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practical significance for the sustainable development of coastal maize production to define the tolerance thresh原
old to brackish water of maize and select brackish water irrigation to reduce the cost of drainage without reduc原
Entropy Weight Coefficient Evaluation on Waterlogged Stress Models in Coastal Maize Production
ZHANG Yang1,LIN Zhi-yuan2,XIE Xiu-hui3,JIN Qiu4* (nd Development and Consolidation Center of Jiangsu,Nanjing 222002,China;2.College of Horticulture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 3.Bureau of Land and Resources, Ganyu District, Lianyungang City, Lianyungang 222002, China; 4.Institute of Water Conservancy Science of Nanjing, Nanjing 210000,China)
Abstract:Maize production in coastal area suffers to salt and waterlogging stress. Long-distance transportation
of fresh water for irrigation or drainage construction will increase the production input. Therefore,it is of great
DOI:10.12148/hbnykx.20190010 河北农业科学,2019,23 (2):41-45
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
编辑 白瑞霞
张扬 1,林志远 2,谢修会 3,金秋 4*
(1.江苏省土地开发整理中心,江苏 南京 210000;2.福建农林大学园艺学院,福建 福州 350002;3.连云港市赣榆区国土资 源局,江苏 连云港 222002;4.南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210000)
stress for 2-6 days at filling stage,and 3 g/L or 5 g/L salty water logging stress for 2 days,would not cause
significant yield reduction. Considering the maize yield,WUE,irrigation cost and soil salt concentration,maize
摘要:滨海地区玉米生产遭受盐分和涝渍的双重胁迫,而长距离输送淡水灌溉或建设排涝设施会增加生 产投入成本。因此,明确玉米对微咸水的耐受阈值,在不显著减产的前提下选择咸水灌溉同时降低排涝 成本,对于滨海玉米生产的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。本研究采用盆栽试验,在玉米灌浆期设计 3 种 不同微咸水矿化度 (NaCl 浓度分别为 1、3 和 5 g/L) 和 3 种不同涝渍持续时间 (2、4 和 6 d),以淡水灌 溉且无涝渍胁迫为对照,测定不同处理下玉米的产量、水分利用效率、土壤盐分浓度等指标,并进行灌 溉成本测算。采用改进熵权系数评价法,通过建立指标体系,评价玉米微咸水涝渍胁迫模式。结果表 明:玉米灌浆期 1 g/L 微咸水灌溉涝渍胁迫2耀6 d,或者 3、5 g/L 微咸水灌溉涝渍胁迫 2 d,均不会造成玉 米显著减产。综合考虑玉米产量、水分利用效率、灌溉成本和土壤盐分浓度等指标,实际生产中可允许 玉米在 1 g/L 微咸水下受涝 2 d。 关键词:玉米;微咸水;熵权系数;涝渍胁迫 中图分类号:S513 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-1631 (2019) 02-0041-05
ing the maize yield significantly. Using the pot experiment,three different irrigation water salinities (1,3 and
5 g/L NaCl) and three different waterlogging durations (2,4 and 6 days) at filling stage were designed,tak原
ing fresh water irrigation without waterlogging stress as control (CK) . The maize yield,water use efficiency
(WUE), soil salt concentration and other indicators under different treatments were measured. The improved
entropy weight coefficient evaluation method was used to evaluate the waterlogging stress models with brackish
water irrigation of maize by establishing the index system. The results showed that 1 g/L salty water logging