食堂从业人员食品安全知识考试试题 (1)

A、48小时 125克(正确答案)B、48小时 100克C、24小时 125克4、冰箱内物品四周留有空隙,存放不超过容积(),每()进行除霜、清理、消毒A、三分之二/周(正确答案)B、三分之一/2周C、三分之一/天5、下列哪种操作做法可能引起细菌污染()。

二、连线题( 20) 如意金箍棒哪吒哮天犬唐僧 七巧玲珑塔铁扇公主白龙马二朗神
九齿钉耙孙悟空青牛精太上老君 乾坤圈托塔天王玉兔牛魔王 芭蕉扇猪八戒避水金睛兽嫦娥
二.判断题( 10) 1 孙悟空的金箍棒来自南海蓬莱仙岛。 2 玉皇大帝识破了真假美猴王。 () 3 孙悟空共借了三次芭蕉扇。 () 4 红孩儿是孙悟空的弟弟。 () 5 唐僧在流沙河收沙僧为徒。 () 四、问答题( 10)
B、林冲 C、宋江
A、鲁提辖拳打镇关西 C、关云长刮骨疗毒
B、赵子龙单骑救主 D、诸葛亮舌战群儒
2、有一位作家曾对他的作品“披阅十载,增删五次” ,这位作家的名字叫 ______。 3、《三国演义》中“煮酒论英雄”的主要人物是 ________。
4、《水浒传》中,有两位打虎英雄,在沂岭杀四虎的是 是________________
________________ -在景阳岗打虎的
5、古典名著 《三国演义》 和《水浒》 中各塑造了一位武艺高强的英雄, 他们使用同一兵器, 出自于同一宗室,他们的名字是 _、__.
3.说出《三国演义》中诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场以少胜多的战役( 4.“夫英雄者,胸有大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志者也。

A.学B.上课C.玩耍D.游戏D【解析】幼儿园的主要活动是游戏.3.以“生活教育"为理念,创办中国化、平民化的幼稚园,建立生活教育课程理论体系的是( )。
5.在其他教育基本要素都具备的情况下,在教育过程中起决定作用的是( )。
6.被世人誉为“幼儿教育之父”的是( )。
7.儿童的发展是通过( )。
10.在罗马贫民区创办第一所幼儿学校——“儿童之家",创立以感官为基础的幼儿教育教学体系的教育家是( )。

(A) A是 B否2.随地吐痰的害处:传播疾病、污染环境。
(A) A是 B否3.接种疫苗是预防一些传染病最有效、最经济的措施。
(A) A是 B否4.每天要按时吃早餐。
(A) A是 B否5.随地大小便会污染环境,造成苍蝇孳生繁殖,传播疾病。
(A) A是 B否6.应该一人一杯,不共用杯子喝水。
(A)A是 B否7.不在马路上追逐打闹,不要追车、扒车、强行拦车,不要向汽车扔东西。
(A) A是 B否8.不挑食、不偏食是良好的饮食习惯。
(A)A是 B否9.经常食用奶类、豆类及其制品有益身体健康。
(A)A是 B否10.家养犬不需要注射狂犬疫苗预防针。
(B)A是 B否11.饭前便后洗手可以预防的疾病不包括:(D)A痢疾 B甲型肝炎 C伤寒 D狂犬病12.请选择正确的刷牙方法()。
(A)A短横刷法(又称水平颤动法) B竖刷法C短横刷法和竖刷法相结合 D以上都是13.下列哪种不属于卫生习惯?(B)A不直接面对他人大声讲话B不随地吐痰,把痰吞下去C咳嗽和打喷嚏时,用手帕或纸巾捂住嘴D把痰吐在纸巾中14.以下昆虫与其传播的疾病配对错误的是:(C)A苍蝇—痢疾、霍乱 B蚊子—疟疾C蟑螂—丝虫病 D老鼠—鼠疫15.你知道你从哪里来吗?(A)A妈妈的肚子 B妈妈的胳肢窝C爸爸的肚子 D爸爸的胳肢窝16.下列不可以直接饮用的水是:(A)A生水 B开水 C矿泉水 D纯净水17.您认为消除室内空气污染最有效的方法是:(A) A经常开窗通风 B喷洒消毒剂C喷洒空气清新剂 D不知道18.在通过120与急救中心或医院急诊科联系的时候,您需要说明的是:(D)A所处的具体地址和准确位置B报告人的联系方式C伤病人员的简要情况D以上都是19.预防接种(打预防针)是为了:(B)A增强体质 B预防传染病C治疗疾病 D加强营养20.发现有人触电,该怎么办?(D)A及时断开电源B大声呼救C用干燥的木棍(不要用铁棍)将触电的人与带电的电器分开D以上都是21.您是否习惯戴耳机大音量听音乐或外语?(B)A是 B否22.剧烈运动后,您会马上喝冰镇饮料吗?(B)A是 B否23.您家是否有用于防蝇防蚊的纱门纱窗?(A)A是 B否24.您的刷牙杯是否个人专用?(A) A是 B否25.您家厨房是否安装了抽油烟机或排气扇?(A)A是 B否26.您每天的饮食是否有荤有素?(A)A是 B否27.您经常称体重吗?(A) A是 B否28.您看电视或操作电脑1小时后,是否会休息10分钟?(A) A是 B否29.您家购买的食盐是否都为碘盐?(A)A是 B否30.过马路时,你是否都会走人行横道线?(A)A是 B否健康素养测试题(二)(一二年级)1.当鼻子出血量较多时,可用脱脂棉或干净的纸充填鼻腔,同时,在鼻梁上用冷水浸湿的毛巾做冷敷。

1.为在一连续的存储单元中,依次存放数据41H,42H,43H,44H,45H,46H,可选用的数据定义语句是()A.DB 41,42,43,44,45,46 B.DW 4142H,4344H,4546HC.DW ‘AB’,‘CD’,‘EF’D.DW ‘BA’,‘DC’,‘FE’2.在同一程序段中,定义下面伪指令,正确的是()A.PORT EQU AL B.CONT EQU 3500H AND OFFH PORT EQU 2000HC.STRl DD‘ABCD’D.STR2 DW‘ABCD’3.DA2 DB‘AB’,‘CD’┇MOV AX,WORD PTR DA2+1上述语句执行后AX中的值是()A.‘AD’B.‘BC’C.‘DA’D.‘CB’4.下列数据定义语句中可实现留空20H个字节存储单元的是()A.DB 20 DUP(?) B.DW 20H DUP(?)C.DB 10H DUP(4 DUP(?)) D.DD 08H DUP(?)5.DA TA SEGMENTV AR1 DB 12H,34HV AR2 DB 10H DUP(0)ADR1 DW V AR1,V AR2DA TA ENDS为使ADR1+2字存储单元中内容为0030H,上述方框中应选用的语句是()A.ORG 30H B.DB 2EH DUP(0)C.DB 30H DUP(0) D.ORG $+30H6.如某存储器分段时,表示偏移地址是18位二进制代码,那么一个段最多的存储单元数是()A.32K字节B.32K字C.64K字节D.128K字7.下列寄存器中用来指示堆栈中任意数据区的偏移地址的是()A.BX B.BPC.SI D.DI8.下列指令中有语法错误的是()A.PUSH AX B.PUSH [20H+SI+BX]C.POP CS D.PUSH CS9.下面有语法错误的指令是()A.LDS BL,V AR[SI] B.LEA BX,V AR[SI]C.LES DI,V AR[BX] D.LEA DI,V AR[BP]10.执行PUSH BP指令时,目的操作数的物理地址表达式是()A.16*SS+BP B.16*DS+BPC.16*CS+IP D.16*SS+SP11.把BL中的数据输出到端口8CH中正确指令是()A.OUT 8CH,BL B.IN 8CH,BLC.MOV AL,BL D.MOV AL,BLOUT 8CH,AL IN 8CH,AL12.结果为零的条件转移指令,其测试条件是()A.ZF=1 B.ZF=0C.SF=l D.SF=013.下面程序段完成测试DA-BYTE字节单元中数是否为负数,若是则将全l送DH中,否则全0送DH中,那么程序段中方框里应填的语句是MOV CH,0MOV CH,0FFHZERO:MOV DH,CH()A.JNZ ZERO B.JS ZEROC.JZ ZERO D.JC ZERO14.汇编源程序时,出现语法错误的语句是()A.MOV [BX+SI],BX B.MOV CL,[BP+DI]C.MOV CS,AX D.MOV DS,AX15.设SP初值为3050H,执行指令PUSH BX后,SP的值是()A.304FH B.304EHC.3048H D.3049H16.下列指令执行后影响CF值的是()A.DEC B.XCHGC.LEA D.SHL17.串操作指令中,每次操作后使SI/DI为减量应设置()A.DF=0 B.TF=1C.DF=1 D.TF=018.设AL=57H,BL=24H,执行指令SUB AL,BL后,寄存器内容为()A.AL=57H,BL=24H B.AL=33H,BL=24HC.AL=57H,BL=33H D.AL=33H,BL=019.设CL=8,AL=0C8H,执行SAR AL,CL后,AL中的数据是()A.0FFH B.80HC.00H D.0FEH20.已知BX=028AH,SI=0294H,(DS:051EH)=5432H。

)1、党的各级委员会实行(C )和个人分工相结合的制度。
A:民主集中制B:少数服从多C:集中领导D:党政主要领导2、科学发展观的核心是(D )。
这种考察主要有(A )党员条件的考察、培养教育情况的考察。
A:政治上的考察B:组织上的考察C:思想上的考察D:作风上的考察4、党员的党龄( B )。
A:从他填写入党志愿书之日算起B:从预备期转正为正式党员之日算起C:从支部大会通过他为预备党员之日算起D:从党组织批准为正式党员之日算起5、解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,至中国共产党的( B )。
A:政治路线B:思想路线C:组织路线D:群众路线6、党在新世纪新阶段的奋斗目标是( C )A:实现共产主义B:到2020年,农民人均纯收入比2008年翻一番C:全面建设小康社会D:基本实现现代化7、党员如果没有正当理由,连续(B )不参加党的组织生活,或不交纳党费,或不做党所分配的工作,就被认为自行脱党。

试题(一)Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks of the following sentences. (20’)1. It was between 1830 and 1835 B the modern newspaper was born.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. because2. We’ll have to begin our journey ear ly tomorrow, in fact, A .A. the earlier, the betterB. earlier, betterC. the early, the wellD. the early, the good3. After A for the job, as usual, you will be required to take a language test.A. being interviewedB. been interviewedC. interviewingD. having interviewing4. It took the committee a whole day to pass the proposal that Mr. Robert Smith C as their chairman.A. worksB. would workC. workD. worked5. . —Are we supposed to take off our shoes before we enter?—No, you__B__ .A shouldn ' tB needn ' tC mustn ' tD can' t6. I have two boys but B of them likes sweets.A. bothB. neitherC. eitherD. none7. A his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A. UnlikeB. AlikeC. LikingD. Dislike8. Tell him he should stop __B________ and get some sleep.A worryB worryingC to worryD from worrying9 Shanghai is a big city. It is ___A_______ the southeast of China.A in Bat Con D to10. B had Jane reached school when the bell rang.A. No soonerB. HardlyC. OnlyD. Hard11. She has had to spend D money on medicine.A. a large number ofB. a great manyC. a fewD. a great deal of12. —Can you lend me a pen?—Sorry, _____D_____ .A I haven' tB I haven' t got that CI haven' t got it DI haven' t got one13 If you' re going to the airport by car, can you give me a __A________ ?A liftB seatC driveD hand14. The Greeks believed that individuals must be responsible D their own actions.A. toB. withC. ofD. for15. The only thing C can be done is to stop them from going there.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who16. Would you mind B quiet for a moment?A. to keepB. keepingC. being keepingD. be kept17. They are A to arrive in time.A. likelyB. possiblyC. maybeD. probably18. Paris is A that we can hardly visit all the beautiful parks in two days.A. such a large cityB. such large a cityC. so a large cityD. a such large city19. The students should get used to D early.A. sleepB. have sleptC. being sleptD. sleeping20. A everybody is here. Let’s start at once.A. SinceB. IfC. WhenD. For答案:1-5 BAACB 6-10 BABAB 11-15 DDADC 16-20BAADA试题(二)Complete each one by deciding in the most appropriate words from the 4 choices (20’)st year he paid a visit to his home town, which was no longer the sleepy little village___A____.A. it wasB. it has beenC. it had beenD. it was being2.In order to win the game, the coach had his team__B_____ forty hours this week.A. practicedB. practiceC. to practiceD. practicing3. Like the old, ___D_____ respected in some countries.A. the female isB. a female areC. a female isD. the female are4. I have no objection to ____C_____ the window to get some fresh air.A. you to open B your open C. your opening D. you open5. At the World Cup, the German team tried their best to avoid___B____.A. from being beatenB. being beatenC. beatingD. to be beaten6. The development of space technology has already helped___B__ many other industries in recent years.A. introduceB. promoteC. improveD. raise7. He acted as though nothing_______B_.A. was happeningB. had happenedC. has happenedD. happened8. Water pollution, together with old tins and other forms of garbage, ___A_____ many problems in our large, industrial city today.A. is causingB. have causedC. have been causingD. are caused9. He spent__C_____collecting materials for his article.A. a half yearB. half yearC. half a yearD. half of a year10. I wish I _____A____ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A. could have sleptB. might have sleptC. sleptD. have slept11. She bought the dictionary ____D__ $15.A. inB. underC. aboveD. for12. Have you been in a situation ___A___ you can’t help saying what you don’t want to?A. whereB. whichC. asD. that13. I want you to come to the party, but__D__ you don’t want to come, you don’t have to.A. whileB. beforeC. unlessD. if14. The dish_____A_____terrible! I don't like it at all.A. tastesB. tastedC. will tasteD. is tasted15. He gave up his favorite job __D___ for his family than for money.A. ratherB. muchC. allD. more16. The content is thorough and detailed, __B____to spoken English.A. being paid special attentionB. with special attention being paidC. paid special attentionD. special attention paid17. __A___ scientist and _____ pianist _____ been invited to the New Year’s Eve reception given by the government.A. The…the…haveB. The…X…haveC. The…X…hasD. X…the…has18. ___D__ how effective the original layout(安排) is, changes are sure to happen.A. According toB. Allowing forC. Except forD. Regardless of19. The temple is still in excellent condition__C__ that it was built 600 years ago.A. becauseB. asC. consideringD. for20. _C___in the earthquake thoroughly, the city has now been rebuilt.A. DestroyingB. Having destroyedC. DestroyedD. To be destroyed 答案(二):1—5 C B D C B 6—10 B B A C A 11—15 D A D A D 16—20 B A D C C试题(三)Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.(20’)1. —Can you lend me a pen?—Sorry, __D________ .A I haven' tB I haven' t got that CI haven' t got it DI haven' t got one2. C his cold, he came first in the athletics meet.A. BesidesB. Regardless ofC. DespiteD. In spite3. This new coat cost me____B___ the last one I bought two years ago.A. three timesB. three times as much asC. three times as muchD. three times much as4.We were amazed to see ___D__ people waiting in line at Mary’sA. an amount ofB. a quantity ofC. a number ofD. a great deal of5.He invited __A___ to the party.A. my wife and IB. I and my wifeC. my wife and meD. both she and me6. He promised to give me__D__ time to finish reading the magazine.A. two-daysB. two daysC. two day’sD. two days’7. We need several _B___ eggs.A. dozensB. dozens ofC. dozenD. dozen of8. _C____ like ice-cream.A. Everyone of childrenB. Every childC. All of childrenD. All child9. The vase is made__D____ earth.A. inB. ofC. fromD. at10. During the summer holiday season there are no D rooms in this seaside hotel.A. emptyB. blankC. desertedD. vacant11. The problem is A it may take time for new facts to become available.A. thatB. howC. whatD. if12. Millions of people in Europe were killed by the Black Death, which D in the 14th century.A. broke offB. broke upC. broke downD. broke out13. By this time tomorrow, John __D__ in Paris.A. will arriveB. arrivesC. will be arrivingD. will have arrived14.When we lived there, we __D__ to go that place.A. would useB. are usedC. were usedD. used15. Why not__A____ Professor Li for help? He is kind-hearted and willing to help.A. askB. you askC. to ask D your asking16. If I A out of ink, I would have finished writing the paper.A. hadn’t runB. shouldn’t runC. haven’t runD. didn’t run17. Excuse me, but it’s time to have your temperature B .A. takeB. takenC. to takeD. taking18. Scarcely B when a knock at the door awakened her.A. she fell asleepB. had she fallen asleepC. does she fall asleepD. has she fallen sleep19. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students_____D______A laugh and talkB laughing and talkingC laughed and talkedD were laughing and talking20. It’s not considered B to be drunk in the street.A. respectB. respectableC. respectiveD. respectful答案(三):1—5 D C B D A 6—10 D B C D D 11—15 A D D D A 16—20 A B B D B试题四:1. The medicine has many functions , _A_____ are unknown to us.A. some of whichB. of which some of themC. that some of themD. which of them2. English is used by more people than is__B_______language except Chinese.A. anyB. any OtherC. otherD. all other3. The traveler was about to sit up _D___ he saw a long, black snake moving slowly across his legs.A. beforeB. afterC. suddenlyD. when4. This scientist didn’t mind _____D__ and went on with his research work.A. laughing atB. to laugh atC. laughingD. being laughed at5. As ___A___ as I know, there is only one natural satellite around the earth.A. farB. soonC. longD. well6. Take the medicine now. I believe it will__D_______ your pain.A. releaseB. reliveC. rejectD. relieve7. The girls were so talkative that they kept on talking __B_____ for the whole afternoon.A. from time to timeB. all the timeC. time and time againD. at times8. ___C_______ in a poor family, she is used to a simple life.A. Born and breedingB. Having born and bredC. Born and bredD. Being born and bred9. Mr. Brown’s monthly income has increased ___C_____ 100 dollarsA . in B. at C. by D. on10. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students_____D______A laugh and talkB laughing and talkingC laughed and talkedD were laughing and talking11. Although Shelly is happy with her success, she wonders _C___ will happen to her private life.A. howB. whoC. whatD.that12. The Forbidden City is a great tourist ___C___, drawing millions of visions every year.A. attentionB. appointmentC. attractionD. arrangement13. This software ___A____ manufacturers to advertise their products online.A. enablesB. makesC. letsD. causes14. The high cost of labor is an important ___B___ in the rising price of steel.A. resultB. factorC. itemD. growth15. She has written thirty letters home ___D____ she left.A. forB. asC. whenD. since16. John didn’t go home for Christmas and __B________.A. Jane didn’t neitherB. neither did JaneC. Neither Jane didD. nor Jane did17. The only trouble is ___C____ they can’t find the way school.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. why18. __D______ everyone of us played well , we lost the game.A. ButB. SinceC. AsD. Although19. It’s high time all the students ___D____ in their term papers.A. handB. handingC. have handedD. handed20. Not only did Peter lose all his money, __D____ he also came close to losing his life.A. soB. asC. andD. but答案四1-5ABDDA 16-20 D B CC D 21-25 C C ABD 26-30BCDDD试题五:1.____D___ sets man apart from the rest of the animals is his ability to speak.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhoD. What2During the conference, the chairman remained silent when ___C____ his opinion about the strike.A. askingB. being askedC. askedD. to be asked3 It is not easy_A_______ the answer to the difficult math problem.A. to figure outB. figuring outC. figure outD. being figured out4With great interest, the young children were watching the toys ______C___ .A. be assembledB. to assembleC. being assembledD. assembling5 After recovering from his illness, he was very anxious to ____C______ his work.A get downB get throughC get back toD get along with6Boys and girls may respond differently to ___D_____ situations.A. sameB. likelyC. alikeD. similar7___B_______by the look on her face, she didn't catch what I meant.A. JudgingB. JudgedC. JudgeD. To judge8 This new shoes cost me___B______ the last one I bought one month ago.A. twiceB. twice as much asC. twice as muchD. twice much as9 How are you feeling now? Should I send __D________ the doctor?A off Bt o C with D for10 A teenager as he was, Frank could resist ____A____ what to do and what not to do.A. being toldB. to be toldC. to tellD. telling11The new car ___B____ Mrs. Thomas as much as 13500 dollars.A. spentB. costC. paidD. took12 A solid is different from a liquid ___A_______the solid has its definite shape.A. in thatB. in whichC. in whatD. because of which13If the whole program ___D_____ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A. was not plannedB. were not plannedC. would not be plannedD. had not been planned 14She has written thirty letters home ___D_____ she left.A. forB. asC. whenD. since15___D_____ the news, my father immediately set off for Changsha.A. HearB. To hearC. Being heardD. Hearing16John didn’t go home for Christmas and _____B___ .A. Jane didn’t neitherB. neither did JaneC. neither Jane didD. nor Jane did17The only trouble is ___C_____ they can’t find the way to school.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. why18_____D___ every one of us played well, we lost the game.A. ButB. SinceC. AsD. Although 19—Could you lend me a pencil?—Sorry, ____D______ .AI haven' t BI haven' t got that CI haven' t got it D I haven' t got one20 These windows need _____B_____ . Can you do them?A cleanB cleaningC to cleanD cleaned答案五:1-5 DCACC 6-10DBBDA 11-15BADDD 16-20BCDDB试题六1. You’d better __C______ to my people if you really want to know what kind of manager I am.A. talkingB. to talkC. talkD. talked2. On the contrary, I don’t believe in ____A___ any of my people’s decision-making.A. participating inB. to participate inC. participate inD. participated in3. When the young man arrived at the manager’s office, we found him ____B____ out of the window.A. stood and lookedB. standing and lookingC. stood and lookingD. standing and looked4. At least 80 people were injured, _A_______ five policemen.A. includingB. includedC. includeD. to include5. The traveler was about to sit up _____D___ he saw a long, black snake moving slowly across hislegs.A. beforeB. afterC. suddenlyD. when6 It’s exactly the same dog __D___ it was before the experiment.A) which B) who C) that D) as7. —Which will you have then, the white one or the blue one?—I' ll take ______C____ to give myself a change sometimes.A oneB twoC bothD either8. They are ___B_____ to arrive in time.A. maybeB. likelyC. possiblyD. probably9. It was between 1830 and 1835 ___B______ the modern newspaper was born.A.whenB. thatC. whichD. because10. I want to buy a new tie to __C________ my brown suit.A agree withB wearC matchD keep with11 The further away you go out from the city, ___D_______ are the scenes.A the much attractiveB the attractiveC the most attractiveD the more attractive12. Trains stop here in order to ______D__ passengers only.A. get offB. pull upC. get onD. pick up13. Jack is good, kind, hardworking and intelligent: ____B___, I can’t speak too highly of him.A. as a resultB. in a wordC. by the wayD. on the contrary14. She bought the dictionary ____D____$ 15.A. inB. underC. aboveD. for15. In order to win the game, the coach had his team ___B____ forty hours this week.A. practicedB. practiceC. to practiceD. practicing16. At the World Cup, the German team tried their best to avoid _B______.A. from being beatenB. being beatenC. beatingD. to be beaten17. We don't have much time ____B______ ; I will end my lecture in minute.A remainedB leftC keptD found18. Mr Green woke up at the sound of the explosion and asked what ___B_____.A. happenedB. had happenedC. has happenedD. would happen19. These students won’t go unless their instructor ____D_____ soon.A. will comeB. cameC. has comeD. comes20. Only after 1840 _____B___ mean a natural philosopher.A. a scientist come toB. did a scientist come toC. was a scientist come toD. a scientist did come to答案六:1-5.CABAD 6-10.DCBBC 11-15.DDBDB 16-20.BBBDB试题七:1. Mary is the kind of person who always seems to be_B__ a hurry.A) on B) in C) with D) for2. This time next week I’ll be on vacation. Probably I ___D_on a beautiful beach.A) am lying B) have lain C) will be lying D) will have lain3. His mother told me that he ___C_______read quite well at the age of five.A.should B.would C.could D. might4. She didn’t go to the cinema last night, _A___she had to finish her term paper.A) as B) if C) till D) though5. I have found some articles __D_ the harmful effects of drinking.A) being concerned B) concerned C) to concern D) concerning6. All my classmates have passed the physical education exam except___B________.A.John and I B.John and me C.I and John D.me and John7. At the international conference, the famous scientist gave an excellent report __B__ on his recent experiment.A) basing B) based C) to be based D) to base8. There are so many dresses there that I really don’t know __C__ to choose.A) whether B) when C) which D) why9. I think that Anna is__D__ far the most active member in our group.A) with B) at C) as D) by10. I’m still unable to make myself _C___ in the discussion, which worries me a lot.A)to be understood B) understanding C) understood D) understand11. If you' re going to the airport by car, can you give me a ___A_______ ?A liftB seatC driveD hand12. The Forbidden City is a great tourist ___C___, drawing millions of visions every year.A. attentionB. appointmentC. attractionD. arrangement13. This software A_______ manufacturers to advertise their products online.A. enablesB. makesC. letsD. causes14. The high cost of labor is an important __B____ in the rising price of steel.A. resultB. factorC. itemD. growth15. She has written thirty letters home ___D____ she left.A. forB. asC. whenD. since16. John didn’t go home for Christmas and ____B______.A. Jane didn’t neitherB. neither did JaneC. Neither Jane didD. nor Jane did17. The only trouble is ____C___ they can’t find the way school.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. why18. ___D_____ everyone of us played well , we lost the game.A. ButB. SinceC. AsD. Although19. It’s high time all the students ____D___ in their term papers.A. handB. handingC. have handedD. handed20. Which do you think is ______A_____ important,wealth or health?A.more B.most C.the more D.the most答案七:1-5B D C AD 6-10 BBCDC 11-15ACABD 16-20 BCDDA试题八:1.The bus driver witnessed the lady __D___ taken by three men in the street.A. has beenB. had beenC. having beenD. being2.It is reported that cigarettes made in USA ___D__ better abroad, especially in Asia.A. are soldB. soldC. were sellingD. sell3.What ___C__ to her will probably remain a secret for ever.A. took placeB. was taken placeC. happenedD. was happened4. ___B___ careless mistakes can be found in that article.A. As much asB. scores ofC. As many asD. The number of5.The event ___C__ in tomorrow’s newspapers will shock the whole nation.A. reportedB. being reportedC. to be reportedD. to reported6.We found __A___ fun _____ with these children.A. it, to playB. this, played C, that, playing D. what, play7. At least 80 people were injured, _C____ five policemen.A. includedB. to includeC. includingD. were included8. _C____ is it ,in your opinion ,that he didn’t pass the examination for more than two times?A) What B) Which C) Why D) Where9. All of these improvements have _D____ much.A. worthB. paidC. spentD. cost10. He asked what I___B__ that poor animal.A. agreed withB. did withC. called onD. took care11. I ___A______ to Beijing many times.A. have beenB. have goneC. amD. was12. We had meant to tell her the news, but ___D_____ she wasn’t in.A. would have foundB. would findC. findD. found13. I asked him if he __B_____ to our party.A. will comeB. would comeC. comesD. came14. Our president will hold a special party at May Flower Hotel tonight ___C___your honor.A.with B.at C.in D.on15.Whenever we visited them, they ____D_____ television.A. have watchedB. watchC. watchedD. were watching16. “ What did Mr. Wang say?”“ He said that he _____B___ the agreement since eight o’clock.A. was draftingB. had been draftingC. draftedD. has been drafted17. Jane always enjoys __A_______to popular music at home on Friday evenings.A.1istening B.being listening C.to be listening D.to listen18 It’s exactly the same dog __D___ it was before the experiment.A) which B) who C) that D) as19 I don’t think you have a good time ,_B____?A) haven’t you B) have you C) do I D) don’t I20. Neither you nor I ___A_____ going to be accepted.A. amB. areC. isD. were答案八:1-5 DDCBC 6-10 ACCD B 11-15 A D B CD 16-20 B ADBA试题九:1. I promised to look____C_____ the matter as soon as I got there.A. forB. inC. into D after2 Because of the reduction of air pollution,this city now is a good place__A_______.A.where to live B.which to live C.to live D.to be lived3. Your sister has made an ___A_____for you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.A. appointmentB. interviewC. opportunityD. assignment4. The committee is expected to____A_____ a decision this evening.A. reachB. arriveC. bringD. take5. -Can you lend me a piece of eraser?-Sorry, I don’t have____C__A itB thatC oneD any6. The chemical factory was demolished __D_______protecting the environment.A. in spite ofB. in honor ofC. in favor ofD. in the name of7. Last year_____B____ of new books were published on environmental protection.A. the hundredB. hundredsC. a hundredD. one hundred8. Literature and art have a great influence __B_____people's ideology.A. toB. onC. forD. onto9 I never forget the ten years ___C______ we both spent in the little village.A. whenB. during whichC. whichD. in which10. They are ____B_____ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.A. so diligentB. such diligentC. so much diligentD. such very diligent11 I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you __C_______next month for a dinner.A. comeB. would comeC. cameD. have come12. How the fire in the dancing hall started _B________ a mystery.A. to remainB. remainsC. remainD. is remaining13 The boy has performed excellently ___B______ he was bit nervous.A. in thatB. except thatC. for thatD. except for14. All my neighbors tried to help in some way. But they turned out to be actually __A____ the way.A. inB. onC. withD. beyond15. You never told me you have seen the film,__C_______?A. had youB. didn't youC. did youD. weren't you16 No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it__C___.A. had taken placeB. was taken placeC. took placeD. was taking place17. We all feel sorry for __B________for so long after your arrival.A. keep you waitingB. having kept you waitingC. waiting for youD. keep you wait18. No sooner had they got the goods covered up ___A_______it started raining hard.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. after19. The manager has his employees ___D_______a business report every week.A. to writeB. writtenC. writingD. write20. At that time, the poor girl can't but ___B___all her belongings at a low price.A. to sellB. sellC. sellingD. sold答案1-5 CAAAC 6-10 DBBCB 11-15 CBBAC 16-20CBADB试题十:1. Today books are ___A____ to everyone because they are no longer expensive.A. availableB. preferableC. reliableD. actual2. It was not ____D___midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds.A. beforeB. atC. afterD. until3. The girl is not happy at the new school. She has ___A____ friends there.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. quite a few4. I can’t fin d the recorder in the room, It__A_____ by somebody.A. must have takenB. may have takenC. may have been takenD. should have been taken5. He took the medicine, but it didn’t have any ___C____ .A. answerB. causeC. effectD. work6. It is__B_____ that over one million Americans now live below the poverty line.A. judgedB. estimatedC. calculatedD. considered7. He left __D_____an important detail in his account.A. offB. overC. behindD. out8. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of ____D___.A. handB. holdC. placeD. reach9. I hadn’t seen him for years, but I ____C___ his voice on the telephone.A. realizedB. discoveredC. recognizedD. heard10. There was nobody ____D___ when we came round the corner.A. out of sightB. at sightC. by sightD. in sight11. The old gentleman never fails to help ____C___ is in need of his help.A. whomB. whoC. whoeverD. whomever12. -“When are you going to visit you uncle in Chicago?”-“As soon as____D____ our work for tomorrow.”A. we’re completeB. we’d completeC.we’ll completeD. we complete13. Neither John nor I __A_____ able to persuade Richard’s grandfather to attend the wedding.A. amB. areC. are to beD. is14. You ought__B______ the matter to the manager the day before yesterday.A. to reportB. to have reportedC. to reportingD. have reported15. We look forward to_____D_ to the opening ceremony.A. inviteB. be invitedC. having been invitedD. being invited16. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature_B______ .A. takingB. takenC. tookD. take17. I cannot _____A__ the truth of your words, although they go against my interests.A. but admitB. but admittingC. help but to admitD. help but admitting18. When I went to visit Mrs. Smith last week, I was told she ___D____ two days before.A. has leftB. was leavingC. would leaveD. had left19. The boat will not arrive _A______ forty-four hours.A. inB. atC. forD. by20. Since you won’t take advice, what’ s the ____B___ of asking for it?A. placeB. pointC. reasonD. way答案:1-5 ADAAC 6-10 BDDCD 11-15 CDABD 16-20 BADAB11。

历年试题一一、选择题〔每题2分,共20 分〕。
A、感觉阈限B、差异感觉阈限C、差异感受性D、绝对感受性5、读了《西游记》后,在头脑中出现孙悟空形象,这种想象是( )。
线路安全培训考试试题 (第一期考试卷)(1)(1)

3.线路作业层班组骨干人员身份应为施工单位( 自有人员),不得由( )人员担任。
6. 作业层班组骨干人员在现场应佩戴()。
护理核心制度培训考试试题 (1)

护理核心制度培训考试试题一、选择题(共10题,每题2分,共计20分):1.患者安全目标规定,应同时至少使用几种患者身份识别方法?() [单选题] A.一种B.两种(正确答案)C.三种D.四种2.下列哪项不属输血查对内容:() [单选题]A、床号B、性别(正确答案)C、血型D、血袋号E、交叉配血试验结果3.下列哪些病人不需要床头交接班:() [单选题]A、手术后患者B、待产妇及分娩后C、危重病人D、病情稳定的患者(正确答案)E、病情特殊的患者4.接班者应提前()分钟到病房。
[单选题]A.5—10(正确答案)B. 10C. 5—15D. 10—155.一级护理患者的护理要点不包括() [单选题]A. 每小时巡视患者B. 实施床旁交接班(正确答案)C. 正确实施专科护理和基础护理D. 正确实施治疗、给药措施6.三级护理患者的护理要点不包括() [单选题]A. 每3小时巡视患者B. 正确实施治疗、给药措施C. 提供护理相关的健康指导D. 正确实施基础护理和专科护理(正确答案)7. 服药、注射、输液查对制度不包括() [单选题]A. 严格进行三查七对B. 下一班护士查对上一班医嘱反应(正确答案)C. 摆药后必须经第二人核对方可执行D. 观察用药后的反应8.因抢救患者未能及时书写病历的,应当在抢救工作结束()小时内补记。
[单选题]A.12小时B.6小时(正确答案)C.2小时D.24小时9.值班护士下列哪项不对() [单选题]A.认真执行查对制度B.夜班患者诉睡不着,护士马上予以安定口服(正确答案)C.密切观察、记录危重病人病情变化D.做好抢救准备和抢救配合10.凡进入人体组织、无菌器官的器具和物品必须达到() [单选题]A.低效消毒水平B.中效消毒水平C.高效消毒水平D.灭菌水平(正确答案)二、多选题(共10题,每题3分,共计30分):1.护理行政查房包括()A. 病房管理(正确答案)B. 岗位责任制(正确答案)C. 规章制度执行(正确答案)D. 基础护理2.输血前查对应包括()A. 采血日期(正确答案)B. 血液有无凝血块(正确答案)C. 血袋有无破裂(正确答案)D.交叉配血报告有无凝集(正确答案)3.对新入院病人要做好入院教育,包括医院的()A. 规章制度(正确答案)B. 病室环境(正确答案)C. 饮食要求D.主管医生及责任护士(正确答案)4.清点药品时和使用药品前要检查()内容,符合要求方可使用。

计算机基础试题(1)计算机基础试题一、选择题(每小题4分,共256分)1. 电子计算机的发展过程经历了四代,其划分依据是A. 计算机用途B. 程序设计语言C. 构成计算机的电子元件D. 计算机速度2. 当前使用的计算机采用的逻辑部件是A. 电子管B. 晶体管C. 大规模或超大规模集成电路D. 集成电路3. 电子数字计算机最重要的特征是A. 速度快B. 精度高C. 存储程序自动控制执行D. 记忆力强4. 计算机辅助制造的英文缩写是A. CADB. CAMC. CAID. CAE5. CAI的中文全称是A. 计算机辅助教育B. 计算机辅助设计C. 计算机辅助制造D. 计算机辅助教学6. 微机在工作中突然断电,则中的信息将全部丢失,再次通电后也无法恢复A. 硬盘B. 光盘C. RAMD. ROM7. 微机必不可少的设备是A. 键盘和扫描仪B. 键盘和显示器C. 显示器和打印机D. 鼠标和键盘8. CPU是由组成的A. 内存储器和控制器B. 控制器和运算器C. 内存储器和运算器D. 内存储器、控制器和运算器9. 微型计算机系统采用总线结构对CPU、存储器和外部设备进行连接,总线通常由三部分组成,它们是A. 逻辑总线、传输总线和通信总线B. 地址总线、运算总线和逻辑总线C. 数据总线、信号总线和传输总线D. 数据总线、地址总线和控制总线10. 计算机存储器中,不能用于存取信息的部件是A. 硬盘B. 光盘C. ROMD. RAM11. 显示器规格中的1024x768表示显示器的A. 分辨率B. 颜色C. 屏幕大小D. 亮度12. 将高级语言编写的程序翻译成机器语言程序,采用的两种翻译方式是A. 编译和解释B. 编译和汇编C. 编译和链接D. 解释和汇编13. 计算机可以直接执行的语言和移植性最好的语言分别是A. 高级语言、高级语言B. 汇编语言、高级语言C. 机器语言、高级语言D. 自然语言、高级语言14. “32位微型计算机”中的32指的是A. 微机型号B. 机器字长C. 内存容量D. 存储单位15. 硬盘工作时应特别注意避免A. 噪声B. 震动C. 潮湿D. 日光16. CD-ROM作为外存储器指的是A. 只读存储器B. 只读硬盘C. 只读光盘D. 只读大容量软盘17. 人们常以的类型和型号来概括和衡量微型计算机系统的性能A. 运算器B. 内存储器C. 微处理器D. 光盘存储器18. 使用高速缓冲存储器可以大幅度提高A. 内存的容量B. CPU从内存取数据的速度C. 硬盘数据的传送速度D. 光盘数据的传送速度19. 从硬盘上把数据传到CPU,称为A. 显示B. 读盘C. 写盘D. 输出20. 存储周期最短的存储器是A. 内存B. 光盘C. 硬盘D. 软盘21. 学校的选课程序属于A. 系统软件B. 应用软件C. 工具软件D. 文字处理软件22. 在计算机内,一切信息存取、传输都是以形式进行的A. 十进制B. 二进制C. ASCII码D. BCD码23. 下列有关存储器读写速度的排列,正确的是A. RAM > Cache > Harddisk > CD-ROMB. Cache > RAM > Harddisk > CD-ROMC. Cache > Harddisk > RAM > CD-ROMD. RAM > Harddisk > CD-ROM > Cache24. 主频是计算机的重要指标之一,它的单位可用表示A. BHzB. GHzC. MBD. MIPS25. 计算机能直接执行的计算机语言是A. 机器语言程序B. 汇编语言源程序C. BASIC语言源程序D. PASCAL语言源程序26. 系统软件中最重要的是A. 操作系统B. 语言处理程序C. 程序设计语言D. 数据库管理系统27. 计算机软件系统包括A. 操作系统、网络软件B. 系统软件、应用软件C. 客户端软件、服务器端软件D. 操作系统、应用软件28. 下列不属于操作系统的功能的是A. 把程序转换为可执行程序B. 管理系统所有的软件和硬件资源C. 方便用户的使用D. 组织计算机的工作流程29. 下列属于计算机输出设备的是A. 数码相机B. 绘图仪C. 键盘D. 扫描仪30. 内存储器中的每个存储单元都被赋予一个唯一的序号,称为A. 序号B. 下标C. 编号D. 地址31. 下面4种存储器中,易失性存储器是A. RAMB. ROMC. CMOSD. CD-ROM32. 计算机系统是由组成的A. 主机和外部设备B. 主机、键盘、显示器和打印机C. 系统软件和应用软件D. 硬件系统和软件系统33. 下列各种总线性能比较的指标中是错的A. 最大总线宽度B. 最高时钟频率C. 支持设备数量D. 总线长度34. 以下说法错误的是A. CPU是计算机的主机B. ROM是只读存储器C. RAM是随机存储器D. CPU是计算机的中央处理器35. 计算机的五个基本组成部分中不含A. 控制器B. 驱动器C. 存储器D. 运算器36. 数据是信息的载体,信息是数据的A. 符号化表示B. 载体C. 内涵D. 抽象37. 能够对文字、声音、图形、动画、影像等媒体进行处理的计算机称为A. 多任务计算机B. 多媒体计算机C. 智能计算机D. 并行计算机38. 在微机中访问速度最快的存储器是_____.A. 硬盘B. 软盘C. RAMD. 高速缓存(Cache)39. 最重要的系统软件是A. 数据库B. 操作系统C. 因特网D. 电子邮件40. 是随机存储器的缩写,这种存储器是一种存储器.A. RAM、只读B. RAM、读写C. ROM、只读D. ROM、读写41. 现代的计算机系统都属于体系.A. 比尔.盖茨B. 冯.诺依曼C. 唐纳德.希斯D. 温.瑟夫42. 是系统软件,缺少它,计算机无法正常工作A. 诊断程序B. 公用程序.C. C语言程序D. 操作系统43. 根据软件的用途,计算机软件一般可分为A. 系统软件和非系统软件B. 系统软件和应用软件C. 应用软件和非应用软件D. 系统软件和管理软件44. 是指信息未经授权不能进行改变的特性,即信息在存储或传输过程中保持不被偶然或蓄意删除、修改、伪造、乱序、重放、插入等破坏和丢失的特性A. 完整性B. 不可抵赖性C. 可用性D. 可靠性45. 是病毒最重要的两大特征A. 程序性和衍生性B. 潜伏性和可触发性C. 传染性和破坏性D. 对性和寄生性46. 以下技术中,用来实现保护内部网络的信息不受外部非授权用户的访问和对不良信息的过滤A. 防火墙技术B. vpnC. 入侵检测D. 漏洞扫描47. 我国第一个关于信息系统安全方面的全国性行政法规是A. 《计算机病毒防治管理办法》B. 《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定实施办法》C. 《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》D. 《中国公用计算机互联网国际联网管理办法》48. 以下对于网络安全的认识中正确的是A. 网络上传送的信息是数字信息,不会被窃听B. 经过加密的数据就可以安全地被传送到目的地C. 为了防止信息被篡改,应采用加密处理D. 一旦通信开始,除非线路出现故障,否则不会被中断49. 常见的网络信息系统不安全因素包括A. 网络因素B. 应用因素C. 管理因素D. 以上皆是50. 计算机安全包括A. 操作安全B. 物理安全C. 病毒防护D. 以上皆是51. 下列关于计算机病毒说法错误的是A. 有些病毒仅能攻击某一种操作系统,如windowsB. 病毒一般附着在其他应用程序之后C. 每种病毒都会给用户造成严重后果D. 有些病毒能损坏计算机硬件52. 下列关于网络病毒描述错误的是A. 网络病毒不会对网络传输造成影响B. 与单机病毒比较,加快了病毒传播的速度C. 传播媒介是网络D. 可通过电子邮件传播53. 计算机病毒是计算机系统中一类隐藏在上蓄意进行破坏的捣乱程序A. 内存B. 软盘C. 存储介质D. 网络54. 计算机病毒A. 都具有破坏性B. 有些病毒无破坏性C. 都破坏EXE文件D. 不破坏数据,只破坏文件55. 网络隐私权的内涵包括A. 网络隐私有不被他人了解的权利B. 自己的信息由自己控制C. 个人数据如有错误,拥有修改的权利D. 以上皆是56. 属于计算机犯罪类型的是A. 非法截获信息B. 复制与传播计算机病毒C. A、B、D都是D. 利用计算机技术伪造篡改信息57. 网络隐私权包括的范围A. 网络个人信息的保护B. 网络个人生活的保护C. 网络个人领域的保护D. 以上皆是58. 是一个免费的操作系统,用户可以免费获得其源代码,并能够随意修改A. UNIXB. LinuxC. DOSD. Windows XP59. 免费软件不具有下列特征A. 开发衍生软件B. 存档复制C. 赢利发行D. 修改软件60. 下列哪项技术属于防火墙技术A. 公用密钥B. 数据包过滤C. 置换函数D. 解密密钥61. 目前,信息安全面临的威胁来自多个方面,其中属于恶意攻击A. 电磁干扰B. 操作失误C. 编程缺陷D. 计算机犯罪62. 硬件的所谓“即插即用”是指A. 可以将此硬件安放到任何I/O插槽中B. 可以不装此硬件的驱动程序就能使用C. 操作系统将可以自动识别此硬件,并自动安装相应的驱动程序D. 操作系统将可以自动识别此硬件,但需要手工安装相应的驱动程序63. 计算机性能主要取决于A. 磁盘容量、显示器打印机的分辨率B. 配置的语言、操作系统、外部设备C. 操作系统、机器的价格、机器的型号D. 字长、运算速度、存储容量64. 目前使用的防毒软件的作用是______.A. 查出任何已感染的病毒B. 查出并清除任何病毒C. 清除已感染的任何病毒D. 查出已知的病毒,清除部分病毒二、判断题(正确的填T,错误的填F;每小题2分,共46分)1. 在第二代计算机中,以晶体管取代电子管作为其主要的电子元件. ()2. 计算机巨型化是指体积更大、功能更强、运算速度更高、外部设备更多. ()3. ROM既能读取信息又能任意写入信息,断电后,ROM中的内容就会丢失. ()4. 操作系统是一种系统软件,它是主机和外设的接口. ()5. 存储器存储的信息即使断电也不会丢失. ()6. 计算机能够自动工作,主要是因为采用了二进制数制. ()7. 两个显示器屏幕大小相同,则它们的分辨率必定相同. ()8. 计算机体积越大,其功能就越强. ()9. 在微机性能指标中,CPU的主频越高,其运算速度越快. ()10. 内存与外存比较具有存取速度快的特点. ()11. 高级语言是独立于具体的机器系统的. ()12. 一般来讲,与高级语言相比,机器语言程序执行的速度较快. ()13. 对于不同类型的计算机来讲,汇编语言基本上不具备通用性和可移植性. ()14. 程序必须送到主存储器内,计算机才能执行相应的命令. ()15. 计算机的所有计算都是在内存中进行的. ()16. 计算机的存储器可分为主存储器和辅助存储器两种. ()17. 主存储器用来存储常要用到的程序和数据. ()18. 正常情况下,ROM内所存的数据是固定不变的. ()19. 系统软件就是软件系统. ()20. 与内存相比,硬盘的速度更快,容量更大. ()21. 一台计算机的字长是4个字节,表示CPU所处理的二进制数码为32位. ()22. 外存上的信息可直接进入CPU进行处理. ()23. 主存储器分为ROM和RAM. ()三、进制数相互转换:(每空2分,共30分)(1)10000B=()D (2)127=()B (3)65Q=()B (4)B09H=()B(5)512=()H=()Q=()B (6)FC8H=()D=()Q(7)11011111101B=()Q=()H=()D(8)256=()B (9)57Q=()D (10)9F0BH=()D四、综合题(每小题6分,共18分)1、一个汉字的机内码为:B5D6H,则它的国标码为多少(用十进制数)?区内码为多少?2、一张1.44MB的软盘可以存储字数500字作文多少篇?3、一硬盘中有5张双面存储盘片,每面磁道数为80,扇区数为18,计算该硬盘的容量。

全真模拟试题(一)一、单项选择量(20分.每题1分)1.清代纪晓岚认为医学不同的学术见解开始于 ( )A.春秋战国 B.秦汉时期 C.晋唐时期 D.金元时期2.《中国医学源流论)的作者是 ( )A.纪晓岚 B.谢观 C.徐大椿 D.任应秋3.(中医各家学说)五版全国教材提出学术流派产生于 ( )A.春秋战国以前 B.汉代以前 C.汉唐以前 D.金元以前4.研究中医与西医结合的医学流派是 ( )A.河间学派 B.伤寒学派 C.温病学派 D.汇通学派5.伤寒学派已初具规模的时期是 ( )A.晋唐 B.宋金 C。
金元 D.晋唐至两宋6.河间学派主要阐发何种病机 ( )A.火热 B.脏腑 C.六经 D.外感7.被誉为补土学派代表、易水学派中坚的医家是 ( )A.刘完素 B。
张从正 C.李杲 D.朱丹溪8.温病学派形成于 ( )A.明清 B.汉代 C.晋唐 D.宋元9.陈自明首创的治疗痈疽原则是 ( )A.清热解毒 B。
活血化瘀 C.扶邪祛邪 D。
内外合一lO.刘完素制地黄饮子,主要是治疗 ( )A.消渴 B.喑痱 C。
热毒 D。
燥证11.张从正认为影响人体血气流通的根本原因是 ( )A.气滞 B.血瘀 C.邪气 D.血虚12.李呆脾胃学说主要是阐述 ( )A.内伤阳虚证 B.内伤热中证 C.内伤阴虚证 D.内伤寒中证13.龚廷贤调理脾胃的大法是 ( )A.健脾养胃 B.养心健脾疏肝 C.疏肝理气和胃 D.健脾养心14.陈实功认为,外科病的治疗要重视 ( )A.疏肝气 B.补肾阴 C.养脾胃 D.泻心火15.被赵献可称为人身之至宝的是 ( )A。
命门 B.命门之火 C.命门之水 D.肾中之水16.吴有性认为疫邪侵人人体后盘踞的部位是 ( )A.脏腑 B.经络 C.募原 D.膈上17.程钟龄认为古人制方必有开合,如补中益气汤用参芪,必佐以 ( )A.当归 B.升麻 C.陈皮 D.柴胡18.叶桂提出肝阳化风的病机为 ( )A.身中阳气变动 B.身中阴气变动 C.身中的气分变动 D.身中的血分变动Ⅱ9。

科室:姓名:成绩:口腔试题一、单5选1 (共80分,每小题2分)题下选项可能多个正确,只能选择其中最佳的一项1.与长期应用广谱抗生素关系密切的是A.急性假膜型念珠菌口炎B.急性红斑型念珠菌口炎C.慢性增殖型念珠菌口炎D.慢性红斑型念珠菌口炎E.念珠菌性唇炎答案:B2.干槽症的临床表现错误的是A.拔牙窝空虚,探痛明显B.拔牙窝内有腐败坏死物C.拔牙窝内有明显腐臭味D.病人以疼痛为主诉E.常伴有寒战、高热等全身症状答案:E3.浓度相同,毒性最大的局部麻醉药是A.利多卡因B.普鲁卡因C.丁卡因D.布比卡因E.可卡因答案:C4.阿昔洛韦对下列哪种病毒作用最强?A.水痘-带状疱疹病毒B.EB病毒C.HSV-1D.HSV-2E.柯萨奇病毒答案:C5.口腔白斑最多见的部位是A.口角区B.舌,唇C.腭,牙龈D.前庭沟E.双颊咬合线区答案:E6.龋病的定义是A.牙齿在多种因素的影响下,其组织发生的一种慢性进行性破坏性疾病B.在多种生物因素共同作用下,牙齿硬组织发生急性严重性破坏的疾病C.在以细菌为主的多种因素影响下,牙齿硬组织发生慢性进行性破坏的疾病D.在多种内在因素影响下,牙齿硬组织发生慢性进行性破坏的疾病E.在细菌影响下,牙齿硬组织发生慢性进行性破坏的疾病答案:C7.口底腐败坏死性蜂窝织炎,以哪种细菌引起为主?A.葡萄球菌B.链球菌C.绿脓杆菌D.厌氧菌E.大肠埃希菌答案:D8.口腔颌面部手术采用全身麻醉时容易发生的危险是A.呼吸道阻塞B.麻醉的深度不易掌握C.易发生心血管系统的意外D.易出现中枢神经系统的意外E.应激性消化道出血答案:A9.俗称雪口病的是下列哪种念珠菌性口炎?A.急性假膜型B.急性红斑型C.慢性增殖型D.慢性红斑型E.以上都不是答案:A10.青年病人牙关紧闭,伴牙痛,白细胞汁数升高,应首先考虑A.嚼肌间隙感染B.关节炎C.冠周炎D.破伤风E.颌骨骨髓炎答案:A11.复发性疱疹性口炎多见于A.口唇区B.牙龈C.腭D.颊E.舌答案:A12.男,33岁,左下后牙咬合痛1天,有浮出感,紧咬牙时疼痛缓解。

1.具有囊内韧带的关节是()A.肩关节B.肘关节C.膝关节D.踝关节2.男性腹股沟管内通过结构有()A.精索B.子宫圆韧带C.睾丸D.副睾3.不构成骨盆的骨为()A.左、右髋骨B.骶骨C.第5腰椎D.尾骨4.女性直立时,腹膜腔的最低部位是()A.直肠膀胱陷凹B.膀胱子宫陷凹C.直肠子宫陷凹D.网膜囊5.开口于十二指肠大乳头的是()A.下颌下腺导管B.肝胰壶腹D.腮腺导管6.不属于上呼吸道的器官是()A.鼻B.咽C.喉D.气管7.男性的生殖腺是()A.前列腺B.睾丸C.附睾D.精囊腺8.子宫的正常姿势为()A.前倾和前屈位B.前倾和后屈位C.后倾和后屈位D.后倾和前屈位9.先天性房间隔缺损多发生于()A.膜部B.肌性部C.卵圆窝D.动脉圆锥10.不是锁骨下动脉分支的血管是()A.甲状颈干B.椎动脉C.胸廓内动脉D.甲状腺上动脉11.房水产生于()A.睫状体B.虹膜D.晶状体12.成人脊髓下端约平()A.第12胸椎下缘B.第1腰椎下缘C.第2腰椎下缘D.第3腰椎下缘13.腋神经支配()A.大圆肌B.冈上肌C.三角肌D.冈下肌14.哪个不是上运动神经元损伤后的临床表现?()A.肌张力增高B.肌萎缩明显C.腱反射亢进D.病理反射出现15.传导躯体、四肢浅感觉传导路的纤维交叉部位位于()A.脊髓B.延髓C.脑桥D.中脑16.能引起生物机体发生反应的各种环境变化,统称为()A.反射B.兴奋C.刺激D.反应17.维持细胞膜内外Na+和K+浓度差的机制是()A.ATP作用B.钠泵活动C.K+易化扩散D.Na+、K+通道开放18.引起血小板聚集的最重要物质是()A.肾上腺素B.5-羟色胺C.凝血酶D.ADP、组胺19.当细胞外Ca2+浓度降低时,主要引起心肌()A.收缩减弱B.收缩增强C.舒张减慢D.舒张增快20.下列有关大动脉管壁硬化所导致改变的叙述中,错误的是()A.收缩压升高B.舒张压降低C.脉搏波传播速度减慢D.脉搏波传播速度加快21.在下列哪种情况下,肺的顺应性增加()A.肺弹性阻力增加B.肺弹性阻力减少C.呼吸道阻力增加D.呼吸道阻力减少22.盐酸可促进小肠吸收()A.维生素B12B.氨基酸C.铁和钙D.葡萄糖23.不是肾产生的生物活性物质是()A.肾素B.促红细胞生成素C.前列腺素D.血管紧张素24.全血的粘滞性主要取决于()A.血浆蛋白含量B.红细胞数量C.白细胞数量D.NaCl溶液的浓度25.与旋转变速运动有关的结构是()A.囊斑B.球囊C.壶腹嵴 D.前庭窝26.5-羟色胺神经元的胞体主要位于脑内()A.苍白球B.尾核C.丘脑中线核群D.脑干中缝核群27.传导慢痛的外周神经纤维主要是()A.C类纤维B.B类纤维C.Aα纤维D.Aδ纤维28.生长素在一天中的分泌高峰期是()A.清晨B.下午C.快波睡眠D.慢波睡眠29.血管升压素的合成部位主要在()A.下丘脑室旁核B.下丘脑视上核C.腺垂体D.神经垂体30.降钙素的主要靶器官是()A.甲状腺B.甲状旁腺C.骨组织D.肾脏二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每空1分,共20分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。

5、“瓜、泉、徒、朱”的造字方法依次是________、________、 ________、________。
6、“闪、片、煎、未”的造字方法依次是___ ___、_____ __、________、________。
3、“六书”是古代总结出来的汉字的六种造字方法,即:________、________、 ________、________、________、________。
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二进制(1->8) 十六进制
027 00 010 111 17
301 11 000 001 C1
247 10 100 111 A7
解:0010 0000 1001 0010 0011 0001 1111 0111
解:1011 0101 0011 0011 1011 0101 0011 0111
解:0100 1010 1100 1100 0100 1010 1100 1000
请问:6.1 ARINC429数字749CD881表示的是多少数值?
6.2 如果要用标头201表示34
解:6.1 0111 0100 1001 1100 1101 1000 1000 0001
6.2 0000 1101 0001 1100 0010 0000 1000 0001
请问:6.1 ARINC429数字580000C2表示的是多少数值?
6.2 如果要用标头366表示400Knots,那么ARINC429数字是多少?(十六
6.1 0101 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 0010