spie-laser polishing GaN
第41卷第2期红外与激光工程2012年2月Vol.41No.2Infrared and Laser Engineering Feb.2012非球面透镜组激光光束整形系统范增明,李卓,钱丽勋(北京理工大学光电学院,北京100081)摘要:在激光显示等领域常常需要光强均匀分布的激光光束,为此,深入分析了一种非球面透镜组激光光束整形系统的设计方法,该方法可以将入射光束为准直的单模高斯激光光束整形为光强均匀分布的准直平顶激光光束;给出了该非球面透镜组设计的基本过程,主要包括输出光束函数的选择、光线映射函数的确定和非球面参数的确定;最后选择光线映射函数具有解析解形式的匀化洛伦兹函数作为输出光束分布函数,分别确定了伽利略型和开普勒型的非球面透镜组激光光束整形系统的参数。
关键词:激光光束整形;激光光束匀化;非球面透镜组;匀化洛伦兹函数中图分类号:TN249文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-2276(2012)02-0353-05Aspherical lens laser beam shaping systemFan Zengming,Li Zhuo,Qian Lixun(School of Optoelectronics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing100081,China)Abstract:Laser beam with uniform light intensity distribution is usually used in the areas such as laser displays.A method of using two aspherical lens to convert a single mode collimated laser beam with Gaussian light intensity distribution to a collimated flat-top beam with uniform light intensity distribution was introduced.Also the basic process of designing an aspherical lens system,mainly including choosing the function of the output beam,determing the ray mapping function and the parameters of the aspherical lens was proposed.According to this design method,the parameters of Galilean configuration and Keplerian configuration aspherical lens laser beam shaping system were determined respectively by selecting the Flattened Lorentzian function as the output beam distribution function which had an analytical ray mapping function.Key words:laser beam shaping;laser beam homogenization;aspherical lens system;flattened Lorentzian function收稿日期:2011-06-22;修订日期:2011-07-19基金项目:国防预研项目作者简介:范增明(1987-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事激光光束整形方面的研究。
计 智 能 表 面 ,如 微 流 体 设 备 等 , 具 有 重 要 意 义 。此 外 , 以上 研 究 工 作 在 微 流 体 无 损 耗 运 输 、 智 能 涂 层 、 白清 洁 表 面 和 密 封 防 护 等 工 程 领域 具 有重 要意 义 。
该 研 究小 组首 先利 用 聚合 物材 料成 功 制备 了拥 有 复 杂 微/ 米 二 元 结 构 和 深 度 分 布 的超 纳
疏 水/ 油涂 层 材 料 ,通 过 改 变 疏 水 涂 层 中亲 疏 水 性 组 分 的 含 量 实 现 了 水 滴 在 该 表 面 上 粘 附 性 的调 控 。 接 着 ,该 研 究 小 组 又 利 用 阳 极 氧 化 法 在 工 程 材 料 钛 表 面 构筑 了有 序 二 氧 化 钛 纳 米 管 阵 列 ,通 过 紫 外 光 照 射 和 热 处 理 的方
配其 禁 带 宽度 可 以覆盖 1 ~ .l . 44a 7 m波 段 。锑化 物 光 电器 件 的独 特 优 势 日益 受 到 广 泛 重 视 成 为 目前 国 际前 沿 和 热 点 研 究 方 向 。 半导 体所 纳米 光 电子 实验 室 和超 晶格 国家 重 点实验 室 分 子束 外 延( E 课 题 组首 先 深入 MB )
并准 备发 表 。 ( 中国陶瓷网 )
压 水 滴 在 响应 性 聚 合 物 刷 修 饰 阳 极 铝 上 的 动 态 润 湿 性 能 。 结 果 表 明 ,稀 释 分 布 在 表 面 的 接 枝 响 应 聚 合 物 没 有 明显 改变 表 面 的润 湿 性 能 , 但 导 致 了表 面 响 应 性 润 湿 性 能 的转 换 和 滞 后 性 。 当水 滴 与 聚 合 物 相 互 作 用 、成 为水 合 物 时 ,润 湿 性 能可 轻 易 从C si 式 转 换 为 as 模 e We zl 式 , 呈 现 高 滞 后 且 接 触 角 降 低 。如 n e模 水 滴 不 与 聚 合 物 发 生 作 用 ,水 滴 则 处 在 稳 定 的C si润湿 模式 。 as e
4.1 简介: 在基体材料表面添加熔覆材料(采用预置法或同步法),利 用高能密度的激光束使之与基体表面薄层一起熔凝,在基材表 面形成与其呈冶金结合的添料熔覆层。
4.2 实例: 4.2.1 矿用108 t自卸车发动机凸轮轴的修复,熔覆材料 Ni基自熔合金。 4.2.2 矿用渣浆泵平衡盘:受矿井水的腐蚀和水中煤粒的 冲蚀磨损的交互作用,一般采用合金钢或合金铸铁,使用寿命 很低,后改为火焰喷焊镍基合金,零件使用寿命有所提高,但 工艺操作复杂,合金粉末消耗多,工件变形大,涂层缺陷多, 零件加工量大。采用45钢激光熔覆Ni60和Ni60涂层,经煤矿 现场使用,使用寿命比火焰喷焊镍基合金涂层提高50%以上, 而且质量好,效益高。 4.3 特点: 熔覆层与基体呈冶金结合;对基材的热影响区小,变形 小;基材的稀释程度低(一般为2% ~8%)。
1.1 简介: 激光淬火是金属材料在固态下经受激光辐照,表面被迅 速加热到奥氏体化温度以上,并在激光停止辐射后快速自淬火 得到马氏体组织的一种工艺方法。 1.2 实例: 1.2.1邮票打孔器激光淬火:对打孔器孔模周围孔刃进行 激光表面淬火后,硬度由18HRC提高到70HRC 1.2.2汽车转向器壳体:美国通用汽车公司萨基诺 (Saginaw)转向器分厂(1974年)首先将激光淬火应用于工业大 批量生产,在可锻铸铁壳体内表面磨损最严重的部分处理了5 条宽1.5~2.5mln,深0.25~0.35mln的硬化带,硬度64 HRC,使用寿命提高10倍 1.3 特点: 激光淬火试样的耐磨性比淬火+低温回火试样提高50%左 右,比淬火+高温回火试样提高15倍左右。
靠 性 ,极 窄 的光 谱 宽度 提 高 了泵 浦 效 率 。该 产 品
所 用 的L D芯 片封 装采 用 了公 司 的多 项创 新 封 装技
术 ,保 证 了芯 片封 装 本 身 的高 性 能 和 高 可 靠 性 ; 为保 证高 的光纤 耦 合 效率 ,经 过 摸索 和 大 量 的 实 验 ,开 发 出 了L w s l工 艺 ; 通 过 对 L w s l, o e mi o e mi 窄光 谱 的高 功 率激 光 束 进行 整 形 后 ,通 过 高 效 率 耦合 工 艺实 现 光纤 束 输 出 。这 些 措 施使 得 各 项 光 学 性 能 指标 能 够 很好 地 满 足 国 内外 客 户 的 需 要 ,
活 性 和可 靠 性 。并 且该 激光 器 比传 统 的半 导 体激 光 器在 价格 上具 有更 大 的竞争 优势 。 ” 这一 系列新 型激光 器特别适 合应用 于汽 车 、
航 空 、石油 和 重 工业 领 域 的激 光 熔 覆 、钎 焊 及 热
同时具 有 高功 率 、高 稳 定性 、输 出光 斑均 匀 、光
光 伏 应用 市 场 ,这 在 一定 程 度 上 拉 动 中 国的 光
伏 产业 。 施 正 荣透 露 , 中 国对 太 阳能 建筑 给予 专 项 补
。 ¨ 瓣
助, 直 刺 国 伏 发 尚 正 极 I G光 子 公 司 推 出了 一全 新 系列 将 接 激中 光 业 展, 德 积 参 P 与 销, 拓 国 场 内 开 中 市 。 专用于激光熔覆 、 钎 焊 及 热处 理 光纤 激 光 器
构 紧 凑 且 3 全 面 保 修 。与 用 于 传 统 的半 导 体 激 年 光 器 的传 输 光纤 相 比 .该 光 纤 工 艺具 有 更 大 的灵
抛光是对零件表⾯进⾏修饰的⼀种光整加⼯⽅法,⼀般只能得到光滑表⾯,不能提⾼甚⾄不能保持原有的加⼯精度,随预加⼯状况不同,抛光后的Ra值可达1.6~0.008 um 。
1) 轮式抛光⽤⾼速旋转的柔性抛光轮和极细的磨料对⼯件表⾯进⾏滚压和微量切削实现抛光,通常以抛光轮作为抛光⼯具:抛光轮⼀般⽤多层帆布、⽑毡或⽪⾰叠制⽽成,两侧⽤⾦属圆板夹紧,其轮缘涂敷由微粉磨料和油脂等均匀混合⽽成的抛光剂,⽤于较⼤零件的抛光。
表面等离子体激元纳米激光器技术及应用研究进展陈泳屹;佟存柱;秦莉;王立军;张金龙【摘要】Conventional semiconductor lasers suffer from the scale of the diffraction limit due to the light to be confined by the optical feedback systems. Therefore, the scales of the lasers cannot be miniaturized because their cavities cannot be less than the half of the lasing wavelength. However, lasers based on the Surface Plas- mon Polaritons(SPPs) can operate at a deep sub-wavelength, even nanometer scale. Moreover, the develop- ment of modern nanofabrication techniques provides the fabrication conditions for micro - or even nanometer scale lasers. This paper reviews the progress in nano-lasers based on SPPs that have been demonstrated re-cently. It describes the basic principles of the SPPs and gives structures and characteristics for several kinds of nanometer scale lasers. Then, it points out that the major defects of the nanometer scale lasers currently are focused on higher polariton losses and the difficultiesin fabrication and electronic pumping technologies men- tioned above. Finally, the paper considers the research and application prospects of the nanometer scale lasers based on the SPPs.%传统半导体激光器由于采用光学系统反馈而存在衍射极限,其腔长至少是其发射波长的一半,因此难以实现微小化。
体积等离激元(Volume Plasmons)
选择具有高导电性、高反 射性、高稳定性的金属材 料制作针尖。
采用电化学腐蚀、离子束 刻蚀等方法制作具有特定 形状和尺寸的金属针尖。
根据实际应用需求,对针 尖的形状、尺寸、材料等 方面进行优化设计,提高 其光学性能。
利用针尖增强光谱术可以实现对 痕量物质、生物分子等物质的检
通过设计金属纳米结构的形状和尺寸,可以实现表面等离激元与体积等离激元的 转换,进一步增强局域场的强度和稳定性。
针尖增强光谱术利用金属针尖 在特定光频下的光学共振效应 ,将待测物质产生的光谱信号
当光照射在金属针尖上时,会产生 等离激元,这是一种光与金属电子 相互作用的激发态,能将光能量聚 焦至极小空间内。
等离激元在金属针尖尖端产生强烈 的局域场增强效应,使针尖处的光 学性质发生变化。
Photonics Industries’ DS Series of diode pumped solid-state Q-switched lasers offers a compact, “hands-free” system with the long-term reliability that the manufacturing industry demands.This DS series of lasers is available with a choice of Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, and Nd:YVO4 platforms. This variety allows our customers to have the ability to select a laser that best fits their application. Based on the inherent properties of the laser crystals, the DS Series provides a large range of pulse energies, pulse repetition rates, and pulse widths. FeaturesCompact, Rugged DesignTEM00 Beam with M2 < 1.1Pulse Rates from Single Shot to 100 kHzPatented Harmonic Generation Technology ApplicationsLIDARLaser Marking, ScribingVia Hole drillingLaser SingulationHigh Repetition Rate OPO, Ti:Sapphire Pumping High Speed PIVLaser MicromachiningRapid Prototype-Stereo LithographySolar Cell Scribing/ProductionFiber Bragg Grating ManufacturingSystem ReliabilityPhotonics Industries is committed to providing a highly reliable laser to our customers. The laser resonator, which is assembled in a clean room environment, is hermetically sealed in order to prevent dust and condensation from damaging the laser crystals and optics.High PerformanceBy utilizing our end pump design, the DS Seriesdelivers superior TEM 00 beam mode quality with M 2 <1.1. Typical output performance includesPulse-to-Pulse Instability measured to be less than 1%rms. Output quality of this magnitude improvesprocess quality, control, and product yields.Low Cost of OwnershipOur DS Laser Series was designed to meet all of the laser user’s needs. The concept is to offer a laser system that will provide a cost effective solution, and go beyond the ability to achieve high power and excellent beam quality. This is exactly what has been accomplished with the DS Laser Series.The laser diode is mounted in the laser head, but outside the sealed resonator. This eliminates the fiber connection between the laser head and the controller so that they can be separated for shipment, or relocated without worry of fiber damage. The diode output is coupled to the resonator by a fiber optic cable. Since the diode package is located outside the sealed resonator, it is easily accessible for replacement by the end user without any laser alignment. The result is an adjustment-free, reliable, long lifetime operation.DS Series ControllerOur DS Series Lasers utilize a common controller unit, independent of laser model. Featuring:Single, compact, 19” Rack Mount unit User-friendly, front panel operation External control via RS-232 interface External TTL control via BNCDS Controller softwareDS10-1053 DS20-1053 DS10-527 DS20-527 Wavelength 1053 nm 1053 nm 527 nm 527 nm Average Power @ 3 kHz 7 Watts 14 Watts 6 Watts 12 Watts Pulse Width @ 1 kHz (nominal)65 ns 50 ns 50 ns 40 ns Pulse Energy @ 1 kHz4 mJ8 mJ4 mJ8 mJBeam Mode TEM 00 - M 2 < 1.1 TEM 00 - M 2 < 1.1Polarization Ratio 100:1 Horizontal100:1 Vertical Beam Diameter 1.0 mm 1.0 mm Beam Divergence <2.5 mrad <1.6 mrad Pulse-to-Pulse Instability 3% rms 3% rms Long-Term Instability 3% rms 3% rms Pointing Stability < 25 µrad< 25 µrad Pulse Repetition RateSingle shot to 10 kHz or CWSingle shot to 10 kHzDS10-351 DS20-351 DS10-263 DS20-263 Wavelength 351 nm 351 nm 263 nm 263 nm Average Power @ 3 kHz 3 Watts 7 Watts 1.5 Watts 3 Watts Pulse Width @ 1 kHz (nominal)40 ns 35 ns 30 ns 30 ns Pulse Energy @ 1 kHz2 mJ 5 mJ1 mJ2 mJ Beam Mode TEM 00 - M 2 < 1.1 TEM 00 - M 2 < 1.2 Polarization Ratio 100:1 Horizontal100:1 HorizontalBeam Diameter 0.9 mm 0.7 mm Beam Divergence <1.3 mrad <1.0 mrad Pulse-to-Pulse Instability 3% rms 3% rms Long-Term Instability 3% rms 10% rms Pointing Stability < 25 µrad < 25 mrad Pulse Repetition RateSingle shot to 10 kHzSingle shot to 10 kHzTypical DS20-527 Nd:YLF Laser Performance24681012141612345678910Repetition Rate(kHz)A v e r a g e P o w e r (W )20406080100120140160180P u l s e W i d t h (n s )Average Power @527nmPulse width @527nmDS10-1064DS20-1064DS10-532 DS20-532Wavelength1064 nm 1064 nm 532 nm 532 nm Average Power @ 10 kHz 10 Watts 20Watts 10Watts 18Watts Pulse Width @ 10 kHz (nominal)70 ns 40 ns 50 ns 40 ns Pulse Energy @ 10 kHz1 mJ 2mJ1.0 mJ 1.8mJBeam Mode TEM 00-M 2< 1.1TEM 00 - M 2< 1.1Polarization Ratio 100:1 Horizontal100:1 Vertical Beam Diameter 1.0 mm 1.0 mm Beam Divergence <2.5 mrad <1.6 mrad Pulse-to-Pulse Instability 3% rms 3% rms Long-Term Instability 3%rms 3% rms Pointing Stability < 25µrad< 25 µradPulse Repetition RateSingle shot to 50 kHz or CW Single shot to 50 kHzDS10-355DS20-355DS10-266* DS20-266*Wavelength355 nm 355 nm 266 nm 266 nm Average Power @ 10 kHz 5 Watts 10Watts 1.5 Watts 3 Watts Pulse Width @ 10 kHz (nominal)45 ns 40 ns 25 ns 25 ns Pulse Energy @ 10 kHz0.5 mJ 1mJ0.25 mJ 0.5 mJBeam Mode TEM 00-M 2< 1.1TEM 00 - M 2< 1.2Polarization Ratio 100:1 Horizontal100:1 HorizontalBeam Diameter 0.9 mm 0.7 mm Beam Divergence <1.3 mrad <1.0 mrad Pulse-to-Pulse Instability 3% rms 3% rms Long-Term Instability 3%rms 10% rms Pointing Stability < 25µrad< 25 mradPulse Repetition RateSingle shot to 50 kHzSingle shot to 50 kHz* Average Power @ 6kHz, Pulse Width @ 6kHz, Pulse Energy @ 6kHzDS20-532 Typical Performance Curve0510*******1020304050Repetition Rate(kHz)A v e r a g e P o w e r (w )20406080100120P u l s e W i d t h (n s )average power @532nmPulse width @532nmDS10H-1064 DS20HE-1064 DS10H-532 DS20H-532DS20HE-532Wavelength1064 nm 1064 nm 532 nm 532 nm 532 nm Average Power @ 40 kHz14 Watts 30 Watts 10 Watts 20 Watts 30 Watts Pulse Width @ 40 kHz (nominal)40 ns 30 ns 25 ns 25 ns 25 ns Pulse Energy @ 40 kHz0.35 mJ 0.75 mJ 0.25 mJ 0.5 mJ 0.75 mJ Beam ModeTEM 00 - M 2 < 1.1 TEM 00 - M 2 < 1.1 Polarization Ratio100:1 Horizontal 100:1 Vertical Beam Diameter1.0 mm 1.0 mm Beam Divergence<3 mrad <1.5 mrad Pulse-to-Pulse Instability3% rms 3% rms Long-Term Instability3% rms 3% rms Pointing Stability< 25 µrad < 25 µrad Pulse Repetition RateSingle shot to 150 kHz or CW Single shot to 150 kHzDS10H-355 DS20H-355DS20HE-355DS10HE-266* DS20H-266*DS20HE-266*Wavelength355 nm 355 nm 355 nm 266 nm 266 nm 266 nm Average Power @ 40 kHz5 Watts 10 Watts 15 Watts 2 Watts 4 Watts6 Watts Pulse Width @ 40 kHz (nominal)25 ns 25ns 25ns 20 ns 10 ns 10 ns Pulse Energy @ 40 kHz0.125 mJ 0.25mJ 0.375mJ 0.13 mJ 0.26 mJ 0.4 mJ Beam ModeTEM 00 - M 2 < 1.2 TEM 00 - M 2< 1.3 Polarization Ratio100:1 Horizontal 100:1 Horizontal Beam Diameter0.9 mm 0.7 mm Beam Divergence<2.5 mrad <1.0 mrad Pulse-to-Pulse Instability3% rms 3% rms Long-Term Instability3% rms 10% rms Pointing Stability< 25 µrad < 25 mrad Pulse Repetition RateSingle shot to 150 kHz Single shot to 70 kHz * Average Power @ 15kHz, Pulse Width @ 15kHz, Pulse Energy @ 15kHzNd:YVO 4 - DS20HE - 3550246810121416182030507090110130150Repetition Rate(kHz)P o w e r (W )010203040506070P u l s e W i d t h (n s )powerPulse widthC o m m o n S p e c i f i c a t i o n sInfrared, Green, and UV LasersWidth Length Height Weight Laser Head 165 mm (6.50 in) 457 mm (18.00 in) 83 mm (3.25 in)10 kg/22 lbLaser Controller 483 mm (19 in) 476 mm (18.75 in) 133 mm (5.25 in) 8 kg/17 lb Solid State Chiller 483 mm (19 in) 438 mm (17.24 in) 177 mm (7.0 in) 20 kg/43 lb Electrical Requirement 110 VAC 20 Amps or 220 VAC 10 Amps @ 50/60 HzAmbient Temperature 15 to 30 o C (59 to 86 o F) Operating RangeHumidity Non-CondensingUmbilical Length 3 meters (10 feet)Infrared, Green, and UV Lasers HeadLasers Head ControllerDeep UV LasersWidth Length Height Weight Laser Head 203 mm (8.00 in) 711 mm (28.0 in) 152.0 mm (6.0 in) -- Laser Controller 483 mm (19 in) 476 mm (18.75 in) 133 mm (5.25 in) 17 kg/37 lb Solid State Chiller 483 mm (19 in) 438 mm (17.24 in) 177 mm (7.0 in) 20 kg/43 lb Electrical Requirement 110 VAC 20 Amps or 220 VAC 10 Amps @ 50/60 HzAmbient Temperature 15 to 30 o C (59 to 86 o F) Operating RangeHumidity Non-CondensingUmbilical Length 3 meters (10 feet)Deep UV Lasers HeadIn order to continuously improve our products, we reserve the right to change all specification with out prior notice.Please contact the factory for the most recent dimensions.Optional FeaturesPower Attenuator: This patented feature allows laser output power to be controlled by either manual adjustment, or by computer control via RS232. The laser output power can be controlled from approximately 1% to 98% of the maximum available power.Beam Expander: Please contact us for details on all DS series laser accessories and optional features.Customized ProductsIn addition to our standard laser specifications, customized versions can be provided to meet our customer’s specific requirements including; long or short pulse duration and Single Longitudinal Mode (SLM). For higher average power, please contact us for the availability of our PA series lasers.WARRANTYPhotonics Industries International, Inc. offers a limited warranty for all DS Series laser systems. All components and assemblies are guaranteed to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for the duration of the warranty period. Please contact our sales office, or visit our website for complete details on our standard and extended warranty coverage.Due to Photonics Industries’ commitment to continuous product improvement,Specifications are subject to change without notice.。
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将生 长在蓝 宝石衬底 上 的 G N 外 延层 转 移 到 S 衬 底 a i 上 。G N 和 S 表 面 分 别 用 电子 束 蒸 发 A1T / a i / iAu和 TiAu I / /n后 , 氮 气环 境 下 2 0 在 0 ℃加 压 实现 G N和 S a i
Ga AlT / /n Au TiS 结构 , 图 1所示 。 N/ / iAu I / / / i 如
应用促 进 了研 发 和 商用 器 件 方 面 的 快 速 发展 [z。 由 1] . 于 自然界 缺乏天 然 Ga 单 晶 , N 目前 Ga 基 L D一 般 N E
是异 质外 延在与 之 晶系结 构相 容的 蓝 宝石 衬底 上 。但
的键 合 。 采 用脉 冲 宽 度 3 n 、 长 2 8 m 的 准 分 子 脉 0 s波 4n
冲激光 透过蓝 宝石衬 底辐 照 G N 薄膜 , 脉 冲激 光 能 a 在
量 密度 为 3 0 / m。的 条 件 下 将 蓝 宝 石 衬 底 剥 离 下 8 mJ e
合 。衬 底转移 后样 品 的截面 扫描 电镜 ( E 照片说 明 S M) 形 成 了 致 密 的 G N A1TiAu I/ / iS 结 构 。 a / / / /n Au T / i
关键 词 : 激光 剥 离 ; N; 描 电镜 ; 子 力 显微 镜 ; Ga 扫 原 光致发 光谱 中图分类号 : TN3 2 1 文献 标识码 : A
文章 编号 :0 19 3 (0 7 0 0 80 1 0 -7 1 2 0 ) 卜0 8 —3
1 引 言
G N基 发光 二极 管 ( E 在 众 多 领 域 中的 广 泛 a L D)Βιβλιοθήκη 利影 响 。 2 实 验
冲层 [2-4] 、Al 组分梯度渐变 AlGaN 缓冲层 [5-6] 等方法,已能初步满足低阻 Si 衬底上 GaN 基功率电子器件对材
料的要求;然而目前高阻 Si 衬底上 GaN 及其异质结构材料仍然存在很高的位错密度,其应力 / 翘曲控制仍然
此外,尽管采用高阻 Si 衬底,射频损耗仍然是阻碍 Si 衬底上 GaN 基射频电子材料和器件发展的关键瓶
颈。 其内涵是 Si 衬底上 GaN 基射频器件在信号传输时存在传输的损耗,这会造成信号精准性和器件工作效
率的下降。 Si 衬底上 GaN 基射频器件的射频损耗主要包括 4 个部分 [7] :1) 导体损耗,也可称为传输线损耗。
YANG Xuelin1,2,3 , SHEN Bo1,2,3,4
(1. Research Center for Wide Gap Semiconductors, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure and Microscopic Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
进行解决。 2) 衬底损耗。 这部分损耗可以通过使用高阻的 Si 衬底进行解决。 3) 由于 Si 衬底和半导体界面
的导电层带来的界面损耗。 4) 无法避免的辐射损耗,这部分损耗通常可以忽略不计,只在严重失配或者特
万方数据电子科技大学学报第38卷etc.,havebeensuccessfullycommercializedandwidelyusedforhealthmonitoringofcompositematerials,largecivilengineeringstructures(e.g.bridgesanddams),spaceaircrafts,andairplanes,etc.,whichwouldleadtotherealizationofSO.calledsmartmaterialsandstructures,andharshenvironments(e.g.hightemperature).WiththegenerationofPCFs,therearepossibilitiesthatbyincorporatingPCFsintotheFFPIstructure,fundamentalprogresscouldbemadetowardsthesignificantenhancementinfunctionalityandreliabilityofFFPIsensors,offeringagreatpotentialtoformanewgenerationofFFPIsensors.Fig.1ConfigurationoftypicalFFPIsensor(extrinsicFFPD2FFPIFormedByHollowCorePCF2.1SensorFabricationandCharacteristicsAtypicalFFPIsensorbasedonconventionalfibersisshowninFig.1,wheretheF-Pcavityisnormallyformedbyahollowglasstube.Duetotheveryhighlossoftheglasstubeasawaveguide,thecavitylengthislimitedtobequiteshort,usuallylessthanafewhundredmicrometers,makingthefabricationandassemblyofthesensordifficulttocontrol,resultingrelativelypoorrepeatability.Bycontrast,hollow—corephotonicbandgapfibersuseamicrostructuredcladdingregionwithairholestoguidelightinahollowcore.Thephotonicbandgapguidingmechanismisfundamentallydifferentfromthetraditionaltotalinternalreflectionguidingprinciple.TheHCPCF—FFPIisconstructedbysplicingasectionofhollow-corePCF(HCPCF)betweentwostandardsingle-modefibers(ComingSMF-28)toformallin-lineetalon,as‘displayedinFig.2and3【,j.Such.anin—lineHCPCFetaloncangreatlyenhancethemultiplexingcapabilitywithspatialdivisionmultiplexing(SFDM)duetothesubstantialincreaseinthecavitylength.Inthiswork,thefringevisibilityVismainlydeterminedbythesplicinglossbetweenthesingle.modefiberandtheHCPCFastheverylOWtransmissionlossoftheHCPCFCanbeignored,ratherthanthecavitylengthinaconventionalF-Pcavitywithallairgap.Hence,Vvarieslittlewiththecavitylength.WhichisverifiedbyoHrexperimentevenwhentheHCPCHetalonlengthiSextendedto2cm.Ontheotherhand,VisenhancedgreatlybycoatingthereflectivefiberendwithahJighreflectionfilm,asshowninFig.4.Fig.2Configurationofin—lineHCPCFetalon五/nm乱withoutreflectivefilmA/nmb.withreflectivefilmFig.4ReflectivesignalsfromaHCPCHetalon 万方数据 万方数据490电予科技大学学报第38卷speedsatthewavelengthof1550衄.Fig。
激光冲击强化应变率(Laser Shock Peening, LSP)是一种利用
Chia Wei Hsu 光被局限在一个平面介质光子晶体。
Bo Zhen
第五讲 激光冲击加工
1、作用于单位面积金属上峰值功率密度要求: GW/cm2 2、持续时间要求:10-30ns 3、为保证加工效率:重复频率,>1~10Hz
激光器参数要求 参数 能量 ~30J 脉宽 10-30ns 频率 ≥3HZ 光斑 3-5mm
江大 能量 频率 35J 单次
MIC ≥25J ≥3HZ
工作介质 SBS系统
Nd:glass棒 无
板条Nd:glass 有
陶瓷板条YAG 有
泵浦 传播方式 冷却液
氙灯 直线 水
氙灯 Z字形 水
氙灯 Z字形 水
请思考脉冲激光器输出脉冲的脉冲宽度 由什么因素决定?
透反镜 氙灯 全反镜
透反镜 氙灯 偏振器 KDP晶体 全反镜
R1 R2
全反射镜 L
部分反射镜R1、R2 左、右两反射镜的反射率.对照上表,可见江苏大学激光冲击强化设备的 不足之处。
MIC公司和美国利弗莫尔实验室合作开发了一台 目前已经用于实用化的激光系统,具体参数如下: 能量 脉宽 频率 光斑 ≥25J 10-100ns ≥5HZ 5×5mm
一. 試模前必須檢查打光是否完全符合要求或是否全部完成.<br> 二. 火花紋地方是否正确及是否可以出模.<br>
三. 所有鏡面打光,鋼材必須用ASSAB 136,見硬52-54HKC工件表面光洁度按照下列新標准
SPI-SPE 工件表面光洁度標准
A-0 #1鑽石膏(光學要求)
A-1 #3鑽石膏拋光(鏡面)
A-2 #6鑽石膏拋光(鏡面)
A-3 #15鑽石膏拋光(鏡面)
B-1 600 沙紙(光面)
B-2 400 沙紙(光面)
B-3 320 沙紙(光面)
C-1 600 沙紙(光面)
C-2 400 油石(啞面)
C-3 320 沙紙(光面)
D-1 噴#11粗玻璃珠
D-2 噴#240沙
D-3 噴#24沙
1. 見硬方法
- 用真空熱處理.
- 見硬時在熱處理通知表必須注明:
1. 德勝2083ESR
2. 硬度52-54HRC
3. 高溫淬火+2次低溫回火
4. 大陸的加工厂可以在德勝熱處理;香港加工厂可以繼續用好百利.
1. 加工方法
- 用低電流加工.因為高電流粗加工容易留下凹穴,打光時留下深孔. - EDM只适用日本火花机加工,因台灣机火花紋深淺不一,會留下深孔.以因拋光鑽石膏后才看到 "孔",如有凹孔重新打光需由#320開始,會浪費大量工時.。
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and 2 tm thick, respectively.
*Email: jan.j.dubowskinrc.ca
442 Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing VI, Malcolm C. Gower, Henry Helvajian, Koji Sugioka, Jan J. Dubowski, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4274 (2001) © 2001 SPIE · 0277-786X/01/$15.00
பைடு நூலகம்
The GaN layers were grown on (0001) sapphire substrates in a custom built ammonia-molecular beam epitaxy system
[5]. The initial buffer/nucleation layer of A1N was grown by magnetron sputter epitaxy. The A1N and GaN layers were 20 nm
Samples were irradiated at normal incidence with 10 ns pulses from a XeCl excimer laser (X 308 nm) using an experimental setup described elsewhere [6]. The irradiation was carried out with laser pulse fluences between 99 - 231 mJ/cm2. The experiment was carried out in an air environment. The diameter of laser etched craters was about 375 tm. Following laser irradiation, the samples were etched in a 50% solution of HC1/H20 to remove excessive Ga formed at the irradiated surface. The ablation rate was determined from direct measurements of the depth of laser-produced craters by
Due to its attractive properties, gallium nitride (GaN) has received in recent years a steadily growing attention by fundamental and applied research communities. The interest is primarily driven by the potential this material has for the development of blue-emitting laser diodes and high-frequency, high-power devices. The rapid expansion of this material into optoelectronic application is, however, significantly hindered by the lack of large size lattice matched substrates. Sapphire (Al203) remains to be the most popular substrate applied for the hetero-epitaxial growth of this material. The growth has also been investigated on other substrates, such as SiC, Si, GaAs, MgO, ZnO [1]. A significant lattice mismatch between GaN and sapphire complicates the growth of a high quality (low-defect) material. It contributes to the increased surface roughness of GaN films and may result in, for instance, a reduced capability of high-definition patterning of such material. Consequently, a method improving smoothness of hetero-epitaxially grown GaN through the post-growth treatment has a potential practical application. Some recent investigations have indicated that such a process is feasible through the laser-induced thermal decomposition of the GaN surface. It has been demonstrated that the irradiation with several pulses of a KrF [2,3] and a F2 [4] lasers could lead to a significant planarization of GaN films grown on sapphire. The maximum effect, a reduction from the initial roughness of 0s = 1 0 nm to 2 nm, was observed for the 7-pulse KrF laser irradiation at the fluence of F 1 J/cm2 per pulse (i; = 34 ns) [3]. It is well known however that the laser interaction with solid surfaces at such high laser fluence can easily induce significant damage to the processed material. Clearly, the attractiveness of the laser-induced planarization process of GaN will depend on the ability to carry it out without inducing significant damage, or to confine the laser-induced damage to as small volume as possible. One possible route to achieve that would be by the application of a shorter wavelength laser, such as F2 (157 nm), as has been reported recently [4]. Short-pulse ablation, with a laser operating in the
Laser polishing of GaN
J.J. Dubowski*, S. Moisa, B. Komorowski, H. Tang and J.B. Webb Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada
The ablative decomposition of GaN films induced with a XeC1 excimer laser (? = 308 nm) was investigated for a potentially low-damage surface planarization process. Samples, 2-tm-thick, were grown on (0001) sapphire by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy. They had a characteristic micro-hillock type surface morphology with a roughness, averaged over 5 x 5 tm2 area, typically, of 13 nm. Following the laser irradiation, this roughness could be reduced to 3.6 urn. The results indicate that the ablation process follows the Lambert-Beer's law, with an absorption coefficient of 3 x iO cm'. The experiment was carried out with relatively short pulses ('r = 10 ns), which appear to be responsible for the observed onset of the laser-induced decomposition of GaN and surface planarization at significantly smaller laser fluences than reported in the literature. The ability to carry out decomposition of GaN with low laser fluences is of practical importance for achieving a low-damage GaN planarization process and/or intentional delaminating of this material from the sapphire substrate by the back side irradiation technique.