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css属性样式大全(CSS property style Daquan)
Font properties: (font)
Size {font-size: X-LARGE;} (extra large) XX-Small; (minimum) general Chinese can not be used, as long as the value can be, units: PX, PD
Style {font-style: oblique;} (partial italic) Italic; (italic) normal; (normal)
Line height {line-height: normal;} (normal) units: PX, PD, EM
The thickness of {font-weight: bold; lighter;} (BOLD) (Figure normal); (normal)
Variant {font-variant: small-caps;} (small capitalization) normal; (normal)
Case {text-transform: capitalize;} (initial uppercase) uppercase; (uppercase) lowercase; (lower case) none; (no)
Modify {text-decoration: underline;} (underline) overline; (line up) line-through; (delete line) blink; (blinking)
Commonly used fonts: (font-family)
"Courier, New", Courier, monospace, Times, New, Roman, Times, serif, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana
Background properties: (background)
Color {background-color: #FFFFFF;}
Picture {background-image: URL ()}
Repeat {background-repeat: no-repeat;}
Scroll {background-attachment: fixed;} (fixed) scroll; (scroll)
Position {background-position: left;} (horizontal) top (vertical);
{background:#000 URL (..) - repeat fixed left top;} / * - - this code often appears in reading, to study seriously.
Block attribute: (Block) / * this property first met, to a lot of research.
Word spacing {letter-spacing: normal;} / * the numerical properties appear to be useful, more practice.
Align {text-align: justify;} (both ends aligned) left; (left aligned) right; (right aligned) center; (centered)
Indent {text-indent: value PX;}
Vertically aligned {vertical-align: baseline;} (baseline) sub; (subscript) super; (subscript) top; text-top; middle; bottom; text-bottom;
Word spacing word-spacing:, normal; numerical value
Space white-space: pre; (reserved) nowrap; (no line feed)
{display:block;} (block) inline (embedded); list-item; run-in; (list) (additional) compact (compact); marker; table;
inline-table (marker); table-raw-group; table-header-group; table-footer-group; table-raw; table-column-group;
table-column; table-cell; table-caption; (table title)
/*display attribute understanding is very fuzzy * /
Box properties: (Box)
Width:; height:; float:; clear:both; padding:; margin:; order: right, left, left
Border properties: (Border)
Border-style: dotted; (dot line) dashed; (dotted line) solid; double; (double line) groove; (slot line) ridge; (ridged) inset; (SAG) outset;
Border-width:; border width
Border:width style - color; / * * / -
List properties: (List-style)
Type list-style-type: disc; (DOT) circle; (circle) square; (Fang Kuai) decimal; (number) lower-roman; (Ronaldinho number)
upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha;
Location list-style-position: outside; (external) inside; Image list-style-image:, URL (...);
Location attributes: (Position)
Position: absolute; relative; static;
Visibility: inherit; visible; hidden;
Overflow: visible; hidden; scroll; auto;
Clip:, Rect (12px, auto, 12px, auto) (cut)
CSS property code Guinness
One CSS text property:
Color: #999999; / * * / text color
Font-family: Arial, sans-serif; / * * / text font
Font-size: 9pt; / * * / text size
Font-style:itelic; / * * / italic text
Font-variant:small-caps; / * * / small font
LETTER-SPACING: 1pt; / * * / distance between words
Line-height: 200%; / * * / set the row
Font-weight:bold; / * * / bold text
Vertical-align:sub; / * * / word.
Vertical-align:super; / * * / word.
Text-decoration:line-through; / * * / strikethrough
Text-decoration: overline; / * and * / top line
Text-decoration:underline; / * * / underline
Text-decoration:none; / * * / delete link underline
Text-transform: capitalize; / * * / first character uppercase Text-transform: uppercase; / * * / English capital
Text-transform: lowercase; / * * / English.
Text-align:right; / * * / right aligned text
Text-align:left; / * * / left aligned text
Text-align:center; / * * / text alignment
Text-align:justify; / * * / distributed text
Vertical-align property
Vertical-align:top; / * * / vertical alignment
Vertical-align:bottom; / * * / vertical alignment
Vertical-align:middle; / * * / vertical alignment
Vertical-align:text-top; / * * / vertical text alignment Vertical-align:text-bottom; / * * / text vertically aligned Two, CSS border blank
Padding-top:10px; / * * / top left blank
Padding-right:10px; / * * / leave blank right border Padding-bottom:10px; / * * / bottom left blank
Padding-left:10px; / * left border left blank
Three and CSS symbol attributes:
List-style-type:none; / * * / not No.
List-style-type:decimal; / * * / digital Arabia
List-style-type:lower-roman; / * * / lowercase digital Rome List-style-type:upper-roman; / * * / digital capital Rome
List-style-type:lower-alpha; / * * / English lowercase letters
List-style-type:upper-alpha; / * * / English uppercase letters List-style-type:disc; / * * / solid circular symbols
List-style-type:circle; / * * / hollow circular symbols
List-style-type:square; / * * / solid square symbol
List-style-image:url (/dot.gif); / * * / picture symbols List-style-position: outside; / * * / outdent
List-style-position:inside; / * * / indent
Four and CSS background styles:
Background-color:#F5E2EC; / * * / background color Background:transparent; / * * / background Perspective
Background-image: URL (/image/bg.gif); / * * / background picture
Background-attachment: fixed; / * * / fixed watermark background
Background-repeat: repeat; / * * / - "default repeat array
Background-repeat: no-repeat; / * * / permutation without repetition
Background-repeat: repeat-x; / * * / arranged on the X axis repeat
Background-repeat: repeat-y; / * * / arranged on the Y axis repeat
Specify the background location
Background-position 90%: 90%; / * position background picture X and Y axis
Background-position: top; / * * / to align
Background-position: buttom; / * * / down alignment
Background-position: left; / * * / left justified
Background-position: right; / * * / right justified
Background-position: Center; / * * / justifycenter
Five, CSS connection properties:
A / * * / all hyperlinks
A:link / * * / hyperlink text format
A:visited / * visited link text format.
A:active / * press the link format.
A:hover / * * / mouse to link
Mouse cursor style:
Link finger CURSOR: hand
Ten font cursor:crosshair
Arrow down, cursor:s-resize
Cross arrow cursor:move
The arrow is right cursor:move
Add a question mark, cursor:help
Arrow left, cursor:w-resize
Arrow up, cursor:n-resize
The arrow is right up, cursor:ne-resize The arrow is left up, cursor:nw-resize
Text type cursor:text I
Arrow oblique, right lower cursor:se-resize
Arrow left, cursor:sw-resize below
Funnel cursor:wait
Cursor pattern (IE6), P, {cursor:url (cursor file name.Cur), text,}
Six, CSS wireframe list:
Border-top: 1px solid #6699cc; / * * / box on the line
Border-bottom: 1px solid #6699cc; / * * / box under the line
Border-left: 1px solid #6699cc; / * * / left line
Border-right: 1px solid #6699cc; / * * / right box line
These are suggested writing methods, but they can also be used in the regular manner as follows:
Border-top-color: #369 top / * set frame line color *
Border-top-width: Top 1px / * * / line width box set
Border-top-style line: top style box set * / solid/*
Other wireframe styles
Solid / * * / solid frame
Dotted / * * / box
Double / * * / double box
Groove / * three-dimensional inner convex frame. Ridge / * * / relief box
Inset / * * / box.
Outset / * * / convex frame
Seven, CSS form application:
check box
radio button
Multiline text block
Dropdown menu option 1 option 2
Eight and CSS border styles:
Margin-top:10px; / * * / boundary
Margin-right:10px; / * * / right boundary value
Margin-bottom:10px; / * * / boundary value
Margin-left:10px; / * * / left boundary value
CSS property: font style (Font, Style)
Chinese markup syntax
1 font styles {font:font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, font-family}
2 font type {font-family:, font 1, font 2, font 3,...}
3 font size, {font-size: value, |inherit|, medium|, large|, larger|, x-large|, xx-large|, small|, xx-small}, smaller|, x-small|, and so on
4 font style {font-style:inherit|italic|normal|oblique}
5 font thickness
6 font color {color: value}
7 shadow color {text-shadow:16 bit color value}
8 font height, {line-height: value |inherit|normal;}
9 word spacing {letter-spacing: numeric value |inherit|normal}
10 word spacing {word-spacing: numerical |inherit|normal}
11 font deformation {font-variant:inherit|normal|small-cps}
12 English translation
{text-transform:inherit|none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase }
13 font deformation {font-size-adjust:inherit|none}
14 font
{font-stretch:condensed|expanded|extra-condensed|extra-expa nded|inherit|narrower|normal|
semi-condensed|semi-expanded|ultra-condensed|ultra-expanded |wider}
Text style (Text, Style)
Chinese markup syntax
1 line spacing {line-height: numerical |inherit|normal;}
2 text modification
{text-decoration:inherit|none|underline|overline|line-throu gh|blink}
The 3 section of the first space {text-indent: value |inherit}
4 horizontal alignment
5 vertically aligned
{vertical-align:inherit|top|bottom|text-top|text-bottom|bas eline|middle|sub|super}
6 writing methods {writing-mode:lr-tb|tb-rl}
Background style
Chinese markup syntax
1 background color {background-color: value}
2 background pictures {background-image:, URL (URL) |none}
3 background repeat
{background-repeat:inherit|no-repeat|repeat|repeat-x|repeat -y}
4 background fixed {background-attachment:fixed|scroll}
5 background location {background-position: numeric value |top|bottom|left|right|center}
Figure 6 {background: style background color background image | | background repeat | background attachment background position |}
Frame style (Box, Style)
Chinese markup syntax
1 borders blank {margin:margin-top, margin-right,
margin-bottom, margin-left}
2 {padding:padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left} filler
3 border width {border-width:border-top-width,
border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width}
Width value: thin|medium|thick| value
4 border color, {border-color: value, numerical value, value} value: represent top, right, bottom, left color value respectively
5 border style
{border-style:none|hidden|inherit|dashed|solid|double|inset |outset|ridge|groove}
10清除{清楚:没有|左右| |两}
2控制空白{白空间:正常|预| nowarp }
4图形列表{列表样式图像:URL }
6目录列表{列表样式:目录样式类型|目录样式位置| URL }
7鼠标形状{光标:手|十字|文本|等|移动|帮助| e-resize | NW调整| w-resize | s-resize | SE调整| SW调整}。
