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【摘要】发电机进相运行是解决系统低谷运行时枢纽点电压偏高的有效手段.针对发电机进相运行问题进行综述,对其国内外发展现状做了概括和分析.从发电机进相运行的机理出发,阐述发电机进相运行能力的约束因素和稳定监测,探讨发电机进相能力的建模问题;概括进相运行所带来的特殊影响,并总结归纳发电机进相运行在黑启动、抽水蓄能、风电场等不同工程背景中的应用.展望了发电机进相运行在进相管理数据库、多机进相运行等方面未来的研究方向,进一步探讨多机进相运行的调压能力和对系统稳定的影响.最后指出多机进相运行中的关键问题,具体给出开展多机进相运行的一些建议和研究思路,为多机进相运行的深入开展指明了研究方向.%Leading phase of generator is an effective method to reduce voltage of the key point which is much high in valley load period. First, this paper summarizes the progress of research on leading phase operation of generator both at home and abroad, including the constraining factors of leading phase ability, stability monitoring, leading phase ability model, particular influence induced by leading phase operation of generator, and the application in different fields of black start, pumped storage power station, wind farm, and so on. Then the opinions about the future works for leading phase operation management database and leading phase operation of multi-generators are presented. The voltage regulation and
depth optimization relating to leading phase of multi-generators are discussed, and the key problems of leading phase of multi-generators are also addressed. At last, the corresponding analysis ideas for researches on the above issues are extended, which direct the orientation of the development of leading phase of multi-generators.This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50877024, No, 51107032 and No. 61104045) and Natural Science Foundation of Hohai University (No. 2009421411).
1.汽轮发电机进相运行对发电机静态稳定性的影响研究 [J], 李有军;李婉萍;王志文;任涛
2.发电机进相运行的限制因素和调压效果的仿真研究 [J], 陈东;匡一雷
3.新疆电网发电机组进相运行的现状研究与分析 [J], 克帕依吐·吐尔逊;阿地利·巴
4.新疆电网发电机组进相运行的现状研究与分析 [J], 克帕依吐·吐尔逊[1];阿地利·巴拉提[1];焦春雷[1];刘国营[1];赵立斌[1]
5.葛洲坝电厂发电机组进相运行研究 [J], 杨京广;董宜琛;曹慧明
