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点,能够适应高污秽、高温、潮湿的环境,被广泛应用于高层建筑、发电厂、变电站、 码头、车站、仓库、矿山、油井等对安全要求较高的场合,因而用量很大。在大型办 公写字楼和公寓中,为了大大节省低压电缆的成本并改善电压的调整率,变压器尽可 能接近负载中心安装已经成为即定的事实,干式变压器能够完全满足要求从而实现深 入负荷中心,这也是火灾保险商乐于接受的。 随着城市向现代化发展,城市供电负荷逐年增加。从发电厂、变电站的大容量变 压器到电子设备的小容量电源变压器,变压器作为变换交流电压的电器日益成为人们 生活中的一种关键设备,在国内外被广泛生产和使用。我国自改革开放以来,特别是 在 1989 年第二次城市电网改造会议之后, 干式变压器在国内得到迅猛发展, 许多工厂 已经能够大批量生产, 生产厂家由 20 世纪 80 年代末期的七、 八家迅速增加到近百家。 在当时各种干式变压器年产量只有 2,000MVA。近十多年来,全国干式变压器的产量, 1994 年发展到 4,000MVA, 1995 年发展到 6,191MVA, 1999 年已逼近 10,000MVA, 2000 年达到 20,000 MVA,其增长速度是同期油浸式电力变压器的 6.3 倍,占配电变压器的 产量近 20%。从现在国内挂网运行的干式变压器来看,最大容量从原来 2,500MVA 发 展到现在的 24MVA,最高电压等级也从 10kV 级发展到 63kV 级。在国外,西欧和日 本的干式变压器已占变压器总产量的 35% ,美国成套变电站采用干式变压器的占 80%~90%。随着世界范围干式变压器制造技术的高速发展,我国对外技术交流的进一 步扩大,国内各生产厂家投入大量资金引进国外先进的制造设备,引进和消化干式变 压器制造技术,已经具备自主开发和研制各种型号变压器的能力,提高了我国变压器 技术水平。随着新材料、新工艺得到不断应用,各制造厂也不断研制和开发出各种结 构形式的干式变压器,产品的制造水平和质量得到不断完善。据对已经投入运行的 16,000 多台产品进行测试,产品的可靠性指标达到国际先进水平。目前国内知名厂家 制造的干式变压器的产品质量可与国外知名厂商的产品相媲美。
ILeabharlann 从国家管理部门来看,2009年3月的教育部《全国专业学位教育指导
Cast-resin dry-type power transformer is popularly used because of its characters such as safe, no pollution, hardly inflammable and low operation cost and so on. It also can be installed in load center. The operation of cast-resin dry-type power transformer is mainly depended on its thermal characteristics. So the results of temperature field distribution of transformer can give proper advice to allocate thermocouple detector, which is available for design and operation. The study also provides a valuable reference basis for investigating the temperature characteristics and optimizing its dissipation structure for the dry-type transformer. In addition, it is important to calculate the average temperature rise in windings of cast-resin dry-type power transformer for the products of research and development. But the results given by the traditional way are not more precise, it is necessary to develop a new way to calculate the average temperature rise in windings of cast-resin dry-type power. In this paper, a mathematical model of 2D steady-state temperature distribution of cast-resin dry-type power transformer, which includes core, low voltage winding, high voltage winding and insolating cylinder, was established based on the fundamental theories of heat transfer. The heat sources and the thermal dispersion conditions of transformer were analyzed. At the same time, boundary conditions were conformed. According the test results of transformer, partial recuperative coefficient was set on. The temperature distribution in one phase of transformer was solved by using FEM. Through the analysis of the calculating results, the inner temperature distribution in the dry-type transformer and the position of hot point were discussed. The comparison between the calculated results and measured temperature rise results shows the agreement. The results show that the temperature distribution in foil windings along the axial length rises gracefully, and the temperature distribution in lead windings along the axial length rises partly. The hottest temperature in high voltage windings is higher than in low voltage windings. The position of hot
树脂绝缘干式变压器内部温度场的数值模拟和平均温升 计算方法的研究
摘 要
树脂绝缘干式变压器以安全、难燃防火、综合运行成本低和可以直接安装在负荷 中心等优点愈来愈受到用户的青睐。其内部的温度分布情况直接影响到变压器的实际 运行。因此掌握变压器内部的温度分布,就可以为监测设备运行情况的热电偶埋设地 点提出建议,并对于进一步研究该类变压器的热特性和优化干式变压器的散热结构提 供参考依据具有重要意义。另外变压器绕组平均温升的计算对产品的研制开发和运行 十分重要,但传统方法计算绕组的平均温升误差较大,因此探索一种新的绕组平均温 升计算方法就十分必要。 本文依据传热学的理论,针对环氧树脂浇注干式变压器建立了同时考虑铁心、高 低压绕组和绝缘筒的数学模型,分析了变压器绕组的热源和散热条件并确定了边界条 件。利用该模型,结合试验结果确定了变压器的局部换热系数,通过有限单元法得到 了干式变压器一相的铁心、低压绕组和高压绕组的温度分布情况,讨论了变压器内部 温度场的分布及最热点位置,并将绕组平均温升的计算结果与试验值进行了比较,结 果吻合较好。计算结果表明:箔式绕组的温度沿着轴向逐渐增高,线绕绕组的温度沿 着轴向分段升高;高压绕组的最热点温度高于低压绕组的最热点温度;铁心、高低压 绕组的最热点都位于偏上部,但具体位置不尽相同。 本文还根据相似理论总结归纳出用于计算干式变压器绕组平均温升的换热准则关 系式,并基于 ANSYS 的 APDL 语言开发了变压器温度场分析专用程序。将准则关系 式所计算的绕组平均温升的结果和试验结果进行了比较,计算精度比传统方法有所提 高,从而证明了这种计算干式变压器绕组平均温升方法的可行性。
Key Words: cast-resin insulate; dry-type power transformers; temperature field; finite element method; temperature rise calculation
第一章 绪论
第一章 绪论
1.1 干式变压器国内外发展现状综述[1,2,3,4,5]
树脂绝缘干式变压器内部温度场的数值模拟和平均温升计算方 法的研究 姓名:张强 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:轮机工程 指导教师:姚寿广 20050318
point in core, low voltage windings and high voltage windings is located in the high part, but the actual position in each part is different. This paper also presents the equation of characteristic number for the average temperature rise of windings in cast-resin dry-type power transformer based on the similarity principle. The programs for temperature field of windings in cast-resin dry-type power transformer were proposed according to the APDL of ANSYS software. The results show that the difference is more precise than the results calculated by the traditional way. It was verified that the temperature rise could be solved by this new method.
Research on Temperature Field Simulation and Computational Method of Average Temperature Rise of Cast-resin Dry-type Power Transformers