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International Sales Contract
This contract is made on [Date] etween [Seller's Name], a comany incororated in [Seller's Country], with its registered office at [Seller's Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") and [uyer's Name], a comany incororated in [uyer's Country], with its registered office at [uyer's Address], (hereinafter referred to as "uyer").
Article 1: roduct Descrition
The Seller agrees to sell and the uyer agrees to urchase the goods descried in Exhiit A, which is attached to this contract and made a art hereof. The total quantity of the goods shall e [Quantity], with secifications as outlined in Exhiit A.
Article 2: rice and ayment Terms
The total rice for the goods shall e [Total rice] in [Currency]. The uyer shall ay a deosit of [Deosit Amount] uon signing this contract. The alance shall e aid in full efore delivery of the goods. ayment shall e made y [Method of ayment].
Article 3: Delivery
Delivery of the goods shall take lace at [Delivery oint], on or efore [Delivery Date]. The Seller shall rovide all necessary documents for the exort of the goods. If the goods are not delivered within the secified timeframe, the Seller shall ear the consequences as stiulated in Article [Consequences of Delay].
Article 4: Title and Risk
Title to the goods shall ass to the uyer uon receit of full ayment. Risk of loss or damage to the goods shall e transferred from the Seller to the uyer uon delivery of the goods.
Article 5: Warranty and Liaility
The Seller warrants that the goods are free from defects in material and workmanshi, and comly with the secifications set forth in Exhiit A. The Seller's liaility is limited to the relacement or reair of defective goods or refund of the urchase rice.
Article 6: Insection and Accetance
The uyer shall insect the goods uon delivery and shall have the right to accet or reject the goods ased on the secifications set forth in Exhiit A. Any rejection must e communicated to the Seller within [Numer of Days] after delivery.
Article 7: Force Majeure
Neither arty shall e liale for any delay or failure in erformance due to events eyond their reasonale control, including ut not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, or government regulations. In such cases, the affected arty shall notify the other arty as soon as ossile and rovide evidence of the force majeure event.
Article 8: Governing Law and Disute Resolution
This contract shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law's Country]. Any disutes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall first e attemted to e resolved through negotiation etween the arties. If negotiation fails, the disute shall e sumitted to [Disute Resolution Method], as detailed in Exhiit .
Article 9: Termination
Either arty may terminate this contract uon written notice to the other arty in the event of a material reach of contract that remains uncured for [Numer of Days] after notice.
Article 10: Miscellaneous
This contract contains the entire agreement etween the arties and suersedes any rior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. Any amendment to this contract must e in writing and signed y oth arties. This contract may e executed in counterarts, each of which shall e deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one contract.
Exhiit A: Goods Secifications
[Detailed descrition of the goods, including technical secifications, quality standards, dimensions, ackaging requirements, etc.]
Exhiit : Disute Resolution Details
[Details on the method of disute resolution, whether it e aritration, mediation, or another form of alternative disute resolution.]
y signing elow, oth arties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this contract and agree to e ound y them.
Seller: [Seller's Name]
Signature: _____________________
Date: [Date]
uyer: [uyer's Name]
Signature: _____________________
Date: [Date]