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该文首先采用景观安全格局理论构建了曹妃甸新区综合生态安全格局,然后基于GIS和CA-Markov模型,提出了一种基于生态安全格局的土地利用情景模拟方法,并借助于2005年和2013年2期土地利用遥感解译图对曹妃甸新区生态安全格局保护与无生态保护2种土地利用情景下2021年的土地利用结构和布局进行了预测和模拟,结果显示,曹妃甸新区生态安全格局总面积为1058.80 km2,占区域总面积的53.53%,其中底线生态安全格局面积为312.67 km2,占区域总面积的15.81%。
生态安全格局保护情景下,底线生态安全格局范围内新增建设用地为0,且总生态安全格局范围内新增建设用地比无生态保护情景减少17.47 km2。
%To solve the increasingly serious ecological and environmental problems during the urbanization process, reasonable determination of the land use structure and layout in future is the key. And study on land use scenario simulation under different constraints has been important to scientific planning and decision support. Based on the theory of landscape security patterns and GIS
method, ecological security patterns were constructed to maintain the basic ecosystem services of Caofeidian new district which including flood regulation, freshwater supply, biodiversity protection and cultural services. And all these patterns were integrated into a comprehensive ecological security pattern with different security levels. The results indicate that the area of the comprehensive ecological security pattern was 1058.80km2, which accounted for about 53.53% of the study area. Among all levels of ecological security patterns, the area of baseline ecological security pattern that was also considered as the forbidden areas for construction was 312.67km2, accounted for about 15.81% of the study area. And the satisfied and ideal ecological security pattern was 308.15km2 and
437.98km2 respectively. Based on the remote sensing data and GIS method, a land use scenario simulation methodology was developed to integrate CA-MARKOV chain and ecological security pattern at a regional scale. Two scenarios were developed to compare the impact of our land use modeling approach. No ecological conservation scenario is a continuation of the current trends and involves only limited constraints on development. The ecological security pattern conservation scenario (ESP conservation scenario) incorporates ecological security pattern conservation network at different levels. The results indicate that under ESP conservation scenario, there is 74.07km2 newly increasing construction land within the range of overall ecological security patterns, while it is 91.54km2 less than no ecological conservation scenario. An increase of 17.47km2 indicates that the ecological security patterns were effectively
protected under the ESP conservation scenario. Especially within the range of baseline ecological security pattern, the quantity of newly increasing construction land is 0 under ESP conservation scenario, while it is
31.07km2, indicating an entirely conservation of baseline ecological security pattern under ESP conservation scenario. Comparative analysis of each scenario with landscape metrics indicated that under the ESP conservation scenario, the number of urban patches increased, indicating that a slightly more fragmented landscape. The value of the Shannon’s Diversity Index (SHDI) for no ecological conservation scenario and ESP conservation scenario does not change because under both scenarios the number of classes remains the same, and there are no significant differences in the proportional distribution of the area covered by each land use class. The values of the Shannon’s Evenness Index (SHEI) are a slight increased under ESP scenario suggests that the landscape composition has become more even, indicating a transition from a dominant land cover class towards a more diversified landscape. PSCoV for cultivated land, water, beach and saltern changed little under both scenarios, but PSCoV for construction land was obviously increased under no ecological conservation scenario, suggests that under no ecological conservation scenario there are some consolidated urbanized areas in which some intra-urban open space are gradually built out, thus creating some larger urban patches and significant variability in patch size.
【作者单位】河北农业大学国土资源学院,保定 071000;河北农业大学国土资源学院,保定 071000;河北农业大学国土资源学院,保定 071000;河北农业大学国土资源学院,保定 071000;河北农业大学国土资源学院,保定 071000
1.基于系统动力学的重庆三峡库区生态安全情景模拟及指标阈值确定 [J], 张梦婕;官冬杰;苏维词
2.基于CLUE-S模型的土地利用空间格局情景模拟——以忻州市忻府区为例 [J], 朱小林; 郭青霞
3.基于蚁群模型的吉林西部土地利用安全格局情景模拟研究 [J], 杨沁瑜; 张尧; 刘家福
4.基于CA-Markov多情景模拟的海南岛土地利用变化及其生态环境效应 [J], 刘强;杨众养;陈毅青;雷金睿;陈宗铸;陈小花
5.大沟头小流域不同土地利用格局下土壤侵蚀情景模拟研究 [J], 杨翠林;秦富仓因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。