ch17questions 学生版




新概念英语青少版1A 第17课测试题一、 翻译词组1.一条粉红的短裙 2.一套新睡衣3.有点儿脏4.一件纯白的衬衫5.两条干净的裙子6.在洗衣机里7.三只可爱的狗 8.那些鲜红的苹果二、根据上下文,完成对话 1. A: this your jacket?B: No, it . My jacket is (纯白) .But it is (鲜红). A: jacket is it?B: It ’s my brother ’s.2. A: I can ’t find my pyjamas. are they? B: are your pyjamas?A: They ’are (棕色的). B: Oh, they are in the .三、翻译句子1. 我的鞋子有点脏。

.2. 两只可爱的白色的猫。

.3. 你的帽子是什么颜色的? 是蓝色的。

.4. 我的书包不是黑色的。

.5. 它们是谁的袜子? 它们是我爸爸的。

.第一单元——分数乘分数一、想一想,填一填1、分数乘分数,用 相乘的积作 , 相乘的积作 。

2、35×21表示 ,35×2表示 。

3、 95的31是 ,7吨的83是 。

4、已知a ,b ,c 都大于0,如果98×a =65×b =c ×1,那么a ,b ,c 按照从大到小的顺序排列应是 。

二、请你来当小裁判1、 一堆煤的53与一堆煤重53吨的意义相同。

( )2.、3吨钢板的51大于1吨棉花的53。

( )3、16×54和54×16的意义相同,计算结果也相同。

( )4、一项工作,如果每天完成101,5天就能完成一半。

( )5、一个数乘真分数,积小于这个数。

( )三、看谁算得又对又快53×133= 43×245= 31×76= 127×218= 559×8111 = 83×274=四、跷跷板65×5454 21×2125×6532×453289×151151 121 ×94。



青少版新概念1Bunit17课程案例1. 课程简介本课程是青少版新概念英语1B教材的第17课,旨在帮助学生掌握有关邻居的问答和描述的基本表达,并提高学生的听说能力。


2. 学习目标•掌握与邻居相关的问答和描述句型;•提高听说能力;•增加词汇量。

3. 课程内容本课程的内容主要包括以下几个方面:3.1 基本问答学生将学习如何使用以下问答句型:•Q:What’s his/her name? A:His/Her name is [name].•Q:What does he/she do? A:He/She is a [occupation].•Q:Where does he/she live? A:He/She lives in [place].3.2 描述邻居学生将学习如何使用以下句型来描述邻居的外貌和性格:•He/She is [age] years old.•He/She has [hair color/length] hair.•He/She is [height] tall/short.•He/She is [personality].4. 教学方法4.1 情景对话教师将以实际生活场景为背景,编写一些情景对话,要求学生使用学到的问答和描述句型进行对话练习。


4.2 组内活动教师可以将学生分成小组,要求每个小组选择一位现实或虚构的邻居进行描述。


4.3 听力练习教师可以播放一段与邻居相关的听力材料,要求学生根据听到的内容回答相关问题,提高学生的听力理解能力。

5. 课程评估为了评估学生对本课程的掌握情况,可以进行以下评估方式:•口语演讲:要求学生选择一个邻居进行描述,并进行口语演讲。




第17讲 乙醇课程标准课标解读1.以乙醇为例认识有机化合物中的官能团,认识乙醇的结构及其主要性质与应用2.认识乙醇的官能团与性质的关系,知道有机物之间在一定条件下是可以转化的。



知识点01 乙醇的物理性质、组成结构和烃的衍生物1.乙醇的物理性质 (1)俗名:_____(2)色味态:无色、有特殊_____味的液体 (3)密度:比水的_____ (4)沸点:低,_____挥发(5)溶解性:能与水以_______________ 2.乙醇的分子结构3.烃的衍生物(1)概念:烃分子中的_____被其他原子或原子团所取代而生成的一系列化合物。

(2)母体化合物CH 3CH 2OH CH 3Cl CH 2Cl 2 BrCH 2CH 2Br _____ _____ __________ __________4.官能团(1)定义:决定有机化合物特性的原子或原子团。

(2)实例①CH 2=CH 2的官能团:名称为__________,符号为__________ ②CH≡CH 的官能团:名称为__________,符号为__________ ③CH 3CH 2OH 的官能团:名称为__________,符号为__________【即学即练1】(双选)下列叙述中正确的是( )。

A .乙醇分子可以看成是乙烷分子中氢原子被水分子电离出的氢氧根离子代替的产物B .乙醇与水以任意比例互溶,因此乙醇是电解质C .无水酒精和固体酒精都是混合物D .酒香四溢体现了乙醇具有挥发性知识点02 乙醇的化学性质及其应用4.乙醇的氧化反应 (1)可燃性①反应:________________________________________ ②现象:产生_____色火焰(2)催化氧化:____________________ (3)酸性高锰酸钾溶液或酸性重铬酸钾溶液知识精讲目标导航①CH3CH2OH CH3COOH,酸性高锰酸钾溶液_____色褪去②CH3CH2OH CH3COOH,酸性重铬酸钾溶液由_____色变成_____色5.乙醇与钠反应(1)反应:________________________________________(2)反应类型:_____反应,非取代反应(3)现象:钠_______________,_____反应,冒_____,钠在酒精中__________6.乙醇的用途(1)用作燃料(2)重要的有机化工原料和溶剂(3)医用酒精:_____分数为_____的乙醇溶液【即学即练2】我国已对酒驾实行了“醉驾入刑”,酒的主要成分是乙醇。



Which is missing?
out of In a moment
log on
be over
oo k cc u
['kuku:] n. 布谷鸟
t ns e
n. 巢,窝
There’re three colorful eggs in this nest.
[in'stɔ:l] v.安装
He is going to install this new TV.
She is installing a plane.
Ken installed a webcam yesterday.
log on v.登录
Ken installed a webcam , and invited his neighbours to log on.
Ken 安装了一个网络摄像机,并 且邀请他的邻居去登录.
invite sb. to do sth.
a i s tetn c h isu
[in,θju:zi'æ stik]
adj. 热情的
be enthusiastic to
People are enthusiastic to Spring Festival.
Girls are enthusiastic to pretty clothes.


9. on one’s knees 跪着
Eg: I’m on my knees now .
10. be good at… 擅长… = do well in …
be useless at … 在某方面差劲
adj. 差劲的,无能的 11. music n. 音乐 (不可数)
a piece of music 一首音乐 listen to music 听音乐
• 3. A: Can you see any children? • B: Yes, I can. There are some
children in the classroom. • A: Are there any in the park? • B: No, there aren’t any in the park.
体操 差劲的,无能的 数学 音乐 照(相) 照相 跪着 体育馆
gymnastics useless Maths Music take take a photo on one’s kness gym
1. .take a photo of 给…照相 =take pictures of …
Eg: Take a photo on your mobile . 2. smile v. 微笑 smile at/ to sb.对某人微笑。
• 5. 尝试(v.) • try • 6.也(adv.) • as well • 7. 擅长(adv.) • (be) good at • 8. 跪着 • on one’s knees
smile watch balance do try as wall easy good at
微笑 看 保持平衡 做 尝试 也 简单的,容易的 擅长
Unit 17 Smile, please!

人教版高中化学必修第2册精品讲义 第17讲 烷烃扩展(学生版)

人教版高中化学必修第2册精品讲义 第17讲 烷烃扩展(学生版)

一、烷烃同分异构体的书写方法1. 减碳对称法举个例子——庚烷(C7H16)有9种结构知识精讲知识导航第17讲烷烃扩展注意主链上有两个取代基时,采取“定一移一”的方法。

2. 常见烷烃的同分异构体数目烷烃甲烷乙烷丙烷丁烷戊烷己烷庚烷分子式CH4 C2H6C3H8C4H10C5H12C6H14C7H16个数 1 1 1 2 3 5 9二、一卤代烃数目的判断1. 等效氢①连在同一碳原子上的氢原子等效;②连在同一碳原子上的甲基上的氢原子等效;③分子中处于对称位置的氢原子等效。

2. 等效氢法烷烃中有几种等效氢,其一卤代物就有几种结构。

3. 烷基取代法(1)烷基:指相应的烷烃失去一个氢原子(H)后剩下的基团。



(3)常见烷基的同分异构体数目烷基甲基乙基丙基丁基戊基分子式—CH3—C2H5—C3H7—C4H9—C5H11个数 1 1 2 4 8对点训练题型一:烷烃的同分异构体【例1】含有5个碳原子的链状烷烃的同分异构体有A.2种B.3种C.4种D.5种【变1】下列关于戊烷的说法正确的是A.分子中的碳原子在一条直线上B.其一氯代物共有8种C.能与溴水发生取代反应D.同分异构体有2种题型二:一卤代烃数目的判断【变2-1】下列各组有机物中,其一氯代物的数目不相等的是()A.正戊烷和正己烷B.新戊烷和C.环戊烷和乙烷D.丙烷和【变2-3】某烷烃可生成三种沸点不同的一氯代物A.(CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH3B.(CH3CH2)2CHCH3C.(CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2D.(CH3)3CCH2CH3【例3】分子式为C4H10的烃一氯代物的同分异构体有A.4种B.5种C.6种D.10种【变3-3】某烃具有同分异构体,且各同分异构体的一氯代物的种数相同,该烃的分子式是A.CH4B.C3H8C.C4H10D.C5H12【例4】C6H14的各种同分异构体中所含的甲基数目和一氯取代物的数目可能是A.2,4 B.4,1 C.3,5 D.4,4【变5】1 mol某烷烃在氧气中充分燃烧,需要消耗标准状况下的氧气179.2 L,它在光照的条件下与氯气反应能生成三种不同的一氯取代物(不考虑立体异构),该烃的结构简式是A.B.C.CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3D.提分特训【题1】某烷烃发生氯代反应后,只能生成三种沸点不同的一氯代产物,此烷烃是A.(CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH3B.CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3C.(CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2D.(CH3)3CCH2CH2CH3【题2】主链上有5个碳原子,含甲基,乙基两个支链的烷烃有()A.5种B.4种C.3种D.2种【题3】1 mol某烷烃在氧气中充分燃烧,需要消耗氧气246.4 L(标准状况),它在光照的条件下与氯气反应,生成4种不同的一氯取代物。



设计针对阅读材料的练习题,包括选择题、判断题、简答题 等,以检验学生对文章的理解程度。
提供答案及解析,帮助学生纠正错误理解,加深对文章内容 的认识。
布置与阅读材料相关的写作任务,如读后感、故事续写、情景对话等,以提高学 生的写作能力。
给予写作指导,包括文章结构、语言表达、逻辑思维等方面的建议,帮助学生提 升写作水平。
针对不同水平的学生,提供不同难度的练 习和活动,确保每个学生都能够得到适当 的挑战和提高。
通过模拟真实场景、角色扮演等活动,让 学生在真实的语境中学习和运用英语。
本单元主题为“节日与庆祝”, 介绍了不同国家和地区的节日文 化以及庆祝方式。
老师可提供对话示范,引导学生掌 握对话的基本结构和表达方式,鼓 励学生自由发挥,培养创造性思维 和应变能力。
将学生分成若干小组,每组围绕 一个主题展开讨论,鼓励学生积
每个小组选派代表在全班分享讨 论成果,其他同学可提问或补充 意见,促进全班范围内的交流与
表示过去某个时间点正在 进行的动作,如"She was cooking when I called her."
表示正在进行的动作或状 态,如"I am studying."
表示将来要发生的动作或 状态,如"They will arrive tomorrow."







1. [2019新课标I ]化合物G是一种药物合成中间体,其合成路线如下:回答下列问题:(1) A 中的官能团名称是 。


写出B 的结构简式,用星号(*)标出B 中的手性碳。

(3)写出具有六元环结构、并能发生银镜反应的B 的同分异构体的结构简式 。

(不考虑立体异构,只需写出3个)(4)反应④所需的试剂和条件是 (5)⑤的反应类型是(6)写出F 到G 的反应方程式体现化学学科价彳1的有机合成 ,其问题解决涉及碳骨架建构与官能团转换等核心任务,结构比较、信息加 工、逆合成分析等思维方法,控制副反应、优选合成路线等绿色化学观念。

、重要有机物的相互转化可基于煌及其重要衍生物的转化规律 ,引导学生把握常见官能团转化的途径和条件,为有机合成奠定结 构化的知识基础。

ch15questions 学生版

ch15questions 学生版

Question 2
If the working-age population is 200 million, 150 million are employed, and 6 million are unemployed, then the unemployment rate is ____. A. 3.0 percent B. 25.0 percent C. 4.0 percent D. 12.0 percent E. 3.8 percent
E. 14 percent; 6 percent
Question 6
From 1959 to 2009, male labor force participation rate ____ and the female labor force participation rate ____. A. increased; increased B. decreased rapidly; decreased slowly and now the two labor force participation rates are now equal C. decreased; increased
B. increases; decreases during a recession
C. increases; is relatively steady D. does not change; is relatively steady E. decreases; increases
Question 3
The official measure of the unemployment rate counts marginally attached workers as ______. A. employed but not as part of the labor force B. employed and as part of the labor force C. unemployed and as part of the labor force D. not part of the labor force

青少版新概念1B Unit 17 Smile, please!

青少版新概念1B  Unit 17  Smile, please!

Summary & Homework
◆ Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora? ◆ What can Lucy and Flora do? ◆ What can Vikki do?
◆ Write down what you are good at and useless at.
• Vikki: OK. Ready? One, two, three! Smile, please!
人人有所长Leabharlann 你笑我也笑!Culture Points
• What have you got from the text? ♣ Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses, we should learn from each other and help each other. ♣ Everything is good for something.
• Flora: Look at me now, Lucy! I’m on my knees! Can you balance like this? • Lucy: Yes, I can do that, too. It’s fun!
• Flora: Come on, Vikki! Can you balance on a big ball like us? • Vikki: No, I can’t. You’re both good at gymnastics, ————— but I’m useless. I can’t ———— ——— do it. ——
• Flora: Watch this, Lucy! I can balance ————————— on this ball! Can you ———————— do it? • Lucy: I can try.

青少版新概念英语2B练习题直接打印版Unit 17 A cuckoo in the nest

青少版新概念英语2B练习题直接打印版Unit 17 A cuckoo in the nest

Unit 17 A cuckoo in the nest. Name:_____________I. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 去年春天,两只小鸟出现在了他的花园里。

_____________________________________________________.2. 很快,在树上就有了一个鸟窝。

_____________________________________________________.3. 两秒钟之后,有了第四个蛋在其他三个旁边。

_____________________________________________________.4. 那些小鸟匆忙去给baby cuckoo 找食物。

_____________________________________________________.5. 二十天之后,布谷鸟变得巨大了。

_____________________________________________________.6. 这个布谷鸟宝宝用它的后背轻易地捡起其他的蛋。

_____________________________________________________.II. Multiple choices.1. English is my favourite subject, and I __________ like Chinese.A. tooB. eitherC. also2. The show was over; Ken’s neighbors are now looking for birds __________.A. patientlyB. happyC. enthusiastic3. On __________ July, Jane flew to Beijing with her parents.A. 1stB. 1C. 1th4. There __________ a sports meeting next Thursday.A. will haveB. hasC. is going to be5. The class bell rang, and in a __________ the classroom was empty.A. timeB. momentC. hour6. Look, that is Janet’s brother, the __________ one on the left.A. fiveB. fivethC. fifth7. -- May I use your telephone for a while, mine is out of power. -- __________A. Go awayB. of courseC. Give me yours.8. – The apple is so sweet, may I have __________ one?A. otherB. anotherC. more9. Jiamin is a __________ boy, he always does things __________.A. carefully, carefulB. careful, carefullyC. careful, careful10. I wanna have a birthday party and invite all my classmates __________ with me.A. to playB. playingC. playsIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words.1. What __________(do) the robber do last night?2. Who __________ (tell) you my secret, is it Andy?3. When did the young engineer __________ (install) our new TV?4. Nina __________ (open) the door __________(quiet) last night.5. Paul’s friend __________ (pick) up some weights __________ (easy) at the gym6. The letter “C” is b__________ “B” and “D”.7. The farmer waited for the hare, but it never a__________.8. I forgot my QQ number, so I can’t l__________ on.9. People shouldn’t p__________ each other in the underground.10. How was your trip to the Great Wall? – It was beautiful and the walls are e__________.11. If you don’t listen to the teacher in class, g__________ o__________ of the classroom.12. I like birds, I am also a very enthusiastic b__________.13. Wait a s__________, I am coming soon.14. Don’t eat the e__________, it smells bad.15. How can I see my house when I am at school, maybe I should install a w__________.VI. Correct the following sentences.e.g.:(例子)I likes reading English.likes → like1. I don’t have any breakfast this morning, because I practiced piano._____________________________________________________.2. Look, Xiaoling plays football in the playground, wonderful!_____________________________________________________.3. How does the cuckoo watches the nest?_____________________________________________________.4. What did you do in the weekend? I did some reading._____________________________________________________.5. My birthday is coming, can I invite my friends in come to my party, Dad?_____________________________________________________.V. Make sentences according to the pictures on the right.1.-- What __________ you do yesterday?-- I __________ __________ at school.-- What __________ you __________ yesterday?-- I ______________________________.3.-- What _________________________________________?-- _________________________________________.4.--What appeared in the kitchen last night?-- A __________ __________ in the kitchen.5.--How many apples are there in the plate?-- __________ __________ five.6.-- When does the class begin?-- __________ 3:00 o’clock.7.-- What time is it?-- __________ 3:00 o’clock.VI. Reading comprehension.It was late in the afternoon, a farmer was working on the farm. Suddenly, a hare rushed out and crashed into a tree. It fell down to the ground and died. The farm picked up the hare happily and brought it home. He cooked it and had a delicious meal. He thought, ‘Working is very hard work, but picking up a hare is easy. I will wait for another hare tomorrow.’ Then he stopped working and waited by the tree. Day in and day out, another hare never came, the farm had nothing to eat.1. Was the farmer a clever man?A. Yes, he was.B. No, he wasn’t.C. We don’t know.2. What appeared on the farm when the farmer was working?A. a rabbit.B. a dog.C. a cat.3. The farmer liked to work very much.A. True.B. False.C. We don’t know.4. Did the farmer have anything to eat after some days?5. Should we learn from the farmer in the story?A. Yes, we should.B. No, we shouldn’t.C. We don’t know.VII. Writing.ALook at the picture and tell thestory.Once upon a time, there __________a crow(乌鸦), he was very thirsty.Suddenly, he saw a bottle __________water. But his beak(喙)could reachthe water, so he flew away and__________ some stones(石头).He __________ the stones into thebottle one after another. __________(很快)the bottle was full ofstones and water, then he could drink the water __________(简单地). What a clever crow.BYou are going to have a birthday party next weekend, you want to invite your classmates and friends to your party, write an invitation.words: birthday cake, sing songs, watch cartoons……_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________。


谢 谢!
Unit 17 A cuckoo in the nest
动物界的十大坏妈妈:布谷鸟 cuckoo
布谷鸟准备产蛋了,但它却不会自己筑巢, 它会来到像那些比它小的鸟类的巢中,移走原 来的那窝蛋中的一个,用自己的蛋来取而代之. 相对于它的体形来说,它的蛋是偏小的,而且 蛋上的斑纹同它混入的其他鸟的蛋也非常相 似,所以不易被分辨出来.如果不是这样,它的 蛋肯定会被扔出去.

adv. <manner> 容易地
v. 推,推动
out of
prep. 外
enormous adj. 巨大的,极大
n. 翅膀,翼
in a moment adv. <time>片刻,瞬间
n. 演出
be over v. + adv. particle <intransitive>
7.knock on the door
Pattern Practice
1. A: What did the robbers do late last night? B: They counted the money.
Pattern Practice
2. A: Who counted the money late last night? B: The robbers did.
Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now?
Lesson 33
1.A cuckoo in the nest.
在此处指这个故事,但也是一个习语,指一个人不属于某地或者不受欢迎,却偏偏 利用这个地方.



【点拨】B项Leabharlann “置”应读zhì;C项,“茬”应读chá;D项,“重” 应读chónɡ。
2.下列句子中加点词语使用有误的一项是( B ) A.请你记住:歇.斯.底.里.的吼叫征服不了别人,却只会让你在疯狂中失 去理智。 B.为了抓紧时间锻炼身体,一下课,同学们就向操场仓.皇.逃.窜.。 C.有些影视明星,因为犯这样那样的错误而导致名声一.落.千.丈.。 D.若各国对气候变化问题置.之.不.理.,到本世纪末亚洲大陆气温将上升 6摄氏度,这将给亚太地区的人类生活带来严重危害。
3.下列句子中没有语病的一项是( B ) A.通过这一次放鸭的旅途,使杜小康成长为一个坚强的少年。 B.孤独是这么的可怕,以至于杜小康不得不想起自己的母亲。 C.这股鸭子大概有六七十只左右。它们在轰隆隆的雷声中,仓皇逃窜 着。 D.为了避免不失学的命运,杜小康向父亲哀求:“我不要放鸭,我要 回去上学。”
⑧还有一位19岁的患者,一天到晚愁眉苦脸不说话。江善香和同事们就 拿出他的检查报告,把指标数据一一指给他看,告知他,他的病情正在 一天一天好转,鼓励他树立信心,战胜病魔。在她们的开导下,这名年 轻的患者逐渐开朗起来,话也多了,还主动帮助护理人员和身边患者做 些力所能及的事。 ⑨多日护理下来,江善香发现,对于方舱医院的患者来说,调整心态是 一项尤为有益的“康复活动”。患者的精神状态好了,对疾病治疗、身 体康复都有明显的助益。
方舱医院的歌声 王建成 ①武汉客厅东西湖方舱医院。 ②A舱的B区和D区是江善香护士的工作场所。江善香到这里已经10多天了, 每天来回奔忙,除了为病患做护理,还自发组织患者们唱歌跳舞,鼓励他们 战胜病魔的信心和勇气。 ③江善香是福建省光泽县总医院内一科的主管护师,今年39岁,从事护理工 作20年。她身材娇小,性情内向,要不是业务出色,或许很难引人注意。年 初,新冠肺炎疫情在武汉产生后,江善香一直密切关注。2月4日,福建省卫 健委组建第二批支援湖北护理队奔赴武汉,光泽县总医院要派一名护士参战, 江善香第一个报了名。



他们的名字 他们的老板们 他们的书本 他们的衬衣 他们的雨伞 他们的车票 他们的手提包 她们的长裙
• • • • • • • • •
我们的老师们很忙 我们的书本很新 我们的工作很忙 我们的 长裙很长 我们的员工们很勤奋 我们的老板们很勤奋 我们的助手们恨懒惰 我们的推销员们恨懒惰 我们的办公室助手们很勤奋
How do you do ? what are their jobs?
our/ their
• • • • • • • • • 我们的老师们 我们的书本 我们的工作 我们的 长裙 我们的员工们 我们的老板们 我们的助手们 我们的推销员们 我们的办公室助手们
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • 勤奋 他们的书本很旧 他们的衬衣很脏 他们的雨伞很脏 他们的车票很脏 他们的手提包很小 她们的长裙很干净
• • • • • • • • • • • 来见见我们的员工们 这是TOM 。这是TIM 那些女人很勤奋 他们的工作是什么 他们是电脑操作员 他们很忙 他们不忙 他们是推销员 他们很懒 这个年轻人是谁? 他是我们的办公室助手 • • • • • • • • • • • 他们的工作是什么 他们是工程师 他们的工作是什么 她们是空中小姐 他们的工作是什么 他们是司机 她们是女警察 她们是家庭煮妇 他们是发型师 他们是警察 他们是邮差

专题21 高考英语3500词汇语境化训练17-高考英语复习易混易错点分类训练 学生版

专题21 高考英语3500词汇语境化训练17-高考英语复习易混易错点分类训练 学生版

专题21 高考英语3500词汇语境化训练17 学生版第一组阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

1.The car got stuck in the ___________ (mud) ground.2.She shows little ________________ (appreciate) of good music.3.I’d appreciate ________ if you could do me a favour.4.We appreciate you _______________ (give) us so much of your precious time.5.Gunfire broke out in the street suddenly, which ______________ (panic) the crowd.6.Who will be in charge of the ________________ (distribute) of food and clothing to the flood victims?7.I was sent to Europe as the _______________ (represent) of our company.8.We sent a card with birthday _________________ (greet).9.A smile and a friendly _____________ (greet) for the student behind you in line at the cafeteria won’t make you best f riends.10.We regret this service is ________________ (temporary) unavailable.11.I was doing my homework __________ my mother came in.12.He was on the point of saying something the phone rang.13.Would you like to have your writing _____________ (publish) in this magazine?14.I had one of my feet ___________(injure) when playing football.15.The plan was ________________(general) welcomed.16.Within months, a Thai police officer was arrested and convicted of ___________ (murder) the jeweller.17.Sue screamed, not loudly, more _______surprise than terror.18.Chengdu has ___________ (dozen) of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top attraction.19.There seems to be little _________________ (respond) from the audience to the performance.ers can also choose a book from the app’s book library that ______________ (display) in sign language using animated characters. 21.He was ___________ (annoy) at being interrupted while he was talking with an old friend whom he had not seen for a long time.22.Her sister broke down, ____________ (sob) into her handkerchief.23.The man they _____________ (arrest) last night was charged with murder.24.We replied that we were very grateful and spent the whole day __________ (chat) with them.25.We helped the old clean their houses and chatted them.26.The emperor suspected him having stolen the jewel.27. The man (suspect) of murder sat in the chair shivering.28. She threw a surprise party for the (suspect)orphan.29. —You’re lucky that she’s so thoughtful and devoted to you.—In fact, I don’t want to bother her my problems all the time.30. What bother! We’ve missed the bus.31. It’s not worth(bother) with an umbrella—the minibus is just outside.32. Lots of peoplebother(go) abroad these days.33. To date, many government staffs(recall)from that country because of the conflict between the two countries, which is still under (negotiate).Both sides must find a way (resolve) the conflict before it’s too late.34. Now(detect) are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious last night.35.They made a (resolve) to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.36.It’s a pity that few students nowadays are keen reading classics which I thinkare really worth reading.37.They are volunteered to be assigned(teach) in rural areas because they are keen (help) develop rural education.38.The assessment for the course involves written(assign) and practical tests.39. Our children bring us both joy and (annoy). Though sometimes their (annoy) behavior (annoy) their mums, they never make them (annoy).40. If it is (convenient) for you, let’s call off the appointment. We can do it at your (convenient).41. He was(shame) of cheating in the exam and determined never to do that again.42. Don’t be ashamed(miss) my wedding.43. It’s a shame you live at such a distance; otherwise we could see each other often.44. We must expose this (shame)activity to the newspapers.45.Sometimes you can’t take some Chinese idioms (literal) because theyhave deeper meanings.46.It’s time that you (pack) your belongings your suitcase. If you don’t hurry up, you will miss the plane.47.Fans packed the hall to see the band.48. The parcel (pack) up was examined carefully.49. I’d like to make a complaint the noise, because I can’t relax or read a book without (plug) my ears.50. We received several (complain)from customers about the lack of parking facilities. An (inquire) was set up to determine the cause of the issue.第二组阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



以下是为⼤家整理的关于《新概念英语第⼀册Lesson 17 How do you do》,供⼤家学习参考!17 How do you do? 听录⾳,然后回答问题。

What are Michael Maker and Jeremy Short's jobs? 迈克尔.贝克和杰⾥⽶.肖特是做什么⼯作的? Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards. Thank you, Mr. Jackson. This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor. How do you do? Those women are very hard-working. What are their jobs? They’re keyboard operators. This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short. How do you do? They aren’t very busy! What are their jobs? They’re sales reps. They are very lazy. Who is this young man? This is Jim. He is our office assistant. New Word and expressions ⽣词和短语 employee n. 雇员 hard-working adj. 勤奋的 sales reps 推销员 man n. 男⼈ office n. 办公室 assistant n. 助⼿ 参考译⽂ 杰克逊先⽣:来见见我们的雇员, 理查兹先⽣。


杰克逊先⽣:这位是尼克拉.格雷, 这位是克莱尔.泰勒。

理查兹先⽣:你们好! 理查兹先⽣:那些姑娘很勤快。

她们是做什么⼯作的? 杰克逊先⽣:她们是电脑录⼊员。

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A. is at full employment; nominal GDP
B. has no unemployment; real GDP C. has no unemployment; potential GDP D. is at full employment; potential GDP E. has unemployment; nominal GDP
Question 3
With fixed quantities of capital, land, and entrepreneurship and given technology, the amount of real GDP produced increases when ____ increases. A. the quantity of labor supplied B. the inflation rate C. the quantity of labor employed
D. $20,000
E. $20.00 an hour
Question 7
Labor productivity increases if ______.
A. saving and investment in physical capital and wages increase B. human capital and the labor force increase and new technologies are discovered C. human capital increases, the population grows, and new technologies are discovered D. investment in physical capital, human capital increases, and new technologies are discovered E. the labor force increases and wages increase
D. the price level
E. the real wage rate
Question 4
If real GDP increases by 6 percent a year and at the same time the population increases by 2 percent a year, then real GDP per person grows by _____ a year. A. 6 percent B. 4 percent
Question 8
Economic growth is enhanced by ______. A. engaging in free international trade
B. limiting international trade so that the domestic economy can prosper
Question 9
Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Saving helps create economic growth B. Improvements in the quality of education are important for economic growth C. Free international trade helps create economic growth D. Faster population growth is the key to growth in real GDP per person E. Economic freedom requires property rights
Potential GDP and Economic Growth
© 2011 Pearson Education

Question 1
The production function shows that when the economy ________ production equals ______ .
C. 2 percent
D. 8 percent E. 3 percent
Question 5
A country experiences a real GDP growth rate of 4 percent a year. Its real GDP will double in ______. A. 17.5 years B. 14 years
C. 23.3 years
D. 35 years E. 25 years
Question 6
If real GDP is $1,200 billion, the population is 60 million, and the quantity of labor is 80 billion hours, labor productivity is _______. A. $5.00 an hour B. $6.67 an hour C. $15.00 an hour
Question 10
Saving ________. A. slows growth because it decreases consumption expenditure B. finances investment, which brings capital accumulation C. does not influence economic growth D. is very low in most East Asian nations E. is important for a country to gain the benefits of international trade
C. discouraging saving, because increased saving means less spending D. ignoring incentive systems E. increasing welfare payments to the poor so that they can afford to buy goods and services
Question 2
The economy in the figure will produce potential GDP when labor works ____ billions of hours a year. A. 150 B. 200 C. 250 D. 300 E. more than 150