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1.1 词性:名词、动词
1.2 释义:
- 名词:平衡;均衡;余额;差额。
- 动词:使平衡;权衡;使收支平衡。
1.3 英文解释:
- 名词:A state where different elements are equal or in correct proportions; the amount of money remaining in an account.
- 动词:To make something steady or equal; to consider and compare different aspects carefully.
1.4 相关词汇:
- 同义词(名词):equilibrium,stability;(动词):equalize,stabilize。
- 派生词:balanced(形容词,平衡的;均衡的;收支平衡的),balancing(名词,平衡;调节;动词的现在分词形式,平衡;权衡)。
2 起源与背景
2.1 词源:源于古法语“balance”和拉丁语“bilanx”,原指一种有两个秤盘的秤,通过两边放置物品来衡量重量是否相等,进而引申出现在表示平衡等相关的含义。
2.2 趣闻:在古代的市场交易中,商贩们常用天平(balance)来称量货物,确保买卖双方在重量上达成公平交易。
3 常用搭配与短语
3.1 短语:
- balance sheet:资产负债表。
例句:The accountant is carefully checking the balance sheet to make sure the company's finances are in order. 翻译:会计正在仔
- keep a balance:保持平衡。
例句:You should keep a balance between work and rest, or you'll get exhausted. 翻译:你应该在工作和休息之间保持平衡,不然会累垮的。
- balance of payments:国际收支平衡。
例句:The government is working hard to improve the balance of payments this year. 翻译:政府正在努力改善今年的国际收支平衡状况。
- lose one's balance:失去平衡。
例句:He lost his balance and fell down when skating on the ice. 翻译:他在冰上滑冰时失去了平衡,摔倒了。
- balance in the bank:银行存款余额。
例句:I checked the balance in the bank this morning and found there was enough money for the new TV. 翻译:我今天早上查了银行存款余额,发现钱够买那台新电视了。
4 实用片段
(1). “I'm always trying to balance my diet. Eating too much junk food isn't good for my health, but it's so hard to resist sometimes.” Lily said to her friend. 翻译:“我一直在努力平衡我的饮食。
(2). The acrobat walked on the tightrope, carefully balancing himself. Everyone below held their breath, watching nervously. 翻译:杂技演员在钢丝上行走,小心翼翼地保持着平衡。
(3). “Mom, I'm having a hard time balancing my schoolwork and my hobbies. There's just so much homework these days.” Tom complained. 翻译:“妈妈,我很难在学业和爱好之间找到平衡。
(4). She put some books on one side of the scale to balance it with the fruits on the other side. 翻译:她在天平的一侧放了一些书,好让它与另一侧的水果达到平衡。
(5). The yoga instructor told us to focus on our breathing and try to balance our body in different postures. 翻译:瑜伽教练告诉我们要专注于呼吸,并试着在不同的姿势下保持身体平衡。
(6). I need to balance my budget this month. I've spent too much on shopping
already and I don't want to end up with no money left. 翻译:我这个月得平衡一下预算了。
(7). The company is struggling to balance its production costs and product quality to stay competitive in the market. 翻译:这家公司正在努力平衡生产成本和产品质量,以便在市场上保持竞争力。
(8). He balanced his coffee cup on his knee while reading the newspaper on the bus. 翻译:他在公交车上一边读报纸,一边把咖啡杯平稳地放在膝盖上。
(9). “I'm trying to balance my social life and my study time. Going out with friends is fun, but I can't neglect my studies.” said Mary. 翻译:“我正在努力平衡我的社交生活和学习时间。
(10). The tightrope walker used a long pole to help him balance as he made his way across the wire. 翻译:走钢丝的人用一根长杆帮助自己在钢丝上行走时保持平衡。
(11). The government is aiming to balance economic development and environmental protection. 翻译:政府旨在平衡经济发展和环境保护。
(12). She carefully balanced the plates on her arms as she walked from the kitchen to the dining room. 翻译:她从厨房往餐厅走的时候,小心翼翼地把盘子平稳地托在手臂上。
(13). “I'm checking the balance of my credit card to see if I can afford this new dress.” said Anna. 翻译:“我正在查看我的信用卡余额,看看能不能买得起这条新裙子。
(14). The team needs to balance the skills of different players to win the game. 翻译:这个团队需要平衡不同队员的技能才能赢得比赛。
(15). He balanced on one foot for a few seconds to show off his good sense of balance. 翻译:他单脚站立了几秒钟,炫耀自己良好的平衡感。
5 趣味扩展
5.1 与单词相关的小知识:人体的平衡感是由内耳中的前庭系统等多个部分共同协调维持的。
5.2 生活中的应用实例:在健身锻炼中,像普拉提、平衡板训练等项目都是着重锻炼人们的平衡能力,这不仅有助于提升运动表现,还能预防摔倒等意外情况,对老年人来说尤为重要。
5.3 文化背景或流行趋势:在一些艺术创作中,如绘画、雕塑等,艺术家常常会通过构图来营造一种视觉上的平衡感,让作品整体看起来更和谐、美观。