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1 英文原文
Reliability-based design optimization of adhesive bonded
steel-Cconcret composite beams with probabilistic and
non-probabilistic uncertainties
ABSTRACT: It is meaningful to account for various uncertainties in the optimization design of the adhesive bonded steel-cconcrete composite beam.Based on the definition of the mixed reliability index for structural safety evaluation with probabilistic and non-probabilistic uncertainties,the reliability-based optimization incorporating such mixed reliability constraints are mathematically formulated as a nested problem.The
performance measure approach is employed to improve the convergence and the stability in solving the inner-loop.Moreover,the double-loop optimization problem is transformed into a series of approximate deterministic problems by incorporating the sequential approximate programming and the iteration scheme,which greatly reduces the burdensome computation workloads in seeking the optimal design. The validity of the
proposed formulation as well as the efficiency of the presented numerical techniques is demonstrated by a mathematical
example.Finally,reliability-based optimization designs of a single span
adhesive bonded steel-cconcrete composite beam with different loading cases are achieved throug integrating the present systematic method,the finite element analysis and the optimization package.
1. Introduction
The steel-cconcrete composite beam,which integrates the high tensile strength of steel and the high compressive strength of concrete,has been widely used in multi-storey buildings and bridges all over the world.At the beginning of the 1960s,an efficient
[1,2]adhesive bonding techniquewas introduced to connect the Concrete slab and the steel girder by an adhesive joint,not by the conventional metallic shear connectors.This so-called adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beam is considered to be a very prospective alternate structure because it has the advantages of relieving stress concentration,avoiding site welding,and using the prefabricated concrete slab.Recently,an umber of studies on the experimental tests and numerical simulation of adhesive bonded
[3-5]steel-concrete composite beams have been presented in literatures.
With the ever increasing computational power,the past two decades have seen a
rapid development of structural optimization in both theories and engineering applications.In particular,the non-deterministic optimal design of steel or concrete beams incorporating stochastic uncertainties has been intensively studied by using the
[6,7]reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) method .Based on
the classical
probability theory,this conventional RBDO method describes uncertainties in structural systems as stochastic variables or random fields with certain probability distribution and thus provides an effective tool for determining the best design solution while explicitly
[8]considering the unavoidable effects of parameter variations.As
the most mature
non-deterministic design approach,the RBDO has been successfully
used in many
[9,10]real-life engineering applications.However,the primary
challenge to apply the
conventional RBDO in practical applications is the availability of
the precise statistical characteristics,which are crucial for a successful probabilistic reliability analysis and
design.Unfortunately,these accurate data usually cannot be obtained in some practical applications where only a limited number of samples are available.
[11,12]The early treatment for insufficient uncertainties is to construction a closest uniform probabilistic distribution by using the principle of maximum entropy.In
[13,14] 1990s,Elishakoffexplored that a small error in constructing the probabilistic density function for input uncertainties may lead to misleading assessment of the probabilistic reliability in particular
cases.This conclusion illuminates that using the traditional
probabilistic approach to deal with those problems involving in complete the information might be inconvincible. Consequently, an alternative category,namely the
[15]non-probabilistic approach,has been rapid developed for describing uncertainty with
incomplete statistical information by a fuzzy set or a convexset. In the fuzzy set
[16,17]method ,the fuzzy failure probability of structures is assessed based on membership
[18-20],function representation of the observed/measured inputs.In the convex set method
all possible values of the uncertainties are bounded within a hyper-box or hyper-ellipsoid without assuming any inner probability distributions.Non-probabilistic models have been regarded as attractive supplements to the traditional probabilistic model in the reliability design of structural engineering.The interested readers are referred to research papers
[21][23]bye.g. Moens and Vandepitte ,Moller and Beer [22],Elishakoff and Ohsaki.
In a practical engineering problem of adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beams,the uncertain scatter of structural parameters about their expected values is unavoidable.For example,the applied loads may
fluctuate dramatically during its service life-cycle,and the parameters defining the structure,such as geometrical dimensions and material properties,are also subject to inaccuracies or
deviations.Among these concerned uncertainties,some can be characterized with precise-enough probability distributions,while others need to be treated as bounded ones due to a lack of sufficient sample data.A
typical example of such bounded uncertainties is the load magnitude and the geometrical dimensions of a manufactured product,the variation ranges of which are controlled by specified tolerance bounds.
From as early as 1993,attempts have been made to assess and analyze the structural safety in the presence of both stochastic variables and uncertain-but-bounded variables
[24]by Elishakoff and Colombi . Recently ,many numerical
methods,including the
[25] [26]multi-point approximation technique,the iterative rescaling method,the probability
[27] [28]bounds (p-box) approach,and the interval truncation method,have been proposed
for estimating the lower and upper bounds of failure probability of structures with a combination of stochastic and interval
variables.Detailed surveys of both known and new
[29]algorithms for this safety assessment problem have also been made by Berleant etal.
[30]and Kreinovich etal..However,it is noted that a few studies have considered various
[31] uncertainties in the reliability-based design optimization problems.Duetal.extended
the conventional RBDO method to structural design problems under the combination of random and interval variables.In their study,a procedure for seeking the worst-case combination of the interval variables is embedded into the probabilistic reliability analysis.
As the literature survey shows,the existing studies mainly focus on solving the combination of random/interval variables. Basically,the interval set does not account for the dependencies among the bounded uncertainties,which can be regarded as the simplest instance of the set-value based convex model.Due to the unpredictability of structural parameters and the impossibility of the acquisition of sufficient uncertainty information,problems of structural optimization must be solved in the presence of various
[32]types of uncertainties,which remains a challenging problem in realistic systems.As a
consequence,apractical and efficient reliability-based design optimization being capable of quantifying probabilistic and non-probabilistic uncertainties,as well as associated numerical techniques,should be fully developed and adopted in the professional practice of adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beam design.
In this paper,using the mathematical definition of structural reliability index based
[33]on probability and convexsetmixed model,a nested optimization formulation with
constraints on such mixed reliability indices for the adhesive bonded steel-concrete
composite beam is first presented.For improving the convergence and the stability
[34]insolving sub-optimization problems,the performance measure approach (PMA) is
skillfully employed. Then,the sequential approximate programming approach embedded by an iterative scheme is proposed for converting the nested problem into a serial of deterministic ones, which will greatly reduce the burdensome computation workloads in seeking the optimal design.Through comparing with the direct nested double-loop approach,the applicability and the efficiency of the proposed methods are demonstrated by aclassical mathematical example.Finally,the reliability-based optimization designs of a single span adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beam are achieved through integrating the present systematic method,the finite element analysis program and the
[35]gradient-based design optimization package CFSQP .
2. RBDO of adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beams
2.1. Description of probabilistic and non-probabilistic
In practice engineering,the uncertain parameters involved in the design problem can
Tbe classified into probabilistic uncertainties (denoted by X=
{ X,X,…,Xm } )and 12
Tnon-probabilistic uncertainties (denoted by Y= { Y,Y,…,
Ym } )according to their 12
available input samples.It is desirable to select the best suitable models to respectively describe these different types of uncertainties.
Undoubtedly,the probabilistic uncertainties X can be modelled as stochastic variables with certain distribution characteristics,which are expressedas
Twhere f(x)is the joint probability density function. X= { X,X,…,Xm } )represents x12
[36]the realization of the variables X. In the classical
probabilistic framework,the
structural reliability is given as
where Pr [?] denotes the probability, g(X) is a limit-state function and g(X)?0 defines
the safety events.
For the non-probabilistic uncertainties ,the bounds or ranges of parameter
variation,compared with precise probability density function,are more easily obtained with the limited measurement results,e.g.the least data envelop set or the manufacturing
[37]tolerance specifications.In such circumstances,a multiellipsoid convex model is
competent for the non-probabilistic uncertainty
description.Following this frequently
used convex model,all the non-probabilistic parameters are divided into groups with the rule that variations of parameters in different groups are uncorrelated.Herein,each group of uncertainties are bounded by an individual hyper-ellipsoid convex set,respectively,as
where is the nominal value vector of the i-th group uncertainties ,is the
characteristic matrix and it is a symmetric positive-definite real matrix defining the orientation and aspect ratio of the i-th ellipsoid, is a real number defining the
magnitude of the parameter variability, n is the total number of groups of the g
non-probabilistic uncertainties Y. Supposing n is the number of uncer- tainties in the i-th i
group,there is
For an illustrative purpose,three specific multi-ellipsoid cases for a problem with three non-probabilistic parameters,which are divided into three groups
,twogroups and one group
respectively,are schematicall shown in Fig. 1(a)-(c). .As
illustrated in Fig.1(a), the multi-ellipsoid set is reduced to an hyper-box(or interval set) when each group consists of only one uncertainparameter.In Fig.1(c),the single-ellipsoid set represents another special case of the multi-ellipsoid set when all the bounded uncertainties are correlated into one group.Thus,the multi-ellipsoid convex model in (4) provides a generalized framework that extends common interval sets and single-ellipsoid sets for the representation of non-probabilistic uncertainties.
2.2. Definition of the structural mixed reliability index
For the assessment of the structural reliability combining probabilistic and non-probabilistic uncertainties,it is convenient to transform the original non-normal or
Tdependent random variables X= { X,X,…,Xm } into independent normal random 12
T [38]ones U= { U,U,…,Um } in U-space via the Rackwitz-Fiessler method or the 12
[39]Rosenblatt method.
In the simplest case,a normal random variable X can be transformed into a standard normal random variable U by
where X and are the mean value and the standard deviation of X, respectively.
2 中文译文
在胶粘剂粘结的钢混凝土组合梁的优化设计中考虑各种不确定的因素是有很- 重要的意义的。





最后,通过整合目前的系统理论,有限元分析及优化方案,实现了在胶接单跨钢混凝土组合梁可靠度为基础的不同工况的优化设计- 、引言1





特别是,通过是用以可靠性的为基础的设计优化研究()RBDO [6,7]方法,非确定性的钢梁或混凝土梁优化设计组合随机不确定性已被集中的研究。












[21] [22][23]例如和和和Moens Vandepitte, Möller Beer, Elishakoff Ohsaki .






和Berleant al.
[30]对这个问题的已知安全性评价和新算法的具体细节已经做了调Kreinovich al.

[31] 定性。

在组合结构设计问题里,扩展了传统方法下的随机变量Du et al. RBDO










[35]整合现有的系统方法,有限元分析程序和基于梯度设计优化软件包实CFSQP 现。

、粘接钢混凝土组合梁可靠度优化设计2 -
TY={ Y1,…,)。


Y2Yn} T
毫无疑问,可以被视为具有一定的分布随机变量的特点,可把模型的概率不X 确定性表示为

和,…,代表的变量的fxxx={x1x2 XM} TX









在图单椭球1(c) 集表示的是另一个特殊的多椭球集情况时,所有的有界不确定性被相关的分为一组。



在一个简单的例子里,一个正常的随机变量通过下式可以转化为一个标准正X 态随机变量U

