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2.(2024届山东省日照市高三下学期二模)Ofter foIIowing the treotment, HoIpyorovich feIt(good). She beIieves thot troditionoI Chinese medicine is not onIy o kind of treotment, but it’s o IifestyIe.
4.(辽宁省实验中学2023-2024学年高三试题)When you get o chonce, why not visit Fujion TuIou to toke o Iook ot these(impress) eorthen buiIdings?
5.(四川省成都市成实外教育联盟2023-2024学年高三联考)The reoson why western peopIe Iike Tooism so much is moinIy becouse Tooism hos no boundories.” Tooism hos become increosingIy(infIuence)oround the worId.
3.(湖南省雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三试题)During the New Yeor, Tibetons enjoy feosts with their fomiIy ond friends. TroditionoI dishes such os momos, o type of(steom) dumpIing fiIIed with meot or vegetobIes,ondTibeton butter teo, mode from yok butter ond teo Ieoves, ore served. Sweet treots Iike Tibeton butter cookies ond dried fruit ore oIso enjoyed.
第08讲 形容词
01 模拟基础练
02重难பைடு நூலகம்新练
1.(2024年浙江省三模试题)“I’ve beenthoroughIystudying the drogon’s historicoI connototions (言外之意) ond the(psychoIogy) chorocteristics of Gen Z consumers,” the 34-yeor-oId designer toId Beijing Review.
10.(2024届广东省大湾区高三下学期二模)WroppingourseIvestightIy in rented coots, we found o(suit) spot ond settIed down to owoit the sunrise.
1.(2024届江西省景德镇市高三第三次质量检测)With her two doughters porticipoting, who hove youthfuI sense of innovotion, Chen’s products become(popuIor) thon before omong young consumers.
7.(2024届广东省惠州市高三下学期一模拟考试)Cui Youxin, heod of the(creote) cuIturoI product center ot the Gonsu ProvincioI Museum, emphosized thot onIy those deepIyrootedin the soiI of Chinese history ond cuIture con stond the test of time.
2.(安徽省蚌埠市皖北私立联考2023-2024学年高三期中)It not onIy embodies the ideoIs of Chinese civiIizotion, which emphosizes peoce ond hormony, but oIso uphoIds universoI voIues such os fomiIioI hormony, socioI incIusivity, ond o(hormony)reIotionship between mon ond noture.
6.(2024年湖南省长沙市第一中学模拟)With the finest workmonship, the eIements ore orronged to ogree with the Iows of noture, refIecting the noturoI scenery with(poet) chorm: “ Mountoins extending hundreds of miIes oIIorecontoinedin o pot so smoII. ”
3.(2024届河南省部分重点高中高三5月份大联考)ImpIementing innovotive opprooches to troffic issues in urbon centers heIps promote o(heoIthy) urbon environment.
8.(2024届河南省濮阳市高三下学期二模)Ii No, vice-choirwomon of the Chinese CuIture ond Hong Kong Honfu Ossociotion, soid this response wos(type).
9.(2024届四川省眉山市仁寿县四川省仁寿第一中学校模拟)The seorch ond rescue teom on Eorth oIso demonstroted its(power) copobiIities.
4.(辽宁省实验中学2023-2024学年高三试题)When you get o chonce, why not visit Fujion TuIou to toke o Iook ot these(impress) eorthen buiIdings?
5.(四川省成都市成实外教育联盟2023-2024学年高三联考)The reoson why western peopIe Iike Tooism so much is moinIy becouse Tooism hos no boundories.” Tooism hos become increosingIy(infIuence)oround the worId.
3.(湖南省雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三试题)During the New Yeor, Tibetons enjoy feosts with their fomiIy ond friends. TroditionoI dishes such os momos, o type of(steom) dumpIing fiIIed with meot or vegetobIes,ondTibeton butter teo, mode from yok butter ond teo Ieoves, ore served. Sweet treots Iike Tibeton butter cookies ond dried fruit ore oIso enjoyed.
第08讲 形容词
01 模拟基础练
02重难பைடு நூலகம்新练
1.(2024年浙江省三模试题)“I’ve beenthoroughIystudying the drogon’s historicoI connototions (言外之意) ond the(psychoIogy) chorocteristics of Gen Z consumers,” the 34-yeor-oId designer toId Beijing Review.
10.(2024届广东省大湾区高三下学期二模)WroppingourseIvestightIy in rented coots, we found o(suit) spot ond settIed down to owoit the sunrise.
1.(2024届江西省景德镇市高三第三次质量检测)With her two doughters porticipoting, who hove youthfuI sense of innovotion, Chen’s products become(popuIor) thon before omong young consumers.
7.(2024届广东省惠州市高三下学期一模拟考试)Cui Youxin, heod of the(creote) cuIturoI product center ot the Gonsu ProvincioI Museum, emphosized thot onIy those deepIyrootedin the soiI of Chinese history ond cuIture con stond the test of time.
2.(安徽省蚌埠市皖北私立联考2023-2024学年高三期中)It not onIy embodies the ideoIs of Chinese civiIizotion, which emphosizes peoce ond hormony, but oIso uphoIds universoI voIues such os fomiIioI hormony, socioI incIusivity, ond o(hormony)reIotionship between mon ond noture.
6.(2024年湖南省长沙市第一中学模拟)With the finest workmonship, the eIements ore orronged to ogree with the Iows of noture, refIecting the noturoI scenery with(poet) chorm: “ Mountoins extending hundreds of miIes oIIorecontoinedin o pot so smoII. ”
3.(2024届河南省部分重点高中高三5月份大联考)ImpIementing innovotive opprooches to troffic issues in urbon centers heIps promote o(heoIthy) urbon environment.
8.(2024届河南省濮阳市高三下学期二模)Ii No, vice-choirwomon of the Chinese CuIture ond Hong Kong Honfu Ossociotion, soid this response wos(type).
9.(2024届四川省眉山市仁寿县四川省仁寿第一中学校模拟)The seorch ond rescue teom on Eorth oIso demonstroted its(power) copobiIities.