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he llo everon e! first,let me int rodue msel f.
i lovefreedom, n ot bound.i fan bust le, not lo nel. i pre fer life i th reativi t, not und ramati lif e. i likesinging, a nd draingas ell. ienjo movie s, also su rfing theinternet.m onl purp ose is tolive a are free lifeithout andisguise.i just ant to be exh ilarated.being neit her perfet nor artis ti, i am m self, a ol lege stude nt from ar t shool. 创意生活,看着这题目,我笑了。
t he reative life, i b urst intolaughter h en i notie d the titl e. the rea tive lifeis a tpe o f living a ttitude an d pursue o f life qua lit.作为一个学设计的艺术生,创意是学习和生活中都不可缺少的东西,这使我更加深刻明白创意所带给生活的好处。
as astudent ma jor in des igning, th e imaginat ion and re ativit isindispensa ble in stu ding and l ife. thisexperienegives me a deeper un derstandin g of benef its that r eativit br ings to li fe. 首先,创意对于生活而言,是变化。
f irst of al l, origina lit meanshanging. l ife is
all-braing, n ot invaria ble. it ke eps hangin g insteadof being f eatureless. and forreativit,no matterits size o r importan e, hat itbrings tolife is va riation, s urprise, j o and uniq ueness. it s purposeis to spar kle in fro nt of therod and im press them deepl. su h examples are the o riginal ad vertisemen t, uniquebrand logo s and nove l house fu rniture de signs. the se thingsare aessor ies of lif e, makinglife beaut iful, fitt ing in div erse olors. 其次,创意对于生活更重要的是它提高了生活的品质。
l ifes. 生活不仅只是活着那么简单,而是要活的多姿多彩,多的快乐。
那么,还等什么,放开你的约束,让创意主宰的思想,快乐生活吧!th e life isnot merelto be aliv e, but tolead a goo d life. th e reativelife is su h a a to e ih life, d eorate lif e and make it meanin gful.so ha t are ou a iting for? let the b ind go. em brae the i maginative mind andenjo our e xtraordina r life!
英语演讲稿--梦想dream 当瓦特制造了第一台蒸汽机,当牛顿在被一颗苹果砸中后发现了万有引力(universalgravitatio n),当马
人民共和国成立,当马丁·路德·金用热血呼喊出“ihave a dre am”时,这个世界就改变了。
世界,你呢? dream i s the foun tain of st rength. dr eam is the support o f faith. d ream is th e polaris.dream rem inds us to move fora rd, to str uggle, tostrive all the time. one of mfriends to ld me that dream ill never dis ard anone! es, mabeone da eve rthing isgone but d reams is s till there ith
ou, e ternall. d ream hange d us, andthereforee hanged t he orld. i t is dream that refr eshes theorld everda. it isalso dream that make s the orld improve d a b da. edare to dr eam. e analso ahiev e our drea ms and han ge the orl d. i an’timagine th e orld ith out dreams. ho about ou?
英语演讲稿betterme ? bett er me ?be tter me? better mebetter me ? m dream then that s m dreami stand he re speakin g to evero ne ,also i kno there is alas a long road to there,but
i ill tr m best ith m onf idene ,i i ll never g ive up nomatter hohard it is , i kno i ill be th at kind of man likethe man in m dream ,i ill tr f or the fir st time ,t he seond t ime ,,,unt il i ere t hat kind o f man . th ats all ,i kno ,no i m sure ouant to bethat kindof man our mind .tha ts m dream ,thats minner hear t . m outh, m dream e all ant to believ e that e a re apableof great f eats , ofreahing ou r fullestpotential. 我们相信自己有成就伟业的能力,能发挥出自己最大的潜力。
e need dre ams . 我们需要梦想。
the gi ve us a vi sion of abetter fut ure . 它会给我们展现一番更好的前景。
the nouri sh our
spi rit ,the r epresent p ossibiliteven thene are drag ged don brealit . 它能滋养我们的灵魂,梦想代表一种可能性,尽管它会受到现实的羁绊。
the keepus going .梦想让我们勇往直前。
most sue ssful peop le are dre amers . 多数成功人士都是梦想家。
drand m f riends. iould liketo introdu e ou a sho rt novel n amed “theold man an d the sea”. it is ri tten b ern est heming a in uba i n51 and pu blished in5
thestor of an aging, li fe-long fi sherman ho attemptsto find hi mself, and hopefulla fish, on a fishing trip in t he gulf at ers off ub a. after s pending mo st of hislife alone and losin g his onlpanion hois a ounguban bo, t he old man heads out to sea on e again. h is 84 dasithout a n otable ath end on th is trip, b ut ill hebe able to defeat th e odds aft er athinga gigantimarlin? th is short n ovel is un iversal in its
onsid eration of the pligh t of an ol d man stru ggling aga inst age,loneliness, mortalit, humilita nd povertto maintai n his
iden tit and di gnit. apar t from tha t, the hee rful
and o ptimisti o ld man ant s to reest ablish his reputatio n in the m unit. besi des, he al so ants to ensure fo r all time his relat ionship it h those he loves and to hom he hopes topaon evert hing he va lues the m ost. final l, he surv ives and i ns the
bat tle. thishas shon h is heroi s truggle no t onl rede ems himsel f but also inspiresand spirit uall eihes those aro und him.th anks for o ur attenti on. a mononept amon g some peo ple is tha t opportun ities arefe. the al as plain t hat opport unities ne ver our to them. the onl admir e those pe ople ho ma ke a hit o r sueed bseizing so me opportu nities, an d alas ond er h the a re never g iven a goo d opportun it to shotheir tale nt. anothe r mon noti on is that there are opportuni ties everh ere. oppor tunit ma o ur to anbo d at an ti me and und er an irum stanes aslong as he she keepsma-ki-ng o nstant eff orts. as a student,ou an getto the top through o ur hard or k. as a bu sinessman, ou an sue ed through aurate al ulation an d ith a pl ete ertain t that ouan make aprofit. in m opinion, opportun it favorsonl thoseho keep tr ing and ho are readfor it. as the saing goes godhelps thos e ho helpthemselves, so no ma tter hethe r there's opport unit or no t, hat e s hould do i s to stud, to learnand bee le arned peop le, onl in this a an ou seizeour opport unit hen i t ours. so never sathere's no oppor tunit agai n, opportu nities are around us.
英语演讲主题及演讲稿英语演讲 ? 演讲主题:
Everbodants the d reams e tr ue. Can ou tell us h o ou under stand themeaning of the phras e “Dreamse true”? ?? 比
谢谢!! Hello ev erbod !Goo d evening!M name is Sun Ge.It’s m great honor tostand here to delive r a speeh.Toda m to pi is
“hoan e trueour dream. I believe everone o ne heard a person ho e form Br itain name d Susan Bo le. She oe s her sues s to
her a ttitude th at is neve r give up. Sima Qian one sai
d:”Ho ana sparro r ead the gr eat ambiti on of a sa n”.This se ntene exat l tell us“Don’t let the noise of other’s
opinions dron outour on inn er voie.An d most imp ortantl,ha ve the our age to fol lo our hea rt!”One Isa a movie named
《Wor ld's F astest Ind ian》,it’sbased on a real stor. I’m
deep l touhed b it.It’s n ever too o ld to e tu re our dre am.You sho uld firmlbelieve ou r dream mu st e trueif onl oukeep our f eet on the ground.Ithink ou s hould seethis movie after las s,ou’ll be nefit a lo t from it.What’s mo re ou shou ld devoteourself in tirel to o ur dream.O f ourse ou should ha ve our onidea hen o u do evert hing.Whenou in trou ble,ou sho uld get ou r ourage t o fae thehallenge.Everone sh ould belie ve in
ours elf,ou mus t an fl so meda! That's all for m
spe eh,thank o u ver muh!