Navi-gation Bar.To create a new Direct Owner/Executive Officer, click the Create New Direct Owner/Executive Officer button and complete the required fields.Tip: When adding an individual that is not registered with the firm, firms must first submit the Page 2 Initial U4 to associate the person with the firm. After the Page 2 is submitted, the firm can then add the person to Schedule A.ORTo update an existing Direct Owner/Executive Officer, click the Name hyperlink and type new infor-mation in the appropriate fields.ORTo terminate a Direct Owner/Executive Officer, click the Name hyperlink and click the Check here to terminate this Owner box.To delete a Direct Owner/Executive Officer from a current filing that has not yet been submitted, click the Name hyperlink, click the Delete button and choose OK.Click the Save button.Schedule B - Indirect OwnersTo access Schedule B during a Form BD filing, click Indirect Owners from the Navigation Bar.To create a new Indirect Owner, click the Create New Indirect Owner button and complete the required fields.Tip: When adding an individual that is not registered with the firm, firms must first submit the Page 2 Initial U4 to associate the person with the firm. After the Page 2 is submitted, the firm can then add the person to Schedule B.ORTo update an existing Indirect Owner, click the Name hyperlink and type new information in the appro-priate fields.ORTo terminate an Indirect Owner, click the Name hyperlink and click the Check here to terminate this Owner box.ORTo delete an Indirect Owner from a current filing that has not yet been submitted, click the Name hyper-link, click the Delete button and choose OK.Click the Save button.Completing a Form BD Disclosure Reporting Page (DRP)Access a DRP during a Form BD filing,NOTE: Disclosure Reporting Pages must be completed to provide information on a Yes answer to a Dis-closure Question.Click DRPs from the main Navigation Bar.NOTE: The new Navigation Bar provides access to the various types of DRPs.Click the applicable DRP type from the Navigation Bar.NOTE: The DRP questions vary based on the corresponding disclosure section (i.e. Bankruptcy/SIPC, Bond, Civil Judicial, Criminal, Judgment/Lien or Regulatory Action); this page serves to assist you in determining which DRP you should complete. The following is an example of a Regulatory Action DRP:To revise or update an existing DRP, click the Edit hyperlink.Filing TipTo delete a new DRP that was created on a filing that has not yet been submitted, click the Edit hyperlink, and then click the Delete button at the bottom of the DRP.To report a new DRP, click the Create New button, located at the bottom of the screen.Click the box next to the Disclosure Question that received a Yes response.The Click here to view question text hyperlink displays the question.NOTE: The Initial or Amended radio buttons are automatically pre-populated by the form and cannot be edited.PART I:Click The Applicant, Applicant and One or more control affiliates or One or more control affiliates radio button. If The Applicant radio button is selected, go to Part II to continue with the DRP.If Applicant and One or more control affiliates or One or more control affiliates radio button is se-lected: click the Create New Control Affiliate button and add the affiliate. If the affiliate has already re-ported the event on their own filing, Part II is not required.PART II:Only complete this section if the event applies to only The Applicant, or if it applies to an affiliate that is not registered in CRD/IARD and has not already reported the event on their own filings.Removing an existing DRP:If the DRP should be removed from the BD record because the control affiliate(s) are no longer associated with the BD, click the box and continue as needed.Printing a Form BD FilingCreate a new filing or access a Pending Form BD filing,Select Print Preview from the Submissions Menu.For best results, click the Printer Friendly icon in the top right of the screen.(Note: The exact format of the printout will depend largely on your browser’s print settings.)NOTE: A paper copy of the form, with original manual signatures, is required to be retained by the filing firm and made available for inspection upon regulatory request. Please review the General Instructions for specific retention requirements.Submitting a Form BD FilingClick the Completeness Check hyperlink from the Submissions Menu.NOTE: You can perform a Completeness Check at any time during the Form Filing process by selecting Completeness Check. In addition, attempting to submit the form filing with incomplete fields will open the Completeness Check error screen. If the filing passes a Completeness you can submit the filing.Click the Error Location hyperlink(s) and complete the necessary fields until all errors have been corrected.Submitting a Form BD Filing (continued)Click Submit Filing from the Submissions Menu when ready to submit the filing to CRD.NOTE: When Submit Filing is selected prior to running a Completeness Check, CRD will automatically run a Completeness Check to verify that all required information has been provided. If information has not been completed in the required fields, the Completeness Check will display the error screen with links to the required fields to be completed.Click the Submit Filing button.Click the OK button.Retrieving a Pending Form BDCRD automatically deletes pending filings after 180 days if the filing is not submitted. There are two ways to access pending filings:From the Site Map, click the Pending BD Filings or Pending BDW Filings hyperlink.ORClick the Forms Tab from the Tool Bar, choose Form BD or Form BDW from the Sub-menu and click Pending Filings from the Navigation Bar.Select the Ascending or Descending radio button and click the Search button.To continue with a Pending filing, click the Filing ID hyperlink.ORTo delete a Pending filing, click the Delete hyperlink.Click each section of the Pending filing from the Navigation Bar, type the appropriate information and click the Save button.NOTE: To view sections changed from the previous filing while the filing is in Pending, Click Print Preview on the Navigation Panel and select View Only Sections Changed. If a section was not changed "No Information Filed" message will display.Retrieving a Pending Form BD (continued)Viewing Historical Form BD FilingsThere are two ways to access historical filings:From the Site Map, click the Historical BD Filings or Historical BDW Filings hyperlink.ORClick the Forms Tab from the Tool Bar, choose BD Form,BDW Form or BR Form from the Sub-menu and click Historical Filings from the Navigation Bar.Click the Filing Date hyperlink to display the filing.NOTE: The type of Historical Filing will be displayed under the Historical Filing Search Results Header (e.g., BD or BDW)Click View Changes on Filing to see the modifications made on that filing in red.ORClick View Only Sections Changed to see just the sections changed on that amendment.ORClick each page from the Navigation Bar to view the filing by page.ORClick All Pages to view the filing in its entirety.Tips for Submitting Form BD• Pending BD filings can remain pending for up to 180 days, and Pending BDW filings can remain pending for up to 60 days. Pending filings that are not submitted prior to the cutoff will be deleted from the system and cannot be recovered.• If any part of the firm’s CRD record is updated while a filing is pending, the pending filing will be set to read-only and will have to be restarted.• Defined terms are italicized throughout the Form BD. When the cursor is positioned over any part of an italicized word or phrase, the definition of that word or phrase appears in a small pop-up box. If the definition is too large to display in the pop-up, click the More hyperlink to open a second browser with the complete definition from the Explanation of Terms.• For the Applicant Information Section of BD Amendment filing, the “Business” telephone number entered in item 1G is released through FINRA’s BrokerCheck program.• When changing a firm’s name, be sure to reserve the name by written request to FINRA’s Registra-tion and Disclosure Department using the Firm Name Reservation Request Form.• If deleting existing listings on Schedule D of the Form BD (Items 7, 8A-C, 9A-B, and/or 10A-B), you must enter a Termination Date. The Delete button only deletes information that has not yet been submitted on a filing.• Be sure that you click the Edit hyperlink when updating a DRP (do not create a new DRP, as this will create duplicate occurrences).• When filing a DRP involving a Control Affiliate, the name of that Control Affiliate must be listed in Part IA of the DRP.• If an individual acts in several capacities with the firm, do not list the individual multiple times on Schedule A or Schedule B. List the individual once on the appropriate schedule(s) and indicate all statuses held by that individual (e.g., FINOP/President/COO). In the Date Status Acquired field, en-ter the most recent effective date, i.e., the date the individual acquired his newest status.• A paper copy of the form, with original manual signatures, is required to be retained by the filing firm and made available for inspection upon regulatory request. Please review the General Instructions for specific record retention requirements.。
Infoprint 250 導入と計画の手引き 第 7 章ホスト
Type of service...............: TOS
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: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
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: xxxx
48 Infoprint 250
31. AS/400
WRKAFP2 (V3R1 & V3R6)
Advanced function printing............:
AFP attachment........................:
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DIRART (Deformable Image Registration and Adaptive Radiotherapy) Software Suite
Table of Content DIRART (Deformable Image Registration and Adaptive Radiotherapy) Software Suite.............. 1 (Version 1.0a) ................................................................................................................................. 1 User Instruction Manual ................................................................................................................. 1 Version 0.1...................................................................................................................................... 1 Deshan Yang, PhD...................................................................................................................... 1 Issam El Naqa, PhD .................................................................................................
xabe ffmpeg 用法 -回复
xabe ffmpeg 用法-回复FFmpeg是一款广泛使用的多媒体处理工具,它具有强大的功能和灵活的用法,能够处理各种音频和视频格式。
Windows用户可以通过以下方式安装FFmpeg:1. 访问FFmpeg官方网站(2. 在下载页面找到Windows版本,并点击相应链接下载。
3. 下载完毕后,解压缩压缩文件,并将解压缩后的文件夹添加到系统环境变量中。
Linux用户可以通过命令行安装FFmpeg,具体步骤如下:1. 打开终端。
2. 输入以下命令安装FFmpeg:sudo apt-get install ffmpeg3. 输入管理员密码,等待安装完成。
Mac用户可以使用Homebrew安装FFmpeg,具体步骤如下:1. 打开终端。
2. 输入以下命令安装Homebrew:/bin/bash -c "(curl -fsSL3. 输入以下命令安装FFmpeg:brew install ffmpeg第二步:FFmpeg基本操作安装完成后,就可以开始使用FFmpeg进行各种音频和视频处理操作了。
以下是一些常见的操作:1. 转换格式要将一个音频或视频文件从一种格式转换为另一种格式,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i input_file input_format -o output_file output_format其中,input_file是输入文件的路径和文件名,input_format是输入文件的格式,output_file是输出文件的路径和文件名,output_format是输出文件的格式。
例如,要将一个名为input.mp4的视频文件转换为名为output.avi的AVI 文件,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -o output.avi2. 裁剪视频要裁剪一个视频文件的一部分,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i input_file -ss start_time -t duration -o output_file其中,input_file是输入文件的路径和文件名,start_time是裁剪开始的时间(格式为时:分:秒),duration是裁剪的时长(以秒为单位),output_file 是输出文件的路径和文件名。
ffmpeg configure 参数
一、概述FFmpeg 是一个开源的音视瓶处理工具,可以用于录制、转换和流媒体的处理。
在使用 FFmpeg 进行音视瓶处理时,使用配置参数是非常重要的一部分,因为它可以决定输出的音视瓶质量和处理的速度。
本文将介绍一些常用的 FFmpeg 配置参数和它们的作用。
二、常用配置参数1. --enable-gpl--enable-gpl 是一个启用 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL)的选项,如果需要使用 GPL 许可证的功能,就需要加上这个参数。
2. --enable-version3--enable-version3 参数是用于启用版本 3 的选项,实际上是指定使用 libav 兼容版本 3 的代码库。
3. --enable-nonfree--enable-nonfree 是用于启用非自由许可证的选项,如果需要使用非自由许可证的功能,就需要加上这个参数。
4. --enable-libfdk-aac--enable-libfdk-aac 是用于启用 libfdk-aac 编解码器的选项,这个编解码器提供了比默认的 AAC 编解码器更好的音质。
5. --enable-libx264--enable-libx264 是用于启用 libx264 编解码器的选项,这个编解码器提供了比默认的 H.264 编解码器更好的视瓶质量和压缩率。
6. --enable-libmp3lame--enable-libmp3lame 是用于启用 libmp3lame 编解码器的选项,这个编解码器提供了比默认的 MP3 编解码器更好的音质和压缩率。
7. --enable-libopus--enable-libopus 是用于启用 libopus 编解码器的选项,这个编解码器提供了比默认的 Opus 编解码器更好的音质。
8. --enable-libvpx--enable-libvpx 是用于启用 libvpx 编解码器的选项,这个编解码器提供了比默认的 VP8/VP9 编解码器更好的视瓶质量和压缩率。
HR Forms
Creating and designing HR FormsBy Ribhu Ahuja, TCSThis tutorial explains about creating HRFORMS in HR module of SAP using t code HRFORMS.A complete HR form is an executable report with its own selection screen in the SAP System. HRFORMS use the data available from Metanets.Concept of Metanet, Metastar, Metadimension, Infonet, Infostar and Infodimension.The MetaNet is a view SAP HR data which can be printed in a form –adobe interactive or smartform. It covers all the data in SAP HR module which can be printed.A MetaNet contains MetaStars, which are the individual data sources e.g. employee metastar would contain details about the employee, his address, name etc.The MetaStar is a view of data that can be read from a specific source of data e.g. from a particular infotype or from a particular HR table – for payroll or time.The metastar, in turn contain metadimensions and metafigures. The MetaDimension is a complete description of a business object and it contains the relevant business object data –metafields which are either key fields or attributes. A MetaDimension can be used in several MetaStars.MetaFields are the fields values or information that exist in a MetaDimension. Each MetaField is part of the key that specifies the MetaDimension in full, or an attribute, a further characteristic of the MetaDimension.Similarly, Infonets, Infostars, Infodimensions and Infofields are the objects which are available in the HRFORM for displaying HR data and are similar to Metanets, metastars, metadimensions and metafields. We can find more details about Metanets using the T code HRFORMS_METADATA.TCode HRFORMS:The first screen of HRFORMS contains all the forms available. In order to create a new form, let us click on the create button.It asks for form name, country grouping and form class. Give the details as shown and for form class, choose PAYSLIP. We can also go for other types of forms. The difference lies in the various types of metastars that would be available to us while creating the forms. For instance, NONE type forms would show all metastars from which we can fetch data except time metastars. TIME type forms would contain only time metastars and none or limited data about other types. So as we chose PAYSLIP type, we see the following screen:Creating and designing HR Forms...PreviousClick on the green tick mark and it takes us to the following screen:Let us take a look at the HR Form tab:It shows the form class which is PAYSLIP Remuneration in our case, and it shows METANET as SAP Standard Metanet. SAP provides a default metanet which contains HR data in various metastars and metadimensions. In Layout, we can choose SAP Smartform or Form Builder. In our case we would choose form builder and make the forms with Adobe interactive forms.The Form builder is the Adobe Interactive form interface and here we would not do much of coding but design the form and values would be automatically populated by the self generated driver program. Had we chosen the smartform option, there is little coding required to be done in smartform’s global definition initialization part, apart from the self generated driver program. The Adobe based forms have a prerequisite is that we must have Adobe Live Server installed on our machine and we have required authorizations for the same.Currently, the ABAP dictionary structure, SAP form and print program are all inactive.Creating Adobe based HR form:On the main screen of HR Forms creation, in the HR forms tab, choose Form Builder in the layout structure and from Metanet dropdown, choose SAP default metanet which is the default metanet available for us. We can create our own metanets and even inherit them from standard SAP default metanet by using the t code HRFORMS_METADATA.From form class, it is ‘Remuneration Statement’ already chosen. It is for PAYROLL type HR FORM which we chose while we began the HR form creation.Click here to continue......Creating and designing HR Forms...PreviousData flow from metanet to the form:When SAP creates the HR form, it makes an Infonet with our form’s name (zform_ribz2 in this case). The metanet contain metastars which in turn contain metadimensions and metafigures. The metadimensions contain metafields which could be a key field or attribute. We can include (drag and drop) metastars under our form’s infonet to create infostars similar to the corresponding metastar. Then we can drag the metadimensions of the metastar below the corresponding infostar and it would create the infodimensions. The fields –keys and attribute would come in the structure of our form interface once we are on the form design page.Now suppose we want to show ABSENCE data in our HRFORMClick on the ABSENCE metastar in the SAP default Metanet and drag it into the infonet window and touch it to the infonet (zform_ribz2). Remember the thumb rule –‘Metastar can go under infonet and metadimension can go under infostar which is made up of the respective metastar. Hence we see that our form’s infonet now contains absence infostar. Similarly drag all the metastars into our infonet.After creating the required infostars by dragging the metastars, we must include various metadimensions into the corresponding infostars by opening the corresponding metastars and dragging the metadimension into the infostar. Each infostar should contain at least one infodimension or infofigure.So, we drag the corresponding metadimensions and metafigures into out infostars to make infodimensions and infofiguresClick here to continue......Creating and designing HR Forms...PreviousWe can rename or delete any infostar or infodimension.We can even do the selection on our infodimensions. Infodimensions, like metadimensions contain key fields and attributes and we can give selection criteria in order to fetch the requiredset of data. E.g. suppose, in our wagetype infodimension, under pay_result infonet, we want to show only wagetype 1001, we can do this by choosing the selection criteria of the infodimension:For this, we click on the infodimension and then click on the insert selection button, and we give the wage type as ‘1001’ in the selection box.Form Design and Layout:Now, after selecting the metastars and metadimensions which we require in our form and dragging them into our infonet, we click on the layout button on the top.As we press the layout button, it starts generating the form structure in the data dictionary according to the object we dragged in the infonet and takes us to the Adobe interactive form screen, which is the same screen as t code SFP. It takes us to the context tab of adobe form initially.Click here to continue......Creating and designing HR Forms...PreviousIt creates the adobe form interface with the data we chose in the infonet before and includes all the infodimensions available there within structures starting with DIM and STAR. Basically this is all the data available to us for the form. On the left hand side is the Import interface which contains the import structures in the type hrdata and on the right hand side is the form context which have all the structures having all structures under type hrforms. Note that all the structures along with type hrdata from the import interface have been dragged to the context area and they are all locked. We can see the fields available to us by expanding the tree under the context node. If we do not want some of the data in our form, we can still deactivate that particular locked structure in the context area by right clicking and deactivating it. We can’t delete the structures in the context as they are all locked.Now, click on the properties tab and we see the following screen:Initially, in the layout type, it is <unknown type> chosen over there. Click on the dropdown and choose the Standard Layout.Now click on the layout tab, which would take us to the design part of the interactive form.Here, we can drag and drop the fields available in the data view and work with their formatting and create tabular outputs with positioned or followed types:It is better if we put a ‘followed’ table in a new subform as it would contain random number of rows at runtime and it might even overflow if it is not included in a subform. We design our form as per our requirements and then activate the same.Afte r that, click on back button and it would take us to the ‘Change HRForm’ screen. Click on the button over there to completely activate the form.Now, we see that the driver program, the ABAP structure and the SAP Smart form name, all three are active and status of the form is also active.Now, in order to test our form, click on the back button and it takes us to the first screen of the HRFORMS t code – HR Forms Workplace where we see all the HRFORMS available. Choose our form and click on the execute button.We see the following screen. Make the necessary inputs and click on the execute button.Click on the print preview button and there we see the output of our HRFORM:Hence we are done with creating and designing the HR Forms!!。
IPC-7351B & PCBL Land Pattern Naming Convention
I P C-7351B N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r S t a n d a r d S M T L a n d P a t t e r n sSurface Mount Land PatternsComponent, Category Land Pattern Name Ball Grid Array’s...............................BGA + Pin Qty + C or N + Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height BGA w/Dual Pitch.BGA + Pin Qty + C or N + Col Pitch X Row Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height BGA w/Staggered Pins..................BGAS + Pin Qty + C or N + Pitch P + Ball Columns X Ball Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height BGA Note: The C or N = Collapsing or Non-collapsing BallsCapacitors, Chip, Array, Concave..........................................................CAPCAV + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Capacitors, Chip, Array, Flat..................................................................CAPCAF + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Capacitors, Chip, Non-polarized.................................................................................................CAPC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Chip, Polarized.....................................................................................................CAPCP + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Chip, Wire Rectangle........................................................................................CAPCWR + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Molded, Non-polarized...........................................................................................CAPM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Molded, Polarized.................................................................................................CAPMP + Body Length + Body Width X Height Capacitors, Aluminum Electrolytic ............................................................................................................CAPAE + Base Body Size X Height Ceramic Flat Packages.....................................................................................................CFP127P + Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Column Grid Array’s.....................................................CGA + Pitch P + Number of Pin Columns X Number of Pin Rows X Height - Pin Qty Crystals (2 leads)........................................................................................................................XTAL + Body Length X Body Width X Height Dual Flat No-lead..........................................................................................................DFN + Body Length X Body Width X Height – Pin Qty Diodes, Chip................................................................................................................................DIOC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Diodes, Molded...........................................................................................................................DIOM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Diodes, MELF................................................................................................................................DIOMELF + Body Length + Body Diameter Fuses, Molded............................................................................................................................FUSM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Chip.............................................................................................................................INDC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Molded........................................................................................................................INDM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Precision Wire Wound................................................................................................INDP + Body Length + Body Width X Height Inductors, Chip, Array, Concave..............................................................INDCAV + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Inductors, Chip, Array, Flat......................................................................INDCAF + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Land Grid Array, Round Lead............................LGA + Pin Qty - Pitch P + Pin Columns X Pin Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height Land Grid Array, Square Lead........................LGAS + Pin Qty - Pitch P + Pin Columns X Pin Rows _ Body Length X Body Width X Height LED’s, Molded............................................................................................................................LEDM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Oscillators, Side Concave........................................................................OSCSC + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Oscillators, J-Lead.......................................................................................OSCJ + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Oscillators, L-Bend Lead.............................................................................OSCL + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Oscillators, Corner Concave....................................................................................................OSCCC + Body Length X Body Width X Height Plastic Leaded Chip Carriers..................................................PLCC + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Sockets Square.......................PLCCS + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Quad Flat Packages..................................................................QFP + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Ceramic Quad Flat Packages.................................................CQFP + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Quad Flat No-lead................................................................QFN + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Pull-back Quad Flat No-lead..............................................PQFN + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Quad Leadless Ceramic Chip Carriers..........................................................LCC + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty Quad Leadless Ceramic Chip Carriers (Pin 1 on Side)...............................LCCS + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip...........................................................................................................................RESC + Body Length + Body Width X Height Resistors, Molded......................................................................................................................RESM + Body Length + Body Width X Height Resistors, MELF...........................................................................................................................RESMELF + Body Length + Body Diameter Resistors, Chip, Array, Concave............................................................RESCAV + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex, E-Version (Even Pin Size)...............RESCAXE + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex, S-Version (Side Pins Diff)................RESCAXS + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Flat.....................................................................RESCAF + Pitch P + Body Length X Body Width X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline Diodes, Flat Lead...................................................................................SODFL + Lead Span Nominal + Body Width X Height Small Outline IC, J-Leaded........................................................................................SOJ + Pitch P +Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline Integrated Circuit, (50 mil Pitch SOIC)......................................................SOIC127P +Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline Packages............................................................................................SOP + Pitch P +Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Small Outline No-lead...........................................................SON + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Pull-back Small Outline No-lead.........................................PSON + Pitch P + Body Width X Body Length X Height - Pin Qty + Thermal Pad Small Outline Transistors, Flat Lead....................................................................SOTFL + Pitch P + Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty SOD (Example: SOD3717X135 = JEDEC SOD123)........................................................SOD + Lead Span Nominal + Body Width X Height SOT89 (JEDEC Standard Package).......................................................................................................................................................SOT89 SOT143 & SOT343 (JEDEC Standard Package)..............................................................................................................SOT143 & SOT343 SOT143 & SOT343 Reverse (JEDEC Standard Package)...........................................................................................SOT143R & SOT343R SOT23 & SOT223 Packages (Example: SOT230P700X180-4)...............................SOT + Pitch P + Lead Span Nominal X Height - Pin Qty TO (Generic DPAK - Example: TO228P970X238-3).................................................................TO + Pitch P + Lead Span X Height - Pin QtyI P C-7351B L a n d P a t t e r n N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n N o t e s•All dimensions are in Metric Units•All Lead Span and Height numbers go two places past the decimal point and “include” trailing Zeros•All Lead Span and Body Sizes go two place before the decimal point and “remove” leading Zeros•All Chip Component Body Sizes are one place to each side of the decimal point•Pitch Values are two places to the right & left of decimal point with no leading Zeros but include trailing zeros N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n S p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r U s e f o r L a n d P a t t e r n sThe _ (underscore) is the separator between pin Qty in Hidden & Deleted pin componentsThe – (dash) is used to separate the pin qty.The X (capital letter X) is used instead of the word “by” to separate two numbers such as height X width like “Quad Packages”.P C B L i b r a r i e s S u f f i x N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r L a n d P a t t e r n sCommon SMT Land Pattern to Describe Environment Use (This is the last character in every name)Note: This excludes the BGA component family as they only come in the Nominal Environment Condition •M.................Most Material Condition (Level A)•N..................Nominal Material Condition (Level B)•L.................Least Material Condition (Level C)Alternate Components that do not follow the JEDEC, EIA or IEC Standard•A..................Alternate Component (used primarily for SOP & QFP when Component Tolerance or Height is different) •B..................Second Alternate ComponentReverse Pin Order•-20RN..........20 pin part, Reverse Pin Order, Nominal EnvironmentHidden Pins•-20_24N......20 pin part in a 24 pin package. The pins are numbered 1 – 24 the hidden pins are skipped. The schematic symbol displays up to 24 pins.Deleted Pins•-24_20N......20 pin part in a 24 pin package. The pins are numbered 1 – 20. The schematic symbol displays 20 pins. JEDEC and EIA Standard parts that have several alternate packages•AA, AB, AC.JEDEC or EIA Component IdentifierGENERAL SUFFIXES_HS.........................HS = Land Pattern with Heat Sink attachment requiring additional holes or padsExample: TO254P1055X160_HS-6N_BEC......................BEC = Base, Emitter and Collector (Pin assignments used for three pin Transistors)Example: SOT95P280X160_BEC-3N_SGD......................SGD = Source, Gate and Drain (Pin assignments used for three pin Transistors)Example: SOT95P280X160_SGD-3N_213........................213 = Alternate pin assignments used for three pin TransistorsExample: SOT95P280X160_213-3NP C B L i b r a r i e s N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r N o n-S t a n d a r d S M T L a n d P a t t e r n s Surface Mount Land PatternsComponent, Category Land Pattern Name Amplifiers....................................................................................................................................................AMP_ Mfr.’s Part Number Batteries......................................................................................................................................................BAT_ Mfr.’s Part Number Capacitors, Variable..................................................................................................................................CAPV_Mfr.’s Part Number Capacitors, Chip, Array, Concave (Pins on 2 or 4 sides)..............................................................CAPCAV_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Capacitors, Chip, Array, Flat (Pins on 2 sides)..............................................................................CAPCAF_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Capacitors, Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................CAP_Mfr.’s Part Number Crystals......................................................................................................................................................XTAL_Mfr.’s Part Number Diodes, Miscellaneous...................................................................................................................................DIO_Mfr.’s Part Number Diodes, Bridge Rectifiers............................................................................................................................DIOB_Mfr.’s Part Number Ferrite Beads..................................................................................................................................................FB_Mfr.’s Part Number Fiducials......................................................................................................................................FID + Pad Size X Solder Mask Size Filters..............................................................................................................................................................FIL_Mfr.’s Part Number Fuses..........................................................................................................................................................FUSE_Mfr.’s Part Number Fuse, Resettable.....................................................................................................................................FUSER_Mfr.’s Part Number Inductors, Miscellaneous...............................................................................................................................IND_Mfr.’s Part Number Inductors, Chip, Array, Concave (Pins on 2 or 4 sides)..................................................................INDCAV_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Inductors, Chip, Array, Flat (Pins on 2 sides).................................................................................INDCAF_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Keypad.................................................................................................................................................KEYPAD_Mfr.’s Part Number LEDS............................................................................................................................................................LED_Mfr.’s Part Number LEDS, Chip...................................................................................................................................................LED_Mfr.’s Part Number Liquid Crystal Display...................................................................................................................................LCD_Mfr.’s Part Number Microphones..................................................................................................................................................MIC_Mfr.’s Part Number Opto Isolators............................................................................................................................................OPTO_Mfr.’s Part Number Oscillators......................................................................................................................................OSC_Mfr.’s Part Number - Pin Qty Quad Flat Packages w/Bumper Corners, Pin 1 Side.............BQFP + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Quad Flat Packages w/Bumper Corners, 1 Center..............BQFPC + Pitch P + Lead Span L1 X Lead Span L2 Nominal X Height - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Concave (Pins on 2 or 4 sides).................................................................RESCAV_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex Type E (Pins on 2 sides)...........................................................RESCAXE_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Convex Type S (Pins on 2 sides)...........................................................RESCAXS_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Resistors, Chip, Array, Flat (Pins on 2 sides)................................................................................RESCAF_Mfr Series No. - Pin Qty Relays.....................................................................................................................................................RELAY_Mfr.’s Part Number Speakers....................................................................................................................................................SPKR_Mfr’s Part Number Switches........................................................................................................................................................SW_Mfr.’s Part Number Test Points, Round......................TP + Pad Size (1 place left of decimal and 2 places right of decimal, Example TP100 = 1.00mm) Test Points, Square...............................................................TPS + Pad Size (1 place left of decimal and 2 places right of decimal) Test Points, Rectangle....................................TP + Pad Length X Pad Width (1 place left of decimal and 2 places right of decimal) Thermistors.............................................................................................................................................THERM_Mfr.’s Part Number Transceivers.............................................................................................................................................XCVR_ Mfr.’s Part Number Transducers (IRDA’s)................................................................................................................................XDCR_Mfr.’s Part Number Transient Voltage S_Mfr.’s Part Number Transient Voltage Suppressors, SP_Mfr.’s Part Number Transistor Outlines, Custom....................................................................................................................TRANS_Mfr.’s Part Number Transformers.............................................................................................................................................XFMR_Mfr.’s Part Number Trimmers & Potentiometers........................................................................................................................TRIM_Mfr.’s Part Number Tuners.....................................................................................................................................................TUNER_Mfr.’s Part Number Varistors.......................................................................................................................................................VAR_Mfr.’s Part Number Voltage Controlled Oscillators.....................................................................................................................VCO_Mfr.’s Part Number Voltage Regulators, Custom......................................................................................................................VREG_Mfr.’s Part NumberI P C-7251N a m i n g C o n v e n t i o n f o r T h r o u g h-H o l e L a n d P a t t e r n sThe land pattern naming convention uses component dimensions to derive the land pattern name.The first 3 – 6 characters in the land pattern name describe the component family.The first number in the land pattern name refers to the Lead Spacing or hole to hole location to insert the component lead.All numbers that follow the Lead Spacing are component dimensions.These characters are used as component body identifiers that precede the value and this is the priority order of the component body identifiers –P = Pitch for components with more than two leadsW = Maximum Lead Width (or Component Lead Diameter)L = Body Length for horizontal mountingD = Body Diameter for round component bodyT = Body Thickness for rectangular component bodyH = Height for vertically mounted componentsQ = Pin Quantity for components with more than two leadsR = Number of Rows for connectorsA, B & C = the fabrication complexity level as defined in the IPC-2221 and IPC-2222Notes:All component body values are in millimeters and go two places to the right of the decimal point and no leading zeros.All Complexity Levels used in the examples are “B”.Component, Category Land Pattern Name Capacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting.........CAPAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: CAPAD800W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Capacitors, Non Polarized Axial Rectangular.........CAPAR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPAR800W52L600T50H70BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Thickness 0.50; Body Height 0.70Capacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting .........CAPADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: CAPADV300W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial; Lead Spacing 3.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50mmCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Rect. Vert. Mtg.CAPARV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body Thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPARV300W52L600T50H70BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Rect. Vertical; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Thickness 0.50; Body Height 0.70 Capacitors, Non Polarized Radial Diameter.......................................CAPRD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + D Body Diameter + H Body Height Example: CAPRD200W52D300H550BCapacitors, Non Polarized Radial Diameter; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Diameter 3.00; Height 5.50Capacitors, Non Polarized Radial Rectangular.......CAPRR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPRR200W52L50T70H550BCapacitors, Non Polarized Radial Rectangular; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Length 0.50; Body thickness 0.70; Height 5.50 Capacitors, Non Polarized Radial Disk Button........CAPRB + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: CAPRB200W52L50T70H550BCapacitors, Non Polarized Radial Rectangular; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Length 0.50; Body thickness 0.70; Height 5.50 Capacitors, Polarized Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting................CAPPA + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: CAPPAD800W52L600D150BCapacitors, Polarized Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Capacitor, Polarized Radial Diameter.................................................CAPPR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + D Body Diameter + H Body Height Example: CAPPRD200W52D300H550BCapacitors, Polarized Radial Diameter; lead spacing 2.00; lead width 0.52; Body Diameter 3.00; Height 5.50Diodes, Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting.......................................DIOAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: DIOAD800W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Diodes, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting .........................................DIOADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: DIOADV300W52L600D150BCapacitors, Non Polarized Axial; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Dual-In-Line Packages...................................DIP + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + L Body Length + H Component Height + Q Pin Qty Example: DIP762W52P254L1905H508Q14BDual-In-Line Package: Lead Span 7.62; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.54; Body Length 19.05; Body Height 5.08; Pin Qty 14Component, Category Land Pattern Name Dual-In-Line Sockets....................................DIPS + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + L Body Length + H Component Height + Q Pin Qty Example: DIPS762W52P254L1905H508Q14BDual-In-Line Package Socket: Lead Span 7.62; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.54; Body Length 19.05; Body Height 5.08; Pin Qty 14Headers, Vertical....... HDRV + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + R Pins per Row + L Body Length + T Body Thickness + H Component HeightExample: HDRV200W52P200R2L4400T400H900BHeader, Vertical: Lead Span 2.00; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.00; 2 Rows; Body Length 44.00; Body Thickness 4.00; Body Height 9.00 Headers, Right Angle...............HDRRA + Lead Span + W Lead Width + P Pin Pitch + R Pins per Row + L Body Length + T Body Thickness + H Component HeightExample: HDRRA200W52P200R2L4400T400H900BHeader, Vertical: Lead Span 2.00; Lead Width 0.52; Pin Pitch 2.00; 2 Rows; Body Length 44.00; Body Thickness 4.00; Body Height 9.00 Inductors, Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting....................................INDAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: INDAD800W52L600D150BInductors, Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Inductors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting .....................................INDADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: INDADV300W52L600D150BInductors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting; Lead Spacing 3.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Jumpers, Wire...................................................................................................................................................JUMP + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width Example: JUMP500W52BJumper; Lead Spacing 5.00; Lead Width 0.52Mounting Holes Plated With Support Pad..........................................................................MTGP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size Example: MTGP700H400Z520This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 7.00 land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4.00 diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.20 in diameter.Mounting Holes Non-Plated With Support Pad................................................................MTGNP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size Example: MTGNP700H400Z520This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 7.00 land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4.00 diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.20 in diameter.Mounting Holes Non-Plated Without Support Pad.....................MTGNP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size + K Keep-out Diameter Example: MTGNP100H400Z520K700This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 1mm land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4.00 diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.20 in diameter and a 7.00 diameter keep-out.Mounting Holes Plated with 8 Vias .....................................................................MTGP + Pad Size + H Hole Size + Z Inner Layer Pad Size + 8 Vias Example: MTGP700H400Z520V8This is a Mounting hole for a #6-32 screw using a circular 7mm land on the primary and secondary side of the board, a 4mm diameter hole with the internal lands are smaller that the external and are also circular 5.2mm in diameter, with 8 vias.Pin Grid Array’s.............................PGA + Pin Qty + P Pitch + C Pin Columns + R Pin Rows + L Body Length X Body Width + H Component Height Example: PGA84P254C10R10L2500X2500H300BPin Grid Array: Pin Qty 84; Pin Pitch 2.54; Columns 10; Rows 10; Body Length 25.00 X 25.00; Component Height 3.00Resistors, Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting...................................RESAD + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: RESAD800W52L600D150BResistors, Axial Diameter; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Resistors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting ....................................RESADV + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + D Body Diameter Example: RESADV300W52L600D150BResistors, Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting; Lead Spacing 3.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Diameter 1.50Resistors, Axial Rectangular Horizontal Mounting...RESAR + Lead Spacing + W Lead Width + L Body Length + T Body thickness + H Body Height Example: RESAR800W52L600T50H70BResistors, Axial Rectangular; Lead Spacing 8.00; Lead Width 0.52; Body Length 6.00; Body Thickness 0.50; Body Height 0.70Test Points, Round Land......................................................................................................................................................................TP + Lead Width Example: TP52Test Points, Square Land..................................................................................................................................................................TPS + Lead Width Example: TPS52Test Points, Top Land Round & Bottom Land Square.....................................................................................................................TPRS + Lead Width Example: TPRS52 Wire....................................................................................................................................................................................................PAD + Wire Width Example: PAD52。
在train.py中,通过build_detector来构建模型(参数来⾃ faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_voc0712.py),python tools/train.py configs/pascal_voc/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_voc0712.pybuild_detector的定义如下,最后通过build_from_cfg来构建模型,这⾥看到了让⼈困惑的Registry.from mmdet.cv_core.utils import Registry, build_from_cfgfrom torch import nnBACKBONES = Registry('backbone')NECKS = Registry('neck')ROI_EXTRACTORS = Registry('roi_extractor')SHARED_HEADS = Registry('shared_head')HEADS = Registry('head')LOSSES = Registry('loss')DETECTORS = Registry('detector')def build(cfg, registry, default_args=None):"""Build a module.Args:cfg (dict, list[dict]): The config of modules, is is either a dictor a list of configs.registry (:obj:`Registry`): A registry the module belongs to.default_args (dict, optional): Default arguments to build the module.Defaults to None.Returns:nn.Module: A built nn module."""if isinstance(cfg, list):modules = [build_from_cfg(cfg_, registry, default_args) for cfg_ in cfg]return nn.Sequential(*modules)else:return build_from_cfg(cfg, registry, default_args)def build_detector(cfg, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None):"""Build detector."""return build(cfg, DETECTORS, dict(train_cfg=train_cfg, test_cfg=test_cfg))⼀、Registry是⼲什么的Registry完成了从字符串到类的映射,这样模型信息、训练时的参数信息,只需要写⼊到⼀个配置⽂件⾥,然后使⽤注册器来实例化即可。
ffmpeg -filter指令
视频旋转:用于旋转视频,可以指定角度。 例子:-filter:v "rotate=90"
视频加水印:用于在视频中添加水印。 例子:-filter_complex "overlay=10:10"
视频转换格式:用于将视频转换为其他格式。 例子:-filter:v "format=yuv420p"
视频加速/减速:用于调整视频的播放速度。 例子:-filter:v "setpts=0.5*PTS"
音频混音:用于将多个音频混合成一个。 例子:-filter_complex "[0:a][1:a]amerge=inputs=2[aout]"
视频裁剪:用于裁剪视频中的一部分,可以指定起始时间和持续时间。 例子:-filter:v "trim=start=10:duration=5"
视频缩放:用于调整视频的大小,可以指定宽度和高度。 例子:-filter:v "scale=640:360"
一、核心概念1. 管道(Pipes):管道是FFPYPlyer中处理数据的基本单元。
2. 工厂(Yards):工厂是用于创建和管理管道的组件。
3. 播放器(Player):播放器是用于执行数据处理流程的组件。
二、架构设计1. 模块化设计:FFPYPlyer的架构采用模块化设计,每个管道都是一个独立的模块,可以自由组合和拆分。
2. 参数配置:FFPYPlyer提供了灵活的参数配置方式,用户可以根据实际需求对每个管道进行参数配置,以实现定制化的数据处理。
3. 并行处理:FFPYPlyer支持并行处理,可以通过设置参数来控制并行度。
三、使用示例下面是一个使用FFPYPlyer进行数据处理的简单示例:```pythonfrom ffpyplyer import Pipes, Yards, Player# 定义管道pipe1 = Pipes.CleanDataPipe()pipe2 = Pipes.SelectFeaturesPipe([1, 3, 5])pipe3 = Pipes.TransformFeaturesPipe('log')pipe4 = Pipes.BuildModelPipe('svm')# 定义工厂yard = Yards.PipeYard()yard.add_pipe(pipe1)yard.add_pipe(pipe2)yard.add_pipe(pipe3)yard.add_pipe(pipe4)# 创建播放器player = Player.PipePlayer(yard)# 加载数据data = player.load_data('data.csv')# 执行数据处理流程result = player.process_data(data)# 输出结果print(result)```在上面的示例中,我们首先定义了几个管道,分别用于数据清洗、特征选择、特征变换和模型建立。
二、定义1. FFmpeg:指代FFmpeg软件及其相关组件、库和工具。
2. 用户:指任何使用或接触FFmpeg软件的个人或实体。
3. 开发者:指任何参与FFmpeg软件开发、修改或贡献的个人或实体。
三、许可协议1. FFmpeg是基于GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)版本2.0的许可协议发布的。
2. 用户和开发者在使用或修改FFmpeg软件时,必须遵守GPL版本2.0的规定。
3. 用户和开发者可以自由地使用、复制、分发和修改FFmpeg软件,但必须保留原始版权声明和许可协议。
4. 任何基于FFmpeg软件的修改、派生作品或衍生产品,必须以GPL版本2.0发布。
四、使用规定1. 用户可以在合法合理的范围内使用FFmpeg软件,包括但不限于转码、解码、编码、播放、流媒体传输等。
2. 用户在使用FFmpeg软件时,不得违反任何适用的法律法规,包括但不限于著作权、商标权、专利权和隐私权。
3. 用户不得将FFmpeg软件用于非法目的,包括但不限于盗版、色情、恶意软件等活动。
4. 用户在使用FFmpeg软件时,应遵守相关的技术规范和标准,确保兼容性和互操作性。
五、开发规定1. 开发者可以在合法合理的范围内对FFmpeg软件进行修改、扩展和优化。
2. 开发者在进行修改时,应确保遵守GPL版本2.0的规定,包括但不限于在修改的代码中保留原始版权声明和许可协议。
3. 开发者可以将修改后的代码贡献给FFmpeg社区,以便其他用户和开发者共享和使用。
4. 开发者在贡献代码时,应遵守FFmpeg社区的贡献指南和代码规范。
六、知识产权1. FFmpeg软件及其相关组件、库和工具的知识产权归原始作者和贡献者所有。
2. 用户和开发者在使用和开发FFmpeg软件时,不得侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。
FFprobe命令参数使⽤指南1. ffprobe 是什么?简单的说,ffprobe 是⼀个多媒体流分析⼯具。
2. ffprobe 的使⽤⽅式命令⾏: ffprobe [选项] [‘输⼊⽂件’]3. ffprobe 可使⽤的选项3.1 流指⽰符流指⽰符⽤来精确的指定⼀个给定的选项是属于哪个(些)流。
例如:-codec:a:1 ac3 包含流指⽰符 a:1 ,它将匹配第⼆个⾳频流。
因此,它将为第⼆个⾳频流指定 ac3 codec。
例如:-b:a 128k 中的流指⽰符将匹配所有的⾳频流。
例如:-codec copy 或 -codec: copy 将拷贝所有的流,⽽不会对它们重新编码。
可能的流指⽰符的形式:01.‘stream_index’ 匹配具有该索引值的流。
02.‘stream_type[:stream_index]’03.stream_type 是下⾯的其中之⼀:’v’ 视频, ’a’ ⾳频, ’s’ 字幕, ’d’ 数据,04.’t’ 附件。
如果给定 stream_index ,它将匹配该类型下的索引号为05.stream_index 的流,否则,它将匹配该类型的所有流。
06.‘p:program_id[:stream_index]’07.如果给定 stream_index ,它将匹配 id 为 program_id 的 program 下的索08.引号为 stream_index 的流,否则,它将匹配该 program 下的所有流。
FFmpeg之av_register_all()1. av_register_all()该函数位于 libavformat/allformats.c 中。
/** Initialize liavformat and register all the muxers, demuxers and* protocols. If you do not call this function, then you can select* exactly which formats you want to support.** @see av_register_input_format()* @see av_register_output_format()*/void av_register_all(void){static AVOnce control = AV_ONCE_INIT;ff_thread_once(&control, register_all);}这⾥的 AVOnce 和 AV_ONCE_INIT 以及 ff_thread_once 为:#define AVOnce pthread_once_t#define AV_ONCE_INIT PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT#define ff_thread_once(control, routine) pthread_once(control, routine)在多线程程序中,不管创建了多少个线程,有些初始化动作只能发⽣⼀次。
库函数可以通过调⽤ pthread_once() 实现⼀次性初始化。
#include <pthread.h>int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init)(void));利⽤参数 once_control 的状态,函数 pthread_once() 可以确保⽆论有多少线程对 pthread_once() 调⽤了多少次,也只会执⾏⼀次由 init 指向的调⽤者定义函数。
coderegistration 特征
coderegistration 特征Code Registration 特征在软件开发中,代码注册是一种常见的技术手段,用于保护软件的版权和知识产权。
一、代码注册的特征1. 用户注册信息收集:在进行代码注册时,通常需要用户提供必要的注册信息,如用户名、邮箱、机器码等。
2. 注册码生成算法:注册码的生成通常采用加密算法,以保证注册码的安全性。
3. 注册码验证过程:在软件运行时,会对用户输入的注册码进行验证。
二、代码注册的使用场景1. 商业软件:商业软件通常需要进行代码注册,以保护软件的版权和限制未经授权的用户使用。
2. 试用版软件:为了吸引用户试用软件并购买正式版,开发者通常提供试用版软件。
3. 开源软件:开源软件通常是免费提供给用户使用的,但为了保护软件的权益,有些开源软件也会采用代码注册的方式。
三、代码注册的优缺点1. 优点:- 保护软件版权:通过代码注册,软件开发者可以防止盗版和非法复制软件,保护软件的版权和知识产权。
fatfs文件系统ff12c移植头文件中英文翻译ffconf.h//FAT文件系统模块配置文件#define _FFCONF 68300 /* Revision ID 版本标识*//*68的ascii的字符是D,300是0x012c*///功能配置#define _FS_READONLY 0/*配置只读取文件*//*0:读/写1:只读只读配置开启,禁用有关写操作的API函数,和可选的写操作的函数f_write(), f_sync(), f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_chmod(), f_rename(), f_truncate(), f_getfree()*/#define _FS_MINIMIZE 0/*定义了最小化级别,以删除一些基础的API函数*//*0:所有基础函数都启用1:禁用这些函数f_stat(), f_getfree(), f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_truncate(), f_rename()2:在1的基础上禁用这些函数f_opendir(), f_readdir(), f_closedir() 3:在2的基础上禁用这些函数f_lseek()*/#define _USE_STRFUNC 0/*启用字符串函数*//*0:禁用字符串函数1:启用字符串函数,不带LF-CRLF转换2:启用字符串函数,带LF-CRLF转换*/#define _USE_FIND 0/*启用筛选目录读取函数f_findfirst()和f_findnext()*//*0:禁用筛选目录读取函数1:启用筛选目录读取函数2:启用筛选目录读取函数并带匹配别名 altname[]f_findfirst()(打开一个目录并读取匹配的第一项)f_findnext()(阅读下一个匹配的条目)*/#define _USE_MKFS 0/*启用f_mkfs()函数(在逻辑驱动器上创建一个FAT卷)*//*0:禁用1:启用*/#define _USE_FASTSEEK 0/*启用快速查找功能*//*0:禁用1:启用*/#define _USE_EXPAND 0/*启用f_expand函数(为文件分配一个连续的块)*//*0:禁用1:启用*/#define _USE_CHMOD 0/*启用属性操作函数f_chmod()和f_utime()*//*0:禁用1:启用另外,_FS_READONLY需要为0时,才能启用该选项*/#define _USE_LABEL 0/*启用卷标函数f_getlabel()和f_setlabel()*//*0:禁用1:启用*/#define _USE_FORWARD 0/*启用f_forward()函数(将数据转发到流)*//*0:禁用1:启用*///地区和命名空间配置#define _CODE_PAGE 936/*指定目标系统上要使用的OEM代码页,代码页936表示使用简体中文*//*不正确的代码页设置可能导致文件打开失败1 - ASCII (No support of extended character不支持扩展字符. Non-LFN cfg. only)437 - U.S.720 - Arabic737 - Greek771 - KBL775 - Baltic850 - Latin 1852 - Latin 2855 - Cyrillic857 - Turkish860 - Portuguese861 - Icelandic862 - Hebrew863 - Canadian French864 - Arabic865 - Nordic866 - Russian869 - Greek 2932 - Japanese (DBCS)936 - Simplified Chinese (DBCS)949 - Korean (DBCS)950 - Traditional Chinese (DBCS)*/#define _USE_LFN 0/*启用长文件名(LFN)的支持*//*0:禁用LFN的支持,_MAX_LFN没有影响1:在BSS上使用静态工作缓冲区启用LFN,总是不是线程安全的2:在栈上使用动态工作缓冲区启用LFN3:使用堆上的动态工作缓冲区启用LFN*/#define _MAX_LFN 255/**//*要启用LFN,必须将Unicode处理函数(选项/unicode.c)添加到项目中工作缓冲区占用(_MAX_LFN + 1) * 2字节和启用exFAT时的额外608字节MAX_LFN可以在12到255之间当使用栈作为工作缓冲区时,要注意堆栈溢出当使用堆作为工作缓冲区时,内存管理函数,必须添加到项目中*/#define _LFN_UNICODE 0/*使用Unicode字符串*//*此选项切换API上的字符编码若路径名使用Unicode字符串,请启用LFN并设置_LFN_UNICODE = 1这个选项还会影响字符串I/O函数的行为*/#define _STRF_ENCODE 3/*字符串I/O函数字符编码*//*当_LFN_UNICODE == 1时,此选项选择要通过字符串I/O函数f_gets(), f_putc(), f_puts和 f_printf()读取/写入的文件上的字符编码0:ANSI/OEM1:UTF-16LE2:UTF-16BE3:UTF-8当_LFN_UNICODE == 0时,此选项无效*/#define _FS_RPATH 0/*配置相对路径的支持*//*0:禁用相对路径并删除相关函数1:支持相对路径. f_chdir()和 f_chdrive()是有效的.2:在1的基础上,f_getcwd()函数是有效的.*///驱动/卷配置#define _VOLUMES 1/*磁盘数量*//*要使用的卷(逻辑驱动器)的数量(1-10)*/#define _STR_VOLUME_ID 0/*卷ID的字符串支持*//*当_STR_VOLUME_ID设置为1时,还可以在路径名中使用预定义的字符串作为驱动器号*/#define _VOLUME_STRS "RAM","NAND","CF","SD","SD2","USB","USB2","USB3"/*定义驱动器ID字符串*//*_VOLUME_STRS为每个逻辑驱动器定义驱动器ID字符串_VOLUME_STRS项目数量必须等于_VOLUMES,驱动器ID字符串的有效字符是:A-Z和0-9*/#define _MULTI_PARTITION 0/*物理驱动器上的多分区支持*/ /*默认情况下(0),每个逻辑驱动器号都绑定到相同的物理驱动器号,并且只有一个FAT卷会被发现在将要挂载的物理驱动器上当启用多分区时(1),每个逻辑驱动器号都可以绑定到VolT oPart[]中列出的任意物理驱动器和分区此外f_fdisk()函数也是可用的。
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22.报考类型(初次报考/ 补考/延考)
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1.姓名 2.性别编码 3.身份证号 4.省 5.市 6.所在银行