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收稿 日期 :2018—03—25 基金项 目 :国家级大学 生创 新创业 训练计划项 目 (201710580009),肇庆市科技计划项 目 (2014F012)。 通讯作者 :刘永 (1977一),男 ,博士 ,副教授 ,主要从事功能食 品与功 能材料 的研 究。E—mail:lygdut@163.com。
关键词 :叶下珠 ;纳米脂质 体 ;粒径分布 ;释放行 为 中图分类号 :R931.71 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1006—2513 (2018)06—0061—05
Preparation and properties of phyllanthus u rinarum polyphenol nanol iposom es
LIU Yong,PENG Jia-xin,LI Fang-bing, YE Ru-xia。 CHEN Jia-hao, ZHAN Xiao-ling,GUO Yi-min
(School of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Zhaoqing UniversitΒιβλιοθήκη ,Zhaoqing 52606 1)
Abstract: In this study, the optim al preparation conditions of Phyllant hus urinarum polyphenol nanoliposomes were optimized by response surface method with embedding rat io as t h e opt im i zat ion index.The particle size distribut ion of the nanoliposomes was measured by laser particle size analyzer, and t he release behavior and release mechanism of t he nanoliposomes in pH 1.2 an d pH 7.4 buffer solution were studied.T h e results showed t hat t he interact ion effects of hydration medium am ount, cholesterol to lecithin m ass ratio and polyphenol concentration on t he embedding rat io were not signif icant,but either of th em alone had a signif ica n t effect on polyphenol embedding rat io.T h e order of influencing signif icance was polyphenol concentration,cholesterol to lecithin mass ratio and hyd r ation medium amount.The optimal preparation conditions for the nanoliposomes were 16 mL of hyd ration medium , 1 : 2.5 of cholesterol to lecithin m ass ratio, 1.7mg/mL of polyphenol concentration, under which the embedding ratio was 67.2 1%.The average particle diameter of the liposomes was 259 am .The release of t he liposomes was consistent with t he Higuchi and Ritger—peppas models an d was a diffusion release mecha n ism.T h e release rate in pH7.4 buffer solution was fa s ter than th at in pH 1.2 solution. Key words: Phyllanthus urinaria; nanoliposomes;particle size distribution;release behavior
叶下珠 多酚纳米脂 质体的制备 与特 性
刘永 ,彭嘉欣 ,李方冰 ,叶如 霞 ,陈嘉 豪 ,詹 晓玲 ,郭依敏
(肇 庆学 院食 品 与制 药工 程学 院 ,肇 庆 526061)
摘 要 :为 了研 究叶下珠 多酚纳 米脂质 体的最佳 制备条 件 ,以叶下珠多 酚包埋率 为优化 指标 ,采 用响应 面法优化得到叶下珠多酚纳 米脂 质体的最佳制备条件 。利用激光粒度 仪测定脂质体的粒度分布 ,并研究纳米脂 质 体在 pH 1.2和 pH 7.4缓冲液 中的释放行为 和释放机理 。结果表 明 :水化介质用量 、胆 固醇与卵磷脂质量 比、 多酚浓度 三个 因素之 间的相互作用 对包 埋率影 响不显著 ,但各 因素都对 包埋率 影响显 著 ,影 响显著性 的大小 顺序为多酚浓度 >胆 固醇与卵磷脂质量 比>水化介质用量 ;叶下珠纳米脂质体 的最佳 制备 条件 为水化介质用量 16mL、胆 固醇与卵磷 脂质量 比 1 :2.5、多酚 浓度 1.7mg/mL,此条件 下包埋率 为 67.21%。叶下珠 纳米脂质体 的平均粒径为 259nm,其释放符合 Higuchi和 Ritger~peppas模型 ,为扩散释 放机理 ,在 pH7.4缓冲液的释放速 度 比 pH1.2缓冲液的快。
C中hi国na 食Fo品od添Ad加di 剂 试 验 研 究
关键词 :叶下珠 ;纳米脂质 体 ;粒径分布 ;释放行 为 中图分类号 :R931.71 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1006—2513 (2018)06—0061—05
Preparation and properties of phyllanthus u rinarum polyphenol nanol iposom es
LIU Yong,PENG Jia-xin,LI Fang-bing, YE Ru-xia。 CHEN Jia-hao, ZHAN Xiao-ling,GUO Yi-min
(School of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Zhaoqing UniversitΒιβλιοθήκη ,Zhaoqing 52606 1)
Abstract: In this study, the optim al preparation conditions of Phyllant hus urinarum polyphenol nanoliposomes were optimized by response surface method with embedding rat io as t h e opt im i zat ion index.The particle size distribut ion of the nanoliposomes was measured by laser particle size analyzer, and t he release behavior and release mechanism of t he nanoliposomes in pH 1.2 an d pH 7.4 buffer solution were studied.T h e results showed t hat t he interact ion effects of hydration medium am ount, cholesterol to lecithin m ass ratio and polyphenol concentration on t he embedding rat io were not signif icant,but either of th em alone had a signif ica n t effect on polyphenol embedding rat io.T h e order of influencing signif icance was polyphenol concentration,cholesterol to lecithin mass ratio and hyd r ation medium amount.The optimal preparation conditions for the nanoliposomes were 16 mL of hyd ration medium , 1 : 2.5 of cholesterol to lecithin m ass ratio, 1.7mg/mL of polyphenol concentration, under which the embedding ratio was 67.2 1%.The average particle diameter of the liposomes was 259 am .The release of t he liposomes was consistent with t he Higuchi and Ritger—peppas models an d was a diffusion release mecha n ism.T h e release rate in pH7.4 buffer solution was fa s ter than th at in pH 1.2 solution. Key words: Phyllanthus urinaria; nanoliposomes;particle size distribution;release behavior
叶下珠 多酚纳米脂 质体的制备 与特 性
刘永 ,彭嘉欣 ,李方冰 ,叶如 霞 ,陈嘉 豪 ,詹 晓玲 ,郭依敏
(肇 庆学 院食 品 与制 药工 程学 院 ,肇 庆 526061)
摘 要 :为 了研 究叶下珠 多酚纳 米脂质 体的最佳 制备条 件 ,以叶下珠多 酚包埋率 为优化 指标 ,采 用响应 面法优化得到叶下珠多酚纳 米脂 质体的最佳制备条件 。利用激光粒度 仪测定脂质体的粒度分布 ,并研究纳米脂 质 体在 pH 1.2和 pH 7.4缓冲液 中的释放行为 和释放机理 。结果表 明 :水化介质用量 、胆 固醇与卵磷脂质量 比、 多酚浓度 三个 因素之 间的相互作用 对包 埋率影 响不显著 ,但各 因素都对 包埋率 影响显 著 ,影 响显著性 的大小 顺序为多酚浓度 >胆 固醇与卵磷脂质量 比>水化介质用量 ;叶下珠纳米脂质体 的最佳 制备 条件 为水化介质用量 16mL、胆 固醇与卵磷 脂质量 比 1 :2.5、多酚 浓度 1.7mg/mL,此条件 下包埋率 为 67.21%。叶下珠 纳米脂质体 的平均粒径为 259nm,其释放符合 Higuchi和 Ritger~peppas模型 ,为扩散释 放机理 ,在 pH7.4缓冲液的释放速 度 比 pH1.2缓冲液的快。
C中hi国na 食Fo品od添Ad加di 剂 试 验 研 究