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2. basic grammar knowledge the more difficult, the better???? 不要花大量的时间去钻难题、偏题 和怪题,而要牢牢掌握最常用的语 法要点,达到运用自如。2007年语 法填空题考高分的同学将不是经常 钻难题的同学,而是能够熟练和准 确地应用基础语法的同学,减少基 础题的失误就能拿高分。
---The number of people________ (speak) English as a first language continues to rise. ---This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when ______are beginning.
4. Relationship between two sentences. ---However, he did not stop his training._________, the training was even stricter.
Байду номын сангаас
---He must feel that he must help, _______ the person won’t get the help he needs. ---Bird flu is becoming a new threat against human beings as well as birds. ___,fears grow worldwide .
---The most important thing for the government to do is to find out the cause of this ____(dead) disease. ---Some of the experts picked out some suggestions and tested them to see whether they were________ (avail).
---The main purpose of a newspaper is _________(provide) news.
2. Clauses ---Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from_______ effects the people are still suffering.
---To their _______ (amaze), the car had been returned and there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. ---He is always polite and _______(consider) towards his employees.
---Several weeks had gone ____I realized the painting was missing. ---________fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.
III. blanks: words, phrases,
sentence structures,
the meaning of the whole passage 动词的时态语态、非谓语动词、形 容词、副词、名词、情态动词、冠 词 、倒装、复合句等等。
IV. Basic grammar knowledge 1. the structure of the sentence ---Put what the sentence needs into the blank 要/缺什么填什么 What’s the function of the blank in this sentence?
3. the changes of the words
---For a few seconds the little girl said nothing, but then she ran to her mother and said ______ (angry), “Why do you let her go about without shoes and socks on when you don’t let me?”
V: How to improve? 1. focus on main grammar points while reading “聚焦”语言点的阅读,就是要求在 阅读的过程中,将注意力投放到语 言点上,“捕捉”文章中出现的各 种语言点、对不理解的语法、句型 进行必要的分析、对不熟练的语言 点高声朗读
Rational Cloze
I. abilities: grammar, passage, spelling and logic thinking 语法知识、语篇知识、单词拼写能 力和逻辑推理能力
II. arrangement: a whole passage about 150-180 words 10 blanks: 8个自由填空 2个提示性填空
---If a shop has chairs ________women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. ---Do you have any idea ______is actually going on in the classroom?
I was being tested for a driving license for the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.
3. make full use of <<New Concept English>>. 《新概念英语》中有很多非常好的 短文章,可作为训练语法专项的材 料。
I crossed the street to avoid 1 (meet) him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use 2 (pretend) that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy 3 (meet) Nigel Dykes. He never has anything 4 (do). No matter how busy you are, he always insists on 5 (come) with you.
1、一个完整的语法单位 2、功能词 3、不要断章取义 4、结合语篇语境 5、不要改变文章原来的意义以及句 子原本的结构
乐起来,心头更是光明一片,感觉共产主义就在前头了。马启明心中畅想了一下未来,更充满了感激和希望,下定决心一定要在花开啤酒 厂充分发挥自己的才能,他以为,只要自己努力地工作,就可以赢得厂里的辉煌,也绝不辜负厂领导的期望。饭后谷仕昊说道:“这两天 你们先休息一下,熟悉熟悉周围的情况,准备一下再开始工作。”他扭头问道:“张科长,宿舍安排好了吗?”“还没有。先住在厂里的 招待所,等宿舍盖好以后,马上搬过去。”“好,你让吴科长安排一下,下个星期一就正式报到上班吧。生活上有什么要求可以和张科长 讲,他会帮你解决的。”领导在生活方面的关心使马启明心里热乎乎的。吴科长名叫吴明,是生产科科长,这些都是后来才知道的。当天 下午,马启明和刘丽娟到啤酒厂周围转了转。啤酒厂西隔壁正在建一座幼儿园,已经破土动工。再往北、往东走便是商业街,商业街是典 型南方小镇的特色。街道很窄,陈旧不堪,地面上铺着的青石板早已被踩得凹凸不平,两边是一间挤着一间青砖青瓦木制门面的小店,大 多破旧低矮、幽暗。有的房屋上面竟然长了许多的蒿草、青苔,甚至还有小树长在房顶上,很明显这些房屋都有些年头了。透满古老和沧 桑,陈旧得已跟不上城市日新月异变化的节奏,像是走进了电影中民国时期的镜头中。这种被本地人称作五架梁的小店面,全都门对门开 着,矮小的门面,缺少阳光和通风,大多昏暗。有的甚至只开着小半扇门面,仅允许一个人进出,而就是在这些挨挨挤挤的小店中,卖家 电、卖衣服、卖日杂百货、卖油面大米、饭馆„„应有尽有丰富着人们的生活,小镇上不知多少代人的日常生活都溶入了这条小街,如今 人们仍旧依赖着它,惠顾着它。街道上的行人络绎不绝,店主们忙着接待顾客,用马启明听得不太懂的“鸟语”招揽着生意,相互谈话。 如:啊成好呢?赤格样住啊咧,去哪哇Wa?恩滴堵在堵笑饿疼其来儿来,到冷角耍儿仔„„还有乌死,乌需,听得马启明雾里云里的。前 面小店前围了一堆人,马启明和刘丽娟凑上前一看,原来是几个老头老奶奶在悠闲地打麻将。“以前没见过他们,外地人吧?哪里的?” 一位慈眉善目的老奶奶询问道。马启明友好地笑了笑,其余的人目光像扫描仪一样齐刷刷地扫过来。一个很廋很黑、眼睛冒着贼光(就是 漆黑的晚上,不用手电筒就能凭两个绿油油狼眼找到路的那种)的老头儿说:“没见过,肯定是外地人。”每个人目光送来的都是问候和 疑问,在马启明浑身上下找寻着什么,仿佛马启明的身上能剥下来什么有谈论价值的的东西。“把牌,把牌。”牌友催着打牌。打麻将成 了街头的一道风景。怪不得说,十亿人民九亿麻,还有一亿在观察。据说,当地有一孕妇特别喜欢打麻将,人称“麻神”,临盆之前还抓紧
Conclusion: You must be sure that you can : (1)对于连词、介词、关系代词、关 系副词等,不仅要理解它们的意思, 还要熟记它们,在考试时能准确、 快速地提取它们。 (2)对于动词,要掌握常用的时态、 语态和非谓语动词的用法。
(3)对于句子,要能够分析其结构, 懂得在什么时候改用什么词性。 (4)对于单词,不仅要背诵其意义和 拼写,还好掌握基本的词形变换。