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自杀小队(2016)Suicide Squad中英剧本
吃饭了Chow time!
时候到了It's time!
弗洛伊德站到门边吃饭了Floyd, step up to the door. Dinner time.
只有我的朋友叫我弗洛伊德Only my friends call me Floyd.
你才没有朋友弗洛伊德You ain't got no friends, Floyd.
这是什么What's that?
这叫一条面包That is called loaf.
一条面包A loaf!
上面有点"意面"It's got a little bit of pasghetti in there.
老鼠屎Rat shit.
你这种大老爷们需要的一切Everything a growing fella needs, like you.
过来跟你说句话Come here. Can I tell you something?
跟你说个秘密好Can I tell a secret? yeah
总有一天One day...
不论如何我会离开这里Somehow, Someway, I'm gonna get outta here.
我会如圣灵一般给你"开光"And I'm gonna rain down on you, like the Holy Ghost.
你刚威胁了狱警Man, you just threatened a staff number.
是啊Yeah, you have.
那你做点什么啊Do something.
我们玩玩吧Let's have some fun.
把门打开Open a goddamn gate!
快点各位别浪费我的时间Come on guys. Don't waste my time.
C区打起精神来老大来了Sector C! Pull your heads out of your ass! Boss is on deck! 打开Open!
B 打开外围栏别靠近Bravo , Open perimeter fence. Stay Back!
她敢动就开枪好吗If she moves, fire her up, all right?
你要不要下来You gonna come down from there or what?
瞧瞧你Look at you.
你知道规矩辣妹You know the rules, hotness.
你不能碰这些铁栏You gotta keep off these bars.
这些铁栏吗对就是它们What, these bars? Yeah. Those bars.
天呐Oh, my god.
你脑子是真有问题啊姑娘You are really in bad shape upstairs, lady!
你能进来跟我说吗Can you come in here and tell me that?
还是说你太害怕了Or are you too scared?
来嘛我无聊了Come on, I'm bored.
我无聊了跟我玩啊I'm bored, play with me.
你把我五个守卫送进了医院亲爱的You put five of my guards in the hospital, honey. 没人会跟你玩的No one's gonna play with you.
你睡地上You sleep on the ground.
我想在哪睡在哪睡I sleep where I want,
想什么时候睡什么时候睡when I want,
想睡谁睡谁with who I want.
天呐我真喜欢你Oh man. I love you.
A 电她Alpha one... hit her
得了你个米的大老爷们Come on man. You're foot four.
她就是个小个子姑娘She's a tiny little girl.
你今晚可以选都有什么You got a choice tonight. What we got here?
巧克力草莓香草We got chocolate, strawberry or vanilla.
我的职责就是确保你活到死My job is to keep you alive until you die.
你明白吗Do you understand that?
春假喽Spring break!
真是有多美有多疯That is just a whole lot of pretty in a whole lot of crazy.
超人飞过天空时世界改变了The world changed when Superman flew across the sky.
当他陨落世界再次改变了And it changed again when he didn't.
所以我出场了And that is why I'm here.
你好阿曼达Hello Amanda.
我们失去了一位国家英雄We lose a national hero...
可你活像刚吃了金丝雀的猫but you sit there looking like the cat that ate the canary.
我吃过不少金丝雀I've eaten a lot of canaries.
虽然费了不少事It's taken some work.
但我终于把他们找齐了最恶劣的罪犯But I finally have them. The worst of the worst.
有传言阿曼达There's rumors, Amanda that...
他们有些人有异能Some of them have abilities.
传言没错The rumors are right.
知道超人类的问题出在哪吗You know what a problem with a metahuman is?
人性的那部分The human part.
超人是我们走运他跟我们价值观相同We got lucky with Superman. He shared our values. 下一位超人就未必了The next Superman might not.
你在玩火阿曼达You're playing with fire, Amanda.
我是在以火攻火I'm fighting fire with fire.
你不是又要向我们推荐You are not going to pitch us that
你的X特遣队的点子吧T ask Force X project of yours again, are you?
但这次你得好好听着But this time, you're gonna listen.
弗洛伊德·劳顿死亡射手Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot.
他是世界上的头号通缉杀手He is the most wanted hitman in the world.
他的客户很高端Let's say he has an elite clientele.
干什么安吉洛What? Hey Angelo.
我是你为了你的鼠灾问题请的灭鼠员This is the exterminator you called for your rat problem.我的账户现在有点单薄My account's looking a little thin.
活儿干完之前别想拿钱No one gets paid until what needs to get done, gets done.
不行规矩不是这样的没钱不干活儿Nope. That's not the rules. No money, No honey.
你的人来了Here is your boy right now.
还带了个新死党With about of his new best friends.
我这边还是只有啊安吉I'm still seeing zeroes over here, Angie.
听着别闹了去完成工作Listen. Stop being cute and do your job!
他们正带他下车They're taking him outta the car now.
再过秒时机就会永远过去In about seconds, your window is gonna close forever.
好吧好吧别紧张Okay, Okay, Okay. Relax.
就是个会计错误There was an accounting error.
已经发了We sent it.
给我翻番因为你犯浑了给你秒钟Now double it for being an dickhead. You got seconds.我们可不是你惹得起的人We're not the kind of people you play with.
你在威胁我吗Did you threaten me?
这家伙回头要喉咙疼了This dude's gonna get a sore throat
因为他待会得说个不停from all the singing he's about to do.
你个混蛋You son of a bitch.
很高兴跟你合作安吉Pleasure doing business with you, Angie.
但人人都有弱点弱点就是筹码But everyone has a weakness. And a weakness can be leveraged.
他的弱点是哥谭市一名岁的三好学生His is an yearold honor student in Gotham city.
他女儿His daughter.
我们盯着她静静等待So we watched her and waited.
你该多跟妈妈谈谈You should talk to Mama more.
嗯我知道Yeah, yeah. I know.
妈妈经常卧床Mama stays in bed a lot.
嗯她还晚上出门吗Yeah. She's still going out at night?
爸没事的我能照顾好她Dad, it's okay, I can take care of her.
我现在会做薄煎饼了I know how to make pancakes now.
亲爱的这很好Hey babe, that's beautiful.
但她该照顾你的She's supposed to be taking care of you.
这样才对That's how that's supposed to work.
我希望你来跟我住I want you to come live with me.
好吗我得到了一些钱我会去找个地方All right? I came into some resources. I'mma get us spot.
会很棒的好吗It's gonna be nice, all right?
妈妈说我不能跟你住因为你杀人Mama says I can't live with you because you kill people.
那不是真的那是谎言她在对你撒谎That's not true, That's a lie. She is lying to you.
我知道你干坏事I know you do bad things.
别担心我还是爱你的Don't worry. I still love you.
走吧Come on.
你抓到了他吗And you caught him?
不是我Not me.
我只是给哥谭一个合适的人提供了匿名信息I just gave an anonymous tip the right guy in the Gotham city.
我会想办法解决的I'mma figure this out.
好吗All right?
结束了死亡射手It's over, Deadshot.
我不想当着你女儿动手I do not want to do this in front of your daughter.
爸爸别佐伊闪开Daddy, please. Zoe, move!
求你爸爸别Please daddy. Don't do it.
别Don't do it.
好吧All right.
我爱你爸爸Love you, daddy.
现在我们抓住了百发百中的神枪手So now we have the man who never misses.
你把他关在了哪Where'd you put him?
这么说吧我把他关进了一个洞里Let's just say, I put him in a hole
然后把洞扔了and threw away the hole.
哈莉·奎茵Harley Quinn.
她跑路加入坏人阵营之前Before she ran off and joined the circus...
她是哈琳·奎泽尔医生She was known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel.
阿卡姆疯人院的精神病医生A psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum.
她被派给了小丑She was assigned to The Clown himself.
奎泽尔医生Dr. Quinzel.
我就盼着跟你共处的时光You know, I lived for these moments with you.
你拿了什么What do you get?
给你拿了只小猫I got you a kitty.
真体贴So thoughtful.
她以为自己在治疗他She thought she was curing him...
但其实她爱上了他But, she was falling in love.
你可以帮我个忙There is something you could do for me...
你随便说当然Anything. I mean, yeah.
我需要一把机枪I need a machine gun.
机枪A machine gun?
这才叫办公室恋情出了岔子Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong.
放开我Get off me!
这是什么情况What do we have here?
我做到了你让我做的一切我帮了你I did everything you said. I helped you.
你帮了我You helped me.
抹去我的大脑叫帮我By erasing my mind?
你抹去了我所剩无几的模糊记忆What few faded memories I had!
你把我留在了愤怒和迷糊的黑洞里you left me in a black hole of rage and confusion.
你就这么治病救人吗奎泽尔医生Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel?
你要干什么你要杀我吗J先生What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me Mr. J?
我不会杀你I'm not gonna kill ya.
我会让你I'm just gonna hurt ya...
非常非常疼really, really bad.
是吗You think so?
我受得了Well, I can take it.
我可不希望你被电击的时候I wouldn't want you to break those perfect porcelaincapped teeth 咬坏了你美丽的烤瓷牙when the juice hits your brain.
他们成了哥谭市的国王和王后They became the king and the queen of Gotham city.
敢不尊重王后的人都会很惨And god help anyone who disrespected the queen.
总算见面了他不握手We finally meet. He ain't shake hands.
坐下喝一杯吧But sit down and have a drink.
JHey, J.
代表所有人欢迎回来On behalf of everybody, welcome back.
我想亲自过来表示感谢I wanted to come by and personally say thank you.
你帮我挣大钱我帮你挣大钱You're making me good money. I'm making you good money.
你是在哄我吗Are you sweet talkin' me?
我喜欢这人I love this guy.
他好严肃He's so intense!
你很幸运You're lucky man.
这娘们真骚You got a bad bitch.
可不是呢Oh, that she is.
她让我欲火中烧The fire in my loins.
裆痒难忍The itch in my pants.
独一无二The one, the only,
臭名昭著的哈莉·奎茵the infamous Harley Quinn!
来爸爸这儿Oh, come to Daddy.
听着你是我给这位帅气大汉的礼物Listen! You are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka!
你是他的了You belong to him now.
你真帅You're cute!
你要我吗You want me?
我归你了I'm all yours.
我不想惹麻烦I don't want no beef.
你不想惹麻烦你不想惹麻烦You don't want no beef? You don't want no beef?
怎么你不喜欢我吗你不想惹麻烦Why, what's wrong? You don't like me? You don't want no beef?
好吧那别浪费我的时间Fine. Don't waste my time then.
她是你的女人This is your lady.
你玩得开心吗Look, are you enjoying yourself?
她是你的女人小丑没错That's your lady, Joker! That's right!
JYo, J!
那还只是个开始And that was just the beginning.
来吧小布丁动手Come on, Puddin''. Do it!
有人来了小蝙蝠小蝙蝠We have got company. Batsy, Batsy, Batsy.
她比他还疯狂She is crazier than him.
也更无畏And more fearless.
讨厌的蝙蝠你糟蹋了我们的约会之夜Stupid Bat, you're ruining date night!
小布丁我不会游泳Puddin'', I can't swim!
蝙蝠也抓到了她And the Bat got her, too.
她跟死亡射手关在一个洞里She's in the same hole as Deadshot.
然后是那个澳大利亚人And then there's the Aussie.
迪格·哈克尼斯Digger Harkness.
小报里称他为回旋镖队长Or as the tabloids call him : Capitan Boomerang.
{\an\fn方正宋黑_GBK\fs\c&HABE&\bord\shad\b\t(,,\fscx\fscy)\move(,,,,,)}被控\N{\fs}起袭击\N 起一级盗窃
我们要发财了We're gonna be rich.
你和我一起去开车Yeah, you and me, mate. Go and get the car.
澳大利亚每家银行都至少被他劫过一次He robbed every bank in Australia. At least once.
然后他来到了美国找新的目标Then he came to America for a fresh target set.
跟其他人合作不来Doesn't work well with others.
盗贼无道啊No honor among thieves, ha?
但他遭遇了一个超人类But he tangled with a metahuman and,
得以活下来讲述这经历lived to tell about it.
听说那个意念控火的浪子了吗And have you heard of the pyro kinetic homeboy?
怎么抓到他的How'd you catch him?
我们没有是他投降了We did not. He surrendered.
查托·桑塔纳在街头被称为复仇恶魔Chato Santana. On the street they call him El Diablo.
这个洛杉矶黑帮成员以为自己是世界之王This LA gangbanger thought he was the king of the world...
直到他失去了自己的王后until he lost his queen.
在监狱暴动中遭袭把半个院子都烧成了灰Gets jumped in prison riot and incinerates half the yard.
监控录像简直令人难以置信The security video is incredible.
老天爷Oh, Jesus.
这是什么鬼他叫韦伦·琼斯What the hell is that? His name is Waylon Jones.
进化在他身上倒退了Evolution took a step backwards with this one.
KC 吃饭了KC, it's supper.
开门Go ahead. Open that up, B.
今天给你准备了好东西Got something real nice for you today, boy.
头儿他真把谁手咬掉了吗Hey boss, is it true he chewed the dude's hand off?
看啊硫化橡胶的Look at that, right there, vulcanized rubber.
给我小史Give me that, Smitty.
你在哪呢Where you at?
别逼我朝你开枪Don't make me get you.
他被称为杀手鳄They call him Killer Croc.
在这儿呢Here you are.
饿吗You hungry?
想要点食物吗去吧喂他You want some food? Go ahead, feed the man.
你今晚想吃什么What are you in the mood for tonight?
我有双层奶酪汉堡洋葱圈I got a double cheeseburger, onion rings,
凉拌卷心菜a little coleslaw.
或是一大块没皮的羊肉Or a giant skinless goat.
他长得像怪物He looked like a monster.
所以他们就像对怪物那样对他So they treated him like a monster.
他也成了个怪物Then he became a monster.
他被蝙蝠赶出了哥谭He was chased out of Gotham by the bat.
去别处寻找庇护Went searching for sanctuary elsewhere.
但没能找到He never found it.
最好的我最后说I saved the best for last.
女巫女巫The witch. A witch?
会飞会念咒I'm talking a flying, spellcasting,
会把东西变没的女巫makingshitdisappear witch.
来自另一个维度另一个世界的巫师A sorceress from another dimension. Another world.
考古学家琼·缪恩博士Archaeologist doctor June Moone...
走进了不该进的山洞Wondered into the wrong cave.
她打开了一件不该打开的东西She opened something she shouldn't have...
释放出了一个前所未见的强大的超人类releasing a metahuman more powerful than any we've encountered.
魅巫The Enchantress.
她现在寄宿了缪恩博士的身体She inhabits Dr. Moone's body now.
这个女巫在哪Where is this witch?
在我手心里In my pocket.
那她为什么不把你变成青蛙Now tell him why she won't turn you into a frog.
有人说女巫有个秘密埋起来的心脏Some say the witch has a secret buried heart...
找到它的人就能控制女巫and whoever finds it, can control the witch.
所以我们搜查了发现她的洞穴So we searched the cave where she turned up...
找到了她的心脏and we found her heart.
那玩意是她的心脏That thing's her heart?
没有它她就能被控制She is vulnerable without it.
你要把我国的国家安全交给You want to put our national security in the hands of...
女巫帮派成员和鳄鱼吗witches, gangbangers, and crocodiles?
还有小丑的女朋友Don't forget about the Joker's girlfriend.
他们是坏人阿曼达These are villains, Amanda.
你凭什么认为自己控制得了他们What makes you think you can control them?
因为让人做违背自己利益Because getting people to act against their own selfinterests
但有利美国国家安全的事是我的本职for the national security of the U.S is what I do for a living.
比如本国培养的最棒的You take the finest special forces officer
特种部队军官this nation has ever produced...
瑞克·弗莱格上校Colonel Rick Flag.
帮帮我Help me.
我派他去盯着缪恩博士如我所愿I assigned him to watch Dr. Moone, and just as I hoped...
他们产生了感情it got personal.
你要不要吻我Are you gonna kiss me or not?
我拿到了女巫的心I have the witch's heart.
缪恩博士拿走了他的心And Dr. Moone has his.
现在他会谨遵我的指示Now he'll follow my orders as Holy Writ.
在这个有飞人和怪物的世界里In a world of flying men and monsters
只有这样才能保护我们的国家this is the only way to protect our country.
如果超人决定从天而降What if Superman had decided to fly down,
扯下白宫的屋顶rip off the roof of the White House
把美国总统从总统办公室抓出来呢and grab the president of the US right out of the Overall office?
谁能阻止他Who would've stopped him?
我们准备了应急预案应对朝鲜的核弹We got contingency plans for nukes in North Korea,
炭疽热邮件水中被掺氟anthrax in our mail, we got fluoride in our water.
但如果下一个超人But what happens if the next Superman
是个恐怖分子呢becomes a terrorist?
阿曼达·沃勒有计划阿曼达Amanda Waller has a plan. Amanda?
我想纠集一帮很坏的人组建一支队伍I want to build a team of some very bad people
让他们做些好事who I think can do some good.
比如打下一场战争击败下一个超人Like fight a next war, defeat the next Superman.
有我在别想Not on my watch.
你别想以我们的名义You're not putting those monsters
让那些怪物重回街头back out on the street in our name.
将军他们会秘密行动General, we run them covertly,
不记功绩只限相关人员知道nonattributed. Strictly need to know.
如果他们被抓我们就弃车保帅And if they get caught, we throw them under the bus.
下一场战争就由这些超人类来打The next war will be fought with these meta humans.
我们的对他们的Ours or Theirs.
并不是只有我们在漫天漫地找这种人We're not the only ones kicking up rocks looking for them.
你知道我们控制不了他们You know we can't control these people.
琼坚强点June, be strong!
缪恩博士Dr. Moone.
这位是魅巫Meet the Enchantress.
我们掌握的一切信息都在简报资料里Everything we know about her, is in your briefing packs. 她已在这世上活了很久She's walked this earth for a very long time
等我们死了她可能还会活很久and will likely be here when we're long gone.
这场会议现在成魔术表演了This meeting is... is now a magic show?
不管是不是魔术她能做很了不起的事Magic or not, this girl can do some pretty incredible things.
去吧姑娘Go get it, girl.
这是德黑兰How about a little something
武器部密室里拿来的from the weapons ministry vault in Tehran?
这些图纸我们找了很多年了We've been chasing these plans for years.
请别碰我请别碰我Please don't touch me. Please don't touch me.
谢谢把缪恩博士叫回来吧Thank you. We'd like Dr. Moone back.
求你Please, Please.
对不起我不能再那么做一次了I'm sorry. I can'... I can't do that again. I can'...
弗莱格带她出去Flag, get her out of here.
我提议I move to...
授权阿曼达·沃勒authorize Amanda Waller
以进阶超能人类联合研究团的名义to establish "Task Force X"
组建"X特遣队"under the Argus program.
好吧All right.
谢谢主席先生Thank you Mr. Chairman.
我知道你干坏事I know you do bad things.
别担心我还是爱你的Don't worry. I still love you.
欢迎来美梦特别监狱Welcome to Belle Reve, special security barracks.
你好吗How you doing man?
你还是讨好她吧她才是老大Why don't you kiss her ass? She is in charge.
欢迎长官您好吗Welcome, ma'am. How are you?
我会尽可能地协助您I'm here to assist you in anyway.
他们在哪Where are they?
你是魔鬼吗Are you the Devil?
你不怕吗Ain't you scared?
他们为什么把你关在这里Why'd they put you down here?
是我要求的I asked.
那个谁Yo, ese.
你好啊朋友Hola, amigo.
把玉米煎饼放下有人来看你了Put that burrito down. You got visitors, man.
怎么样想尝尝吗What's up? Hey, you want some of this?
下来啊Then come down here.
那不是我That ain't me.
不是你吗That wasn't you?
他们说是我但那不是我Nah, they say it's me, but that ain't me.
那人已经不在了That guy's gone.
他已经死了He's dead.
但你还在And yet, here you are.
我来跟他说吧Let me try to talk to him.
你想死在这里吗伙计You wanna die in here, buddy?
你很可能有机会重获自由You got a real shot at walking at the block again.
喝杯冰啤吃顿好的Have a nice cold beer, a nice meal.
伙计Look, man...
你不是第一个来找我的也不会是最后一个You ain't the first to ask, and you ain't gonna be the last.
找你做什么Ask what?
我是个人I'm a man. Okay?
不是武器I ain't no weapon.
我宁可平静死去也不会再动拳I'mmna die in peace before I raise my fists again.
我已经造成了太多伤害I've caused enough harm.
给他解开All right, unlock him.
没错You heard me.
你知道他有什么本事吗You know what this man can do?
我就是来看的给他解开I'm here to find out. Lose the restraints.
这算什么What is this?
选拉拉队员吗Cheerleading tryouts?
来吧露一手Let's go. Let's see what you can do.
据说你百发百中They say you never missed a shot.
证明看看Prove it.
枪膛里有一发Now you got one in the chamber.
你要怎么办What you gonna do with it?
你一句话老大我就干掉他Give me the word, boss. I'll drop him.
都冷静Everybody calm down.
格里格斯叫你的人退下Griggs, tell your men to stand down.
叫他们放下Tell them : "Put it down".
退下Stand down.
上校我要说Colonel, for the record,
我担心的就是这种情况this is exactly what I was concerned about.
晚饭吃什么What's for dinner?
艾姆斯如果他开枪了Ames, if this man shoots me...
你要杀了他I want you to kill him...
然后去清空我的浏览记录And I want you to go and clear my browser history.
撞针被锉平了吧the firing pin is filed down, right?
弹夹里也都是训练弹Mag full of dummy rounds.
我即使扣动扳机也不会有事If I pull the trigger, nothing happens.
没错You're absolutely right.
我们为什么要把上膛的武器给个臭名昭著的杀手Why would we give a loaded weapon to an infamous hitman?
来啊扣扳机吧把子弹打光Go ahead, pull the trigger. Empty it.
别打什么光你都不认识她Don't empty nothing. You don't even know this lady.
我们都认识九个月了I've known you, like, nine months.
记得我给你拿饼干那次吗那可是货真价实的Remember when I brought you that cookie? That was real cookie.
你们这群家伙是疯了Y'all jokers must be crazy.
好了现在你们验过货了All right. Now you know what you're buyin'.
我来说说我的要价吧Let me tell you the price.
一我要离开这儿First... I want outta here.
二我要女儿的全部监护权Second, I want full custody of my daughter.
她妈妈可以在监督下来探视All right? And her mom can have, like... supervised visits.
但她讨厌的男友不能来But, her stankass boyfriend can't come.
达奈尔不能来Darnell can't come.
达奈尔不能来他不能来Darnell's out. He's out.
三你们要支付我女儿完成整个学业Third, y'all gonna pay for my daughter's whole education. 最好的学校然后我要她上大学Best schools. And then I want her to go to college.
哈佛耶鲁什么的Like Harvard. Or Yale.
常青藤学校没错So Ivy league. Ivy league, yeah.
大学校知道吧One of them big joints, you know?
如果她进不去And if she can't cut it...
如果她成绩开始下滑了and her grades start slipping,
我需要你去想办法I need you to whitepeople that thing.
就你们白人那套You know how y'all do.
嗯行吧Oh yeah. You know, right?
这就是我的价码但我觉得担心Ok. Now that's my price. But I'm concerned...
因为都没人在记下来'cause I don't see nobody writing shit down.
你根本没资格提要求You're in no position to make any demands.
对不起你以为我在跟你说话I'm sorry. You thought I was talking to you.
不跑腿的No, errand boy.
我在跟你老板说话I'm talking to your boss.
这就是我的价码亲爱的That's my price, sweetie.
你知道了You know what it is.
你知道他们是罪犯吧You notice these are criminals?
是疯子反社会怪物这没道理They're psychotic antisocial freaks. It makes no sense.
让我去趟精英部队Let me hit the Tier One units
我能给你建一支死士队伍and I'll build you a team of pipe hitters
只有你想不到没有他们做不到who'll do anything you can dream up.
你需要真正的士兵不是这些人渣I mean, you need real soldiers. Not these scumbags.
二战时美国海军跟黑手党达成协议In WW, the US Navy made a deal with he mafia
保护其海滨的舰船to protect its ships on the waterfront.
现在不是二战This ain't WW.
现在是三战It's WW.
你究竟想做什么What are you really up to?
这是机密It's a "needtoknow",
你只需要知道你为我工作and all you need to know is you work for me.
我打个电话就能改变这一点That can change with a phone call.
我也有朋友的I have friends, too, you know.
给你打啊There you go. Call'em.
但没有你看护But without you minding her,
你的女朋友将留在这儿your lady friend stays here
被绑在板子上strapped to a board
陷入药物诱导昏迷in a druginduced coma.
他们提醒过我你有多狠They warned me about you.
我真蠢居然还不信他们My dumb ass didn't believe the stories.
人都是这样的Nobody does.
她在哪Where is she?
很复杂不止是她It's complex. This is not just her.
好多人都不见了Everybody's disappeared.
有项新法律如果你坏到了一定水平There this new law, where if you're a bad enough bad guy 会被打成"恐怖分子"they stamp "terrorist" on your jacket.
然后送去路易斯安那州的一片沼泽They send you to this swamp in Louisiana.
一个秘密地点A black site.
她就在那儿That's where she is.
我们怎么办So what are we doni'?
把车开过来Bring the car around.
我们去兜风We're going for a drive.
莱斯特莱斯特再来一次Lester! Lester! Hit me one more time!
拜托Come on, Man
你得给楼上打电话叫他们再借我一万You gotta call upstairs and tell them to float me another k.
老大要见你你知道我是谁吗Boss wants to see you. You know who I am?
干得好伙计Good job, man.
他真厉害He's killin' it.
拜托找我来做什么Come on man. Why am I here?
是啊我欠钱了我知道All right! Yeah! I'm down. I get it! All right?
我的牌不好不能怪我I've had run of bad decks. Not my fault.
好吗All right?
这可不是闹着玩的Dude, this is real.
要不是我拦着I had to stop these guys
他们就会烧了你家连你的孩子一起烧死from burning down your house with your kids in it.但是你走运了But, you're lucky.
或许吧为什么Maybe. Why do you think so?
哥们好啊Yo, Slick, what's up?
我是格里格斯你是...Griggs. You are...?
你最好闭上嘴You might wanna keep your mouth shut.
我能走了吗Can I go, man?
究竟怎么回事What the hell's going on, man?
这真是疯了This is crazy.
你废话那么多会招来祸端的All of that chitchat's gonna get you hurt.
天呐My God
我看得出你很真诚I could tell you meant that.
你会成为我的朋友You're gonna be my friend.
登记死亡时间: 琼Log time of death. :. June?
送她去停尸房琼Let's get her down to the morgue. June?
你做了什么What did you do?
再说可能是路由号码Pus, it could be the routing number.
想去喝几杯吗Wanna go for drinks?
该死God damn it!
琼琼June! June!
琼对不起June! I'm sorry.
她去了什么地方She went somewhere.
如果你要在她和我之间选择If you have to choose between her or me...
选择阻止她stop her.
答应我一定要阻止她Promise me you'll stop her.
哪怕会要我的命Even if it kills me.
先生你没事吧Sir, You okay?
你能呼吸吗Can you breathe?
你服用什么了吗Did you take anything?
这里是号马上派医疗队过来This is . Send medical to my location.
我是医生I'm a physician.
收到已派医疗队赶去Roger. Bringing medical to your location.
没有脉搏开始胸部按压No pulse. Starting compressions.
中途市遭袭Midway city is under attack.
是非人类体It's a nonhuman entity.
我想你知道该怎么办长官I think you know what to do, sir.
启用X特遣队Activate Task Force X...
让阿曼达·沃勒和她的怪物迅速赶往现场and get Amanda Waller and her whole circus on scene ASAP.
启用X特遣队调他们出来We're gonna live with Task Force X. Pull'em.
犯人跪下马上Prisoners, get down on your knees. Now!
跪下手举高转过来Down on your knees! Hands in the air! Turn around.
手举高Hands up high!
我在配合啦Hey, I'm cooperating. All right?
我在配合呢拿下她This is me being cool. Take her.
别开枪Do not fire that goddamn weapon!
该死Damn it!
开门Open the gate!
准备带出犯人Everybody, line up for extraction.
开始快点Let's go! Let's move, move!
嗯开门开始吧Yeah! Open the door! Let's go!
上Hit him!
快点别让他有机会喷火Hurry up, before he smokes us!
你在哪呢Where you at?
那是新来的Is that the new guy?
那是什么What is that?
那是什么What is that?
你是谁准备装载Who are you? Standby. Arming device.
你是谁我不认识你Who are you? I don't know who you are.
已装载Device armed.
我跟你说话呢我跟你说话呢I'm talking to you. I'm talking to you.
注射成功Injection Successful.
位置确认Location verified.
谁敢碰我就死定了Anybody who touches me is dead.
谁敢...Anybody who...
注射成功Injection Successful.
小姐那是什么位置确认Miss? What was that? Location verified.