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1.The _____ (wild)flowers bloom in springtime.
2. A __________ is a famous destination for road trips.
3.The _____ (tree/house) is tall.
4.The _____ (玫瑰) is my favorite flower.
5.I enjoy going to the ______ to see animals.
6.The goldfish can live for several _________ (年).
7._______ can help clean the air.
8.The __________ (印加文明) built extensive roadways in South America.
9.He is reading a ___. (story)
10.The capital of Norway is __________.
11.My sister enjoys __________ (环境保护).
12.Electric fields can exert ______ (forces) on charged particles.
13.The __________ is a large desert located in southern Africa. (卡拉哈里沙漠)
14.The element with atomic number is __________.
15.The _____ (苹果树) is full of fruit.
16.The concept of community resilience emphasizes the ability to withstand ______ challenges.
17.The _____ (海豹) often basks in the sun on the rocks.
18.The study of ancient geological formations is known as ______.
19.The _______ of a liquid can be tested with a thermometer.
20.Did you ever watch a _______ (小蜻蜓) hover?
21.The _____ is a region of space with a lot of stars.
22.The Earth experiences seasons due to its axial ______.
23.The capital of Thailand is ________ (泰国的首都是________).
24. A chemical process that involves the loss of electrons is called ______.
25.My cat watches the ______ (小鸟) from the window.
26.The __________ is a large lake in Canada. (安大略湖)
27.The __________ is a famous mountain range in Europe.
28. A __________ is a combination of two or more elements chemically bonded together.
29.What color is grass?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Red
D. Blue答案:B Green
30.The __________ (热带雨林) is rich in biodiversity.
31.The _____ (繁殖) of certain plants can happen through cuttings.
32.My dad encourages me to be __________ (积极向上).
33.My family goes to ______ every summer. (我的家人每年夏天去______。

34.What is the name of the largest freshwater lake in the world?
A. Lake Superior
B. Lake Victoria
C. Caspian Sea
D. Lake Baikal答案: D
35. A _______ is a reaction that produces a flame.
36.I love _______ (和朋友一起)做手工。

37.The butterfly is _____ on the flower. (resting)
38.My sister plays the ________ (钢琴).
39. A ____(collaborative research) combines efforts for greater results.
40.The equator divides the Earth into the __________ and southern hemispheres.
41.The _____ (spaghetti) is delicious.
42.The ________ is very fluffy.
43.The weather feels __________; it might rain soon. (潮湿的)
44.My teacher gives us ______ (作业) to help us learn new things. I try to finish it as soon as possible.
45.I like to eat _____ for lunch. (sandwiches)
46.I want to be a ________ when I grow up.
47.I want to _______ (学习) photography.
48.Kittens are baby _______ (猫).
49.My sister is my best _______ who is always there for me.
50.The petals fall when the flower __________ (枯萎).
51. A ___ (小鹿) grazes quietly in the forest.
52.marsh) is a wetland area with grass and water. The ____
53.I enjoy listening to ________ (音乐) while working.
54.My dad is a ______. He loves to build things.
55.In 1969, humans landed on the _______ (Moon) for the first time.
56.Gases have particles that are _______ apart.
57.The cat is _____ (black).
58.The children are _______ (在画画).
59. A catalyst is used to increase the rate of a ______.
60. A base is a substance that can accept _______ ions.
61.I like to _____ (collect/throw) stamps.
62.We have a ________ (class) project to do.
63.What do we call a person who studies the history of specific cultures?
A. Anthropologist
B. Historian
C. Archaeologist
D. Sociologist答案: A
64.The capital of Malta is __________.
65.__________ are used to increase the shelf life of food products.
66.We can use _____ (堆肥) to enrich the soil.
67.The _____ (山羊) climbs steep hills easily.
68.The cat is ___ (curled) up on the couch.
69.I like to listen to _______ (music/silence).
70.We like to listen to ___. (music)
71.In an acid-base reaction, the acid donates a _____ while the base accepts it.
72.The __________ is a famous area known for its canals.
73.古代的________ (art) 通常反映了当时的社会价值观。

74.I see a _____ (bird/fish) flying.
75.The _____ (小道) in the garden is lined with flowers.
76.My grandmother, ______ (我的祖母), bakes cookies for us.
77.The Earth's crust is primarily made up of minerals that contain ______.
78.The _______ (The Opium Wars) were conflicts between China and Britain.
79.The _______ of light can be spread out using a lens.
80. A goldfish is a popular _______.
81.The _______ (小黄鹂) sings beautifully at dawn.
82.Which insect produces honey?
A. Ant
B. Bee
C. Fly
D. Butterfly答案: B
83.What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?
A. The Thinker
B. Christ the Redeemer
C. Statue of Liberty
D. David答案:
C. Statue of Liberty
84.I can solve problems with my ________ (玩具类型).
85. (War) of 1812 was fought between the USA and Britain. The ____
86.I enjoy _______ (进行) experiments in science.
87.The city of Rome is known for its ancient _______.
88.What do you call a person who catches fish?
A. Farmer
B. Fisherman
C. Chef
D. Baker答案:B
89.I found a ________ near the water.
90.Which of these is a fruit?
A. Lettuce
B. Carrot
C. Peach
D. Onion答案: C
91.The _____ (car/bike) is parked outside.
92.What do we call a piece of land surrounded by water?
A. Island
B. Peninsula
C. Mountain
D. Valley答案: A
93.I want to _______ (learn) how to cook.
94. A ________ (大象) is the largest land animal and has a long trunk.
95.What is 5 + 3?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9答案:c
96.The _______ (小狩猎者) stalks its prey quietly.
97.The _____ (颜色) of flowers can impact moods.
98.My brother has a ______ (toy) car.
99. A lever helps us lift heavy ______ (objects) with less effort. 100.I want to buy a new __________.。
