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文献、资料英文题目:_____________________________ 文献、资料来源: __________________________ 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: ____________________ 院(部):
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Unit 1 Metals
The use of metals has always bee n a key factor in the developme nt of the social systems of man. Of the roughly 100 basic eleme nts of which all matter is composed, about half are classified as metals. The dist in ctio n betwee n a metal and a nonm etal is n ot always clear-cut. The most basic definition centers around the type of bonding existing between the atoms of the element, and around the characteristics of certa in of the electro ns associated with these atoms. In a more practical way, however, a metal can be defi ned as an eleme nt which has a particular package of properties.
Metals are crystalline when in the solid state and, with few exceptions (e.g. mercury), are solid at ambie nt temperatures. They are good con ductors of heat and electricity and are opaque to light. They usually have a comparatively high den sity. Many metals are ductile-that is, their shape can be cha nged perma nen tly by the applicati on of a force without break ing. The forces required to cause this deformation and those required to break or fracture a metal are comparatively high, although, the fracture forces is not n early as high as would be expected from simple con siderati on of the forces required to tear apart the atoms of the metal.
One of the more significant of these characteristics from our point of view is that of crystallinity.
A crystalline solid is one in which the constituent atoms are located in a regular three-dime nsional array as if they were located at the corners of the squares of a three-dime nsional chessboard. The spaci ng of the atoms in the array is of the same order as the size of the atoms, the actual spaci ng being a characteristic of the particular metal. The direct ions of the axes of the array defi ne the orie ntati on of the crystal in space. The metals commo nly used in engin eeri ng practice are composed of a large number of such crystals, called grains. In the most general case, the crystals of the various grains are randomly oriented in space. The grains are everywhere in in timate con tact with one ano ther and joined together on an atomic scale. The regi on at which they join is known as a grain boun dary.
An absolutely pure metal (i.e. one composed of only one type of atom) has never been produced. Engineers would not be particularly interested in such a metal even if it were to be produced, because it would be soft and weak. The metals used commercially in evitably contain small amounts of one or more foreign elements, either metallic or nonmetallic. These foreign eleme nts may be detrime ntal, they may be ben eficial, or they may have no in flue nee at all on a particular property. If disadvantageous, the foreign elements tend to be known as impurities. If advantageous, they tend to be known as alloying elements. Alloying elements are commonly added deliberately in substantial amounts in engineering materials. The result is known as an alloy.
The distinction between the descriptors metaland alloy ” is not clear-cut. The term metal" may be used to encompass both a commercially pure metal and its alloys. Perhaps it can be said that the more deliberately an alloyi ng additi on has bee n made and the larger the amount of the additi on, the more likely it is that the product will specifically be called an alloy .In any event, the chemical compositi on of a metal or an alloy must be known and con trolled with in certa in limits if con siste nt performa nee is to be achieved in service. Thus chemical compositi on has to be take n in to acco unt whe n develop ing an un dersta nding of the factors which determ ine the properties of metals and their alloys.
Of the 50 or so metallic eleme nts, only a few are produced and used in large qua ntities in engin eeri ng practice. The most importa nt by far is iron, on which are based the ubiquitous steels and cast irons (basically alloys of iron and carb on). They acco unt for about 98% by weight of all metals produced. Next in importa nee for structural uses (that is, for structures that are expected to
carry loads) are alu minum, copper, ni ckel, and tita nium. Alu minum acco unts for about 0.8% by weight of all metals produced, and copper about 0.7%, leav ing only 0.5% for all other metals. As might be expected, the rema in ders are all used in rather special applicati ons. For example, ni ckel alloys are used principally in corrosion-and heat-resistant applications, while titanium is used exte nsively in the aerospace in dustry because its alloys have good comb in ati ons of high stre ngth and low density. Both nickel and titanium are used in high-cost, high-quality applications, and, in deed, it is their high cost that tends to restrict their applicati on.
We cannot discuss these more esoteric properties here. Suffice it to say that a whole complex of properties in additi on to structural stre ngth is required of an alloy before it will be accepted in to, and survive in, engineering practice. It may, for example, have to be strong and yet have reas on able corrosi on resista nee; it may have to be able to be fabricated by a particular process such as deep draw ing, mach ining, or weldi ng; it may have to be readily recyclable; and its cost and availability may be of critical importa nee.









































Reading Material 1
Stai nless Steel
Stainl ess steels do not rust in the atmosphere as most other steels do. The
term "sta ini ess" implies a resista nee to sta ining, rusti ng, and pitt ing in the
air, moist and polluted as it is, and gen erally defi nes a chromium content in excess of 11 % but less than 30%. And the fact that the stuff is "steel" mea ns that the base is iron.
Stainl ess steels have room-temperature yield stre ngths that range from 205 MPa (30 ksi) to more than 1725 MPa (250 ksi). Operati ng temperatures around 750 C (1400 F) are reached. At the other extreme of temperature some sta ini ess steels maintain their tough ness dow n to temperatures approachi ng absolute zero.
With specific restrict ions in certa in types, the sta ini ess steels can be shaped and fabricated in conven ti onal ways. They can be produced and used in the as-cast con diti on; shapes can be produced by powder-metallurgy tech niq ues; cast in gots can be rolled or forged (and this acco unts for the greatest tonn age by far). The rolled product can be drawn, bent, extruded, or spun. Stainless steel can be further shaped by machi ning, and it can be joined by solderi ng, braz ing, and weldi ng. It can be used as an in tegral claddi ng on plain carb on or low-alloy steels.
The gen eric term "sta ini ess steel" covers scores of sta ndard compositi ons as
well as variations bearing company trade names and special alloys madefor particular applications.
Stainless steels vary in their composition from a fairly simple alloy
of, essentially, iron with 11%chromium, to complex alloys that include 30%chromium, substa ntial qua ntities of ni ckel, and half a doze n other effective eleme nts. At the high-chromium, high-ni ckel end of the range they merge into other groups of heat-resisti ng alloys, and one has to be arbitrary about a cutoff poin t. If the alloy content is so high that the iron conten t is about half, however, the alloy falls outside the sta in less family. Even with these imposed restrictio ns on composition, the range is great, and naturally, the properties that affect
fabricati on and use vary eno rmously. It is obviously not eno ugh to specify simply a "sta ini ess steel. ”
Classificati on the various specify ing bodies categorize sta ini ess steels accord ing to chemical compositi on and other properties. However, all the sta ini ess
steels, whatever specificati ons they conform to, can be convenien tly classified into six major classes that represe nt three disti net types of alloy con stituti on, or structure. These classes are ferritic,
marten sitic, auste nitic,
mangan ese-substituted auste nitic, duplex auste nitic ferritic, and precipitati on-harde ning. Each class is briefly described below.
Ferrous sta ini ess steels: This class is so n amed because the crystal structure
of the steel is the same as that of iron at room temperature. The alloys in the class are magn etic at room temperature and up to their Curie temperature (about 750 C; 1400 F). Com mon alloys in the ferrous class con tain between 11% and 29% chromium, no ni ckel, and very little carb on in the wrought con diti on.
Marten sitic sta ini ess steels: Stainl ess steels of this class, which n ecessarily contain more tha n 11 % chromium, have such a great harde nability that substa ntial thickness will harden during air cooling, and nothing more drastic than oil quenching is ever required. The hard ness of the as-que nched marten sitic sta ini ess steel depe nds on its carb on content. However, the developme nt of mecha ni cal properties through que nching and temperi ng is in evitably associated with in creased
susceptibility to corrosi on.
Auste nitic sta ini ess steels: The traditi onal and familiar auste nitic sta ini ess steels have a compositi on that contains sufficie nt chromium to offer corrosi on resista nee, together with n ickel to en sure auste nite at room temperature and below. The basic auste nitic compositi on is the familiar l8% chromium, 8% n ickel alloy.
Both chromium and ni ckel contents can be in creased to improve corrosi on resista nee,
and additional elements (most commonly molybdenum) can be added to further enhance corrosi on resista nee.
Mangan ese-substituted auste nitic sta ini ess steels: The auste nitic structure can be encouraged by elements other than nickel, and the substitution of manganese
and n itroge n produces a c1ass that we believe is sufficie ntly differe nt in its properties to be separated from the chromium-nickel austenitic class just described.
The most importa nt differe nee lies in the higher stre ngth of the mangan ese-substituted alloys.
Duplex auste nitic-ferrous sta ini ess steels: The structure of these steels is a hybrid of the structures of ferrite and austenite; and the mechanical properties
likewise combine qualities of each component steel type. The duplex steels combine
desirable corrosion and mechanical properties, and their use is as a result in creas ing in both wrought and cast form.
Precipitati on-harde ning sta ini ess steels: Stainl ess steels can be desig ned so that their compositi on is ame nable to precipitati on harde ning. This class cuts across two of the other
c1asses, to give us marten sitic and auste nitic precipitati on-harde ning sta ini ess steels. In this class we find sta ini ess steels with the greatest useful strength as well as the highest useful o perating temperature.
Properties In select ion of sta ini ess steels, three kinds of properties have to
be con sidered: (1) Physical properties: den sity, thermal con ductivity, electrical resistivity, and so on; (2) Mecha ni cal properties: stre ngth, ductility, hard ness, creep resista nee, fatigue, and so on; and (3) corrosi on-resista nt properties. Note
that properties of sta ini ess steels are substa ntially in flue need by chemical composition and microstructure. Hence specifications include chemical composition,
or, more correctly, an analysis of the most important elements (traces of unreported elements also may be present) as well as a heat treatment that provides the optimum structure.
Applicati ons Since sta ini ess steels were first used in cutlery in dustry, the nu mber of applicati ons has in creased dramatically. The relative importa nee of the major fields of applicati on for flat and
long sta ini ess steel products is show n in Table 1. Chemical and power engin eeri ng is the largest market for both long and flat products. It began in about 1920 with the nitric acid industry. Today, it includes an extremely diversified range of service conditions, including nuelear reactor vessels, heat exchangers, oil industry tubular, components for the chemical processing and pulp and paper industries, furnace parts, and boilers used in fossil fuel electric power pla nts.


不锈钢在室温下的屈服强度的变化范围是从205MPa( 30ksi)到1725MPa(250ksi).工作温度可达到750 ° C (1400F),—些不锈钢能维持其韧性当温度达到绝对零度。
















该类里的合金在室温到居里温度(about750 C; 1400 F)间具有磁性。

