
《房屋建筑学》第一章建筑概述作业练习题一.判断题1. 古代人居住的茅草屋不美观,因为缺乏艺术性,不算建筑物。
()2. 大多数桥梁属于构筑物。
()3. 中国古代建筑,主要以木结构为主。
()4. 古代欧洲的公共建筑,以砖石结构居多。
()5. 建筑的文化主要体现在民族性,地域性方面。
()6. 大型性的建筑就是规模大的建筑。
()7. 工业建筑就是所有的厂房。
()8. 建筑高度就是指从地面到屋顶的总高度。
()9. 建筑模数的规定是绝对不能违背的。
()10. 建筑设计规范主要是国家标准或行业标准,设计时当严格遵循。
()11. 埃菲尔铁塔比一般输电塔高,属于构筑物。
()12. 将建筑分级和分类,是为了加以区别描述。
()13. 超过24 米的居住建筑都属于高层建筑。
()14. 流水别墅的设计师是莱特。
()15. 建筑艺术是造型和色彩的艺术。
()选择题1.我国采用的建筑基本模数M 值为。
()A . M=80mm B. M=100mmD. M=200mmC. M=120mm2.()是古代欧洲柱式建筑。
A. 托儿所B. 宾馆C. 公寓D. 疗养院4. 下列的()不属于建筑物?()A. 长途车站候车楼B. 纪念碑C. 围墙D. 赵州桥5. 建筑物的耐久年限主要是根据建筑物的()而定的。
A.承重结构材料B.重要性C.层咼D.质里标准6. 建筑艺术区别于其它造型艺术(如绘画、雕刻等)的重要标志在于()。
A. 建筑艺术作品一般比较大B、建筑有使用功能的要求C建筑有技术性的要求D、完成建筑作品投资较大7. 关于民用建筑高度与层数的划分的叙述,()是错误的。
A.10 层的住宅为高层建筑。
B. 住宅超过100米时为超高层建筑。
C. 公共建筑不论层数,高度超过22米者为高层建筑。
D. 公共建筑超过100米时为超高层建筑。
大工15秋《钢筋混凝土结构》在线作业1 100分答案

大工15秋《钢筋混凝土结构》在线作业1一、单选题(共5 道试题,共30 分。
)1. 在《混凝土结构设计规范》中,下列哪一项是混凝土强度的基本代表值()。
A. 立方体抗压强度标准值B. 立方体抗压强度设计值C. 轴心抗压强度标准值D. 轴心抗压强度设计值————选择:A2. 下述现象表示结构进入承载能力极限状态的是()。
A. 结构的一部分出现倾覆B. 梁出现过大的挠度C. 梁出现裂缝D. 钢筋生锈————选择:A3. 受弯构件正截面承载力计算中,不考虑中和轴以下受拉区混凝土的作用是因为()。
A. 中和轴以下混凝土全部开裂B. 混凝土抗拉强度低C. 中和轴附近部分受拉混凝土范围较小且产生的力矩很小D. 混凝土退出工作————选择:C4. 结构设计中确定梁的截面尺寸,下列哪一项与梁高关系不大()。
A. 梁的支承条件B. 梁的跨度C. 钢筋等级及混凝土强度等级D. 所受荷载大小————选择:C5. 承载能力极限状态下结构处于失效状态时,其功能函数()。
A. 大于零B. 等于零C. 小于零D. 以上都不是————选择:C大工15秋《钢筋混凝土结构》在线作业1二、多选题(共2 道试题,共18 分。
)1. 从受弯构件正截面受弯承载力的观点来看,下列()不能作为确定截面为矩形或T形的依据。
A. 截面受压区的形状B. 截面受拉区的形状C. 截面实际形状D. 钢筋的截面面积————选择:BCD2. 以下现象出现,表示结构进入正常使用极限状态的是()。


中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院房屋建筑学课程作业4(共 4 次作业)学习层次:专科涉及章节:第7章——第9章一、问答题1.楼梯是由哪些部分所组成的?各组成部分的作用及要求如何?2.常见的楼梯有哪几种形式?各使用于什么?3.楼梯设计的要求如何?4.楼板层与地坪层有什么相同和不同之处?5.楼板层的基本组成及设计要求有哪些?6.现浇肋梁楼板的布置原则。

(单选题) 1: 下列哪些房间进深大时应设置天窗()A: 卧室B: 单层厂房C: 厨房D: 中学美术教室正确答案:(单选题) 2: 建筑技术条件是指()。
A: 建筑结构技术、建筑材料技术、建筑构造技术B: 建筑结构技术、建筑材料技术、建筑施工技术C: 建筑结构技术、建筑环保技术、建筑构造技术D: 建筑结构技术、建筑构造技术、建筑施工技术正确答案:(单选题) 3: 预制钢筋混凝土楼板在承重墙上的搁置长度应不小于( )。
A: 60mmB: 80mmC: 120mmD: 180mm正确答案:(单选题) 4: 平面利用系数=使用面积/建筑面积×100%,其中使用面积是指除结构面积之外的()A: 所有使用房间净面积之和B: 所有使用房间与辅助房间净面积之和C: 所有房间面积与交通面积之和正确答案:(单选题) 5: 一般的工业与民用建筑,其屋面防水等级为Ⅲ级,防水层使用年限的要求为()。
A: 25年B: 15年C: 10年D: 5年正确答案:(单选题) 6: 墙体勒脚部位的水平防潮层一般设于()。
A: 基础顶面B: 底层地坪混凝土结构层之间的砖缝中C: 底层地坪混凝土结构层之下60mm处D: 室外地坪之上60mm处正确答案:(单选题) 7: 建筑高度大于()m的民用建筑为超高层建筑。
A: 60B: 80C: 100D: 120正确答案:(单选题) 8: 地坪层由()构成。
A: 面层B: 结构层C: 垫层D: 素土夯实层E: 面层F: 找平层G: 垫层H: 素土夯实层I: 面层L: 结合层M: 构造层N: 结构层O: 垫层P: 素土夯实层正确答案:(单选题) 9: 楼板层的构造说法正确的是()。
A: 楼板应有足够的强度,可不考虑变形问题B: 槽形板上不可打洞C: 空心板保温隔热效果好,且可打洞,故常采用D: 采用花篮梁可适当提高室内净空高度正确答案:(单选题) 10: 某6层住宅楼为()建筑。
A: 低层B: 多层C: 中高层D: 高层正确答案:(多选题) 1: 基础按传力不同可以分为()A: 钢筋混凝土基础B: 刚性基础C: 柔性基础D: 砖基础E: 混凝土基础正确答案:(多选题) 2: 下列不适宜建高层的建筑是( )。

《房屋建筑学、钢筋混凝土结构、基础工程》平时作业(2015-2016第二学期)任课老师:周晖教学点 专业级别 姓名 学号 成绩一、客观题部分,共46分(一)填空题(每空分,共30分)1.勒脚、散水(或明沟)、防潮层称为墙脚三要素,其中散水坡度一般为 3%----5% ,散水的宽度一般不小于 0.5米 。
2.在建筑总平面图中,常用来表明该建筑物所在区域常年和夏季风向的是 风玫瑰图 。
3.为增加墙体的整体稳定性,提高建筑物的刚度可设 圈梁和构造柱。
5. 基础根据所用材料的不同,可分为刚性基础和柔性基础两类,其中钢筋混凝土基础属于刚性基础。
7.建筑结构应具备的功能要求有安全性 、适用性、耐久性。
8.钢筋混凝土偏心受压构件,当ξ≤ξb 时为大偏心受压,当ξ>ξb 时为小偏心受压。
9.单向板肋梁楼盖荷载的传递途径为 荷载 → 板 →次梁→主梁 →柱或者墙 → 基础 → 地基。
10. 螺旋箍筋柱的核心区混凝土处于三向状态,因而能提高柱子的抗压承载力和变形能力。
每空2分,共16分)1.自由落水挑檐从屋顶悬挑时,应挑出不小于( )mm 宽的板;屋顶排水区一般按每个 排水口排出( )屋面雨水来划分。
选CA .200;150m 2~200m 2B .200;200m 2~250m 2C .400;150m 2~200m 2D .400;200m 2~250m 22.下列选项中必须沿建筑的屋顶至基础底面全高设置的是(选B)。
A.伸缩缝 B.沉降缝C. 防震缝 D.施工缝3.下列选项中为整体类地面的是(选D)。

作用在柱底的荷载效应基本组合设计值为:F=900kN(轴力),M=108kN·m (弯矩),V=18kN(剪力)。
西南大学培训与继续教育学院课程代码: 1066 学年学季:20201单项选择题1、屋面防水中泛水高度最小值为(). 150. 200. 250. 3002、平屋顶的排水坡度一般不超过(),最常用的坡度为()。
. 5%,2%~3%. 10%,5%. 3%,5%. 5%,1%3、下列哪种墙面装饰属于抹灰类饰面()。
. D. 玩具厂.冶炼厂.重型机械制造厂.汽车厂6、阳台栏杆的垂直杆件间净距不应大于()mm。
. 120. 150. 110. 1307、楼梯踏步防滑条应突出踏步面(). 2~3mm. 1~2mm. 3~5mm. 5mm8、下列哪种砂浆既有较高的强度又有较好的和易性()。
.粘土砂浆.石灰砂浆.混合砂浆.水泥砂浆9、基础埋深的最小深度为(). 0.3m. 0.8m. 0.6m. 0.5m10、下列哪种构造层次不属于不保温屋面()。
.建筑结构技术、建筑构造技术、建筑施工技术.建筑结构技术、建筑材料技术、建筑构造技术.建筑结构技术、建筑环保技术、建筑构造技术.建筑结构技术、建筑材料技术、建筑施工技术12、耐火等级为二级时楼板和吊顶的耐火极限应满足( )。
. 1.00h, 0.25h. 1.50h, 0.15h. 1.50h, 0.25h. 1.00h, 0.15h13、在一般民用建筑中,小开间横墙承重结构的优点有()。



(J )8.梁板结构体系是混凝土结构中最常用的竖向结构体系,被广泛用于建筑中的楼、屋盖结构、基础底板结构等。
(X )9.框架结构属高次超静定结构,既承受竖向荷载,又承受侧向水平力。
(J) 10.在剪力墙的墙体内,侧向荷载主要产生向下的压力,竖向荷载产生水平剪力和弯矩。
(J )12.先设计、后勘察、再施工,是工程建设必须遵守的程序。
(X )13.结构设计的具体内容包括基础结构设计、上部结构设计和构造细部设计。
(J )14.结构设计一般可分三个阶段:方案阶段、结构分析与计算阶段、施工图设计阶段。

大工10春《钢筋混凝土结构》在线作业Work 10 spring "reinforced concrete structure" online homework 1Total score: 100 test time: - test scores: 100* radio questions* multiple-choice questions* judgment questionsRadio examination questions (15 questions, 60 points) Score: 601., the structure of prestressed steel bar is called ().A. plain concrete structureB. prestressed concrete structureC. concrete-filled steel tube structureD. steel reinforced concrete structureThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 42. the structure is designed according to the normal working condition. Which of the following is not the main checking item?.A. component deformationB. crack resistanceC. crack widthD. ultimate bearing capacityThe correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 43. the applicability of the formula for calculating the normal section bearing capacity of flexural members with rectangular members (1) the reinforcement ratio of the section is less than the limit of the reinforcement ratio, so as to prevent the members.A. little tendon failureB. excessive reinforcement failureC. crack is too wideThe deflection of D. component is too largeThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 44., the relation between the probability of reliability and the probability of failure is correct.A. the sum of two is 1B. the difference between two is 1C. the product of the two is 1D. the quotient of the two is 1The correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 45. when the height of the beam is greater than or equal to 300mm, the diameter of the longitudinal force steel bar in the beam shall not be less than ().A. 8mmB. 10mmC. 12mmD. 14mmThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 46. structure within a specified time, under the prescribed conditions, the ability to complete the intended function, known as the structure.A. securityB. durabilityC. reliabilityD. applicabilityThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 47. the following values about the minimum thickness ofcast-in-place one-way slabs are correct.A. 60mmB. 70mmC. 80mmD. 90mmThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 48. the following values for the strength grade of concrete are correct.When A. adopts HRB335 grade steel bar, the strength grade of concrete should not be lower than C25B. components subjected to repeated loads shall not be less than C20 of the concrete strengthThe strength grade of C. prestressed concrete structure shall not be less than C20When using D. strand as prestressed steel reinforcement, the strength grade of concrete shall not be lower than C30The correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 49. in the calculation of the serviceability limit state, the load is adopted.A. design valueB. representative valueC. maximumD. meanThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 410. in the following circumstances, the state of normal use is limited.The crack width of A. reaches the standard limitThe B. member concrete is crushedAll the reinforcing bars of the C. member yieldThe tensile stress of concrete in D. prestressed component exceeds the standard limitThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 411. the basic assumption of the calculation of the normal section bearing capacity of the concrete members below is (. Strain maintaining plane of A. cross sectionB. takes into account the tensile strength of concreteThe stress-strain relation curve of C. concrete is adopted according to the regulationThe stress-strain relation equation of D. longitudinal steel bar is adopted according to regulationsThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 412. T shaped ribbed beams of flange width calculation according to the calculation for consideration (span).A. calculates 1/3 of the spanB. Liang Kuan and the sum of the beams and ribsC. calculates 1/6 of the widthD. Liang Kuan and beam rib net distance of 1/2 andThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 413. rectangular beam section size is 250mm * 500mm, the cross section effective height is 465mm, the bending moment is 180kN. M, the concrete compressive strength standard value is14.3N/mm2, the section compression area equivalent stress coefficient takes 1,The section's resistance coefficient is ().A. 3.33B. 4.76C. 0.233D. 0.433The correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 414. the concrete strength grade stipulated in the code of concrete structure is standard, and the sample adopts standard test method, and has cubic compressive strength.A. 80%B. 85%C. 90%D. 95%The correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 415. the unified standard for structural reliability design of buildings considers the reduction of the variable load standard value to multiply it by a factor.A. greater than 1B. less than 1C. equals 1D. or more is wrongThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 4OneSee pictures for questionsA.B.C.D.The correct answer: AB Full Score: 4 points: 42. the following factors that affect concrete shrinkage are correct.The greater the water cement ratio of A., the greater the shrinkageThe larger the elastic modulus of B. aggregate is, the smaller the shrinkage isC. the denser the concrete, the greater the shrinkageThe greater the humidity, the greater the shrinkage during D. bondingThe correct answer: AB Full Score: 4 points: 43. what are the basic values of the following variable loads, which are not their basic representative values?.A. standard valueB. combination valueC. quasi permanent valueD. frequency encounterThe correct answer: BCD Full Score: 4 points: 44. when the safety level of the structure belongs to level two, the combination of its target reliability index and failure type is correct as followsA. 3.2, brittle failureB. 3.2 ductile failureC. 3.7, brittle failureD. 3.7 ductile failureThe correct answer: BC Full Score: 4 points: 4The net spacing in the horizontal direction of the lower longitudinal reinforcement of the 5. beam shall not be less than ().A. 25mmB. DC. 30mmD. 1.5DThe correct answer: AB Full Score: 4 points: 4Judgment questions (10 questions, 20 points) Score: 201. the calculation criterion of the normal section bearing capacity of reinforced concrete members gives the failure criterion of reinforced bars, that is, the ultimate strain is0.01.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 22. variable load is the load that can not be neglected when the value of the structure changes with time during the period of structural design.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 23. the stirrups should be made of closed type in the rectangular section beams with a span of no more than 15d (D is the minimum diameter of the compression steel bars).A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2The provisions of the 4. "building structure" load code for the design, the basic combination of load effect combination value of two kinds of combination control from the variable load effect and controlled by the permanent load effect in the most unfavorable value.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 25. creep can cause prestress loss in prestressed concrete structure.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 26. compared with the reinforced beam, the destruction of the super reinforced beam begins with the tensile steel bar.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 27. carbon steel containing less than 0.25% carbon is called low carbon steel.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 28. the reliability of the structure refers to the probability that the structure can not complete the scheduled functionunder normal conditions during the design life.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 29. double rib section is applicable to the condition that the beam cross section is subjected to different numbers of bending moment under different load combinations.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 210. partial coefficients of a permanent load,According to its effect, the disadvantages and advantages of the structure are respectively 1.2 (1.35) and 1, and the partial factor of variable load is generally 1.4.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2Work 10 spring "reinforced concrete structure" online homework 2Total score: 100 test time: - test scores: 100* radio questions* multiple-choice questions* judgment questionsRadio examination questions (15 questions, 60 points) Score: 601. for section size b * h the same rectangle, T shape and inverted T section beam, when the action has concentrated load, its shear bearing capacity.A. equalityB., T shape, cross section, big beamC. rectangular cross section beamD. inverted T shape cross section beam bigThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 42. of the four failure modes of a torsion member, the ductile failure is ().A. damaged tendonsB. partial reinforcement failureC. excessive reinforcement failureD. little tendon failureThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 43. the spacing between stirrups of bent members is too small.A. occurs by oblique tensile failureShear failure occurred in B.C. occurs by baroclinic failureD. will affect the quality of constructionThe correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 44., for the three kinds of oblique shear failure forms of beams, it is necessary to calculate the shear bearing capacity of a component to satisfy a certain diagonal section.A. baroclinic failureB. shear compression failureC. oblique tensile failureD. is not correct at allThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 45. the larger the slenderness ratio of the longer columns, the better the bearing capacity.A. reduces manyB. basically unchangedC. adds a lotD. is not affectedThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 46. when calculating the amount of steel reinforcement for a bentcolumn, the design value of shear is taken as follows.A. front bend reinforcement, compression zone, bending point, the corresponding shear valueThe shear value at the edge of the B. supportC. front bend reinforcement, tensile area, bending point, the corresponding shear valueD. the bent bar is the shear force at the beginning of the tension zoneThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 4The calculation length of the 7. member is related to the support at both ends of the component, and when the two ends are fixed, the calculated length is ().A. L (the actual length of the component)B. 0.5LC. 0.7LD. 2LThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 48. the following basic assumptions about the variable angle space truss model are incorrect.A. concrete only works under pressureB. stirrups bear tension onlyC. longitudinal bars bear both tension and pressureD. ignores the torsional action of core concreteThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 49. the minimum failure form of shear strength of oblique section beams without stirrups is ().A. baroclinic failureB. shear compression failureC. oblique tensile failureD. is not correct at allThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 410., when the longitudinal reinforcement ratio of compression member exceeds 3%, the stirrup diameter should not be less than ().A. 5mmB. 6mmC. 7mmD. 8mmThe correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 4The ratio of reinforcement of all longitudinal bars should not be less than that of 11. axial compression members and eccentric compression members.A. 0.4%B. 0.5%C. 0.6%D. 0.7%The correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 412., for the complex section of the component, not to use () stirrups, to avoid the outward pulling force, resulting in the corner of the concrete damaged.A. has an outer fold angleB. has an internal fold angleC. single stirrupD. composite stirrupThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 413., the section is basically all tension, there is no compression zone, in the vicinity of destruction, transverse cracks can pass through, the failure form of the whole section belongs to ().A. large eccentric tensionB. large eccentric compressionC. small eccentric tensionD.Small eccentric compressionThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 414. for a given cross section, under the condition of small eccentric compression, the load Li Suizhi decreases as the axial force increases.A. normal section bendingB. normal section is shearedC. oblique section bendingD. oblique section shearThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 415. set the purpose of bending the bar, the following statement is not correct.A. meets diagonal shear resistanceB. satisfies oblique section bending resistanceThe C. acts as a support and the negative longitudinal bar bears the negative moment of the supportD. in order to segment steel, make full use of midspan longitudinal reinforcementThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 4(a total of 5 multiple-choice questions, a total of 20 points.) Score: 201. about the characteristics of the compression failure of the size eccentricity, the following statement is correct.A. eventually destroys the same formThe causes of B. damage are differentC. belongs to brittle fractureThe carrying capacity of D. component is the sameThe correct answer: AB Full Score: 4 points: 42. if the limit load is the same when the boundary is broken, the required condition of the cross section is ().A. has the same cross-section shapeB. section size is the sameC. concrete strength grade is the sameD. grade of reinforcement is the sameThe correct answer: ABCD Full Score: 4 points: 43. the main inclined cracks in the reinforced concrete beams in the shear bend section of the joint action of shear and bending moment are (.A. abdominal shear oblique fractureB. split crackC. spiral cracksD. bending shear oblique crackThe correct answer: AD Full Score: 4 points: 44. the sum of longitudinal reinforcement of bending and torsion member is (and sum of).A. flexural longitudinal reinforcementB. twisted barsC. shear longitudinal reinforcementD. longitudinal tension barsThe correct answer: AB Full Score: 4 points: 45. the farther the material diagram is, the moment envelope diagram of the beam is, the.The higher the utilization of A. material isThe lower the full utilization of B. materials isThe greater the safety reserve of the C. beamD. is more likely to have cross section shear resistance The correct answer: BC Full Score: 4 points: 4Judgment questions (a total of 10 questions, a total of 20 points) Score: 201. longitudinal compression column longitudinal reinforcement can prevent accidental eccentric damage and improve theductility of component.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 22. the stirrup should meet the lower limit requirement of the formula so as to prevent the cable-stayed failure.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 23. bending the end of the steel bar to the side of the support or to the front row, bending the bar, the distance between the starting points should not be less than the maximum spacing of the stirrups.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 24. symmetrical reinforced I section eccentric compression column has the same section failure shape as the T shape section.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 25., the difference between the duck tendon and the float bar is whether the anchor end of the two anchor is located in the compression zone, and the two anchor end is located in the compression zone, which is called the duck tendon.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 26. the initial cracks of reinforced concrete members under rectangular cross section usually occur near the midpoint ofthe long side of the section, and they are 45 degrees to the axis of the component.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2The 7. axis tension member can be divided into three stress stages from loading to failure.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2The ratio between 8. shear span a and section height h is called shear span ratio.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 29., the tensile failure of reinforced concrete eccentrically compressed short columns is also called large eccentric compression failure, which belongs to the ductile failure type.A.errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 210. the cross section of the eccentrically compressed section of the rectangular section reaches the limit. When the failure occurs, the concrete reaches the ultimate compressive strain value, but the tensile tendon does not necessarily reach the yield point.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 2Work 10 spring "reinforced concrete structure" online homework3Total score: 100 test time: - test scores: 100* radio questions* multiple-choice questions* judgment questionsRadio examination questions (15 questions, 60 points) Score: 601. in the basic requirements of structural concrete durability, the environmental category is a class, and the water cement ratio is not greater than ().A. 0.50B. 0.55C. 0.60D. 0.65The correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 42. tensile control stress limit, for heat treatment steel bar, first Zhang Fazhong for () and F for prestressed steel strength standard value.A. 0.65fB. 0.70fC. 0.75fD. 0.80fThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 43. in addition to the following () structure, priority shall be given to prestressed concrete structures.A. requires cracks to control structures of higher rankB. large span or large force memberC. requires more structural members to control stiffness and deformation of structuresD. reinforced concrete floor of an ordinary houseThe correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 44. the torsion bars in the torsion member are not correct. The A. shall be symmetrically arranged along the perimeter of the section as uniformly as possibleB. at the four corners of the cross section, you can set up anti twisted longitudinal bars, or you can not set up anti twisted barsC. must be equipped with torsion bars at the four corners of the cross sectionD. should not exceed 300mm and should not exceed the short section size of cross sectionThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 45., for the factors that affect concrete carbonization, the measures to reduce carbonation are incorrect.A. reasonable design mix ratioB. reduces the compactness of concreteC. specifies the minimum thickness of protective layer for reinforcementD. uses coverage layerThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 46. prestressing force of steel bar relaxation refers to the force of steel bar.Under the condition that the stress of A. steel bars remains constant, the strain will gradually increase with time Under the condition that the stress of B. steel bars remains the same, the strain will gradually decrease with the increase of timeUnder the condition that the length of C. steel bars remains constant, the stress of steel bars will increase gradually with the increase of timeUnder the condition that the length of D. steel bars remains constant, the stress of steel bars will decrease gradually withthe increase of timeThe correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 47. "most stiffness principle" refers to the simplified calculation of beam in the span range, can press () stiffness calculation of the maximum bending section.A. pressureB. torqueC. shear forceD. bending momentThe correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 48. when the strength of the pre order is greater than or equal to 1, the concrete is ().A. partially prestressed concreteB. full prestressed concreteC. ordinary reinforced concreteD. plain concreteThe correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 49. the following does not belong to the structural crack width check the relevant value is ().A. load basic valueB. load standard valueC. load quasi permanent valueStandard values for strength of D. materialsThe correct answer: A Full Score: 4 points: 410. in the bending shear torsion member, the structure of the stirrups subjected to shear torsion is not exact.A. stirrups must be made into closed typeB. the end of the twist stirrup shall be made into a 130 degree bent hookWhen C. adopts composite stirrups, the stirrups inside the section should be includedD. the length of the straight end of the bent bow shall not be less than 10DThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 4ElevenIn the calculation of T and I section pure torsion members, the cross section can be divided into rectangles, and the division principle is ().A. divides the tensile flange firstB. first divides the compression flangeC. meets the integrity of the web firstD. first make sure the flange is intactThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 412. the following factors that affect the short-term stiffness of Bs are incorrect.As the A. moment increases, the Bs decreases accordingly B. reinforcement ratio increased, Bs significantly increased The C. section has a tensile flange, and the Bs increases D. reinforcement ratio, material timing, cross section effective height increase, the improvement of Bs is significant The correct answer: B Full Score: 4 points: 413. the design of concrete structures with a service life of 100 years and in a given environment shall comply with the provisions of which the incorrect ones are ().The concrete strength grade of A. reinforced concrete structure shall not be lower than C30The content of chloride ion in B. concrete shall not exceed0.06% of the cement contentC. should use non alkali activated aggregateThe concrete strength grade of D. prestressed concrete structure shall not be less than C30The correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 4FourteenSee pictures for questionsA.B.C.D.The correct answer: D Full Score: 4 points: 415., the requirement for anchorage in prestressed concrete members is incorrect.A. safe and reliableB. shall make the prestressing steel bar not slip as much as possible in the anchorageC. tectonic complexD. is easy to useThe correct answer: C Full Score: 4 points: 4(a total of 5 multiple-choice questions, a total of 20 points.) Score: 201. the following effective measures to reduce the loss of prestress caused by shrinkage and creep of concrete are ().A. uses high-grade cementB. uses well graded aggregateC. strengthening maintenanceD. reduces the compactness of concreteThe correct answer: ABC Full Score: 4 points: 42. the following requirements for the construction of prestressed members are correct (()).The net spacing of A. heat treated steel bars shall not be less than 20mmB. the thickness of the concrete protection layer shall be calculated from the hole wall. The bottom of the beam shall not be less than 40mmC. reliable measures should be taken to prevent metal corrosionD. all the components that need arching must be arched at the same time as the componentThe correct answer: CD Full Score: 4 points: 4ThreeSee pictures for questionsA.B.C.D.The correct answer: ABCD Full Score: 4 points: 44., in the general construction, the concrete structure member's deformation has certain request, its purpose lies in ().A. ensures the use of buildingsB. prevents adverse effects on structural componentsC. prevents undesirable effects on non structural componentsD. ensures that people feel within acceptable levelsThe correct answer: ABCD Full Score: 4 points: 45. the following factors that affect the curvature ductility coefficient of flexural members are correct.A. longitudinal tensile steel reinforcement ratio increases, ductility coefficient decreasesB. reinforcement ratio of compression steel increases, ductility coefficient can increaseWhen the ultimate compressive strain of C. concrete increases, the ductility coefficient increasesThe strength grade of D. concrete increases, and the ductility coefficient increasesThe correct answer: ABCD Full Score: 4 points: 4Judgment questions (10 questions, 20 points) Score: 201. for the same type of steel, the tension control stress is prior to Zhang Fazhong and the value is lower than that of Zhang Fazhong.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 22. the greater the tension control stress in the prestressed steel bar, the greater the stress relaxation loss value of the steel bar.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 23. the bending moment has no influence on the torsional bearing capacity of reinforced concrete members.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 24. pairs of environmental categories fall into two categories, At the stage of use, the two grade prestressed axial tension member is allowed to crack, and the maximum crack width shall be less than 0.2mm.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 25., the prestressed steel bar exceeds tension, then it can reduce the temperature difference of the prestressed steel bar.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A Full Score: 2 points: 26. ductility of structures or members or sections refers to the deformation capacity from the beginning of the yield to themaximum carrying capacity or the period after which the carrying capacity has not decreased significantly.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 27. of the prestressed flexural shear capacity plays a beneficial role, because the pre stress can block diagonal cracks and development, increase the shear compression zone height, thereby improving the shear bear shear compression zone.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 2In the calculation of 8. prestressed concrete members, the total loss value of pre tensioned prestressing should not be less than 100N/mm2.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 29. the durability of concrete structures means that in the design life, under normal maintenance, they must be suitable for use without the need for maintenance and reinforcement.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B Full Score: 2 points: 210., the width of crack development defined in the code for concrete design of our country refers to the crack width of the concrete on the side surface of the component at the center of gravity of the tensile steel bar.A. errorB. correct。

3. 212的意义是()。
A、1.3B、1.2 C/1.35 D、1.46.单向板肋梁楼盖,计算主梁截面有效高度时,当受力钢筋排一排时,取()。

2. 要求将建筑物从基础以上沿全高全部分开;要求建筑物从屋顶到基础分开。
(二)判断题(2分*5题=10分)1.规范规定f cuk所用试块的边长为200mm。
2. 已知某4层框架结构建筑物,层高为3000mm,室内外高差600mm,其基本结构如图1所示。
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3. 212的意义是()。
B、1.2 C/1.35 D、1.4
A、h0 =h-35mm
12.钢筋混凝土梁在正常使用荷载作用下( )。
A、 B、 C、 D、
2. 简答题:什么是后张法施加预应力?其适用条件是什么?(5分)
5.计算题:地基中有一土层,抗剪强度指标 =30°,c=10 kPa,其中某一点的σ1=200kPa,σ3=80kPa,问该点是否破坏?(注:一定要有计算过程,5分)
4)已知在做该场地的土工试验时,测得砂土e=0.95,e max=1.55,e min=0.85,则其相对密实度D r 为()(2分)
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