

• 严复生活于世纪之交,当时的中国 正处于从旧到新的转变过程中。他早 期作品偏重意译,略亏于信,尤其是 《天演论》,《天演论》题曰达旨,不 云笔译,取便发挥,实非正法。”
• 此时,他通过序言和大量的按语来阐 发自己的见解,并结合中国当时的实际 情况,把原书的理论改造成中国人可以 用来反封建、反侵略的进步学说。
• 严复中期的译品具有较强的目的性和针对性, 对拟议著作细心研究,在译述时,能写出非 凡的译例言和序跋,旁征博引,对原著多所 阐释。如《原富》《群学肄言》《社会同诠》 《名学浅说》。
• 晚期译作更为随便,有作品《中国教育译》 《支那教案论》《欧战源起》。
在甲午战争中,清军接连失败的刺激 下,以“公车上书”为开端的救亡运动迅速 开展,严复也积极投身其中。1895年2-5月, 严复先后在天津《直报》发表《论世变之亟》 《原强》《辟寒》《救亡决论》等一批重要 文章。在这些文章中,他比较系统的介绍了 中西社会的差异,分析了西方列强 的全方位 优势以及中国落后挨打的原因,提出了“鼓 民力、开民智、新民德”的应变策略。特别 是他所译述的《天演论》产生巨大的影响。
“信” (faithfulness),是指忠实原文的 思想内容。 “达”(expressiveness)指译文通顺流畅。 “雅”(elegance)文字古雅。
Ps:这里严复所说的“雅”是指“汉以前的 字法句法”。严复是在使用文言文的时代从 事翻译,其所译原著多为英国维多利亚时期 的以文风典雅著称的作品。
• 严复于中学西学皆我国第一流人物 -------梁启超
• 严复是近代中国第一个系统介绍西方文化的启 蒙思想家,十九世纪末传播西方政治学说的理 论家,传播西学的著名翻译家。 ———陈九如 毛泽东曾称赞他是“中国共产党出世以前向西 方寻找真理的一派人物”之一。
第10讲 近代翻译理论首创者严复

严复不仅是一位著名翻译家,也是一位 翻译理论家,他在翻译理论上提出的信、 达、雅三条翻译标准,对我国近代、现 代以至当代的翻译活动都具有深远的影 响。
严复,字几道,字又陵,福建侯官(今福州)人。 从小受过良好教育,14岁考入福州船政学堂; 1877年赴英深造,不仅学习海军知识,还广泛接触 英国社会,积极吸收当时先进的资产阶级哲学、经 济学、政治学等西方文化知识; 1879年回国,到福州船政学堂任教; 1880年被李鸿章调任天津北洋水师学堂总教习; 1890年任学堂会办(副校长); 1900年升任总办(校长); 1895年中国在甲午战争中惨败,对他刺激很大,决 心致力翻译,以开启民智,救国图存;
原文: The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept, with unbroken force, now from the Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year;
严复译文: 计惟有天造 草昧,人功 未施,其借 征人境者, 不过几处荒 坟,散见坡 陀起伏间。 而灌木丛林, 蒙茸山麓, 未经删治如 今者,则无 疑也。

翻译涉及原语(source language)与译语(target language) 两种语言及其文化背景等各方面的知识,有时非常复杂。
翻译理论(1) 严复及其翻译理论

从隋代(公元五九0年)到唐代,这 段时间是我国翻译事业高度发达时期。
代表人物:彦琮(俗姓李,赵郡柏人) 译经史上第一位中国僧人。
提出了作好佛经翻译的八项条件: 1)诚心受法,志愿益人,不惮久时(诚心热爱佛法, 立志帮助别人,不怕费时长久); 2)将践觉场,先牢戒足,不染讥恶(品行端正,忠实 可信,不惹旁人讥疑); 3)荃晓三藏,义贯两乘,不苦闇滞(博览经典,通达 义旨。不存在暗昧疑难的问题); 4)旁涉坟史,工缀典词,不过鲁拙(涉猎中国经史, 兼擅文学,不要过于疏拙); 5)襟抱平恕。器量虚融,不好专执(度量宽和,虚心 求益,不可武断固执); 6)耽于道术,淡于名利,不欲高炫(深爱道术,淡于 名利,不想出风头); 7)要识梵言,乃闲正译,不坠彼学(精通梵文,熟悉 正确的翻译方法,不失梵文所载的义理); 8)薄阅苍雅,粗谙篆隶。不昧此文(兼通中训诂之学, 不使译本文字欠准确)。
一九四九年,随着新中国的成立, 翻译事业也得到了解放。 代表人物: 曹靖华(1897—1987), 俄苏文学翻译家、散文作家、 北京大学教授
梁实秋(1902--1987), 著名学者、翻译家、散文家,现 代中国文坛巨匠,北京人。 强调“信”“顺”统一, 主张以句译为基础的直译, 反对“转译”,既对原文作者负责, 也对译文读者负责。
主要活动:佛经翻译 翻译特点: 释道安主张词对词、句对句(word for word, line for line)的直译 鸠摩罗什主张意译,纠正了过去音译的弱点,提倡 译者署名,以示负责。如《金刚经》、《法华经》、 《十二门论》、《中观论》、《维摩经》等。其译文神 情并茂、妙趣盎然,堪称当时的上乘之译作。 南北朝时期,梁武帝特聘印度佛教学者真谛 (Paramartha,499-569)到中国来翻译佛经。真谛 在华期间共翻译了四十九部经书,其中尤以《摄大乘论》 的翻译响誉华夏,对中国佛教思想影响较大。

Preliminary Study ofYan Fu’s Main Translation ThoughtAbstract: Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance are Yan Fu’s main translation thought. Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. Expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. Elegance is also a standard of Yan Fu’s translation thought. Translating is not to copy information from the original, but a creative project. “The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage”(贺显斌,2002).Key words: Translation; Yan Fu; Faithfulness; Expressiveness; EleganceI. Introduction Yan Fu, the great translator, educationist in modern history of China, was born in Fujian province. In 1886, he passed the entrance examination of Mawei Ships and Military School by high score. After graduation, he received a practical training in a naval vessel. In 1877, as a member of the navy, he went to the British Imperial Navy School for study. During those times, he studied the professional knowledge. Besides, he gave his mind to western philosophy, sociology and politics. Later, he has made a survey of the justice process in British court, and then compared with that in China. After he retuned, he served the post of the coach in Mawei Ships and Military School.Except the political and academic articles, most of Yan Fu’s works are about translation. His contributions to translation include two aspects: theory and practice. In theory, the greatest achievement is that he brought u p “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”(严复,1986), which summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specifically and practically, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage.II. The Core of Yan Fu’s Translation ThoughtSince Yan Fu brought up the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, it became the condensation of the translation theory in ancient China, and the focus of modern translation study. Some people regarded them as principles, some considered them were theories, and some thought they were standards. Each famous people of the translation circle aired their own views, commendatory or derogatory, but no one could surpass them. Therefore, some thought tha t studying the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” is equal to study the whole translation theories of China. Thus it can be seen, Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance influenced profoundly in the translation circle of China.In the different period, different people in the translation circle had different viewpoints to the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”. Lin Yutang brought up the standard of “Faithfulness, Fluency and Beauty”, but this doesn't overstep the “Faithf ulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”(林语堂,1937).Mentioning the standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, most scholars don’t think to deny it or discard it simply, but amend it or expound it. Some people stated the standard from the angle of linguistics: Faithfulness is the equivalents of meanings, Expressiveness is the equivalents of the styles of writing, and Elegance is the equivalents of the functions. Some thought Yan’s standard is a pattern oftranslation. It promotes esthetics of phraseology to the peak.Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. In other words, the translation should reflect the whole information accurately and completely. The information maybe include the meanings and thoughts of the author, the culture and customs of a country, the life-style and the way of thinking of the people and so on.Then, how to achieve it during translating? First of all, comprehensive quality of the translator is very important. That is, he should learn the culture and customs of other countries directly or indirectly. One of the ways may be to read a lot of books, materials or works on many subjects, to study in many fields, such as literature, history, philosophy, and astronomy, geography. Second, he should learn the culture and customs of other countries directly or indirectly. According to Yan Fu, to learn the western culture and custom, the best way is to study the foreign language, then read the western books, observe and learn from the western life(严复,1986). To achieve this, one cannot only learn the western culture realistically, but also read books unlimitedly.Therefore, to achieve Faithfulness during translating, one may learn the foreign culture by learning its language firs t. Then receive more knowledge indirectly. Besides, it’s also an effective way to live abroad for some periods. After being a member of the society of country, you will learn much more things at there gradually.According to Yan Fu, Expressiveness in translating means the translation should be logical. If the translation is just a collection of all the information from the originals, the readers couldn’t understand it. Of course, as a translator, to make readers catching the general idea of the translation is the basic work. However, how to achieve Expressiveness when translating? It all depends. Expressiveness dose not mean that translator will use the same, single way to treat different kinds of originals. That is, different originals will be treated in different ways. For example, literature will be translated in literature languages, political works will be stated in some political terms, while when you translating something about medical, technology, law, the related terminologies should be used accurately and properly, that is, if the scientific technicalities are used in a poem improperly, readers will be not understand it correctly. Therefore, to achieve Expressiveness, one should learn the characters of different kinds of types of writing and choose the proper way to express it.Elegance is also a standard of Yan’s translation thought. Translating is not the information copied from the originals, but a creative project. A perfect translation is not only faithful and expressive, but also elegant. Elegance is the higher request of language. That is, the translation should be elegant.III. Conclusion Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance formed a whole translation thought. But they play different roles in it. Some people thought, the effective Faithfulness is the preliminary level of Expressiveness, and Expressiveness is the higher level of Faithfulness, while the Expressiveness is the highest level of Faithfulness and Expressiveness.In a word, Yan Fu’s translation theory of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” influenced the translation circle deeply. A lot of scholars study it, and think it is an effective standard. The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage.Bibliography贺显斌,《严复翻译思想补遗》。


收稿日期:2005-01-18 作者简介:冯立新(1970-),男,湖北大冶人,华南农业大学外国语学院讲师,主要研究方向为语言学与翻译.论严复“信、达、雅”翻译思想冯立新(华南农业大学外国语学院,广东广州510642)摘 要:严复认为,“译事三难:信、达、雅”。
关键词:严复;信、达、雅;翻译标准中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0202(2005)02-0131-04 严复(1854~1921),福建侯官(今福州)人,字几道。




境’的翻译要求了”[2],这种趋向表明了多数 者在译作方面没有突出的代表作品,所以正
严复的翻译工作取得了巨大的成果,最 人对于严复在翻译领域贡献的肯定。另一方 译在学术界的讨论相对较少。其之后的严复
著名的有“严译名著八种”,包括《天演论》、 面,很多的讨论是关于严复的翻译思想的学 则因为突出的译作贡献,其翻译思想得到了
超越了文字范畴;在《群学肄言》的翻译中, 严复的讨论总是有益的!
[1]李彤.严复“信达雅”翻译标准及其继承与发展 [J].忻州专科学院学报,2000(1).
译以符合其风格;在对《天演论》的翻译中, [2]马志媛“. 信达雅”在中国翻译史上的重要地位 及影响[J].延安大学学报,2012(6).
西方生活多年,对于西方的制度和文化的先 所创新”[1],这种观点得到了大部分人的认 迁,中国的佛经翻译也走向了低潮,翻译事
进性有所了解,在对中西文化的比较中,严 同,如马志媛提出“人们越来越看到信达雅 业一度陷入低谷,直到严复之前 150 年的清
复认为救国的当务之急是“开民智”“、鼓民 翻译标准所具备兼容并包,开放融会的创新 朝乾隆时期,举人魏象乾根据汉满翻译的总
从严复的言行来看,严复已经认识到翻 了系统的翻译思想,并在后来翻译学中发挥
译不是文字的简单转换,而是文化之间的交 着重要的影响。在国内的翻译史上,他发挥
融。严复把语言文字工作上升到文化工作的 了承前启后、奠基和榜样的作用,是翻译史



It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called "the state of nature." Except, it may be, by raising a few sepulchral mounds, such as those which still, here and there, break the flowing contours of the downs, man's hands had made no mark upon it; and the thin veil of vegetation which overspread the broad-backed heights and the shelving sides of the coombs was unaffected by his industry. The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept, with unbroken force, now from the Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year; they filled up, as they best might, the gaps made in their ranks by all sorts of underground and overground animal ravagers. One year with another, an average population, the floating balance of the unceasing struggle for existence among the indigenous plants, maintained itself. It is as little to be doubted, that an essentially similar state of nature prevailed, in this region, for many thousand years before the coming of Caesar; and there is no assignable reason for denying that it might continue to exist through an equally prolonged futurity, except for the intervention of man.
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Preliminary Study ofYan Fu’s Main Translation ThoughtAbstract: Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance are Yan Fu’s main translation thought. Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. Expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. Elegance is also a standard of Yan Fu’s translation thought. Translating is not to copy information from the original, but a creative project. “The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage”(贺显斌,2002).Key words: Translation; Yan Fu; Faithfulness; Expressiveness; EleganceI. Introduction Yan Fu, the great translator, educationist in modern history of China, was born in Fujian province. In 1886, he passed the entrance examination of Mawei Ships and Military School by high score. After graduation, he received a practical training in a naval vessel. In 1877, as a member of the navy, he went to the British Imperial Navy School for study. During those times, he studied the professional knowledge. Besides, he gave his mind to western philosophy, sociology and politics. Later, he has made a survey of the justice process in British court, and then compared with that in China. After he retuned, he served the post of the coach in Mawei Ships and Military School.Except the political and academic articles, most of Yan Fu’s works are about translation. His contributions to translation include two aspects: theory and practice. In theory, the greatest achievement is that he brought up “faithfulness, expressi veness and elegance”(严复,1986), which summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specifically and practically, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage.II. The Core of Yan Fu’s Translation ThoughtSince Yan Fu brought up the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, it became the condensation of the translation theory in ancient China, and the focus of modern translation study. Some people regarded them as principles, some considered them were theories, and some thought they were standards. Each famous people of the translation circle aired their own views, commendatory or derogatory, but no one could surpass them. Therefore, some thought that studying the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” is equal to study the whole translation theories of China. Thus it can be seen, Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance influenced profoundly in the translation circle of China.In the different period, different people in the translation circle had different viewpoints to the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”. Lin Yutang brought up the standard of “Faithfulness, Fluency and Beauty”, but this doesn't overstep the “Faithf ulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”(林语堂,1937).Mentioning the standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, most scholars don’t think to deny it or discard it simply, but amend it or expound it. Some people stated the standard from the angle of linguistics: Faithfulness is the equivalents of meanings, Expressiveness is theequivalents of the styles of writing, and Elegance is the equivalents of the functions. Some thought Yan’s standard is a pattern of translation. It promotes esthetics of phraseology to the peak. Faithfulness means that the translator should transmit the meanings or thoughts from the originals during translating. In other words, the translation should reflect the whole information accurately and completely. The information maybe include the meanings and thoughts of the author, the culture and customs of a country, the life-style and the way of thinking of the people and so on. Then, how to achieve it during translating? First of all, comprehensive quality of the translator is very important. That is, he should learn the culture and customs of other countries directly or indirectly. One of the ways may be to read a lot of books, materials or works on many subjects, to study in many fields, such as literature, history, philosophy, and astronomy, geography. Second, he should learn the culture and customs of other countries directly or indirectly. According to Yan Fu, to learn the western culture and custom, the best way is to study the foreign language, then read the western books, observe and learn from the western life(严复,1986). To achieve this, one cannot only learn the western culture realistically, but also read books unlimitedly.Therefore, to achieve Faithfulness during translating, one may learn the foreign culture by learning its language first. Then receive more knowledge indirectly. Besides, it’s also an effective way to live abroad for some periods. After being a member of the society of country, you will learn much more things at there gradually.According to Yan Fu, Expressiveness in translating means the translation should be logical. If the translation is just a collection of all the information from the originals, the readers couldn’t understand it. Of course, as a translator, to make readers catching the general idea of the translation is the basic work.However, how to achieve Expressiveness when translating? It all depends. Expressiveness dose not mean that translator will use the same, single way to treat different kinds of originals. That is, different originals will be treated in different ways. For example, literature will be translated in literature languages, political works will be stated in some political terms, while when you translating something about medical, technology, law, the related terminologies should be used accurately and properly, that is, if the scientific technicalities are used in a poem improperly, readers will be not understand it correctly. Therefore, to achieve Expressiveness, one should learn the characters of different kinds of types of writing and choose the proper way to express it. Elegance is also a standard of Yan’s translation thought. Translating is not the information copied from the originals, but a creative project. A perfect translation is not only faithful and expressive, but also elegant. Elegance is the higher request of language. That is, the translation should be elegant.III. Conclusion Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance formed a whole translation thought. But they play different roles in it. Some people thought, the effective Faithfulness is the preliminary level of Expressiveness, and Expressiveness is the higher level of Faithfulness, while the Expressiveness is the highest level of Faithfulness and Expressiveness.In a word, Yan Fu’s translation theory of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” influenced the translation circle deeply. A lot of scholars study it, and think it is an effective standard. The criteria of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance summarized the scattered translation views in theory, brought up a standard for the later translation theory specific and practical, and promoted the Chinese translation theory up to a new stage.Bibliography贺显斌,《严复翻译思想补遗》。