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It was a cold winter day. The wind had brought dark clouds and heavy rain, so it was impossible to take a walk. Eliza, john and Georgiana were gathered round their
mother in the sitting-room. She lay on a sofa by the fireside, looking perfectly happy
with her darlings about her. But she told me not to come near them because I was not
a good child.
I went to a small room next to the drawing-room. Taking a book from a bookcase, I
climbed up into the window-seat. Here I sat behind the curtains and started reading. I
was quite happy until I heard the voice of John Reed.
“ Where is she?” he said, calling to his sisters, “ Eliza!Georgiana! Jane is not here.”
I was glad that I had drawn the curtains, and I prayed that I should not be
discovered. But Eliza was quicker than John. She said at once: “She is in the
window-seat of course.”
I came out immediately. “ What do you want?” I asked.
“Say ‘ What do you want, Master Reed’,” was his reply.” I want you to come here,”
he added. And he sat down in an armchair.
John Reed was a school-boy of fourteen: four years older than I, for I was only ten.
He was big and stout for his age, with a large face and an unhealthy skin. John had not
much love for his mother and sisters, but he really hated me. As I came up to his chair,
he spent about three minutes in putting out his tongue at me. Then he hit me suddenly
and hard.
“ What were you doing behind the curtains?”
“ I was reading.”
“ Show me the book.”
First he put out his tongue at Jane and hit her hard. A little while later, he knocked
her over with a book and grasped her hair and shoulder.
I returned to the window and brought the book. “ You have no business to read our books,” John Reed continued. “ You are a dependent, Mama says. Your father left you no money. You ought to beg, and not live with a gentleman’s children. Go and stand by the door.”
I did so. I turned round and saw that he was going to throw the book at me; I tried to avoid it, but it was too late. I was knocked over and fell against the door, striking my head and cutting it badly. The pain was very sharp.
“Wicked, cruel boy!”I said. “You are like a murderer –you are like a slave-driver!”
“ What!” he cried. “ What did you say to me? Did you hear her, Eliza and Georgiana? I’ll tell Mama. But first –“
He ran at me and grasped my hair and my shoulder. But I was desperate now. I don’t know what I did with my hands, but I heard him cry for help.
Mrs. Reed came. “ Take her away to the red room and lock her in,” she said. Four hands then quickly carried me upstairs.
“For shame!” cried the maid. “ To strike a gentleman, your young master!”
“ Master? How is he my master? Am I a servant?”
“ you ought to know, miss,” said the nurse, “ that you owe much to Mrs. Reed. She keeps you. If she turns you away, you will have to go to the poor-house.”
These words were not new to me; so I did not answer.
( Adapted from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte)















































BOOKING A ROOM (reserve a room)
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I'd like a room, please.
A: Single or double?
B: Single.
A: For one night?
B: No, two nights.
A: With a bath or shower?
B: With a bath please. How much is the room?
A: $ 68 a night, including breakfast.
B: Can I pay by credit card?
A: Yes, of course. Could you register, please?
B: Oh, yes.
A: Your room number is 403. Have a good stay.
B: Thank you.










a.What ‘s on tonight?
b.There’s a picture at seven-thirty. It’s a colour film. I hear.
a.What is its name?
b.I have no idea, but the film is about the Long March.
a.It must be a wonderful film. Let’s go together.
b.Look, I have got quite a few things to do after supper. Could you go first
and get me a seat?
a.All right. I’ll save you a seat. But do come as early as possible.
A: 今晚上演什么?
B: 730点钟有一场。



A: 它叫什么名字?
B: 我不知道,但这部电影是关于长征的。

A: 那一定是一部精彩的电影。


B: 看,晚饭后我有很多事情要做。

A: 好的。



1)She said: “ They are very fond of sports.”
She said that they were very fond of sports.
2)“ I’ll go over the grammar lesson once again.” He said.
He said he would go over the grammar lesson once again.
3)Mary said: “ I have read up to page 25.”
Mary said she had read up to page 25.
4)“ I bought the book at a second-hand book –shop,”she said.
She said she had bought the book at a second-hand book-shop.
1)“I’ve just got a letter from my sister,” Jane said.
Jane said she had got a letter from her sister.
2)“ We’ll come to see you again when we have time,” our friends said.
Our friends said they would come to us again when they had time.
1)Joe said: “ I arrived yesterday (this morning, two days ago).”
Joe said he arrived the day before( that morning, tow days before)
2)“ I’ll be in the office tonight (tomorrow),” she said.
She said she would be in the office that night (the next day ) 3)“I’ll be here all day, “ he said.
He said he would be there all day.
(四)WORD STUDY(词汇学习)
1.Take (v. t. )
Take that book and hold it in your hand.
Take the chairs out of the room.
Take those charts off the wall.
You’d better take your raincoat with you. It looks like rain.
Are you going to take your mother to the concert?
They took me to see their new flat.
The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day.
If you want to go to the East Gate, you can take bus No. 3.
Which train are you going to take?
It took them only ten months to finish the building.
They are taking a walk on the sports ground.
Take a bath; take a rest; take care of ; take place; etc.
2.Put (v. t. )
Put the book on the desk.
Will you please put down your name?
Can you put this paragraph into English?
4)Put on穿上,戴上:
You’d better put on your coat. It’s cold outside.
5)Put off 延期:
They put off the meeting till Thuraday.
3.Spend (v. t. )
He spent the whole vacation with his family.
How are you going to spend the spring holidays?
She spent two hours going over the old lessons.
He spent a lot of money on books.
4.Cut (v. t. )
Has the wheat been cut yet?
We must cut the coat according to the cloth.(根据衣料裁衣)
Be careful not to cut your finger.
Go and get your hair cut.(理发)
We must cut down our expenses.(削减经费)
I’m afraid I’ll have to cut you short.
To cut a long story short.
1.Review of sounds:
Boss, bus song, sung lock, luck hot, hut cot, cut not ,nut
Shop, sharp lock, lark pot, part hot, heart dock, dark stop, start
A hot supper, a lovely box, a wonderful clock, a hundred copies, a young
comrade, subject and object, quality and quantity, a novel and an article, an
aunt and an uncle, a lot of fun
Red, led right ,light ray, lay, reap, leap rate, late road, load
All, call ,kill, still, will, shall, people, hospital, milk, build, cold, a steel mill, a little
child, a small table, a middle school
5)[t l][d l]
Little, gentle , middle, needle, noodle,
2.practice the following for Tune:(音调)
Yes./ no./ quite right./ very well. / that’s right./ all right. / I think so . / as you like.
/ if you like. / not yet. / not bad. /that will do . / never mind. / that’s all./ 2)
That’s better. / it doesn’t matter. / are you ready? / good morning./ good
evening. / see you tomorrow. / I’m sorry. / I beg your pardon. /did you say it was
important? /
Is it interesting? / is it necessary? /is it possible? / will you be here next
Saturday? / did you go home during the winter holidays? /
1.Answer the following questions:
1)What book is the text adapted from?
The text adapted from a book Jane Eyre.
2)Who is the author of the book? And which century did she live in?
Charlotte Bronte is the author. She lived in the 19th century.
3)What kind the day was it ? when the story took place?
It was a cold winter day with dark clouds and heavy rain.
4)Where were Mrs. Reed and her children?
Mrs. Reed was lying on the sofa in the sitting-room with her children gathered
around her.
5)Why wasn’t Jane with them?
Jane wasn’t with them, because Mrs. Reed wouldn’t allowed her join them
6)Where did Jane hide herself? And what was she doing there?
Jane hid herself behind the curtains in the window-seat.
She was reading there.
7)Why did Jane become unhappy when she heard the voice of John Reed?
Jane became unhappy because she was afraid that John Reed would discover
8)How did John find out where Jane was?
John found out where Jane was from his sister Eliza.
9)What did John look like?
He was big and stout for his age, with a large face and an unhealthy skin.
10)What rude thing did he say to Jane?
He said:” you have no business to read our books, you ought to beg, and no live with a gentleman’s children.”
11)What did he do to Jane that showed he was a wicked and cruel boy?
First he put out his tongue at Jane and hit her hard. A little while later, he knocked her over with a book and grasped her hair and shoulder.
12)Why did John cry for help?
He cried for help because Jane struck him and probably hurt him.
13)What happened to Jane after that?
Jane was carried upstairs and locked in the red room.
14)According to What you learnt from the text. What kind of life did Jane have at
Gateshead hall?
Jane had a miserable and painful life at Gateshead hall.
15)What kind of day was it ? when the story took place?
It was a cold winter day. The wind had brought dark clouds and heavy rain.
16)Where were Mrs. Reed and her children? Was Jane Eyre with them?
Mrs. Reed and her children were in the sitting-room. Her children were gathered around her. but she wouldn’t let Jane Eyre come near them.
17)Where did Jane Eyre hide herself? What was she doing there?
She hid herself behind the window curtains and started reading a book.
18)What suddenly happened ? ( Who was calling?) Was Jane Eyre glad to hear that
Suddenly she heard John Reed calling.
She was afraid that John might come and hit her.
19)Did John Reed succeed in finding Jane ? How?
Yes, he did, because his sister help him. She guessed Jane Eyre behind the curtains. So Jane Eyre came out from behind the curtains.
20)What rude things did he say to her?
He said, “ You have no business to read our books, your father left you no money.
You ought to beg, and not live with a gentleman’s children. Go and stand y the
21)Did Jane answer back at once? When did she begin to fight back?
No, She didn’t answer back at once.
She began to fight back only when Joho knocked her over and grasped her hair and shoulder.
22)What made John cry for help?
Jane became desperate and struck back. This made John cry for help.
23)What did Mrs. Reed do then? What does all this show?
Mrs. Reed had Jane locked in the red room. All this shows that Jane Eyre had a miserable life at her aunt’s house.
2.Give the four forms of the following verbs:
3.Rewrite the following sentences, using the word “ so” where possible:
1)“ Is she coming to join us ?”“I think she is.”
“ Is she coming to join us ?”“I think so.”
2)“Must we get there before five?”“ I suppose we must.”
“Must we get there before five?”“I suppose so.”
3)“ Will they be back tonight?”“ I guess they will.”
“Will they be back tonight?”“ I guess so.”
4)“ Do you think it’s going to rain?”“ I hope it is.”
“Do you think it’s going to rain?”“I hope so.”
5)That’s a good way to improve, your pronunciation. Don’t you think it is?
That’s a good way to improve, your pronunciation. Don’t you think so?
6)If you haven’t got time to do that, why don’t you say you haven’t?
If you haven’t got time to do that, why don’t you say so?
4.Put the following into indirect speech:
1)“We are quite satisfied with your work,” the teacher told his pupils.
The teacher told his pupils (that) he was quite satisfied with their work.
2)“ I have been away from home for over ten years,” she said.
She said she had been away from home for over ten years.
3)“ We won’t be free tonight,” the students said.
The students said they would not be free that night.
4)“ I’m expecting a letter from my mother,” Betty said.
Betty said she was expecting a letter from her mother.
5)Tom said: “ I’m glad you did a good job, John.”
Tom said he was glad John had done a good job.
6)Louise said:” I’m sorry I made such a bad mistake.”
Louise said he was sorry he had made such a bad mistake.
7)The monitor said: “ I hope such things will never happen again.”
The monitor said he hoped such things would never happen again.
8)“ This is the finest film I’ve ever seen,” said Jack.
Jack said it was the finest film he had ever seen.
9)“I shall be the richest man in the world.” The king said.
The king said he would be the richest man in the world.
10)“ She must be ill” my friend said.
My friend said she must have been ill.
5.Construct short dialogues after the following model, beginning each with one of
the sentences given below:
Model : A. I’m looking for my dictionary.
B. what did you say ?
A. I said I was looking for my dictionary.
C. What did A. tell you, B.?
B. he told me he was looking for his dictionary.
1) I am copying my notes.
A: I’m copying my notes.
B: what did you say?
A: I said I was copying my notes.
c: what did A. tell you, B?
B: he told me he was copying his notes.
2)We have been very busy these days.
A: we have been very busy these days.
B: what did you say?
A: I said we had been very busy these days.
C: what did A. tell you, B?
B: he told me they had been very busy these days.
3)I didn’t do very well in the rest.
A: I didn’t do very well in the rest.
B: What did you say?
A: I said I didn’t do very well in the rest.
C: What did A tell you, B?
B: He told me he didn’t do very well in the rest.
4)We’ll go there for a short visit next month.
A: We’ll go there for a short visit next month.
B: what did you say?
A: I said we would go there for a short visit next month.
C: What did A tell you, B?
B: He told me they would go there for a short visit next month.
6.Speak freely on any of the following topics:
1)That afternoon most of the students were in their rooms. (read, write, wash,
clean, mend, etc.)
2)It was a fine day. Nearly everybody was out on the sports ground. (do the high
jump, play volley-ball, a football match, go on, etc.)
3)When I entered the club-room, I found the boys having a good time.(read, play
chess, listen, watch, etc.)
7.Fill in the blanks with verbs in the proper tenses:
Yesterday afternoon we went (go ) to see Henry. He had been in hospital for five days. We wondered (wonder) if he was (be) better. But the nurse won’t led (won’t let ) us in. She said (say) Henry had just had (just have ) an operation and fallen ( fall) asleep. She asked (ask) us to wait till he woke (wake) up. However, we
could not (cannot) wait, for we were going to (be going to ) have a meeting in the evening. So we said (say ) we would come (come ) again on Thursday.
That day we walked (walk) thirty miles without a stop. At last we got (get) to the village. It was getting (get) dark. A cold wind was blowing (blow). Near the village we saw (see) a little girl. We asked (ask) he where the village head lived (live), hoping that he would put us up (put us up ) for the night. The girl said (say ) she would be (be ) only too glad to take us there. When we found (find ) the village head, we learned (learn) that the girl was (be )his daughter.
8.Translate the following into English:

She said she would put up some pictures on the wall.

Her older sister said she would take her to the History Museum tomorrow.

He told me that he would bring me the magazine as soon as possible.

We were glad to learn they had built another hospital

She told me not to spend too much time on such books.

She said that the English Evening would be put off till next Wednesday.
The doctor has told you to take the medicine three times in a day. Why didn’t you do so ?

She said she herself had done a little and owed everything to the Party.
9.Oral practice:
Retell the story briefly in your own words, using the third person.
10.Reading material:
Isaac Newton (1642-1727), the great British scientist, was often so deep in his thoughts that he would forget to eat his dinner.
One day a friend of his came to dine with him. Dinner was put on the table but Newton did not come out of his study. His friend, who was used to Newton’s peculiar ways, sat down and waited for him. After waiting for quite a good while he decided that Newton must have been so deep in some new theory that he had forgotten all about his dinner. He therefore began eating the dinner without waiting for Newton and helped himself to the chicken which was on the table
When he had finished, he thought he would play a trick on his friend. He put all the chicken bones back on the dish and covered them with the dish cover. Then he quietly left Newton’s house. He was quite certain that his trick would work.
Several hours later, Newton came out of his study, feeling very hungry. He saw the table had been set for dinner and so he sat down at his place. When he lifted the cover and saw the bones of the chicken, he was greatly surprised. He turned, looked at the clock, and saw that it was long past his usual time for dinner.
“ Well, well,” he said to himself, “ I thought I had not yet dined, but I see I am mistaken. “
Getting up from the table, he went back to his study and began to work again, thinking that he had eaten his dinner at the usual hour and had forgotten all about it.















