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3. 流水句(Running-on sentences) 流水句是吕叔湘先生提出来的,(1)汉语流水句由 一个个小句组成,以逗号间隔,(2)小句有语义关 系(一般是时间关系),但比较松散,句段之间难 以补上关联词,所以中间有多处断句的可能,(3) 重要部分往往放后面。 女,24,1米63,45公斤, 99级人大新闻系毕业, 在北京一家日报工作,欲觅未婚男士,一米80以上, 150─160斤,1976-1978,北京人,有稳定工作(收 入不能低于我),身体好,不戴眼镜,脸上无豆(长 相要配得上我),踏实,有责任心、上进心和幽默感 的男士 。
(1) 由小句组成, 用逗号分隔 (2)小句之间无表 示逻辑关系的关 特 联词语,但小句 征 本身的意义隐含 了它们之间的语 义关系。
(1) 由”主题语” 和 “评论语”组 成。 (2)主题与评论部 分都可以包含若 干词组或小句。 (3)汉语的评论语 用来表示说话人 的观点或意图, 放在后面。 (1) 确定小句之间 的语义关系, 找 出主次,确定主谓 (2) 其余部分按其 作用与主干相连 (3) 评论作为主句 前移.若评论较短, 也可以不前移。
The Translation of Chinese Compound Sentences
在任何艺术和科学中,由于知识总是观察研究或 是实践的成果,知识所有者应受到尊敬, 所受尊 敬的程度,则同其知识的广度和深度以及其实际 应用价值成正比。
Knowledge, in any art or science, being always the fruit of observation, study, or practice, gives, in proportion to its extent and usefulness, the possessor a just claim to respect.
Thus the gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd. Whether it rains or snows, windy or foggy, it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps. To be home means to end a day’s fatigue and enjoy myself in a world of my own. With a nice cup of tea and burning sandalwood incense by my side, I can either resume my suspended reading, or listen leisurely to a soft melody and let myself be carried away to a fairyland of beauty.
Zijuan was answering and hurried out to change a spittoon and put the spittoon in her hand on the table and opened the door of inner room to go out, still closed it, let down the flowered portiere and went out to wake Xueyan.
翻译中,(1)一般可以按照原句顺序译成单句或 并列分句,(2)并适当增加表达语义关系的连接 词语。
不一会,北风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下 一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。
Presently the wind dropped a little. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clear, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.
济南地段的黄河,夏天河面宽,水流急,泥沙沉 淀淤积,河床逐年加高,水位高于地面十余米7。 翻译中,(1)首先弄清小句之间的语义关系,(2) 再按主次原则分别翻译成主从句,(3)加上适当的 关联词语使原文隐含的语义关系明确。 The Yellow River at Jinan is wide and turbulent in summer. With years of precipitation and deposition of silt, its bed has become higher and higher so that its average water level is about 10 meters above the ground.
老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看 见一条丁字街,明明白白地横着。他便退了几 步,寻到一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门 停住了。
Absorbed in his walking, Old Chuan was startled when he saw the crossroad lying distantly ahead of him. He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop in front of its closed door.
4. 连动句(Tangling sentences )
(1)汉语连动句由许多动词连用,组成几个句段 或句子。(2)动词按照发生时间的先后顺序排列, (3)句子结构一般是“时间语+地点语+施事语+动 作语。 紫鹃答应着,忙出来换了一个痰盂儿,将手里 的这个盆儿放在桌子上,开了套间门出来,仍旧 带上门,放下撒花软帘,出来叫醒雪雁。9
翻译的关键是(1)确定各个动作的性质与相互关系, 从顺序排列中确定主次,(2)进而形成英语句式的主 谓结构,让主要动作充当谓语动词,次要动作变成 从属结构。 丈夫关掉了手中的吹风机,看了我一眼,笑笑,然 后用手舞我的头,手中的电吹风又响了起来,好一 会儿才说:“先你而去了” My husband turned off the blow dryer and looked at me with a smile. After adjusting the pose of my head he let the blow dryer work again. It was quite some time before he gave a reply: "gone long before you.
Zijuan, assenting, hurried out to fetch a clean spittoon, placing the used one on the table in the outer room. Having closed the door behind her,she let down the soft flower portiere before going to wake Xueyan.
(1) 弄清小句之 间的语义关系, (2) 按主次原则 译 分别译成主从句 法 (3)加上适当的关 联词使原文隐含 的语义关系明确
(1)根据动作的 性质与相互关 系确定主次 (2) 形成英语的 主谓结构,主 要动作当谓语, 次要动作为从 属结构。
于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影, 雨里,雾里,雪里,只盼着早些回家,洗去一身的 疲劳,泡上一杯清茶,点上一烛檀香,打开半卷的 书卷,一任轻柔的旋律把我带进一个美丽的境界。
(1) 由小句组成, 以逗号间隔, (2)小句有语义关 系(一般是时间 关系),但比较 松散,句段之间 难以补上关联词, 中间有多处断句 的可能, (3)重要部分往往 放后面。 (1)一般可以按照 原句顺序译成单 句或并列分句, (2) 适当增加表达 语义关系的连接 词语。
(1) 由许多动词 连用,组成几 个句段或句子。 (2)动词按照时 间先后排列, (3)句子结构一 般是“时间语+ 地点语+施事语 +动作语。
他是个体态优美的青年,免冠去靴,净高一米 八,是个运动员的体格,肩宽体壮,举止沉稳, 仪态端庄。
He is a fine, upstanding young man, 1.80 meters tall in his stockinged feet and of an athletic build, with broad shoulders and a confident carriage.
嘴甜心苦,两面三刀,上头笑着,脚底下就使绊 子,明是一盆火,暗是一把刀,她全站了。 She’ll give you sweet talk when there’s hatred in her heart, and she’s so double-faced and tricky. All the time she’s smiling she tries to trap you up, making a show of great warmth while she stabs you in the back. That’s the way she is.
It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to china in January.
翻译时, (1)首先确定这些小句之间的语义关系, 找 出主次,确定主谓主干, (2)再将其余部分按其作用 与主干相连;(3)这种表明观点或态度的评论往往作 为主句而前移.若评论较短,或者属于对话性质的说 明,也可以不前移。
They say the momentum of history was ever thus: the empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide.
2. 主题句(Thematic sentences) (1)汉语的主题句由”主题语”和 “评论语”组成。 (2)主题部分与评论部分都可以包含若干词组或小句。 (3)汉语的评论语用来表示说话人的观点或意图, 放 在后面。 我原来计划今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这 使我感到很扫兴。
一、四种典型汉语复句的翻译处理 (The Treatment of Four Typical Chinese Compound Sentences) 1. 意合句 (Paratactic sentences)
(1)汉语意合句由小句组成,用逗号分隔。(2) 小句之间无表示逻辑关系的关联词语,但小句 本身的意义隐含了它们之间的语义关系。
子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也;不以其道得之, 不处也。贫与贱,是人e master said, "Wealth and rank are what everyone desires; but if they have to be obtained in an improper way, a gentleman must not accept them. Poverty and meanness are what everyone abhors; but if they are to be removed in an improper way, a gentleman can never release himself from them.
姓高,排行第二,自小不成家业,只好刺枪使棒, 最是踢得好脚气毬,京师人口顺,不叫高二,却 都叫他“高毬”。
Kaifeng Prefecture previously called Xuanwu District, there lived a young scamp named Gao. A second son, he was quite useless. He cared only for jousting with spear and staff, and was an excellent football player. People in the capital were fond of making quips. They dubbed him Gao Qiu, or “Gao, the Ball”.