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different aged poplar plantations
YAN Zhengming 1 ,RUAN Honghua 1∗ ,LIAO Jiahui 1 ,SHI Ke 1 ,NI Juanping 1 ,CAO Guohua 2 ,
SHEN Caiqin 2 ,DING Xuenong 2 ,ZHAO Xiaolong 2 ,ZHUANG Xin 2
Keywords:poplar plantation; forest age; soil beetle; community structure; community diversity
【 Result】 A total of 1 460 soil beetle specimens were collected during the study period, belonging to seven families and
28 species. The dominant species were Dolichus halensis, Agonum gracilipes, Harpalus chalcentus and Amara gigantea,
values in the 12⁃year⁃old and 18⁃year⁃old plantations, respectively. There was no significant difference in beetle diversity
in 6⁃, 9⁃, and 15⁃year⁃old poplar plantations. 【 Conclusion】 Our study clarified that the individual number and species
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2021YFD2200403) ;国家自然科学基金项目( 32071594) ;江苏省林业局揭榜挂帅项目( LYKJ[ 2022]
01) ;福建自然科学基金项目(2020J05245) 。
第一作者:颜铮明( yanzhangming@ njfu.edu.cn) 。 ∗通信作者:阮宏华( hhruan@ njfu.edu.cn) ,教授。
第 47 卷 第 6 期
2023 年 11 月
南京林业大学学报( 自然 科 学 版 )
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University ( Natural Sciences Edition)
Vol.47, No.6
diversity of soil beetles are closely related to the growth and development stages of poplar plantations. Middle⁃aged stands
in the rapid growth and development stage have higher beetle species diversity while mature stages or older stands have
which accounted for 79.11% of the total individuals. Common species were Harpalus calceatus, Harpalus griseus, Hypera
conmaculata, Chlaenius micans, Harpalus amplicollis and Chlaenius costiger, accounting for 15.82% of the total number
lower beetle species diversity. This study provides a theoretical basis for the protection of soil biodiversity in poplar
plantations and the sustainable management of plantations.
引文格式:颜铮明,阮宏华,廖家辉,等. 不同林龄杨树人工林地表甲虫群落多样性特征[ J] . 南京林业大学学报( 自然科学版) ,2023,
47(6) :236-242.YAN Z M,RUAN H H,LIAO J H, et al. Abundance and diversity of soil beetles on the forest floor in different
9, 12, 15 and 18 years) in the Yellow Sea Forest Park in Dongtai City of Jiangsu Province were selected for research
收稿日期 Received:2022⁃03⁃27 修回日期 Accepted:2022⁃12⁃31
conducted from 2020 to 2021. A pasteurized pot inducement method was used to collect different soil beetles. We
investigated soil beetle community composition, structure and diversity characteristics in select poplar plantations.
提供理论支撑。 【 方法】 于 2020—2021 年,以江苏东台的黄海森林公园不同林龄( 6、9、12、15 及 18 a) 杨树人工
林为对象,采用巴氏罐诱法收集不同年龄林分的地表甲虫,并在体视显微镜( LEICA M205A) 下鉴定和计数。 分
中图分类号:S718;Q968 文献标志码:A
开放科学( 资源服务) 标识码( OSID) :
Abundance and diversity of soil beetles on the forest floor in
颜铮明1 ,阮宏华1∗ ,廖家辉1 ,石 珂1 ,倪娟平1 ,曹国华2 ,
沈彩芹2 ,丁学农2 ,赵小龙2 ,庄 鑫2
(1.南京林业大学生态与环境学院,南方现代林业协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210037;
2.江苏省东台市林场,江苏 东台 224200)
摘要:【 目的】 甲虫作为森林生态系统的重要生物组分,能够调控森林凋落物分解及土壤生态学过程。 笔者探明
Abstract: 【 Objective 】 Beetles, as important biological components of forest ecosystems, can regulate litter
decomposition and soil ecological processes. The authors aims to reveal the diversity characteristics of surface beetle
(1. Co⁃Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,College of Ecology and Environment,Nanjing
Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China;2. Dongtai City Forest Farm of Jiangsu Province,Dongtai 224200,China)
of individuals, and the remaining 18 species were rare populations, accounting for only 5. 07% of the total number of
individuals. The 12⁃year⁃old poplar plantation had significantly more beetle species and total individuals than other stand
communities in different aged poplar plantations and provide scientific support for exploring the structure, function and
productivity maintenance for poplar plantations ecosystems.【 Method】 Poplar plantations of different stand ages ( i.e., 6,
ages, while the 18⁃year⁃old poplar forest had the lowest. The species diversity of soil beetles varied by 33.83% across all
plantation ages. Diversity increased first and then decreased with age of poplar plantation, with maximum and minimum
aged poplar plantations[ J] . Journal of Nanjing Forestry University ( Natural Sciences Edition) ,2023,47( 6) :236- 242. DOI:10.
12302 / j.issn.1000-2006.202203058.
稀有种群,仅占总个体数的 5 07%;地表甲虫种类数和个体数量随林龄的变化,表现为 12 年生杨树人工林显著
高于其他林龄,18 年生林分最低;地表甲虫物种多样性随杨树人工林林龄增加呈先增后减的变化规律,最大值
与最小值分别出现在 12 年生和 18 年生杨树人工林,变幅为 33.83%,其中 6、9、15 年生杨树人工林地表甲虫多样
( Harpalus calceatus) 、 毛 婪 步 甲 ( Harpalus griseus ) 、 条 斑 叶 象 ( Hypera conmaculata ) 、 黄 斑 青 步 甲 ( Chlaenius
micans) 、红角婪步甲( Harpalus amplicollis) 和脊青步甲( Chlaenius costiger) ,占总个体数的 15.82%;其余 18 种均为
析杨树( Populus spp.) 人工林地表甲虫群落组成、结构及多样性特征。 【 结果】 研究期间共采集到地表甲虫标本
1 460 只,分属于 7 科 28 种。 其中优势种为蠋步甲( Dolichus halensis) 、亮足细胫步甲( Agonum gracilipes) 、铜绿婪
步甲( Harpalus chalcentus) 和巨短胸步甲( Amara gigantea) ,其数量占总个体数的 79. 11%;常见种为谷婪步甲
性无显著差异。 总之,地表甲虫个体数量、物种多样性变化,从杨树幼龄林至中龄林阶段表现为增加趋势,在中
龄林到成过熟林阶段表现为减少趋势。 【 结论】 地表甲虫个体数量、物种多样性与杨树人工林生长发育阶段密