推荐-L3G42D亲译手册2 精品

L3G4200D MEMS 运动传感器: 超稳定的三轴数字输出陀螺仪
■三种可选的全尺度(250/500/2000DPS) ■I2C/SPI 数字输出接口 ■16 比特率值的数据输出 ■8 位温度数据输出 ■两个数字输出线(中断和数据就绪) ■集成的低和高通滤波器与用户可选择带宽 ■超稳定的温度和时间 ■宽电源电压:2.4 V 至 3.6 V ■低电压兼容的 IOS(1.8 伏) ■嵌入省电和睡眠模式 ■嵌入式温度传感器 ■嵌入式 FIFO(先入现出堆栈) ■高冲击的生存能力 ■扩展的工作温度范围(-40℃至+85℃) ■ECOPACK® RoHS 和“绿色”兼容
5.2.2 SPI 写………………………………25 5.2.3 SPI 读三线模式…………………………26 6 输出寄存器映射…………………………27 7 寄存器的描述…………………………29 7.1 WHO_AM_I(0FH)……………………………… … 29 7.2 CTRL_REG1(20H)……………………………… 29 7.3 CTRL_REG2(21H)……………………………… 30 7.4 CTRL_REG3(22H)……………………………… 31 7.5 CTRL_REG4(23H)……………………………… 32 7.6 CTRL_REG5(24 小时)……………………………… 32 7.7 参考/ DATACAPTURE(25H)……………………34 7.8 OUT_TEMP(26H)……………………………… 34
■游戏和虚拟现实输入设备 ■运动控制与人机界面(人机接口) ■全球定位导航系统 ■家电和机器人技术
L3G4200D 是一种低功耗三轴角 速率传感器能够提供前所未有的 安然的零利率水平和灵敏度超过 温度和时间…它包括一个传感 元素,并能够提供一个 IC 接口 外部世界的测角速率 通过数字接口(I2C/SPI)…
Owner’s Guide 2 - 英语版说明书

SoundTouch™Your SoundTouch™ wireless music system provides clear, room-filling sound streamed wirelessly over your home Wi-Fi® network. With SoundTouch™, you can stream Internet radio, music services, and your music library.If you have Wi-Fi at home, you’re ready to enjoy your favorite music in any room you want.System benefits• Enjoy wireless access to Internet radio, music services and your music library.• Access your favorite music easily with your personalized Presets.• Wireless setup using your smartphone or tablet.• Works with your existing home Wi-Fi network.• Stream music from Bluetooth® enabled devices.• Free SoundTouch™ app for your computer, smartphone, or tablet.• Simply add additional systems at any time for a multi-room listening experience.• Wide selection of Bose® audio systems lets you choose the right solution for any room.Hardware features• Six Presets on the system and its remote deliver your music with just one touch.• AUX connector enables playback from an audio device.• Remote control for point-and-click control from up to 20 feet away.• Thumbs up/Thumbs down buttons on remote control for customized listening. SoundTouch™ app• Set up and control your system from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. • Use the SoundTouch™ app to easily personalize Presets to your favorite music. • Explore Internet radio, music services and your music library.• Manage system settings.8 - EnglishCare and Maintenance Customer serviceFor additional help using the system:• Visit • Contact Bose® Customer Service. Refer to the quick start guide in the carton for contact information.Limited warranty informationYour SoundTouch™ system is covered by a limited warranty. Details of the limited warranty are provided on the quick start guide in the carton. Please refer to the quick start guide for instructions on how to register. Failure to do so will not affect your limited warranty rights.The warranty information provided with this product does not apply inAustralia and New Zealand. See our website at .au/warranty or /warranty for details of the Australia and New Zealand warranty. Input power ratingU.S.A./Canada/International: 100-240V 50/60 Hz, 30WEnglish - 27Appendix: Using a Computer for SetupImportant setup information• You can set up your system using a computer rather than a smartphoneor tablet.• Use a computer that is on your Wi-Fi® network.• Use a computer where your music library is stored.• You need the provided USB cable.*• Do not connect the USB cable until the app instructs you to connect the cable. * T he USB connector on the back of the system is for computer setup only. The USB connector is not designed to charge smartphones, tablets, or similar devices.Using a desktop computer for setupIf you are using a desktop computer, move the system near the computer to set up your system. During setup, the app prompts you to connect the USB cable from the computer to the system (temporarily).After setup, disconnect the USB cable from your computer and from your system and move the system to its permanent location.Setting up the system using a computer1. Plug the power cord into an AC (mains) power outlet.2. On your computer, open a browser and go to/appTip: Use the computer where your music library is stored.3. Download and run the SoundTouch™ app.The app guides you through setup.28 - EnglishEnglish - 29。

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Intel® Arria® 10 Device Datasheet A10-DATASHEET | 2020.06.26
HPS PLL power supply DC output current per pin
This table lists the maximum allowed input overshoot voltage and the duration of the overshoot voltage as a percentage of device lifetime. The LVDS I/O values are applicable to the VREFP_ADC and VREFN_ADC I/O pins.
Conditions outside the range listed in the following table may cause permanent damage to the device. Additionally, device operation at the absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may have adverse effects on the device.
Maximum 1.21 1.21 1.36 2.46 2.46 2.46 4.10 2.46 2.46 1.34 1.34 2.46 1.27 4.10 2.46 2.46
Unit V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
Dulux Thinner Guide

Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.DuluxGroup (New Zealand)150 Hutt Park Road, Lower Hutt, 5010 New ZealandAustralia.au T 13 23 77DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 67 000 049 427) 1956 Dandenong Road, Clayton, 3168, AustraliaNew Zealand T 0800 800 424Any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by Dulux® Protective Coatings in relation to goods manufactured by it or their use, including application, is given in good faith and is believed by Dulux® Protective Coatings to be appropriate at time of creation. Products can be expected to perform as outline provided that application conditions and procedures are followed on relevant data sheets. Specific advice should be sought from a Dulux Protective Coatings consultant especially for more corrosive and demanding environments, to obtain a tailored and appropriate solution.®DULUX, the DuluxGroup Squares Device, ACRATHANE, AEROMASTER, APEXIOR, CONGARD, DURATION, DUREBILD, DUREKEM, DUREMAX, DUREPON, DUREZINC, ENVIROPOXY , EPIGLOSS, FERREKO, FERRODOR, FLEXITUFF, LUXACHLOR, LUXAFLOOR, LUXAPRIME, LUXATHANE, LUXEPOXY , METALSHIELD, QUANTUM, ROADMASTER, SURFACESHIELD, WEATHERMAX and ZINCANODE are registered trademarks of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd.™ DURETHANE, HI TEMP and UNIPRIME are trademarks of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd.。
GEDORE 3 4英寸水槽扳手套件说明书

p e "p e ! "UD 32 EAJUEGO DE LLAVES DE VASO 3/4"14 piezas› C on llaves de vaso hexagonales o perfil UD, forjadas y revenidas, uso manual › C on accesorios de acero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3› J uego U-2 con carraca reversible con moleta, dentado fino › J uego Z-94 con carraca de cuadradillo pasante › E n caja de metal de color GEDORE azul › D imensiones: 525 x 203 x 73 mmCarracaVasosAccessorios 0Código №! 3293 Z-943 D 32 15/16 1.1/16 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.5/16 1.3/8 1.1/2 1.5/8 1.7/8 2"+ 3287' 3290-8 -1611,36280500 D 32 EAZ" 3293 U-23 D 32 15/16 1.1/16 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.5/16 1.3/8 1.1/2 1.5/8 1.7/8 2"+ 3287' 3290-8 -1611,36280690 D 32 EAU-2D 32 EMAU-2JUEGO DE LLAVES DE VASO 3/4"25 piezas› C on llaves de vaso perfil UD, forjadas y revenidas, uso manual › C on accesorios de acero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3 › C on carraca reversible con moleta, dentado fino › E n caja de metal de color GEDORE azul › D imensiones: 660 x 230 x 80 mmCarracaVasosAccessorios 0Código №" 3293 U-23 D 32 22 24 27 30 32 36 41 46 503 D 32 7/8 15/16 1" 1.1/16 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.5/16 1.3/8 1.1/2 1.11/16 1.7/8 2"+ 3287' 3290-8 -1618,26281310 D 32 EMAU-2... ¡A TU MEDIDA!¡Individual – preciso – hecho a medida – flexible – simplemente perfecto!› E mpezando por dimensiones personalizadas, tratamiento de superficies especiales (color y/o acabado), pasando por módulos de herramientas hechos a medida, hasta productos electrónicos con programaciones especiales o el establecimiento de intervalos de mantenimiento individuales (servicios en general, servicios de calibración ) y mucho más.› N OSOTROS desarrollamos herramientas especiales, herramientas personalizadasy/o piezas de forja de calidad para USTED . › N os ocupamos de sus problemas. › ¡Contacte con nosotros!VASOS Y ACCESORIOS›A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromadoP UPUU 32LLAVE DE VASO 3/4"hexagonal›E jecución según DIN 3124, ISO 2725-1›C on cuadradillo de accionamiento interior según DIN 3120 - D 20, ISO 1174,con seguro de pasador›U so manual, moleteado en cruz›A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromado* fuera de norma!L d1d2t0Código№18*51,528,336,019,00,219626988032 1819*51,529,636,019,00,225627011032 192151,532,036,019,00,228626996032 212251,533,336,019,00,232627038032 222451,535,838,019,50,267627046032 242754,539,636,024,00,271627054032 2729*54,542,036,023,50,281627062032 293057,543,338,026,00,331627070032 303257,545,838,027,00,345627089032 3233*57,547,040,026,50,392627003032 333457,548,340,026,50,404627941032 34!L d1d2t0Código№3659,550,840,028,00,448627097032 3638*59,553,340,528,00,476627100032 384162,557,144,030,50,593627119032 414665,563,344,032,50,700627127032 465068,568,348,034,50,848627135032 505568,574,653,033,01,008627143032 556068,580,853,033,01,143627151032 60D 32 (MM)LLAVE DE VASO 3/4"perfil UD›E jecución según DIN 3124, ISO 2725-1›C on cuadradillo de accionamiento interior según DIN 3120 - D 20, ISO 1174,con seguro de pasador›U so manual, moleteado en cruz›A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromado* fuera de norma!L d1d2t0Código№19*51,529,636,019,00,2216272160 D 32 192151,532,036,019,00,2236289800 D 32 212251,533,336,019,00,2276272240 D 32 222451,535,838,019,50,2576272320 D 32 242754,539,636,024,00,2556272400 D 32 2729*54,542,036,023,50,2726272590 D 32 293057,543,338,026,00,3196272670 D 32 303257,545,838,027,00,3326272750 D 32 3233*57,547,040,026,50,3586277040 D 32 333659,550,840,028,00,4186272830 D 32 36!L d1d2t0Código№38*59,553,340,528,00,4416272910 D 32 384162,557,144,030,50,5586273050 D 32 414665,563,344,032,50,6416273130 D 32 465068,568,348,034,50,8006273210 D 32 505568,574,653,033,00,9616273480 D 32 556068,580,853,033,01,0526273560 D 32 60 VASOS Y ACCESORIOSITX 32 T80U3290-83290-163296MANGO ARTICULADO 3/4"› E jecución según DIN 3122, ISO 3315› P ara llaves de vaso de uso manual con cuadradillo de accionamiento segúnDIN 3120, ISO 1174, con seguro de pasador › A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromadoa "a y 0Código №3/4205471,965627925032963287MANGO CORREDIZO 3/4"› E jecución según DIN 3122, ISO 3315› P ara llaves de vaso de uso manual con cuadradillo de accionamiento segúnDIN 3120, ISO 1174, con seguro de pasador › A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromadoa "a y 0Código №3/4205001,161627836032873290ALARGADERA 3/4"› E jecución según DIN 3123, ISO 3316› P ara llaves de vaso de uso manual con cuadradillo de accionamiento segúnDIN 3120, ISO 1174, con seguro de pasador › A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromadoa "a y 0Código №3/4202000,57462784403290-8a "a y 0Código №3/4204001,07962785203290-16VASOS Y ACCESORIOSDVV-40ZRS 3353/4“1/2“20 mm 12,5 mm 3295 ARTICULACIÓN UNIVERSAL 3/4" › E jecución según DIN 3123, ISO 3316› P ara llaves de vaso de uso manual con cuadradillo deaccionamiento según DIN 3120, ISO 1174, con seguro de pasador › A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromadoa "a Q "Q y 0Código№3/4203/4201080,580627917032953219PIEZA REDUCTORA 3/4" - 1/2"› E jecución según DIN 3123, ISO 3316› P ara llaves de vaso de uso manual con cuadradillo de accionamiento segúnDIN 3120, ISO 1174, con seguro de pasador › A cero al vanadio GEDORE 31CrV3, cromadoQ "Q a "a y 0Código№3/4201/212,5560,16862780103219。
Robert Bosch商品说明书

The easy wayto perfect results.Food processor, Hand blender, Hand mixer, Slow Juicer, Toaster and Kettle.“I would rather lose moneythan trust.”Robert BoschAppliances that are perfected to deliver, every day.Experience the power of every day hassle-free food preparation with a range of smart appliances by Bosch. We believe that preparing any kind of food should be a thing you should look forward to rather than it being a sweat work in the kitchen. Hence, we craft our products to perfection expecting nothing short of perfect results.We constantly strive to enhance your culinary experiences by providing appliances that are not only honed to finest detailbut are also equipped to perform seamlessly.“If you stop getting better, you’ve stopped being good.”-Robert BoschIt’s a vision. It’s a tradition. It’s the Bosch way of life. Even our smallest appliances live up to the legacy of RobertBosch, and come with our 125+ years of experience in making the finest appliances for your home.Our appliances are insightfully designed by the best German engineers to help you overcome your daily kitchen woes as only then can you enjoy the freedom to prepare breakfast or meals with a lot of flair and creativity.Built with superior German engineering and packed with thoughtful features that truly mirror the high standards set by Robert Bosch.Innovative food processor attachments with inserts for chopping, slicing,More than 50 functions including grating, cutting,SmartStorage: Storage of standard accessoriesUltra powerful hand blender for all your heavy duty applications in the kitchenMSM2650B•Feel the powerful 600W motor delivering quickblending & pureeing.•Innovative, sharpened 4 winged QuattroBlade forperfect results.•Handy mini chopper - chops herbs, parmesan,nuts and other hard ingredients.•Light, ergonomic design that fits perfectly in your hand.•BPA free plastic parts.Included Accessories• 1 x lid• 1 x measuring beaker• 1 x high quality stainless steel mixing wand• 1 x beating whisk• 1 x universal shredder / mini chopperThe Bosch CleverMixx: The all-round talent for more fun in the kitchen.•Powerful 400W motor for quick and easy blending.•Innovative, sharpened 4 winged QuattroBlade for perfectresults.•Light, ergonomic design for comfortable use.•Newly designed mixer foot for splash-free operations.•BPA free plastic parts.Included Accessories• 1 x measuring beaker• 1 x plastic mixing wandMSM14100The Bosch CleverMixx: The all-round talent for more fun in the kitchen.•Powerful 350 Watts motor.• 5 speed + pulse settings for quiet butpowerful performance.•Stainless steel turbo whisks and 2 kneadinghooks for best beating / stirring results.•Stand + rotating bowl for comfortablehands free operation.•Separate eject button for beaters anddough hooks.Included Accessories• 1 x plastic mixing bowl• 1 x pillar• 2 x turbo-whisk• 2 x dough hook stainless steelMFQ3555The proven hand mixer for daily baking - with rotating mixing bowl•Quiet yet powerful 375 watts motor for effortless but powerfulperformance.• 4 speed + pulse settings for individual operation.•Stainless steel turbo whisks and 2 kneading hooks forstressless operation.•Light and easy to hold, for relaxed working.•First-class Bosch quality means you’ll enjoy it for a long time.Included Accessories• 2 x stirrer• 2 x dough hook stainless steelMFQ22100The CleverMixx: The all-round hand mixer in fresh design for more fun with food preparation•980 Watts.•Even roasting with automatic bread centering.•Integrated warming rack.•High lift for easy removal of slices.•Automatic shutoff for added safety.•Compact design.TAT3A011TAT6A913•1080 Watts•Exclusive stainless steel design.•Bun warmer, integrated to fold away.•Defrost and warm up setting.•Variable browning control with integrated warm-up setting.•Gentle squeezing technology, at low speed of 60 rpmfor slow, yet efficient rotation•High-performance, low noise robust 150 watt motorfor ultimate efficiency•Vibrant recipe booklet to inspire ideas for healthyjuices•Easy self cleaning thanks to convenient rubberrotationIncluded Accessories• 1 Recipe book •Juice Container •Cleaning Brush •Fine Filter •Coarse Filter •Pulp ContainerMESM500W•Gentle squeezing technology, at low speed of 60 rpm for slow,yet efficient rotation•High-performance, low noise robust 150 watt motor forultimate efficiency•MixControl to adjust the amount of pulp in your juice orsmoothie•Vibrant recipe booklet to inspire ideas for healthy juices •Easy self cleaning thanks to convenient rubber rotation •Exclusive LED and brushed steel designIncluded Accessories• 1 Recipe book •Juice Container •Cleaning Brush •Fine Filter •Coarse Filter •Sorbet Filter •Pulp ContainerMESM731MMornings are a time where you want everything in a flash especially when it comes to a hot cup of tea or coffee. Bosch Beverage solutions exactly cater to this requirement, while helping you achieve perfect results with least amount of efforts, thus adding ease and convenience to your everyday life.•1850 Watts for faster boiling.• 1.7 l capacity.•Triple safety feature - Automatic shut-off, overheat and boil-dryprotection, switch-off when lifted off base.•Removable limescale filter in spout.•Covered heating element.TWK7601TWK7901•2200 Watts for faster boiling.• 1.7 l capacity.•Exclusive stainless steel design.•Triple safety feature - Automatic shut-off, overheat and boil-dryprotection, switch-off when lifted off base.•Removable limescale filter in spout.•Covered heating element.Expert, fast and reliable customer service from Bosch, before and after your purchase, Bosch is your partner for life.Reliability guaranteed. No compromises.All Bosch home appliances are produced with maximum care, using quality materials. We promise it in our manufacturer’s warranty on our appliances.Speedy ResponseOur customer’s time is valuable and so we react quickly. We aim for a business response time of 48 hrs from your call, offering on-site diagnosis and repairs. Our customer’s time is valuable and so we respond quickly.Quality service straight from the manufacturer. Original Bosch.We are committed to quality – also when it comes to after sales service. No-one knows our appliances better than our highly trained service engineers. They are working with the latest equipment for measuring, diagnostics and repairs, and use only original Bosch spare parts.Lifetime service. It goes without saying at Bosch.Once your warranty period is over, we are still there to assist you. You can rely on our expert care and first-rate service throughout your appliance’s life cycle. From missing instruction manual to appliance repair – we take care of everything. A promise is a promise!On-CallOur friendly Bosch Customer Service team provides competent, reliable assistance for all of your needs; whether that is product advice, to arranging a visit from a service engineer. Please contact: 1-800-266-1880 (toll-free)Mon-Sat: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PMService you can depend on.BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd.ndArena house, 2 floor,Main building, Plot no 103,Road no 12, MIDC, Andheri,Mumbai - 400 093www.bosch-home.inBosch Household Appliances reserves the right to change speci?cations without notice in the interest of technological progress.While every effort has been made to ensure that all speci?cations and descriptions are correct at the time of going to press, this brochure should not be regarded as an infallible guide for a particular product. Due to variation in the reproduction process, colours of products may vary slightly from those depicted. We recommend a visit to a Bosch dealer to con?rm that speci?cations and colours are to your own satisfaction.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means without the permission of BSH HouseholdAppliances Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. (E.O.E)1-800-266-1880 (toll-free)Mon - Sat: 8:00am to 8:00pm。

Productivity Products FEATURED PRODUCT GUIDEHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions (S&PS) provides comprehensivesolutions that enhance workplace safety and incident response, improve enterpriseperformance and enable greater product design innovation. Customers rely on Honeywell's connected solutions to provide real-time safety intelligence, increase worker productivity and enrich operational intelligence with data-driven insights. Honeywell servescustomers in aerospace, automotive, commercial building, first responder, field service, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, oil & gas, power and utilities, medical, retail, supply chain, test & measurement andtransportation markets.Precision That Yields PerformanceWearable Solution CK3R/ CK3X Tecton CS CK71Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)/Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft),Multiple 1.8 m (6 ft)with protective bootMultiple 2.4 m (8 ft)>*********> 1,000 tumbles @ 1 m> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 m-10°C to +50°C -20°C to +60°CCK75CN75/75e Dolphin 60s Dolphin 70e Dolphin 75e Multiple 2.4 m (8 ft)Multiple 2.4 m (8 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 m> 2000 tumbles @ 1 m> 800 tumbles @ 1 m >1,***************standard battery>***************extended battery> 1,000 tumbles @ .5 mstandard battery> 300 tumbles @ .5 mextended batteryIP 67IP67EDA50/EDA50K CT50CN51i.roc Ci70 -Ex*Dolphin 99EX/ 99EX NI* Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 2.4m (8ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.8 m (6 ft)00 tumbles at 0.5 m(1.64 ft)> 1,000 tumbles @ 1 m>1,***************> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 mIP54IP65IP67-10°C to +50°C (+14°F to +122°F) -20° to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-10° C to +50° C(+14° F to +122° F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)IP30CN70/ CN70E RFID IF2IV7Fixed Mount Vehicle MountISO1800-6B/ 6C EPC global UHFClass 1 Gen 2ISO1800-6C EPC global UHFClass 1 ISO1800-6B/ 6C EPC globalUHFClass 1 Gen 2ISO1800-6B EPC globalUHFClass 1 Gen 2-15°C to +50°C -20°C to +60°C-20°C to +50°C-25°C to +55°C Linear (70-deg cone)Internal, orientation insensitiveSL42 iPhone 6/ iPhone 6+Captuvo SL22/ SL22h Captuvo SL42/ SL42h Captuvo SL62 Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Optional OptionalTouch OnlyThor CV31Thor VM1/ CV41Thor VM2Thor VM3IP66IP66-30°C to +50°C (-22°F to +122°F)efroster units: -30°C to +50°C(-22°F to +122°F );tandard units: -20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-30°C to +50°C(-22°F to +122°F)16.5 cm (6.5”), VGA (640 x 480I-Class MK II203/300/600 dpi 300 mm/s (12 ips)Direct ThermalPM23cPD43 / PD43c203/300/406 dpi 203/300 dpi 300 mm/s (12 ips)203 mm/s (8 ips)Direct Thermal, Thermal TransferDirect Thermal, Thermal TransferProducts with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.PC43d/tPC42d4.1"203/300 dpi203 dpi203 mm/s (8 ips) 4 ips* M-4210 / M4308Connecitvity Key Bluetooth ®Ethernet Parallel Serial USB WifiNEWNEWRL3e/4e PB22/32 /50101 mm/s (4 ips)Products with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.MF4te PB21/31 /51PR2/3Receipt Receipt Receipt2.2”,3.3”,4.4” 2.2” ,3.3”203/300 dpi203 dpi203 dpiBasic: 101 mm/s (4 ips)Advanced: 127 mm/s (5 ips)101 mm/s (4 ips)101 mm/s (4 ips)152 mm/s (6 ips)Direct ThermalProducts with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.Eclipse 5145Voyager 1250gHH360TetheredCordedSingle-Line Laser Scanner with CodeGate®Linear Laser Area-Imaging Scanner Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Granit 1280i/ 1910i/ 1911i/ 1980i/ 1981iAutocube 8200Bluetooth® TetheredTetheredFull-Range Laser Scanner,Area-Imaging Scanner with Adaptus ®,Full-Range Area-Imaging Scanner 3D depth sensing technology -30°C to 50°C Multiple 2 m (6.5 ft)Xenon 1900g/1902g Voyager 1450g/1452gHH660Enhanced Xenon1900h/ 1902h Voyager 1602gBluetooth® Tethered Bluetooth® Tethered Tethered Bluetooth® Tethered Bluetooth®Area-Imaging Scanner with Adaptus®Linear/ Area-ImagingScannerArea-Imaging ScannerArea-Imaging Scannerwith Adaptus®Area Imaging RingScannerMultiple 1.8 m (6 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)50 drops 1.8 m (6 ft)8670 Bluetooth Ring ScannerBluetooth® Area-Imaging30 drops to concrete from 5' (1.5m)IP541D, PDF417,2D Bluetooth®Scan WedgeStratos 2400Stratos 2700HH400TetheredTetheredOmnidirectional Laser Omnidirectional Laser + Area-Imaging Scanner Area ImagerDesigned to withstand 1m drop to concreteOrbit 7120/OrbitCG 7180Orbit 7190YJ5900Genesis 7580HF600 Tethered Tethered Tethered Tethered TetheredOmnidirectional Laser Scanner with CodeGate®Hybrid,Omnidirectional Laserand Area-Imaging ScannerOmnidirectional LaserArea-Imaging Scannerwith Adaptus®Area Imager1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft) 2 times 1m (3.3ft) 1.2 m (4 ft) 2 times 1m (3.3ft)Sealed to resist airborne particulate contaminants Sealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsSealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsSealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsLaser:Reads standard 1D,Vuquest 3320g HF500Solaris 7980 Tethered Tethered TetheredArea-Imaging Scanner Area-Imager Area-Imaging Scanner 1.5 m (5 ft) 2 times 1.5m (5ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)IP401D, PDF, 2D,1D, 2D1D, PDF417, 2DUSB HID** 1 day turn on select scannersWith Honeywell Repair Services, it’s easy to get the level of repair coverage and protection that makes the most sense for your business.Honeywell Repair Services not only protect your device investment, but also provide predictable repair costs for the duration of your agreement.You can take advantage of multiple services programs, including either the Full Comprehensive Program or the Limited Comprehensive Program based on the product category and product type (general duty, rugged orspecialty) of your devices. Or you may prefer the Wear & Tear Program for your Honeywell devices. With each program, you also get comprehensive telephone support and access to the Honeywell Scanning & Mobility online Technical Support Portal for product information.Ensure business continuity, workflow performance and protection of your technology investments with Honeywell Repair Services — now available in over 70 countries with global pricing and global standards of quality.Honeywell Repair Services© Copyright 2017, Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Honeywell and its product names are among the trademarks and/or service marks owned by Honeywell International Inc., or its subsidiaries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Featured-Product-Guide | Rev01 | 01/17© 2017 Honeywell International Inc.For more informationHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions17 Changi Business Park Central 1Honeywell Building Singapore 486093Service Programs at a GlanceFeaturesFull ComprehensiveComprehensive coverage up to and including device replacement that covers accidental damage, wear and tear, damaged accessories, product defects, failures, and any other damage sustained when the device is used as intended in the work environment (Coverage for eligible accessories includes damaged styluses, battery door covers, screen protectors, and hand straps or clips when included with equipment for service).Limited ComprehensiveComprehensive coverage as described above, excluding device replacement.Wear & TearUplifts warranty and provides coverage for reasonable wear and tear and hardware manufacturing defects.Work Performance Assurance。

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意法半导体的3轴数字陀螺仪让用户可以设定全部量程,量程范围从±250 dps ~±2000 dps,低量程数值用于高精度慢速运动测量,而高量程则用于测量超快速的手势和运动。
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L3G4200D特性(ST)100元2010●三种可选全尺度(±250/500/2000存保计划)●I2C/SPI数字输出接口●16比特率值的数据输出●8比特温度数据输出●两个数字输出线(中断和data ready)●集成低和高通滤波器的用户可选带宽●在时间和温度上平稳●嵌入式self-test●宽电源电压,2.4 V到3.6 V●低电压兼容的IOS,1.8 V●嵌入式power-down和睡眠模式●嵌入式温度传感器●嵌入式FIFO缓存●高抗撞击能力●扩展的工作温度范围(-40 °C到+85 °C)●ECOPACK® RoHS 和“Green”认证一、寄存器1.控制寄存器CTRL_REG1(地址:20H):选择输出数据速率,带宽,X、Y、Z轴使能DR1-DR0 输出速率选择,BW1-BW0带宽选择见表CTRL_REG2(地址:21H):选择高通滤波模式和高通截止频率CTRL_REG3(地址:22H):中断使能CTRL_REG3CTRL_REG4(地址:23H):选择量程CTRL_REG5(地址:24H):FIFO使能,高通滤波使能STATUS_REG(地址:27H):状态寄存器,ZYXDA=1时,数据已准备好,可读。

APRIL 2013Quick-Refere nce GuideLAPTOP, DESKTO P AND VIDEO STORAGE DRIVESSeagate Partner Program MembersVisit the Sales Tools section to access the latestproduct roadmap, end-of-life schedule and product information. DistributorsEMEA SPP Support00-800-6890-8282US Sales Support1-800-SEAGATE or 1-405-324-4700Visit for more information or call 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283) © 2013 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, G-Force Protection, Momentus, Pipeline HD, SmartAlign and SV35 Series are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. The FIPS logo is a certification mark of NIST, which does not imply product endorsement by NIST, the U.S., or Canadian governments. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’s operating system may use a different standard of measurement and report a lower capacity. In addition, some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions, and thus will not be available for data storage. Actual data rates may vary depending on operating environment and other factors. The export or re-export of hardware or software containing encryption may be regulated by the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (for more information go to ). Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. QR502.15-1304GB, April 2013APRIL 2013Quick-Reference GuideLAPTOP, DESKTOP AND VIDEO STORAGE DRIVESNew Seagate Model Number KeyDesktop, laptop and video storageST 500 DX 001BRANdCAPACiTySegMeNTATTRiBuTeS2 letters ST= Seagate MX= Maxtor2 to 4 digits 80 = 80GB 500 = 500GB 1500 = 1,500GB Capacities>9,999GB: 10 = 10TB 15 = 15TB2 lettersDX = Desktop Premium DM = Mainstream DL = Entry LevelLX = Laptop Premium LM = Laptop Mainstream LT = Laptop Thin VX = Surveillance VM = DVR VT = DVR Thin3 digits, non-intelligent Varies for:Z-height Form Factor RPM Cache Interface SED, FIPS Drop Sensor Interface SpeedView a brief training presentation on how our model numbering format has changed at /seagate/ModelNumber 1 One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes; and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes when referring to drive capacity.2See FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certificate at /groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/1401vend.htm.37mm z-height expanded to 9.5mm enables compatibility with standard laptop chassis.4Advanced Format 4K sector drive with SmartAlign ™ technology resolves misalignment conditions.5Seagate makes this drive in both 4K and 512-byte sectors. SmartAlign technology is included on 4K sector drives. Both drives are functionally and physically equivalent.6Formerly Barracuda ®drive。
G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc. 产品说明书

Project Summary G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc. (G3) of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, is a special-ized manufacturer of backcountry ski and safety equipment designed for guides and avalanche professionals. “If you’re a guide in the backcountry, other peoples’ lives can depend on the gear that you choose,” says Cameron Shute, G3 product devel-opment engineer. That’s why G3 uses Autodesk ® Algor ® Simulation software to help ensure the safety and effectiveness of its products, including skis, telemark bindings and accessories, climbing skins, avalanche probes, and backcountry shovels and saws.For one G3 product, the TARGA Ascent telemark ski binding, Shute performed linear static stress simula-tions to validate and optimize all of its components. “Autodesk Algor Simulation displacement and stress results gave us confidence that we were in the ball-park of a successful design before we actually fabri-cated and physically tested the binding,” says Shute. “We went through many iterations and tests on this product, but Autodesk simulation technologyhelped get it to market quickly.” The TARGA Ascenthas won multiple ski industry awards, including theprestigious ISPO Outdoor Award (presented at thelargest general sporting goods show in Europe) forbest outdoor innovation in the hardware category,Skiing Magazine ’s Best in Test, and POWDERMagazine ’s Skier’s Choice.The ChallengeFounded in 1995, G3 has earned a reputation for developing and manufacturing innovative, depend-able guide gear for the backcountry ski market. “Our product innovations are inspired by combin-ing many years of skiing experience and product design,” says Shute.G3 uses SolidWorks ® software for design in con-junction with Autodesk simulation technology for design validation and optimization. “I open the na-tive SolidWorks files in Autodesk Algor Simulation software and find that my data translates fine,” says Shute. “We then perform linear static stresssimulations on the structural components of everyproduct.”Shute explains his role: “I bring backcountry skiing products to market, from initial concepts to final manufactured products and all steps in between. Currently, I’m a project manager, but I’m still heavily involved in the technical aspects of design, includ-ing simulation, materials, and testing.”Safe gear for ski guides.North Vancouver–based G3 Genuine Guide Gear develops an award-winning ski binding with Autodesk ® Algor ®Simulation software.Image courtesy of G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc.Shute’s experience in simulation includes college-level instruction. “I took a course at the Universityof Alberta on finite element analysis, but it wasa fundamental course on understanding how thefinite element method works rather than focusingon applications of simulation within the design pro-cess. I’ve also used simulation software from ANSYSand SolidWorks; however, I find Autodesk AlgorSimulation software to be much more intuitive andfeel like I have much more of an understanding ofeach step of the simulation workflow.”In addition, Shute has taken advantage of Autodeskeducation and training materials and services. “Iattended an Algor Simulation training course, whichfurther helped my understanding of simulationsoftware. But, mostly, I’ve learned what I need toknow to get my job done by working with the tutori-als, online documentation, and an occasional call toAutodesk technical support. Autodesk is there tosupport my learning—when and how I need it.”Shute describes the benefits of using AutodeskAlgor Simulation software: “For me, it’s the abilityto control my meshing with lots of options for fine-tuning and refinement of critical areas. We definitelysave time and money by being a step ahead whenwe digitally prototype concepts. Autodesk AlgorSimulation allows us to have a general sense of therelative strengths of parts in an assembly so we cando some initial optimization of part designs beforecommitting to physical prototyping. We often knowwhere parts are going to start breaking in tests likefatigue and can focus on those areas when inspect-ing tests. For the cost of the software, we receivegreat value.”Autodesk Algor Simulation Meets the Challenge Shute used Autodesk Algor Simulation software to validate and optimize all components of G3’s TARGA Ascent telemark ski binding. “Unlike alpine skiing equipment, the skis used for telemarking—or free-heel skiing—have a binding that only con-nects the boot to the ski at the toes, much like in cross-country skiing,” explains Shute. “However, cross-country products are lighter and used mainly for flatter terrain with little or no downhill perfor-mance. Telemark bindings are more heavy-duty to withstand the increased forces encountered in high-speed descents. They allow skiers to execute fluid turns and provide good performance for both touring and downhill skiing.”The TARGA Ascent provides a pole-activated free pivot system, easily switching the binding from tour to ski mode. In tour mode, the Ascent toeplate pivots unrestricted on a stainless steel axle, eliminating the burden of boot flex resistance for a natural feel and efficient stride. A flick of the switch easily converts the Ascent into ski mode where a stainless steel sliding retainer moves into place above a forged stainless steel retention bar, allowing outstanding downhill control.“Our design goals for the Ascent were that it must be strong, light, reliable, and functional,” says Shute. To help achieve those goals, Shute applied Autodesk simulation technology. “We used Autodesk Algor Simulation software extensively to optimize the weight and strength of structural plastic and metal components as well as elastomers for damping and spring force. This included the solving of many inter-esting design problems, like flexible tabs calcula-tions and spring force estimates.”Autodesk and Algor are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may ap-pear in this document. © 2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.The Result The G3 TARGA Ascent is now in production and available at select retailers worldwide. “The Ascent is telemark’s lightest (1,400 grams or 49.4 ounces), high-performance touring binding,” says Shute. “Professional explorers and guides choose G3 TARGA Ascent bindings because they are built to stand up to today’s big boots and aggressive skiers.”For more information about Autodesk Algor Simulation software, visit /algorsimulation.—Cameron Shute Product Development Engineer G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc.Image courtesy of G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc.Image courtesy of G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc.。
iGET SMART L32 平板计算机用户指南说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.iGET 84000338 SMART L32 FullHD LTE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa User GuideHome » iGET » iGET 84000338 SMART L32 FullHD LTE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa UserGuideContents1 iGET 84000338 SMART L32 FullHD L TE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and FlipCasa2 Product Information3 Product Usage Instructions4 Safety Precautions5 Other Precautions6 Maintenance of Display7 Description of Tablet8 Technical parameters9 Basic operation of the tablet10 Camera11 Tablet charging12 Documents / Resources12.1 References13 Related PostsiGET 84000338 SMART L32 FullHD LTE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip CasaProduct Informationconnect.6. Application Installation:You can download thousands of applications from Google Play (log in to your Google account).To install applications from a USB flash drive, locate the APK file and tap on it.To uninstall an application, press and hold it, then drag it to the designated area.7. Camera Usage:Avoid manually adjusting focus while recording videos, as it may result in audible focus adjustments inthe recorded video.The camera is equipped with autofocus, eliminating the need for manual focus adjustment duringrecording.Please refer to the user manual for additional information and safety precautions.Safety Precautions1. Do not place heavy or sharp objects on the LCD / tablet and do not press your fingers onto screen(touchscreen) so as not to damage the touch layer or screen.2. Do not expose your LCD / tablet to direct sunlight and heat radiation and do not cover it.3. Do not use the tablet in the environment with higher or lower temperature than the recommended one: 10° C to40° C.4. Do not expose the tablet to dusty and humid environments over 85% including rain and liquids.5. Do not use any corrosive cleaning agents for cleaning the LCD and tablet.6. Do not expose the table to strong magnetic or electronic interferences.7. Do not use other power adapters than those that are the part of the tablet. The supplied power source can onlybe connected to the electrical system, whose voltage corresponds to the source nameplate (220 V ~ 240 V, 50 Hz ± 1 Hz).8. Keep the power adapter out of places with lower combustion and on the parts of human body, because theadapter is getting hot and can cause an injury. Keeps always the entire process of device charging under control, so that to avoid personal injury and property damage due to fire or electric breakdown from the outlet.9. Do not use the tablet while eating or drinking.10. The tablet should not be used in activities that need special attention and caution, and place greater demandson visual perception during activities.11. The tablet should not be used when walking, cycling, driving or during other means of transport, and whenoperating any mechanism or equipment.12. When using a headset with the tablet, it is recommended to not set a high volume because the user will nolonger completely perceive the surrounding environment and all possible risks.13. Keep out of the reach of children.14. If the tablet was for some time in the environment with a lower temperature than 10° C, leave this tablet off in aroom at temperature 10 to 40° C for more than two hours. Only then you can switch it on.15. Set up the claim for warranty repair of device at your dealer. If you have technical questions or problems,contact your dealer or https://helpdesk.intelek.cz.16. For household use: The given symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) on the product or at accompanyingdocuments means that used electrical and electronic products should not be disposed ofwith household waste. To ensure proper disposal of the product, hand it over to a designated collection point,where it will be accepted free of charge. The correct disposal of this product will help to save valuable natural resources and prevent any potential negative impacts on the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate disposal of wastes. For more details, please, contact your localauthorities or the nearest collection point. The improper disposal of this waste can be penalized in accordance with national regulations. Information for users to disposal of electrical and electronic devices (corporate and business use): For proper disposal of electrical and electronic devices, ask for details from your dealer or distributor. Information for users to disposal of electrical and electronic devices in other countries outside EU: The above -mentioned symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) is valid only in thecountries of EU. For proper disposal of electrical and electronic devices, ask for details from your authorities or dealer. All is expressed by the symbol of crossed-out wheeled bin on product, packaging or in printedmaterials.17. Do not increase a volume to the extent causing the hearing damage.18. Only charge the batteries when they are empty. Do not let them discharge below 15%. Disconnect from thepower supply after charging.19. Not designed for use near water, e.g. next to a bath-tub, basin, sink, kitchen sink, in a wet basement or near aswimming pool.20. Update your tablet as soon as a new version of software (Android) is available).21. The buyer is obliged to provide a serial number on the warranty card as well as in the delivery note and theproof of purchase. In this context, the buyer acknowledges that unless the serial number of goods is notmarked on the proof of purchase, delivery note and in the warranty card and therefore it cannot be possible to compare this serial number marked on goods and its protective packaging with the serial number stated in the warranty card, delivery note and the proof of purchase and thus to verify that the goods runs from the seller, the service center is competent to claim such a goods automatically and reject it immediately. The buyer must instruct all persons to whom the goods would be subsequently sold. Product complaints do with your dealer if you are not on the web www.iget.eu indicated otherwise.Other PrecautionsFollow the rules for working with electrical devices and plug the power supply cord only to the corresponding electrical outlets. The user is not competent to dismantle the device or replace any part of it. When opening or removing the covers the risk of electric shock is threatening. The incorrect reassembly may also lead to your injury by electric shock. In case of necessary service intervention contact exclusively qualified service technicians. Any unprofessional intervention by the tablet with unauthorized service or a change in the device will invalidate the warranty and the manufacturer/distributor will not be liable for any consequences.Declaration of Conformity:Company INTELEK.CZ s.r.o. hereby declares that all SMART L32 devices are in compliance with essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available on this website www.iget.eu.The warranty period of the product is 24 months, unless stated otherwise.This device can be used in the following countries:Power – control button for ON/OFF/SLEEPWi-fi:802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Bluetooth BT 5.0GNSS GPS+aGPSSound2*Built-in speakerBuilt-in microphone Camera Front 2.0 MPx, rear 5.0 MPx G sensor SupportedExternal slots 1*microSD card (support up to 256 GB microSD) 1*stereo headphones (3,5″)1*USB – C 2.0 port2G/3G/4G SupportedColor GrayBattery7 000 mAh, 3.8 V Li-Ion polymer batteryPower adapter USB 5V, 2.0 AGoogle, Android, Google Play, YouTube and other marks are trademarks of Google LLC.Individual technical parameters, the description of the tablet and the design may differ depending on the different versions of the tablet and Android updates. Precise specifications and other information can be found on website www.iget.eu. Misprints reserved.First Quick SettingSettings:1. Setting of language + keyboardSettings – System – Language & input – Languages – English2. Wi-Fi settingSettings – Network and Internet – Internet – Wi-Fi – click on the button – Wi-Fi will turn on – select the desired network – enter the password – click on – Connect3. Setting of Google AccountSettings – Accounts – + Add Account – Google according to:a) I have Google Account (e-mail)Select Enter my email – click on Next – Fill up Gmail – click on Next – fill up the password to Google Account –click on Next – wait for login to your Accountb) I do not have Google Account (e-mail)Select or create new Account – click on Next – fill up Name and Surname – click on Next – type your phone number – click on Next – click on VALIDATE – enter the code coming to your mobile phone – click on Next –enter your user name – click on Next – type the password on the first line and subsequently on the second line – click on Next – wait for confirmation code and type it again – click on Next – then click again Next to I AGREE – wait until the Account is created – you can or need not to enter the information about your debit or credit card – Next button – Your Google Account has been created and you can now log into Google Play4. Setting up installation of applications from unknown sourcesSettings – Applications – Applications with special access – Install unknown applications – Enable for the application from which you want to install the unknown application5. Installation of applicationsYou can download thousands of apps on Google Play (please login with your Google Account)Applications downloaded on a USB flash drive (nazev.apk)6. Deleting of applications1. Hold the app on the desktop for about 1s, then you will see the option to uninstall at the top. Swipe theapp to uninstall and release.Basic operation of the tablet1. button Lock onlong pressing the button on the top of the tablet2. button for Sleepshort pressing the button to lock on3. button for Waking up (LCD off)short pressing of button to lock on + unlock by pulling across display4. button for Unlocklong pressing of button to lock on + click off and then OKCameraDo not use manual focus while shooting a video, you may hear camera focusing in the video. The camera is equipped with autofocus and there is no need to focus manually during shooting.Installation of SD card and SIM card:The tablet must be turned off when inserting and removing the SIM / SD card. When the tablet is turned off, you can insert a microSD expansion card and a SIM card. The card slot needs to be removed using the clip from the package. Then insert the cards into the slots and slide the card slot back into the tablet. Make sure the sides are oriented correctly!First use of tablet:Before first use leave the tablet at least 15 minutes to charge, otherwise the tablet may not start.Tablet chargingThe tablet has intelligent charging system. If the battery is fully discharged it is time to let the tablet charge for a longer time. The system charges the battery with a small current to certain level to recovery and then tablet start quick charging. The tablet can not be turned on in first phase. The tablet can be turned on at first when a battery symbol indicates at least 2% of the charge. This process can take 40 minutes. This charging system significantly prolongs the battery life. The tablet’s battery should not be drained below 10% for the longest battery life.To charge the tablet, use only the original 5V 2A charger or a charger with the same parameters. Do not use fast chargers, it could cause irreversible damage to the tablet.Produer / exclusive importer of iGET products to EU:INTELEK.CZ s.r.o., se sídlem Olivova 2096/4, Nové město, 110 00 Praha, CZWEB: http://www.iget.euSUPPORT: http://www.iget.eu/helpdesk Copyright © 2023 INTELEK.CZ s r.o. All rights reserved.Documents / ResourcesiGET 84000338 SMART L32 FullHD LTE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa[pdf] User Guide84000338 SMART L32 FullHD LTE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa, 84000338, SMART L32 FullHD LTE 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa, L32 FullHD LTE8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa, 8GB-256GB Steel Blue Plus iPEN2 and FlipCasa, Blue Plus iPEN2 and Flip Casa, iPEN2 and Flip Casa, Flip Casa, Casa ReferencesKOMPONENTY DATOVÝCH A TELEKOMUNIKAČNÍCH SÍTÍ | IntelekInternetový obchod a pokladní systém zdarma! 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quick start guide to vhdl - brock j. lameres说明书

Q UICK S TART G UIDE TO VHDLQ UICK S TART G UIDE TO VHDL1Brock MeresBrock MeresDepartment of Electrical&Computer EngineeringMontana State UniversityBozeman,MT,USAISBN978-3-030-04515-9ISBN978-3-030-04516-6(eBook)https:///10.1007/978-3-030-04516-6Library of Congress Control Number:2018963722#Springer Nature Switzerland AG2019This work is subject to copyright.All rights are reserved by the Publisher,whether the whole or part of the material is concerned,specifically the rights of translation,reprinting,reuse of illustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way,and transmission or information storage and retrieval,electronic adaptation,computer software,or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names,registered names,trademarks,service marks,etc.in this publication does not imply,even in the absence of a specific statement,that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher,the authors,and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication.Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied,with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Cover illustration:#Carloscastilla j -Binary Code PhotoThis Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AGThe registered company address is:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,SwitzerlandPrefaceThe classical digital design approach(i.e.,manual synthesis and minimization of logic)quickly becomes impractical as systems become more complex.This is the motivation for the modern digital designflow,which uses hardware description languages(HDL)and computer-aided synthesis/minimi-zation to create thefinal circuitry.The purpose of this book is to provide a quick start guide to the VHDL language,which is one of the two most common languages used to describe logic in the modern digital designflow.This book is intended for anyone that has already learned the classical digital design approach and is ready to begin learning HDL-based design.This book is also suitable for practicing engineers that already know VHDL and need quick reference for syntax and examples of common circuits.This book assumes that the reader already understands digital logic(i.e.,binary numbers, combinational and sequential logic design,finite state machines,memory,and binary arithmetic basics).Since this book is designed to accommodate a designer that is new to VHDL,the language is presented in a manner that builds foundational knowledgefirst before moving into more complex topics. As such,Chaps.1–5only present functionality built into the VHDL standard package.Only after a comprehensive explanation of the most commonly used packages from the IEEE library is presented in Chap.7,are examples presented that use data types from the widely adopted STD_LOGIC_1164 package.For a reader that is using the book as a reference guide,it may be more practical to pull examples from Chaps.7–12as they use the types std_logic and std_logic_vector.For a VHDL novice, understanding the history and fundamentals of the VHDL base release will help form a comprehensive understanding of the language;thus it is recommended that the early chapters are covered in the sequence they are written.Bozeman,MT,USA Brock MeresAcknowledgmentsFor Alexis.The world is a better place because you are in it.Contents1:THE MODERN DIGITAL DESIGN FLOW (1)1.1H ISTORY OF H ARDWARE D ESCRIPTION L ANGUAGES (1)1.2HDL A BSTRACTION (4)1.3T HE M ODERN D IGITAL D ESIGN F LOW (8)2:VHDL CONSTRUCTS (13)2.1D ATA T YPES (13)2.1.1Enumerated Types (13)2.1.2Range Types (14)2.1.3Physical Types (14)2.1.4Vector Types (14)2.1.5User-Defined Enumerated Types (15)2.1.6Array Type (15)2.1.7Subtypes (15)2.2VHDL M ODEL C ONSTRUCTION (16)2.2.1Libraries and Packages (16)2.2.2The Entity (17)2.2.3The Architecture (17)3:MODELING CONCURRENT FUNCTIONALITY (21)3.1VHDL O PERATORS (21)3.1.1Assignment Operator (21)3.1.2Logical Operators (22)3.1.3Numerical Operators (23)3.1.4Relational Operators (23)3.1.5Shift Operators (23)3.1.6Concatenation Operator (24)3.2C ONCURRENT S IGNAL A SSIGNMENTS WITH L OGICAL O PERATORS (24)3.2.1Logical Operator Example:SOP Circuit (25)3.2.2Logical Operator Example:One-Hot Decoder (26)3.2.3Logical Operator Example:7-Segment Display Decoder (27)3.2.4Logical Operator Example:One-Hot Encoder (29)3.2.5Logical Operator Example:Multiplexer (31)3.2.6Logical Operator Example:Demultiplexer (32)3.3C ONDITIONAL S IGNAL A SSIGNMENTS (34)3.3.1Conditional Signal Assignment Example:SOP Circuit (34)3.3.2Conditional Signal Assignment Example:One-Hot Decoder (35)3.3.3Conditional Signal Assignment Example:7-Segment Display Decoder (36)3.3.4Conditional Signal Assignment Example:One-Hot Encoder (37)3.3.5Conditional Signal Assignment Example:Multiplexer (38)3.3.6Conditional Signal Assignment Example:Demultiplexer (39)x•Contents3.4S ELECTED S IGNAL A SSIGNMENTS (41)3.4.1Selected Signal Assignment Example:SOP Circuit (41)3.4.2Selected Signal Assignment Example:One-Hot Decoder (42)3.4.3Selected Signal Assignment Example:7-Segment Display Decoder (43)3.4.4Selected Signal Assignment Example:One-Hot Encoder (44)3.4.5Selected Signal Assignment Example:Multiplexer (45)3.4.6Selected Signal Assignment Example:Demultiplexer (46)3.5D ELAYED S IGNAL A SSIGNMENTS (48)3.5.1Inertial Delay (48)3.5.2Transport Delay (48)4:STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND HIERARCHY (53)4.1C OMPONENTS (53)4.1.1Component Instantiation (53)4.1.2Port Mapping (53)4.2S TRUCTURAL D ESIGN E XAMPLES:R IPPLE C ARRY A DDER (56)4.2.1Half Adders (56)4.2.2Full Adders (56)4.2.3Ripple Carry Adder(RCA) (58)4.2.4Structural Model of a Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL (59)5:MODELING SEQUENTIAL FUNCTIONALITY (65)5.1T HE P ROCESS (65)5.1.1Sensitivity Lists (65)5.1.2Wait Statements (66)5.1.3Sequential Signal Assignments (67)5.1.4Variables (68)5.2C ONDITIONAL P ROGRAMMING C ONSTRUCTS (70)5.2.1If/Then Statements (70)5.2.2Case Statements (71)5.2.3Infinite Loops (73)5.2.4While Loops (75)5.2.5For Loops (75)5.3S IGNAL A TTRIBUTES (76)6:PACKAGES (81)6.1STD_LOGIC_1164 (81)6.1.1STD_LOGIC_1164Resolution Function (82)6.1.2STD_LOGIC_1164Logical Operators (83)6.1.3STD_LOGIC_1164Edge Detection Functions (83)6.1.4STD_LOGIC_1164Type Converstion Functions (84)6.2NUMERIC_STD (85)6.2.1NUMERIC_STD Arithmetic Functions (85)6.2.2NUMERIC_STD Logical Functions (87)6.2.3NUMERIC_STD Comparison Functions (87)6.2.4NUMERIC_STD Edge Detection Functions (87)Contents•xi6.2.5NUMERIC_STD Conversion Functions (88)6.2.6NUMERIC_STD Type Casting (88)6.3TEXTIO AND STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO (89)6.4O THER C OMMON P ACKAGES (92)6.4.1NUMERIC_STD_UNSIGNED (92)6.4.2NUMERIC_BIT (92)6.4.3NUMERIC_BIT_UNSIGNED (93)6.4.4MATH_REAL (93)6.4.5MATH_COMPLEX (95)6.4.6Legacy Packages(STD_LOGIC_ARITH/UNSIGNED/SIGNED) (95)7:TEST BENCHES (99)7.1T EST B ENCH O VERVIEW (99)7.2G ENERATING S TIMULUS V ECTORS U SING F OR L OOPS (101)7.3A UTOMATED C HECKING U SING R EPORT AND A SSERT S TATEMENTS (102)7.3.1Report Statement (102)7.3.2Assert Statement (103)7.4U SING E XTERNAL I/O IN T EST B ENCHES (104)7.4.1Writing to an External File from a Test Bench (104)7.4.2Writing to STD_OUTPUT from a Test Bench (107)7.4.3Reading from an External File in a Test Bench (109)7.4.4Reading Space-Delimited Data from an External File in a Test Bench (111)8:MODELING SEQUENTIAL STORAGE AND REGISTERS (117)8.1M ODELING S CALAR S TORAGE D EVICES (117)8.1.1D-Latch (117)8.1.2D-Flip-Flop (118)8.1.3D-Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Resets (118)8.1.4D-Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Reset and Preset (119)8.1.5D-Flip-Flop with Synchronous Enable (120)8.2M ODELING R EGISTERS (121)8.2.1Registers with Enables (121)8.2.2Shift Registers (122)8.2.3Registers as Agents on a Data Bus (123)9:MODELING FINITE STATE MACHINES (127)9.1T HE FSM D ESIGN P ROCESS AND A P USH-B UTTON W INDOW C ONTROLLER E XAMPLE (127)9.1.1Modeling the States with User-Defined,Enumerated Data Types (128)9.1.2The State Memory Process (129)9.1.3The Next State Logic Process (129)9.1.4The Output Logic Process (130)9.1.5Explicitly Defining State Codes with Subtypes (132)9.2FSM D ESIGN E XAMPLES (133)9.2.1Serial Bit Sequence Detector in VHDL (133)9.2.2Vending Machine Controller in VHDL (135)9.2.32-Bit,Binary Up/Down Counter in VHDL (137)xii•Contents10:MODELING COUNTERS (143)10.1M ODELING C OUNTERS WITH A S INGLE P ROCESS (143)10.1.1Counters in VHDL Using the Type UNSIGNED (143)10.1.2Counters in VHDL Using the Type INTEGER (144)10.1.3Counters in VHDL Using the Type STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (145)10.2C OUNTERS WITH E NABLES AND L OADS (148)10.2.1Modeling Counters with Enables (148)10.2.2Modeling Counters with Loads (149)11:MODELING MEMORY (153)11.1M EMORY A RCHITECTURE AND T ERMINOLOGY (153)11.1.1Memory Map Model (153)11.1.2Volatile vs.Nonvolatile Memory (154)11.1.3Read-Only vs.Read/Write Memory (154)11.1.4Random Access vs.Sequential Access (154)11.2M ODELING R EAD-O NLY M EMORY (155)11.3M ODELING R EAD/W RITE M EMORY (158)12:COMPUTER SYSTEM DESIGN (163)12.1C OMPUTER H ARDWARE (163)12.1.1Program Memory (164)12.1.2Data Memory (164)12.1.3Input/Output Ports (164)12.1.4Central Processing Unit (164)12.1.5A Memory-Mapped System (166)12.2C OMPUTER S OFTWARE (168)12.2.1Opcodes and Operands (169)12.2.2Addressing Modes (169)12.2.3Classes of Instructions (170)12.3C OMPUTER I MPLEMENTATION:A N8-B IT C OMPUTER E XAMPLE (177)12.3.1Top-Level Block Diagram (177)12.3.2Instruction Set Design (178)12.3.3Memory System Implementation (179)12.3.4CPU Implementation (184)APPENDIX A:LIST OF WORKED EXAMPLES (207)INDEX (211)。
京瓷 TASKalfa 系列多功能一体机快速参考指南说明书

TASKalfa 8353ci
TASKalfa 7353ci
TASKalfa 7054ci
TASKalfa 6054ci
TASKalfa 5054ci
600 x 600 dpi 1200 x 1200 dpi 4800 x 1200 dpi*
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600 x 600 dpi 1200 x 1200 dpi 4800 x 1200 dpi*
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600 x 600 dpi
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Memory (Std/Max)
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4.5GB Std. 320GB Standard
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Christie D4K40-RGB与Roadie 4K40-RGB产品规格说明书

4K40-RGB SpecificationsLearn about the product specifications. Due to continuing research, specifications are subject to change without notice.ModelsThis guide applies to the following models.•D4K40-RGB•Roadie 4K40-RGBProduct documentationFor installation, setup, and user information, see the product documentation available on the Christie website. Read all instructions before using or servicing this product.D4K40-RGB and Roadie 4K40-RGB1.Access the documentation from the Christie website:•Go to this URL: http://bit.ly/2NIBz7a orhttps:///en-us/business/products/projectors/3-chip-dlp.•Scan the QR code using a QR code reader app on a smartphone or tablet.2.On the product page, select the model and switch to the Downloads tab.Related documentationAdditional information on this product is available in the following documents.•4K40-RGB Product Safety Guide (P/N: 020-102957-XX)•D4K40-RGB and Roadie 4K40-RGB Installation and Setup Guide (P/N: 020-102961-XX)•D4K40-RGB and Roadie 4K40-RGB User Guide (P/N: 020-102958-XX)•D4K40-RGB and Roadie 4K40-RGB Status System Guide (P/N: 020-102975-XX)•D4K40-RGB and Roadie 4K40-RGB Serial Commands Guide (P/N: 020-102972-XX)•4K40-RGB Service Guide (P/N: 020-102960-XX)DisplayLearn about the display specifications.Control signal compatibilityPhysical specificationsLearn the dimensions and weight of the projector.AccessoriesLearn about the accessories (sold separately) available for the projector. LensesFilters and coolantLine cordsOther accessoriesEnvironmentLearn about the environment requirements for projector while operating and not operating.RegulatoryThis product conforms to the latest regulations and standards related to product safety, environmental, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements.Safety•ANSI/UL 60950-1 – Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements•CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 – Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements•IEC/EN 60825-1 – Safety of Laser Products – Part 1: Equipment Classification and Requirements•IEC/EN 62471-5 – Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems – Part 5: Image projectors•UL 60950-1 – Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General RequirementsElectro-magnetic compatibilityEmissions•CAN ICES-003 (A)/NMB-003 (A) – Information Technology Equipment (Including Digital Apparatus) – Limits and Methods of Measurement•CISPR 32:2012/EN 55032:2012, Class A – Electromagnetic Compatibility of Multimedia Equipment – Emission Requirements•FCC CFR47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A – Unintentional Radiators•IEC 61000-3-11/EN61000-3-11: Limitations of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations, and Flicker for equipment with rated current ≤ 75 A•IEC 61000-3-12/EN61000-3-12: Limits for harmonic current emissions for equipment for systems with input current > 16 A and ≤ 75 A per phaseImmunity•CISPR 24:2010/EN55024:2010 EMC Requirements – Information Technology Equipment –Immunity Characteristics – Limits and Methods of MeasurementsEnvironmental•China Ministry of Information Industry (along with 7 other Government Agencies) Order No.32 (01/2016) on the control of pollution caused by electronic information products, hazardoussubstances concentration limits (GB/T 26572 - 2011), and the applicable product markingrequirement (SJ/T 11364 - 2014).•EU Directive (2011/65/EU) on the restriction of the uses of certain hazardous substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment and the applicable official amendment(s).•EU Directive (2012/19/EU) on waste and electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and the applicable official amendment(s).•Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 on the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (REACH) and the applicable official amendment(s).。
Orbit - dBucket Flanger用户手册说明书

USER MANUAL dBucket FlangerSwitches between positive, negative and positive/negative feedback. With positive feedback, the wet and dry signals are in phase, producing a jet-like swish when higher REGEN settings are used.Negative Feedback creates ‘hollow’ or watery’ flange sounds. The +/- Feedback settings uses a unique frequency dependent feedback that combines elements of both Positive and Negative to create new sonic possibilities.Controls the feedbackintensity of the flanging effect.Adjusts flanger LFO speed.Adjusts flanger LFO width.Switches between logarithmic, linear and through zero LFOs. The LOG setting produces an even-sounding frequency sweep. LIN setting produces a frequency sweep that speeds up as it goes higher, and slows down as you go lower . With the LOG and LIN settings respectively, you can cover two classic flanger sounds with the flip of a switch. Thru 0 advances the wet signal ahead of the dry signal for dramatic flanging effects unavailable in most flangers.Adjusts wet/dry mix . Most flangers don’t include this control but it can be very handy if an extreme flanging sound needs to be tamed without altering the fundamental effect sound.Controls the delay time of the flanging effect. Higher settings produce higher frequency flanging effects, while lower settings produce lower frequency flanging effects. Its impact is most easily heard with lower Width Press to select saved favorite sound. When FAVORITE LED is lit the favorite setting is engaged. When each knob is turned, the LED will indicate the saved favorite position of the knob. Push and hold the foot switch to save a new favorite sound.Engages and disengageseffect. Bypass mode is always true bypass . LED on indicates that the effect is engaged.WIDTHSPEED pos +/-negBYPASSFAVORITEMANUALMIXFEEDBACK LFOlog lin thruHigh impedance mono input.Stereo outputs. Use LEFT OUT for mono signal output.Standard 9V DC center negative power input.250 mA available current required.Connect a standard TRSexpression pedal for continuous control over any selectable knob parameter . To select the knob controlled by the expression pedal, hold the FAVORITE footswitch during power up. The first knob turned is then then assigned to the expression pedal. The maximum position the knob is turned up to becomes the expression pedal “toe down” maximum value.Sample SettingsSpecificationsInput Impedance 1Meg Ohm Output Impedance 100 Ohm Signal to Noise110dBFrequency Response 20Hz to 20kHz Max Input Level +8dBuDSP performance 1596 MegaFLOPSBypass Switching True Bypass (electromechanical relay switching)Dimensions4.5” deep x 4” wide x 1.75” tallPower SupplyInput Voltage 9VDC Center Negative Required Current250mAFeatures• Hand Crafted dBucket Algorithm• Super Low Noise, high performance A/D and D/A Converters • Premium analog front end and output section • High Performance DSP• 3 LFO types (log, lin, through zero)• 3 Feedback types (positive, negative, pos/neg)• Stereo Output• Expression pedal input with selectable control over any knob parameter • Favorite footswitch for saving your favorite setting • Rugged & Lightweight Anodized Aluminum Chassis • No-Nonsense User Interface • True BypassStrymon Non-Transferrable Limited WarrantyExclusionsThis warranty covers defects in manufacturing discovered while using this product as recommended by Strymon. This warranty does not cover loss or theft, nor does the coverage extend to damage caused by misuse, abuse, unauthorized modification, improper storage, lightning, or natural disasters.Limits of LiabilityIn the case of malfunction, the purchaser’s sole recourse shall be repair or replacement, as described in the preceding paragraphs. Strymon will not be held liable to any party for damages that result from the failure of this product. Damages excluded include, but are not limited to, the following: lost profits, lost savings, damage to other equipment, and incidental or consequential damages arising from the use, or inability to use this product. In no event will Strymon be liable for more than the amount of the purchase price, not to exceed the current retail price of the product. Strymon disclaims any other warranties, express or implied. By using the product, the user accepts all terms herein.How to Obtain Service Under this WarrantyFor North American customers: Contact Strymon through our website at /support for Return Authorization and information. Proof of original ownership may be required in the form of a purchase receipt.For International Customers: Contact the Strymon dealer from which the product was purchased from in order to arrange warranty repair service.Strymon® is a division of Damage Control®, LLC.WarrantyStrymon warrants the product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase. If the product fails within the warranty period, Strymon will repair or, at our discretion, replace the product at no cost to the original purchaser.。
Rice Lake 型号产品使用指南说明书

At Rice Lake our goal is to be the best by every measure. When all else is equal, three things will make your experi-ence with us distinctly different. Service. Selection. Speed.Our roots are planted firmly in the principles of quality and customer service. Through three generations of family own-ership these ideals remain unchanged. As an international leader in the manufacture and distribution of weight-related products and process-control equipment, our experts know load cells and are here to guide you to the right one. Only Rice Lake has the world’s largest selection of load cells and mounts, including Rice Lake, Vishay Celtron, Vishay BLH, HBM, Flintec, Interface, Vishay RTI, Vishay Sensortronics and Vishay T edea-Huntleigh.This brochure is a condensed version of Rice Lake’s full load cell and weigh module product offering. The entire selection can be found through our website and our annu-ally published Load Cell Guide—one of the most utilized re-sources in the weighing industry; complete with dimension-al drawings, technical specifications, wiring codes and load ratings. T o obtain Rice Lake’s Load Cell Guide, contact our literature coordinator at 800-472-6703, or download a PDF version from our website, .Customer Assistance and Service Department hours Weekdays: 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM (Central Time)Saturday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Central Time)Customer service available in English, Spanish, and FrenchRice Lake Contact Information:To place an order:T oll Free USA: 800-472-6703T elephone: 715-234-9171T oll Free Canada/Mexico: 800-321-670324-hour Fax: 715-234-6967Email: **********************Internet: Technical Support:T echnical Support: 800-472-6703Canada & Mexico T echnical Support: 800-321-6703Service, Repairs, Warranty: 800-472-6703 *************************Weigh Modules Selections 2 Selection Overview6 Suspended Weighing8 Vessel Weighing14 T ruck Scale Weighing Load Cell Selections16 Overview18 Single Points20 Double-ended Beams22 Single-ended Beams24 S-beams/Canister T ypeCustom Load Celland Mount SpecialistsRice Lake Weighing Systems offers the most comprehensive selection of load cells, mounts and sensors available. We also understand that you may have unique requirements for custom-built products. If you don’t see what you need in our catalog, call us to take advantage of the many special services Rice Lake Weighing Systems has to offer:• Customized load cells and mounts• Special coatings – SURVIVOR coating for use in hazardous chemical environments• Customized cable lengths• Special cable – PTFE load cell cable for harsh environments357RL9000 TWM-HTRice Lake’s RL9000 TWM-HT adds an enhanced FEP cable with special strain gauges and other components that protect9in temperatures as high as 400°F.111315Load CellsWith the largest selection of quality load cells available in stock, nobody offers faster, more reliable service. Whether you need a replacement load cell or a load cell for a unique application, we’ve got a solutionto fit any need. Our knowledgeable customer service representatives can answer your questions and help you select the best loadcell for any application from tank and hopper weighing, to bulk material management,to mechanical scale conversions.Load cells can be categorizedinto the following types:•Single PointSingle point load cells are similar tosingle-ended beams but designedfor lighter capacity applications suchas bench scales. Single point loadcells are most commonly constructedof aluminum with capacities rangingfrom 1 to 1,000 kg.• Double-ended BeamA double-ended beam load cell is secured at both ends with the load applied to the center. Double-ended beam load cells come in a variety of construction with capacities ranging from1,000 to 250,000 lb.•Single-ended BeamA single-ended beam load cells is securedat one end with the load applied tothe opposite end. Constructioncan either be mild or stainlesssteel with capacities rangingfrom 1,000 to 20,000 lb.•S-beamS-beam load cells are mostcommonly used to suspend aweighing vessel with tension appliedthrough stretching. Capacities typicallyrange from 25 to 40,000 lb.•Canister T ypeCanister type load cells arecylindrical load cells withforce applied vertically intension or compression. Theseload cells are ideal for heavy-capacity and environmentally demanding applications with capacities ranging from 20,000 to 500,000 lb.RLSP4 SeriesA low-profile model popular in retail, postal and platform scale applications, this aluminum load cell is moment compensated for guaranteed accuracy. Gauge-coating compound protects against high- humidity environments. The RLSP4 includes 3.3 ft/1 m of load cell cable. Most capacities are NTEP Certified. Series 3 to 100 kg (6.6 to 220.5 lb)RLPWM15HE SeriesThis IP69K-rated, hermetically sealed, stainless steel model is NTEP Certified and perfect for the stringent demands of industrial food processors and other washdown applications. RLPWM15HE includes 10 ft/3.1 m of load cell cable.Series 10 to 100 kg (22 to 220.5 lb)RLPWM16 SeriesThis aluminum single-point with potted cavity is IP67 rated and NTEP Certified for excellent performance in damp environments. It meets the needs of heavier applications with 10 ft/3.1 m of load cell included.Series50 to 635 kg (110.2 to 1455.5 lb)Single Points19RL70000 SeriesA center loading double-ended beam for tankand hopper applications, this high accuracy, low-profile shear-beam design with redundant sealing is unaffected by side load forces. The NTEP Certified RL70000 Series comes complete with 30 ft/9.2 m load cell cable.Alloy Steel5,000 to 250,000 lb (2268.0 to 113,400 kg) Stainless Steel5,000 to 150,000 lb (2268.0 to 68,038.9 kg)RL75016 SeriesThe RL75016 Series is a center loading double-ended beam for tank and hopper applications that features stainless and mild steel construction as well as hermetic sealing for hostile environments. This load cell comes complete with 25 ft/7.6 m of load cell cable.The RL75016 Series includes the alloy-steelRL75016, stainless steel RL75016 SS,and the stainless/welded-seal, hostile- environment RL75016 WHE.Series1,000 to 25,000 lb (453.6 to 11,339.8 kg)RL75058 SeriesThis NTEP Certified, alloy steel modelis nickel plated and environmentallysealed with stainless steel side plates,designed for center link loading and compatibility with unilink or similarsuspension systems up to 75,000 lb(34,019.4 kg). RL75058 includes35 ft/10.7 m of load cell cable.Series20,000 to125,000 lb (9071.9 to 56,699.1kg)Double-ended Beams21Single-ended Beams RL35023 SeriesSingle-ended beams are designed for low-profile scales in a variety of process applications. RL35023 includes 20 ft/6.1 m of load cell cable.Alloy Steel500 to 20,000 lb (226.8 to 9071.9 kg)Alloy/Stainless Steel NTEP Certified1,000 to 10,000 lb (453.6 to 4535.9 kg)RL35082 SeriesThis stainless steel, welded-seal design is NTEP Certified for exceptional performance in food and chemical processing. RL35082 comes complete with 20 ft/6.1 m of cable and is available in bothIP67 and fully hermetic IP66/68 versions. The threaded load hole makes mounting easy in single- or multiple-cell installations.Stainless Steel1,000 to 10,000 lb (453.6 to 4535.9 kg) RLHBBStainless steel construction, hermetic sealing and a polyurethane-shielded cable help the RLHBB function flawlessly in harsh environments.The RLHBB is traditionally used in low-profile platforms, weighing and packingmachines, electromechanicalconversions and general-purposeweighing applications. RLHBBincludes 10 ft/3.1 m of load cell cableand is NTEP Certified and OIML approvedin most capacities.Stainless Steel5 to 500 kg (11.0 to 1102.3 lb)23RL20000 SeriesThe IP67-rated RL20000 Series is equipped to handle damp operating environments with ease and is NTEP Certified in most capacities. Each s-beam load cell includes 20 ft/6.1 m of load cell cable. Environmentally sealed models include the alloy-steel RL20000, stainless steel RL20000 SS, stainless steel RL20000 ST, and the alloy-steel RL20001. Also available is the stainless steel, welded-seal RL20001 HE.Series 50 to 20,000 lb (22.9 to 9071.9kg)S-beamsCanister T ypeRLCSP1Compression CanisterThis high-capacity cell is built with reliability, durability and precision in mind. RLCSP1 offers welded-seal, stainless steel construction for demanding vehicle-scale and process applications. This load cell is NTEP Certified and comes standard with 30 ft/9.2 m of load cell cable.Stainless Steel25,000 to 200,000 lb(11,339.8 kg to 90,718.5 kg)25An ISO 9001 registered company© 2016 Rice Lake Weighing Systems PN 43740 3/16 Specifications subject to change without notice.。
Trochoid Pump说明书

DIGEST EDITION Products GuideHow Trochoid™ Pump worksTrochoid pump has an inner rotor and outer rotor coming into contact each other and create gap in between.As the pump rotates, the volume of the gap expands and shrinks continuously. Expansion of the gap creates vacuum and fluid is drawn into the pump and as the gap shrinks, compression occurs and fluid is pumped out.While being proud of providing the best quality products,NOP is the world's top manufacturer of Trochoid™ Pump*1in terms of the production volume.*1Trochoid™ Pump with integrated motor 1. Compact size• Trochoid™ Pump is an internal gear pump, which is more compact than other pump types for the same ca-pacity.• The compactness of Trochoid™ Pump allows more flexibility in designing customer’s application system. 2. Self-primimg• Trochoid™ Pump is a displacement pump, which does not require priming oil.3. Low noise and low pulsation• Trochoid™ Pump’s noise and pulsation caused by the gear meshing are low.4. Long product life• The high precision rotor and parts minimize wear and extend the product life.5. Various lineup• As Trochoid™ Pump has a simple structure, we can offer various models of Trochoid™ Pump simply by changing the inner rotor and seals on the pump.• You can select a pump from our various lineup to satisfy your needs.Note: Trochoid™ Pump may not be able to achieve the full performance if some object enters into the pump.1Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.ContentsInstructions of Trochoid™ Pump· Lists of Applicable Seal Kit, Bearing, Seal and Gasket Material Options for Special Specification ……………P32· Trochoid™ Pump Discontinued Products List (Standard models) …………………………………………………P33· Viscosity ChartTrochoid™ Pump Products GuideSelect a pumpTrochoid™ Pump, Lunary™ Pump Quick Reference Guide ……………………………………………………………P2Trochoid™ Pump, Lunary™ Pump Performance Distribution Map ……………………………………………………P4Trochoid™ Pump, Lunary™ Pump Oil Compatibility Table ………………………………………………………………P6Applications and Usage Examples of Trochoid™ Pump …………………………………………………………………P8SpecificationsThe model numbers given in this catalogs are examples with the most typical options.For other options, please refer to the e-catalog on our website. /english/products/ Max.pressures shown in this catalog are calculated under the following conditions:Test solution for general lubricant oil: ISO-VG46 Oil temperature: 40CTest solution for metal-cutting fluid and fuel oil: ISO-VG2 Oil temperature: 40CThe model number ends with “IE3” if you select a three phase motor with rated power of over 750W.2Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.Trochoid™ Pump, Lunary™ Pump Quick Reference GuideNote: For more information, please refer to our catalog.2MY-2HWM (Basic model)(Small flow rate)(Medium flow rate)Cartridge type (Easy to replace)Element type (Reusable)(Small to medium flow rate)(High temperature edible oil)Note: For more information, P12P13P20P10P163Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.1MB1A/1HG(Small flow rate)(Medium flow rate)(Small to medium flow rate)(Large flow rate)For low velosity oilsFor spray combustionP10P15P23P27P20P10P15P23P10(For kerosen,diesel oil,P17P20TOP-1MBTOP-2MYTOP-2ME STOP-2MBTOP-2.5HGATOP-N3FTOP-3MFTOP-N3HTOP-3MBTOP-1MEP15P10TOP-4AM TOP-4MBTOP-3VTOP-4AGPLP23P23(960-1750min−1Trochoid™ Pump, Lunary™ Pump Oil Compatibility Table• The following table describes the examples of typical oils used in applications in the past, which is not an as-surance of the recommended models, the specifications and the product life. It is rare, though some additives and other elements in oils may cause a trouble to the pump, so please inquire with the oil manufacturer about the comptibility with your liquid before use.• For operating environments, please refer to the instruction manuals and specifications of Trochoid™ Pump, Lunary™ Pump.6Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.○: T he oil was used in the past with the pump following the specifications listed in the pump's catalog.●: The oil was used in the past with the pump under 0.7MPa in discharge pressure. (The pump has a limit in dis-charge pressure)□: The oil was used in the past with the pump under 0.7MPa in discharge pressure. (The pump has a limit in dis-charge pressure)×: Unavailable.• For special specifications, refer to P.32. Please contact us for more information.• We can provide Trochoid™Pump specifically designed for diesel oil, kerosene, heavy oil. Please contact us for more information.Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.78Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.█Machine ToolLubrication, cooling, and recovery of sliding parts (spindle, gear, bed , etc.)█Industrial machineryLubrication, cooling, and filtration for gear and sliding parts Hydraulic source for hydraulic equipment █Construction, Civil engineering, and Agricultural machine█Environmental equipmentLubricating oil, fuel oil supply, filtration Applications and Usage Examples of Trochoid™ Pump• Machining center • Lathe• Drilling machine • Milling machine • Others• Press machine • Compressor• Printing machine • Hydraulic unit • Decelerator • Speed-up gear • Oil filtration device • Others• Shield machine • Crane• Cruching machine • Road roller• Mowing machine • Others• Incineration system• Power-generation facility • Waste oil fueling device • OthersCoolant pumpPress machineShield machineLubricant pumpLubricant pumpLubricant pump9Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.█FoodTransfer and filteration of edible oil Hydraulic source for hydraulic equipment █AutomotiveHydraulic source for hydraulic equipment █ShipTransfer of lubrication oil and fuel oils █OthersLubrication for steel making and forging machine • Frying oil filtration machine• Homogenizer (Disperser, emulsifier)• Others• Engine oil changer • Test machine • Car lifter • Others• Disel engine• Emulsion production device • Others• Lubrication for air conditioner • CompressorDiesel engineOil recovery and supply pumpsupply pumpLubricant pumpLubricant pump10Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.Valve optionMODEL 1 (SMALL CAPACITY)█MOTOR SPECIFICATIONother side. For outdoor use, please consult us.·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation, Protection level IP44 200VAC 50/60Hz or 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles, Continuous rating at 75W, 100W, 200W.*The pump with a single phase power supply (100V) is also available. Output : 75W, 200W Please contact us for more information.█MOTOR SPECIFICATION1MB (BASE-COUPLING MOUNT TYPE)1A/1HG (PUMPHEAD )·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation, Protection level IP44 200VAC 50/60Hz or 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles, Continuous rating at 200W, 400W1MA (PUMPHEAD FOR 1ME MOTOR )█ModelModelTOP -1▲MA (VB )TOP -1ModelTOP -11MODEL 1 (SMALL CAPACITY)12Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.Motor sizeMotor size█MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)███MOTOR SPECIFICATION█MOTOR SPECIFICATION2MY-2HTM (WITH INTEGRATED 3-PHASE MOTOR)2MY-2HWM (WITH INTEGRATED 3-PHASE MOTOR)performance. Only the port type was changed from “G” to “Rc” type.·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation (200, 400W), Class F insulation (750, 1500W), IE3(750, 1500W), CE-marking (750, 1500W), Protection level IP44, 200VAC 50/60Hz, 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles with continuous rating at 200, 400, 750,1500W.·Please consult us when ordering outdoor-type, increased safety-type, motor other than for standard voltage, one with CE marking, with terminal box attached on the other side, or other special motor.*The pump with a single phase power supply (100V) is also available. Output : 200, 400, 750W·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation (200, 400W), Class F insulation (750, 1500W), IE3 (750, 1500W), CE-marking (750, 1500W), Protection level IP44, 200VAC 50/60Hz, 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles with continuous rating at 200, 400, 750,1500W.·Please consult us when ordering outdoor-type, increased safety-type, motor other than for standard voltage, one with CE marking, with terminal box attached on the other side, or other special motor.ModelModelTOP -2MY ▲▲▲▲-2▲▲TOP -2MY ▲▲▲▲-2▲▲13MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)Motor sizeMotor size████MOTOR SPECIFICATION█MOTOR SPECIFICATION█MOTOR SPECIFICATION█FEATURES2MY-S Filter (WITH INTEGRATED 3-PHASE MOTOR & SINGLE SUCTION FILETER)CLEAN HAT SERIES2MY-S Filter (WITH INTEGRATED 3-PHASE MOTOR & SINGLE SUCTION FILTER)·“203” is unavailable for the coolant models.·Visocisty range of pumped liquid is 2-50mm 2/sec. The vacuum gauge will indicate beyond the green zone If pumped fluid exceeds the permissible viscosity range.·Visocisty range of pumped liquid is 2-50mm 2/sec. The vacuum gauge will indicate beyond the green zone If pumped fluid exceeds the permissible viscosity range.·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation (200, 400W), Class F insulation (750, 1500W), IE3 (750, 1500W), CE-marking (750, 1500W), Protection level IP44, 200VAC 50/60Hz, 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles with continuous rating at 200, 400, 750,1500W.·Please consult us when ordering outdoor-type, increased safety-type, motor other than for standard voltage, one with CE marking, with terminal box attached on the other side, or other special motor.·Designed in a special structure for coolant useThis coolant pump is designed to ensure excellent durability against coolant, because special de-sign considerations are given to each part of the pump.·High operating pressureThe pump can be used at the pressure up to 1.5 to 2.0MPa. Powerful jet from the high pressure nozzle removes cutting chips and cooIs blades effectively.·Self-priming structureWhile the conventional impeller pump is not self-priming and needs to be submerged in the tank or primed, 2HWM trochoid pump has a self-priming structure to eliminate such burdensome re-quirements.ModelModelTOP -2MY ▲▲▲▲-2▲▲TOP -2MY ▲▲▲▲-2▲▲HWNPEVB *Element type only14Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)█MOTOR SPECIFICATIONexceeds the permissible viscosity range.·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation (200, 400W), Class F insulation (750, 1500W), Protection level IP44, 200VAC 50/60Hz, 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles with con-tinuous rating at 200, 400, 750,1500W█Note: If you also need to purchase O ring in the element case, order “G75” type for the filter of which model number beginswith “351-04”, and order “G95” type if it begins with “351-06”.(Loosen the plug when you replace cartridges)Element wrench(Not necessary in most cases as cartridge can be loosened smoothly with hands)15MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)Motor size████MOTOR SPECIFICATION██MOTOR SPECIFICATION2MB (BASE-COUPLING MOUNT TYPE)sions. Only the port type was changed from G to Rc type.·Compatible motor: 200, 400, 750, 1500, 2200W.·Compatible motor: 200, 400, 750W.·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class E insulation (200, 400W), Class F insulation (750, 1500W), IE3(750, 1500W), CE-marking (750, 1500W), Protection level IP44, 200VAC 50/60Hz, 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles with continuous rating at 200, 400, 750,1500W.·Please consult us when ordering outdoor-type, increased safety-type, motor other than for standard voltage, one with CE marking, with terminal box attached on the other side, or other special motor.ModelTOP - ▲▲▲▲-2▲▲H16Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.ModelTOP -2▲▲2HBM/2HTM/2HWM (PUMPHEAD FOR 2MY-MOTOR)MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)██TOP-2HB is the updated series of TOP-2HA. It is compatible with old series in performance and mounting dimensions.Only the port type was changed from G to Rc type.TOP-2HB is the updated series of TOP-2HA. It is also compatible with old series in performance and mounting dimen-sions. Only the port type was changed from G to Rc type.2HBM and 2HWM series come with 2MY coupling and screws for the attachment.17MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)Valve option█FEATURES2.5HGA (PUMPHEAD)·This pump has been developed as an intermediate model between Model 2 and Model 3. It does-not produce noise even during operation at a high speed. The relief valve is installed on the top of the pump. It is designed to allow shared use of the 3VB.ModelTOP -2▲▲▲HGA (VB )18Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)19MODEL 2 (SMALL TO MEDIUM CAPACITY)20Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.Valve option█N3F (PUMPHEAD)MODEL 3 (MEDIUM CAPACITY)██MOTOR SPECIFICATION█MOTOR SPECIFICATION3MB-N3H (BASE-COUPLING MOUNT TYPE)N3H (PUMPHEAD)TOP-N3F is the updated series of TOP-3F. It is also compatible with old series in performance and mounting dimensions.TOP-N3F is the updated series of TOP-3F. It is also compatible with the old series in performance and mounting dimensions. N3FAM and N3FBM can not be coupled with 3MF motor.Values in ( ) show approx. weights of the pump when the valve is attached.TOP-N3H is the updated series of TOP-3H. It is compatible with the old series in performance and mounting dimensions.·3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, Totally enclosed, Class F insulation, IE3.CE-marking, Protection level IP44, 200VAC 50/60Hz, 220VAC 60Hz, 4 poles with continuous rat-ing at 750, 1500, 2200W·Please consult us when ordering outdoor-type, increased safety-type, motor other than for stan-dard voltage, one with terminal box attched on the other side, or other special motor.·Compatible motor: 1500, 2200, 3700, 5500W.TOP-N3▲▲(VB )ModelModelTOP -N3▲▲21MODEL 3 (MEDIUM CAPACITY)█MOTOR SPECIFICATIONValues in ( ) show approx. weights of the pump when the valve is attached.·Compatible motor: 2200, 3700, 5500W.22Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.MODEL 3 (MEDIUM CAPACITY)23MODEL 4 (LARGE CAPACITY)MODEL 4 (LARGE CAPACITY)██STRUCTURE█MOTOR SPECIFICATION█MOTOR SPECIFICATION█MOTOR SPECIFICATION4MB-4A (BASE-COUPLING MOUNT TYPE)4A (PUMPHEAD)MB-GPL (BASE-COUPLING MOUNT TYPE)GPL (PUMPHEAD)Values in ( ) show approx. weights of the pump when the valve is attached.·Compatible motor: 3700, 5500, 7500W, 6 Poles.·Compatible motor: 5500, 7500,11000, 15000W, 6 Poles.·Compatible motor: 3700, 5000, 7500W.█FEATURES(1) Pulsation and noise are extremely limited due to lack of confinement.(2) This pump is effectively used with highly viscous oil because there is no cavitation.(3) Durability is provided by a patented Lunary gear.(4) Use of a shaft input is eliminated to cut down costs.This pump employs gears with special teeth called Lunary™ (patented), and rotates at continuous one-point contact. The conventional one-point contact gear (segmental gear, sinusoidal gear, etc.) is based on correction or combination of the theoretical curve, so the slip ratio tends to increase. However, the Lunary gear provides high durability to the pump with low slip ratio because an ideal closed curve is gained from a theoretical straight line and ellipse.Add 13 Kg to the total weight when the angle plate (I ) is attached.ModelModelTOP-4▲▲▲VBGPL-LUNARY GEAR PUMP24Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.MODEL 4 (LARGE CAPACITY)25MODEL 4 (LARGE CAPACITY)26Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.OTHERS███1RA/2RA (PUMPHEAD, REVERSIBLE)3RD/4RD (PUMPHEAD REVERSIBLE)ModelModelTOP -1RA -▲▲▲TOP -2RA -▲▲CTOP -3RD -▲▲T TOP -4RD -10027OTHERS██RELIEF VALVE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND INSTALLATION METHODModel VBModel VBDModel VDInstalled directly on the pump Installed on the circuitInstalled directly on thepump(only 2VD)██MOTOR SPECIFICATIONMB-GD (BASE-COUPLING MOUNT TYPE)GD (PUMPHEAD)***H: Set pressure of relief valve (fully closed) at factory is 2.5MPa.·Compatible motor: 750, 1500W.ModelTOP -TOP -▲▲FUEL PUMP28Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.Motor sizeOTHERS█APPLICATION█APPLICATION1PS (OIL COOLING UNIT)ration. It is a handy lightweight device which you can take with you wherever you want to go. It is completely equipped with the cords and hoses. It can be operated by a mere touch of a push but-ton. This product serves as a multi-purpose device for your factory.For cooling machinaries or other industrial equippment●Removal of contaminants from oil inside the hydraulic tank●Replacement and supply of oil for construction machinery and industrial vehicles ●Lubrication and oil removal●Protection of oil against deterioration and contamination ●Cleaning of oilsModel1PS 75-2-12MAVB-C29OTHERS30Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.OTHERS31OTHERS32Trochoid™ Pump is a registered trademark of Nippon Oil Pump Co.,Ltd in Japan and other countries.Lists of Applicable Seal Kit, Bearing, Seal and Gasket Material Options for Special Specification█Applicable Seal Kit List• Unauthorized disassembling and/or modifying voids product warranty and inspection.• Please specify a model no. of pump, MFG no. and serial no., when ordering.• The bearing is not included in the seal kit. Please order separately.█Seal and Gasket Material Option List for Special Specification█Applicable Bearing List• VF and VH are unavailable for Trochoid pumps with an integrated motor, such as 1ME, 2MY, 2ME, 3MF and other models. (High temperature oil might damage the motor.)• Ensure that the maximum discharge pressure of the pump is below 0.7MPa for VF and VH. (High temperature oil might lower its viscosity and lubricity and that may damage the pump under the high discharge pressure.)• Fuel oils can be used with “vv”. (Ensure that the maximum discharge pressure is below 0.7MPa. They have generally low-viscosity and hence low-lubricity.)• Teflon is a registered trademark of Du Pont de Nemour.• The standard material of oil seal and o-ring of Trochoid pump is NBR (nitrile rubber) except 2HT, 2HW, 4AM and 4A models. If the material does not match your oil, please specify your required seal materials.Trochoid™ Pump Discontinued Products List (Standard models)Technical support end date indicates the month when any consultation or thechnical support about the products becomes unavailable.-40-30-20-10010203040507080901001101201,0005004003002001501007550403020151098Temperature ℃V i s c o s i t y m m 2/s(VG)15010083685646322215The area inside the blue box indicates the operational range of Trochoid pump.Viscosity ChartNote: The allowable viscosity range for 3V and GPL is 46 to 2,000 mm 2/s.20190820-WHP: /englishSafety notice: For safe operation of our products, please peruse the User's Instruction Manual provided with the product.This catalog is valid through june, 2021.®For further information:Your dealer:Tel : +81-3-6402-4041Fax :+81-3-3436-1777Sumitomo Fudosan Higashi Shimbashi Building-6 3F , 1-2-4 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-0013NOP PUMPSearch Scan the QR code for more technical dataHP: /english/products/catalog/NOP Trochoid pump search。
4K Ultra HD ogival surveillance camera 用户指南说明书

• Ne pas immerger l’appareil dans l’eau. Installation recommandée dans un emplacement couvert.
Pour changer la résolution de sortie d’un DVR HD de Lorex:
1. Cliquer avec le bouton droit de la souris pendant la Visualisation en direct pour ouvrir le menu Rapide.
recommandée dans un emplacement couvert.
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Changer le DVR pour une résolution 4K
La résolution de sortie d’un DVR HD de Lorex est établie à 1080p par défaut. Pour voir la résolution 4K sur un écran 4K, la résolution de sortie doit être changée à l’aide du menu DVR.
Halsey Taylor 2634 非冷却字体泉源说明书

97932C (Rev. C - 4/05)Halsey Taylor Owners ManualNon-Refrigerated 2634 FountainIMPORTANT! INSTALLER PLEASE NOTE.THE GROUNDING OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SUCH AS TELEPHONE, COMPUTERS, ETC. TO WATER LINES IS A COMMON PROCEDURE. THIS GROUNDING MAY BE IN THE BUILDING OR MAY OCCUR AWAY FROM THE BUILDING . THIS GROUNDING CAN CAUSE ELECTRICAL FEEDBACK INTO A FOUNTAIN, CREATING AN ELECTROLYSIS WHICH CAUSES A METALLIC TASTE OR AN INCREASE IN THE METAL CONTENT OF THE WATER. THIS CONDITION IS AVOIDABLE BY USING THE PROPER MATERIALS AS INDICATED. ANY DRAIN FITTINGS PROVIDED BY THE INSTALLER SHOULD BE MADE OF PLASTIC TO ELECTRICALLY ISOLATE THE FOUNTAIN FROM THE BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM.IMPORTANTALL SERVICE TO BE PERFORMED BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE PERSONTUBE IS SECURED IN POSITIONSIMPLY PUSH IN TUBE TO ATTACHPUSH IN COLLET TO RELEASE TUBEPUSHING TUBE IN BEFORE PULLING IT OUT HELPS TORELEASE TUBEFIG. 2OPERATION OF QUICK CONNECT FITTINGSFIG. 1NOTE: WATER FLOWDIRECTIONBUILDING WATER INLETSERVICE STOP (NOT FURNISHED)1/4" O.D. TUBE WATER INLET TO COOLER3/8" O.D. UNPLATEDCOPPER TUBE CONNECT COLD WATER SUPPLY97932C (Rev. C - 4/05)PAGE 22634 F T N R O U G H -I NL E G E N D :A = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N 3/8 O .D . U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T U B E C O N N E C T B = R E C O M M E N D E D L O C A T I O N F O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/4" O .D . D R A I N C = 1 1/4" O .D . T R A P F U R N I S H E D D = 5/16" B O L T H O L E S F O R S E C U R I N G H A N G E R B R A C K E T T O W A L L C U T O U T E = 5/16" B O L T H O L E S F O R S E C U R I N G B O T T O M O F F O U N T A I N W I T H Z - B R A C K E TF I N I S H E D F L O O RF IG . 3INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Prepare the wall cutout opening(s). Refer to Wall Cutout Detail (See Fig 3).2. Prepare waste connection and water supply hookup connection. Refer to roughin drawing for locationdetails (See Fig. 3).NOTE: Access to the rear of the fountain is desirable to ease installation. If rear access is not obtainablean access panel (furnished by others) should be installed below the fountain.3. Install the fountain hanger bracket in the wall cutout. Refer to roughin drawing for details (See Fig 3).Remove bottom cover plate from the fountain. Save the cover plate and screws for reinstallation.4. Install the Fountain. Place the fountain into the wall cutout. Slide the fountain down until it engages thehanger. Be sure the fountain is firmly engaged before releasing it. Secure the bottom of the fountain tothe wall using the Z Bracket (included).NOTE: SCREWS FOR ATTACHING THE FOUNTAIN HANGER BRACKET AND BASIN ARE NOTINCLUDED.5. Make water supply connections from service stop to the fountain strainer (item 13). Attach an unplatedand deburred copper water inlet line into the inlet side of strainer until it reaches a positive stopabout 3/4", (See Figure 2, Page 1). Turn on water supply and check for leaks. Newly installed watersupply line should be insulated after leak check is completed. DO NOT SOLDER TUBES WHILEINSERTED INTO THE STRAINER AS DAMAGE TO THE O-RINGS MAY RESULT.6. These products are designed to operate on 20-105 PSIG supply line pressure. If inlet pressure isabove 105 PSIG, a pressure regulator must be installed in the supply line. Any damage caused byreason of connecting these products to supply line pressure lower than 20 PSIG or higher than 105 PSIGis not covered by warranty.7. Check stream height from bubbler. Stream height is factory set at 35-40 PSI. If supply pressure variesgreatly from this, adjust the screw on regulator item 16 by using a small screwdriver through the smallhole in the push button item 7 (See Fig.4). Clockwise adjustment will raise stream height and counter-clockwise adjustment will lower stream height. For best adjustment stream height should be approxi-mately 1-1/2" (38mm) above the bubbler guard (See Figure 5, Page 4).8. Replace bottom access panel to fountain basin using screws provided. Tighten securely.Care and Maintenance of Halsey Taylor Marblyte FountainsMarblyte provides an extremely durable, nonporous surface which resists staining. Care is very simple. Routine cleaning with a soft sponge or cloth, or with water or non-abrasive aerosol foam cleaner, is all that is normally needed to give many years of trouble free service. Cleaners left standing on the fountain surfacecan dull the surface finish. Be certain to rinse all cleaning agents completely and polish with a soft cloth. Harsh abrasive cleaners are not required and should not be used.Mild abrasives such as liquid automotive cleaning compound or baking soda paste will remove simple scratches and stains. Cigarette burns can normally be removed without noticeable effect. Deeperscratches or gouges can be corrected with fine grit sandpaper (240 grit then 400 grit) or a green Scotchbrite pad.To maintain or regain luster and make cleaning easier, periodic applications of automobile wax or like products will keep the finish looking like new.97932C (Rev. C - 4/05)PAGE 397932C (Rev. C - 4/05)PAGE 4Orifice Assy: Mineral deposits on orifice can cause water flow to spurt or not regulate. Mineral deposits may be removed from the orifice with a small round file not over 1/8" diameter or small diameter wire. CAUTION: DO NOT file or cut orifice material.Stream Regulator: If orifice is free of material deposits, regulate flow as in instructions on page 3 (Step 7). If replacement is necessary, see parts list for correct regulator part number.Actuation of Quick Connect Water Fittings: Cooler is provided with lead-free connectors which utilize an o-ring water seal. To remove tubing from the fitting, relieve water pressure, push in on the gray collar while pulling on the tubing.(See Figure 2, Page 1). To insert tubing, push tube straight into fitting until it reaches a positive stop, approximately 3/4".TROUBLE SHOOTING & MAINTENANCEFIG. 52222 CAMDEN COURT OAK BROOK, IL 60523PRINTED IN U.S.A.1, 1113SEE FIG. 4FIG. 618172, 204212, 205。
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下面顺序可以用于配置设备:1. Write CTRL_REG22. Write CTRL_REG33. Write CTRL_REG44. Write CTRL_REG65. Write Reference6. Write INT1_THS7. Write INT1_DUR8. Write INT1_CFG9. Write CTRL_REG510. Write CTRL_REG13.1读取角速率数据设备包含一个状态寄存器STATUS_REG,应该检测当新的一组数据有效产生。
读取顺序应该:1. Read STATUS_REG2. If STATUS_REG(3) = 0 then go to 13. If STATUS_REG(7) = 1 then some data have been overwritten4. Read OUT_X_L5. Read OUT_X_H6. Read OUT_Y_L7. Read OUT_Y_H8. Read OUT_Z_L9. Read OUT_Z_H10. Data processing11. Go to 1第3步执行的检测用于判断数据读取的速度是否适合数据产生的速度,STATUS_REG的ZYXOR 位应该被设置为1,以防止由于过慢的读取速度导致一个或者多个角速率数据被新的数据覆盖。
3.1.2 使用数据就绪(DRY)信号设备应该被配置有一个HW信号以确定一组新的测量数据可以读取。
3.1.3 Using the block data update (BDU) feature3.1.3使用(阻塞数据更新)数据块更新(BDU)特征如果角速率的读取速度特别慢无法与STATUS_REG 的XYZDA位或者中断RDY信号同步,那么强烈推荐把C T R L_R E G4的BDU位设置为1。
3.2理解角速率数据测得的角速率数据被发送到了OUT_X_H, OUT_X_L, OUT_Y_H, OUT_Y_L,OUT_Z_H, 和OUT_Z_L寄存器,这个寄存器包含最重要的角速率信号,三轴完整的数据双字节以二进制补码的形式存在三轴寄存器中。
设备允许交换角速率数据的高字节和低字节,以此配合little-endian 和 big-endian。
Little Endian表示最低字节存在最低地址,最高字节存在最高地址(小端先出)。
这种模式需要将C T R L_R E G4中的BLE置0(默认为0)。
Big Endian表示高字节存储在最低的地址,低字节存在高地址。
3.2.3角速度举例表6提供了一些关于角速率数据的基本的例子,数据是在假设设备工作在标准环境下所列出来的,实际上显示的是BLE位的作用表6. Output data registers content vs. angular rate (FS = 250 dps)4数字滤波器(CTRL_REG2、 CTRL_REG5)设别提供了嵌入式的低通滤波器可以轻易去掉测得角速率的直流成分,通过CTRL_REG5的HPen, INTx_Sel和Out_Sel位,可以把滤波器应用到输出或者FIFO的数据,或者用在中断数据,这意味着当中断产生工作在非过滤数据时可以得到被过滤的数据。
LPF——低通滤波器;HPF——高通滤波器;4.1滤波器配置根据表格8,HPen和Out_sel位用于驱动数据到输出寄存器和FIFO 表8:Out_Sel配置设置表9:INT_SEL配置设置4.2低通滤波器低通滤波器的频带宽度取决于所设定的ODR,低通滤波器截止频率见表12。
表13.高通滤波器模式:4.3.1 普通模式在这样的配置下,高通滤波器可以通过读取REFERENCE寄存器而复位,去除角速率的直流部分。
图4.参考模式4.3.3 自动复位当配置的中断事件发生时滤波器是自动复位的。
HP_RESET用于设置瞬时滤波器提示:一个中断之后,xyz 数据置位用于复位滤波器Note: XYZ dataset used to reset the filter is the one after the interrupt.5 中断产生中断信号可以被配置在一个非常适合的方式以允许识别三轴独立X,Y,Z的转动,中断信号由INT1引脚产生,INT2引脚专用于DRY和FIFO中断。
5.2 中断配置设备提供了几种常见的个性化中断信号,中断行为涉及到的寄存器是INT1_CFG, INT1_THS 和INT1_DURATION.Table 18. INT1_CFG description无论什么时候,一个中断条件确定产生变产生一个中断信号,同时凭借读取INT1_SRC寄存器可以了解发生的是什么条件。
5.3 临界值临界值寄存器INT1_THS和INT_THS_xL(分别是MSB和LSB)定义了中断发生电路所参考的角速率。
表25.普通模式下持续时间最小分辨率值WAIT等待位具有以下含义:等待= '0':如果信号跨越选定的阈值,中断立即下降等待= '1':如果信号跨越选定的阈值,只有当超过已经设定在持续时间计数器中选定的采样次数,才有中断信号的下降。
等待禁用5.5 选择轴的运转,唤醒中断陀螺仪随着识别到轴的运动唤醒产生中断信号,whenever一个中断条件确定后,中断信号产生同时通过读取INT1_SRC寄存器以辨别发生了什么条件。
选择的轴运动信号selective axis movement detection signal(SA),和唤醒中断信号信号wake-up signal(WU)见图9.通过INT1_CFG寄存器的AOI位选择由SA或WU来产生中断。
5.5.1 Wake-up唤醒中断用到INT1_CTRL的一个特殊配置,当指定的轴的角速度超过定义的阈值时产生中断(图11)。
5.5.2 HP filter bypassed高通滤波器旁路本段提供了一个基本的算法使用唤醒功能。
下面的代码,将设备配置为当X轴的绝对角速率超过预设的阈值时才有识别(以100 DPS为例)。
1 Write 0Fh into CTRL_REG1// 开传感器的三轴X,Y,和Z并且ODR = 100 Hz2 Write 00h into CTRL_REG2 // 关闭高通滤波器3 Write 80h into CTRL_REG3 // 中断信号送到INT14 Write 00h into CTRL_REG4 //量程FS = 250 dps5 Write 2Ch into INT1_THS_XH // H阈值= 100 dps6 Write A4h into INT1_THS_XL // L阈值= 100 dps7 Write 00h into INT1_DURATION //持续时间Duration = 08 Write 02h into INT1_CFG // 开XH中断9 Poll INT1 pad; if INT1=0 then go to 8// waiting for the wake-up event10 Read INT1_SRC//返回产生中断的事件11(Wake-up event has occurred; insertyour code here)//中断处理12 Go to 8下面提供的代码给出了一个基本的例程显示实际使用高通滤波数据执行唤醒功能。