Review related literature
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EBSCO 特色数据库
3. Newspaper Source Newspaper Source 提供了 25 个民族(美国)和国 际出版的报纸的精选全文。 该数据库还包含来自电视 和收音机的全文新闻副本以及 200 多种地区(美国) 报纸的精选全文。 此数据库通过 EBSCO 主机进行每 日更新。
Resources at BSU
Very poor but improving!
关键词应是国内外通用的词语; 将关键词的所有同义词、近义词列出,避免漏检; 去除重复概念、不必要概念的词语;
Collier’s Eier's Encyclopedia with Bibliography and Index)
was a United States-based general encyclopedia published by Crowell, Collier and Macmillan. Self-described in its preface as "a scholarly, systematic, continuously revised summary of the knowledge that is most significant to mankind", it was long considered one of the 3 major contemporary English-language general encyclopedias, together with Encyclopedia Americana and Encyclopedia Britannica: the 3 were collectively called "the ABCs".
Works of scholars
3. Critical sources book reviews journal articles 4. Web sources
1. Background sources
Encyclopedia Americana Encyclopedia Britannica Collier’s Encyclopedia
Characteristics of Effective Literature Reviews
1. Outlining important research trends
2. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of
existing research 3. Identifying potential gaps in knowledge 4. Establishing a need for current and/or future research projects
1. ERIC Education Resources Information Center)
Database 1 EBSCO检索平台
EBSCO检索平台提供13个数据库的使用 收录有关社会科学、人文、教育、语言文学、
种族研究等领域的4,700多种全文期刊,其中 包括3,600多种专家评审期刊;同时还收录 8,175种期刊的索引和文摘。全文和文摘最早 回溯到1975年。数据每日更新。
Copperplate in the first edition
In March 2012, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
announced it would no longer publish its printed editions, instead focusing on its online version, Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Its final print edition was in 2010, a 32-volume set
years, Master plots analyzes the most important works in all genres—long fiction, short fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction —throughout history and around the world, helping to define and critique the literary canon.
Steps for Writing a Lit Review
Reading and Research Analyzing
is the scope of my literature review? What types of sources am I using?
3. Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson图书评论摘要 增强版数据库) 该库收录涉及图书评论的8000余种期刊,包括小说及非小说 类文学作品的书评。共提供22余万余篇书评全文;涉及近80 万本图书;同一本书的全部评论与该书显示于同一界面;被 评论书籍摘要均由威尔逊公司专业人士撰写;适合各年龄段 读者。
北京体育大学 EBSCO人文全文数据库 APA美国心理.
EBSCO 电子图书 (原名:NetLibrary电子图书) 提供30多万种电子图书,涉及各个主题并涵盖多学科 领域。除英文电子书外还收录法文、德文、日文和西 班牙文。除提供全文的电子书外,还提供16000多种有 声电子图书。EBSCO eBooks电子书可以直接进行检 索,不需要安装任何阅读软件即可阅读、保存和打印, 每次可保存、打印15页或更多。
To write literature review a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the work that you are carrying out.
1. 2. 3. 4.
To provide background information To establish importance To demonstrate familiarity To “carve out a space” for further research
Collier’s is a well-reputed work with coverage
reflecting secondary-school and college curricula. Its style is concise and readable. Most of the articles are signed, many by worldrenowned scholars. Collier’s is strongest in its treatment of the arts and humanities, social sciences, and botany. Major biographies receive lengthy treatment; geography articles are attractively presented and receive a high percentage of the set’s space. Accompanying illustrations, wellreproduced, include effective graphics, photographs, diagrams, and drawings.
Academic Discipline
field(s) am I working in?
Reading and Researching
What Materials Am I Going to Use?
I. What materials are Relevant?
1. Background sources dictionaries encyclopedias ABC reference works 2. Original sources
Encyclopedia Americana
30 vol.s, has more than 45,000 articles, most of
them more than 500 words and many running to considerable length (the "United States" article is over 300,000 words). The work's coverage of American and Canadian geography and history has been a traditional strength, but its lead here has dwindled in recent years under the pressures of electronic publishing.
Reviewing Related Literature
0. Goals of the lecture
1. To locate the sources of related literature
2. Searching strategies 3. Evaluating materials
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
/ 30 vol.s a general knowledge English-language
Reference works
Encyclopedia of Language and
Linguistics(2nd Edition) 《语言和语言学百科全书》
Master plots 4th ed
A classic reference work for more than sixty
encyclopedia. It is written and continuously updated by about 100 full-time editors and more than 4,400 contributors. It is regarded as one of the most scholarly of English language encyclopedias.
Long available as a 30-volume print set, the
Encyclopedia Americana is now marketed as an online encyclopedia requiring a subscription. In March 2008, Scholastic said that print sales remained good and that the company was still deciding on the future of print. The company did not produce an edition in 2007