算-4441-澳大利亚人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary



n。 意大利人,意大利语
an ItaliΒιβλιοθήκη nItalians日本
a Japanese
a Korean
a Corean
an Englishman
a Frenchman
a Swiss
a German
n。 希腊人,希腊语
a Greek
an Indian





-an: American 美国⼈, Canadian 加拿⼤⼈, Australian 澳⼤利亚⼈, Russian 俄国⼈, German 德国⼈, Indian 印度⼈, Korean 韩国⼈, Belgian ['beldʒən]⽐利时⼈, Egyptian [i'dʒipʃ(ə)n]埃及⼈, Italian 意⼤利⼈, Indonesian [.indəu'ni:ʃən, -ʒən]印度尼西亚⼈, Mexican ['meksikən]墨西哥⼈-ese: Chinese 中国⼈, Vietnamese ['vjetnə'mi:z]越南⼈, Burmese [bə:'mi:z]缅甸⼈, Portuguese[.pɔ:tju'gi:z]葡萄⽛⼈, Japanese ⽇本⼈-ish: British 英国⼈, Spainish 西班⽛⼈, Irish 爱尔兰⼈, Turkish ⼟⽿其⼈, Polish 波兰⼈,Swedish 瑞典⼈, Danish ['deiniʃ] 丹麦⼈, Finnish ['finiʃ]芬兰⼈-i: Iraqi [i'rɑ:ki]伊拉克⼈, Kuwaiti [ku'weiti, kə'waiti] 科威特⼈, Pakistani [.pɑ:kis'tɑ:ni]巴基斯坦⼈-ic: Icelandic 冰岛⼈, Arabic ['ærəbik]阿拉伯⼈Others: New Zealander 新西兰⼈, Philippine ['filipi:n] 菲律宾⼈, French 法国⼈, Swiss 瑞⼠⼈, Greek 希腊⼈, Dutch ['dʌtʃ]荷兰⼈。



你的外国朋友想学中文英语作文推荐字典My Foreign Friend Wants to Learn ChineseHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I have this really cool friend named Pierre who just moved here from France. Pierre speaks French and also knows a little English, but he really wants to learn Chinese. How awesome is that?Pierre told me that Chinese looks super hard with all those intricate characters and tones. But he's really eager to dive in and start learning. Pierre said mastering Chinese will open up lots of opportunities for jobs, travel, and making new friends from China and other places where Chinese is spoken.I think it's fantastic that Pierre wants to take on the challenge of Chinese. Learning a new language, especially one as different from French and English as Chinese is, takes a ton of hard work and perseverance. But Pierre seems really determined.Since Pierre is just getting started, I figured some good dictionary resources would be really helpful for him. Dictionaries are like roadmaps for understanding a new language. They let you look up words, see how they are written, and learn their definitions and proper usage.After talking to my Chinese teacher Mrs. Wong, here are the dictionary recommendations I have for Pierre:First up is the Oxford Chinese Dictionary. This is a greatall-around dictionary for students like Pierre who are beginning to learn Chinese. It has over 300,000 translations of Chinese words and phrases into English. There are super clear characters, Pinyin romanizations to help with pronunciation, and concise definitions. The best part is the examples that show how the words are used properly in context. This dictionary even has entries explaining important aspects of Chinese language and culture.Another standout option is the ABC Chinese-English Dictionary. What's cool about this one is it has over 110,000 vocabulary entries from all different topics - not just general words but specialized ones too from areas like science, IT, business, and more. The definitions are easy for learners to understand. But what really makes this dictionary shine are the constant usage notes and examples revealing the subtleties of how Chinese words and phrases can differ slightly in meaning depending on the context.If Pierre wants a dictionary specifically designed for students, I'd point him towards the Oxford Student's Chinese Dictionary. Itwas created especially for elementary and middle school kids learning Mandarin Chinese. The definitions are super simple and there are lots of illustrations and sample sentences to drive the points home. This dictionary also has special sections explaining things like measure words, radicals, and other fundamental language patterns. It's a nice compact reference guide perfect for a young learner like Pierre.For when Pierre gets more advanced, he may appreciate having the Xinhua Zidian on hand. This giant unabridged dictionary contains a whopping 370,000 entry words! It covers ancient, modern, formal, and colloquial Chinese vocabularly. Having such a comprehensive reference will really enrich Pierre's mastery as he progresses further. The historical and etymological details give amazing insight into the evolution of the Chinese lexicon over thousands of years. Of course, the downside is this dictionary is huge, expensive, and probably too complicated for a total newbie like Pierre. But it's definitely a "level up" resource to aim for once his skills improve.Personally, I'd recommend Pierre starts with the Oxford Student's Chinese Dictionary since it's made specifically for kids at our level who are just starting to grapple with characters, tones, and basic vocab. Then, as he builds up more knowledgeover time, he can move up to the Oxford Chinese Dictionary which will cover more entries and usages. The ABC one is good too if he needs extra explanations and examples in specialized topics. And someday when he becomes a real pro, Pierre can reward himself with that amazing Xinhua reference work!No matter which dictionaries Pierre uses, the most important things are that he stays motivated, practices diligently, and doesn't get discouraged. Chinese is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world for native English speakers to master. But if Pierre sticks with it through the inevitable frustrations and setbacks, his perseverance will pay off huge. Imagine how awesome it will be for Pierre to become fluent in not just one, but three global languages - French, English, AND Mandarin Chinese!I'm really excited for my friend and all the cool opportunities that will open up by learning Chinese. Who knows, maybe Pierre can teach me some Chinese phrases too! We could have bilingual conversations mixing English and Chinese. Or someday we can travel together to China, order food in restaurants, and make new friends using our amazing language skills. The world will be our oyster!So those are my top dictionary picks for Pierre as he embarks on his Chinese learning journey. I'll be sure to check in with him for progress updates. Here's wishing Pierre all the best and "加油"... which I just learned means "keep going" or "keep up the good work" in Chinese! Let the language learning adventure begin!。



Chinese by Jerry Norman龚群虎Page number, Chinese, English1 02 共时synchronic3 历时diachronic4linguist语言学家5 汉语研究Chinese studies6 调号tone mark7 1-18 甲骨文oracle boneinscription/script9 古汉语Classical Chinese10 中古汉语Middle Chinese11 早期白话Early Vernacular Chinese12 上海方言Shanghai dialect13 书面语言written language14 口头语言spoken language15 文化连续性cultural continuity16 汉语方言Chinese dialects17 北京话Peking dialect18 广州话Cantonese19 文言文Literary Chinese20 方言学家dialectologist21 金文bronze inscription/script22 孔子Confucius23 孟子Mencius24 方言描写dialect description25 高本汉(人名)Bernhard Karlgren26 中古汉语(高本汉)Ancient Chinese27 赵元任(人名)Yuen Ren Chao28 吴语Wu dialects29 方言调查dialect survey/fieldwork30 共通语koine31 现代汉语Modern Chinese32 方言dialect33 1-234 (汉语)周边语言neighboring languages35 阿尔泰语系Altaic language family36 突厥语言Turkic languages37 蒙古语言Mongolian languages38 通古斯语言Tungusic languages39 日语Japanese40 朝鲜语Korean41 无声调语言atonal/non-tonal language42 多音节语言polysyllabic language43 类型学(的)typological44 后缀suffix45 元音和谐现象vowel harmony46 语序(词序)word order47 主语subject48 宾语object49 藏缅语言Tibeto-Burman languages50 马提索夫(人名)James Matisoff51 苗瑶语言Miao-Yao languages52 亲属关系genetic relationship53 张琨(人名)Kun Chang54 唐纳(人名)G.B.Downer55 奥德里古(人名)Haudricourt56 台语Tai languages57 李方桂(人名)Fang Kuei Li58 《比较台语手册》 A Handbook of ComparativeTai59 侗水语言Kam-Sui languages60 白保罗(人名)Paul K. Benedict61 “泰-卡岱”语言Tai-Kadai languages62 南亚语系Austroasiatic languagefamily63 孟高棉语言Mon-Khmer languages64 南岛语系Austronesian languagefamily65 1-366 类型特征typologicalfeatures/characteristics 67 语音对应phonologicalcorrespondence68 音系的phonological69 形态的morphological70 句法的syntactic71 有调语言tonal language72 单音节的monosyllabic73 语素morpheme74 固定音高模式fixed pitch pattern75 平调level tone76 升降调(轮廓调) contour tone77 音位的phoneme/phonemic78 元音音段vocalic segment79 辅音音段consonantal segment80 四声the four tones81 高平调high level82 高升调high rising83 低降调low falling84 低降升调low falling-rising85 缅彝语言Lolo-Burmese languages86 语系language family87 浊(带音)voicing88 音节首音syllable onset89 送气aspiration90 喉音化glottalization91 复辅音consonant/consonantalcluster92 复辅音的简化和消失simplification and loss ofconsonantal clusters93 语言接触language contact94 孤立语isolating language95 分析语analytic language96 语法关系grammatical relationship97 词缀affix98 准词缀quasi-affix99 量词measure100 数词numeral101 限定词determinative102 历史演变historical development103 语言类型分类typological classificationof languages104 越芒语言Viet-Muong languages105 句法特点syntactic feature106 修饰词modifier107 东亚语言East Asian languages108 泰语(暹罗语)Thai(Siamese)109 越南语Vietnamese110 高棉语Khmer111 藏文Written Tibetan112 马来语Malay113 满语Manchu114 维吾尔语Uygur115 1-4116 发生学的(亲属的)genealogical117 构拟reconstruction118 转写transcription119 同源词cognates120 语义的semantic121 汉藏语Sino-Tibetan languages122 确定同源词identification of cognates 123 语音对应规则rule of phonologicalcorrespondence124 同源词集cognate set125 上古汉语Old Chinese(OC)126 汉语上古音Old Chinese phonology127 中古汉语Middle Chinese(MC)128 韵书rhyme dictionary/book129 上古音构拟reconstruction of OldChinese Phonology130 《汉藏语概论》(白保罗)Sino-Tibetan: a conspectus 131 汉学家sinologist132 谱系树family tree133 比较语言学comparative linguistics134 汉藏语言学Sino-Tibetan linguistics 135 1-5136 非汉(人、语)non-Han137 不操汉语的non-Chinese-speaking138 (音译)借词loanword139 词源(学)etymology140 注疏家commentator141 原始苗瑶语proto-Miao-Yao142 原始台语proto-Tai143 北京土语Peking vernacular144 第一人称first person145 复数plural146 排除式exclusive form147 包括式inclusive form148 仿译词calque149 复合词compound150 希腊语Greek151 拉丁语Latin152 术语terminology153 造(新词)coin/coinage154 汉语音韵史History of Chinesephonology155 (汉字)字形graph156 (汉字)读音pronunciation157 汉语的域外“方言”foreign 'dialects' ofChinese158 欧洲语言European languages159 汉语词根Chinese roots160 原始汉语proto-Chinese161 拼写法(正字法)orthography162 2-1163 汉语的分期periodicization of Chinese 164 2-2165 原始汉语Proto-Chinese166 上古汉语Old Chinese167 中古汉语Middle Chinese168 早期官话Early Mandarin169 韵图rhyme table170 押韵rhyming171 四声the four tones/tonecategories172 平声level tone173 上声rising tone174 去声departing tone175 入声entering tone176 辅音韵尾consonantal ending177 元音韵尾(后滑音) offglide178 音节syllable179 双声alliteration180 押韵rhyme181 同音homophonous182 音段(sound)segment183 语音的phonetic184 音系(音韵)的phonological185 韵rhyme186 韵目rhyme heading187 声母initial188 韵母final189 介音medial190 主元音main vowel191 韵尾ending192 反切上字fanqie upper character193 音值phonetic value194 2-3195 蒲立本(人名)Edwin G. Pulleyblank196 清音voiceless197 浊音voiced198 塞音stop199 塞擦音affricate200 擦音fricative201 响音resonant/sonorant202 鼻音nasal203 边音lateral204 半元音semi-vowel205 发音部位place of articulation206 唇音labial207 双唇音bilabial208 唇齿音labiodental209 卷舌音retroflex210 舌根音velar211 齿音dental212 咝音sibilant213 喉塞音glottal stop214 元音音位vocalic phoneme215 开口open216 合口closed217 等grade/division(Karlgren) 218 2-4219 汉语域外借词Sinoxenic220 舌尖tip of tongue221 送气aspirated222 不送气unaspirated223 文白异读colloquial vs. literaryforms224 2-5225 韵部rhyme group226 开音节open syllable227 闭音节close syllable228 形旁signific229 声旁phonetic230 同声必同部charaters sharing the samephonetic belong to thesame rhyme group231 语文学家philologist232 《汉文典》Grammata Serica233 雅洪托夫(人名)Sergei Yakhontov234 谐声系列phonetic series235 辅音前缀consonantal prefix236 鼻音nasal237 流音liquid238 圆唇舌根辅音labiovelar239 腭化palatalization240 央化centralization241 前化fronting242 央元音schwa243 2-6244 女真族Jurchen245 八思巴字Phags-pa246 龙果夫(人名)Dragunov247 桥本万太郎(人名)Hashimoto Mandaro248 2-7249 舒声lax/non-abrupt tone250 促声abrupt tone251 调类tone categories252 调值tone value253 音位变体allophone254 区别特征distinctive features255 高低调register256 马伯乐(人名)Henri Maspero257 奥德里古(人名)André Haudricourt258 基本词汇basic words259 无调语言toneless language260 外来词的汉语转写transcription of loanwords 261 无标记的unmarked262 声调起源tonogenesis263 3-1264 汉字Chinese writing system,Chinese character, Chinesescript265 甲骨文oracle bone script266 金文bronze script267 语素文字morphemic script/writing268 音节文字syllabic script/writing269 字graph/character270 象形字pictograph271 近音字near-homophone272 3-2273 文字改革script reform274 篆书seal script275 隶书clerical script276 3-3277 古文字ancient script278 大篆(籀文) great seal script279 小篆small seal script280 字书graphic dictionary281 商代甲骨文Shang oracle bone script282 周代金文Zhou bronze script283 战国文字Warring States script284 3-4285 书法家calligrapher286 笔划stroke287 楷书standard script288 草书cursive script289 六书the six principles of writing290 文(独体字) simple graph291 字(合体字) composite graph292 形声字phonetic compound,phonogram293 形旁signific/semantic294 声旁 phonetic295 假借字loan character, loangraph 296 部首radical, graphic classifier297 字形graphic shape298 3-5299 章草regulated cursive script300 今草modern cursive script301 行书running script302 3-6303 方言词dialectal word304 标准化standardization305 十三经the thirteen Confucian classics 306 3-7307 拼音文字alphabetic writing308 拉丁字母Latin alphabet309 西里尔字母Cyrillic alphabet310 阿拉伯字母Arabic alphabet311 词源学etymology312 高频词high-frequency word313 词根root314 方言字dialectal character315 音节字母syllabary316 假名字母kana317 谚文字母hangul318 字喃chu nom319 拉丁化书写体系Latinized writing system320 繁体字traditional character/script321 简化字simplified character/script322 4-1323 符号系统symbolic system324 语法系统grammatical system325 聚合类paradigmatic class326 动宾结构verb-object construction327 句法位置syntactic position328 4-2329 单语素的monomorphemic330 派生构词法derivational morphology331 能产的productive332 双语素的bimorphemic333 否定词negative334 指示词demonstrative335 祈使的imperative336 代名词的pronominal337 合音词fusion word338 叠音词reduplicate339 叠韵词rhyming semi-reduplicate 340 双声词alliterative semi-reduplicate 341 4-3342 词类word class343 句法功能syntactic function344 词性part of speech345 名词性的nominal346 动词性的verbal347 虚词empty word348 实词full word349 封闭(词)类closed class350 开放(词)类open class351 方位词localizer352 时间词time word353 单数形式singular form354 复数形式plural form355 第二人称second person356 不定代词indefinite pronoun357 疑问代词interrogative pronoun358 及物性transitivity359 使动用法causative usage360 意动用法putative usage361 被动语态passive voice362 助动词auxiliary verb363 从句clause364 次范畴/次类subcategory365 范围副词adverbs of scope366 程度副词adverbs of degree367 名物化nominalization368 连词conjunction369 叹词interjection370 系词copula371 4-4372 名词(谓语)句nominal sentence373 动词(谓语)句verbal sentence374 附加成份adjunct375 直接宾语direct object376 间接宾语indirect object377 存在句existential sentence378 互补分布complementary distribution 379 并列结构parallel construction380 4-5381 否定negation382 疑问interrogation383 语气mood384 语态voice385 情态modality386 是非问句yes/no question387 疑问词question word388 句末助词sentence-final particle389 反义词antonym390 发语词sentence-initial particle391 情态助词modal auxiliary392 反问rhetorical question393 名物化的动词nominalized verb394 反身结构reflexive construction395 4-7396 定语从句relative clause397 4-8398 主谓结构subject-predicate construction 399 4-10400 新词语neologism401 5-1402 白话written vernacular403 通俗文学popular literature404 历史语法historical grammar405 年代确定dating406 5-2407 双音节词disyllabic words408 亲属称谓kinship terms409 人名personal names410 语义范畴semantic category411 名词后缀noun/nominal suffix412 小称后缀diminutive suffix413 语义引申semantic extension414 贬义pejorative sense415 5-3416 属格形式genitive form417 宾格形式accusative form418 数number419 复数标记plural marker420 谓词predicative421 动词搭配verbal collocation422 5-4423 复合动词verbal compound, compoundverb424 结果补语resultative complement425 方向补语directional complement426 及物动词transitive verb427 体貌系统aspectual system428 系动词copular verb429 委婉表达circumlocution, euphemism 430 程度副词adverb of degree431 形容词最高级superlative degree of adjectives 432 (语言)创新innovation433 文学语言借用literary borrowing434 使役动词causative verb435 动词后位置postverbal position436 5-5437 语序的演变change in word order438 工具(格)标记marker of instrumentality439 派生derive, derivation440 语序普遍现象word order universals441 句法的历史演变historical syntactic change442 格林伯格(人名)Joseph Greenberg443 介词词组prepositional phrase444 动词前位置preverbal position445 类型性演变typological change446 6-1官方语言official language447 国语national language448 通用语lingua franca449 土语localism450 6-2451 语言政策language policy452 多语的multilingual453 多方言的multidialectal454 单语的monolingual455 6-3456 北京音Peking pronunciation457 音系描写phonological description 458 历史比较historical comparison459 语言理论linguistic theories460 唇音labial461 齿龈音/舌尖中音alveolar462 齿擦音/舌尖音dental sibilant463 翘舌音/舌尖后音retroflex464 硬腭音/舌面前音palatal465 舌根音guttural466 塞音stop467 鼻音nasal468 擦音fricative469 通音continuant470 送气aspirated471 不送气unaspirated472 浊voiced473 音长length, duration474 音强intensity475 声门化glottality476 6-3477 弱辅音lenis478 舌尖tip of the tongue479 舌叶blade of the tongue480 小舌uvula481 元音音首vocalic onset482 6-4483 国际音标IPA484 声学语音学acoustic phonetics485 (元音描写)高high486 (元音描写)前front487 (元音描写)不圆唇unrounded488 (元音描写)圆唇rounded489 (元音描写)后back490 (元音描写)中mid491 央化centralization492 央中元音schwa,shwa493 儿化音rhotacization494 6-6495 变调tone sandhi496 语素音位morphophoneme497 6-7498 语调intonation499 重音stress500 重音音位stress phoneme501 轻声neutral tone, atonic tone,weak tone502 6-8503 语素音位交替morphophonemic alternation 504 昵称terms of endearments505 7-1506 索绪尔(人名) de Saussure507 叶斯柏森(人名) Otto Jespersen508 布龙菲尔德(人名) Leonard Bloomfield509 结构主义structuralism510 参考语法reference grammar511 转换生成语法transformational generativegrammar512 7-2513 三音节词trisyllabic words514 名词后缀nominal suffix515 序数前缀ordinal prefix516 7-3517 词界word boundary518 非能产的unproductive519 准前缀quasi-prefix520 词根语素root morpheme521 7-4522 实体词content word523 功能词function word524 动词后缀verbal suffix525 完成体perfect aspect526 持续体durative aspect527 性gender528 连词conjunction529 语气词particle530 叹词interjection531 象声词onomatopoeia532 7-5533 语法范畴grammatical category 534 有定的definite535 无定的indefinite536 从属subordination537 修饰modification538 格case539 施事agent540 非标记的unmarked541 与格dative542 离格ablative543 未完成体imperfect aspect544 状态动词stative verb545 动作动词action verb546 否定negation547 7-6548 简单句simple sentence549 复合句composite sentence550 话题topic551 评述comment552 体后缀aspectual suffix553 动物性animate554 非动物性inanimate555 陈述declarative556 疑问interrogative557 祈使imperative558 真值truth value559 不合语法的ungrammatical560 7-7561 词典学lexicography562 同音字homophonous characters 563 7-8564 拉丁化romanization;latinization 565 8-0566 方言变异dialectal variation567 8-1568 方言分区/分类dialect classification569 同质的homogeneous570 8-2571 方言分歧/差异dialect diversity572 8-3573 历史语言学家historical linguist574 底层语言substratum language575 罗曼语族语言Romance languages576 8-4577 中央研究院史语所Institute of History andPhilology of the AcademiaSinica578 方言学家dialectologist579 方言地理dialect geography580 方言特征dialectal features581 8-5582 方言边界/分界dialect boundary583 方言地图dialect atlas584 同化assimilate /assimilation585 汉语方言学Chinese dialectology586 8-6587 少数民族语言minority languages588 方言岛dialect island589 清化devoice590 自由变异free variation591 普遍特征universal feature592 尖音sharp sounds593 团音round sounds594 圆唇介音rounded medials595 舌尖元音apical vowels596 双元音diphthong597 三元音triphthong598 调值tonal value599 代词系统pronominal system600 等言线isogloss601 非官话方言non-Mandarin dialects602 8-7603 音位对立phonemic contrast604 8-8605 气音murmur/ breathy voice606 (音)强的fortis607 单元音化monophthongization608 高调/阴调upper register/tone609 低调/阳调lower register/tone610 词汇化lexification611 混合语言/克里奥尔语言Creole language612 8-10613 官话化mandarinize/mandarinization 614 9-1615 原住民语言aboriginal language616 轻唇化/唇齿化labiodentalization617 塞擦(化)affrication618 区别特征distinctive feature619 后世形式reflex620 异质的heterogeneous621 9-2622 广州话方言字Cantonese characters623 音节结构syllable structure624 元音对立vocalic contrast625 单元音化monophthongization626 长元音long vowel627 短元音short vowel628 9-3629 低调/阳调lower tone630 高调/阴调upper tone631 平行演变parallel development632 9-4633 古词语archaism634 条件分化conditioned split635 鼻音清化denasalization636 半元音semivowel637 自由变异free variation638 条件变体conditioned variant639 舌尖元音apical vowel640 9-5641 阴阳之分/高低调区别register distinction642 10-1643 同义homonymy644 10-2645 高低双语diglossia646 双方言bidialectalism647 双语bilinguialism648 音系省减phonological reduction 649 后置词postposition650 10-4651 片假名katakana652 10-5653 (音标等)区分符号diacritics654 汉字简化character simplification 655 信息检索information retrieval。



国家国籍人语言Turkey Turkish Turkish Turkish 土耳其Korea Korean Korean Korean 韩国Poland Polish Polish Polish 波兰Thailand Thai Thai Thai 泰国Finland Finnish Finnish Finnish 芬兰India Indian Indian Indian 印度Spain Spanish Spanish Spanish 西班牙Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese 日本Australia Australian Australian Australian 澳大利亚Canada Canadian Canadian Canadian 加拿大America American American 美国Thailand Thai Thai Thai 泰国Poland Polish Polish Polish 波兰Turkey Turkish Turkish Turkish 土耳其Nigeria Nigerian Nigerian Nigerian 尼日利亚India Indian Indian Indian 印度Australia Australian Australian Australian 澳大利亚Canada Canadian Canadian Canadian 加拿大Austria Austrian Austrian Austrian 奥地利Finland Finnish Finnish Finnish 芬兰国家国籍语言India Indian indianfrance french frenchaustralian australian englishbritain( united kingdom) british englishamerica American englishireland irish englishScotland Scottish englishcanada canadian french/ englishmexico mexican spanishspain spanish spanishgermany german germannew zealand new zealander englishjapan Japanese japanesekorea Korean koreanindonesia Indonesian indonesianrussia russian russianafrica African Africanchina-chinese-chinese 中国japan-japanese-japanese 日本England-English-English 英国Russia-Russian-Russian 俄国,俄罗斯Holland-Dutch-Dutch 荷兰Mexico-Mexican-Mexican 墨西哥Korea-Korean-Korean 韩国America-American-American 美国Frence-French-French 法国japan-japanese-japanese 日本germany-german-german 德国Holland-Dutch-Dutch 荷兰Mexico-Mexican-Mexican 墨西哥Korea-Korean-Korean 韩国Australia Australian Australian Australian澳大利亚Canada Canadian Canadian Canadian加拿大Austria Austrian Austrian Austrian奥地利Finland Finnish Finnish Finnish 芬兰India Indian Indian Indian印度Nigeria Nigerian Nigerian Nigerian 尼日利亚Turkey Turkish Turkish Turkish土耳其Korea Korean Korean Korean韩国Poland Polish Polish Polish波兰Thailand Thai Thai Thai泰国Spain Spanish Spanish Spanish西班牙国家(或地区)语言国民国籍America American AmericanAustralia Australian AustralianBrazil Brazilian BrazilianBritiain English Briton BritishCanada Canadian CanadianChina Chinese Chinese Chinese国家(或地区)语言国民国籍Egypt Egyptian EgyptianEngland English Englishman EnglishFrance French Frenchman FrenchGermany German German GermanGreece Greek Greek GreekIndia Indian IndianIreland Irish Irishman IrishIsrael Israeli IsraeliItaly Italian Italian ItalianJapan Japanese Japanese JapaneseThe Netherlands Dutch Dutchman DutchNew Zealand New ZealanderPortugal Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese Russia Russian Russian RussianScotland Scots,Scottish Scotsman Scots, Scottish Spain Spanish Spaniard SpanishSweden Swedish Swedish SwedishSwitzerland Swiss SwissWales Welsh Welshman Welsh国家(或地区)语言国民国籍America American AmericanAustralia Australian AustralianBrazil Brazilian BrazilianBritiain English Briton BritishCanada Canadian CanadianChina Chinese Chinese Chinese国家(或地区)语言国民国籍Egypt Egyptian EgyptianEngland English Englishman EnglishFrance French Frenchman FrenchGermany German German GermanGreece Greek Greek GreekIndia Indian IndianIreland Irish Irishman IrishIsrael Israeli IsraeliItaly Italian Italian ItalianJapan Japanese Japanese JapaneseThe Netherlands Dutch Dutchman DutchNew Zealand New ZealanderPortugal Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese Russia Russian Russian RussianScotland Scots,Scottish Scotsman Scots, Scottish Spain Spanish Spaniard SpanishSweden Swedish Swedish SwedishSwitzerland Swiss SwissWales Welsh Welshman WelshJapan Japanese Japanese Japanese日本。



American 美国人,
Canadian 加拿大人,
Australian 澳大利亚人,
Russian 俄国人,
German 德国人,
Italian 意大利人,
Indian 印度人,
Korean 韩国人,
Belgian 比利时人,
Egyptian 埃及人,
Indonesian 印度尼西亚人
Mexican 墨西哥人
Chinese 中国人,
Vietnamese 越南人,
Burmese 缅甸人,
Portuguese 葡萄牙人,
Japanese 日本人....
British 英国人,
Spanish 西班牙人,
Irish 爱尔兰人,
Turkish 土耳其人, Polish 波兰人,
Swedish 瑞典人, Dannish 丹尼人,
Finnish 芬兰人
Iraqi 伊拉克人,
Kuwaiti 科威特人, Pakistani 巴基斯坦人
Icelandic 冰岛人, Arabic 阿拉伯人
New Zealander 新西兰人,
Philippine 菲律宾人, French 法国人,
Swiss 瑞士人,
Greek 希腊人,
Dutch 荷兰人。

顺-41124-澳大利亚人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary

顺-41124-澳大利亚人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary

顺-41124-澳大利亚人学汉语Chinese-English dictionaryshùn ①向着同一个方向(与‘逆’相对)in the same direction as/with (the opposite meaning of `contrary/counter'):~流而下go downstream②沿;依着along:~次in order/in succession/in proper sequence丨~河边走go along the river③适合;没有阻碍suitable/agreeable/with no blooks:~口read smoothly/speak casually/say offhandedly丨~利smoothly/successfully/without a hitch④趁便;顺便take the opportunity to:~势take advantage of an opportunity (as provided by an opponent's reckless move)丨~手关门close the door conveniently⑤服从obey/yield to/act in submission to:~从be obedient to/submit to/yield to丨归~come over and pledge allegiance⑥使方向一致;使有条理次序:把船~过来丨这篇文章还得~一~This essay needs polishing⑦依次:~延顺延依次往后延期postpone:运动会定于7月5日举行,雨天~The sports meetingwas scheduled to take place on July 5th. Subject to postponement in case of rain顺眼合意;看得过去pleasing to the eye顺水推舟比喻顺着某种趋势行事push the boat alongwith the current/make use ofthe opportunity to gain one's end顺藤摸瓜比喻沿着已知的线索去进一步调查研究,追究事情的根底follow the vine to get the melon/track down sb. or sth. by following clues。



American 美国人,
Canadian 加拿大人,
Australian 澳大利亚人,
Russian 俄国人,
German 德国人,
Italian 意大利人,
Indian 印度人,
Korean 韩国人,
Belgian 比利时人,
Egyptian 埃及人,
Indonesian 印度尼西亚人
Mexican 墨西哥人
Chinese 中国人,
Vietnamese 越南人,
Burmese 缅甸人,
Portuguese 葡萄牙人,
Japanese 日本人....
British 英国人,
Spanish 西班牙人,
Irish 爱尔兰人,
Turkish 土耳其人, Polish 波兰人,
Swedish 瑞典人, Dannish 丹尼人,
Finnish 芬兰人
Iraqi 伊拉克人,
Kuwaiti 科威特人, Pakistani 巴基斯坦人
Icelandic 冰岛人, Arabic 阿拉伯人
New Zealander 新西兰人, Philippine 菲律宾人, French 法国人,
Swiss 瑞士人,
Greek 希腊人,
Dutch 荷兰人。



第一单元语言:汉语与英语Section A 汉语Passage 1 中文的方方面面1汉语是汉藏语系的一个分支,由数百种地方语言组成,其中许多语言互不相通。

















发音7 汉字不能可靠地指明其发音。









外国朋友想学汉语,征求你的意见的英语作文Title: Advice for Foreign Friends Wanting to Learn ChineseIntroduction:Learning the Chinese language, with its complex characters and tones, can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. For foreigners who are interested in studying Chinese, there are several important factors to consider in order to achieve success. As a native Chinese speaker, I am often approached by foreign friends seeking advice on how to effectively learn the language. In this article, I will provide some tips and recommendations for those who are eager to embark on the journey of learning Chinese.Tips for Learning Chinese:1. Start with the basics: Before delving into more advanced concepts, it is crucial to establish a strong foundation in pronunciation and character recognition. Practice speaking Chinese regularly, paying attention to tones and intonations. Familiarize yourself with the most common characters and their meanings.2. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Chinese language and culture as much as possible. WatchChinese movies and television shows, listen to Chinese music, and engage in conversations with native speakers. By immersing yourself in the language, you will improve your listening and speaking skills.3. Take formal classes: Enrolling in a Chinese language course or hiring a private tutor can provide structure and guidance in your learning journey. A qualified instructor can help you grasp the complexities of the language and offer personalized feedback on your progress.4. Practice writing characters: Chinese characters are an essential part of the language and play a significant role in communication. Practice writing characters regularly to improve your handwriting and memorization skills. Start with simple characters and gradually work your way up to more complex ones.5. Use language-learning resources: There are numerous online resources and apps available for learning Chinese, such as Duolingo, HelloChinese, and Pleco. These platforms offer interactive lessons, vocabulary practice, and pronunciation exercises to enhance your learning experience.6. Be patient and persistent: Learning a new language takes time and effort, so it is important to be patient with yourself. Setrealistic goals and practice regularly to make steady progress. Embrace the challenges and celebrate your achievements along the way.Conclusion:Learning Chinese can be a rewarding experience that opens up new opportunities for communication, cultural exchange, and personal growth. By following these tips and recommendations, foreign friends can enhance their language skills and deepen their understanding of Chinese culture. As a native Chinese speaker, I am always willing to support and encourage those who are eager to learn my language. I hope that this article serves as a helpful guide for foreign friends who are embarking on the journey of learning Chinese. Good luck on yourlanguage-learning adventure!。



普通话成澳洲第一通用外语使用者占全澳人口1.5% 2019年08月28日来源:新华网-中国新闻网据澳洲网报道,研究咨询委员会(Research Advisory Committee)26日公布最新的澳洲人口报告(People of Australia Report),报告结果显示,澳洲人口极为多样性,移民出生地遍布全球252个国家和地区。







对于澳洲海外移民的多样性现状,移民部长莫里森(Scott Morrison)表示:“澳洲是极其成功的、有着强大凝聚力的移民国家,我们非常欢迎来自世界各地的民众共同谱写澳洲的历史。



”此外,根据移民部发布的海外净移民(Net Overseas Migration)数据报告显示,每年大约有24万移民涌入澳洲。


另据澳洲统计局(ABS)劳动力调查(Labour Force Survey)数据显示,共有38万名海外移民已经在澳获得工作。

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