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小孩: Anderson Uncle, please tell me a story! {目光闪烁,渴望的神情}安徒生 : Well, yes , " Sleeping Beauty " story.
安徒生 : {音乐起} The story takes place from long, long time ago, in a beautiful country , good hard-working people here , everything is very peaceful . However, the country 's king and queen have no children , for they are very distressed.
小孩:{音乐停} what happened? {疑惑极了}
安徒生 : {音乐起} So from Queen prayed every day, hoping that she wishes to achieve . Year after year, day after day, she was always so pious . Finally , a fairy touched her , gave her a child ......
剧 2:
G: {着急地跑入场}Amperor,amperor
A: housekeeper , is what makes you so anxious ?
G: Intrinsic His Majesty the King , as the Queen down a little princess {气喘吁吁}
A: Is it true? Haha {欣喜若狂}
A: come
A: ready to go fast . I want to hold a grand banquet , must be good to celebrate the birth of the little princess {似乎喋喋不休说不完}
士兵 : OK{下场}
A: housekeeper , we immediately went to see the Queen
{ Exit }{退场}
Drama 3:
A: You've worked hard , my queen
H: It is my honor to His Majesty the King . You quickly look,our kid,she is lovely
A:{抱起孩子} ah,she is very beautiful like you
G: give she a name of her , Your Majesty
A: You said it is called jasmine or Ilia good?
H: Yes, it is called Princess Jasmine
H: Your Majesty , you are always so clever
剧 4:
G:{纠结} Your Majesty , there are two messages, a good news , bad news , which one you want to listen to it
A: of course, is good news
G: Your Majesty , Princess Jasmine 's birthday party ready
A: The bad news?
G: Palace in a total of 11 sets of imported tableware, but the witch of a total of 12 , these utensils can not mimic , what should we invite witches do ?
A: queen, how do you see ?{看着王后}
H: housekeeper , please tell me which 12 they are witches , okay
G: They are Searcy , Claudia, Cinderella , Xiandiruila{拼音} , Medea , Zora{卓拉} , Daphne , Lena , Hecate , Salem , Blair and Lisa {一口气说完,然后累得不行}{人名可改}
H: They are all good people , except to say deadpan Blair {面无表情地说出}
A: You mean to say no to invite Blair ? {惊讶}
H: Your Majesty , she is a witch revenge , the princess is no good {语重心长}
A: housekeeper , you do it by the queen says
G: yes
A: Dear witches , thank you able to attend Princess Jasmine 's birthday party , please feel free to {手指餐桌}
女巫们 :My honored
A, H: Cheers {起立}
女巫们 : Cheers {起立}
女巫1: Look at our Princess Jasmine , and she is so beautiful{加手势}I want to give her beauty
女巫2 : I gave her kindness
女巫 3: I gave her wisdom
剧 6:
{音乐起,布莱尔闯进王宫吗,魔棒一挥,守门的士兵就倒下,后冲到餐座前,指着公主}G: What do you want ?
布莱尔 : Ah ha you these uppity people , I dare not invite Blair , you will be punished
布莱尔 :{念咒语} incantations princess 15th birthday that year, she will
eat apples and choke because the whole palace because the dead princess will be sealed ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...... {音乐停}
最后一个女巫: Do not worry, Princess Jasmine will not die, she just would sleep for centuries , as long as there is a prince broke the quiet palace , you can save everything.
剧 7:
H: King , what should we do{忧虑}
A: Maybe the only one way{无奈}
A: housekeeper , I command , all the apple trees are cut down, the whole city forbidden to eat apples, disobedience by cutting off
G: yes
安徒生 : It seems a long time, can also feel very quickly, the days passed, all of the princess who wishes are fulfilled , but ......{音乐停}
剧 8:
安徒生 :{音乐起} from the day the king and queen something out , leaving one at home Princess Jasmine . Princess wandering aimlessly in the castle , she suddenly smelled a strange odor . So she went around a small corridor along the attic , she pushed open the door and saw a table filled with apples, am very curious. Princess picked up an apple and gently bite , as prophecy says, pale princess slowly went down . When the sleeping princess , the entire palace are infected , everyone fell asleep , including horse stables , yard dogs , pigeons roof , and even fly on the wall . To make Princess Jasmine is not disturbed, the castle grow a black thorns , and then later everyone forgotten her. {语气稍慢}{音乐停}{可加舞蹈形式表达上一段的描述}
小孩: Does Princess Jasmine will always go to sleep , and when she did not wake up one morning to say not very poor innocent?{天真}
安徒生 : Of course not{音乐起} from 100 years later, there is a distant country where Princess Jasmine prince heard the story , he was determined to save her. Thus, the prince mounted his horse , running all the way trying to find her musical climax {音乐高潮部分}……
老人 :{拉住王子}Prince,do not go there
王子: Why is this ? {好奇}
老人 : 100 years , there have been countless princes because Princess Jasmine and ruined their lives, you can not fudge Yeah { grief , persuade } 王子 : Spirited Away , I have to save my princess{推开老人,热血沸腾}{退场}
剧 10:
安徒生 : {音乐起 } After starting trek , Prince went into the palace , he came to the princess 's bed . Prince looked at her quietly , glistening white skin , silky smooth hair, everything is just to let the prince heart. He had a hand on her cheek , long eyelashes and exquisite nose. Fortunately , this time a century elapsed. Suddenly, the princess woke up, she opened her eyes -clear pools , staring prince.
王子 : Good morning {轻轻地说}
Z: Good morning{睡眼朦胧地回答}
王子: Good morning {声音提高,兴奋开心}
Z: Good morning{声音更高,开心极了,&想象一下你十几年孤身一人生活,忽然见到亲人的感觉}
Z: Please give me a glass of water do{可爱的,卖个萌}
Prince : uh {递给Z}
王子 : The next time you want to eat apples careful yo !
Z: I know{5岁小孩的语气回答}
M: are you saved our daughter ? {诧异}
王子 : Yes, Your Majesty
H: How do you want us to repay you ? As long as you want we will give you 王子 : I hope Princess Jasmine live together forever longing for the future {表达对未来的向往}M: prince from afar , I will put my beloved daughter to marry you, please take care of her, and in the future will depend on you
安徒生:{音乐起} since held a grand wedding in the end, Princess Jasmine and Prince , so their happy life together until the music stops
forever ......{音乐停}
安徒生 : The story finished, my dear child you should go to bed
小孩: yeah
{ 小孩躺在安徒生的双膝上,2人睡着}{谢幕}。