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cluding reservoir water storage level deviation percentage, groundwater depth, soil water content and precipitation level deviation percentage.
Moreover, index weights were determined by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for accelerating genetic algorithm. By calculating index number
通信作者:陈梦璐(1990—) ,女,安徽安庆人,博士研究生,研究方向为水资源系统工程
E⁃mail:516792688@ qq.com
· 63·
人 民 黄 河 2021 年第 3 期
venient to operate. Therefore, it provides a new idea and approach for accurately judging the status and overall development trend of set pair
应用于山东省旱情动态评价分析,诊断识别山东省旱情的主要脆弱性指标。 结果表明:五元联系数旱情评价模型的旱情等级计算
值与有关研究的评价结果基本一致,较为符合实际情况;在时间尺度上,山东省总体干旱频率和强度在提高,1981 年、1989 年、2002
年发生特旱且 1977—1979 年、1981—1984 年、1986—1989 年、1991—1994 年和 1997—2002 年均发生连续干旱;五元减法集对势诊
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1502405) ;山东省重点研发计划项目( 2017GSF20101) ;国家自然科学基金资助项目
作者简介:金菊良(1966—) ,男,江苏吴江人,教授,博士,研究方向为水资源系统工程
Abstract:In order to deeply analyze and fully excavate the relationship between evaluation samples and evaluation grades, regional drought
dynamic evaluation was carried out. Taking Shandong Province from 1972 to 2003 as samples, and four evaluation indexes were selected, in⁃
中图分类号:TV213.4; P338 + .6 文献标志码:A doi:10.3969 / j.issn.1000-1379.2021.03.012
引用格式:金菊良,李征,陈梦璐,等.基于五元减法集对势的山东省旱情动态评价[ J] .人民黄河,2021,43(3) :63-68,83.
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China; 2. Institute of Water
Resources and Environmental Systems Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)
1 基于五元减法集对势的区域旱情动态评价
Shandong Province
象 [1-2] ,干旱程度称为旱பைடு நூலகம்。 干旱导致生活、生产和生
要素 持 续 低 于 长 期 平 均 水 平 的 一 类 自 然 变 异 现
value of the drought grade of the five-element connection number drought evaluation model is basically consistent with the results of relevant
studies, which is more in line with the actual situation. In terms of time scale, the overall drought frequency and intensity in Shandong Prov⁃
Dynamic Evaluationand Analysis of Drought in Shandong Province Based on
Five⁃Element Subtraction Set Pair Potential
JIN Juliang1, 2 , LI Zheng1 , CHEN Menglu1, 2 , ZHOU Rongxing1 , CUI Yi 1, 2 , NING Shaowei 1, 2
connection number and index value connection number of the samples and using the principle of minimum relative entropy to obtain the aver⁃
age connection number of the samples, a regional drought evaluation model based on set pair analysis five-element connection number was
system such as regional drought dynamic evaluation.
Key words: dynamic drought evaluation and analysis; set pair analysis; five⁃element connection number; subtraction set pair potential;
ince ware increasing. Special drought occurred in 1981, 1989, 2002 and continuous drought occurred in 1977- 1979, 1981- 1984, 1986-
1989, 1991-1994 and 1997-2002. The main factors causing drought diagnosed by five-element subtraction set pair potential are the reser⁃
法 [8] 、综合指标评价法 [9] 等,这些方法在区域旱情评
点的单指标性能函数值为 1 的不足 [8] ,但对评价样本
旱情动态分析以及诊断、识别干旱脆弱性因子。 为此,
tial overcomes the distortion phenomenon when the common set pair potential is used to deal with the uncertainty issues of a complex system,
and the former has richer connotation. Meanwhile, it can better depict the uncertainty trend of the system and is simple to calculate and con⁃
作为评价样本,选取水库蓄水量距平百分率、地下水埋深、土壤含水率和降水量距平百分率 4 个旱情评价指标,采用基于加速遗传
第 43 卷第 3 期 人 民 黄 河
Vol . 4 3 , No . 3
2021 年 3 月 YELLOW RIVER
【 水资源】
金菊良1,2 ,李 征1 ,陈梦璐1,2 ,周戎星1 ,崔 毅1,2 ,宁少尉1,2
(1.合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009;
2.合肥工业大学 水资源与环境系统工程研究所,安徽 合肥 230009)
摘 要:为深入剖析和充分挖掘评价样本与评价等级之间的关系信息,进行区域旱情动态评价,以山东省 1972—2003 年历史资料
是引起旱情趋于严重的一个重要原因。 五元联系数减法集对势克服了常用集对势处理复杂系统的不确定性问题时出现的失真现
voir water storage level deviation percentage and the precipitation level deviation percentage. Groundwater depth shows a fluctuating downward
trend, which is an important reason causing drought to become more severe. The five-element connection number subtraction set pair poten⁃
established to determine the drought level in Shandong Province. And then the subtractive set pair potential method of five-element connec⁃
tion number was applied to dynamic drought evaluation analysis and main vulnerability indexes diagnosis. The results show that calculated
件,称为干旱灾害( 简称旱灾)
。 区域旱情评价具
是旱灾研究领域中的热点和难点。 目前旱情评价的主
要方法 有 模 糊 综 合 评 价 法 [1] 、 改 进 属 性 综 合 评 价
Moreover, index weights were determined by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for accelerating genetic algorithm. By calculating index number
通信作者:陈梦璐(1990—) ,女,安徽安庆人,博士研究生,研究方向为水资源系统工程
E⁃mail:516792688@ qq.com
· 63·
人 民 黄 河 2021 年第 3 期
venient to operate. Therefore, it provides a new idea and approach for accurately judging the status and overall development trend of set pair
应用于山东省旱情动态评价分析,诊断识别山东省旱情的主要脆弱性指标。 结果表明:五元联系数旱情评价模型的旱情等级计算
值与有关研究的评价结果基本一致,较为符合实际情况;在时间尺度上,山东省总体干旱频率和强度在提高,1981 年、1989 年、2002
年发生特旱且 1977—1979 年、1981—1984 年、1986—1989 年、1991—1994 年和 1997—2002 年均发生连续干旱;五元减法集对势诊
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1502405) ;山东省重点研发计划项目( 2017GSF20101) ;国家自然科学基金资助项目
作者简介:金菊良(1966—) ,男,江苏吴江人,教授,博士,研究方向为水资源系统工程
Abstract:In order to deeply analyze and fully excavate the relationship between evaluation samples and evaluation grades, regional drought
dynamic evaluation was carried out. Taking Shandong Province from 1972 to 2003 as samples, and four evaluation indexes were selected, in⁃
中图分类号:TV213.4; P338 + .6 文献标志码:A doi:10.3969 / j.issn.1000-1379.2021.03.012
引用格式:金菊良,李征,陈梦璐,等.基于五元减法集对势的山东省旱情动态评价[ J] .人民黄河,2021,43(3) :63-68,83.
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China; 2. Institute of Water
Resources and Environmental Systems Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)
1 基于五元减法集对势的区域旱情动态评价
Shandong Province
象 [1-2] ,干旱程度称为旱பைடு நூலகம்。 干旱导致生活、生产和生
要素 持 续 低 于 长 期 平 均 水 平 的 一 类 自 然 变 异 现
value of the drought grade of the five-element connection number drought evaluation model is basically consistent with the results of relevant
studies, which is more in line with the actual situation. In terms of time scale, the overall drought frequency and intensity in Shandong Prov⁃
Dynamic Evaluationand Analysis of Drought in Shandong Province Based on
Five⁃Element Subtraction Set Pair Potential
JIN Juliang1, 2 , LI Zheng1 , CHEN Menglu1, 2 , ZHOU Rongxing1 , CUI Yi 1, 2 , NING Shaowei 1, 2
connection number and index value connection number of the samples and using the principle of minimum relative entropy to obtain the aver⁃
age connection number of the samples, a regional drought evaluation model based on set pair analysis five-element connection number was
system such as regional drought dynamic evaluation.
Key words: dynamic drought evaluation and analysis; set pair analysis; five⁃element connection number; subtraction set pair potential;
ince ware increasing. Special drought occurred in 1981, 1989, 2002 and continuous drought occurred in 1977- 1979, 1981- 1984, 1986-
1989, 1991-1994 and 1997-2002. The main factors causing drought diagnosed by five-element subtraction set pair potential are the reser⁃
法 [8] 、综合指标评价法 [9] 等,这些方法在区域旱情评
点的单指标性能函数值为 1 的不足 [8] ,但对评价样本
旱情动态分析以及诊断、识别干旱脆弱性因子。 为此,
tial overcomes the distortion phenomenon when the common set pair potential is used to deal with the uncertainty issues of a complex system,
and the former has richer connotation. Meanwhile, it can better depict the uncertainty trend of the system and is simple to calculate and con⁃
作为评价样本,选取水库蓄水量距平百分率、地下水埋深、土壤含水率和降水量距平百分率 4 个旱情评价指标,采用基于加速遗传
第 43 卷第 3 期 人 民 黄 河
Vol . 4 3 , No . 3
2021 年 3 月 YELLOW RIVER
【 水资源】
金菊良1,2 ,李 征1 ,陈梦璐1,2 ,周戎星1 ,崔 毅1,2 ,宁少尉1,2
(1.合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009;
2.合肥工业大学 水资源与环境系统工程研究所,安徽 合肥 230009)
摘 要:为深入剖析和充分挖掘评价样本与评价等级之间的关系信息,进行区域旱情动态评价,以山东省 1972—2003 年历史资料
是引起旱情趋于严重的一个重要原因。 五元联系数减法集对势克服了常用集对势处理复杂系统的不确定性问题时出现的失真现
voir water storage level deviation percentage and the precipitation level deviation percentage. Groundwater depth shows a fluctuating downward
trend, which is an important reason causing drought to become more severe. The five-element connection number subtraction set pair poten⁃
established to determine the drought level in Shandong Province. And then the subtractive set pair potential method of five-element connec⁃
tion number was applied to dynamic drought evaluation analysis and main vulnerability indexes diagnosis. The results show that calculated
件,称为干旱灾害( 简称旱灾)
。 区域旱情评价具
是旱灾研究领域中的热点和难点。 目前旱情评价的主
要方法 有 模 糊 综 合 评 价 法 [1] 、 改 进 属 性 综 合 评 价