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Analysis on the expression levels of sestrin2 mRNA and mTORC1 mRNA in synovial tissues of patients with
osteoarthritis and their correlations with prognosis FU Dao⁃tong, LIU Chang⁃jie, ZHANG Yi⁃min. School of
mRNA was a protective factor for inhibiting poor prognosis in the osteoarthritis patients(P < 0 05). The results of ROC
curve analysis showed that the levels of sestrin2 mRNA and mTORC1 mRNA in the synovial tissues could effectively
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中国临床新医学 2023 年 6 月 第 16 卷 第 6 期
tumor necrosis factor⁃α(TNF⁃α)] were detected using enzyme⁃linked immunosorbent assay( ELISA) method. Pearson
synovial tissues. The expression levels of joint fluid inflammatory markers[interleukin⁃8( IL⁃8), interleukin⁃6( IL⁃6),
Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
correlation analysis was used to investigate the correlations of sestrin2 mRNA and mTORC1 mRNA levels in the synovial
tissues with the inflammatory markers in the articular fluid. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the influen⁃
且两者联合的预测效能更优[ AUC(95% CI) = 0 906 (0 848 ~ 0 963) ,P < 0 001] ,灵敏度和特异度分别为
93 53% 、78 76% 。 结论 滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA、mTORC1 mRNA 可作为骨关节炎患者预后评估的重要辅
IL⁃6、TNF⁃α 水平显著高于预后良好组(P < 0 05),sestrin2 mRNA 水平显著低于预后良好组( P < 0 05)。 Pearson
相关性分析结果显示,骨关节炎预后不良患者滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA 水平与关节液 IL⁃8、IL⁃6、TNF⁃α 水平均
呈负相关( P < 0 05) ,mTORC1 mRNA 水平与 IL⁃8、IL⁃6、TNF⁃α 水平均呈正相关( P < 0 05) 。 多因素 logistic
[ 摘要] 目的 分析骨关节炎患者滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA 和哺乳动物雷帕霉素复合物 1 ( mTORC1)
mRNA 的表达水平及其与预后的关联性。 方法 招募 2019 年 10 月至 2022 年 10 月潍坊市人民医院收治的
骨关节炎患者 120 例,均接受膝关节置换术,术中采集患者滑膜组织。 根据患者术后 6 个月的 Lysholm 评分
complex 1( mTORC1) mRNA in synovial tissues of patients with osteoarthritis and their correlations with prognosis.
Methods One hundred and twenty patients with osteoarthritis who were admitted to Weifang People′s Hospital from
predict the prognosis of the patients(P < 0 05), and the predictive efficacy of the combination of the two indicators was
better[AUC(95% CI) = 0 906(0 848⁃0 963), P < 0 001]. The sensitivity and specificity were 93 53% and 78 76% ,
acteristic(ROC) curve. Results The levels of mTORC1 mRNA, IL⁃8, IL⁃6 and TNF⁃α in the poor prognosis group
were significantly higher than those in the good prognosis group(P < 0 05), and the level of sestrin2 mRNA in the poor
作者单位: 261021 山东,潍坊医学院临床医学院( 付道通,刘长杰) ; 261000 山东,潍坊市人民医院关节外科二病区( 张益民)
作者简介: 付道通,在读硕士研究生,研究方向:骨关节病及运动医学。 E⁃mail:fudaotong163@ 163. com
通信作者: 张益民,医学博士,主任医师,研究方向:骨关节病的诊治。 E⁃mail:ymzh69@ hotmail. com
过 Pearson 相关性分析探讨滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA、mTORC1 mRNA 水平与关节液炎性标志物的相关性。 通
过多因素 logistic 回归分析患者术后预后不良的影响因素。 通过受试者工作特征( ROC) 曲线评估滑膜组织
sestrin2 mRNA、mTORC1 mRNA 水平预测骨关节炎患者预后的效能。 结果 预后不良组 mTORC1 mRNA、IL⁃8、
October 2019 to October 2022 were recruited, all of whom underwent knee replacement, and their synovial tissues were
collected during the operation. According to the patients′ Lysholm scores 6 months after operation, they were divided
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Chinese Journal of New Clinical Medicine,June 2023,Volume 16,Number 6
骨关节炎患者滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA、mTORC1 mRNA
付道通, 刘长杰, 张益民
基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金面上项目( 编号:ZR2020MH094) ; 山东省自然科学基金项目( 编号:ZR2019P Nhomakorabea026)
into poor prognosis group( < 70 points, 31 cases) and good prognosis group(≥70 points, 89 cases). Quantitative real⁃
time polymerase chain reaction(qRT⁃PCR) was used to detect the levels of sestrin2 mRNA and mTORC1 mRNA in the
[ 关键词] 骨关节炎; 滑膜组织; Sestrin2; 哺乳动物雷帕霉素复合物 1; 预后
[ 中图分类号] R 684 3 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号] 1674 - 3806(2023)06 - 0580 - 05
doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1674 - 3806. 2023. 06. 10
Clinical Medicine, Weifang Medical College, Shandong 261021, China
[ Abstract] Objective To analyze the expression levels of sestrin2 mRNA and mammalian target of rapamycin
cing factors of postoperative poor prognosis in the patients. The efficacy of the sestrin2 mRNA and mTORC1 mRNA levels
in the synovial tissues in predicting the prognosis of the osteoarthritis patients was evaluated by receiver operating char⁃
情况将其分为预后不良组( < 70 分,31 例) 和预后良好组( ≥70 分,89 例) 。 采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反
应( qRT⁃PCR) 法检测滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA、mTORC1 mRNA 水平。 采用酶联免疫吸附( ELISA) 法检测患者
术前关节液炎性标志物[ 白细胞介素⁃8( IL⁃8) 、白细胞介素⁃6( IL⁃6) 、肿瘤坏死因子⁃α( TNF⁃α) ] 表达水平。 通
prognosis group was significantly lower than that in the good prognosis group(P < 0 05). The results of Pearson correla⁃
tion analysis showed that the sestrin2 mRNA level in the synovial tissues of the patients with poor prognosis of osteoar⁃
回归分析结果显示,滑膜组织 mTORC1 mRNA 表达水平上升是促进骨关节炎患者预后不良发生的独立危险
因素( P < 0 05) ,而较高水平的 sestrin2 mRNA 是抑制骨关节炎患者预后不良发生的保护因素( P < 0 05) 。
ROC 曲线分析结果显示,滑膜组织 sestrin2 mRNA、mTORC1 mRNA 水平能有效预测患者的预后情况(P < 0 05),
thritis was negatively correlated with IL⁃8, IL⁃6 and TNF⁃α levels in the joint fluid(P < 0 05), and the patients′ mTORC1
mRNA level was positively correlated with IL⁃8, IL⁃6 and TNF⁃α levels(P < 0 05). The results of multivariate logistic
regression analysis showed that the increased expression level of mTORC1 mRNA in the synovium tissues was an inde⁃
pendent risk factor for promoting poor prognosis in the osteoarthritis patients(P < 0 05), while the higher level of sestrin2