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1.原水箱: Raw water tank
2.产水箱: Purified water tank
3.中间水箱: Intermediate tank
4.化学清洗药箱: UF Chemical cleaning Tank
5.反洗加药箱: Backwash dosing tank
1.原水泵: Raw water pump
2.反洗泵: Back-wash pump
3.化学清洗泵: Chemical cleaning pump
4.反洗加药计量泵: Backwash Dosing metering pumps
1.石英砂机械过滤器 quartz sand filter
2. 活性炭机械过滤器 activated carbon filter
3. 精密过滤器 precision filter
4. 多介质机械过滤器 multimedia filter
5. 盘式过滤器 disc filter
6. 核桃壳机械过滤器 walnut shell filter
7.管道过滤器 Pipeline Filter
8.管道混合器 Channel mixer
9.袋式过滤器 Bag filter
10.自清洗过滤器 Self-clean filter
1.进水流量计: Inlet flow meter
2.产水流量计: Produced water flow meter
3.反洗流量计: Backwash flow meter
1.电动蝶阀: Electric butterfly valve
2.手动蝶阀: Manual butterfly valve
3.气动蝶阀: Pneumatic butterfly valve
4.电磁阀: Solenoid valve
5.球阀: Ball Valve
6.取样阀 Sampling valve
7.错流出水气动碟阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve of Cross-flow outlet
8.进水气动碟阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet
Pneumatic butterfly valve of bottom effluent discharge
10.上排放气动碟阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve of up effluent discharge
11. 滤过水出口气动碟阀
Pneumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet
12.止回阀:Non-return valve
1. 进水管 Feed water pipe
2. 产水管 Produced water pipe
3. 错流管 Cross-flow pipe
4. 变径管 Tapered Pipe
七、图例说明 Illustration
1. 蓝色实线 Blue line
2. 黄色实线 Yellow line
3. 青色实线 Green line
4. 紫色实线 Purple line
1.进水: Inlet water
2.原液: Raw water
2.产水: Produced water
3.透过液: Permeated water
4.浓水: Concentrated water
1、进水口: Feed water port
2、产水排放口: Produced water discharge port
3、浓水排放口 Concentrated water discharge port
4、反洗进水口: Backwash Inlet Port
5、反洗上排放口: Up Backwash discharge Port
6、反洗下排放口: Bottom Backwash discharge Port
7、化学清洗接口 Chemical cleaning port
1、正冲排放 Flushing discharge
2、化学清洗 Chemical Cleaning
3、排放 discharge
4、制水 Producing water
5、正冲 Straight washing
6、工作状态 Condition
1.工艺流程图: Process Flow Diagram
2.管道连接 Pipe connection diagram
3.机架图: Rack diagram
4. 配置清单: Equipment List
5. 占地图: Area Occupation Diagram
6. 项目设计书: Project Proposal Design
1. 液位开关 Level Switch
2. 压力表 Pressure Gauge
3. 错流压力表 Cross-flow Pressure Gauge
4. 滤过水压力表 Permeated water Pressure Gauge
5. UF系统 UF systems
6. UF设备 UF Equipement / UF Plant
7. 环保 Environmental protection
8. 环境管理 Environment Management
9. 水处理 water treatment
10. 过滤器 Filters
11. 超滤 Ultra Filtration
12. 净化水 Purified water
13. 过滤预处理 Pretreatment
14. 过滤滤芯 Filter housings (过滤器外壳),
Filter cartridge (滤芯)
15. UF 组件 UF Module
16. 膜过滤系统 The membrane filtration system
17. 净水&污水处理 Water & Waste Water Treatment
18. 饮用水 Drinking Water
19. UF 膜 UF Membrane
20. 水处理工程 Water Treatment Project
21. 水处理装置 Water Treatment Plant
22. 净水设备 Water Purification Equipments
23. 膜技术 UF Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltration
24. 废水处理装置 Waste Water Treatment Plant
25. 家用滤芯 Cartridge Filters
26. RO 5级过滤 5 stage ro system
27. 膜元件 Membrane Module
28. 水处理设备 water treatment system
29. 工业过滤设备 Industrial Filtration Systems
30. 工业污水 Industrial Wastewater
31. 水处理 water treatment
32. 流量 flux
33. 过滤分子量 MWCO
34. 纯水 pure water
35. 超纯水 ultra-pure water
36. 污水回用 waste water recycling
37. 预处理 Pretreatment
38. 净化 Purification
39. 浓缩 Concentration
40. 分离 separation
41. 浊度 turbidity
42. 水处理配件 water treatment component
43. 水质处理 water conditioning
44. 净水器 water purifier
45. 家用净水器 domestic water purifier
46. 滤膜 filtration membrane
47. 悬浮物 suspended substance
48. 微生物 microorganism
49. 细菌 bacteria
50. 大分子有机物 macromolecular organics
51. 含盐量 salt content
52. 五日生化需氧量 five-day BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)
53. 化学需氧量 COD(chemical oxygen demand)
54. 总有机碳 TOC(total organic carbon)
55. 总固体物 total solids
56. 悬浮总固体 TSS
57. 溶解总固体 TDS
58. 总碱度 total alkalinity
59. 总矿化度 total salinity
60. 污染密度指数 SDI
61. 总细菌量 total bacteria content
62. 大肠菌群 coliform group
63. 色度 chroma / Colour 64. 气味 odor
65. 总硬度 Total hardness
66. 油脂含量 oil & gease
67. 隔油池 oilseparating tank
68. 混凝沉淀池 coagulation sedimentation tank
69. 格栅 grid
70. 澄清池 Clarifier
71. 软化树脂 softening resin
72. 中和 neutralization
73. 气浮 air flotation
74. 消毒 disinfection
75. 化学氧化还原 chemical oxidation-reduction
76. 化学沉淀法 chemical precipitation
77. 吸附 adsorption
78. 离子交换法 ion exchange method
79. 吹脱、汽提法 air stripping
80、萃取法 extraction
81. 活性污泥法 activated sludge process
82. 厌氧生化法 anaerobic biochemical process
83. 进水压力 inlet water pressure
84. 产水压力 production water pressure
85. 反洗压力 backwash pressure
86. 浓水压力 concentrated water pressure
87. 最大进水压力 max. inlet pressure
88. 操作压力范围 operation pressure range
89. 死端(全流)过滤 dead-end filtration
90. 错流过滤 cross- flow filtration
91. 上反洗 upper backwash
92. 下反洗 Bottom backwash
93. 加气反洗 air entrainment backwash
94. 管式膜 tubular membrane
95. 卷式膜 spiral-wound membrane
96. 陶瓷膜 ceramic membrane
97. 聚氯乙烯 PVC
98. 截留分子量 MWCO(molecular weight cut off)
99. 高抗污染膜 high antipollution membrane
100. 膜丝 membrane fiber (Fiber lumen)
101. 端封材料 Sealing material
102. 膜面积 membrane area
103. 纯水通量 pure water flux
104. 设计通量 design flux
105. 反洗频率 backwash frequency
106. 回收率 recovery rate
107. 加药反洗 chemical dosing backwash
108. 条箍 strip hoop
109. 反渗透前处理 RO pretreatment
110. 中水回用 greywater reuse
111. 电镀废水回用 electroplating wastewater reuse
112. 印染废水回用 printing and dyeing wastewater
113. 造纸废水回用 papermaking wastewater reuse
114. 生活污水回用 domestic sewage reuse
115. 工业循环水 industrial circulating water
116. 电泳漆浓缩 electronic painting concentration
117. 溶解性矿物质 solubility of minerals
118. 絮凝 Flocculation
Sedimentation沉淀 with flocculation by weir溢流堰119. 机架 Frame
120. 碳钢 Carbon steel

The pump in flow chart are normal output flow rate, measuring range please see the configuration list
2. 浓液回流到原水箱
The concentrated water flow back to the raw water tank.
3. 此管道连接图仅作为示意图,不作为安装图纸。

This pipe connection diagram only as a sketch, not as the installation drawings.
