{1995年}Bearing Dynamic Coefficients of Flexible-Pad Journal Bearings

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vibration amplitudes
= pivot diameter = pivot housing diameter = bearing eccentricity, distance from Ob to Oj
= impedance notation, Z = K
+ jwC
= fluid film impedance matrix containing the fixed
Eq. [131
= damping = bearing radial clearance, assembled clearance
pad radial clearance, machined clearance
= fixed global coordinates = vibrations in (x,y) coordinates
= dynamic flexibility notation ( A = K - ' ) = reduced pad dynamic flexibility matrix, defined in
= pad center of curvature without movement = journal radius = distance from pad to O o p = bearing static load = static load on the individual pad
Bearing Dynamic Coefficients of Flexible-Pad Journal Bearingso
WEN JENG CHEN Ingersoll-Rand Company Centrifugal Compressor Division Mayfield, Kentucky 42066
pad coefficients
= reduced effective impedance matrix, Z* = ( I ZA;)-'Z
= pad eccentricity, distance from Op g's modulus = energy per cycle of motion = fluid film force = pivot film thickness = pad inertia =
= local coordinate system for each pad, journal
h~ IP
I ~ I R ~
= identity matrix
= web cross-sectional properties, A = area,
AE, El
j K
I = moment of inertia
Fluid Film Bearings, Hydrodynamic Bearings, TiltingPad Bearings, Rotor Bearing Dynamics
= indices
= static equilibrium = pad = displacement directions
= bearing geometric center
= pad center of curvature
= journal equilibrium center
Wen Jeng Chen
a a
Centrifugal Compressor Division , Ingersoll-Rand Company , Mayfield, Kentucky, 42066 Published online: 25 Mar 2008.
To cite this article: Wen Jeng Chen (1995) Bearing Dynamic Coefficients of Flexible-Pad Journal Bearings, Tribology Transactions, 38:2, 253-260, DOI: 10.1080/10402009508983402 To link to this article: /10.1080/10402009508983402
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= dynamic stiffness notation, K= K - 0 2 m = pivot axial length for line-contact tilting-pad
bearing, web length
= mass
b (i9j) o
= bearing
= pad mass
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The application of flexible-pad journal bearings for high-speed rotating machinery has recently gained attention from equipment manufacturers for its simplicity of one-piece design which can elim-
Tribology Transactions
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Bearing Dynamic Coefficients of Flexible-Pad Journal Bearings
Presented as a Soclety of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers paper at the ASMEISTLE Triboiogy Conference in Lahalna, Hawaii, October 16-20, 1994 Final manuscript approved June 20, 1994
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= stiffness = pivot stiffness
K~ K L
displacements ({op,qop) = displacements of pad center of curvature (Sp,qp,yp) = pad displacements, two translations and one rotation $6 = attitude a n d e o = frequency 0 = phase angle v = Poisson's ratio $P = pivot angular location measured from x to 6 in the direction of rotation
inate the manufacturing tolerance stack-up and possible lowerfrictional power loss. This paper presents a general method for the calculation of bearing dynamic coefficients of flexible-pad journal bearings. These coefficients are critical to the rotor dynamics study. The flexibility of the support web and mu~slinertiaeffects are included in this approach. The bearing coefficients of a conventional tiltinppad journal bear in^ can also be obtained from this method ..,. . by adjwting the reduced pad dynamic flexibility matrix. The numerial results are in good correlation with the laboratory expm'ments.