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题型有:1. summarize the situation of education for migrant children, and then 2. give your comment. Educational Challenges—Education for Migrant Children In recent years, the government has gradually begun to pass laws and design policies to protect the rights of migrants. Migrant children are now allegedly entitled to attend urban schools in their local school districts. Schooling in urban areas is supposed to be free. However, despite the change in the official line, migrant children’s access to education is still far from routine, and considerable barriers remain. A survey conducted in Beijing recently showed that 25 percent of children whose families have lived in Beijing for at least six years attend public schools, compared to only 5 percent for families who had lived in Beijing for one to three years. Until very recently, public schools charged high fees for migrant students. In addition to financial constraints, migrants also face other barriers to enrolling their children in urban public schools. Since migrants tend to live on the outskirts of the city where rent is cheaper, transportation to public schools located in the urban centers can pose a major problem. High demand for enrollment in good public schools also creates serious capacity constraints. According to interviews, even if migrant children are able to attend public schools, it is clear that they often face discrimination and are very conscious of unfair treatment as “second-class citizens.”The difficulties migrant children face enrolling in urban public schools have led to the emergence of privately-run migrant schools, which struggle to fill the educational gap. These migrant schools—unlike urban and rural schools (which are relatively high quality or at least improving)—are generally plagued by poor teaching, poor facilities, undeveloped curriculum, and high tuition. Migrant schools were first started in the early 1990s by retired teachers and other concerned individuals because of the need for a viable alternative for migrant children. At first, they were quite informal. Migrant schools were all private and funded themselves by collecting tuition. As the number of migrants rose, the potential profitability of meeting the growing demand for migrant schools attracted all kinds of entrepreneurs—including some without any background in teaching. Because migrant schools were privately run and mostly unregulated, there were no standards, and education quality varied tremendously across individual schools. Teachers in migrant schools are generally second market, those who did not have adequate credentials or experience to obtain jobs in public schools. Many teachers only accept positions at migrant schools to gain experience and resign as soon as they find better work, causing disruption in their classes when they leave before the end of the school year. Migrant schools desperate for teachers rarely have credential requirements and can only offer very low wages, harsh conditions, very basic food, crude living quarters, and heavy teaching burdens. The quality of facilities in migrant schools varies widely, but is mostly poor, especially compared to urban public schools. Migrant schools are often overcrowded and use second-hand desks, chairs, and even buildings bought cheaply from public schools.
正确答案:Improve the Equity of Education for Migrant Children Under the tendency of increasing migrant workers, the population of migrant children has shown a dramatic increase, and thus the education of migrant children has become a serious social problem. As is presented in the above article, migrant children are charged extra-paid fee to attend public schools in urban areas while still facing the problems of transportation and discrimination in schools. Moreover, because of the limited quota in public schools, many children turn to private schools for help. However, these private migrant schools cannot offer quality teachers and facilities for children. In my opinion, it’s urgent for the government to improve the equity of education for migrant children from the perspective of social and economic development. Firstly, Chinese government should put more efforts and implement policies to improve the equity of education. From the news coverage, despite government efforts, education between migrant and urban students is still far from equal. Therefore, more proactive approaches in implementing the compulsory education policy are necessary. For instance, more quotas for migrant children should be available to meet their needs. Furthermore, government should invest to build more public schools on the outskirt of the city where many migrants live. Secondly, the educational problems of migrants children are caused by unequal economic development between urban and rural areas, and therefore equal practice should be upheld through the government decentralization of education practice, putting decision-making power in the hands of the local municipalities and reforming the institutional hukou system that perpetuates a system of a dual division of urban and rural residency, which forms a structural basis for the social welfare system in China. Only in this way can migrant children enjoy equal educational opportunities both in rural and urban areas. Although there is a long way to achieve equity of education, we should bear in mind that migrant children are also hosts of the city in the future. We have no reason to deny their access to high-quality education.


尽管政府近年来出台了一些法律和政策保障农民工权益,但是农民工子女入学仍未走上常规道路(far from routine),仍面临着相当多的限制(considerable barriers remain)。


一是学费高昂(high fees);二是从郊区到市区的上下学交通(transportation)不便;三是大量的入学需求造成了严格的入学数量限制(serious capacity constraints);此外,作为“二等公民”(“second-class citizens’”),他们还可能遭受歧视(discrimination)和不公对待(unfair-treatment)。


由于缺乏标准和规范,各种私人学校的教育质量参差不齐(quality varied tremendously);师资水平低下,大都是无证或无经验的老师,他们来这里教书只是为了积累经验以便跳槽(gain experience and resign);教学设备老旧(mostly poor),远不及城里的公立学校。






2.Nowadays, many people turn to the Internet to solve a multitude of medical quandaries, extending even to the matters of how to find a doctor and access medical treatment. Concerning patients being defrauded of money and sometimes having their condition worsen owing to incorrect diagnoses, the government announced that medical diagnosis and treatment will be forbidden online. The hard stance has proved controversial. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides; 2. give your comment.Medical Service Providers Wu Jie: Contrary to popular belief, this field is nothing new. Since the late 1990s, some Western countries have operated online medical treatment systems on a trial basis. The practice was once also banned in Britain, but finally the government had to recognize medical treatment websites facing the rising tide of the Internet. Nowadays, online treatment is helping more and more patients in Western countries. Of course, online medical treatment also has shortcomings. Sometimes patients need to have a thorough physical examination, which is near impossible to carry out online. However, if the medical treatment system is not well managed, problems may occur even when patients attend brick-and-mortar hospitals. Online hospitals are still relatively new in China and thus many areas are in need of improvement. However, this does not justify a wholesale ban on online medical treatment. It should be the market that tests whether this “new product” is valid or not, rather than it being at the sole discretion. Li Keji: While the traditional medical system is probably overly elaborate and regulated, the Internet is an unknown quantity, carrying risks. Caution is a prerequisite in the process of employing the Internet in medical treatment. The government means to steer online medical treatment toward accountability and transparency as well as enable it to progress stably. A well-developed online medical treatment system will be a great help to the ongoing medical reform. People’s health is directly correlated with the quality of healthcare they receive, so prudence is a necessity. The government’s cautious attitude toward Internet medical treatment is understandable and also in the interest of public health.Patients Wang Junrong: Surprisingly, in this day and age, the government is preventing the public from accessing medical treatment online. Surely the government should standardize and regulate online medical treatment, instead of banning it outright. Besides, it is not something you can easily ban. According to iiMedia Research, now, the mobile health industry in China had an estimated worth of $300 million. According to its predictions, this figure will reach $2 billion over the next two years. Banning such a lucrative growth area will prove no easy feat. Also, isn’t it necessary to first ask the patients whether it’s OK to stop online medical treatment? Mao Jianguo: It’s natural to see deficiencies in newly born technologies. While there might exist various problems and worries in terms of online medical treatment, is it possible to eradicate all the problems by simply
banning it? The government allows online consultation on health, but no medical treatment is allowed. How can you clearly discern medical consultation from medical treatment? What if the treatment is carried out under the guise of consultation? A ban is certainly not the only way to solve the problems plaguing the sector. Concerns about online hospitals tend to center on the capability of doctors. Thus, if tougher regulations are put in place to punish online doctors who wrongly diagnose patients as is the case in the traditional profession, online hospitals will become much more reliable. Under these circumstances, a ban would not really be necessary.
正确答案:Online Medical Services: Neither Viable nor Accountable There has long existed discussion on the influence of Internet and smart devices on people’s life and interpersonal relations, but online medical treatment system seems to arouse more debate as it concerns people’s life and well-being. The Chinese government lately issued an injunction against online medical treatment, which has received both criticism and appreciation. Both representatives of medical service providers and patients expressed concern on the accountability of the system and proposed to further regulate it. Some believed that online medical service is a huge and lucrative market, so it’s up to the patients and market to decide whether to ban it. However, some supported a ban and believed that it is for the consideration of public health. Despite the convenience online medical treatment has brought to people, I favor the government’s ban and do not support conducting medical services online, mainly for two reasons. Firstly, it is not viable. China faces a severe shortage of doctors, especially in rural areas, where few people have Internet access. Therefore, the government should better allocate the limited medical resources more efficiently and fairly to fill the gap between strong demand and shortage in supply instead of allowing online medical treatment, which would aggravate the situation due to this digital gap. Secondly, it is not accountable. It’s very difficult to censor the qualification of the doctors providing treatment online. In brick-and-mortar hospitals, every treatment and medicine prescribed is double or even triple checked. However, this can hardly be realized online, adding to the risks of wrong diagnosis. In addition, the nature of Internet has made online medical treatment more vulnerable to the lobbying of medical representatives. In conclusion, the risks of online medical treatment overweight the benefits and it is necessary to impose a ban on it.

网络医疗支持者包括医疗工作者Wu Jie和病人Wang Junrong,他们认为网络医疗作为一种新事物有待完善(in need of improvement),且中国的网络医疗市场作为盈利发展潜力巨大的领域(such a lucrative growth area),应由市场决定是否可行(the market that tests whether this“new product”is valid or not);且应更好的规范和监管(should standardize and regulate)网络医疗,提前听取病人的意见(first ask the patients)而不应简单地禁止。

其他二人是反对者,他们认为网络医疗仍是未知数,存在风险(carrying risks)。

政府应将网络医疗引向责任制和透明化(accountability and transparency),谨慎是必要的(prudence is a necessity),政府下禁令可以理解(understandable)。






3.Both at home and abroad, more people are turning to crowd funding sites to ask friends, and friends of friends, for help with medical bills, accident costs and much more. An estimated $2.8 billion was raised by all types of crowdfunding websites last year globally. The following article provides more details on this phenomenon. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the article; 2. give your comment. Crowdfunding isn’t just for businessman anymore; it’s moving into all kinds of other spheres, from startups to research to personal causes. And increasingly, people felled by illness or injury are using these sites to raise money for their health care. One site that’s capitalized on personal-cause crowd funding is GoFundMe. CEO Brad Damphousse says last year alone, the site’s users have raised more than $6 million for medical causes, and Medical, Illness & Healing is the site’s most popular category, attracting 17 percent of the site’s total donations. Some GoFundMe campaigns in the medical category range from modest requests for $1,000 to cover gas cards for parents to visit their baby son in the NICU, to ambitious goals to raise $200,000 for a medical trust fund. Damphousse says most users raise funds through people they know and their friends because the site makes it easy for them to broadcast their cause on Facebook and Twitter. And the bigger the social network, the easier it is to reach the goal. But not everyone succeeds. People with small social networks tend to have more trouble meeting their fundraising goals, he says. According to statistics, it appeared that the people who are closest to their goals have at least 200 Facebook friends. Media coverage can also make a big difference. The story of Farrah Soudani, one of the victims of the Aurora theater shootings, attracted enough publicity that thousands of strangers were inspired to donate. So far 6,800 strangers have sent Soudani money through GoFundMe, much of it in $5 to $20 increments, according to Victoria Albright, a family friend who created the GoFundMe page the night of the shooting. “It’s a very easy vehicle to raise money,” Albright says. Soudani’s page has gotten her $171,540 in donations, still shy of the $200,000 goal. The money so far has gone to pay Soudani’s cellphone bill and a shower chair while she recuperates in the hospital; the rest will go toward any medical expenses Soudani incurs that aren’t covered by public assistance. One reason Damphousse thinks strangers help each other on his site is that people like to see the direct impact of their dollars. “If you’re donating to a big nonprofit, you don’t know exactly how your money will be utilized, but on our site you might be thanked personally by the recipient,”says Damphousse. But are these sites ripe for fraud? “We do have cheaters signing up,”Damphousse admits. He has an internal team that vets every page, looking for hucksters, and shuts them down. One user of GoFundMe managed to fool the company—along with his friends and family—and raised $2,000 around a false claim that he had cancer. The site also encourages transparency by revealing
the email account associated with the payment account. Potential donors can also see who else has donated lately. Medical institutions are getting into the crowd funding spirit, too. As Business Week has reported, the Rare Genomics Institute is helping children with mysterious illnesses solicit money online to pay for the sequencing of their genes.
正确答案:Crowd Funding: a Helping Hand or a Trouble Maker? Crowd funding, once a way of attracting funds for business starters, has now become a way for ordinary people to raise money from the public out of personal needs: medical bills, accident costs and much more, among which medical costs represent a majority of the fund raised through crowd funding websites. Crowd funding websites such as GoFundMe believe that online crowd funding offers convenience for people and attracts funds through its directness as compared with donations to large charity organizations. Besides, medical institutions are soliciting money to fund their research and treatment of certain illnesses. But on the other hand crowd funding is vulnerable to fraud. Despite the popularity of online crowd funding, I have several major concerns on this new way of raising money from the public for personal causes. Firstly, it is difficult to authenticate every case and ensure transparency. Online registration and broadcast, though bringing speed of spreading the message, grant anonymity and decrease credibility. There are cases that people use fake ID information and create unreal cases to raise funds, calling for public awareness and the strengthening of the screening system. Secondly, the popularity of online crowd funding will aggravate inequality in receiving the funds. As mentioned by GoFundMe, the most successful fundraisers are those who are popular on social network. Therefore, those who are not Facebook lovers but indeed in need of the assistance will get less money through crowd funding. It will only make it worse for these people if the public is more willing to donate to online crowd funding websites instead of charity organizations. In conclusion, online crowd funding boast its great influence and transparency, but there is still a long way to go as there are several major issues that crowd funding systems should address before it is popularized. Proper guidance and equality are needed on this subject.



首先,资金来源主要有两方,一是社交网络(social network)的熟人圈子,二是在媒体的影响力下(Media coverage)的陌生人。

其次,众筹平台具有直接性的特点,方便病人直接进行筹资,而捐赠者往往倾向于看到善款的直接作用(direct impact of their dollars),并且众筹平台鼓励增强善款走向的透明度(encourages transparency)。

最后,众筹平台也存在弊端,它引来一些欺诈团伙(fraud),为此专门有一支内部团队对此进行打击(shuts them down)。

第三部分讲了众筹精神(the crowd funding spirit)扩展到对医疗机构(Medical institutions)的影响,有些机构也采取众筹方式筹集研究经费。






4.From the anti-utopia writings of Aldous Huxley and H. G. Wells to movies like Matrix, the rise of the machine has long terrified mankind. There are also thinkers who think artificial intelligence (AI) is a real danger. The following article introduces an Oxford academic’s warning that humanity runs the risk of creating super intelligent computers that eventually destroy human. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the article;
2. give your comment. Dr Stuart Armstrong, of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, has predicted a future where machines run by artificial intelligence become so indispensable in human lives they eventually make us redundant and take over. And he says his alarming vision could happen as soon as the next few decades. Dr Armstrong said: “Humans steer the future not because we’re the strongest or the fastest, but because we’re the smartest. When machines become smarter than humans, we’ll be handing them the steering wheel.”Dr Armstrong envisages machines capable of harnessing such large amounts of computing power, and at speeds inconceivable to the human brain, that they will eventually create global networks with each other—communicating without human interference. It is at that point that what is called Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)—in contrast to computers that carry out specific, limited, tasks, such as driverless cars—will be able to take over entire transport systems, national economies, financial markets, healthcare systems and product distribution. “Anything you can imagine the human race doing over the next 100 years there’s the possibility AGI will do very, very fast,”he said. But while handing over mundane tasks to machines may initially appear attractive, it contains within it the seeds of our own destruction. In attempting to limit the powers of such super AGIs mankind could unwittingly be signing its own death warrant He warns that it will be difficult to tell whether a machine is developing in a benign or deadly direction. He says an AI would always appear to act in a way that was beneficial to humanity, making itself useful and indispensable—much like the iPhone’s Siri, which answers questions and performs simple organisational tasks —until the moment it could logically take over all functions. “As AIs get more powerful anything that is solvable by cognitive processes, such as ill health, cancer, depression, boredom, becomes solvable,” he says. “And we are almost at the point of generating an AI that is as intelligent as humans.”Dr Armstrong says mankind is now involved in a race to create “safe AI” before it is too late.”Plans for safe AI must be developed before the first dangerous AI is created,” he writes in his book Smarter Than Us: The Rise of Machine Intelligence. “The software industry is worth many billions of dollars, and much effort is being devoted to new AI technologies. Plans to slow down this rate of development seem unrealistic. So we have to race toward the distant destination of safe AI and get there fast, outrunning the progress of the computer industry.”One solution to the dangers of untrammelled AI suggested by industry experts and researchers is to teach super computers a moral code. Unfortunately, Dr Armstrong points out, mankind has spent thousands of years
debating morality and ethical behaviour without coming up with a simple set of instructions applicable in all circumstances which it can follow. Imagine then, the difficulty in teaching a machine to make subtle distinctions between right and wrong. “Humans are very hard to learn moral behaviour from,” he says. “They would make very bad role models for AIs.”
正确答案:Artificial Intelligence Won’t Destroy Humanity There are exciting advancements in the field of artificial intelligence and they could make our world a better place. However, not everyone agrees with that. Dr. Stuart Armstrong says in the above article that the rise of super intelligent machines which are likely to be smarter than humans could spell the end of humanity. As it is not clear whether artificial intelligence is moving towards a benign or vicious direction, he says, mankind must create “safe AI” before it is too late. In my view, although machines are getting better and faster, that doesn’t mean our future will be akin to some sci-fi scene where machines destroy us. Firstly, we might have overestimated the likelihood that machines will be as intelligent as human beings. In reality, the development of artificial intelligence is a slow and time-consuming process, and there are many fundamental discoveries away from machines being endowed with the abilities to learn, imagine and reason. It is very unlikely that an AI would be smart enough to devise a way to flatten us without being smart enough to understand why we would be a threat. Secondly, machines with superhuman intelligence, if they ever exist, will need us as much as we need them. Just consider what an AI would employ to ensure its survival. If it is computer based, maintenance may remain dependent. You might imagine more robots being created to perform these upkeep functions, but we are nowhere close to having this kind of general-purpose robots. Unless there are majors breakthroughs in robotics, machines are going to depend on humans for supplies and repairs. So rather than having a relationship that would be adversarial, a cooperative relationship would be more likely to ensure. I think our trepidation about whether artificial intelligence will take over and eventually wipe human race out is caused by an overestimate of the impact of the technology as well as a lack of vision about how mankind will prosper.

第一段指出人类即将面临的问题,牛津大学的阿姆斯特朗博士的预言:人工智能最终将取代并掌控人类(eventually make us redundant and take over)。


将与人类大脑相当(at speeds inconceivable to the human brain);涉及的领域扩大,包括整个运输系统(entire transport systems)、国民经济(national economies)、金融市场(financial markets)等等;发展方向具有不确定性,不能分辨是往良性方向还是恶性方向(in a benign or deadly direction);越来越实用和不可或缺(useful and indispensable),人工智能也许会有逻辑地发挥所有功能(logically take over all functions)。

最后四段从引领人工智能的发展方向出来,提出解决方案,即给人工只能安装道德模式(teach super computers a moral code)。

但由于是非尚未有一套适用于所有情况的标准(a simple set of instructions applicable in all circumstances),这一措施很难实施。







