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benefits”belongs to subjective composing important factor in constituting important item.In the judicatory practice medium,the objective existence of seeking falsely benefits,resulting in many difficulty affirming bribe offense,makes bribe to become the means of low cost and high repay that is also the main reason of bribe spreading
and the service charge.The economy bribe is a special form of bribe offense,and has
a dissimilarity in applying scopes and applying conditions and carrying out the crime purpose.Because criminal law,conceming the provisions of economic bribe,belongs
socialism market economy. The criminal law,concerning the bribe offense,includes general bribe and
economy bribe.General bribe means to seek falsely benefits and give national staff

Bribe offense is,being a kind of crime,have serious social bane.At the new situation of the establishment and perfection of socialism market economy system,
Bribe offense objectively expresses to give national staff wealth and properties which are called hush money.Although the provisions of the criminal laws is even
expliciting to the concrete scope of”bribe”.
Someone thinks”bribe”means money and product,someone thinks the hush money still includes physical benefits.and others廿liIll(”bribe”includes not only wealth and properties(the goods and real obj ect)and physical benefits that can be calculated by
wealth and properties.The economy bribe means,in the economic contacts, breaching the nation provisions,giving national staff wealth and properties,or breaching nation provisions,giving the national staff discount诵m various names,
行贿罪在客观上表现为给予国家工作人员以财物的行为。给予的财物,被 称为贿赂。虽然刑法的规定甚为明确,但人们对“贿赂”的具体范围仍然存在 不同的认识。有人认为“贿赂”是指金钱和物品,有人认为贿赂还包括物质性 利益,还有人认为“贿赂”既包括财物(货物及实物)和可以用货币计算的物 质性利益,还包括其他非财产性的不正当利益即非物质性利益。虽然从刑法的 实然规定上,贿赂是指金钱和物品,但在应然的意义上,应当扩大贿赂的内涵 和外延,将非物质性利益包括性贿赂等纳入到我国刑法的规定中,以形成对贿 赂犯罪的多层次、全方位的打击和预防。
currency,but also includes other not-property iniquities,namely not physical benefits.
Although from solid facts of criminal law,the hush money means the money and product,and according to application,the content and extesion of the hush money
should be extended,not physical benefits also includes sex bribe into criminal law,
etc.to form all-direction stroke and the prevention of bribe crime. Along with a deep anti-corruption,the typical model of”hand over money all
投资型”行贿行为。“感情投资型”行贿行为具有单向性、连续性和时间间隔 性,在因果关系的认定上具有一定的困难,因此必须考察发生财物往来的背景, 财物价值的大小,馈赠的缘由、时机、方式,提供馈赠方是否有求于接受方的 职务行为,接受方是否利用职务上的便利为提供馈赠方谋取利益等进行综合判 断。如果接受方利用职务上的便利为提供方谋取了利益,或者说提供方从接受 方得到了其职权上的好处,就可以认定二者之间的财物往来不是馈赠,而是贿 赂。
随着反腐的深入,“一手交钱,一手办事"的典型贿赂方式正在演变,请托 人经常通过“感情投资”的方式给付国家工作人员财物,长期与其保持赠送高 档消费品、逢年过节给付钱款的交往关系与感情联络,但并不追求直接的经济 回报,也不要求受托人当下便提供不正当利益的职务帮助,而是在取得长效“信 任”与稳定“合作”的基础上,适时提出谋取不正当利益暗示。这就是“感情
and bribe crime hard to forbid.Therefore to suppress the corruption by root,it is necessary to cancel subjective important condition of“seek falsely benefits”.
刑法关于行贿罪的立法规定包含了一般行贿行为和经济行贿行为两种情 况。经济行贿行为是行贿罪的一种特殊形式,和一般行为在适用范围、适用条 件和实现犯罪目的的载体上均有所不同。由于刑法关于经济行贿的规定属于注 意规定,因而,“谋取不正当利益”应当成为经济行贿行为的构成要件。
行贿罪以谋取不正当利益为构成要件。“谋取不正当利益”,是指行贿人谋 取违反法律、法规、规章或者政策规定的利益,或者要求对方违反法律、法规、 规章、政策、行业规范的规定提供帮助或者方便条件。在招标投标、政府采购 等商业活动中,违背公平原则,给予相关人员财物以谋取竞争优势的,属于“谋 取不正当利益”。 “谋取不正当利益”在构成要件上属于主观的构成要件要素。 司法实践中,由于谋取不正当利益主观要件的存在,给行贿罪的认定造成诸多 困难,使行贿成为低成本、高回报的手段,也是行贿之风蔓延,贿赂犯罪屡禁 不止的原因之一。因此,要从根本上遏制腐败势头,有必要取消谋取“不正当 利益”的主观要件。
request a trustee to provide falsely benefits at that moment through their rights,but
after obtaining the long—term emotional”trust”and stable”cooperation”.put forward to seeking falsely benefits at a right time.This is a bribe form of”emotional investment”.”Emotional investment”has one-way,consecution and time partition, resulting in a certain difficulty in affirming cause and effect,SO it needs to investigate
the background of the occurring wealth and properties,the size of the wealth and
properties value,the reason,opportune moment,way of the donation,provide the
bribers seek to breach laws,regulation and policy provisions,or requesting others to breach the provisions of the laws,regulations,policy to provide a conveniem condition to disobey a fair principle in the invitation to bidding and the government purchase etc.in order to give related personals wealth and properties to seek competitive advantage.This belongs to”seek falsely benefits”.”Seek falsely
alone,handle affairs all alone”bribes has changed,that is,to request a person to usually pass national staff wealth and properties through emotional investment” keeps a long-term tie with them to present the upscale consumer goods,at the time of holidays and New Year,but don't pursue direct economy repay,and also do not
bribe crime has become gradually outstanding and its trend has mmed increasing and serious,and also has become a kind of serious corruption phenomenon,eroding the
to the aRention provision,as a result,”seek falsely benefits”should become the composing important item of the economic bribe.
Bribe offense exists seeking falsely benefits.”Seek falsely benefits”,means