Aerospace Software Engineering - A Collection of Concepts
AS9102 Technically
equivalent to AECMA prEN 9102
A A版
Issued 發行:2000-08
Revised 修訂:2004-01
Supersedes AS9012: 代替AS9012
(R) Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement 航空航天首件檢驗標準
2.International Aerospace Standard 9103 —Variation Management in Key Characteristics“. 國際航空標準9103—主要特性的變化管理.
3.International Aerospace Standard 9131 —Quality Systems - Nonconformance Documentation“.
2. REFERENCES.參考.............................................................................. ......... 3.EFINITIONS .定義............................................................................
ATTRIBUTE DATA: A result from a characteristic or property that is appraised only as to whether it does or does not conform to a given requirement (for example, go/no-go, accept/reject, pass/fail, etc.).
单词词缀:1、名词后缀:(1)、-an, ian, arian(表示:“...地方的人; 精通...的人; 信奉...的人”)例:library(图书馆,藏书室)—librarian(图书馆员,图书管理员)music(音乐,乐曲)—musician(音乐家)(2)、-ance, ence(表示“行动、状况、性质, 过程等”)例:appear(出现,公开露面)—appearance (出现,露面,外貌,外观)refer(提交,谈及,提到,涉及,查阅,咨询)—reference(提及,涉及,参考,参考书目,证明书(人),介绍信(人))(3)、-ancy, ency([构成名词]表示“性质”、“状态”,)例:emerge(显现,浮现,(事实)显现出来)—emergency(紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件)expect(期待, 预期)—expectancy(期待, 期望)(4)、-ant, ent([构成名词]表示“...者”)例:apply(申请)—applicant(申请者,请求者)correspond(通信)—correspondent(通讯记者,通信者)(5)、-cy(表示“状态”,“性质”,“职权”,“地位”)例:accurate(正确的,精确的)—accuracy(精确性,正确度)private(私人的,私有的,私营的,秘密的)—privacy(独处而不受干扰,秘密)(6)、-dom(表示“地位, 职位; 领域”/表示“状态, 性质”)例:king(国王,君主,做国王,统治)—kingdom(王国,[宗]天国,上帝的统治,领域)free(自由的,免费的,免税的,免费)—freedom (自由,自主,直率,特权)(7)、-ee(表示“受动者”)例:employ(雇用,用)—employee(职工,雇员,店员)interview (接见,会见)—interviewee(被接见者,被访问者)(8)、-er, or, ar(表示“...人”, “...者”, “...派”)例:paint(油漆,颜料)—painter(画家,油漆匠)beg (请求,乞求)—beggar(乞丐)(9)、-ery表示“性质”“行为”“习性”例:brave(勇敢的)—bravery(勇敢)slave(奴隶)—slavery(奴隶身分, 奴隶制度)(10)、-ese([接于地名后]表示“...人(的), “...语(的)”; “...国[地](的)”)例:China(中国)—Chinese (中国的)Japan(日本)—Japanese(日本的)(11)、-ess([加在名词之后]表示“阴性”)例:actor(男演员)—actress(女演员)waiter (侍者,服务员)—waitress(女服务生)(12)、-hood(加于人、生物名词后表示“性质;状态;阶级;身分;境遇”)例:child(孩子,儿女)—childhood(孩童时期)man(男人)—manbood(成年男子)(13)、-ics([用作单或复]表示“...学”,“...术”)例:electron(电子)—electronics(电子器件)linguist(语言学家)—linguistics(语言学)(14)、-ism(表示“主义, 学说, 信仰, 制度, 风俗”)例:Marx(马克思)—Marxism(马克思主义)socialist(社会主义者)—socialism(社会主义)(15)、-ist(表示“专业人员”)例:psychiatry(精神病学)—psychiatrist(精神病医师)violin (小提琴)—violinist(小提琴演奏者)(16)、-ity,ty([构成抽象名词]表示“性质”、“状态”、“程度”)例:cruel(残酷的,悲惨的)—cruelty(残忍,残酷)pure(纯的,纯粹的)—purity(纯净,纯洁,纯度)(17)、-ment(表示“结果、手段、方法、状态”等)例:move(移动,迁居)—movement(运动,动作)retire(退休,引退,退却)—retirement(退休,引退)(18)、-ness([在形容词、分词后形成抽象名词]表示“性质”、“状态”、“精神”、“程度”)例:dark(黑暗,夜)—darkness(黑暗,漆黑)happy(快乐的,幸福的)—happiness(幸福,快乐)(19)、-ology((=-logy)表示“...学”, “...研究”, “...论”, “法”等)例:climate(气候,风土)—climatology(气候学,风土学)future(未来,将来)—futurology(未来学)(20)、-ship(表示“情况”,“状态”,“性质”)例:friend(朋友,助手)—friendship(友谊,友好)scholar(学者)—scholarship(奖学金,学问,学识)(21)、-sion, ssion(表示“行为,状态”,“性质”)例:decide(决定,判决)—decision(决定,决心)expand(使膨胀,扩张)—expansion(扩充,开展)(22)、-th([构成抽象名词]表示“动作; 过程; 状态; 性质”)例:grow(生长,成长)—growth (生长,种植)wide(宽的,广阔的)—width(宽度)(23)、-ure 例:close(关,关闭)—closure(关闭,使终止)expose(使暴露,受到,使曝光,揭露)—exposure(暴露,揭露,暴光,揭发)2、动词后缀:(1)、-en([附在名词、形容词后构成动词]表示“变为”, “使有”; “变得”, “变得有”)例:deep (深的,纵深的)—deepen(加深,深化)fast(紧的,牢的)—fasten(扎牢,扣住)(2)、-ify (=-fy)[动词后缀]表示“化”,“使成为...”,“变成”,“做”)例:class(班级,阶级)—classify (分类,分等)simple(简单的,简易的)—simplify(单一化,简单化)3、形容词后缀:(1)、-al例:nature(自然)—natural(自然的)structure(结构,构造)—structural(结构的,建筑的)(2)、-an, arian, ian([构成形容词]表示:“...的, 属于...的; 有...性质;)例:suburb(市郊,郊区)—suburban(郊外的,偏远的)Canada(加拿大)—Canadian(加拿大的,加拿大人)(3)、-ant, ent([构成形容词]表示“...的”)例:differ(不一致,不同)—different(不同的)please (满足的,使满足)—pleasant(令人愉快的, 舒适的)(4)、-ary, ory(表示“...的, 有关...的”)例:advise(劝告,忠告,警告)—advisory(顾问的,咨询的,劝告的)custom(习惯,风俗)—customary(习惯的,惯例的)(5)、-ate(表示“充满...的;表示“有...特征的”)例:consider(考虑,照顾)—considerate(考虑周到的)fortune(运气,好运)—fortunate(幸运的,幸福的)(6)、-en([附在物质名词之后构成形容词]表示“由...制作的”)例:gold(黄金,金币)—golden (金色的,金黄色的)wood(木材)—wooden(木制的)(7)、-free例:care(烦恼,忧虑)—carefree(无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的)duty(义务,责任,职责,职务,税)—dutyfree(自由的,大方的,免费的,免税的,免费)(8)、-ful([加在名词之后, 构成形容词]表示“充满...的”、“多的”; “赋有...性质的”)例:care (注意,照料)—careful(小心的,仔细的)pain(痛苦,疼)—painful(疼痛的,使痛苦的)(9)、-ic, ical(表示“具有...特征或形式的”)例:atom(原子)—atomic(原子的,原子能的)psychology(心理学,心理状态)—psychological(心理(上)的)(10)、-ish(表示“...似的” ,“...一样的”)例:girl(女孩,少女)—girlish(少女的,少女似的(男孩))child(孩子)—childish(孩子气的,幼稚的)(11)、-ive(表示“倾向于... 活动的”)例:create(创造)—creative(创造性的)support (支援,支柱)—supportive(支持的,支援的)(12)、-less([构成形容词]表示“无”、“缺”、“ 没有”)例:hope(希望,信心)—hopeless (没有希望的,绝望的)pain(痛苦,疼,痛,劳苦,努力,使痛苦)—painless(无痛的,不痛的)(13)、-like([附在名词之后, 构成形容词或副词] 表示“...一样”, “象...”)例:child(孩子)—childlike(孩子似的,天真烂漫的)lady(女士,夫人,小姐)—ladylike(风度雍容如贵妇的,温雅的)(14)、-ly([在名词之后, 构成形容词]表示“象...的”、“有...性质的/表示“反复发生的”, “每一定时期发生一次的”, “以...为周期的”)例:man(男人)—manly(男子气概的)month(月)—monthly(每月的,每月一次,月刊)(15)、-ous,ious(表示“多...的;有...癖的;有...性质的;...似的”)例:danger(危险)—dangerous (危险的)poison(毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害,毒害,败坏,使中毒,放毒,下毒)—poisonous (有毒的)(16)、-some([附在名词、形容词或及物动词后构成形容词]表示“易于...的”, “使人...的”, “有...倾向的”)例:tire(劳累,厌倦)—tiresome(无聊的,烦人的)trouble(烦恼,麻烦)—troublesome(麻烦的,讨厌的)(17)、-ward例:down(向下的)—downward(向下的)up(向上)—upward(向上的)(18)、-y([加于名词后构成形容词; 绝大多数加在单音节词之后; 在以“y”或“o”结尾的词后, 则作“ey”]表示“多...的, 有...的, 似...的, 由...构成的”)例:guilt(罪行,内疚)—guilty(犯罪的,有罪的)noise(喧闹声,噪声)—noisy(吵杂的,聒噪的)4、副词后缀:(1)、-ly例:easy(容易的)—easily(容易地,不费力地)heavy(重的,繁重的)—heavily (很重地,沉重地)(2)、-ward, wards 例:east(东方,东)—eastward(s)(向东,向东的,朝东的)north(北,北方)—northward(s)(向北,向北的)(3)、-wise([用以构成副词]表示“方向”,“位置”,“状态”,“样子”, 表示“在...方面”)例:clock (时钟)—clockwise(顺时针方向的,顺时针方向地)other(其他的,另外的)—otherwise (另外,不同地)2、名词前缀:1、aero-:concerning the air or aircraft(表示空气、航空之义)例:plane(飞机)—aeroplane (飞机)space(空间,间隔)—aerospace(航空宇宙)2、anti-:against;opposite of(表示反对之义)例:nuclear([核]核子的)—antinuclear(反对使用核武器的)matter(物质)—antimatter(反物质)war(战争、作战、打仗)—antiwar (反战的,反对战争的)3、auto-for or by oneself(表示自己、独自之义)例:biography(传记)—autobiography (自传)criticism(批评,批判)—autocriticism(自我反省,自我检讨)4、be-:to treat as the stated thing例:friend(朋友,助手)—befriend(待人如友,帮助)little (很少的,矮小的,很少)—belittle(轻视,使渺小,使...显得渺小)5、bi-:two; twice; double(表示“有二的,双边的”之义)例:lingual(语言的)—bilingual(能说两种语言的)cycle(自行车)—bicycle(脚踏车,自行车)6、bio-:concerning living things(表示“生命, 生物”之义)例:chemistry(化学)—biochemistry (生物化学)sphere(圈子)—biosphere(生物圈)7、by--:less important(表示“次要的, 附带的”之义)例:product(产品,产物,)—byproduct (副产品,附加产物)way(路,道路)—byway(小道)8、centi-:hundredth part(表示“一百,百分之一”之义)例:grade(等级)—centigrade(分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的)meter(米)—centimeter(厘米)9、co-:together, with(表示“联合, 伴同”之义)例:author(作家,创造者)—coauthor(合著者,共同执笔者,合著)exist(存在,生存)—coexist(共存)10、col-:(used before l) together, with((用在字母l之前)= com-)例:location(位置,场所)—collocation(排列,配置)11、com-:(used before b, m, p)together, with(用在字母b,m,p前表示“共同, 联合”之义)例:passion(激情,热情)—compassion(同情,怜悯)12、con-:together,with(表示“共同, 联合”之义)例:centric(中心的,中央的)—concentric (同中心的)federation(同盟,联邦,联合,联盟)—confederation(联邦)13、contra-:opposite(表示“反对, 相反”之义)例:diction(措辞,用语,言语)—contradiction (反驳,矛盾)natural(自然的,自然界的)—contranatural(违背自然的)14、cor-:(used before r)together, with(=com-)只用在r前)例:relate(叙述,讲,使联系,发生关系)—correlate(使相互关联,和...相关)respond(回答,响应,作出反应,有反应)—correspond(符合,协调,通信,相当,相应)15、counter-:opposite(表示“相反, 相对”之义)例:act(担当,表现,见效)—counteract(抵消,中和,阻碍)attack(攻击)—counterattck(反引力)16、cross-:across;going between the stated things and joining them(表示“横过, 相反”之义)正确。
Gluhareff Pressure Jet Engine: Past, Present and FutureRonald Barrett *The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045andIrina Gluhareff †Gluhareff Helicopters LLC, Valencia, CA 91355This paper is an historical overview of one of the more unrecognized technologists andclasses of jet engines the technical community has known. Although not featured in anyclassic text of yesteryear or today, the engine was first reduced to practice more than 50years ago. The engine as a whole and enabling components have been covered in severalpatents, flown thousands of times and boasts a total production run in the thousands. Thepaper outlines the history of the engine's inventor, Mr. Eugene M. Gluhareff, starting fromhis education at Rensselaer Polyetchnic Institute, moving through Sikorsky AircraftCorporation and finally ending up in private business. The basic physics of the engine is alsoexplained along with its similarities to other athodyds and several profound differences. Thepaper outlines the current state of pressure jet engines of this family and describes newimprovements which continue to add performance to this dark horse of the jet engine family.Nomenclaturef= fuel-to-air ratio P o = stagnation pressure of flow m a= mass flow rate of air P oa = stagnation pressure of airflow m f= mass flow rate of fuel P of = stagnation pressure of fuelηi = inlet total pressure conversion efficiencyI. The Inventor: Eugene M. GluhareffA. The Formative Years: Russia, Emigration, Rensselayer, United Aircraft CorporationUGENE M. Gluhareff was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1916 to a family of landed technologists and educators. After emigrating to the United States with his family via Finland in the early 1920's, he enrolled in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy,New York where he earned a Bachelor'sDegree in Aeronautical Engineering in1942. Shortly after graduating, he joinedUnited (Sikorsky) Aircraft Corporation ofBridgeport, Connecticut. where his Father,Michael worked as a Senior Engineer. Heand several other Gluhareff familymembers helped unravel many of thestability and control and performanceissues with the VS-300 and R-4helicopters. Eugene, Michael and SergeGluhareff helped form the core of ofSikorsky's early engineering team. Figure 1shows a variant of the VS 300 hoveringwith Igor I. Sikorsky at the controls andseveral of the Gluhareff family membersand Col. Charles Lindberg observing.During these formative years, majorquestions on helicopter stability and * Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering Department, 2120 Learned Hall, Senior Member AIAA. † Principal Member, 25379 Wayne Mills Place, Valencia, California, Member AIAA.Econtrol, aerodynamics and propulsion were being explored.Several of the most pressing issues were related to rotor solidityand methods of propulsion. The first patent protecting the R-4rotor system, including feather, flap and lag motions as well asintegral lag dampers is attributed to Eugene.1,2 The reader willnote that these patents contain many of the features found in thefirst and formative rotorcraft texts which arrived a decade later,including clear vector positions for centrifugal forces, blade drag,lag angle and resultants. Even as early as 1944, he and the rest ofthe Sikorsky team were working tricky issues of lag dampers,bump stops and resonance.3 As vibration issues plagued manyrotorcraft of the 1940's, he patented isolation systems forrotorcraft and even advanced blade trim mechanisms employingflexible trailing edges.4,5 Clearly the Sikorsky Engineers wereworking to pick apart blade dynamics and performance bothanalytically and experimentally and Eugene was at the heart ofthis team.In the mid- '40's, Eugene worked many projects for Sikorsky,but one of the most interesting was a single-bladed,counterbalanced rotor for the R-4. It was on this project that he cuthis teeth on rotor counterbalance designs and unraveling rotorefficiency as a function of blade geometry, solidity etc. Figure 2shows the 1946 single-bladed test stand of United (Sikorsky)Aircraft Corporation with Eugene at the controls. It was fromsome of these formative experiments that unusual configurations of rotorcraft were born including a single-bladed variant of the R-4 (Fig. 3). Eugene spent hundreds of hours experimenting with different geometries of blade and counterbalances. The result was the first of several patents related to single bladed rotors.6-7With the groundwork laid, Eugene launched into the unsettled area of rotorcraft propulsion. Although he hadbegun experimenting with valveless pulsejets as early as1946 on various test rigs, his first rotorcraft with such anengine took to the air in October of 1950. Certainly, theconcept of tip-jet propulsion was not new as it dated allthe way back to 1915 with the work of Papin andRouilly and continued in both the US and Nazi Germanythrough The War.8 Still, the idea of putting a valvelesspulsejet on the tip of a rotor blade was sensational at thetime, to say the least. This propulsion method allowedthe net torque transferred to the airframe to drop by orders of magnitude, thereby bringing manybenefits to the overall design. Its many otherattractive qualities included negligibletransmission weight, extremely inexpensiveengine costs, high reliability, low inspectionand maintenance costs and light weight.Because of its extreme simplicity androbustness, CAA certification time andexpense was also reduced. Indeed, the Hiller8RJ2B tip-ramjet became the first jet engineof any category to be certified on a civilaircraft in the US.9 Still, there werechallenges which came mainly in the form ofnoise, starting and gross inefficienciesassociated with the engine class. Indeed,some positive (and yet unintentional) pressfollowed the highly proprietary project. As isoften the case with the press, it was speculated that "... ahighly classified Air Force project..." was underway.11Not surprisingly, the earsplitting noise of an unshieldedvalveless pulsejet was enough to bring a reporter to aknothole in a fence where he witnessed (andsubsequently reported about) several flight tests.Although lost to the public at large, this report isimportant because it described the functionality of theengine which required no prerotator as was the case withmost other engines of the day. Because the tanks usedpressurized fuel and (according to Ref. 11), the "...rotorimmediately sprang to life." it indicates that Eugene hadbegun to understand the role of fuel pressure in hisrevolutionary family of jet engines.Because all subsonic pulsejets of the day lostpropulsive efficiency at tip speeds which were compatible with efficient flight and equivalent shaftpower generation, the overall efficiency of the craft was compromised at best. Although Eugene flew the Sikorsky test stand of Fig. 4 in 1949 and with respect to the other tipjet powered aircraft of the day it performed well, it was not enough to convince United (Sikorsky) management that this path should be pursued. It was at this point that a strategic decision was made both by Corporate Management and by Eugene Gluhareff: Part ways and part propulsive methodologies. This corporate philosophy has rippled all the way into modern times as the company has only dabbled in a handful of tip-propulsor projects between 1950 and today, which, in hindsight, was the correct decision for economic competitiveness.B. The Move West to California: American Helicopters, Private Business, Air Force SupportIn early 1951, Eugene and family moved toManhattan beach, California where he worked as aProject Engineer on the American HelicoptersTop-Sergeant, a valved pulsejet poweredhelicopter.12 This was followed by stints as apreliminary designer on the XH-26 Jet Jeep andthe RH-1 Pinwheel tip-rocket powered rotorcraft.Reports from the day verify that the noise from theunmuffled engines continued to be "earsplitting"and from a military standpoint became the majorreason why they were not acquired in appreciablenumbers. In 1953 at the urging of his wife, Alla,he went into business for himself, forming TheGluhareff Helicopters Corporation. In 1955 hepartnered with Robert McCulloch to develop a portable helicopterfor a military competition. The MEG-1X, MEG-2X and MEG-3X(Flying Platform) for the US Air Force were final deliverables onthe project. As part of this project, the tipjet engines wereimproved substantially and showed greater propulsive efficienciesthan any that had come before, enabling out of ground effect hoverendurances in excess of an hour. Figure 6 shows Eugene hoveringin the MEG-1X. Figure 7 shows him in the MEG-2X.Some of the more unique properties of these new engines were that (like all pressure jets), they could be started without a prerotator, but more importantly, that they gained in propulsive efficiency with increasing airspeed up to compressible limits and they were smoothly throttlable from just 30% through 100% rated thrust levels.12 It was this property that distinguished them from earlier pulsejets and accordingly made them better suited to tipjet propulsion and perhaps even economically competitive with other rotorcraft propulsion means. Of course, although two operational properties were improved dramatically, the noise continued to be a challenge with 128db being generated by one of the small 20lb thrust engines at 10 ft. Although the progress was dramatic and commercial viability seemed inevitable, the lack of a sponsor lead him to other corners of the Aerospace industry.C. Corporate/Government Aerospace Engineering Positions & Back to Private EnterpriseIn 1960 he joined the US Navy at the US Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California. From 1960 to 1963 he progressed from a GS-12 to a GS-14 as an Aerospace Engineer working on rotary-wing drones. In the Fall of 1963 he joined Douglas Aircraft Company, Missile and Space Division, Huntington Beach, California as a design engineer working on the Saturn Vrocket. He was an integral memberof the engineering team whichlaunched the first 4 Saturn rocketsand was in charge of the sequence ofevents from launch through parkingorbit. He also performed dataverification and post-mission orbitanalysis. Following the terminationof the S-4 stage he was transferredto the Long Beach division as aSenior Design Engineer in theAdvanced Systems Group. As partof the Special Projects group hedesigned and tested subscale rocketengines for two years. His expertisein rocket design lead him to theEjection Seat Group where hebecame a specialist in RocketStabilization Systems for Air ForceEjection Seats and capsules.12In late 1972 he left steadyGovernment/Corporate employment once again and went back intoprivate business making jet engines and derivative products. His EMG Engineering Company of Gardena, California allowed him to focus his efforts on improving his engine and for the following decade he developed quite a following of "pressure jet enthusiasts."Popular Mechanics ran a cover article on his Yellow Jacket Hovercraft in March of 1971. His jet-powered go-cart was featured in the May 1973 issue of Science and Mechanics and Mechanics Illustrated featured his G8-2 jet engine as their cover story in January of 1975. This period of his life was one of the most productive as he designed, built, tested, produced and marketed an entire family of pressure jet engines from 5 to 130 lb of static thrust.D. The Final Years: Hesperia, CaliforniaIn 1981 he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and moved to a small ranch just outside of Hesperia, California. In 1982 his cancer went into remission and he redoubled his efforts to develop ever more powerful engines. In 1984 he finished his comparatively "giant" G8-2-350 and G8-2-700 engines with 350 and 700 lb of static thrust respectively. As with earlier years, he maintained a small revenue stream by placing 'Build Your Own Jet Engine" advertisements in the back of magazines like Popular Mechanics and Popular Science . In addition to selling blueprints, plans, individual engines as completed devices and kits, he also developed a "Teaching Stand." This educational stand has been one of the longer lived legacies because it sports an extremely loud jet engine which typically thrills both science educators and students alike. Indeed, roughly 1/3 of Eugene's engine-related revenues came from the sale of teaching stands. Unlike turbines or piston engines, it has no moving parts so the danger of blade loss, which is of primary concern in this letigious time. Maintenance headaches associated withrotatingmachinery and high oil levels are nonexistant, making it well suited to science instructors with little time to worry about such things. It is little wonder that to this day, several original Gluhareff engines are maintained and run by educational institutions for recruitment and education purposes. Figure 9 shows the original Teaching Stand and a crowd of youngsters gathered around an original (now 20 year old) G8-2-20 mounted on a portable demonstration stand during a K-12 science education exercise in May of 2007.After many years, Eugene finally completed his EMG-300 Tip Jet Helicopter. As with all of his projects, he showed exceptional fabrication skill and had targeted the aircraft toward the ultralight/homebuilt market. Figure 10 shows his final great creation which was just in the process of being marketed as illness overtook him once again. Production and marketing efforts were curtailed in his last years to near subsistence levels, passing away in 1994. E. Post-Mortem and RebirthAfter Eugene's passing, his oldest son,made an attempt to restart the familybusiness under the name of "Jet Wind." In2006, the youngest daughter of Eugene,Irina Gluhareff (co-author), formedGluhareff Helicopters, LLC of Valencia,California. Although not an engineer bytraining, she has helped design animproved version of the most widelyproduced tipjet engine, the G8-2-20i whichboasts several substantial advances overher Father's original oval-intake design fornon-flying applications.14She currentlyworks to preserve not only his memory inthe website she maintains, but also hislegacy by producing and marketing thisunique class of engine, blueprints, plans,construction kits and a lightweight portableteaching/demo. stand for the G8-2-20i.II.The Pressure Jet EngineA. The Market and Operating ConditionsFrom the description of the tipjet performance of Ref. 11, it can be seen that the earliest foundations of the G8 family of jet engines were laid in those formative experiments of the late 1940's at United (Sikorsky) Aircraft Corporation. As Eugene experimented with kerosene, butane, acetylene and propane, and observed competing designs of the day, he came to understand that several Array characteristics were important for the engines to be successfultipjets: i.) self starting, 2.) no coating exhaust effluents, 3.) fullythrottleable, 4.) very low weight, 5.) lateral-g capable and 6.) noloss of efficiency with higher subsonic Mach numbers.The importance of possessing a self-starting capabilitycannot be overstated as the primary competition for the enginein the late 1940's and the early 1950's was the Hiller 8RJ2Bfamily of tip-ramjet engines. To get these engines going, asmall internal combustion "prerotator" was started and attachedto the rotor hub to spin the rotor up to past 50 RPM. Once therotor was rotating at this rate, the ramjets could producepositive thrust and accelerate the rotor to full flight speed. Thisprocedure was time consuming and required extra, specializedground-based equipment to which the user community objected. This meant that the desired tipjet engine should be capable of producing static thrust (which pure ramjets cannot do). To make this happen, the only reasonably available classes of engines of the day which could do this were turbines, rockets and pulsejets. Turbines had trouble in that they had yet to be shrunk to a size which would be compatible with rotors (this would come later with theWilliams and Continental family of tip-turbines), leaving only Array pulsejets and rockets. The self-starting property also meant thatthe engine would probably use fuel which would be gaseousunder standard atmospheric conditions. The desire to minimizeexhaust effluents came from operators' reports from flying tip-ramjet rotorcraft as helmets, windshields and crews becameslimed in unburned kerosene residue. Because helicoptersoperate in many different flight states, it was desirable to havean engine which could be steadily throttled throughout the entirethrust and operational RPM range. Because pulsejets aretypically tuned for only one operating condition, they areanything but fully throttleable. Their tendency to lose efficiencywith increasing subsonic Mach number further retarded theirutility along with deafening noise levels during operation.Because rocket engines have equivalent thrust specific fuelconsumption levels which are often an order of magnitudehigher than other classes of tipjets, those, too were determined tobe less than ideal tipjets because of inefficiency.It was this collection of practical operational concerns thatgave rise to the G8 family of tipjet engines. In short, Eugene haddeveloped an engine which met all six of the conditions aboveand still was substantially quieter than the pulsejets. Figure 12shows the most widely produced tipjet engine in the world: theGluhareff G8-2-20 engine.B. Fundamentals: Extracting the Kinetic Energy of the FuelOriginally, Eugene used pressurized, gaseous (at STP) fuel mostly for its self-starting capability. However, he soon realized and took advantage of other properties. Because fuels such as butane, propane and acetylene can be vaporized without coking, they could be sent through a series of preheat coils prior to entry to the combustionchamber. This preheat process meant that if the fuel was handled at moderate pressure levels (above atmospheric),then substantial amounts of kinetic energy could be extracted via an air induction system. Figure 13 shows theanatomy of the G8 family of Pressure Jet engines with the fuel preheat coils lining the combustion chamber.From Fig. 13, the fuel flows into the Liquid PropaneConnection. Typically, pressurized, liquid fuel entersfrom 10 to 300 psig and is vaporized in a set of helicalpreheat coils mounted within the combustion chamber.The fuel typically leaves the combustion chamber withjust 5 - 8% pressure loss and preheated to 800 - 1200°F.After the fuel exits the combustion chamber, it flowsdown an insulated hot gas line at just Mach 0.05 - 0.2. Asthe gaseous propane enters the injection nozzle, it ischoked down to sonic at the throat. Ref. 17 described aspecial fabrication process that allows the grosslyunderexpanded flow to produce an oscillatory Mach diskupon throat exit. It is this unsteady Mach disk thatgenerates a high intensity acoustic standing wave in theinlet system. This standing wave has pressure antinodeslocated at the entrances of the 2nd and 3rd Stage Ductswith a dominant pressure node at the distal end of thecombustion chamber. These low pressure regions induceairflow into the engine which in turn mixes with the fueland burns in the combustion chamber. Although tuning isimportant for the intake section, the acoustic waves aredetrimental to the performance of the aft portion of theengine, which is why fishtailswere cut on the most advancedmodels (which tend not toreflect acoustic waves).Although some technologistsbelieve the G8 to be a pulsejet,this is clearly not the case asthe engine is fully throttleableand will run well withshortened or lengthenedtailpipe sections. Of course, thetrade on shortening is thatcombustion may not becomplete and lengthening willintroduce a weight penalty.In the most basic sense,Eugene had made not apulsejet, but a ramjet with aflow induction mechanismusing the fuel itself as the kinetic energy source. Because of the important role of the quality of fuel flow including (foremost) the fuel pressure, one can see that great pains were taken to properly control it. Figure 14 shows the fuel supply and ignition system for the G8 pressure jet. If one observes a simple expression for stagnation pressure at the entrance of the combustion chamber, it is easy to see the role of the fuel pressure:P o=˙ m a P oa+˙ m f"i P of˙ m a+˙ m f=P oa+f"i P of1+f(eq. 1) If one assumes a typical max operational fuel pressure level of 20 atmospheres, a 1/20 fuel-to-air ratio and an inlet efficiency of just 50%, then the static combustion chamber pressure ratio is approximately 1.5. Clearly, with this low pressure ratio, the engine will not operate with a high level of overall efficiency... but, most importantly, it will operate. Given that a 20 lb thrust rated engine is fabricated from 0.020 and 0.030" thick stainless steel foils, its low weight and simplicity often more than makes up for its inherent inefficiency. If one compares the pressure ratioof the static G8 pressure jet to the Hiller 8RJ2B operating without losses, a static Gluhareff G8 has the combustion chamber pressure ratio equivalent to that of an 8RJ2B operating at roughly Mach 0.75 (typical for many tipjet helicopters). If one now assumes that the G8 is operating at Mach 0.75, then the combustion chamber pressure ratio increases to more than 2.25. Efficiency gains compound as the inlet total pressure conversion efficiency, ηi, is known to increase with increasing airflow. Accordingly, combustion chamber pressure ratios of approximately 2.5 are typical for G8 class pressure jets operating at design tipjet flight speeds. Clearly, this is a nontrivial improvement and departure from conventional ramjet design and operation. It is the hope of these authors that the technical community recognize a fuel-pressure augmented ramjet Brayton Cycle. Accordingly, these authors propose coining the term: "Brayton-Gluhareff Cycle" to describe a ramjet which uses the kinetic energy derived from pressurized fuel to increase the total pressure of the airflow entering the combustion chamber. A side-by-side comparison of P-v diagrams for an ideal conventional ramjet Brayton Cycle and a pressure-augmented ramjet or "Brayton-Gluhareff" cycle clearly shows the difference between these two engine types.C. Performance and Physical CharacteristicsAlthough the G8 pressure jet family of athodyds as currently operated will never reach performance levels like those of high bypass ratio turbofans or modern turbojets with compressor pressure ratios in excess of 30, they will have a place in the technical community because of their elegance and functionality. If one examines published data, it can be seen that for a family of athodyds that are throttleable, generate static thrust and increase in efficiency with increasing Mach number, their performance is not bad:Table 1 Geometry and Subsonic Performance Summary of Gluhareff G8 Family of Jet Engines12Engine Max.StaticThrust(lb) Length(in)LateralDimensionto BurnerCL (in)CombustionChamberDia. (in)TailDia.(in)Weight(lb)Thrust-to-WeightStatic SFC(lbf/(lbf-hr)) Dynamic SFC (lbf/(lbf-hr))G8-2-5 5.2 22 15.5 3 2 1.5 3.5 n/a n/aG8-2-20 23.5 36 25.5 5 3.5 5.5 4.3 4.8 1.67G8-2-40 43 38.5 27.5 6.5 5 11 3.9 4.6 n/aG8-2-80 82 45 36 8.5 6.5 21 3.9 4.2 n/aG8-2-130 137 48 37 9 7 24.5 5.6 1.33 n/a Clearly the numbers above show that the G8 family of pressure jets work and work fairly well subsonically, especially when one looks for athodyds operating between Mach 0.5 and 0.9. Given that the engines operate without the complexities associated with rotating turbomachinery, there is an opportunity to modify the G8 family of engines with supersonic inlets and nozzles. Such modifications would, doubtless, open up new opportunities for designers of missiles, munitions and UAVs.III.FutureClearly, the technologists and marketplace of today will have a hard time keeping up with the vision and technical skill of Eugene Gluhareff. Figure 16 is just a small sample of many concepts he laid out over his profound and highly productive life. Although this paper describes his contributions primarily to the field of endoatmospheric, subsonic aircraft propulsion, he had many other unique ideas for Array industrial and commercial systems ranging from citrus grove heaters tostrange and unusual methods of travel.The future for this class of engine is indeed bright as theopportunities for integration into subsonic and supersonic missiles,munitions and UAVs are undeniable. There exists a raft of new productlines which should spring from this powerplant as this class of engineis capable of starting from a static launch and efficiently progressingthrough the high supersonic flight regime. Of course, to do so, furthermodeling and performance improvements are needed, especially withrespect to operating the engine at ever higher fuel pressure levels.Perhaps the greatest contribution to society at large that can bemade by the engine is simply in science education. Because it operateson a modified Brayton cycle, it is an ideal primer for undergraduate-level propulsion classes. Its allure to high schoolers is readily apparentby the throngs of thrilled youngsters who line up to see decades oldpressure jets run to this day.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to acknowledge the tremendous contributions of the many tipjet and athodyd technologists over the past six decades. The authors would especially like to thank: Alexander Yarovoy III, Anne Yarovoy, Robert Q. Riley, Ernest Ozuna, Alla Gluhareff, Bret Hampton, Carol Donato, Kim Mistretta, Phil Steiner, Chris Maglio and Brian Miller of Maglio Inc. of San Luis Obispo, California for helping bring the G8-2-20i to life.References1Gluhareff, M. Eugene [sic.] "Rotor Blade," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 24 January 1945, US Pat. No. 2,447,118, Issued 17 August 1948.2Gluhareff, M. Eugene [sic.]"Helicopter Rotor," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 26 September 1944, US Pat. No. 2,465,681, Issued 29 March 1949.3Gluhareff, M. Eugene[sic.]"Stop for Helicopter Blades," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 24 July 1944, US Pat. No. 2,471,681, Issued 31 May 1949.3Gluhareff, M. Eugene. [sic.] "Rotor," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 2 February 1945, US Pat. No. 2,475,318, Issued 5 July 1949.4Gluhareff, M. Eugene[sic.]"Rubber Mounted Tail Rotor," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 7 May 1947, US Pat. No. 2,487,646, Issued 8 November 1949.5Gluhareff, M. Eugene [sic.] "Metal Rotor Blade Having Flexible Trailing Edge," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 8 February 1950, US Pat. No. 2,620,884, Issued 9 December 1952.6Gluhareff, M. Eugene [sic.] "Rotor Blade Counterbalance Means," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 28 July 1951, US Pat. No. 2,944,610, Issued 12 July 1960.7Gluhareff, M. Eugene [sic.] "Rotor Blade Retention of a Bolted and Cemented Construction," United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford Connecticut, Application 10 September 1948, US Pat. No. 2,568,230, Issued 18 September 1951.8Velkoff, H. R., "An Evaluation of the Jet Rotor Helicopter," AHS National Forum, Washington, D.C., AHS Technical Paper No. J-58-03-04-01-7000, Wright Air Development Center, April 17 - 18, 1958.9Quarre, P., "Hiller 8RJ2B Tip-Ramjet Display," Museum for Hiller Aircraft, Palo Alto, California, 1991.10Anon., "Flying Experimental jet Test Stand," United (Sikorsky) Aircraft Corporation Photo File No. S-9052 A, 11 November 1950 (courtesy the Gluhareff Family Archives).11Allen, T, "Jet Copter Unveiled; Lid On at Sikorsky," Sunday Herald, Bridgeport, CT, 22 Oct. 1950, Vol. LXIV, No. 43.12Gluhareff, E. M., "G8-2 Technical Handbook," EMG Engineering Company, Hesperia, California, 1985.13Simpson, R.W., "Airlife's Helicopters and Rotorcraft," Airlife Publishing, 2002.14Gluhareff, I., "New G8-2-20i Construction Kit Now Available," Gluhareff Helicopters, LLC, Valencia, California, 2007.15Harding, S., "US Army Aircraft since 1947: An Illustrated History," Schiffer Publishing Company, New York, NY 1990.16Riley, R.Q, "Gluhareff Pressure Jet Engine," Robert Q. Riley Enterprises, LLC, /gluharef.html Phoenix, Arizona, 2007.17Gluhareff, E. M., "Private Communication on Design and Manufacturing of the G8 Family of Pressure Jet Engines," R. M.Barrett, Hesperia, California 1990.。
aero- 空气(的);大气(的);气体(的),飞机(的);航空(的)plane—aeroplane飞机space—aerospace航空航天业anti- against,opposite反(对)war(战争)—antiwar(反战的)missile(导弹)—antimissile(反导弹的)auto- of or by oneself自己(做)的stop(停止)—autostop(自动停止)criticism(批评)—autocriticism(自我批评)be- cause to be or have使,有friend(朋友)—befriend(以朋友态度对待)little(小)—belittle(贬低)bi-two,twice,double二,双,两倍party(政党)—biparty(两党的)ped(足)—biped(二足动物)bio- 1ife生命,生物chemistry(化学)—biochemistry(生物化学)sphere(范围)—biosphere(生物圈)by-, bye-less important次要的,附带的;近旁,附近product—by-product 副产品way—by-way旁道;次要的领域centi- hundredth part百分之一meter(米)—centimeter(厘米)grade(度)—centigrade(百分度的)co- with,together共同,(和…)一起author(作者)—coauthor(合著者)exist(存在)—coexist(共存)con- with,together共同,(和…)一起join(参加)—conjoin(联合)centric(中心的)—concentric(同中心的)col-(用在字母l的前面)location(位置)—collocation(并置)collect 收集com-(用在字母m, b, p的前面)passion(激情)—compassion(同情)combine结合,联合cor-(用在字母r的前面)relation(关系)—correlation(相互关系)correct改正contra- opposite反对,相反,相对contradiction矛盾missile(导弹)—contramissile(反弹道导弹度)natural(自然的)—contranatural(违反自然的)counter- opposite反对,相反,相对act(起作用)—counteract对…起反作用attack(攻击)—counterattack(反攻)de-showing an opposite,to remove,to reduce非,相反,除去,减少code(密码)—decode(解码)value(价值)—devalue(使贬值)dis- not,the opposite of否定,相反agree(同意)—disagree(反对)honest(诚实的)—dishonest(不诚实的)e- , ef-out出,外(为ex-的变异形式)lect(选)—elect(选举)ject(投,掷)—eject(驱逐;喷射;弹出)fect(做)—effect 结果,效果en-, em- cause to become,put into the stated condition使成为,使处于…状态large(大的)—enlarge(扩大)body(身体)—embody(体现)ex- 1. out 出,外exit 出口2. former以前的,前任的minister(部长)—ex-minister(前任部长)wife(妻子)— ex-wife(前妻)extra- outside,beyond超出,在…之外ordinary(普通的)—extraordinary(非常的)vert(转)—extravert性格外向的人fore- in advance,before,in or at the front预先,前,在前面的see(看)— foresee(预见)leg(腿)—foreleg(前腿)in-,i1-, im- , ir-not不,非,无(字母l前用il-;字母m, b, p前用im-;字母r前用ir-)direct(直接的)—indirect(间接的)infant婴儿legal(合法的)—illegal(非法的)balance(平衡)—imbalance(不平衡)moral(道德的)—immoral(不道德的)possible(可能的)—impossible(不可能的)regular(规则的)—irregular(不规则的)in- in, into内,向内door(门)—indoor(室内的)infra- 在下,在下部,低于(或超出)某限度的;在内red—infrared 红外线的structure—infrastructure 基础结构,基础设施inter- between,among互相,在…之间national(国家的)—international(国际的)intra- inside, within在之内city(城市)—intracity(市内的)kilo- thousand千gram(克)—kilogram(千克,公斤)meter(米)—kilometer(千米)macro-large大的,宏观的economics(经济学)—macroeconomics(宏观经济学)mal- bad, badly坏,不良,不当function(功能)—malfunction(机能障碍)treat(对待)—maltreat(虐待)micro- extremely small极小的computer(计算机)—microcomputer(微型计算机)microscope 显微镜mid- middle中间day(昼,白天)— midday(中午)night(夜晚)—midnight(午夜)mini- small,short极小的,极短的bus(公共汽车)—minibus(小汽车)skirt(裙子)—miniskirt(超短裙)mis- bad,badly坏,不当understand(理解)—misunderstand(误解)lead(引导)—mislead(使误入歧途)mono- one, single单,一log(说)—monologue(独白)tone(音调)—monotone单调multi- many, more than one多national(国家的)—multinational(多国的)non- not不,非,无metal(金属)—non-metal(非金属)governmental(政府的)—non-governmental(非政府的)out-outside,beyond超越,超过,胜过;在[向]外(的)live(生活)—outlive(比…活得长)number(数量)—outnumber(在数量上超过)door(门)—outdoor(户外的)over- too much,above,additional过分,在…上面,额外的head(头)—overhead(在头顶上的)population(人口)—overpopulation(人口过剩)time(时间)—overtime(加班)poly- many多gene(基因)—polygene(多基因)centric(中心)—polycentric(多中心的)post- later than,after在…之后graduate(有学士学位的)—postgraduate(研究生的)war(战争)—postwar(战后的)pre- before,in advance在…之前,预先view(观看)—preview(预演)dict(说)—predict(预言)pseudo- not real,false假,伪memory(记忆)—pseudomemory(记忆错误)science(科学)—pseudoscience(伪科学)re-again,back to a former state再,回复view(看)—review(复习)call(叫,呼唤)—recall(回忆起,叫回)self-自身的;由自身的;靠自身的;自动的employed—self-employed自雇的,非受雇于人的taught—self-taught自学而成的;靠自学获得的semi- half,partly半,部分的circle(圆)—semicircle(半圆)final(决赛)—semifinal(半决赛)step-因再婚而构成的亲缘关系的,继的,同父异母(或同母异父)的mother—stepmother继母children—stepchidren妻子与前夫(或丈夫与前妻)所生的孩子sub- under,below,less important在…下,低于,次于…的marine(海洋的)—submarine(海底的;潜水艇)way(路)—subway(地铁)super-greater or more than, above, beyond or over 超级,超过;在…之上market(市场)—supermarket(超级市场)natural(自然的)—supernatural(超自然的)vis(看)—supervise(监督)tele- at or over a long distance,by or for television远(距离),由(或为)电视vis(看)—television(电视)screen(屏幕)—telescreen(电视屏幕)therm-, thermo-heat热chemistry(化学)—thermochemistry(热化学)meter(仪表)—thermometer(温度计)trans- across,on or to the other side of横越Atlantic(大西洋)—transatlantic(横越大西洋的)plant(种植)—transplant(移植)tri- three三angle(角)—triangle(三角形)cycle(圆圈)—tricycle(三轮摩托车)ultra- beyond,very,too超过,极度的high(高的)—ultrahigh(超高的)sound(声音)—ultrasound(超声)un- not不,非fortunately(幸运地)—unfortunately(不幸地)usual(平常的)—unusual(不平常的)under- too little,below过少,在…下面development(发展)—underdevelopment(欠发达)sea(大)— undersea(海底的)uni-one,single单,一form(形式)—uniform(制服)sex(性别)—unisex(不分男女的)vice- next in rank below副president(总统)— vice-president(副总统)chairman(主席)—vice-chairman(副主席)二、常用后缀1、名词后缀-ability, -ibilityable(能够的)—ability(能力)possible(可能的)—possibility(可能性)-agepost(邮政)—postage(邮资)shrink(收缩)—shrinkage(收缩)-alarrive(到达)—arrival(到达)refuse(拒绝)—refusal(拒绝)-an, -ian, -arianhumane(人道的)—humanitarian(人道主义者)library(图书馆)—librarian(图书管理员)music(音乐)—musician(音乐家)-ance, -encyappear(出现)—appearance(出现)refer(参考)—reference(参考)-ancy, encyemerge(出现)—emergency(紧急情况)expect(期待)—expectancy(期待)-ant, -entserve(服务)—servant(仆人)study(学习)—student(学生)-cyaccurate(准确的)—accuracy(准确性)bankrupt(破产的)—bankruptcy(破产)-domfree(自由的)—freedom(自由)king(国王)—kingdom(王国)-eeemploy(雇用)—employee(雇员)absent(缺席)—absentee(缺席者)-er, -or, -arlead(指引)—leader(领袖)conduct(传导)—conductor(导体)beg(乞讨)—beggar(乞丐)-erybrave(勇敢的)—bravery(勇敢)cook(烹调)—cookery(烹饪法)nurse(照料)—nursery(托儿所)-eseChina(中国)—Chinese(汉语,中国人)Japan(日本)—Japanese(日语,日本人)-essactor(演员)—actress(女演员)lion(狮子)—lioness(母狮)-fulhand(手)—handful(一把的量)spoon(匙)—spoonful(一匙的量)-hoodchild(孩子)—childhood(童年)neighbor(邻居)—neighborhood(邻近地区)-icselectron(电子)—electronics(电子学)linguist(语言学家)—linguistics(语言学)-ion, -ition, -ationcollect(收集)—collection(收集)compose(创作)—composition(作文)observe(观察)—observation(观察)-ismhero(英雄)—heroism(英雄主义)social(社会的)—socialism(社会主义)-istsocial(社会的)—socialist(社会主义者)art(艺术)—artist(艺术家)-ity, -tycruel(残忍的)—cruelty(残忍)pure(纯的)—purity(纯净)-mentmove(运动)—movement(运动)apart(分离的)—apartment(一套公寓房间)govern(统治)—government(政府)-nessdark(黑暗的)—darkness(黑暗)happy(幸福的)—happiness(幸福)-ology, -logybio(生物)—biology(生物学)climate(气候)—climatology(气候学)-shipfriend(朋友)—friendship(友谊)member(会员)—membership(会员身份)-siondecide(决定)—decision(决定)conclude(结束)—conclusion(结论)-thgrow----growth增长,生长wide----width宽度-urefail(失败)—failure(失败)pict(标记)—picture(画)2、动词后缀-endeep(深的)—deepen(加深)fast(牢固的)—fasten(扎牢)-ifyclass(种类)—classify(分类)simple(简单的)—simplify(简化)-ize, -isemodern(现代的)— modernize/-ise (使现代化)popular(流行的)—popularize/-ise(普及)3、形容词后缀-able, -iblesuit(适合)—suitable(合适的)horror(恐怖)—horrible(可怕的)-alcentre(中心)—central(中心的)nature(自然)—natural(自然的)-an, -arian, -ianElizabeth(伊丽莎白)— Elizabethan(伊丽莎白的)Christ(耶酥)—Christian(基督徒的)vegetal(植物的,蔬菜的)—vegetarian(素食者的,吃素的)-ant, -entdiffer(不同)—different(不同的)insist(坚持)—insistent(不断的)-ary, -oryelement(成分,要素)—elementary(基础的)contradict(与…相反)—contradictory(相反的,矛盾的)-ateconsider(考虑)—considerate(考虑周到的)fortune(运气)—fortunate(幸运的)-enwood(木头)—wooden(木头的)wool(羊毛)—woolen(羊毛的)-eseChina(中国)—Chinese(中国的)Japan(日本)—Japanese(日本的)-freecare(忧虑)—carefree(无忧无虑的)ticket(票)—ticketfree(不用票的)-fulbeauty(美))—beautiful(美丽的)shame(羞耻)—shameful(可耻的)hope(希望)—hopeful(有希望的)use(用)—useful(有用的)-ic, -icalalcohol(酒精)—alcoholic(酗酒的)music(音乐)—musical(音乐的)-ishfool(傻瓜)—foolish(愚蠢的)red(红色)—reddish(微红的)-ivedecide(决定)—decisive(果断的)create(创造)—creative(有创造力的)-lesshelp(帮助)—helpless(无助的)job(工作)—jobless(失业的)-likechild(孩子)—childlike(孩子般的)lady(贵妇)—ladylike(贵妇般的)-lyday(白天,日子)—daily(每日的,日常的)man(男人)—manly(有男子气概的)-ous, -iousdanger(危险)—dangerous(危险的)space(空间)—spacious(宽敞的)-somequarrel(吵架)—quarrelsome(喜欢吵架的)trouble(烦恼)—troublesome(使人烦恼的)-warddown(向下)—downward(向下的)home(家)— homeward(回家的)-yhair(毛发)—hairy(多毛的)noise(喧闹声)—noisy(喧闹的)4、副词后缀-lyhappy(快乐的)—happily快乐地-ward, -wardseast(东)—eastward(s)(向东地)up(向上)—upward(s)(向上地)-wiselike(像)—likewise(同样地)other(其他)—otherwise(在其他方面)。
七招巧背英语单词主题:英国最常用的118句口语from 1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。
2. Are you coming with me 你跟我一起去吗?3. Are you sure 你能肯定吗?4. As soon as possible. 尽快。
5. Believe me. 相信我。
6. Buy it . 买下来!7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。
8. Can you speak slowly 请您说得慢些好吗?9. Come with me. 跟我来。
英语常见专业词汇分类汇总一、工程与技术:1. Architectural design(建筑设计): the process of creating a plan for the construction of a building or structure.2. Civil engineering(土木工程): the design, construction, and maintenance of structures such as roads, bridges, and buildings.3. Mechanical engineering(机械工程): the branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of machinery.4. Electrical engineering(电气工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.5. Computer programming(计算机编程): the process of designing and writing computer programs.6. Telecommunications(电信): the transmission of information over long distances using electronic or optical signals.7. Aerospace engineering(航空航天工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of aircraft and spacecraft.8. Environmental engineering(环境工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the development of sustainable solutions to environmental problems.二、医学与健康:1. Anatomy(解剖学): the branch of science that deals with the structure and organization of living things.2. Physiology(生理学): the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.3. Genetics(遗传学): the study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.4. Pharmacology(药理学): the branch of medicine concerned with the study of drugs and their effects on the body.5. Radiology(放射学): the branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.6. Psychiatry(精神病学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health disorders.7. Cardiology(心脏病学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.8. Oncology(肿瘤学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.三、商业与经济:1. Marketing(市场营销): the process of promoting and selling products or services.2. Accounting(会计): the process of recording, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions.3. Economics(经济学): the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions.4. Finance(金融学): the management of money, banking, investments, and credit.5. International trade(国际贸易): the exchange of goods and services between countries.6. Entrepreneurship(创业): the activity of starting a new business venture or taking a risk in order to make a profit.7. Supply chain management(供应链管理): the coordination and oversight of the flow of goods, information, and finances from suppliers to end consumers.8. Market research(市场调研): the process of gathering and analyzing data about customers, competitors, and market trends to make informed business decisions.四、计算机科学:1. Algorithm(算法): a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.2. Programming language(编程语言): a formal language used to write computer programs.3. Artificial intelligence(人工智能): the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence.4. Data mining(数据挖掘): the process of discovering patterns and relationships in large datasets.5. Network security(网络安全): the protection of computer networks and their data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.6. Software engineering(软件工程): the application of engineering principles to the design, development, and maintenance of software systems.7. Machine learning(机器学习): the study of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.8. User interface(用户界面): the means by which a user interacts with a computer, website, or application.五、法律与政治:1. Constitutional law(宪法法学): the body of law that defines the relationship between different entities within a state, namely the executive,the legislature, and the judiciary.2. Criminal law(刑法): the body of law that deals with offenses against the state, such as murder, theft, and assault.3. International law(国际法): the body of law that governs the relations between states and other international actors.4. Human rights( ** ): the basic rights and freedoms to which allindividuals are entitled, such as the right to life, liberty, and equality.5. Public policy(公共政策): the principles, actions, and decisions adoptedby government or public authorities to address societal problems or meetpublic needs.6. Political science(政治科学): the study of political systems, behavior,and ideologies.7. Diplomacy(外交): the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad.8. Legislation(立法): the process of making or enacting laws through the legislative branch of government.六、社会科学与人文学科:1. Sociology(社会学): the study of human society, social behavior, and the consequences of social relationships.2. Psychology(心理学): the scientific study of the mind and behavior.3. Anthropology(人类学): the study of human societies, cultures, andphysical characteristics.4. History(历史学): the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.5. Literature(文学): written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.6. Philosophy(哲学): the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and mind.7. Linguistics(语言学): the scientific study of language and its structure, including phonetics, syntax, and semantics.8. Art history(艺术史): the study of visual arts from ancient times to the present, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and photography.七、自然科学与数学:1. Biology(生物学): the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and evolution.2. Chemistry(化学): the study of the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.3. Physics(物理学): the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them.4. Mathematics(数学): the study of numbers, quantity, space, and structure,including algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics.5. Geology(地质学): the study of the Earth's physical structure, history,and processes.6. Astronomy(天文学): the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.7. Environmental science(环境科学): the study of the environment and the effects of human activities on it.8. Statistics(统计学): the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.八、教育与心理学:1. Pedagogy(教育学): the study and practice of teaching and educational methods.2. Educational psychology(教育心理学): the branch of psychology that deals with the study of teaching methods and learning processes.3. Curriculum development(课程开发): the process of creating and designing educational programs and courses.4. Special education(特殊教育): the education of students with special needs or disabilities.5. Counseling psychology(咨询心理学): the branch of psychology that focuses on providing therapeutic services to individuals and groups.6. Child psychology(儿童心理学): the study of children's mental andemotional development and behavior.7. School psychology(学校心理学): the application of psychologicalprinciples and techniques in educational settings to promote the learning and emotional well-being of students.8. Adult education(成人教育): the provision of educational opportunities and programs for adults, often focused on professional development or personal enrichment.九、艺术与设计:1. Fine arts(美术): the creation and appreciation of visual art, such as painting, sculpture, and printmaking.2. Graphic design(平面设计): the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.3. Fashion design(服装设计): the art of applying design, aesthetics, and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories.4. Industrial design(工业设计): the process of creating and developing concepts and specifications for products or systems.5. Architecture(建筑学): the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures.6. Interior design(室内设计): the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space.7. Photography(摄影): the art, application, and practice of creating durable images using a camera or other light-sensitive equipment.8. Film and video production(影视制作): the process of creating and producing films, television shows, and video content.十、环境与地理:1. Ecology(生态学): the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.2. Environmental science(环境科学): the study of the environment and the impact of human activities on it.3. Geography(地理学): the study of the Earth's surface, its physical features, climate, population, and how humans interact with these factors.4. Climate change(气候变化): the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.5. Conservation(保护): the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment and of wildlife.6. Sustainable development(可持续发展): the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.7. Urban planning(城市规划): the practice of envisioning and regulating the use of space in urban areas, including transportation and infrastructure.8. Environmental policy(环境政策): the set of guidelines and principles that govern the regulation and management of the environment.。
格拉斯哥大学电子与软件工程 - Electronic & Software Engineering格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow综合排名:15学校类型:公立 - 综合性大学所在地:英国苏格兰格拉斯哥录取率:15.00%每年学费:11万(人民币)是否有奖学金:是在校生人数:23162开学时间:秋季学校网址:院校介绍院校简介格拉斯哥大学成立于1451年,是英语国家中第四古老的大学(前三名依次是牛津大学、剑桥大学和圣安德鲁斯大学),同时该校也是全球最古老的十所大学之一。
同时格拉斯哥大学也是是国际大学组织Universitas 21的缔造者之一,以及英国大学集团罗素集团(Russell Group)的缔约成员,该集团有英国的常春藤联盟之称。
学术实力格拉斯哥大学是罗素集团,21大学和IRUN(International Research Universities Network)大学联盟的成员。
英伟达工程模拟解决方案IntroductionNVIDIA is a leading technology company that is revolutionizing the way we interact with computers, from data centers to personal devices. One of NVIDIA’s core focuses is on engineering simulation, which is the process of using computer software to model and test the behavior of complex systems and processes. This helps engineers and scientists to better understand and optimize their designs before they are built, ultimately saving time and money. In this paper, we will explore t he various aspects of NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution, including its benefits, applications, and case studies.Benefits of NVIDIA’s Engineering Simulation SolutionNVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution offers a number of benefits to engineers a nd scientists, including:1. Faster simulations: NVIDIA’s powerful hardware, such as the NVIDIA Quadro RTX graphics cards, provides the necessary computational power to run complex simulations more quickly than ever before. This allows engineers to iterate on their designs more rapidly, ultimately leading to better end products.2. High-fidelity results: NVIDIA’s hardware and software offer the ability to produce highly accurate and detailed simulations, providing engineers with a deeper understanding of their designs and how they will perform in the real world.3. Scalability: NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution is designed to scale seamlessly from small laptop-sized systems to large multi-GPU workstations and data center servers. This allows engineers to perform simulations at the scale that best fits their needs, without being limited by hardware constraints.4. Integration with popular simulation software: NVIDIA’s hardware and software solutions are designed to work seamlessly with popular engineering simulation software packages, such as ANSYS, COMSOL, and Abaqus. This ensures that engineers can make the most of their existing simulation workflows while taking advantage of NVIDIA’s hardware acceleration.5. Support for real-time simulation: NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution is capable of running simulations in real-time, providing engineers with immediate feedback on their designs and allowing them to interact with the simulation as it runs.Applications of NVIDIA’s Engineering Simulation Solu tionNVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution has a wide range of applications across various industries and domains, including:1. Aerospace and defense: Engineers in the aerospace and defense industries use engineering simulation to model the performance of aircraft, spacecraft, and weapons systems. This allows them to optimize their designs for maximum efficiency and safety.2. Automotive: Automotive engineers use engineering simulation to model the performance of vehicles, including crash simulations, aerodynamics, and thermal management. This allows them to design safer, more fuel-efficient, and better-performing vehicles.3. Energy: Engineers in the energy industry use engineering simulation to model the behavior of power plants, renewable energy systems, and energy storage devices. This allows them to optimize the performance and reliability of these systems.4. Electronics: Engineers in the electronics industry use engineering simulation to model the behavior of electronic components and systems, including circuit boards, semiconductors, and electromagnetic fields. This allows them to design more efficient and reliable electronics.5. Biomedical: Biomedical engineers use engineering simulation to model the behavior of biological systems, medical devices, and drug delivery systems. This allows them to optimize the performance and safety of these systems.Case StudiesTo further illustrate the benefits and applications of NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution, let’s take a look at a few case studies:1. Aerospace and defense: A leading aerospace and defense company used NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution to model the performance of a new aircraft design. By using NVIDIA’s hardware acceleration, they were able to run simulations more quickly and at a higher level of detail than ever before. This allowed them to identify potential design flaws early in the process, ultimately saving time and money during the development phase.2. Automotive: A major automotive manufacturer used NVIDIA’s engineering s imulation solution to model the crash performance of a new vehicle design. By leveraging NVIDIA’s real-time simulation capabilities, they were able to make rapid design iterations and instantly see the impact on the vehicle’s safety performance. This allow ed them to develop a safer vehicle in a shorter amount of time.3. Energy: An energy company used NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution to model the performance of a new solar power plant. By using NVIDIA’s hardware acceleration, they were able to run simulations at a larger scale and with more complexConclusionNVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution offers a powerful set of tools that enable engineers and scientists to model and optimize their designs more effectively than ever before. With its fast simulations, high-fidelity results, scalability, integration with popularsimulation software, and support for real-time simulation, NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution is well-suited for a wide range of applications across industries. The case studies presented in this paper demonstrate how NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution has been successfully used in aerospace and defense, automotive, and energy applications, ultimately leading to more efficient and safer designs. As engineering simulations continue to play a crucial role in modern product development, NVIDIA’s engineering simulation solution is poised to remain at the forefront of this industry.。
前缀含义例词ab-相反,变坏,离开normal(正常的)—abnormal(不正常的)axial(轴心的)—abaxial(离开轴心的)aero-航空的,飞行的,飞机的plane(飞机)—aeroplane(飞机)space(空间,间隔)—aerospace(航空宇宙)anti-反对的,反抗的war(战争、作战、打仗)—antiwar(反战的,反对战争的)virus(病毒)—antivirus(杀毒软件,抗病毒的)auto-自己,独自biography(传记)—autobiography(自传)criticism(批评,批判)—autocriticism(自我反省,自我检讨)bi-双的,二的lingual(语言的)—bilingual(能说两种语言的)cycle(自行车)—bicycle(脚踏车,自行车)bio-生命,生物chemistry(化学)—biochemistry(生物化学)sphere(圈子)—biosphere(生物圈)by-次要的,附带的product(产品,产物,)—byproduct(副产品,附加产物)way(路,道路)—byway(小道)centi-一百,百分之一grade(等级)—centigrade(百分度的,摄氏度的)meter(米)—centimeter(厘米)co-联合的,共同的author(作家)—coauthor(合著者,共同执笔者)exist(存在,生存)—coexist(共存)col-(用在字母l之前)location(位置,场所)—collocation(排列,配置)联合的,共同的league(同盟,联盟)—colleague(同事)com-联合的,共同的passion(激情,热情)—compassion(同情,怜悯)mission(使团,代表团)—commission(委员会)con-联合的,共同的centric(中心的,中央的)—concentric(同中心的)federation(同盟,联盟)—confederation(联邦)contra-反对,相反diction(措辞,用语)—contradiction(反驳,矛盾)natural(自然的)—contranatural(违背自然的)cor-(用在字母r之前)relate(使联系,发生关系)—correlate(使相互关联,和...相关)联合的,共同的respond(回答,反应)—correspond(符合,协调,相应)counter-相反,反对act(表现,见效)—counteract(抵消,中和,阻碍)attack(攻击)—counterattck(反引力)cross-横过,相反country(乡下的,乡村的)—crosscountry(越野的,横过田野的)cultural(文化的)—cross-cultural(跨文化的)de-剥夺,分离code(代码,密码)—decode(解码,译解)value(评价,重视)—devalue(减值,贬值)dis-分开,分离,否定,不advantage(优势,有利条件)—disadvantage(不利,不利条件,缺点,劣势)agree(同意)—disagree(不同意,不一致)em(用在b,m,p)body(赋以形体)—embody(具体表达,使具体化)power(权力,激励)—empower(授权与,使能够)en使成为danger(威胁)—endanger(危及)large(大的,巨大的)—enlarge(扩大,放大)ex前任的(还健在的)wife(妻子)—ex-wife(前妻)向外的port(港口)—export(出口)extra外面的curricular(课程的)—extracurricular(课外的,业余的)ordinary(平常的,普通的,平凡的)—extraordinary(非常的,特别的,非凡的)fore在前的,先的know(知道)—foreknow(先知)warn(警告)—forewarn(预先警告)hemi半的sphere(球体)—hemisphere(半球)cycle(球体)—hemicycle(半圆形)homo相同的type(类型)—homotype(同型)sexual(性的)—homosexual(同性恋的)il(用在l之前)legal(法律的,合法)—illegal(违法的)不,否literate(有文化的)—illiterate(文盲的,没受教育的)im(用在b,m,p之前)moral(道德(上)的,精神的,道德)—immoral(不道德的,邪恶的)不,否possible(可能的)—impossible(不可能的)in不,否direct(径直的,直接的)—indirect(间接的,迂回的)sensitive(敏感的,灵敏的)—insensitive(对...没有感觉的,感觉迟钝的)infra内部的,向内的structure(结构,构造)—infrastructure(下部构造,基础下部组织)red(红(色)的)—infrared(红外线的,红外线)inter相互的,之间的national(国家的,民族的)—international(国际的,世界的)face(面)—interface(界面,接口)intra内部的city(城市,都市)—intracity(市内的)department(部,局,处,科,部门,系,学部)—intradepartment(内部)ir(用在r之前)regular(规则的,有秩序的)—irregular(不规则的,无规律的)不,否responsible(有责任的,可靠的)—irresponsible(不负责任的,不可靠的)kilo千的gram(克,)—kilogram(千克,公斤)byte(字节)—kilobyte(千字节)macro大的,宏观的economics(经济学)—macroeconomics(宏观经济学)structure(结构)—macrostructure(宏观结构)micro微小的,微观的soft(软的)—microsoft(微软)electronics(电子学)—microelectronics(微电子学)mal坏的,错误的function(官能,功能,作用)—malfunction(故障)treat(宴请,款待)—maltreat(虐待,滥用)mid中的,中间的day(天,白天)—midday(正午)night(夜,夜晚)—midnight(午夜)mini小型的,迷你的bus(公共汽车)—minibus(小型公共汽车)skirt(裙子)—miniskirt(迷你短裙,超短裙)mis坏的,错误的,否定的fortune(运气,好运)—misfortune(不幸,灾祸)understand(懂,了解)—misunderstand(误解,误会)mono单一的plane(飞机)—monoplane(单翼机)tone(音调,语调)—monotone(单调的,单调)multi多的media(媒体)—multimedia(多媒体)national(国家的,民族的)—multinational(多民族的)non非,无,不sense理性,认,废话)识—n onsense(胡说stop停,停站点—non-stop(直达的),比...耐久)out向外live(活的,生动的)—outlive(比...长命,通道,家,户)—outdoor(室外的,户外的,door(门野外的)over在⋯⋯上面,优越,超越head(头,头的,主要的)—overhead(在头上的,上,在空中,在高处)在头顶)—overtime(超时,加班,超,时机time(时间,时侯时的,加班的,使超时)poly多的,多个的centric(中心的)—polycentric(多中心的)—polysyllabicsyllabic([语]音节主音,音节的](多音节的)post在⋯⋯之后graduate((大学)毕业生,研究生)—postgraduate(研究所学生,研究生,毕业后的)战,打仗)—postwar(战后的)war(战争,作pre在⋯⋯之前pay(薪水,工资,支付)—prepay(预付)战,打仗)—prewar(战前的,在战前)war(战争,作pro居前,领先a bortion—proabortion(流产,堕胎,失败,夭折,中止,早产)n ame(姓名)—pseudonym(假名,笔名)pseudo伪的,虚假,假拟science(科学,自然科学)—pseudoscience(假科学,伪科学)re又,再unite(联合,团结)—reunite((使)再结合)use(使用)—reuse(再使用,重新使用)self自我employed(雇用,用,使用)—selfemployed)—selftaughttaught(teach的过去式和过去分词,圆形物)—semicircle(半圆形)semi半,不完全的circle(圆周final(决赛)—semifinal(半决赛),妈妈)—stepmother(继母)step后,继mother(母亲children(孩子,孩子们)—stepchildren(继子,继女)sub下,在下;低于,次于,副,亚,divide(分,划分,分开)—subdivide(再分,细分)次section(部分)—subsection(分部,分段)super超的,在⋯⋯之上market(市场)—supermarket(超级市场)natural(自然的,自然界的,普通的,正常的)—supernatural(超自然的,神奇的,超自然物,不可思议的事)tele远距离传递,电视的screen(屏,银幕)—telescreen(电视屏幕,荧光屏)communication(交流)—telecommunication(远程通信)therm(o)热的,电热的chemistry(化学)—thermochemistry(热化学)meter(计,表)—thermometer(温度计,体温计)trans横过,贯穿,在⋯⋯之间A tlantic(大西洋)—transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的)plant(种植,栽培,培养)—transplant(移植,移种)三,三倍angular(有角的)—triangular(三角形的)cycle(自行车)—tricycle(三轮车,机器三轮车)ultra极端,过度modern(近代的,现代的)—ultramodern(超现代化的)sound(声音,语音)—ultrasound(超频率音响)un不,非,无certain(确定的,必然的,可靠的)—uncertain(无常的,靠不住的)的,不确定的,不可预测fortunate(幸运的,幸福的)—unfortunate(不幸的,使人遗憾的)under在⋯⋯之下,次于develop(发展,显影)—underdevelop((使)发展不完全,(使)显影不足)sea(海洋,大浪)—undersea(海面下的)uni单一form(形态,构成)—uniform(统一的,相同的)directional(方向的)—unidirectional(单向的,单向性的)vice副的,次的chairman(主席,会长)—vice-chairman(副主席,副议长)president(总统,会长,行长)—vice-president(副总督,副省长)二、Postfixes后缀有的可可以决定词的语法属性。
机电一体化专业英语English Answer:Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that combines mechanical, electrical, computer, and software engineering to design, build, and operate systems. It has become increasingly important in modern engineering due to the growing demand for automated and intelligent systems.中文回答:机电一体化是一门综合了机械、电气、计算机和软件工程的交叉学科,用于设计、建造和操作系统。
Components of Mechatronics.The core components of mechatronics include:Sensors: Collect data from the physical world.Actuators: Convert electrical signals into physical movement.Controllers: Process sensor data and generate control signals.Software: Designs and implements control algorithms.Applications of Mechatronics.Mechatronics has a wide range of applications, including:Industrial automation: Assembly lines, robotic welding, and automated material handling.Automotive systems: Engine control, brake systems, and advanced driver assistance systems.Aerospace engineering: Flight control systems, navigation systems, and life support systems.Medical engineering: Surgical robots, diagnostic instruments, and prosthetics.Benefits of Mechatronics.Mechatronics offers several benefits over traditional engineering approaches:Increased productivity: Automated systems can work faster and more accurately than humans.Improved quality: Automated systems can produce products with consistent quality.Reduced costs: Automated systems can eliminate the need for manual labor and reduce maintenance costs.Enhanced flexibility: Mechatronic systems can be easily reconfigured to adapt to changing requirements.Challenges in Mechatronics.Despite its advantages, mechatronics also faces some challenges:Complexity: Mechatronic systems can be highly complex, making design and implementation difficult.Cross-disciplinary nature: Mechatronics engineers must have knowledge in multiple engineering disciplines.Integration: Integrating different components from different disciplines can be challenging.Career Prospects in Mechatronics.The demand for mechatronics engineers is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Mechatronics engineers can work in a variety of industries, including automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, and medical engineering.中文回答:机电一体化的组成部分。
马里兰大学帕克分校航空航天工程 - Aerospace Engineering马里兰大学帕克分校University of Maryland-College Park综合排名:60学校类型:公立- 综合性大学所在地:美国马里兰州帕克录取率:46.91%SAT统计:1770-2080每年学费:17万(人民币)是否有奖学金:是在校生人数:37248开学时间:秋季,春季学校网址:院校介绍院校简介马里兰大学帕克分校隶属于马里兰大学系统,是UM系统的旗舰创始学校,是全美大学联盟(AAU)的61个盟校之一,它被认为是一个公共常春藤的机构。
外文文献1: Software Engineering Practices in Industry: A Case StudyAbstractThis paper reports a case study of software engineering practices in industry. The study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The study investigated the company’s software development process, practices, and techniques that lead to the production of quality software. The software engineering practices were identified through a survey questionnaire and a series of interviews with the company’s software development managers, software engineers, and testers. The research found that the company has a well-defined software development process, which is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The company follows a set of software engineering practices that ensure quality, reliability, and maintainability of the software products. The findings of this study provide a valuable insight into the software engineering practices used in industry and can be used to guide software engineering education and practice in academia.IntroductionSoftware engineering is the discipline of designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software products. There are a number of software engineering practices that are used in industry to ensure that software products are of high quality, reliable, and maintainable. These practices include software development processes, software configuration management, software testing, requirements engineering, and project management. Software engineeringpractices have evolved over the years as a result of the growth of the software industry and the increasing demands for high-quality software products. The software industry has developed a number of software development models, such as the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), which provides a framework for software development organizations to improve their software development processes and practices.This paper reports a case study of software engineering practices in industry. The study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The objective of the study was to identify the software engineering practices used by the company and to investigate how these practices contribute to the production of quality software.Research MethodologyThe case study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The study was conducted over a period of six months, during which a survey questionnaire was administered to the company’s software development managers, software engineers, and testers. In addition, a series of interviews were conducted with the company’s software development managers, software engineers, and testers to gain a deeper understanding of the software engineering practices used by the company. The survey questionnaire and the interview questions were designed to investigate the software engineering practices used by the company in relation to software development processes, software configuration management, software testing, requirements engineering, and project management.FindingsThe research found that the company has a well-defined software development process, which is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The company’s software development process consists of five levels of maturity, starting with an ad hoc process (Level 1) and progressing to a fully defined and optimized process (Level 5). The company has achieved Level 3 maturity in its software development process. The company follows a set of software engineering practices that ensure quality, reliability, and maintainability of the software products. The software engineering practices used by the company include:Software Configuration Management (SCM): The company uses SCM tools to manage software code, documentation, and other artifacts. The company follows a branching and merging strategy to manage changes to the software code.Software Testing: The company has adopted a formal testing approach that includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. The testing process is automated where possible, and the company uses a range of testing tools.Requirements Engineering: The company has a well-defined requirements engineering process, which includes requirements capture, analysis, specification, and validation. The company uses a range of tools, including use case modeling, to capture and analyze requirements.Project Management: The company has a well-defined project management process that includes project planning, scheduling, monitoring, and control. The company uses a range of tools to support project management, including project management software, which is used to track project progress.ConclusionThis paper has reported a case study of software engineering practices in industry. The study was conducted with a large US software development company that produces software for aerospace and medical applications. The study investigated the company’s software development process,practices, and techniques that lead to the production of quality software. The research found that the company has a well-defined software development process, which is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The company uses a set of software engineering practices that ensure quality, reliability, and maintainability of the software products. The findings of this study provide a valuable insight into the software engineering practices used in industry and can be used to guide software engineering education and practice in academia.外文文献2: Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and PracticesAbstractAgile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices for developing software. The Agile Manifesto represents the values and principles of the agile approach. The manifesto emphasizes the importance of individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile software development practices include iterative development, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent releases. This paper presents an overview of agile software development, including its principles, patterns, and practices. The paper also discusses the benefits and challenges of agile software development.IntroductionAgile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices for developing software. Agile software development is based on the Agile Manifesto, which represents the values and principles of the agile approach. The manifesto emphasizes the importance of individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile software development practices include iterative development, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent releases.Agile Software Development PrinciplesAgile software development is based on a set of principles. These principles are:Customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software.Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.Deliver working software frequently, with a preference for the shorter timescale.Collaboration between the business stakeholders and developers throughout the project.Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.Working software is the primary measure of progress.Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.Simplicity – the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential.The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.Agile Software Development PatternsAgile software development patterns are reusable solutions to common software development problems. The following are some typical agile software development patterns:The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)The Open/Closed Principle (OCP)The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)The Model-View-Controller (MVC) PatternThe Observer PatternThe Strategy PatternThe Factory Method PatternAgile Software Development PracticesAgile software development practices are a set ofactivities and techniques used in agile software development. The following are some typical agile software development practices:Iterative DevelopmentTest-Driven Development (TDD)Continuous IntegrationRefactoringPair ProgrammingAgile Software Development Benefits and ChallengesAgile software development has many benefits, including:Increased customer satisfactionIncreased qualityIncreased productivityIncreased flexibilityIncreased visibilityReduced riskAgile software development also has some challenges, including:Requires discipline and trainingRequires an experienced teamRequires good communicationRequires a supportive management cultureConclusionAgile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices for developing software. Agile software development is based on the Agile Manifesto, which represents the values and principles of the agile approach. Agile software development practices include iterative development, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent releases. Agile software development has many benefits, including increased customer satisfaction, increased quality, increased productivity, increased flexibility, increased visibility, and reduced risk. Agile software development also has some challenges, including the requirement for discipline and training, the requirement for an experienced team, the requirement for good communication, and the requirement for a supportive management culture.。
Aerospace Manufacturing
Aerospace manufacturing is the process of designing, producing, and assembling aircraft and spacecraft. It involves a wide range of activities, including engineering, machining, assembly, and quality control to ensure the safety and reliability of aerospace vehicles. The aerospace manufacturing industry is a critical component of the global economy, with companies around the world competing to develop and produce advanced aircraft and spacecraft. This industry plays a vital role in national defense, commercial aviation, and space exploration.The process of aerospace manufacturing begins with the design and engineering of aircraft and spacecraft. Engineers use advanced software and technology to create detailed plans and specifications for the components and systems that will make up the final product. This stage involves extensive research, testing, and analysis to ensure that the vehicle will meet performance, safety, andregulatory requirements.Once the design phase is complete, the manufacturing process movesto the production and assembly of the various components. This often involves precision machining, composite material fabrication, and advanced manufacturing techniques to create parts that are lightweight, durable, and aerodynamic. These components are then assembled into the final aircraft or spacecraft, with strictattention to quality control and safety standards.Quality control is a critical aspect of aerospace manufacturing, as the reliability and safety of aerospace vehicles are of utmost importance. Rigorous testing and inspection processes are used to verify the integrity of components and systems, ensuring that they will perform as intended in the demanding conditions of flight.In addition to traditional aircraft manufacturing, the aerospace industry is also at the forefront of developing new technologies for space exploration. Companies are working on innovative spacecraft designs, propulsion systems, and materials that will enable humansto travel further into space and explore new frontiers.Overall, aerospace manufacturing is a complex and highly technical industry that plays a crucial role in shaping the future of aviation and space exploration. With ongoing advancements in technology and materials, the industry continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in aerospace design and production.。
航空工程英语作文范文Title: The Advancements in Aerospace Engineering。
In recent years, the field of aerospace engineering has witnessed remarkable advancements, revolutionizing the way we travel, explore space, and understand the universe. This essay will delve into some of the key developments in aerospace engineering, highlighting their significance and implications.One of the most notable advancements in aerospace engineering is the development of advanced materials and manufacturing techniques. Composite materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced polymers, offer significant advantages over traditional materials like aluminum in terms of strength, weight, and corrosion resistance. These materials have enabled the construction of lighter and more fuel-efficient aircraft, leading to reduced operating costs and environmental impact.Moreover, additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the production of aerospace components. This technology allows for the rapid prototyping and production of complex geometries that were previously impossible or cost-prohibitive to manufacture. As a result, aerospace engineers can now design and fabricate lightweight, high-performance parts with unprecedented precision and efficiency.Another area of significant advancement in aerospace engineering is propulsion systems. The development of more efficient jet engines, such as turbofans and geared turbofans, has led to substantial improvements in fuel efficiency and performance. These engines incorporate advanced technologies such as variable geometry components, advanced materials, and digital control systems to optimize performance across a wide range of operating conditions.Furthermore, there has been significant progress in electric propulsion systems for both aircraft and spacecraft. Electric propulsion offers several advantages over traditional combustion-based systems, including loweremissions, reduced noise, and greater flexibility in design. Electric aircraft, powered by batteries or fuel cells, have the potential to revolutionize short-haul aviation by offering quiet, environmentally friendly transportation options.In addition to technological advancements, aerospace engineering has also made significant strides in the fieldof autonomous systems and artificial intelligence (AI). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are increasingly being used for a variety of applications, including surveillance, agriculture, and package delivery. These UAVs rely on advanced AI algorithms to navigate autonomously and make real-time decisions based on sensor data.Furthermore, AI is playing an increasingly importantrole in aircraft design, operations, and maintenance. Machine learning algorithms are being used to optimize aerodynamic designs, predict component failures, and streamline maintenance schedules. As AI technologies continue to advance, they will play an even greater role inshaping the future of aerospace engineering.In conclusion, the field of aerospace engineering has experienced remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by innovations in materials, propulsion systems, autonomous systems, and AI. These advancements have not only transformed the way we travel and explore space but also hold the promise of a more sustainable and efficient future for aviation and space exploration. As aerospace engineers continue to push the boundaries of technology, the possibilities for further innovation and discovery aretruly limitless.。
航空航天四级英语作文模板Aerospace Four-Level English Writing Template。
Aerospace, as a branch of engineering and science that deals with the design, development, testing, and production of aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems, is a fascinating and rapidly advancing field. In this essay, we will explore the key aspects of aerospace engineering and its impact on modern society.History of Aerospace Engineering。
The history of aerospace engineering can be traced back to the early 20th century when the Wright brothers successfully flew the first powered aircraft. Since then, aerospace engineering has made significant advancements, leading to the development of supersonic jets, space shuttles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The achievements in aerospace engineering have revolutionized the way we travel and explore outer space.Key Principles of Aerospace Engineering。
航空航天工程及其组成部分 Aerospace engineering 英语作文论文
航空航天工程及其组成部分Aerospace engineering and its component areasHello friends how are you? Hope you all are doing great in your respective fields. Today with the help of this article I am going to spread information on the topicAerospace engineering and its component areas. This article will be of great help for all those who are doing aerospace engineering or going to enroll themselves in this. But before directly jumping on the topic of aerospace engineering, it is important to look at different branches of engineering. All these branches have some rolein aerospace engineering. So having a small knowledge of them will help in understanding aerospace engineering more.Different Branches of EngineeringMechanical engineeringIt is a branch of engineering which deals with manufacturing, inspection, machine maintenance. This area of engineering includes vehicles, construction and farm machines and a variety of devices and tools.Electrical engineeringIt includes design, testing, manufacturing, monitoring of electrical and electronic devices and systems. These systems are microscopiccircuits, transmission system, and power generators.Civil engineeringIt involves construction, design, inspection of large construction and infrastructure projects. Large projects involve highways, bridges, dams, airports, railroads, etc.Aerospace engineeringIt includes designing, manufacturing, and testing of aircraft, and spacecraft. It also involves parts like airframes, power plants, guidance systems.Nuclear engineeringIt involves manufacturing design, operations, and process involving control and detection of nuclear radiation. It includes particle accelerators and reactors. Engineers in this field also monitor harmful radiation that can do potential damage to human lives.Biomedical engineeringThis area involves equipment designed for the medical purpose. Here engineers work in close association with doctors. This helps in understanding the requirements and learning about diseases helps in creating better types of equipment for human health.Chemical engineeringEngineers work in chemical industries. They take care of processes for refining raw materials and processing chemicals. This will help in the creation of valuable chemical items.Computer engineeringIt is designing hardware components of computers, networks, and computer software.Environmental engineeringEnvironmental engineers take measures to prevent pollution from the environment. They create plans to tackle air, water, soil pollution. Environmental engineers also monitor natural disasters.I hope now you have got a basic understanding of what work engineers do in the above-mentioned branches. Now I am going to provide important information on Aerospace engineering. This branch of engineering is gaining popularity nowadays. There is a lot of scope and handsome salary packages in Aerospace engineering. So let’s read further to gain an in-depth understanding of this branch of engineering. Have a look on sections which I have discussed below:●What is Aerospace Engineering?●Component areas of aerospace engineering●What does an aerospace engineer do?●Future after a college degree in Aerospace engineering●How to Become an Aerospace Engineer●Important Qualities for Aerospace Engineers What is Aerospace Engineering?Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering which involves the construction and development of aircraft and spacecraft. Aerospace engineering has two major branches namely, Astronautical engineering and aeronautical engineering. This branch of engineering is a part of mechanical engineering. Engineers in this field gain knowledge and understanding related to rockets, spaceships, satellites, airplanes, fighter jets, etc. Astronautical branch of aerospace engineering is also sometimes known as Rocket science. According to U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics Aeronautical engineers work on the design ofthe aircraft that fly in Earth’s atmosphere and Astronautical engineers work on the science and technology of spacecraft.Component areas of aerospace engineeringAerospace engineering is not a small subject; it has various component areas lets look at them one by one:AstrodynamicsIt is a study of orbital mechanics. It involves the prediction of orbital elements.Fluid mechanicsFluid mechanics involve the study of fluid movement around the aircraft or spacecraft. Itinvolves the flow of air on wings, wind tunnels. This area helps in better understanding of take-off and landing of the aircraft.Statics and dynamicsIn statics and dynamics, engineers study different forces acting on an aircraft in the air and on land, movement of the aircraft and mechanical systems of an aircraft.MathematicsAs you know math has a vital role in all forms of engineering and so does in aerospace engineering. Advance level of math and physics is involved in aerospace engineering.Electro-technologyIt deals with the study of electronics in space engineering.PropulsionIt includes the study of energy used in moving the spacecraft/aircraft in space or in the air. It involves a thorough study of internal combustion engines, turbomachinery, propellers, etc.Structure of an aircraftIt is the study of aircraft design. It involves the physical configuration of an aircraft that experiences different forces during the flight. Aerospace engineers focus on making lightweight aircraft in order to provide a good flight experience.Material scienceThis field is related to the structures. Aerospace engineers also learn about the materials used in the aircraft. This area involves the invention of new materials and modification and enhancements in the present ones.AeroelasticityIt is the study of aerodynamic forces acting on a plane and flexibility of the structure. It causes flutter, divergence in a plane.AvionicsIt is programming of computer systems in an aircraft.Flight testExecution of flight test programs to get a better idea of performance and handling of the aircraft to ensure whether aircraft is meeting the certification needs and how much it is safe.Work of an aerospace engineerWork with aerospace industriesAerospace engineers work with companies manufacturing aircraft and spacecraft. Their work is to make satellites, aircraft, spacecraft, and ballistic missiles. Besides this, they also work on prototypes to make sure whether aircraft are working as per the requirements and safety standards or not. Engineers also make components like engine, landing gears, wings,control systems, and various instruments used in an aircraft. They also work upon the destructive and non-destructive testing of aircraft, its functionality, how much it is reliable, and durability of aircraft in a longer run.Work on different concepts of aerodynamicsAerospace engineers in today’s world are still working on the basic aerodynamics and have knowledge of piston engines, and jets. Astronautical engineers work on different concepts such as the propulsion system of spacecraft, liquid fuel rockets, and ion drives. They also work on the life support system specifically as space missions involving humans requires air, water, food, waste product handling. These were the tasks an Astronautical engineer also does.Work in metal industriesIn space engineering knowledge of physics, mathematics and material science is a must. Professionals in this field work with metal alloys, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Understanding these things helps the engineer to know well the disastrous situation that may arise and how to tackle them efficiently.Work-based on CADNowadays aerospace engineers are also taking help from computer-aided design system (CAD). Cad helps in the quick modification of designs of aircraft and 3D visualization of assembled parts. Computer simulation also helps in performing virtual testing of engines, control surfaces, wings,and aircraft under all atmospheric temperature and conditions.Future after a college degree in Aerospace engineeringWhen a student completes his/her degree program in aerospace engineering, he/she directly gets hired by aerospace industries. They offer the job of designing and developing aircraft. The scope is broad in aerospace engineering, and this field consists of the various organization like aerospace contractors, academia and airlines, propulsion industries. They can also work in the research field, development, marketing, and many more.List of few careers in aerospace engineeringAfter possessing a degree in aerospace engineering, you will give yourself a bunch of opportunities. There are many fields that will get open for you after completing your higher educatio n in aerospace engineering. Let’s have a look at them one by one to know about them in detail.Commercial aerospace engineersCommercial aerospace engineers build designs that withstand the changing environment, planes which are fuel efficient. They bring innovative ideas so that they can fulfill the growing demands of passengers and reduce the CO2 effect on the environment. Big companies invest a large amount in developing new aircraft, for the design of the aircraft, and technical advancements.Spacecraft DesignersSpacecraft designers work in order to achieve new designs of spacecraft. They build safe designs for commercial as well as ballistic aircraft. There is a high risk involved in this work, therefore, the first work over supercomputer simulations.Inspection departmentOne cannot take any chance on and off the ground when it comes to the passengers. Senior engineers become inspectors and compliance officer their job is to keep a check over the aircraft structures to make it safe for flight. The work of an inspector is both in government organizations as well as in private companies.Many aerospace companies hire inspectors to find the faults or violations in crafts.Mechanical engineersThe work of mechanical engineers is to design tools and machines which are used in aircraft. They can make the main systems and rocket propulsions engine or warning sensors.DraftersWork of drafter is to create technical drawings and specification sheets. These sheets are used by production and manufacturing companies to build aircraft. The drawings should be detailed and include every area of aircraft.How to Become an Aerospace EngineerIf you want to be an aerospace engineer, then you must have bachelors’ degree in aerospaceengineering or any other field of engineering which is related to aerospace. To those who want to work in defense aerospace, they need clearance from security agencies.Education for Aerospace EngineersIf you are in high school then must take a course which includes subjects like chemistry, physics, advanced math and programming. For becoming an entry-level aerospace engineer, you need to possess a bachelor’s degree. To grab the job of a senior aerospace engineer, you should go for a master’s degree in this field. This will create better job options for you in the future.Students have to go through classroom teaching sessions, laboratory sessions, and field studies in propulsion, stability, controls, mechanics, andaerodynamics. There are universities that offer internships to students to provide the required exposure and experience.Some university offers a five-year program which helps students to get bachelors and master’s degree on completing the course successfully. Masters degree also allows an engineer to go for research and development area of aerospace engineering.Important Qualities for Aerospace EngineersAnalytical skillsThey should have good technical skills so that they can identify faulty elements in an aircraft and form a new alternative to correct theproblems in order to enhance the performance of the aircraft.Business skillsWork done by aerospace engineers should meet the standards of the federal government. To satisfy the standards of the federal government, one must know standard business practices and knowledge of commercial law. Along with this if you have basic knowledge of project management, then it would be good.Critical-thinking skillsAerospace engineers must be able to produce designs satisfying government standards. They should be able to understand why a specific design does not go well. For that, they shouldhave critical thinking skills in order to put up the right questions at the right time.Math skillsEngineers should be able to use trigonometry, calculus and advanced math for design purpose and analyzing the problems.Problem-solving skillsA problem can arise at any time and at any place in aerospace engineering, it can be minor or major. Therefore an engineer should be able to provide the best possible solution to solve the problems related to aircraft. Good problems solving skills will provide more safety and fuel efficiency.Writing skillsA good writing skill will be an additional bonus. An engineer should be able to provide clear details of the designs so that creators can understand easily without any problems.ConclusionLet’s finish this article by having a short recall of all the things which we have discussed in this article related to aerospace engineering. The beginning of the article is with a brief explanation of aerospace engineering and two divisions of this field, i.e. Astronautical engineering and aeronautical engineering. The second section talks about the component areas of aerospace engineering. There are many component areas in this field, but I have listed 11 main areas ofaerospace engineering. Thirdly you can see what work an aerospace engineer will do. Then you can see what future you have with aerospace engineering. This will help you to learn things you will face after becoming an aerospace engineer. After that, I have guided you with the ways to become an aerospace engineer. And lastly, you can see important qualities and aerospace engineer must possess.I hope you guys had a good time reading this article and gained good knowledge related to aerospace engineering.。
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Box 31 8091050 ErlangenSubject to change without prior noticeArticle No. DFMC-B10039-00-7600Dispo 06311LMB / WS 04180.1Printed in Germany© Siemens AG 2018The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a resultof further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract.All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to im- plement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept. For more information about industrial security,please visit /industrialsecurity.。
收稿日期:2022-10-03基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61802017);装备预研领域基金项目(61400020407)引用格式:左万娟,王小丽,黄晨,等.航天嵌入式软件隐含需求分析与实践[J].测控技术,2023,42(10):24-29.ZUOWJ,WANGXL,HUANGC,etal.AnalysisandPracticeofImplicitRequirementforAerospaceEmbeddedSoftware[J].Measurement&ControlTechnology,2023,42(10):24-29.航天嵌入式软件隐含需求分析与实践左万娟1,2,王小丽1,2,黄 晨1,2,董 燕1,2(1.北京轩宇信息技术有限公司软件测试部,北京 100190;2.北京控制工程研究所软件检测站,北京 100190)摘要:基于软件测试的角度,聚焦航天嵌入式软件隐含需求分析,提出需求颗粒度分析、代码设计无依据分析、引申推导分析3种隐含需求分析方法,研究构建了包含隐含需求库在内的可良性循环利用的隐含需求分析框图。
关键词:需求分析;隐含需求;显式需求中图分类号:TP311 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-8829(2023)10-0024-06doi:10.19708/j.ckjs.2023.10.004AnalysisandPracticeofImplicitRequirementforAerospaceEmbeddedSoftwareZUOWanjuan1牞2 牞WANGXiaoli1牞2牞HUANGChen1牞2牞DONGYan1牞2牗1.SoftwareTestingDepartment牞BeijingSunwiseInformationTechnologyLtd.牞Beijing100190牞China牷2.SoftwareDetectionStation牞BeijingInstituteofControlEngineering牞Beijing100190牞China牘Abstract牶Fromtheperspectiveofsoftwaretesting牞focusingontheimplicitrequirementsanalysisofaerospaceembeddedsoftware牞threemethodsareputforward牞namely牞requirementgranularityanalysis牞codedesignwith outbasisanalysis牞andextendedreasoninganalysis.Atthesametime牞theframeworkofimplicitrequirementsa nalysisisbuilt.Fromaspectsofinterface牞reliability&safety牞recoverability牞performance牞function牞thetypicalimplicitrequirementsofaerospaceembeddedsoftwarearegiven.Theresearchresultscannotonlyguidethere quirementanalysisandcodinginthedevelopmentprocess牞improvethequalityofsoftwareresearchanddevel opment牞butalsoguidethetestrequirementanalysisandtestdesigninthetestingprocess牞soastoavoidthepossiblesoftwaredefectomissioncausedbythetestomission牞andeffectivelyimprovethesoftwarequality.Keywords牶requirementanalysis牷implicitrequirement牷explicitrequirement 随着软件定义卫星设计理念的提出,航天软件的规模日趋壮大,软件在航天器中所承载的作用愈显突出。
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Chapter 3. Software Engineering
Software Engineering Roger S. Pressman Foreword: Software Engineering—A European Perspective Freidrich L. Bauer Software Engineering—20 Years On and 20 Years Back J.N. Buxton Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 13, 1990
Chapter 1. Issues—The Software Crisis......
Software's Chronic Crisis...... W.WaytGibbs Scientific American, September 1994 No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering........... Frederick P. Brooks Computer, April 1987
Chapter 7. Software Validation, Verification, and Testing
Software Verification and Validation Roger Fujii and Dolores R. Wallace Software Inspections and the Cost-Effective Production of Reliable Software...... A. Frank Ackerman Reviews and Audits John J. Marciniak Traceability James D. Palmer A Review of Software Testing P. David Coward Information and Software Technology, April 1988
82 104 ......116 131
Chapter 5. Software Development Methodologies
Object-Oriented Development Linda M. Northrop Object-Oriented Systems Development: Survey of Structured Methods A.G. Sutcliffe Information and Software Technology, July/August 1991 Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) Caroline Ashworth Information and Software Technology, April 1988 A Review of Formal Methods Robert Vienneau extracted from A Review of Formal Methods, Kaman Science Corporation, May 26, 1993
.............444 ...461
Chapter 13. Software Engineering Education
Education for Computing Professionals David L. Parnas Computer, January 1990
....220 235 256 ..266 277
Chapter 8. Software Maintenance
Software Maintenance: A Tutorial....... Keith Bennett
Chapter 9. Software Quality and Quality Assurance...................................305
Chapter 10: Software Project Management.
The Mythical Man-Month Frederick P. Brooks Jr., Datamation, December 1974 Software Engineering Project Management Richard H. Thayer Why Does Software Cost so Much? Tom DeMarco IEEE Software, March 1993 Software Cost Estimation F J . Heemstra Information and Software Technology, October 1992 Risk Management for Software Development Richard E. Fairley and Paul Rook
List of Contributors Foreword •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••••••.••••••• Barry Boehm, USC Preface.......... .....v ••••• vii ••••••ix
A Software Engineering Bibliography David Budgen and Pearl Brereton Software Engineering Standards Richard H. Thayer Software Engineering Survey Results Merlin Dorfman 503 509 525
Software Quality Assurance: A Survey of an Emerging View Patricia W. Hurst Elements of Software Configuration Management Edward H. Bersoff IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, January 1984 Evaluating Software Engineering Standards Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Norman Fenton, and Stella Page IEEE Software, September 1994 Software-Reliability Engineering: Technology for the 1990s John D. Musa and William W. Everett IEEE Software, November 1990 308 .320
Hale Waihona Puke Chapter 2. System and Software System Engineering.........
Engineering a Small System Kurt Skytte IEEE Spectrum, March 1994 Software Systems Engineering: The Case for a New Discipline Stephen J. Andriole and Peter A. Freeman Software Engineering Journal May 1993 The Concept of Operations: The Bridge from Operational Requirements to Technical Specifications Richard E. Fairley and Richard H. Thayer
57 75 76
Chapter 4. Software Requirements Engineering and Software Design
Software Requirements: A Tutorial Staurt Faulk Software Design: An Introduction David Budgen Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems.. Hussan Gomaa Computer Human Interface Software Development Survey.. Robert J. Remington
Chapter 12. Software Technology
The Re-engineering and Reuse of Software Patrick A.V. Hall and Lingzi Jin Prototyping: Alternate Systems Development Methodology J.M. Carey Information and Software Technology, March 1990 A Classification of CASE Technology Alfonso Fuggetta Computer, December 1993 A Guidebook and a Spreadsheet Tool for a Corporate Metrics Program Ronald E. Nusenoff and Dennis C. Bunde Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 23, 1993 Industrial Software Metrics Top 10 List Barry Boehm IEEE Software, September 1987