



TranslationUnit-1III. (1) 由于计算机与信息系统的结合以及复杂的图形用户界面而产生的新技术对软件工程师提出了新的要求。

(2) 不同类型系统和使用这些系统的不同类型组织的广泛的多样性,意味着我们需要软件开发方法的多样性。

…………………. 第8页翻译III. (1) 当芯片设计者为微处理器开发各种各样的指令集的同时,他们增加了越来越复杂的指令,每个指令的执行都需要若干时钟周期。

………………………..第13页翻译Unit-2III. (1) 对于详细说明软件需求中的困难,根本原因源于其涉及客户、最终用户、以及软件开发人员的有关三方.。

第22页翻译III. (1) 正如我们所知,指示一台计算机如何执行一项任务的指令被称为计算机程序。

(2) 这类软件包含大量数据——不像数据库软件,数据库软件销售时不带任何数据。

…………………………….第27页翻译Unit-3III. (1) 为了即使在风险存在的情况下能够达到项目目标,需要适当的风险管理。

(2) 通过适当的监控,这些情况能够被识别,从而可以相应地改变计划。

………………………………….第38页翻译III. (1) 不过,主要区别在于,多用户操作系统排定在一个集中式计算机上的处理请求,而网络操作系统仅仅是将数据和程序路由到每个用户的本地计算机,实际处理是发生在每个用户的本地计算机上。

……………………….第42页翻译Unit-4III. (1) 详细进度安排只有在实际的人员分配已经完成之后才进行,因为任务分配需要团队成员能力的相关信息。

(2) 小组目标由全体成员的一致同意来设定,并且每位成员的提议可用于重要决定。

…………………………………………….第52页翻译III. (1) 以太网是一种可用于几乎所有类型的计算机,描述数据如何能够在计算机与通常在近距离的其它网络设备之间以包的形式发送的局域网技术。

…………………第58页翻译Unit-5III. (1) 以数据结构为中心的设计(例如,Jackson方法,Warnier-Orr方法)从程序操作的数据结构着手,而不是从其实现的功能着手。



计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(一)计算机和软件工程知识1.计算机科学基础1.1数制及其转换•二进制、十进制和十六进制等常用制数制及其相互转换1.2数据的表示•数的表示(原码、反码、补码、移码表示,整数和实数的机内表示,精度和溢出)•非数值表示(字符和汉字表示、声音表示、图像表示)•校验方法和校验码(奇偶校验码、海明校验码、循环冗余校验码)1.3算术运算和逻辑运算・计算机中的二进制数运算方法•逻辑代数的基本运算和逻辑表达式的化简计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(二)1.4数学基础知识•命题逻辑、谓词逻辑、形式逻辑的基础知识•常用数值计算(误差、矩阵和行列式、近似求解方程、插值、数值积分)•排列组合、概率论使用、使用统计(数据的统计分析)•运算基本方法(预测和决策、线性规划、网络图、模拟)1.5常用数据结构•数组(静态数组、动态数组)、线性表、链表(单向链表、双向链表、循环链表)、队列、栈、树(二叉树、查找树、平衡树、线索树、线索树、堆)图等的定义、存储和操作• Hash (存储地址计算,冲突处理)1.6常用算法・排序算法、查找算法、数值计算方法、字符串处理方法、数据压缩算法、递归算法、图的相关算法•算法和数据结构的关系、算法效率、算法设计、算法描述(流程图、伪代码、决策表)、算法的复杂性计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(三)2.计算机系统知识2.1硬件知识2.1.1计算机系统的组成、体系结构分类及特性•CPU和存储器的组成、性能和基本工作原理•常用I/O设备、通信设备的性能,以及基本工作原理•I/O接口的功能、类型和特性•I/O控制方式(中断系统、DMA、I/O处理机方式)•CISC/RISC,流水线操作,多处理机,并行处理2.1.2存储系统•主存-Cache存储系统的工作原理•虚拟存储器基本工作原理,多级存储体系的性能价格•RAID类型和特性2.1.3安全性、可靠性和系统性能评测基础知识•诊断和容错•系统可靠性分析评价•计算机系统性能评测方式计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(四)2.2软件知识2.2.1操作系统知识•操作系统的内核(中断控制)、进程、线程概念•处理机管理(状态转换、共享和互斥、分时轮转、抢占、死锁)•存储管理(主存保护、动态连接分配、分段、分页、虚存)•设备管理(I/O控制、假脱机)•文件管理(文件目录、文件组织、存取方法、存取控制、恢复处理)•作业管理(作业调度、作业控制语言(JCL)、多道程序设计)•汉字处理,多媒体处理,人机界面•网络操作系统和嵌入式操作系统基础知识•操作系统的配置2.2.2程序设计语言和语言处理程序的知识•汇编、编译、解释系统的基础知识和基本工作原理•程序设计语言的基本成分:数据、运算、控制和传输,过程(函数)调用•各类程序设计语言主要特点和适用情况2.3计算机网络知识•网络体系结构(网络拓扑、OSI/RM、基本的网络协议)•传输介质、传输技术、传输方法、传输控制•常用网络设备和各类通信设备•Client/Server 结构、Browser/Server 结构•LAN拓扑,存取控制,LAN的组网,LAN间连接,LAN-WAN连接•因特网基础知识以及使用•网络软件•网络管理•网络性能分析计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(五)2.4数据库知识•数据库管理系统的功能和特征•数据库模型(概念模式、外模式、内模式)•数据模型,ER图,第一范式、第二范式、第三范式•数据操作(集合运算和关系运算)•数据库语言(SQL)•数据库的控制功能(并发控制、恢复、安全性、完整性)•数据仓库和分布式数据库基础知识2.5多媒体知识•多媒体系统基础知识,多媒体设备的性能特性,常用多媒体文件格式•简单图形的绘制,图像文件的处理方法•音频和视频信息的使用•多媒体使用开发过程2.6系统性能知识•性能指标(响应时间、吞吐量、周转时间)和性能设计•性能测试和性能评估•可靠性指标及计算、可靠性设计•可靠性测试和可靠性评估2.7计算机使用基础知识•信息管理、数据处理、辅助设计、自动控制、科学计算、人工智能等基础知识•远程通信服务基础知识•常用使用系统计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(六)3.系统开发和运行知识3.1软件工程、软件过程改进和软件开发项目管理知识•软件工程知识•软件开发生命周期各阶段的目标和任务•软件开发项目管理基础知识(时间管理、成本管理、质量管理、人力资源管理、风险管理等)及其常用管理工具•主要的软件开发方法(生命周期法、原型法、面向对象法、CASE)•软件开发工具和环境知识•软件过程改进知识•软件质量管理知识•软件开发过程评估、软件能力成熟评估基础知识3.2系统分析基础知识•系统分析的目的和任务•结构化分析方法(数据流图(DFD)、数据字典(DD)、实体关系图(ERD)、描述加工处理的结构化语言)•统一建模语言(UML)•系统规格说明书3.3系统设计知识•系统设计的目的和任务•结构化设计方法和工具(系统流程图、HIPO图、控制流程图)•系统总体结构设计(总体布局、设计原则、模块结构设计、数据存储设计、系统配置方案)•系统详细设计(代码设计、数据库设计、用户界面设计、处理过程设计)•系统设计说明书计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(七)3.4系统实施知识•系统实施的主要任务•结构化程序设计、面向对象程序设计、可视化程序设计•程序设计风格•程序设计语言的选择•系统测试的目的、类型,系统测试方法(黑盒测试、白盒测试、灰盒测试)•测试设计和管理(错误曲线、错误排除、收敛、注入故障、测试用例设计、系统测试报告)•系统转换基础知识1.5系统运行和维护知识•系统运行管理基础知识•系统维护基础知识•系统评价基础知识1.6面向对象开发方法•面向对象开发概念(类、对象、属性、封装性、继承性、多态性、对象之间的引用)•面向对象开发方法的优越性以及有效领域•面向对象设计方法(体系结构、类的设计、用户接口设计)•面向对象实现方法(选择程序设计语言、类的实现、方法的实现、用户接口的实现、准备测试数据)•面向对象程序设计语言(如C++、Java、Visual、Bsasic、Visual C++)的基本机制•面向对象数据库、分布式对象的概念计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(八)4.安全性知识•安全性基本概念•防治计算机病毒、防范计算机犯罪•存取控制、防闯入、安全管理措施•加密和解密机制•风险分析、风险类型、抗风险措施和内部控制5.标准化知识•标准化意识、标准化的发展、标准制订过程•国际标准、国家标准、行业标准、企业标准基本知识•代码标准、文件格式标准、安全标准、软件开发规范和文档标准知识•标准化机构计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(九)6.信息化基础知识•信息化意识•全球信息化趋势、国家信息化战略、企业信息化战略和策略•有关的法律、法规•远程教育、电子商务、电子政务等基础知识•企业信息资源管理基础知识7 .计算机专业英语•掌握计算机技术的基本词汇•能正确阅读和理解计算机领域的英文资料计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(十)软件设计1.外部设计1.1理解系统需求说明1.2系统开发的准备•选择开发方法、准备开发环境、制订开发计划1.3设计系统功能•选择系统结构,设计各子系统的功能和接口,设计安全性策略、需求和实现方法,制订详细的工作流和数据流1.4设计数据模型•设计ER模型、数据模型1.5编写外部设计文档•系统配置图、各子系统关系图、系统流程图、系统功能说明书、输入输出规格说明、数据规格说明、用户手册框架•设计系统测试要求1.6设计评审计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(十一)2.内部设计2.1设计软件结构■按构件分解,确定构件功能规格以及构件之间的接口•采用中间件和工具2.2设计输入输出•屏幕界面设计、设计输入输出检查方法和检查信息2.3设计物理数据•分析数据特性,确定逻辑数据组织方式、存储介质,设计记录格式和处理方式•将逻辑数据结构换成物理数据结构,计算容量,进行优化2.4构件的创建和重用•创建、重用构件的概念•使用子程序库或类库2.5编写内部设计文档•构件划分图、构件间的接口、构件处理说明、屏幕设计文档、报表设计文档、文件设计文档、数据库设计文档2.6设计评审计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(十二)3.程序设计3.1模块划分(原则、方法、标准)3.2编写程序设计文档■模块规格说明书(功能和接口说明、程序处理逻辑的描述、输入输出数据格式的描述)■测试要求说明书(测试类型和目标、测试用例、测试方法)3.3程序设计评审计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(十三)4.系统实施4.1配置计算机系统及其环境4.2选择合适的程序设计语言4.3掌握C程序设计语言,以及C++、Java、Visual、Basic、Visual C++中任一种程序设计语言,以便能指导程序员进行编程和测试,并进行必要的优化4.4系统测试•指导程序员进行模块测试,并进行验收•准备系统集成测试环境和测试工具•准备测试数据•写出测试报告计算机软件水平测试一软件设计师测试大纲(十四)5.软件工程•软件生存期模型(瀑布模型、螺旋模型、喷泉模型)和软件成本模型•定义软件需求(系统化的目标、配置、功能、性能和约束)•描述软件需求的方法(功能层次模型、数据流模型、控制流模型、面向数据的模型、面向对象的模型等)•定义软件需求的方法(结构化分析方法、面向对象分析方法)•软件设计(分析和集成、逐步求精、抽象、信息隐蔽)•软件设计方法(结构化设计方法、Jackson方法、Warnier方法、面向对象设计方法)•程序设计(结构化程序设计、面向对象程序设计)•软件测试的原则和方法•软件质量(软件质量特性、软件质量控制)•软件过程评估基本方法、软件能力成熟度评估基本方法•软件开发环境和开发工具(分析工具、设计工具、编程工具、测试工具、维护工具、CASE)•软件工程发展趋势(面向构件,统一建模语言(UML))•软件过程改进模型和方法国计算机软考软件设计师英语试题及答案分析⑴Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is the (1) component architecture for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform. EJB technology enables rapid and simplified development of(2),(3), secure and portable applications based on Java technology. In EJB 2. x,there are three kinds of enterprise beans : (4), ( 5 ) ,message - driver bean.A.) A. client - sideB.server - sideC.database - sideD.HTTFP - side(2), ( 3 ) A. distributedB.integrationC.transactionalD.international(4),(5)A. instance beanB.entity beanC.transaction beanD.session bean答案:(1)B (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)D分析:企业级JavaBeans(EJB)技术是Jaya 2平台上服务器端的组建架构体系。


7. Represent the bit pa ern 1011,0100,1001,1111 in hexadecimal nota on. B49F
8. A7DF is the hexadecimal representa on for what bit pa ern? 1010 0111 1101 1111
4. Which of the following mass storage system does not required physical mo on? a. magne c tape b. magne c disk c. DVDs d, Flash drives
5. How many different symbols can be encoded using Unicode? a. 256 b. 4096 c. 65536 d. 1046476 [i] 6. A computer's main memory consists of numerous memory cells, each of which contains _8__bits. Each memory cell is iden fied by a numeric value called the cell's __address__.
10. Decode each of the following instruc ons that were encoded using the language descrip on table. a. A004 rotate the bit pa ern in register 0 to the right 4 mes b. 1234 load the register 2 with the bit pa ern found in the memory cell whose address is 34 c. 5678 add the bit pa ern in regiser7 and register 8 as they were two complement representa ons and leave result in register 6 d. C000 halt execu on





因此它只适用于详细设计阶段8.不适合作为科学工程计算的语言是()A. PascalB. CC. FortranD. Prolog9.黑盒测试在设计测试用例时,主要需要研究()A.需求规格说明与概要设计说明B.详细设计说明C.项目开发计划D.概要设计说明与详细设计说明10.若有一个计算类型的程序,它的输入量只有一个X,其范围是[-1.0,1.0],现从输入的角度考虑一组测试用例:-1.001,-1.0,1.0,1.001。

设计这组测试用例的方法是()A.条件覆盖法 B.等价分类法C.边界值分析法D.错误推测法11.下列属于维护阶段的文档是()A.软件规格说明B.用户操作手册C.软件问题报告D.软件测试分析报告12.快速原型模型的主要特点之一是()A.开发完毕才见到产品B.及早提供全部完整的软件产品C.开发完毕后才见到工作软件D.及早提供工作软件13.因计算机硬件和软件环境的变化而做出的修改软件的过程称为()A.较正性维护B.适应性维护C.完善性维护D.预防性维护14.类库这种机制是()级别的信息共享。



软件工程_东北大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1._______ is a discipline whose aim is the production of fault-free software,delivered on time and within budget, that satisfies the client's needs._______是一个学科,其目标是生产出满足客户的需求的、未超出预算的、按时交付的、没有错误的软件。

答案:2.The relationship between whole-class and part-classes is called ______.整体和部分类之间的关系被称为______。

答案:aggregation3.The relationship between super-class and subclasses is called ______.超类和子类之间的关系称为______。

答案:inheritance4.The strategy of inheritance is to use inheritance wherever _______.继承的策略是在_______的情况下使用继承。

答案:appropriate5._____is to encapsulate the attributes and operations in an object, and hides theinternal details of an object as possible. _____是为了在一个对象中封装属性和操作,并尽可能隐藏对象的内部细节。

Data encapsulation6.Two modules are ________ coupled if they have write access to global data.如果两个模块对全局数据具有写访问权限,则是________耦合。



软件工程英语文档:Documents软件工具:Software Tools工具箱:Tool Box集成工具:Integrated Tool软件工程环境:Software Engineering Environment传统:Conventional经典:Classical解空间:Solution Domain问题空间:Problem Domain清晰第一,效率第二Clarity the first,Efficiency the next。

设计先于编码Design before coding使程序的结构适合于问题的结构Make the program fit the problem开发伴随复用,开发为了复用Development with reuse, Development for reuse。

靠度量来管理:Management by Measurement软件度量学:Software Metrics软件经济学:Software Economics软件计划WHY软件分析WHAT软件实现HOW软件生存周期过程的开发标准Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Process软件开发模型:Software Development Model编码员:Coder瀑布模型:Waterfall Model快速原型模型:Rapid Prototype Model 增量模型:Incremental Model线性思维:Linear Thinking演化模型:Evolutionary Model螺旋模型:Spiral Model对象:Object类:Class继承:Inheritance聚集:Aggregation消息:Message面向对象=对象Object+分类Classification+继承Inheritance+消息通信Communication with Messages 构件集成模型:Component Integration Model转换模型:Transformational Model净室软件工程:Cleanroom Software Engineering净室模型:Cleanroom Model软件需求规格说明书:Software Requirement Specification ,SRS分析模型:Analysis Model便利的应用规约技术:Facilitated Application Specification Techniques ,FAST结构化语言:Structured Language判定树:Decision Tree基数:Cardinality事件轨迹:Event Trace对象-关系Object—Relationsship结构化分析:SA(Structured Analysis)由顶向下,逐步细化Top-Down Stepwise Refinement面向对象分析:Object-Oriented Analysis包含:Contains临近:Is Next To传到:Transmits to来自:Acquires from管理:Manages 控制:Controls组成:Is Composed of细化:Refinement抽象:Abstraction模块:Module策略:Strategy信息隐藏:Information Hiding数据封装:Data Encapsulation抽象数据类型:Abstract Data type模块化设计:Modular Design分解:Decomposition模块性:Modularity单模块软件:Monolithic Software模块独立性:Module Independence内聚:Cohesion偶然性内聚:Coincidental Cohesion逻辑性内聚:Logical Cohesion时间性内聚:Temporal Cohesion过程性内聚: Procedural Cohesion通信性内聚:Communicational Cohesion顺序性内聚:Sequential Cohesion功能性内聚:Functional Cohesion非直接偶合:No Direct Coupling数据偶合:Data Coupling特征偶合:Stamp Coupling控制偶合:Control Coupling外部偶合:External Coupling公共偶合:Common Coupling内容偶合: Content Coupling由底向上设计:Bottom-Up Design自顶向下设计:Top-Down Design正式复审:Formal Review非正式复审:Informal Review走查,排练:Walk-Through会审:Inspection映射:Mapping传入路径:Afferent path传出路径:Efferent path变换中心:Transform Center接受路径:Reception path动作路径:Action path事务中心:Transaction Center分支分解:Factoring of Brandches瓮形:oval-shaped一个模块的控制域:Scope of Control 一个模块的作用域:Scope of Effect 结构化程序设计:Structured Programming通心面程序:Bowl of Spaghetti流程图:Flow Diagram编码:Coding方框图:Block DiagramPDL (Pidgin):Program Design Language伪代码:Pseudo CodeJSD:Jackson System Development对象建模技术:Object Modeling Technique基础设施:Infrastructure控制线程:Thread of Control保护者对象:Guardian Object协议:protocolUML:Unified Modeling Language OMG:Object Management Group统一方法:Unified Method关联:Association泛化:Generalization依赖:Dependency结点:Node接口:Interface包:Package注释: Note特化:Specialization元元模型:Meta—Meta Model用户模型:User Model静态图:Static Diagram动态图:Dynamic Diagram用例视图:Use Case View逻辑视图:Logical View并发视图:Concurrent View构件视图:Component View实现模型视图:Implementation Model View部署视图:Deployment View航向:Navigability重数:Multiplicity共享聚集:Shared Aggregation组合:Composition泛化:Generalization简单消息:Simple Message同步消息:Synchronous Message异步消息:Asynchronous Message事件说明:Event_Signature守卫条件:Guard_Condition动作表达式:Action_Expression 发送子句:Send_Clause时序图:Sequence Diagram协作图:Collaboration Diagram前缀:Predecessor循环子句:Iteration-Clause活动图:Activity Diagram构件图:Component Diagram配置图:Deployment Diagram建模过程指导(RUP):Rational Unified Process可执行代码:Executalbe Codes实现:Implementation编码风格:Coding Style标准:Classical控制流的直线性:Linearity of Control Flow程序风格设计要素:先求正确后求快 Make it right before you make it faster.先求清楚后求快 Make it clear before you make it faster.求快不忘保持程序正确 Keep it right when you make it faster.保持程序简单以求快 Keep it simpleto make it faster。



Software Life-Cycle Models1. Which of the following is not a software life-cycle model?A. build-and-fixB. waterfallC. rapid prototypingD. incrementalE. synchronize and stabilizeF. spiralG. fountainH. all are software life-cycle models2. Which of the following is not a software life-cycle model?A. spiralB. waterfallC. rapid prototypingD. incrementalE. jacuzzi3. In which of the following circumstances might the 'build-and-fix' software life-cycle model be an appropriate one to use?A. large-scale, in-house products with heavy user-involvement in the designstageB. for products utilising an open architecture and complex user-interfaceC. real time systemsD. object-oriented systemsE. short programs that will not need maintenance4. In which of the following circumstances might the spiral software life-cyclemodel be an appropriate one to use?A. large-scale, in-house productsB. for products utilising an open architecture and complex user-interfaceC. real time systemsD. object-oriented systemsE. short programs that will not need maintenance5. In which of the following circumstances might the rapid prototyping software life-cycle model be an appropriate one to use?A. large-scale, in-house productsB. for products with complex user-interface where it is important to meet aparticular client's needsC. real time systemsD. object-oriented systemsE. short programs that will not need maintenance6. In which of the following circumstances might the waterfall software life-cycle model be an appropriate one to use?A. large-scale, in-house productsB. for products utilising an open architecture and complex user-interfaceC. real time systemsD. object-oriented systemsE. large document-driven projects requiring a disciplined approach7. What is a drawback of the synchronise-and-stabilise software life-cycle model?A. it is totally unsatisfactory for nontrivial programs.B. it can only be used for large-scale, in-house products.C. the developers have to be competent in risk analysis and risk resolution.D. it is only suitable for object-oriented systems developed in ADA for theDefence industry.E. it has not been widely used other than at Microsoft.8. Which feature of the waterfall software life-cycle model allows modifications to be made to the deliverables produced at an earlier stage?A. the cascade effectB. re-selection of the best solution, of those developed in parallel, from theprevious stageC. risk analysis and risk resolutionD. no modifications can be made as each stage once signed off by the clientsand developers becomes definitiveE. feedback loops9. A critical point of the waterfall software life-cycle model is that:A. the cascade effect ensures that the product gains momentum through each phase in its development thus ensuring buy-in from the clients.B. re-selection of the best solution, of those developed in parallel, from the previous stage.C. risk analysis and risk resolution are explicitly defined for each stage.D. no modifications can be made as each stage once signed off by the clients and developers becomes definitive.E. no phase is complete until the documentation for that phase has been completed and the deliverables for that phase have been approved by the SQA group.10. Which of the following statements about the waterfall software life-cyclemodel is true?A. Testing is a separate phase that is only conducted once the product isconstructed.B. Once the product is delivered to the client there is no need to maintain the documentation.C. Its strength is in the written documentation available to the client in astyle that makes the nature and characteristics of the product to be deliveredhighly visible.D. No modifications can be made as each stage once signed off by the clientsand developers becomes definitive.E. All of these statements are false.11. To a certain extent the use of the rapid prototyping software life-cycle model is to overcome one of the weaknesses of the waterfall model. To this extent the working model is primarily designed to be evaluated by the:A. developersB. analystsC. test teamD. managersE. end-users12. Which property of the rapid prototype is not important?A. the speed with which it can be developedB. the speed with which it can be modifiedC. its ability to determine the client's real needsD. the insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the'how not to do it' varietyE. its internal structure13. Introducing rapid prototyping into an organization as a front-end to the waterfall model has an additional advantage. It will give management the opportunity to:A. dehire employees assigned to unsuccessful projects.B. remove the unnecessary step of producing documentation.C. put the onus of specifying the requirements fully on the users as they can no longer use the excuse that they did not understand the documentation to request changes to their 'needs'.D. assess the technique while minimising the associated risk.E. All of these are advantages.14. In one sense the Incremental model is a contradiction in terms.A. Like a house, each build (i.e. tradesmen such as plumbers, electricians) must complete their work until the whole (product) can be used.B. It is necessary to change (i.e. maintain) initial builds before the new ones can be added to it. Thus you have to maintain the product before it is completed, thus increasing the amount of work.C. A model is meant to represent one (simplistic) view of the whole. In contrast the incremental model is based on stand-alone building blocks and a view of the overall shape cannot be seen until the last build (block) is in place.D. The initial contract specifies the entire product to be built and the client is required to makeprogress payments every time period (usually monthly) as all increments may be worked on simultaneously and none may delivered within a time increment.E. The developer must design the product as a whole but simultaneously view it as a sequence of builds.15. An additional advantage of the Incremental model is that:A. the customer pays for the entire product initially although the costs (mostly labour) are accrued over time.B. work can begin quickly on the first build (justifying the pre-payment made by the client), although this may lead to more work for the subsequent builds as they are integrated into the earlier ones.C. stability is introduced early in the product's history once the overall architecture is specified and no changes are incorporated until after the last of the builds.D. the client has more time to introduce changes to the organization and there is no need for the parallel runs that accompany the big-bang approach typified by the waterfall and prototyping models.E. as the design is flexible enough to support incremental builds, enhancements undertaken during the maintenance phase can be easily incorporated as they are additional builds.16. An advantage of the Incremental model is that:A. change and adaptation are natural to the modelB. an operational quality product is delivered to the client at each stage.C. as the design is flexible enough to support incremental builds, enhancementsundertaken during the maintenance phase can be easily incorporated as they areadditional builds.D. it reduces the traumatic effect of introducing changes to the organizationas each new increment builds upon the work delivered in the previous one.E. All of these are advantages of the incremental model.17. A disadvantage of the Incremental model is that:A. clients are not billed until the last build is completed.B. it is not easy to accommodate changes that occur due to external(competitive, social and regulatory) forces.C. the model can easily degenerate into the 'build-and-fix' approach.D. There are no advantages of the incremental model - the approach has largelybeen discredited.E. All of these are disadvantages of the incremental model.18. The extreme programming software life-cycle model is an adaptation of the ____________ model.A. build-and-fixB. waterfallC. rapid prototypingD. incrementalE. spiral19. In extreme programming there is no overall design phase before the various builds are constructed. Instead the design is modified while the product is being built. This procedure is termed:A. regressionB. synchronizationC. stabilizationD. refactoringE. incrementing20. In extreme programming, the first step is that the software development teamdetermine the various features that the client would like the product to support. These are termed:A. buildsB. function pointsC. feature pointsD. storiesE. increments21. In extreme programming, what is the first step in a task that is to be part of a build?A. requirement definitionB. designingC. testingD. programmingE. documentation22. Which of the following is not a feature of extreme programming (XP)?A. computers of the XP team are set up in the centre of a large roomB. a client works with the XP team at all timesC. no individual can work overtime for more than 2 successive weeksD. there is no specialization, all members work on specification, design, codeand testingE. there is no overall design phaseF. None. That is, all of these are features of extreme programming.23. The synchronise-and-stabilise software life-cycle model is an adaptation ofthe ____________ model.A. build-and-fixB. waterfallC. rapid prototypingD. incrementalE. spiral24. The spiral software life-cycle model is an adaptation of the ____________model(s).A. build-and-fixB. waterfallC. rapid prototypingD. incrementalE. all of the above25. The aim of the synchronisation stage of the synchronise-and-stabilisesoftware life-cycle model is to:A. repair faults found in any earlier releasesB. freeze change requests so that the build can be stabilisedC. draw up the specification documentD. release the current version(s) of the product to the clients based on theversions and releases installed at their various sites.E. put the partially completed components together and test and debug theresulting product26. A disadvantage of the synchronise-and-stabilise software model is that:A. the model cannot be used if the initial specification is incomplete.B. the developers cannot gain an insight into the operation of the product until a build is complete.C. the model can easily degenerate into the 'build-and-fix' approach.D. There are no advantages of the synchronise-and-stabilise model - the approach has largely been discredited.E. All of these are disadvantages of the incremental model.F. the approach needs the existence of a disciplined change control operation before it can be put in place. Thus it is unlikely to be used by the many small software development organizations that typify the industry.27. An example of the risk involved in software development is:A. key personnel may resign before the product is complete.B. the manufacturer of critical components (e.g. the hardware associated with areal-time system) may go bankrupt.C. technology changes may render the product obsolete.D. competitors may market a fully functional lower-cost equivalent package.E. All of these are risks involved in software development.28. A simple way of looking at the spiral software life-cycle model is as a _________ model with each phase preceded by risk analysis.A. build-and-fixB. waterfallC. rapid prototypingD. incrementalE. Synchronize and stabilize29. A simple way of looking at the spiral software life-cycle model is as a waterfall model with each phase proceeded by:A. build-and-fixB. freezingC. synchronizationD. testingE. risk analysis30. There are many risks associated with software development. Which of the following represents the soundest scenario by way of resolving risk?A. adding more people to the project to ensure that it will be completed in time.B. freezing all outstanding change requests until every currently known fault is repairedC. insisting on the use of the waterfall technique to document each stage of a project before agreeing to proceed to the next phase.D. increase the amount of testing immediately prior to the release of the product.E. building a prototype to test say a routing algorithm, the failure of which would otherwise cause widespread disruption to the business.31. Which of the following are limitations of the spiral model?A. It is suited to internal development. For instance, termination of acontract with an external developer may lead to costly litigation.B. For small projects the cost of conducting risk analysis may not be warrantedwhen put alongside the total cost of the product.C. Members of the development team may not be competent risk analysts.D. All of these are limitations on or restrictions to the use of risk analysis.E. There are no limitations on or restrictions to the use of risk analysis.32. How is maintenance treated the spiral model of software development?A. It is not treated at all. This is one of the major limitations of the spiralmodel.B. Maintenance is the last of the four quadrants in the model.C. Maintenance is the first of the four quadrants in the model..D. Maintenance is treated within each quadrant of the model.E. Maintenance is treated as a further iteration of the model.33. A common feature(s) of object-oriented life cycle models is/are:A. iterationB. parallelism (overlap of activities)C. incremental developmentD. All of these are featuresE. None of these are features34. An intrinsic property of software production and the object-oriented paradigm in particular is:A. iterationB. the existence of bugsC. testingD. crisis managementE. All of these are features35. In an analysis of some of the life cycle models, Schach concludes that the_____________ model is the best.A. waterfallB. incrementalC. object-orientedD. spiralE. none of these are "the" best.。



The property of being a self-contained unit is called encapsulation.With encapsulation,we can accomplish data hiding.Data hiding is the highly valued characteristic that an object can be used without the user knowing or caring how it works internally.Just as you can use a refrigerator without knowing how the compressor works,you can use a well-designed object without knowing about its internal data members.
A QFit is a kind of Fit,but one with new features.C++ supports the idea of reuse through inheritance.A new type,which is an extension of an existing type,can be declared.This new subclass is said to derive from the existing type and is sometimes called a derived type .The QFit is derived from the Fit and thus inherits all its qualities,but can add to them as needed.



软件工程专业英语软件工程英语软件度量学:Software Metrics软件经济学:Software Economics 文档:Documents软件计划WHY软件分析WHAT软件工具:Software Tools软件实现HOW工具箱:Tool Box软件生存周期过程的开发标准集成工具:Integrated Tool Standard for Developing Software 软件工程环境:SoftwareLife Cycle Process Engineering Environment软件开发模型:Software 传统:ConventionalDevelopment Model 经典:Classical编码员:Coder解空间:Solution Domain瀑布模型:Waterfall Model 问题空间:Problem Domain快速原型模型:Rapid Prototype 清晰第一,效率第二Clarity the Modelfirst, Efficiency the next.增量模型:Incremental Model 设计先于编码Design before线性思维:Linear Thinking coding演化模型:Evolutionary Model 使程序的结构适合于问题的结构螺旋模型:Spiral Model Make the program fit the problem对象:Object开发伴随复用,开发为了复用类:ClassDevelopment with reuse,继承:InheritanceDevelopment for reuse.聚集:Aggregation 靠度量来管理:Management by消息:MessageMeasurement面向对象,对象Object+分类结构化分析:SA(StructuredAnalysis) Classification+继承Inheritance+消息通信Communication with 由顶向下,逐步细化 Top-Down Messages Stepwise Refinement 构件集成模型:Component 面向对象分析:Object-Oriented Integration Model Analysis转换模型:Transformationa包含:l ContainsModel 临近:Is Next To 净室软件工程:Cleanroom传到 :Transmits to Software Engineering 来自:Acquires from 净室模型:Cleanroom Model 管理:Manages软件需求规格说明书:Software 控制:ControlsRequirement Specification ,SRS组成: Is Composed of 分析模型:Analysis Model 细化:Refinement便利的应用规约技术:Facilitated 抽象:AbstractionApplication Specificat模块:ion ModuleTechniques ,FAST 策略:Strategy结构化语言:Structured Language 信息隐藏:Information Hiding 判定树:Decision Tree 数据封装:Data Encapsulation 基数:Cardinality 抽象数据类型:Abstract Data type事件轨迹:Event Trace 模块化设计:Modular Design 对象,关系Object-Relationsship 分解:Decomposition模块性:Modularity 内容偶合: Content Coupling由底向上设计:Bottom-Up 单模块软件:MonolithicSoftware Design模块独立性:Modul自顶向下设e 计:Top-Down Design Independence 正式复审:Formal Review 内聚:Cohesion 非正式复审:Informal Review 偶然性内聚:Coincidental 走查,排练:Walk-Through Cohesion 会审:Inspection 逻辑性内聚:Logical Cohesion 映射:Mapping时间性内聚:Temporal Cohes传入路径:ion Afferent path 过程性内聚: Procedural传出路径: Efferent path Cohesion 变换中心:Transform Center 通信性内聚: Communicational接受路径: Reception path Cohesion 动作路径:Action path 顺序性内聚:Sequential Cohes事务中心:ion Transaction Center 功能性内聚:Functional Cohes分支分解:ion Factoring of 非直接偶合:No Direct CouplBranding ches数据偶合:Data Coupling 瓮形:oval-shaped特征偶合:Stamp Coupling 一个模块的控制域:Scope of 控制偶合:Control Coupling Control外部偶合:External Coupling 一个模块的作用域:Scope of 公共偶合:Common Coupling Effect结构化程序设计:Structured结点: Node接口:Interface Programming通心面程序:Bowl of Spaghetti包: Package流程图:Flow Diagram 注释: Note编码:Coding 特化:Specialization 方框图:Block Diagram 元元模型:Meta-Meta Model PDL (Pidgin):Program Design 用户模型:User Model Language 静态图:Static Diagram 伪代码:Pseudo Code 动态图:Dynamic Diagram JSD:Jackson System Developmen用例视图:t Use Case View 对象建模技术:Object Model逻辑视图:ing Logical View Technique 并发视图:Concurrent View 基础设施:Infrastructure 构件视图:Component View 控制线程:Thread of Control 实现模型视图:Implementation 保护者对象:Guardian Object Model View 协议:protocol 部署视图:Deployment View UML:Unified Modeling Language 航向:Navigability OMG:Object Management 重数:MultipliciGroup ty 统一方法:Unified Method 共享聚集:Shared Aggregation 关联:Association 组合:Composition 泛化:Generalization 泛化:Generalization 依赖:Dependency 简单消息:Simple Message同步消息:Synchronous Messa程序风格设ge 计要素:先求正确后求快 Make it right 异步消息:AsynchronousMessage before you make it faster. 事件说明:Event_Signature 先求清楚后求快 Make it clear 守卫条件:Guard_Condition before you make it faster. 动作表达式:Action_Expression 求快不忘保持程序正确 Keep it 发送子句:Send_Clause right when you make it faster. 时序图:Sequence Diagram 保持程序简单以求快 Keep it 协作图:Collaboration Diagrsimplam e to make it faster. 前缀:Predecessor 书写清楚,不要为“效率”牺牲清循环子句:Iteration-Clause 楚 Write clearly-don't sacrifice 活动图:Activity Diagram clarity for "efficiency"构件图:Component Diagram 文档化:Code Documentation 配置图:Deployment Diagram 内部文档编制:Internal 建模过程指导(RUP):Rational Documentation Unified Process 序言:Prologue可执行代码:Executalbe Codes用户友善: User Friendly 实现:Implementation 纠错:Debugging编码风格:Coding Style 测试用例:Test Case 标准:Classical 穷举测试:Exhaustive Testing 控制流的直线性:Linearity of 选择测试:Selective Testing Control Flow 静态分析:Static Analysis黑盒测试:Black Box Testing 高级测试:Higher order Testing不可达的:Unreachable 白盒测试:White Box Testing等价分类:Equivalenc办公桌检查e :Desk Check Partioning 走查:Walk-Through 边界值分析法:Boundary Value代码会审: Code Inspection Analysis 测试驱动模块:Test Driver 所谓猜错:Error Guessing 测试桩模块:Test Stub 因果图:Cause-Effect Graph 群:Cluster逻辑覆盖测试法:Logic Cover混合方式测age 试:Sandwich Testing Testing 渐增式测试:Incremental 试凑:Trial and Error Testing回溯:Back Tracking 非渐增式:Non-Incremental 病因排除法:Cause Eliminatio配置复审:n Configuration Review 测试纠错:Debugging by Testing 测试终止标准:Test Completion 蛮力纠错技术:Debugging by Criteria Brute Force 基于线程的测试:Thread-Based 回归测试:Regression Testing Testing单元测试:Unit Testing 基于使用:Use-Based综合测试:Integration Testing 基于构件的软件开发:确认测试: Validation Testing Component Based Software 系统测试:System TestingDevelopment ,CBSD 模块测试:Module Testing 领域工程:Domain Engineering 需求规约:Requirements Maintenance预防性维护:Preventive Specification变体:Variant Maintenance组件对象模型,COM:Componet 结构化的翻新:Structured Object Model Retrofit对象链接与嵌入:Object Linki可维护性:ng Maintainability and Embedding 可理解性:Understandability 公共对象请求代理体系结构,可修改性:Modifiability CORBA:Common Object Reque可测试性st :Testability Broker Architecture 调用图:Call Graph枚举分类:Enumerater交差引用表 :Cross-Reference Classification Directory呈面分类:Faceted Classification 数据封装技术:Data 属性-值分类:Attribute-ValueEncap sulationClassification 维护申请单MRF:Maintenance 应用系统工程,ASE:ApplicatioRequen st FormSystem Engineering 软件问题报告单SPR:Software 完善性维护:Perfective Problem ReportMaintenance 软件修改报告单SCR: Software 适应性维护:Adaptive Change ReportMaintenance 修改控制组CCB:Change Control 纠错性维护:CorrectiveBoard 软件配置:Software Configuration 估算模型:Estimation Model资源模型:Resource Model 版本控制库:Version ControlLibrary 构造性成本模型:Constructive 活动比:Activity Ratio cost Model 工作量调节因子EAF:Effor组织:t OrganicAdjustment Factor 半独立:Semidetached 软件再工程:Software 嵌入:EmbededReengineering 算法模型:Algorithmic Model 逆向工程:ReverseEngineering 分类活动结构图WBS:Work 重构:Restructure Breakdown Structure 演化性:Evolvability 人员,时间权衡定律问题定义:Problem DefinitionPeople-Time Trade-Off Law 系统目标与范围的说明:无我小组:Egoless Team Statement of Scope and Objectives主程序员小组: 可行性研究:Feasibility StudyChief -Programmer Team 系统流程图:System Flowchart PERT:Program Evaluation and 成本,效益分析:Cost-Benifit Review Technique Analysis 关键路径:Critical Path 风险识别:Risk Identification 知识产权:Intellectual Property 风险预测:Risk Projection 靠质量来管理:Management by 风险估计:Risk Estimation Measurement风险评价:Risk Assessment 质量保证:Quality Assurance质量认证: Quality Certification 交互操作性:Interoperability验证与确认:Verification and 质量检验:Quality Inspection全面质量管理TQC:Total QualiValidty ation ,V&V Control 基线:Baselines 质量体系:Quality System 平均故障时间:Mean Time To 计划-实施-检查-措Failure ,MTTF 施 Plan-Do-Check-Action 错误传入:Error Seeding 合格论证:Conformity冗余: Redundancy Certification 容错:Fault Tolerance 可靠性:Reliability 公理化归纳断言法:Axio-Matic 效率:Efficiency InductiveAssertion 运行工程:Human Engineering 循环不变式:Loop Invariant 正确性:Correctness 能力成熟度模型:Capability 使用性:Usability Maturity Model 完整性:Integrity 关键过程域:Key Process 可理解性:Understandability Area ,KPA可测试性:Testability 关键实践:Key Practice 可修改性:Modifiability 初始级:Initial可移植性:Portability 可重复级:Repeatable 可维护性:Maintainability 已定义级:Defined可适应性:Flexibility 已管理级:Managed可重用性:Reusability 优化级:Optimizing主任评估师:Lead Assessor Factor 技术复杂性因子测度:Measurement 极值程序设计:ExtremeProgramming 最终用户:End-User; 自适应软件开发:Adaptive 计算机辅助软件工程Software Development CASE:Computer Aided Software 轻载:Light weight Engineering重载:Heavy Weight 拉出:pull-out 返工:Rework 下拉: pull-down 进度:Schedule 一致性:Unification自动化:Automation 时间:Duration 过程模型:Process Model软件开发环境SDE:Software 成本:Cost Development Environment软件设计支持环境PSE:Programming 代码行LOC:Lines of Code Support Environment集成化项目支持IPSE:Integrated 面向功能:Function-Oriented Project Support Environment集成化框架:Integration Framework 面向规模: Size-Oriented 质量从头抓起:Quality from Beginning 功能点:Function Points 缺陷:Defect 权系数:Weighting Coefficient 变更请求:Change Request 用户输入:User Input 功能扩充:Enhancement 用户输出: User Output Request 用户查询: User Inquirty主文件处理:Master File外部界面:External InterfaceTCF:Technical Complexity。



3. Which of the following storage systems is best suited for storing and retrieving long strings of data that are processed in their sequential order?ca. Main memoryb. magnetic diskc. optical CDs and DVDs4. Which of the following mass storage system does not required physical motion?a. magnetic tapeb. magnetic diskc. DVDsd, Flash drives5. How many different symbols can be encoded using Unicode?a. 256b. 4096c. 65536d. 1046476[i]6. A computer's main memory consists of numerous memory cells, each of which contains_8__bits. Each memory cell is identified by a numeric value called the cell's __address__.7. Represent the bit pattern 1011,0100,1001,1111 in hexadecimal notation.B49F8. A7DF is the hexadecimal representation for what bit pattern?1010 0111 1101 11119. Under what condition is each of the following data compression techniques most effective?a. Run-length encodingContains long sequences of data of the same valueb. Relative encodingThere is not much difference between consecutive data[i]2. Which of the following instructions (as described in the language description table) changes the contents of a memory cell?a. 10ABb. 20ABc. 30ABd. 40AB3. Which of the following instructions (as described in the language description table) places 00000000 in register A?a. 1A00b. 2A00c. 3A00d. 200A4. In which of the following locations is information most readily available for manipulation by the CPU?a. General-purpose registersb. Main memoryc. Mass storage5. Which of the following instructions falls in the category of data transfer instructions?aa. LOADb. ANDc. ROTATEd. JUMP7. If registers 0, 1, and 2 contain the patterns A5, A5, and B7, respectively, which of the following instructions will result in a jump to location AA? (refer to the language description table)a. B0AAb. B1AAc. B2AA8. If registers 0 and 1 contain the patterns B5 and F0, respectively, what will be in register 1 after executing each of the following instructions? (refer to the language description table.),b5,f0a. A102 c3b. 4001 b5c. 4010 f09. Encode each of the following commands in terms of the machine language described in language description table. 27a5,17a5,5456,7456a. ___ LOAD register 7 with the value A5b. ___ LOAD register 7 with the contents of the memory cell at address A5.c. ___ ADD the contents of registers 5 and 6 as thought they were values in two's complement notation and leave the result in register 4.d. ___ OR the contents of registers 5 and 6, leaving the result in register 4.10. Decode each of the following instructions that were encoded using the language description table.a. A004 rotate the bit pattern in register 0 to the right 4 timesb. 1234 load the register 2 with the bit pattern found in the memory cell whose address is 34c. 5678 add the bit pattern in regiser7 and register 8 as they were two complement representations and leave result in register 6d. C000 halt execution1. Which of the following components of an operating system maintains the directory system? ba. Device driversb. File managerc. Memory maneger2. Which of the following components of an operating system handles the details associated with particular peripheral equipment? aa. Device driversb. File managerc. Memory manager3. Which of the following components of an operating systems is not part of the kernel? aa. Shellb. File managerc. Scheduler5. which of the following is not a role of a typical operating system? da. Control the allocation of the machine's resourcesb. control access to the machinec. maintain records regarding files stored in mass storaged. Assist the computer user in the task of processing digital photographs6. Which of the following would not require real-time processing? ca. Typing a document with a word processorb. Navigation of an aircraftc. Forecasting word-wide trade for the next five year periodd. Maintaining a airline reservation system7. Fill in the blanks below with the part on the operating system(file manager, memory manager, device drivers, window manager, scheduler, dispatcher) that performs the activity described.a. _windows manager__ Maintains a record of what is displayed on the computer's screenb. _dispatcher__ Performs the switching from one process to anotherc. _file manager__ Maintains the directory systemd. _memory manager__ Creates virtual memory8. List three popular operating systems.a. linuxb.unixc. Microsoft windows series10. Describe the bootstrap process.1. Automatically run bootstrap when power is on2. Direct CPU to transfer operating system from a predetermined location in mass storage into the volatile area of the main memory3. Directs CPU to execute a jump instruction to that area of memoryMultiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following is not a means of performing inter-process communication over a network? ba. Client/serverb. ICANNc. Peer-to-peer2. Which of the following is not a means of referencing entities on the Internet? ca. URLb. IP addressc. Anonymous FTPd. Host address3. List three network topologiesa. _ring__b. _star__c. _bus__4. Name the portion of the url below that identify the directory containing the file being addressed. Name the portion that identifies the protocol that should be used when accessing the file. And name the portion that identifies the file name itself.a. _http://www_protocol name__b. _domain name___c. _directory___5. IP address used in the Internet are _32__ bits long and consist of two parts. One part, which identifies the domain, is called the_network identifier__ and the other, which identifies a particular machine within that domain, is called the_host address__.6. Fill in the blanks in the HTML document below so that the term "Earth" will be linked to the HTML document "earthinfo.html" in the directory "earthdir" at "."<html><head><title>Earth page</title></head><body><p>The planet we live on is called_<a href=”/earthdir/earthinfo.html”__Earth_</a>___</p></body></html>7. in each blank below write the html tag that performs the indication functiona. <body> begins the part that describes what will appear on the computer screenb. </html>marks the end of the html documentc. <p> marks the beginning of a paragraphd. </a> marks the end of a term that is linked to another document8. The client/server model refers to a form of inter-process communication in which one process, known as the __server__, runs continuously so that it can be contacted by other processes, known as _client__, as needed. In contrast is the _peer-to-peer__ model of inter-process communication in which two processes communicate as equals.9. Where would be the most likely place to put a firewall to provide each of the following services?a. _gateway __ protect an entire domain from attacks from the cloud.b. __mail server_ protect an entire domain from spam.c. _individual computer__ protect an individual machine from worms and viruses.10. What is the difference between hubs, switches, and routers?Hubs: central network device used in a star topology to join networksSwitches: connect several compatible networks(link network segment and forward and filter frames between segments)Routers: connecting two incompatible networks result in a network of networks called Internet1. Which of the following is an activity? ca. algorithmb. programc. process2. which of the following set of instructions defines an algorithm in the formal, strict sense?ba. x←3;while (x<5) do(x←x)b. x←3;while(x<5) do(x<--x+1)c. x<--3;while (x<5) do(x<--x-1)3. Which of the following is not a means of repeating a block of instructions?da. pretest loopb. posttest loopc. recursiond. assignment statement4. The insertion sort algorithm is an example of an algorithm in which of the following classes? d5. Which of the following is not a way of representing algorithms?aa. Stepwise refinementb. pseudocodec. flowchartd. programming language6. Define each of the following terms.a. Algorithm _a set of steps that define how a task is performed___b. Program _the representation of an algorithm__c. Process _the activity of executing an algorithm__7. What sequence of values will be printed when the following instructions are executed?6 28. what sequence of numbers would be printed if the following procedure were executed with the value of N being 0? 0 2 2 49. Rewrite the following routine using a pretest while statement.repeat (print the value of X;x<--x+1)until(x>5)10. Use a repeat loop rather than a while loop to accomplish the same results as the following program segment. Assume that X will have only integer values.(You may also use an if statement if you like)while (x<5) do(print the value of X;x<--x+1)1. Most machine languages are based on the aa. Imperative paradigmb. Declarative paradigmc. Functional paradigmd. Object-oriented paradigm2. Which of the following does not require a Boolean structure? ca. If-then-else statementb. While loop statementc. assignment statementd. for loop statement3. Which of the following is not a step in the process of translating a program? aa. Executing the programb. Parsing the programc. Lexical analysisd. code generation4. Which of the following is ignored by a compiler? da. control statementsb. Declarations of constantsc. procedure headersd. comment statements5. Which of the following is not constructed by a typical compiler?a. source codeb. symbol tablec. parse treed. object program6. List two disadvantages of both machine languages and assembly languages that are overcome by high-level programming languages._programmers must think as a machine_____inherently machine dependent____One-to-one correspondence between machine instructions and assembly instructions7. Indicate how each of the following types of programming languages is classified in terms of generaion (first generation, second generation, or third generation). 3 12a. high-level languages_third__b. machine languages_one__c. assembly languages_two__8. In the context of the object-oriented paradigm, _classes__ are templates from which_objects__are constructed. We say that the latter is an instance of the former.9. What does it mean to say that a programming language is machine independent?Means source code can run on various platform, without modification for the sake of particular operating system or hardware10. Explain the distinction between translating a program (in a high-level language) and interpreting the program.Translating: convert source code to machine language code which called object codeInterpreting: convert source code to machine language on statement at a time just before execution.1. Which of the following is most likely an example of a one-to-one relationship?da. subscribers and magazinesb. birth dates and peoplec. planets and their moonsd. dinner guests and table settings2. which of the following is a form of glass-box testing?aa. basis path testingb. boundary value analysisc. beta testing3. Which of the following is not represented in a class diagram?da. generalizationsb. the methods within a classc. the attributes within a classd. the number of instances each class will have4. which of the following is the oldest approach to software development?ba. component architectureb. waterfall modelc. open-source developmentd. extreme programming5. which of the following is a stronger form of cohesion?aa. functional cohesionb. logical cohesion6. identify the stage of software development in which each of the following activities is performed.a. _implementation__programming is conducted.b. _design__class diagrams are drawn.c. _analysis__User needs are analyzed.7. During the analysis stage of software development, user needs are identified in the form of non-technical _system requirements__ that are then converted into technical _system specifications__.8. prototyping occurs in two forms. In one, called _evolutionary_ prototyping the original prototype is slowly enhanced to become the final product. In the other, called _throwaway_ prototyping, the original prototype is used as an "experimental" system that is ultimately discarded.9. Identify two distinctions between software engineering and other traditional fields of engineering.The ability to conduct system from generic prefabricate componentThe role of tolerance: traditional fields of engineering deals with the products that are acceptable as long as they perform their task within certain bounds. Software performs either correctly or incorrectly.The lack of quantitative system for measuring the properties of software.10. In what sense is the software life cycle different from the life cycle of other products?1). change often introduce more problems than it solve2). Problem currently focuses primarily on improving initial stage of software life cycle3). The major phrase within software development phrase of the software life cycle are analysis, design, implementation, testing1. which of the following is a LIFO structure? ba. arrayb. stackc. queued. tree2. Suppose a binary tree contained the nodes W,X,Y, and Z. If W and X were children of Y, and Z had no children, which node would be the root? ca. Wb. Xc. Yd. Z3, Which of the following is not a means of locating an entry in a linked storage structure? da. head pointerb. child pointerc. root pointerd. NIL pointer4. Answer the following questions in terms of tree below.the root node is _a__.three nodes that are siblings are_b__,_c__,and _d__.the terminal nodes are _e f g__.the node with only one child is _b__.5. Two special forms of lists are the LIFO structures known as _stack__, in which entries are inserted and removed from the _top__, and FIFO structures known as _queue__, in which entries are removed from the _head__ and inserted at the _tail__.6. Suppose the expression X[1,1] referred to the first-row, first-column entry in a two-dimensional array with 5 rows and 7 columns. If the array is stored in row-major order beginning at memory address x and each entry in the array requires n memory cells, what address polynomial would be used to compute the address of the beginning of the entry x[I,J]?X+n*((i-1)*7+j-1)7. What sequence of nodes from the tree would be printed if the following recursive procedure were applied to it? Acg8. If the longest path in a binary tree contains five nodes, what is the maximum number of terminal nodes that could be in the tree?2n-1 = 1610. Why is a queue normally implemented as a circular queue?1. stored in a contiguous block in which the first entry is considered to follow the last entry2. prevent a queue from crawling out of its allotted storage space。












Multiple Choice_软件工程专业英语_[共2页]

Multiple Choice_软件工程专业英语_[共2页]

140 performance has plateaued. Two recent reports, “21st Century Computer Architecture” commissioned by the Computing Community Consortium and the 2011 National Research Council report “The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?” highlight this development and its impact on science, the economy, and society. The reports pose the question of how to enable the computational systems that will support emerging applications without the benefit of near-perfect performance scaling from hardware improvements. NSF’s Advanced Computing Infrastructure: Vision and Strategic Plan published in February 2012 describes strategies that address this challenge for NSF and the research community.To continue improving performance, we need a new era of parallel computing, driven by novel, groundbreaking research in all areas impacting parallel performance and scalability. Achieving the needed breakthroughs will require a collaborative effort among researchers representing all areas from the application layer down to the micro-architecture, and will be built on new concepts and new foundational principles. In FULL-SIZE proposals, we look for groundbreaking research arising from collaborations that involve researchers providing different and distinct expertise relevant to the program’s focus areas, which together re-examine the traditional computer hardware and software stack. For example, we seek collaborations combining a deep understanding in parallel programming with expertise in software tools; experience in heterogeneous parallel architectures with algorithm design expertise; knowledge in an application domain with expertise in energy-efficient memory hierarchies; hardware design know-how with human factors expertise; experience in runtime platforms and virtualization tools with knowledge in reliable and distributed computing; experience in parallel data management with knowledge of parallel linear algebra or statistical algorithms. We are also soliciting EXPLORA TORY proposals on untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches. These smaller projects do not require multiple PIs (short for principal investigators) with distinct expertise.Multiple ChoiceCircle the letter or fill in the correct answer.1. In a 2001 research report and related lectures, Gartner defined data growth challenges and opportunities as being three-dimensional, except.。



II. The Waterfall Model
3. Implementation and unit testing. During this stage, the software design is realized as a set of programs or program units. Unit testing involves verifying that each unit meets its specification. 4. Integration and system testing. The individual program units or programs are integrated and tested as a complete system to ensure that the software requirements have been met. After testing, the software system is delivered to the customer.
II. The Waterfall Model
1. Requirements analysis and definition. The system’s services, constraints and goals are established by consultation with system users. They are then defined in detail and serve as a system specification. 2. System and software design. The systems design process partitions the requirements to either hardware or software systems. It establishes an overall system architecture. Software design involves identifying and describing the fundamental software system abstractions and their relationships.



软件工程题库(含答案)一、单选题(共60题,每题1分,共60分)1、软件按照设计的要求,在规定时间和条件下达到不出故障,持续运行的要求的质量特性称为( )A、可用性B、正确性C、完整性D、可靠性正确答案:D2、软件特性中,软件从一个计算机系统或环境移植到另一个上去的难易程度指的是( ).A、可移植性B、可理解性C、可重用性D、可修改性正确答案:A3、在软件质量要素的评价准则中,操作该软件的难易程度指的是( )。

A、容错性B、检测性C、可操作性D、安全性正确答案:C4、下列属于维护阶段的文档是( )A、软件问题报告B、用户操作手册C、软件测试分析报告D、软件规格说明正确答案:B5、快速原型模型的主要特点之一是( )A、及早提供工作软件B、开发完毕才见到产品C、及早提供全部完整的软件产品D、开发完毕后才见到工作软件正确答案:C6、可维护性通常包括( )。

A、可用性和可理解性B、可修改性、数据独立性和数据一致性C、可理解性、可修改性和可测试性D、可测试性和稳定性正确答案:C7、软件的可修改性支持软件的( )。

A、可互操作性B、可维护性C、可追踪性D、有效性正确答案:B8、数据字典是软件需求分析阶段的最重要工具之一,其最基本的功能是( )A、数据通信B、数据定义C、数据维护D、数据库设计正确答案:B9、软件特性中,多个软件元素相互通讯并协同完成任务的能力指的是( )。

A、可追踪性B、可理解性C、可互操作性D、可维护性正确答案:C10、可维护性的特性中相互促进的是( )A、效率和可移植性B、可理解性和可测试性C、效率和结构好D、效率和可修改性正确答案:B11、在软件质量特性中,( )是指在规定的一段时间和条件下,与软件维持其性能水平的能力有关的一组属性。

A、可靠性B、易使用性C、正确性D、准确性正确答案:A12、设函数C(X)定义问题X的复杂程序,函数E(X)确定解决问题X 需要的工作量(时间)。

对于两个问题P1和P2,如果C(P1)>C(P2)显然E(P1)>E(P2),则得出结论E(P1+P2)>E(P1)+E(P2)就是:( )A、信息隐藏和局部化的根据B、逐步求精的根据C、抽象的根据D、模块化的根据正确答案:D13、下列说法中,不正确的是( )。

软件工程专业英语-Artificial Intelligence

软件工程专业英语-Artificial Intelligence
computer as well as software that is capable of intelligent behavior.
“The science and engineering of making intelligent machines". —— John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956
5.1.1 Precursors
✓ Turing‘s theory of computation suggested that a machine, by shuffling symbols as simple as “0” and “1”, could simulate any conceivable (imaginable) act of mathematical deduction.
5.1.3 AI’s Golden Years and Its Boom
5.1.2 The Birth of Artificial Intelligence
the attendees,
✓John McCarthy ✓Marvin Minsky ✓ Allen Newell ✓Arthur Samuel ✓Herbert Simon
the leaders of AI research for many decades
The years (1956–1974)
✓after the Dartmouth conference was the golden years of artificial intelligent, an era of discovery, of sprinting across new ground.



系统分析师-计算机专业英语(总分:95.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}单项选择题{{/B}}(总题数:19,分数:95.00)Developing reliable software on time and within{{U}} {{U}} 1 {{/U}} {{/U}}represents a difficult endeavor for many organizations.Usually business solutions have three main aspects:people,{{U}} {{U}} 2 {{/U}} {{/U}}, and technology.The main reason for failing software projects has little to do with technology and tools, and much to do with lack of process{{U}} {{U}} 3 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools in an immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the chaos. CASE tools are not enough. "A fool with a tool is still a fool!"Structured method was the first wave of the software industry. This was the beginning of transforming software development from a "{{U}} {{U}} 4 {{/U}} {{/U}}industry" to mass production.Software process movement if the second wave in the software industry.The process maturity movement prepares the way for the third wave of the software industry: "software industrialization". Software development will become like an assembly and manufacturing process. A critical enabling factor is a disciplined software engineering process with predictable quality,{{U}} {{U}} 5 {{/U}} {{/U}}and functionality.(分数:5.00)(1).∙ A. forecast∙ B. preparation∙ C. budget∙ D. economy(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:(2).∙ A. process∙ B. skill∙ C. organization∙ D. interface(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:(3).∙ A. law∙ B. discipline∙ C. plan∙ D. evaluation(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:(4).∙ A. college∙ B. family∙ C. workshop∙ D. cottage(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:(5).∙ A. plan∙ B. schedule∙ C. effort∙ D. product(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] 对很多组织来说,在给定的时间和预算范围内开发可靠的软件,意味着艰难的努力。

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软件工程专业外语题库第一章一、Multiple Choice(选择题)Circle the letter or fill in the correct answer.1. A common term that describes the combination of a smartphone and a tablet is.a. notebook computerb. handheld computerc. tablet computerd. Phablet2. Application-specific computers are not including thea. portable data terminalb. carputerc. smartphonesd. wearable computer3. Which of the following is not belonging to the features of Mobile Computers?a. portabilityb. small sizec. wireless communicationd. Data4. Android OS, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry are all examples ofa. application softwareb. mobile operating systemsc. browsersd. desktop operating systems5. Mobile apps were originally offered for general productivity and information retrieval,but don’t including .a. microprocessorb. calendarc. E-Maild. weather informations6. Smartphones are mobile phones with an advanced mobile operating system. Which oneis not a smartphone?a. iPhoneb. Xiaomi Mi4c. iPadd. Samsung Galaxy S67. Which one is the primary navigation and information “hub” on Android devices?a. Homescreenb. widgetsc. iconsd. Status bar8. The four layers of Android architecture are not including:a. Linux kernelb. librariesc. applicationd. hard disk9. The Services of Google Play does not includa. Google Play Music and eBooksb. Google Play Worksheet and documentc. Google Play Newsstand and gamesd. Google Play Movies & TV10. The lowest layer of Android architecture, Linux kernel (version 2.6), provides coresystem services, such as .a. Memory management, process management, network stack, security and drivermodelb. Activity manager, windows manager, content providers and the view systemc. Notification manager, package manager, ttelephone manager and resource managerd. location manager and XMPP service.二、True/False Questions(判断题)1. Devices that are portable, but used while stationary, are sometimes removed from thegroup of mobile computing devices.2. A mobile operating system is an operating system(OS) for smartphones, tablets, PDAsand desktop computers.3. A typical mobile device will fit in the average adult’s hand or pocket.4. The term “app” is a shortening of the term “system software”.5. GPS is the Global Positioning System is a time-based navigation system that provideslocation and time information in all weather conditions.6. iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc.7. Redmi Note is a phablet and the second smartphone in the Mi Series.8. A homescreen may be made up of several pages that the user can swipe back and forthbetween.9. Apple’s applications are available through Google Play either free of charge or at a cost.10. Android runtime includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionalityavailable in the core libraries of the Java programming language.三、Fill in the Blanks(填空题)1. A mobile computer, also known as a , is described as a small, , computer and containing Internet access.2. Google Play offers an online store with over 22 million songs.3. Two major CPU architectures dominate the mobile computers market, they are ARMHoldings’ architecture and Intel’s architecture.4. iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. and runs Apple’smobile operating system.5. Galaxy Note is a series of Android-based high-end .6. In Family Sharing, family members can share purchased apps, music, movies, TVshows, and using the same credit card.7. Android is a currently developedby .8. A is a mobile phone with an advanced mobile operating system whichcombines features of a personal compwter operating system with other features useful formobile or handheld use.9. communication is capable of accessing the Internet through Bluetooth orWi-Fi networks.10. The three types of application-specific computers are: , portable dataterminal computers and wearable computers.四、Short-answer Questions(简答题)1.What are the six types of mobile computers?2. Describe three types of application-specific computers.3. Describe the CPU architectures of mobile computers.4. Define mobile operating system. List four common types of mobile operating systems.5. What are Apps?6. Describe mobile Apps.7. Describe the features of iPhone6.8. Describe the common features of iOS 9.9. Describe three types of Android smartphones.10. Describe Samsung Galaxy Note.11. Describe the Redmi Series of smartphones.12. Describe how the Android system started.13. Describe Android homescreen and status Bar.14. List and describe four layers of Android Architecture.15. List and describe five of the most common services of Google Play.16. What are the four features of mobile computers?第2章一、Multiple Choice(选择题)Circle the letter or fill in the correct answer.1. , also known as the classic life cycle, is a sequential development approach, in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards through several phases.a. The incremental modelb. The waterfall modelc. The iterative modeld. The spiral development2. Any agile software process must be—so as to manage unpredictability that encountered in the majority of software projects.a. unchangedb. similarc. simpled. Adaptable3. The goal of is to produce a list of requirements for a new or revised information system.a.the maintenance phaseb. software design phasec. Reengineeringd. the system analysis phase4. In the design phase , will be finished for a new or revised information system.a. a project development planb. a requirements reportc. application specificationsd. Document5. , is the examination and alteration of a software system to reconstitute it in a new form and the subsequent implementation of the new form.a. System analysisb. Software designc. Reengineeringd. Maintenance6. The activities of reengineering generally include inventory analysis, , forward engineering, documentation restructuring, data restructuring and data restructuring.a. implementationb. r everse engineeringc. Software testd. Maintenance7. refers to analyzing an inventory of all applications which every software organization should have.a. System analysisb. Forward reengineeringc. Inventory analysisd. Data analysis8. generally involves extracting design artifacts and building or synthesizing abstractions that are less implementation-dependent.a. Software engineeringb. Reverse engineeringc. Software reengineeringd. Software process9. occurs at different levels of abstraction and is often the first reengineering task.a. Reverse engineering of processb. Reverse engineering user interfacesc. Reverse engineering of datad. Document restructuring10. Before more detailed reverse engineering work occurs, the overall of theentire application system must be understood.a. system requirementsb. system designc. data structured. Functionality二、True/False Questions(判断题)1. In order to reduce the influences of software crises, the computer scientists discussedthe software crises problems at international conference at German in 1960.2. A software process is a collection of activities, actions, and tasks that are performed when software is to be built.3. Processes and tools outweigh individuals and interactions.4. Working software over comprehensive documentation.5. Producing a project development plan usually occurs in the period of the analysis phase.6. Reengineering tasks are allowed to modify business functionality.7. Software migrations are also reengineering efforts.8. The term “reverse engineering” originate from the analysis of hardware.9. Reverse engineering must start from comparative high level of abstraction.10. There are only two subareas of Reverse engineering, redocumentation and design recovery.三、Fill in the Blanks(填空题)1. There are five phases in the software development life cycle, in which encompasses planning , , design, and maintenance phase.2.model is an evolutionary software process model that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the waterfall model.3. The goal of the planning phase is to .4. During the implementation phase, the developers should purchase and install hardware and/or software, create applications, , finalize documentation, , convertdata ,convert to new system.5. and are two historic reengineering initiators that nearly no company was able to escape.6.The goals of reverse engineering are and Creating representations of the system in another form or at a higher level of abstraction.7. The core of reverse engineering is an activity called .8. refers to transforming a legacy database according to new technical requirements, while keeping the information contents unchanged.9. Reverse engineering to understand processing begins with an attempt to understand and then extract represented by the source code.10. Before a user interface can be rebuilt, should occur.四、Short-answer Questions(简答题)1. What is software engineering?2. What is a software process model? Explain the role of software process model in development activities.3. How many software process models have been discussed in this chapter?。
