





When ground or crushed, dusts result and can be inhaled, ingested or contaminate the skin 落地或碾碎时,会产生粉尘,导致人体吸入、 或摄入,污染皮肤。 Can be swallowed or contaminate the skin 可吞食或污染皮肤
但是,在工业环境下,接触量和时间的差别非常大。例如:在剂量相同的 情况下,如某种物质短时间高浓度接触,可能会致命(如酒精),但如果 长时间低浓度接触,其实并无坏处。
Route of entry / absorption侵入/吸收方式
Dose = Exposure x Time 剂量 = 接触量 x 时间
However in industrial circumstances both the exposure and time can vary greatly. For example, a very high concentration for a short time may be lethal (e.g. alcohol) while prolonged exposure to smaller amounts does little harm. The dose is the same in both cases.




材料安全数据表(MSDS)产品名称: 二氟甲烷;Difluoromethane化 学名称: 二氟甲烷分子式:CH 2F 2 代名称: Halocarbon-32, 亚甲基氟化 物生产商: Air Products and Chemical, Inc.7201 Hamilton BoulevardAllentown,PA 18195-1501产品信息: (800)752-1597MSDS 号码:1307修订次数:1 复审日期:1999年10月修订日期:1999年10月CH 2F 2 纯度> 99%CAS 号码: 75-10-5暴露极限:OSHA :未建立 ACGIH: 简单的窒息剂 NIOSH :未建立紧急情况综述二氟甲烷是一种易燃、无色、 无嗅的液化压缩 气体。

它储存在钢瓶中,其存储压力 为其蒸汽压--206.3psig(70 F ) 。

当它与空气混 合且浓度大于>14%时,立即就会 有火 灾及爆炸的危险。

高浓度的二氟甲烷会 导致快速窒息同时也在其燃烧范围内。

不要进入 这样的区域。

接触它可能会 造成冻伤。

紧急情况联系电话0532-388 9090急性潜在健康影响暴露途径眼睛接触:接触其液体(或 快 速扩散的气体)会 引起刺激和冻伤。


吸入:它能置换出空气中的氧气从而 引起窒息。

暴露在氧气含量<19.5%的大气中会 导致头晕、昏昏欲睡、恶心、呕吐、口水增多、反应迟钝、失去意识和死亡。

暴露在氧气含量<12% 的大气中 会 无任何先兆的失去知觉,并失去自我救护 的能力。

吸入高浓度的二氟甲烷会 引起轻度的中枢神经系统抑制及心率不齐(心率失常)。

皮肤接触:接触其液体(或 快 速扩散的气体)会 引起刺激和冻伤。


损害器官:心脏,中枢神经系统,皮肤过份暴露造成的病情恶化:以前患有心脏病及中枢神经系统紊乱的人会 对过份 暴露的影响更加敏感。

MSDS 材料安全数据表

MSDS 材料安全数据表

什么是MSDS?MSDS 包含了有关化学品的危害的详细信息,并且指导如何安全地使用它。

MSDS 有助于材料安全数据的电子化管理。

MSDS 是英文的“材料安全数据表”的缩写。


b.需要从MSDS 了解物品的适当的储存方法等信息的雇主/老板。

MSDS 对下列人员有帮助:c. 应急响应人员,如:消防员、有害物品操作员、应急医疗人员等。





MSDS包含哪些信息?1.材料名称和生产商联系方式2.化学成分3.具有哪些危害4.紧急处理措施5.灭火措施6.泄漏处理措施7.搬运和储存8.暴露控制和个人防护9. 理化特性10. 稳定性/反应性11. 毒性12. 生态信息13. 处置方法14. 运输15. 法规标准16. 其他信息最早有关MSDS 的记录是在古埃及人的墓中发现的,它们有的写在墓壁上有的写在一种草纸上,距今已有4000多年了。


MSDS 是什么时候“发明”的?美国“职业安全卫生协会”是在1986年5月26日开始对有害物质提出MSDS 的要求的。


在MSDS 方面, 一般工人有哪些权利?对于那些在通常条件下,可能让工人暴露于某种危害或紧急情况的一切已知的有害材料,都必须有现成的MSDS 。



材料安全数据表(Thinner 239)材料安全数据表(依据91/155/EEC)产品名称:VERDUENNUNG 239(稀释剂239)时间:09.01.04 修订日期:17.12.03 页码: 1/51.公司的鉴定产品名称代码:VERDUENNUNG 239SV220310推荐用途:电子绝缘材料公司名称:贝克电气绝缘公司:Grossmannstr. 105D-20539 汉堡公司电话:0049/40/78946-0 传真: 0049/40/78946-276紧急电话:0049/40/78946-02.成分/成分数据信息产品化学特性种类描述:稀释剂物质呈现对人的健康危害的危险:物质指令67/548/EEC.EINECS-No. (国际电气规程标准) NamesCAS-No. (中国科学院) R-Phrases265-151-9 挥发油(石油), 氢化处理光; 低的沸腾点64742-49-0 氢化处理挥发油65 Xn 50 - 100Glykolsäure-n-butylester7397-62-8 41 Xi 2.5 - 10 (见到在第16 章下面的R 短语的全文)3.待备的危险确认。


一般情况:在任何情况下如有怀疑, 或当症状征兆的时候,应接受医生的检查。


吸入:如果不清楚恢复到正常的情况下要听询医学的忠告,应移到有新鲜空气的地方, 保持患者的温暖和休息, 如果呼吸不规则或停止,应给予人工呼吸,不能用口帮助呼吸。

接触到眼睛:分开眼皮用足够的干净清水冲洗至少10 分钟, 并听寻医学的忠告。






材料安全数据表(依据91/155/EEC)产品名称:VERDUENNUNG 239时间:09.01.04 修订日期:17.12.03 页码: 2/55.消防措施。



Lead 铅
Lead Sulfate 硫酸铅 Lead Dioxide 氧化铅 Sulfuric Acid 硫酸 Fiberglass Sep. 玻璃纤维隔板 ABS or PP
6.2 9.4 About 1.3 N/A N/A
Lead 铅(Pb, PbO2, PbSO4) Sulfuric Acid 硫酸 Fiberglass Separator 纤维玻璃隔板 ABS or PP ABS 或 PP
%WEIGHT 所占比重 About 大约
70% About 20% About 5%
About 5%
SECTION 6: CONTROL MEASURES 第 6 部分:控制方法 1. Store lead/acid batteries with adequate ventilation. Room ventilation is required for batteries utilized for standby
WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD:废物外理方法 Neutralized acid may be flushed down the sewer. Spent batteries must be treated as hazardous waste and disposed of according to local state, and federal regulations. A copy of this material safety data must be supplied to any scrap dealer or secondary smelter with battery.中和的酸可能会被冲至下水道。失效的电池必须作为有毒废 品,根据当地的要求进行处理。提供一份原材料安全性数据给废物处理经销商或电池二级炼外 ELECTRICAL SAFETY 电安全性 Due to the battery’s low internal resistance and high power density. High levels of short circuit can be developed across the battery terminals. Do not rest tools or cables on the battery. Use insulated tools only. 由于电池的底内 阻、高能量密度。高水平的短路能发展到电池端子上。不要将工具和线放在电池上。只使用绝缘工具。 Follow all installation instruction and diagrams when installing or maintaining battery systems. 安装或维护电池系统时,参考安装说明书和图




那么,MSDS是什么意思呢?MSDS是什么意思MSDS是英文Material Safety Data Sheet的缩写,一般直译为材料安全数据表,正式中文名称是化学品安全说明书。

美国、加拿大、澳洲及亚洲多国一般称MSDS,而ISO、欧洲及中国称为SDS(Safety Data sheet,安全数据表)。



MSDS法律依据∙联合国:GHS(化学品统一分类和标签制度);∙欧盟:REACH法规、CLP法规;∙美国:ANSI Z400.1-2004、有毒物质控制法案(TSCA)、危险物品运输法等;∙日本:日本劳动安全卫生法、毒物及剧物取缔法、化学物質排出把握管理促進法等;∙中国:危险化学品安全管理条例、危险化学品登记管理办法、化学品分类和危险性公示通则、化学品安全技术说明书编写规定等。


Personal Protective Equipment for Routine Handling
Respiratory Protection
No respiratory protection is required under normal usage
Hand Protection
No special protection needed.
3. Hazards Identification(危险性鉴别)
Overall Hazard Classification危害级别
Not hazardous (无危害性成份)
Route of Exposure暴露途径
Skin contact and accidental ingestion皮肤接触和意外吞食
No volatile, No first aid should be needed.不挥发,无需急救
If swallowed large amount, get medical attention immediately if ill effects occur.如大量吞食并出现不适症状,请立即求医
Prolonged skin contact may cause irritation长时期的皮肤接触可能引起过敏
No volatile No Known applicable information无
Repeated ingestion or swallowing large amount may injure internally.重复或大量摄入或吞食可能会造成内部伤害

Loctite243 英文版材料安全数据资料

Loctite243 英文版材料安全数据资料

Health & Regulatory Affairs - EuropeThis safety data sheet has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of EC Directives 1999/45/EC and 2001/58/EC and provides information relating to the safe handling and use of the product.1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct Code0128561Trade Name243Manufacturer/Supplier Henkel Loctite IrelandAddress Tallaght Business Park,Whitestown,Dublin 24.Phone Number353-1-4046444Fax Number353-1-4510806Emergency Phone Number+353-1-4599301/+353-87-2629625/+353-1-4046444 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATIONONINGREDIENTS Nature Product based on polyethyleneglycol dimethacrylate.Anaerobic thread sealant.Hazardous Components in Product for ECComponent Name CAS /EINECSConcentration R Phrases ClassificationMaleic Acid 110-16-7 203-742-50.10 - 0.40 R22, R36/37/38 XnCumene Hydroperoxide 80% 80-15-9 201-254-7 0.10 - 0.95 R7, R21/22, R23,R34, R48/20/22,R51/53O, T, N1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine 114-83-0 204-055-30.10 - 0.30 R68/22, R21, R43 Xn3. HAZARDIDENTIFICATIONThis product is not classified as hazardous.Prolonged contact with skin, particularly damaged skin, may cause sensitization or dermatitis in sensitive individuals.4. FIRST AID MEASURESFirst Aid - InhalationShould not be a problem as product is of low volatility. However, if feeling unwell remove patient to fresh air.First Aid - SkinWash skin with plenty of soap and water. Seek medical advice if irritation develops.First Aid - EyesFlush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice if irritation develops.First Aid - IngestionGive plenty of water to drink. Do not induce vomiting. Obtain medical attention.5. FIREFIGHTINGMEASURESNon flammable product (flash point is greater than 100°C (CC)).If product is involved in fire extinguish with dry powder, foam or carbon dioxide.Trace amounts of toxic fumes may be released on incineration and the use of breathingapparatus is recommended.Health & Regulatory Affairs - EuropeMEASURESRELEASE6. ACCIDENTALVentilate area.For small spills wipe up with paper towel and place in container for disposal.For large spills absorb onto inert absorbent material and place in sealed container for disposal.Wash spillage site thoroughly with soap and water or detergent solution.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandlingUse in well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.Prolonged or repeated skin contact should be avoided to minimise any risk of sensitisation.StorageStore in original containers at 8°C-21°C and do not return residual materials to containers as contamination may reduce the shelf life of the bulk product.CONTROLS/PERSONALPROTECTION8. EXPOSUREGood industrial hygiene practices should be observed.Use in well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In circumstances where there is a potential for prolonged or repeated skin contact, the use of disposable gloves (polyethylene, natural rubber or equivalent ester-resistant material) is recommended. Safety glasses should be worn.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State Liquid.Colour Blue. Opaque.Odour Characteristic.pH Not soluble in water.Boiling Range/Point (°C)> 150Flash Point (CC) (°C)>100Specific Gravity 1.08.Solubility in Water (kg/m³)Immiscible.Solubility in Acetone Miscible<0.1Vapour Pressure(mmHg @25°C)Explosion Limits (%)N/A10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYNon reactive to water.Non reactive to oxidising agents except for peroxides.Polymerisation may occur after some time in the absence of air and/or the presence of a metal;However, the product is adequately stabilised to ensure that premature polymerisation does not occur under normal conditions of use.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONInhalationDue to the low volatility of the product there are no hazards associated with inhalation under normal conditions of use.SkinAlthough it is not a common sensitizer there may be a risk of sensitization on prolonged orHealth & Regulatory Affairs - Europe11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONrepeated contact with damaged skin.EyesMay cause mild irritation to the eyes.IngestionMay cause irritation to the digestive tract.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONKeep away from drains and open waters.There should be precautions taken against environmental damage caused by articles containing this product.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of in accordance with all applicable local and national regulations. Contribution of this product to waste is very insignificant in comparison to article in which it is used.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN Number NoneAIR (IATA)Not classified.Sea (IMO)Not classified.Road (ADR)/Rail(RID)Not classified.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONContains1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine.May produce an allergic reactionLabellingInformationR phrases None.S phrases S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately withplenty of water and seek medical advice.S28 After contact with skin, wash immediately withplenty of soap and water.Voluntary Labelling N/A16. OTHER INFORMATIONMSDS data revised30 April 2003Hazardous Components in Product for ECComponent Name R PhrasesMaleic Acid R22, R36/37/38Cumene Hydroperoxide 80% R7, R21/22, R23,R34, R48/20/22,R51/531-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine R68/22, R21, R43R21 R21 Harmful in contact with skin.R21/22 R21/22 Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed.R22 R22 Harmful if swallowed.R23 R23 Toxic by inhalation.R34 R34 Causes burns.R36/37/38 R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.R43 R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact.R48/20/22 R48/20/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolongedexposure through inhalation and if swallowed.R51/53 R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects inthe aquatic environment.Health & Regulatory Affairs - EuropeComponent Name R PhrasesR68/22 R68/22 Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects if swallowed.R7 R7 May cause fire.Prepared by:Dr Hanns MisiakHRA SpecialistHealth & Regulatory Affairs - EuropeFurther Information may be obtained from:-Loctite Corporation,Health and Regulatory Affairs - Europe,Tallaght Business Park,Whitestown, Dublin 24,Ireland.Tel: +353-1-4046444.Fax: +353-1-4510806.The information in this safety data sheet was obtained from reputable sources and to the best of our knowledge is accurate and current at the mentioned date. Neither Loctite nor its subsidiary companies accept any liability arising out of the use of the information provided here or the use, application or processing of the product(s) described herein. Attention of users is drawn to the possible hazards from improper use of the product(s). This safety data sheet was prepared in accordance with Commission Directive 2001/59/EC adapting to technical progress for the 28th time Council Directive 67/548/EEC and Commission Directive 1999/45/EC.。



Material safe data sheet(材料安全数据表)The first minute(第一部分): Product name and company's information(产品名称及公司信息)Product name(产品名称): Luminescent pigment (发光颜料)Product mode(产品型号):ZnSWCompany's information(公司信息): Guangzhou tianyu limited company (广州田宇贸易有限公司)Address:No.28 Hhamei Street,LongDong,Tianhe,Guanzhou,China(广州市天河区龙洞华美路28号)Tel: 86-20-87210918FAX: 86-20-87065181It is second and partial(第二部分): Dangerousness is general to stat(危险性概述)Dangerousness classification(危险性类别): It is not dangerous article(不是危险品)Invade channel:(侵入途径)Suck in and eat to enter(吸入、食入)Healthy harm(健康危害): For skin and respiratory tract, mucous membrane has stimulate(对皮肤、呼吸道粘膜有刺激)Environmental harm(环境危害): This material dust has light pollutive harm for environment(该物质粉尘对环境有轻微污染危害)Burn Bao danger(燃爆危险): It is not inflammable to burn and explode(不易燃烧、爆炸)3th is partial: (第三部分)Product mix and chemistry form information(产品结构及化学组成信息)Molecular formula(分子式): ZnS:Cu4th is partial(第四部分): The measure of first aid急救措施Suck in and eat to enter:(吸入/食入)If suck in this article dust carelessly, please wash nasal cavity and oral cavity with plenty of waters, if have , it is improper, please go to hospital as soon as possible to treat. (如不小心吸入本品粉尘,请用大量水冲洗鼻腔、口腔,如有不适,请尽快就医治疗。



SHENZHEN XUSHENG3E TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDMaterial Safety Data SheetMaterial: High insulating silicone grease1. Identification of the substance/preparation and company1.1 Name of substance/preparationCommercial product name: High insulating silicone grease1.2 Use of substance / preparation: Industrial.Auxiliary agent for: electronic, Coating.1.3 Company nameManufacturer/distributor: Bulg 3#, Xifa Industrial Zone (B), Yintian, Xixiang Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China.Information about the Safety Data Sheet: Telephone +86 755 27449733Telefax +86 755 27449633Email info@2. Hazards identification2.1 Classification:R-Phrase DescriptionR3. Composition/information on ingredients3.1 Chemical characterization (preparation):Polydimethylsiloxane + filler(SiO2)4. First-aid measures4.1 General information:In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice (show label or SDSwhere possible).4.2 After inhalation:Material cannot be inhaled under normal conditions.4.3 After contact with the skin:Wipe off excess material with clothe or paper. Wash with plenty of water or waterand soap. In the event of a visible skin change or other complaints, seek medical advice (show label or SDS where possible).4.4 After contact with the eyes:Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Seek medical advice in case of continuous irritation. 4.5 After swallowing:Give several small portions of water to drink. Do not induce vomiting.5. Fire-fighting measures5.1 Suitable extinguishing media:water spray , extinguishing powder , alcohol-resistant foam , carbon dioxide,sand .5.2 Extinguishing media which must not be used for safety reasons:water jet .5.3 Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, combustionproducts, resulting gases: -5.4 Special protective equipment for fire fighting:Use respiratory protection independent of recirculated air.6. Accidental release measures6.1 Personal precautions:No special measures required.6.2 Environmental precautions:Prevent material from entering sewers or surface waters.6.3 Methods for cleaning up: Scoop up large quantities after dusting surfaces with sand or Fuller'searth to prevent sticking. Sweep or scrape up the spilled material and place in an appropriate chemical waste container. Clean any slippery coating that remains using a detergent / soap solution or another biodegradable cleaner. Apply sand or other inert granular material to improve traction.7. Handling and storage7.1 Handling Precautions for safe handling:No special protective measures required.Precautions against fire and explosion:No special precautions against fire and explosion required.7.2 Storage Conditions for storage rooms and vessels:none knownAdvice for storage of incompatible materials:not applicableFurther information for storage:Keep container tightly closed. Store in a dry and cool place.8. Exposure controls and personal protection equipment8.1 Exposure limitsMaximum airborne concentrations at the workplace: not applicable8.2 Exposure limited and controlled8.2.1 Exposure in the work place limited and controlledGeneral protection and hygiene measures:Observe standard industrial hygiene practices for the handling of chemical substances. Do not eat or drink when handling.Personal protection equipment Respiratory protection:not required .Hand protection:Recommendation: Protective gloves made of butyl rubber . Gloves suitable for up to 60 minutes' use.Eye protection:Recommendation: protective goggles .8.2.2 Exposure to the environment limited and controlled:Prevent material from entering surface waters and soil.8.3 Further information for system design and engineering measures: -9. Physical and chemical properties9.1 General informationPhysical state / form pasteColour translucentOdour odourless9.2 Important information about the protection of health, safety and the environment Method(67/548/EEC):Melting point / melting range:not applicable Boilingpoint / boiling range: not applicableFlash point: not applicableIgnition temperature: > 400 °CLower explosion limit (LEL): not applicableUpper explosion limit (UEL): not applicableDensity: approx. 1.1 g/cm³ at 25 °CWater solubility / miscibility: virtually insolublepH-Value: not applicableViscosity (dynamic): not applicable9.3 Other informationThermal decomposition: > 250 °C10. Stability and reactivity10. Stability and reactivity10.0 General information: If stored and handled in accordance with standard industrial practicesno hazardous reactions are known.10.1 Conditions to avoid:none known10.2 Materials to avoid:none known10.3 Hazardous decomposition products: If stored and handled in accordance with standardindustrial practices and local regulations where applicable: none known . Measurements have shown the formation of small amounts of formaldehyde at temperatures above about 150 °C (302 °F) through oxidation.11. Toxicological information11.0 General information: According to our present state of knowledge no damaging effectexpected when treated in accordance with standard industrial practices and local regulations where applicable.11.1 Toxicological testsSpecific symptoms in animal test:By-product: Low molecular cyclic siloxanes with at least one silicon atom, which carries a methyl and dimethyl group, display oestrogenic properties in animal test.Further information: -11.2 Experience with man: -11.3 Further toxicological information: -12. Ecological information12.1 EcotoxicityAccording to past experience toxicity to fish is improbable.Effects in sewage treatment plants (bacteria toxicity: respiration-/reproduction inhibition):According to current knowledge adverse effects on water purification plants are notexpected.12.2 Mobility-12.3 Persistence and degradabilityBiodegradation / further information: Biologically not degradable.Further information: Insoluble in water.12.4 Bio-accumulation potentialBioaccumulation is not expected to occur.12.5 Other harmful effects-12.6 Additional informationGeneral information: No environmental problems expected if handled and treated in accordance with standard industrial practices and local regulations where applicable.13. Disposal considerations13.1 MaterialRecommendation:Material that cannot be used or chemically reprocessed should be disposed of atan approved facility in accordance with any applicable governmental regulations.13.2 Uncleaned packagingRecommendation:Containers should be completely emptied before recycling as specified in government regulations. Empty containers should be sent to an approved recycling facility.14 Transport information14.1 Land transportRoad:Valuation:Not regulated for transportRailway:Valuation:Not regulated for transport14.2 Inland navigationValuation:Not regulated for transport14.3 Transport by seaValuation:Not regulated for transportMarine Pollutant:no14.4 Air transportValuation:Not regulated for transport14.5 Transport/further information:-15. Regulatory information15.1 Warning Label(EU)R-Phrase DescriptionRS-Phrase DescriptionS15.2 National regulations:16. Other information16.1 MaterialThe above information describes exclusively the safety requirements of the product(s) and is based on our present-day knowledge. It does not represent a guarantee for the properties of the product(s) described in terms of the legal warranty regulations.Properties of the product are to be found in the respective product leaflet.。

Surety Edition 1 材质安全数据表说明书

Surety Edition 1 材质安全数据表说明书

SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY1.1. P roduct identifier: Surety® MA1.2. R elevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against: Relevant uses: Crops biostimulants, fertilizer, nutrition, plant and crop protection, and organic inputs.Uses advises against: No advised uses have been detected, provided that the indications contemplated in the MSDS are fulfilled.1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet:ALGAENERGY, N.A. Inc.3341 Regent Blvd., Ste 130-200Irving, TX 750631-877-254-2009******************1.4. E mergency telephone number:CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture:The product has not been classified as a dangerous product in accordance with CLP Regulation Regalement (EC) Nº 1272/2008.2.2. Label elements:Precautionary statements:P102 - Keep out of reach of children.P270 - Do not eat, drink or smoke during its usage.Heavy metals classification (RD 506/2013): A Class2.3. Other hazards: Product fails to meet PBT/vPvB criteria.SECTION 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1. Substance: In accordance with Annex II of Regulation (EC) nº1907/2006 (point 3), the product contains:Identification Chemical name/Classification concentration CAS: 100209-45-8CE: 309-353-8UVCB (organic origin) ≥ 40 % (w/w) REACH: 01-2119980073-39-XXXX3.2. Mixture: Non-applicable.SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES4.1. Description of first aid measures:Seek immediate medical assistance showing the MSDS of this product.By inhalation: If the affected person is still breathing, move the personoutdoors to fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration.Seek medical assistance.By skin contact: Wash off with soap and water.By eye contact: Flush eyes with water as a precaution.By ingestion/aspiration: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Rinsemouth with water. Seek medical assistance4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed:Acute and delayed effects are indicated in sections 2 and 11.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:Non-applicable.SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING MEASURES5.1. Extinguishing media:Suitable extinguishing media: In the case of inflammation, use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical powder (ABC powder) or carbon dioxide.Improper extinguishing media: Direct water stream.5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture:As a result of combustion or thermal decomposition reactive sub-products are created. They can become highly toxic and, consequently, can present a serious health risk.5.3. Advice for firefighters:Depending on the magnitude of the fire, it may be necessary to use full protective clothing and individual respiratory equipmentSECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures:Emergency personnel and personnel employed must comply with the health and safety policies of the centre, as well as safety recommendations, wearing protective gloves, safety glasses, appropriate clothing and good hygiene practices. Avoid dust formation.6.2. Environmental precautions:Do not let product enter drainage systems.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:Absorb spillage with inert materials. Keep in suitable closed containers for disposal. For waste, see section 13.6.4. Reference to other sections:See section 8 (personnel protection recommendations) and see section 13 (waste disposal).SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1. Precautions for safe handling:Comply with safety recommendations and practices in accordance with good industrial and personal hygiene practices, using gloves, glasses and appropriate protective clothing. Provide adequate ventilation in places where dust forms.There are no specific recommendations if the product is used correctly.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:Store the product in its original container, properly closed, in cool, well-ventilated andMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET according to the Regulation (CE) 1907/2006Surety®Edition 1 Last update: 07-11-2019 adequate places to keep intact the original characteristics of the product. Keep out of reach of children and away from food, drinks and feed.7.3. Specific end use(s):Crops biostimulants, fertilizer, nutrition, plant and crop protection, and organic inputs.SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1. Control parameters:It does not contain substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2. Exposure controls:A.- General security and hygiene measures in the work place:Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. Use of basic personal protective equipment is recommended as a prevention measure, with the corresponding CE marking according to R.D. 1407/1992 and subsequent modifications.B.- Respiratory protection:No respiratory protection is required.C.- Specific protection for the hands:For prolonged or repeated contact, use protective gloves (EN ISO 374-1:2016).D.- Ocular and facial protection:As a precaution, safety glasses can be used (EN 166:2001).SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties: Physical state at 20 °CC: Liquid Appearance: LiquidColour: BrownOdour: CharacteristicpH: 3.6Odour threshold: No data available Melting point: 241,2 °CCBoiling point: Not relevant * Vapour pressure: Not relevant * Tension superficial: Not relevant * Density a 25 °CC: 1,1 g/mlSolubility in water at 20 °CC: Miscible in water Partition coefficient n-octanol/water: Not relevant* Decomposition temperature: 105-110 °CC Autoignition temperature: Not relevant* Viscosity: Not relevant* Explosive properties: Not explosive Oxidizing properties: Not oxidizing Flammable properties: Not flammable*Not relevant due to the nature of the product, not providing information property of its hazards.SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1. Reactivity:No hazardous reactions are expected because the product is stable under recommended storage conditions. See section 7.10.2. Chemical stability:Chemically stable under the conditions of storage, handling and use. See section 7.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions:Under the specified conditions, hazardous reactions that lead to excessive temperatures or pressure are not expected. See section 7.10.4. Conditions to avoid:Under the indicated conditions of storage, handling and use, not known. See section 7.10.5. Incompatible materials:Strong oxidizing agents.10.6. Hazardous decomposition products:Under the indicated conditions of storage, handling and use, not acknowledged. See section 7.SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1. Information on toxicological effects:A.- Acute toxicity: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).LD50 oral > 2000 mg/kg (rat test). No adverse data are observed.LD50 inhalation: Not applicable. No particles of an inhalable size are presented.LD50 dermal: Not applicable. Due to the nature of the product.B.- Corrosion or skin irritation: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).Product not irritating (OECD 404, rabbit test).MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET according to the Regulation (CE) 1907/2006Surety®Edition 1 Last update: 07-11-2019 C.- Contact with the skin and the eyes (acute effect): No information available (no studies available). In case of eye contact, flush eyes with plenty of water as a precaution.D.- Respiratory and skin sensitisation: No information available (no studies available).E.- Mutagenicity: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).F.- Carcinogenicity: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).G.- Toxicity for reproduction: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).H.- Specific target organ toxicity (STOT):Single exposure: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).Repeated exposure: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met). Level without observable adverse effects > 1000 mg/Kg body weight per day (rat test).J.- Aspiration hazard: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1. Toxicity: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).12.2. Persistence and degradability: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).12.3. Bioaccumulative potential:Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).12.4. Mobility in soil: Not classified (in view of the nature of the product and the available data, the classification criteria are not met).12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: Product fails to meet PBT/vPvB criteria.12.6. Other adverse effects: No additional information available.SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1. Waste treatment methods:Dispose of the content and its solutions as an unused product (disposal) in accordance with the requirements of all legal environmental texts at local, national, and EU member states level.Dispose of the container (recycling) in accordance with the requirements of all legal environmental texts at local, national, and EU member states level.Use empty container collection companies and duly authorized waste managers, if applicable. It is recommended that a responsible manager for waste disposal carries out the classification.SECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION14.1. Transport by land (ADR/RID):Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.14.2. Transport by sea (IMDG):Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.14.3. Transport by inland waterways (AND(R)):Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.14.4. Transport by air (ICAO/IATA):Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.14.5. Dangerous for the environment:Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.14.6. Special precautions for user:Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code:Non-applicable. Non-dangerous goods.SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture:Candidate substances for authorisation under the Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACH):Non-applicableSubstances included in Annex XIV of REACH ("Authorisation List") and sunset date:Non-applicableRegulation (EC) 1005/2009, about substances that deplete the ozone layer:Non-applicableArticle 95, REGULATION (EU) No 528/2012:Non-applicableRestrictions on the marketing and use of certain hazardous substances and mixtures (Annex XVII of REACH, etc.):Non-applicableOther legislation:REGULATION (EC) No 2003/2003 relating to fertilisers.Spanish legal text: Real Decreto 506/2013, de 28 de junio, concerning fertilizing products and its amendments.15.2. Chemical safety assessment:The chemical safety assessment has been carried out.SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION16.1. Legislation related to safety data sheets:This safety data sheet has been designed in accordance with ANNEX II-Guide to the compilation of safety data sheets of Regulation (EC) Nº 1907/2006 (Regulation (EC) Nº 2015/830).16.2. Modifications related to the previous Safety Data Sheet, which concerns the ways of managing risks:Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACH): update of all sections.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET according to the Regulation (CE) 1907/2006Surety®Edition 1 Last update: 07-11-2019 16.3. Principal bibliographical sources:http://echa.europa.euhttp://eur-lex.europa.eu16.4. Abbreviations and acronyms:DL50: Lethal Dose 50.ADR: European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road. RID: Regulation on the international transport of dangerous goods by train.IMDG: International maritime dangerous goods code.ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation.IATA: International Air Transport Association.16.5. Advice related to training:Minimal training is recommended to prevent industrial risks for staff using this product, in order to facilitate their comprehension and interpretation of this safety data sheet, as well as the label on the product.16.6. Notice to reader:The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet, is the most correct that we have at the date of its publication and is based on sources, technical knowledge and legislation in force at European and state level, not being able to guarantee its accuracy.The information and recommendations contained therein are intended as a guide for safety in handling, use, processing, storage, transport, disposal and discharge, and should not be considered as a guarantee or quality specification. The methodology and working conditions of the users of this product are beyond our knowledge and control, being the ultimate responsibility of the user to take the necessary measures to adapt to the legislative requirements regarding handling, storage, use and disposal of chemical products. The information in this safety data sheet only refers to this product, which should not be used for others purposes not specified.Surety® is a registered trademark of ALGAENERGY, N.A. Inc.。

Aluminium Bonding Wire物质安全资料表

Aluminium Bonding Wire物质安全资料表

Safety Data Sheet1.IdentificationProduct Name: Aluminium Bonding Wire (TANW)Manufacturer:Person to contact: SDS administratorAddress:TEL No.:Emergency TEL No.:FAX No.:Recommended application and use restriction:Bonding wire material for semiconductor package.Supplier:Address:TEL No.:FAX No.:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Hazards IdentificationGHS classificationPhysical hazards:Explosives : Out of classification target.Flammable gases : Out of classification target.Flammable aerosols : Out of classification target.Oxidizing gases : Out of classification target.Gases under pressure : Out of classification target.Flammable liquids : Out of classification target.Flammable solids : Out of category. [Linear state]Category 1 [Powder] Self-reactive substances : Out of classification target.Pyrophoric liquids : Out of classification target.Pyrophoric solids : Out of category.Self-heating substances : Out of category.Substances which, in contact with water,emit flammable gases : Out of category. [Linear state]Category 2 [Powder] Oxidizing liquids : Out of classification target.Oxidizing solids : Out of classification target.Organic peroxides : Out of classification target.Substances corrosive to metals : Impossible to classify.Health hazards:Acute toxicity - oral : Impossible to classify.Acute toxicity - dermal : Impossible to classify.Acute toxicity - inhalation (gases) : Out of classification target.Acute toxicity - inhalation (vapors) : Impossible to classify.Acute toxicity - inhalation (dust / mists) : Impossible to classify.Skin corrosion / Irritation : Impossible to classify.Serious eye damage / irritation : Impossible to classify. [Linearstate]Category 2B [Powder] Respiratory sensitization : Impossible to classify.Skin sensitization : Impossible to classify.Germ cell mutagenicity : Impossible to classify.Carcinogenicity : Impossible to classify.Reproductive toxicity : Impossible to classify.Target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) : Impossible to classify.Target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure) : Impossible to classify. [Linearstate]Category 1 (Lung) [Powder] Aspiration toxicity : Impossible to classify.Environmental hazards:Acute aquatic toxicity : Impossible to classify.Chronic aquatic toxicity : Category 4GHS label elementsPictograms or symbols:Signal word : DangerHazard statements :-[Powder] In case of touching water, combustible or flammable gasis generated.-[Powder] Stimulation to the eyes.-[Powder] The obstacle of lungs by long term or repeated exposure.-Possible to cause harmfulness to the aquatics by long term effect(Category 4).Precautionary statementsSafety measures : - Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling this product.-Wash the hands carefully after handling.[Powder]-Keep this product away from the ignition source such as the heat/ spark / the fire / high temperature thing.-Do not make this product contact with water for danger of intensereaction and fire outbreak.-Handle this product under the inert gas and shut out humidity.-Ground a container or a receiver.-Use explosion-proof apparatus (electric apparatus, a ventilator,and lighting apparatus).-Do not inhale dust, fume, gas, mists fume or spray.-Wear the appropriate protection gloves / the protection glasses /the protection face shield.First-aid : - Avoid the use of water / the carbon dioxide. Use extinguishingsand for the fire extinguishing.-In case of feeling sick, seek medical diagnosis / attention.Storage : - Store the product in the product container (spool case) as it wassupplied.-Store the product at a place under temperature of 10-30°C andhumidity of 70% or below.-Store under locking-up.Disposal : For the disposal of contents or containers, entrust it to an industrialwaste disposal firm with the license of a regional governor.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- position / Information on IngredientsChemical identity (single substance or mixture): Single substance (metal product).Chemical name or general name: ---Alias: ---Chemical formula: AlContent: Al Min. 99.99 mass%The others Max. 0.01 mass%CAS No.: 7429-90-5(Al)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.First-aid MeasuresInhalation :-Make a victim to blow her/his nose and gargle.-In case of inhaling dust, remove a victim to fresh air for taking a rest in aposition of easy breathing and keep her/him warm.-In case of feeling sick, seek medical diagnosis / attention.Skin contact :-Take the polluted clothes / shoes off.-Flush with a large amount of water and soap and wash the skin with waterand soap.-If there is skin irritation or rash developed, seek medical diagnosis /attention.Eye contact :-Flush with clean running water for 15 min.-When using contact lens, remove them and continue flushing.-Seek medical diagnosis / attention.Ingestion :-Rinse the inside of the mouth well. Keep a victim warm and take a rest. Seekmedical diagnosis immediately.Anticipated acute symptoms and delayed symptoms: Ingestion:[Powder]Acute symptom: Eye stimulationTardive symptom: The fiberization of lungs by the inhalation.Most serious sign and symptoms :Possible to cause the lungs damage (aluminum lungs) on inhalation of theamount of mine dust or fume for long term.Protection of nursing persons :The rescuer must wear the appropriate protection tool depending on thesituation.Special recommendation for medical attendants:Rest and a medical follow-up are indispensable.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Firefighting MeasuresSuitable extinguishing media : ( Initial fire extinguishing ) powder, dry sand.( Large-scale fire ) powder.Unsuitable extinguishing media : Water, foam.Specific hazards: Possible to give off irritating, toxic or corrosive gases in afire.Possible to cause phreatic explosion in case of using water.Specific firefighting procedures : Shut off supply and extinguish a fire with appropriateextinguisher.Prohibit entrance except the personconcerned around a fire.Be cautious not to catch fire again after fire extinguishing. Specific protection for firefighters : In firefighting work, wear a suitable respiratory apparatusand protective clothing for chemicals.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.Accidental Release MeasuresPersonal precautions:Protective equipment : Special attention is needed not to adhere to skin such asspray when melting aluminum leaks.The worker must wear a appropriate protection tool(Referto the clause of "8.Exposure Controls / Personal Protection")and avoid to contact to the eyes, the skin and to inhale gasand fume.Environmental precautions : Special attention is needed not to affect on environment byrelease to the rivers.Collection or neutralization : Collect the leakage into a closely container with cover incase of small amount. Ground a container.Prevent spillage by embankment and do not make spilledmaterial contact with water in case spilled material areextensive.Containment and cleanup : Block up the leak part if not dangerous.Cover with plastic sheets and prevent powdery scattering.Prevention of secondary disaster : Remove all ignition source and a flammable materialimmediately.Prohibit fire and humidity strictly.Do not take water in a leakage and its container.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.Handling and StorageHandling:Technical measures:-Apply the engineering measures described in “Chapter 8: Exposure Controls / PersonalProtection,” and wear personal protective equipment.Local ventilation & total ventilation:-Apply the local ventilation and total ventilation described in “Chapter 8: ExposureControls / Personal Protection.”Precautions for safe handling:-Avoid the inhalation of dust and fume.-Wash the hands carefully after handling this product.-Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling this product.-Do not touch, inhale or swallow.-Take anti-static electricity measure and use conductive working clothes and safetyboots.Conditions to avoid:-Refer to the descriptions in “Chapter 10: Stability and Reactivity.”Storage:Technical measures-Keep it away from a material with "the chemical hazards".Materials to avoid:-Refer to the descriptions in “Chapter 10: Stability and Reactivity.Storage condition-Store the product at a place temperature of 10-30°C and humidity of 70% or below.-Store under locking-up.-Store the product away from materials to avoid.-Store the product away from strong alkali, oxidizing halogen and chlorinatedhydrocarbon.Safe packaging material:- Store the product in a product container (spool case) as it was supplied.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.Exposure Controls / Personal ProtectionAdministrative levels:- Not established.Acceptable concentration (permissible exposure limit & biological exposure index) -ACGIHMetal10㎎/m3(TWA)Metal powder 10㎎/m3Flammable powder5㎎/m3Welding fume 5㎎/m3-Japan Society for Occupational HealthRespirable dust 0.5 ㎎/m3Total dust 2 ㎎/m3Engineering measures:-Take preventive measure for the electrostatic discharge.-Close the process , take local exhaust and an other engineering controls in order to keep aerial density under exposure limit.-Install a ventilation device in order to keep an air pollutant less than management density when high heat process cause dust or fume.-Install an eye and body washer near the handling site.Personal protective equipment:-For respiratory organ: Wear a suitable respiratory protection equipment(Protection mask) -For hands: Wear suitable protective gloves.-For eyes: Wear suitable protective glasses. (Normal glasses type, normal glasses type withthe side plate, goggles type).-For skin and body: Wear suitable protective clothing and shoes.-[Powder] Antistatic working clothesSanitary measures:- Wash the hands carefully after handling.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical condition: Solid.Shape : Linear state with circular cross-section.Color: Silver-whiteOdor: OdorlesspH: No data available.Melting point / solidifying point: 660°C.Boiling point / initial boiling point / boiling range : 2520°CFlash point : No data available.Combustion or explosion limit : No data available.Vapor pressure : 1mmHg (1030℃)Vapor density (air = 1) : No data available.Specific gravity (relative density) : 2.70 g/cm3Solubility : Insoluble in water(Normal temperature).Hydrogen (H2) outbreak(Hightemperature)n-Octanol / water partition coefficient : No data available.Spontaneous ignition temperature : No data available.Decomposition temperature : No data available.Threshold value for odor : No data available.Evaporation velocity (butyl acetate = 1) : No data available.Flammability (solid, gas) : CombustibilityViscosity : No data available.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.Stability and ReactivityStability:-Stable under normal storage and handling.-[Powder] Mixing air may cause explosion.Hazard reaction probability:-Hazard of explosion in mixing sodium chlorate、sodiumperoxide、hydrogen peroxideConditions to avoid:-Humidity. To contact with materials to avoid. Materials to avoid:-Hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric acid, an oxidizer, chlorinatedhydrocarbon, hydroxide, water, acid, alkali. It occurswith hydrogen and it may cause explosion. Hazardous decomposition products: - No information available.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.Toxicological InformationAcute toxicityOral : No information available.Dermal : No information available.Inhalation (gases) : No information available.Inhalation (vapors) : No information available.Inhalation (dust / mists) : No information available.Skin corrosion/ irritation : No information available.Serious eye damage / irritation : [Powder] Stimulated.Respiratory sensitization : No information available.Skin sensitization : No information available.Germ cell mutagenicity : No information available.Carcinogenicity : No information available.Reproductive toxicity : No information available.Target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) : No information available.Target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure) : Lung fibrosis is reported in long-termexposure example to human.Long term or repeated exposure causelung disorder (Category 1).Reported that it affects to nervous systemand causes functional disorder.Possible to cause disorder of nervoussystem by long term and repeatedexposure (Category 2).Aspiration toxicity : A chronic symptom such as Bronchiticasthma / anorexia / the dyspnea appearson inhaling the smoke which powderburns and generated for a long time.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.Ecological InformationAcute toxicity against aquatic environment : It is impossible to classify due toinsufficiency of data.Chronic toxicity against aquatic environment : Category 4Nocuous for the ozone layer :Materials on this SDS are not listed in theannexes of the Montreal Protocol onSubstances that Deplete the OzoneLayer.Persistence and degradability : No information available.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.Disposal ConsiderationsResidue waste:-Process recycling because the aluminum is a recyclable material.-Detoxication, stabilization, neutralization, etc. are processed as much as possible beforedisposal, and the level of dangerous hazardous property is changed into a low state.-Dispose of the waste following the standards of related regulations and the standards of aregional government.-Entrust the disposal to an industrial waste disposal firm with the license or a local publicagency if any.-Entrust the disposal after announcement of the hazard or toxicity to agency.-[Powder] Do not dispose it as general waste.Polluted containers and packaging:-Recycle the container after cleaning, or disposed of it following the related regulations, or the standards of a regional government.-Remove contents completely in case of disposing a empty container.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.Transport InformationInternational regulationsUN number : Not applicable.Name and description : Not applicable.Class or division : Not applicable.Subsidiary risk : Not applicable.UN packing group : Not applicable.Marine Pollutant : Not applicable.Noxious liquid substance in bulk : Not applicable.in MARPOL 73/78 Annex IIand the IBC CodeRegulations in JapanMarine regulation information :Not applicable.Air regulation information :Not applicable.Land transport information :Not applicable.Specific safety measuresNo need to display Container Yellow Cards during transportIn transport, avoid direct sunlight, load containers without breakage, corrosion, or contamination, and ensure load collapse countermeasures.Do not load on the container.ERG number : Not applicable.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.Regulatory InformationOur product does not contain the substances prohibited in RoHS instruction and REACH.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.Other informationReference (* mark: Japanese version)1)Hazard Handbook for Chemical Substances.Supervised by The Industrial Safety and Health Department of The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Edited and published by Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association.。



MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET材料安全数据表For R&D useonly. Not for drug, household or ot her uses.仅用于研发,不用于药物,家庭和其它用途。



Ventilation:通风:PROVIDE GENERAL VENTILATION提供一般的通风Protective Gloves:防护手套:IMPERMEABLE不透水Eye Protection:眼睛保护:CHEMICAL SPLASH GOGGLESOther Protective Equipment:其它保护设备:Equipment N/K设备N / KWork Hygienic Practices:工作的卫生习惯REMOVE/LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE.再次使用前脱下并清洗受污染的衣物。



材料安全数据表(Thinner 239)材料安全数据表(依据91/155/EEC)产品名称:VERDUENNUNG 239(稀释剂239)时间:09.01.04 修订日期:17.12.03 页码: 1/51.公司的鉴定产品名称代码:VERDUENNUNG 239SV220310推荐用途:电子绝缘材料公司名称:贝克电气绝缘公司:Grossmannstr. 105D-20539 汉堡公司电话:0049/40/78946-0 传真: 0049/40/78946-276紧急电话:0049/40/78946-02.成分/成分数据信息产品化学特性种类描述:稀释剂物质呈现对人的健康危害的危险:物质指令67/548/EEC.EINECS-No. (国际电气规程标准) NamesCAS-No. (中国科学院) R-Phrases265-151-9 挥发油(石油), 氢化处理光; 低的沸腾点64742-49-0 氢化处理挥发油65 Xn 50 - 100Glykolsäure-n-butylester7397-62-8 41 Xi 2.5 - 10 (见到在第16 章下面的R 短语的全文)3.待备的危险确认。


一般情况:在任何情况下如有怀疑, 或当症状征兆的时候,应接受医生的检查。


吸入:如果不清楚恢复到正常的情况下要听询医学的忠告,应移到有新鲜空气的地方, 保持患者的温暖和休息, 如果呼吸不规则或停止,应给予人工呼吸,不能用口帮助呼吸。

接触到眼睛:分开眼皮用足够的干净清水冲洗至少10 分钟, 并听寻医学的忠告。






材料安全数据表(依据91/155/EEC)产品名称:VERDUENNUNG 239时间:09.01.04 修订日期:17.12.03 页码: 2/55.消防措施。



None 没有
4% - 74.2%
Sealed batteries can emit hydrogen only if over charged (float voltage> 2.4 VPC). The gas enters the air through the vent caps. To avoid the chance of a fire or explosion, keep sparks and other sources of ignition away from the battery. 只有在过充时(float voltage> 2.4 VPC),密封电池 能发出氢气。气体经通风阀向大气排出。要防止爆炸 或火,火花或者其它的火源接近电池 Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, foam, CO2 灭火器:干化学泡沫 CO2 Toxic vapors may be released.有毒的气体会放出 In case of fire: wear self-contained breathing apparatus.万一着火,穿上自带呼吸的设备 Temperatures over 300 °C (572°F) may release combustible gases. In case of fire: wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. 温度超过 300 °C (572°F)会发出易燃性气体。万一有 火,穿上自带呼吸的设备
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Section 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION272-7432Corporation Phone:(636)AbrasivesVSM272-74341012 East Wabash Street Fax:(636)63366MOFallon,OProduct Name: Coated Abrasive Product, KK551TIssue Date: 4/7/08Section 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONNot applicableSection 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSArea Name CAS Concentration Cryolite 15096-52-3 1 – 8%Section 4: FIRST AID MEASURESEye Contact: Not likely, other than abrasion from physical contactSkin Contact: No harmful effects known other than abrasion from physical contactpossibledue to form of the productInhalation: NotIngestion: Not likely, due to the form of the productIf necessary contact physician.Copying or Downloading of this information for the purpose of properly using VSM products is allowed provided that: (1) theSection 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESFlammable Properties: Autoignition Temperature Not applicableNotapplicablePointFlashFlammable Limits – LEL Not applicableFlammable Limits – UEL Not applicableSuitable Extinguishing Media: Water, foam, sand, powder or CO2 as appropriate forsurrounding materialsProducts of Combustion: Toxic fumes may occurProtection of Firefighters: Use respiratory protective equipmentSection 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESNot ApplicableIn the event of a release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as reportable according to local, state, and federal regulations.Section 7: HANDLING AND STORAGEFollow instructions and the relevant national, state and local regulationsSection 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Guidelines: Not applicableEngineering Controls: Observe the national, state and local regulations for dust Eye/Face Protection: Wear adequate eye and/or face protection for the application Skin Protection: Wear adequate protection for the applicationRespiratory Protection: Wear adequate respiratory equipment for the application Prevention of Ingestion: Not likely to occur, contact physician as necessaryCopying or Downloading of this information for the purpose of properly using VSM products is allowed provided that: (1) theSection 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESabrasiveproduct Odor:Color,SolidState: SolidPhysicalpH: Not applicablePoint: NotapplicableFreezingapplicableNotPoint:BoilingapplicableNotPoint:FlashNotapplicableRate:EvaporationapplicableNotFlammability:applicableNotFlammabilityLFL:–Notapplicable–UFL:FlammabilityapplicableNotPressure:VaporDensity: NotapplicableVaporapplicableNotGravity:SpecificapplicableNotSolubility:applicable Coefficient: NotPartitionapplicableNotTemperature:Auto-ignitionNotapplicable%:Volatile,wt.PercentVolatile Organic Compound (VOC) content, wt%: Not applicableSection 10:STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: StableapplicableAvoid: NotConditionstoapplicableNotIncompatibleMaterials:Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: Not applicableSection 11: TOXICOLOGY INFORMATIONNo toxicological effects if inhaled or swallowed or with eye or skin contact are known See also section 8Copying or Downloading of this information for the purpose of properly using VSM products is allowed provided that: (1) theSection 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity: Toxic to aquatic organisms, see also Section 2NotdeterminedPersistence/Degradability:Bioaccumulation/Accumulation: Not determinedNotdeterminedinMobilityEnvironment:Section 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSFollow applicable national, state and local regulationsSection 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATIONPlease contact the number listed on the first page of the MSDS for Transportation Information for this productSection 15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONContact VSM for more informationSection 16: OTHER INFORMATIONContact VSM for more informationDISCLAIMER: The above information is based on our current standard of knowledge and does not constitute any warranty of conditions of the product. The information does not form any contractual agreement. It remains the user’s responsibility to adhere to existing laws and regulations.Copying or Downloading of this information for the purpose of properly using VSM products is allowed provided that: (1) the。
