

12877名2型糖尿病 患者入组 11140名患者随机分组
1737名患者 脱落
5571名患者进入 强化血糖控制组
5569名患者进入 标准血糖控制组
Pfizer Internal Use

突出宣传:该研究是“以格列齐特缓释片为基础” 的强化治疗方案 突出宣传:主要研究复合终点发生危险比标准治 疗组显著降低10%---以格列齐特缓释片为基础强 化降糖方案具有卓越的血管保护作用

突出宣传:以格列齐特缓释片为基础的强化降糖 方案安全有效控制血糖---并未发生在ACCORD 研究中出现的强化治疗组死亡率增加的情况
Pfizer Internal Use
Pfizer Internal Use

全球规模最大的2型糖尿病前瞻性、随机、对照 临床研究 研究纳入11,140例2型糖尿病患者,干预和随访 五年 治疗组分为强化控制血糖治疗组(HbA1c控制 在6.5%以下)和标准控制血糖治疗组 观察5年
Pfizer Internal Use
The ADVANCE Collaborative Group, N Engl J Med 2008 ;358:2560-72
Pfizer Internal Use

观察强化控制血糖(HbA1c降至6.5%)和常规降 血压治疗(ACEI+利尿剂)对2型糖尿病患者大血 管(心梗/卒中/心血管死亡)及微血管(肾脏或眼 部疾病进行性恶化)合并症的作用



荧光定量PCR反应Master Mix主要由以下组成部分组成:
1. DNA模板:待扩增的DNA模板,可以是肺炎链球菌等目标DNA。

2. 引物:针对目标 DNA 的引物,通常使用一对引物,分别位

3. dNTPs:四种脱氧核苷酸(dATP、dCTP、dGTP、dTTP),供DNA链的合成使用。

4. 荧光探针:针对目标 DNA 特异性设计的荧光标记的探针,

5. 酶:Taq DNA聚合酶,用于催化 DNA 链的延伸反应。


6. 缓冲液:包含适量的镁离子以提供合适的反应条件,以及其他缓冲剂来维持反应环境的稳定。

7. 附加物:一些特定的荧光定量PCR反应Master Mix还可能
包含额外的物质,如COX II基因控制序列、内参等,用于反

这些组分会被提前混合好,形成Master Mix,以便于后续的PCR反应步骤。























真核细胞转录延伸因子的功能1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容:真核细胞转录延伸因子是调控基因表达的重要蛋白质因子之一。












本文的结构如下:1. 引言1.1 概述1.2 文章结构1.3 目的2. 正文2.1 真核细胞转录延伸因子的定义和特点2.2 真核细胞转录延伸因子的功能12.3 真核细胞转录延伸因子的功能23. 结论3.1 总结3.2 研究展望在本文中,引言部分为读者提供了对真核细胞转录延伸因子功能的背景和意义的概述。





《高级微观经济学Advanced Microeconomics》课件PPT-l

《高级微观经济学Advanced Microeconomics》课件PPT-l

2.Properties of PS.
• Additive (free entrance) :
y Y,and y Y, then y y Y • Convexity: y Y,and y Y, then y (1 )y Y, here [0,1]
See the fig.
• Proposition1: if Y is convex, so is V(q). • Proposition2: if V(q) is convex, f(x) is quasiconcave.
lecture 1 for Chu Kechen Honors College
y Y, ay Y, a 0
lecture 1 for Chu Kechen Honors College
4.Returns to scale
• Proposition 3: Y is constant returns to
scale if Y is both “additive” and “convexity”. • Proposition 4: single production, if and only if f(.) is homogenous of degree 1, Y is constant returns to scale.
the array y y, and y Y means y Y • No free lunch: Y n {0}
n n
See the fig.
• Free disposal:
See the fig.
lecture 1
y n Y
for Chu Kechen Honors College



Application Note AC366May 20191© 2019 Microsemi Corporation SmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSSTable of ContentsIntroductionThe mixed signal blocks found in the SmartFusion ® customizable system-on-chip (cSoC) devices are controlled and connected to the rest of the system via a dedicated processor called the analog compute engine (ACE). The ACE is built to handle the sampling, sequencing, and post-processing of the ADCs,DACs, and signal conditioning blocks (SCBs). For a larger deterministic synchronization between the sampling and custom fabric logic, the sample sequencing in the ACE is controlled through the microprocessor subsystem (MSS) or FPGA fabric logic.This application note provides the two design examples which allow deterministic synchronization between the sampling essential steps:•"Design Example 1: ACE Sequencer Using Fabric Logic" on page 3•"Design Example 2: Simultaneous Sampling Using the MSS" on page 5This application note also assumes that you are familiar with the SmartFusion analog block. Refer to the SmartFusion Programmable Analog User’s Guide for more information.Sample Sequencing in ACEThe ACE in the SmartFusion cSoC is made up of two major blocks:•Sample sequencing engine (SSE)•Post processing engine (PPE)The SSE offers a flexible configuration of the analog front end (AFE) resources (analog inputs and monitors, comparators, ADCs, and DACs), as well as a variety of simple and sophisticated sample sequencing. The PPE is a self sufficient block that allows the data processing such as linear transformation, filtering, and thresholds comparisions, etc. The ACE also has an interface with the AFE and the MSS/FPGA fabric.Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Sample Sequencing in ACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Special Consideration During the Simultaneous Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Appendix A: ACE Configuration and Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Appendix B: Special ACE Register for Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Appendix C: Configuration for Simultaneous Sample Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Appendix D: ACE Configuration and Procedure for Design Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Appendix E: Design Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14List of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15SmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS2It interfaces with the MSS and fabric is through the APB3 bus as depicted in Figure1.Figure2 provides an overview of the sample sequencing engine (SSE) block and its interfaces to PPE, APB3, ADCs, DACs, and ACB. The SSE block has the following:•The sample sequencing instruction (SSI) unit multiplexes between APB3 and program instruction in SRAM, access to the analog fabric registers.•Time division multiplexing finite state machine (TDM FSM): Creates the timeslots for each of the three ADCs, as well as a shared timeslot for APB3 or PPE accesses. The ADC timeslots are allocated during the ACE configuration in the SmartDesign.•APB3/PPE interface: Arbitrates the SSE access between the APB3 and PPE.•24-bit phase accumulators: Front-end accumulators for the three SDDs.Figure 1 • Overview of ACE Architecture and InterfacesFigure 2 • Overview of ACE Architecture and InterfacesDesign Example 3The TDM FSM block (shown in Figure 2 on page 2) implements a mechanism to sequence through the ADCs. It allows the equal access by three separate program counters (PC0, PC1, and PC2) in the SSE and the APB3/PPE master. The SSE uses a separate program counters (PC) for sequencing and controlling each ADCs independently. When controlling the SSE from the APB3 master, the master needs to honor the wait-states generated by the PREADY signal during the normal operation of the SSE TDM timeslot counter.Note:When the TDM timeslot counter is enabled for normal operation of the SSE block, there are alwaysfour timeslots, regardless of whether there are one, two, or three ADC instances in a specificdevice.The TDM FSM is controlled by FABACETRIG signal or SSE_TS_CTRL register when bit 0 of•SSE_TS_CTRL register or FABACETRIG is set to 1, it enables all 4 timeslots •SSE_TS_CTRL or FABACETRIG set to 0, it only enables access to the APB3 master – this fixesthe PREADY signal high to allow the zero-wait state access to the APB3 masterThe SmartFusion cSoC devices also have the capability of simultaneous sampling on different ADCs.Simultaneous synchronized ADC conversion control register (ADC_SYNC_CONV) allows for a single program to issue the synchronized start instructions for all ADCs.Design ExampleThis section describes the design examples. This application note shows two design examples of controlling the ACE sequencer using the fabric logic and MSS.The first design example shows a master in fabric, uses the FABACETRIG to access the APB3 interface in the ACE, and then control the SSE sampling. The second design example shows the simultaneous sampling on multiple ADCs using the MSS.Note:The timeslots do not have any capability neither to block each other nor to signal each other. So,you need to use the special consideration during the simultaneous sampling. For more details, referto "Special Consideration During the Simultaneous Sampling" on page 6.Design Example 1: ACE Sequencer Using Fabric LogicThis design example shows a master in fabric controlling the SSE timeslot. It uses the FABACETRIG (refer to "Appendix A: ACE Configuration and Connectivity" on page 8) signal to access the APB3interface in ACE and then control the SSE sampling. Figure 3 illustrates the concept of using the FABACETRIG to control the SSE sampling.Figure 3 •Timing Diagram showing FABACETRIG to Control SSE SamplingSmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS4The fabric APB master is responsible for:•Detecting that the ACE has reached the end of a sequence through the ACEFLAGS signal (ACEFLAGS are connected to ACE_TRIGGER in fabric).•Assert the FABACETRIG signal to the ACE to halt the SSE time division multiplexing.•Clear the *_PPE_DONE notification flag by writing to the ACE PPE_FLAGS0_IRQ_CLR registers (refer to "Appendix B: Special ACE Register for Design Example" on page 12).•Notifying the rest of the fabric logic to begin a transaction. This is simulated in this design with the ENABLE_PWM signal that enable a CorePWM IP.•Re-enabling the ACE sequencer by writing to the program counter enables bit and writing the next program counter address (refer to "Appendix B: Special ACE Register for Design Example"on page 12). The program counter address is found in the<project>\firmware\drivers_config\mss_ace\ace_config.c file.The starting loop address for a given procedure is specified in the ace_procedure_dest_t table.For example, in the structure below, “2” is the starting loop address for this procedure.{g_ace_sse_proc_0_name, /* const uint8_t * p_sz_proc_name */ 2, /* uint16_t sse_loop_pc */ 0, /* uint16_t sse_load_offset */ sizeof(g_ace_sse_proc_0_sequence) / sizeof(uint16_t), /* uint16_tsse_ucode_length */g_ace_sse_proc_0_sequence, /* const uint16_t * sse_ucode */ 0 /* uint8_t sse_pc_id */ },The block diagram of the design example is shown in Figure4.Figure 4 •Top Level Block Diagram of ACE Sequencer Using Fabric LogicDesign Example 5The design example is available for downloading at/download/rsc/?f=A2F_AC366_DF .The following waveform (Figure 5) shows the ACE and fabric APB3 master interacting.Design Example 2: Simultaneous Sampling Using the MSSThe second design example shows the simultaneous sampling on multiple ADCs using the MSS.Figure 6 shows the ACE configuration used in this design. "Appendix C: Configuration for Simultaneous Sample Procedure" on page 13 shows the option to enable simultaneous sampling in the ACE configurator.Figure 5 • ACE and Fabric APB3 Master SimulationFigure 6 •ACE Configuration for Simultaneous Sampling Design ExampleSmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS6The block diagram of the design example is shown in Figure 7. The design exampleLibero ® System-on-Chip (cSoC) software projects are available for downloading at/download/rsc/?f=A2F_AC366_DFSpecial Consideration During the Simultaneous SamplingThe ADC timeslots have the capability to access and control any of the ADCs. However, these timeslots do not have the capability to block or signal each other. Therefore, essentially they get two clock cycles each to execute the available microcode instruction, and then the SSE moves to the next timeslot. Due to this architectural advantage, you should take care of the following situation where the results might be wrong.Assume that both the timeslot 0 and timeslot 1 are sampling the ADC0 channels. This means that the timeslot 0 executes its sample instructions and asserts the ADCSTART for the ADC0 on channel X. The ADC0 begins that process. Now the timeslot 1 is activated (after two clocks) and it also has an instruction that uses ADC0. There is no mechanism in the SSE to explicitly query whether the ADC is busy or not.Therefore, when that timeslot sees the sample microcode, it asserts another ADCSTART for the ADC0on channel Y . Consequently, now you have the timeslot 0 waiting for a data valid from the ADC0 for channel X, and the timeslot 1 is waiting for a data valid from ADC0 for channel Y . When the ADC0 finally finishes and returns the data valid, both timeslots move onto their next respective microcode instructions.However, only one of them have the sample proper data. Only one piece of data is sent to the PPE, since it is the ADC data valid that is used to write into the ADCFIFO and only one ADC data valid signal allocated per ADC.Figure 7 •Top Level Block Diagram of Simultaneous Sampling Design ExampleConclusionA technique is shown to solve this simultaneous sampling in "Design Example 2: Simultaneous SamplingUsing the MSS" on page 5. Please refer to the technique below that solves the problem of simultaneoussampling on the same ADC.Note:The two ADCs’ procedure uses the simultaneous sample.1.After power-on reset,–The MSS initializes the various peripherals.–The MSS loads the simultaneous sampling procedures into SSE to sample two channels per ADC (total four samples expected).–In the FPGA, FABACETRIG is set to 1.–The MSS sends an enable signal through a GPIO to FPGA (to convey that it can start the sampling sequence).2.On seeing the GPIO set, FPGA starts 10 KHz counter.3.On rising of 10 KHz, it brings FABACETRIG low after 1 s.4.The ACE starts simultaneous sampling and interrupts M3 when samples are available. Theprocedure disables the timeslot (PCx_EN = 0).5.The M3 gets the data from the ACE into variables and loads both the sequential samplingprocedures (seq_adc00 and seq_adc01). Sequential sampling starts.6.On completion, the M3 gets two interrupts for both the ADCs. The procedure disables both thetimeslots (PCx_EN = 0). On serving both the interrupts (reading sample values), M3 does a writeto fabric to signal end of sequence.7.On detecting the write from M3, FPGA brings FABACETRIG high.8.The M3 loads simultaneous sampling procedure (two ADCs).9.Sequence repeats from step 3.ConclusionThis application note provides the design examples of using the fabric logic or MSS to control the SSEsampling. This can be used to allow the deterministic synchronization.7SmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS8Appendix A: ACE Configuration and ConnectivityStep1. MSS ACE Configuration for Design Example 11.Inside the ACE Configurator, click the Advanced Options dialog box. Select the ExposeFABACETRIG port checkbox. This exposes the FABACETRIG port on the ACE block enabling the fabric logic to halt the ACE sequencing.2.Create the ACE design as normal. Configure the ACE services and threshold flags.Figure 8 •Expose FABACETRIG Port CheckboxAppendix A: ACE Configuration and Connectivity 93.Sequence your analog services in the ACE configurator Controller tab.You can initiate a signal to the fabric when the end of this sequence is reached. You can accomplish this by reconfiguring the ADCDirectInput_2 service to assert a signal on completing its post processing. Use this particular service, as it is the last one in this sequence.4.Configure the ADCDirectInput_2 service and select the Assert flag when post processingcompleted checkbox.Figure 9 • ACE Configurator ControllerFigure 10 •Configure the ADCDirectInput_2 ServiceSmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS10Selecting this checkbox creates a flag signal named <Signal name>:PPE_DONE automatically.5.Go into the Flags tab and assign it to the bit position of your choice. In the example, you haveassigned the new PPE_DONE indication to bit 15.Figure 11 •Assigning ADCDirectInput_2_PPE_DONE to Bit 15Appendix A: ACE Configuration and Connectivity 116.Click FPGA_FLAGS in the left-hand treeview and select the Expose these signals asACEFLAGs checkbox.7.Click OK , the ACE instance in the MSS configurator window is displayed, as shown in Figure 13.Figure 12 • Exposing ACEFLAGsFigure 13 •ACE Instance in the MSS ConfiguratorSmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS12Appendix B: Special ACE Register for Design ExampleNote:Table 1 shows the register description for the Program Counter 0. The registers are duplicated forProgram Counter 1 and Program Counter 2.Table 1 • Special ACE Register for Design Example ADDRRegister Name Description 0x4002122c PPE_FLAGS0_IRQ_CLR These write-only bits are used to clear corresponding bits in thePPE_FLAGS0_IRQ register. Writing a 1 to any of the bits clears thecorresponding bits in the PPE_FLAGS0_IRQ register, while writing a 0to any of the bits does not have an effect. In the event that writing a 1to these clear bits coincides with a set event in the PPE_FLAGS0_IRQregister, the set event shall have higher priority.0x40020040PC0_LO Program Counter 0 points to address the next sample sequenceinstruction for ADC0. A write to this register causes the timeslot 0 tounconditionally jump to the SSE RAM address PC[7:0], which includesRAM addresses from 0 to 255 inclusive.0x40020044PC0_HI Program Counter 0 points to address the next sample sequenceinstruction for ADC0. A write to this register causes timeslot 0 tounconditionally jump to the SSE RAM address 256+PC[7:0], whichincludes RAM addresses from 256 to 511 inclusive.0x40020048PC0_CTRLOnly bit 0 is used. When set to 1, Program Counter 0 is enabled andwhen set to 0, Program Counter 0 is disabled (stop).Appendix C: Configuration for Simultaneous Sample Procedure 13Appendix C: Configuration for Simultaneous Sample Procedure1.In the Configurator ACE window, click the Controller tab.2.From the Insert Operating Sequence Slot drop-down list, select SIMULTANEOUS SAMPLE.The Configure ’SIMULTANEOUS SAMPLE’ window is displayed.3.Select the services you want to sample simultaneously and click OK .Figure 14 • Adding Simultaneous Sample ProcedureFigure 15 •Selecting Services for Simultaneous SampleSmartFusion cSoC: ACE Sequencing Control Using Fabric and MSS14Appendix D: ACE Configuration and Procedure for Design Example 2The ACE controller procedures are:ADC0_MAIN :•Stop the sequence in this time slot ADC1_MAIN :•Stop the sequence in this time slot ADC2_MAIN :•Stop the sequence in this time slot seq_adc00:•Sample VoltageMonitor_2•Sample VoltageMonitor_3•Assert Interrupt on GP1•Stop the sequence in this time slot seq_adc10:•Sample VoltageMonitor_6•Sample VoltageMonitor_7•Assert Interrupt on GP0•Stop the sequence in this time slot two ADCs:•Simultaneously Sample VoltageMonitor_0 VoltageMonitor_4•Assert Interrupt on GP0•Simultaneously Sample VoltageMonitor_1 VoltageMonitor_5•Stop the sequence in this time slot Appendix E: Design FilesYou can download the design files from the Microsemi SoC Products Group website:/download/rsc/?f=A2F_AC366_DF .List of Changes 15List of ChangesThe following table lists critical changes that were made in each revision of the document.Revision*Changes Page Revision 1(January 2012)Updated Figure 4 (SAR 35795).4Modified the section "Design Example" (SAR 35795).3Updated Figure 7 (SAR 35795).6Modified the section "Appendix E: Design Files" (SAR 35795).14Revision 2(May 2019)Modified the sections:Design Example 1: ACE Sequencer Using Fabric LogicDesign Example 2: Simultaneous Sampling Using the MSS (SAR 51242).5 and 6Note:*The revision number is located in the part number after the hyphen. The part number is displayed at the bottomof the last page of the document. The digits following the slash indicate the month and year of publication.Microsemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113 Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100 Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email: *************************** ©2019 Microsemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are registered trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. 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Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.About MicrosemiMicrosemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip T echnology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs andmidspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Learn more at .51900234-2/05.19。



英语中常见的前缀一.反义前缀1)表示否定意义的前缀a- = not, without表示"无"、"不"a-+ symmetry (对称)→asymmetry不对称a- + typical (典型的)→atypical非典型的dis- = not, deprive of表示"不"、"剥夺"、"取消"dis- + agree(一致,同意)→disagree不一致,意见不合dis- + arm(武装)→disarm解除武装dis-+approve (同意,批准)→disapprove不赞成,不准il-, im-, in-, ir-= not表示"非"、"不"il- + literate(有读写能力的)→illiterate文盲的im- + possible(可能的)→impossible不可能的in- + valuable(有价值的)→invaluable无价的,非常珍贵的ir- + responsible(对……负责任的)→irresponsible不负责任的ir- + religious(宗教的,虔诚的)→irreligious无信仰的,不虔诚的ir- + regular(规则的)→irregular不规则的2)表示相反、对立意义的前缀anti-, counter-, with- = against, opposite to, back表示"反"、"对"、"往回" anti- +warlike(好战的)→antiwarlike非好战的counter-+ measure(措施)→countermeasure对策counter- + attack(攻击)→counterattack反击with- + draw(移动)→withdraw离开,撤退,取消3)表示错误意义的前缀mal- =badly表示"坏的"、"不良的"mal-+ function(功能,作用)→malfunction机能失常,发生故障mal- +treat(对待)→maltreat虐待mal-+ nutrition(营养)→malnutrition营养不良mis- = wrongly, badly表示"误"mis- + advise(劝告)→misadvise给予错误的劝告mis- + place(安放)→misplace误置,误放mis-+ understand(理解)→misunderstand误解二.表示位置方向的前缀1)a- = on, toward表示"在……之上"、"向着"a- + shore(岸)→ashore在岸上a- + side(旁边)→aside在旁边2)circum- = around表示"周围"、"环绕"circum- + lunar(月球的)→circumlunar绕月旋转的circum- +polar(极地的)→circumpolar极地附近的3)de- = down表示"向下"de- + scend(上涌)→descend下降de- + grade(级别)→degrade降级4)ex- = out表示"向外"ex- + press(压)→express表达ex- +port(港口)→export向外运送,出口5)fore- = before表示"先"、"前"fore- + arm(手臂)→forearm前臂fore- + ground(背景)→foreground前景6)inter- = between, among表示"之间"inter- + national(国家的)→international国际间的inter-+ action(行动)→interaction互动inter- + net(网)→internet互联网7)mid- = middle表示"中间的"mid- + night(夜)→midnight半夜mid- + summer(夏天)→midsummer仲夏mid-+ term(学期)→midterm期中8)post- = after表示"在……之后"post- + war(战争)→postwar战后的post- + script(手稿)→postscript附笔9)sub- = under表示"下"、"副"sub- + marine(海洋的)→submarine海底的,潜水艇sub- + way(道路)→subway地铁sub- + title(标题)→subtitle副标题三.表示数量的前缀mono-, uni- = single表示"单一"mono- + tone(音调)→monotone单调uni- +lateral(侧面的,旁边的)→unilateral单边的bi- = double, two表示"两"、"双"bi- + lingual(舌音的)→bilingual双语的bi- + monthly(每月一次的)→bimonthly双月的amphi- = two ways/two sides表示"二,两侧,两端" amphibia 两栖类,amphichroic 两性反应的tri- = three表示"三"tri- + angle(角,角度)→triangle三角形quadra-,quadri- = four表示"四"quadra-,quadri-quadrant 四分体,象限quadriceps 四头肌quadruple 四倍penta-,pento- = five表示"五"pentagon 五角形pentacyclic 五环的hex-,hexa- = six表示"六"hexagonal 六角形hept-,hepta- = seven表示"七"heptagon 七边形octa-,octo- = eight表示"八"octagon 八角形octopus 八爪鱼deci- = tenth表示"十分之一"deci- + mal(形容词词尾)→decimal十进制的deci- + meter(米)→decimeter分米hecto-, centi- = hundred, hundredth表示"百"、"百分之一"hecto- + metre(米)→hectometre <英>(长度单位)百米centi- + meter(米)→centimeter厘米kilo- = thousand表示"千"kilo- + gram(克)→kilogram千克kilo-+ watt(瓦)→kilowatt千瓦milli- = thousandth表示"千分之一"milli-+ gram(克)→milligram毫克milli- + meter(米)→millimeter毫米hemi-, semi- = half表示"半"hemi- + sphere(球体)→hemisphere半球semi- + circle(圆圈)→semicircle半圆形semi- + conductor(导体)→semiconductor半导体micro- = small表示"微小的"micro- + wave(波)→microwave微波micro-+ economics(经济学)→microeconomics微观经济学micro- + analysis(分析)→microanalysis微量分析macro- = large表示"大的"macro-+effect(效应)→macroeffect宏观效应macro- + economics(经济学)→macroeconomics宏观经济学macro-+ molecule(分子)→macromolecule高分子multi- = many, much表示"多的"multi- + color(颜色)→multicolor多种颜色的multi-+ channel(渠道)→multichannel多通话线路的multi- + purpose(目的)→multipurpose多目标的,用途广的英语中常见的后缀一、名词性后缀1,-age为抽象名词后缀,表示行为,状态和全体总称percentage百分数,百分率,voltage电压,伏特数,lavage灌洗,洗,出法,gavage管词法,curettage刮除法,shortage不足,缺少。






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Macroeconomic Data and Variables(英文版)(doc 6页)

Macroeconomic Data and Variables(英文版)(doc 6页)

MacroeconomicsChapter 2:Macroeconomic Data and VariablesGross Domestic Product (GDP)➢Defintion: GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by a country.➢Final versus Intermediate: By "final", we mean the goods and service that are purchased for final use by purchaser and not for resale or further processing. The meaning intermediate is opposite to final.➢Value Added: GDP not only reflects the market value of final goods and service, but also reflect the income generated from producing these final goods and service.This income feature of GDP can be revealed by the process of value addedExpenditure Approach to Calculate GDPOne way to calculate the GDP is to look at how the final goods and services are used. This approach is called expenditure approach. The following is the composition of GDP in terms of the expenditure (or demand)➢Private Consumption➢Gross Private InvestmentNet investment = Gross Investment - Depreciation ➢Government Expenditure➢Net Export (Export - Import)➢Change in InventoriesRemark: The consumption, investment and government expenditure defined above includes the purchases on the imported goods. This is the reason why import must be deducted from the export.Income Approach to Calculate GDPAnother way is to look at the composition of value added (or income). The following is the composition of GDP in terms of income➢Wage➢Rents➢Interest Rate➢Proprietor's income➢Corporate Profit➢tax➢dividends➢retained profit➢Some Statistic Adjustment➢Indirect Tax (Sales tax)➢Depreciation➢Net foreign factor income earned in U. S.Remark: Similarly, the wage, profit, etc. include the income of domestic people or company earned in other country. This is the reason why we use net foreign income.Other Related Variables in National Income Account➢Net Domestic ProductNet Domestic Product = GDP – Depreciation➢National IncomeNational Income = Net Domestic Product -Net Foreign Factor Income - Indirect Tax➢Personal IncomePersonal Income = National Income -Social Security Contribution -Corporate Income Tax -Retained Profit - Transfer Payment➢Disposable IncomeDisposable Income = Personal Income - Personal TaxNominal GDP, Real GDP and Inflation Index➢Nominal GDP is the value of final goods and services calculated at current market price.➢The real GDP is the value of final goods and services calculated at fixed price.➢GDP deflator (GDP price index): an index that reflects the general price level. The relationship among real and nominal GDP and GDP deflator can be expressed asReal GDP = (Nominal GDP/GDP deflator) 100➢Consumer Price Index: another index that reflects the general price level. Its calculation is based on selected consumer goods.Employment and Unemployment Rate➢ Employment rate and unemployment rate are the indices that measure joplessness of an economy. In particular,ForceLabor Employed of Number Rate Employment = ForceLabor d Unemploye of Number Rate t Unmploymen =➢ The Natural Rate of Unemployment is the unemployment rate at equilibrium or at the steady state.➢ A Simple Model of Natural Rate of Unemployment (presented in class):。



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4)师生互动形式多样 为了开阔学生眼界、促进与来访嘉宾的交流,WISE 还定期(每两周)为学 生准备了“下午茶”活动(Teatime),邀请海内外学者、名师与同学们通过“喝咖啡、 谈学术”的面对面交流,让同学们可以更好地了解前辈治学经验与经历,熟悉自 己的研究领域,把握国际学术前沿的发展态势。 此外,WISE 教师组织“午餐研讨班(” Lunch Seminar)和学习小组(Study Group), 为学生们营造良好的学术环境。学生在这些活动中积极参与,思维活跃,学术氛 围浓郁。 5)培养环节层层把关 WISE 对于硕士生培养采用国际通行惯例,即第一年由八门专业学位课程组 成,与博士生一起参加所有课程培养,从根本上保障培养质量;第二年以导师和 个人兴趣选修相关专业课程,进一步为科研和学位论文写作打下坚实基础。第二 年春季学期进入论文开题报告答辩环节,通过开题报告者,方可正式进入盲审、 答辩阶段。 6)海外交流机会频繁 得益于丰富的学术资源与海外联系,WISE 与新加坡管理大学、德国洪堡大 学、西班牙卡洛斯大学、比利时安特卫普大学、意大利博科尼大学、欧盟 Erasmus 联合硕士项目等已达成联合培养协议,部分被选送赴国外学习的优秀学生,将有 机会获得厦门大学与国外高校的硕士双学位。在博士培养方面,由 WISE 与德国 洪堡大学联合举办的国际研究与训练团队(IRTG)博士生项目得到了德意志研究 基金会最高规格国际合作资助和中国教育部的批准和资助,为在 WISE 攻博的学 生提供联合培养乃至获得国内外两个博士学位的机会。目前,WISE 还正在与澳 洲国立大学、新西兰维多利亚大学等院校探讨合作可能性,致力于培养适合经济 全球化的优秀人才。
美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校经济与国际事务博士 (2009),助理教授 美国肯特州立大学金融学博士(1992)、香港商 品交易所产品研发总监



全覆盖蛋白注释(Whole proteome annotation)是一种全面的蛋白质注


1. 序列比对:将蛋白质序列与已知蛋白质数据库进行比对,以确定其相似性和同源性。

2. 结构预测:使用计算机模拟或实验方法预测蛋白质的三维结构。

3. 功能预测:通过分析蛋白质的序列、结构和相互作用,预测其可能的功能。

4. 亚细胞定位预测:通过分析蛋白质的序列和结构,预测其在细胞内的位置。




Tracy PangAddress:Shandong University Central Campus(+86)152-5316-6077tracy_pangxiaojuan@ Educational Background2014.09-2017.07Shandong University Master in Finance Jinan,CHINA Major courses:Advanced Macroeconomics,Advanced Microeconomics,Advanced Calculus,Accounting,and Capital Market2010.09-2014.07Shandong University Bachelor in English Jinan,CHINA Major courses:Advanced English,English Speaking,English Writing,and InterpretationInternship Experiences2014.12-2015.03Mass Mutual Asia Co.,Ltd.Financial Management Intern Hong Kong ●Received extensive training on capital markets,asset management,corporate finance and riskmanagement●Conducted in-depth research on the comparison of retirement annuity products of Mass Mutual and thoseof world’s top ten insurance companies.Collected thousands of data including premiums,annuity payment formula and so on and completed a17-page report in English.●Conducted a questionnaire survey with30clients and ranked top20%in performance●Mastered personal financial plan models and developed financing solutions for2key clients2014.04-2014.06Louis Vuitton Company Sales Assistant Jinan ●Received orientation training,including remembering content,texture and characteristics of variousproducts,taking stock of goods and displaying them,learned the way of communication and other kinds of selling skills●Identified clients’needs accurately according to their age,occupation,preference and other info andachieved selling goals the company assigned●Took stock regularly,replaced display arrange and cleaned up the store house;sold bracelets,handbags,scarves and other stores products independently●Offered Sales Assistant position for exceptional performance2014.02-2014.04Hejun Consulting Company Consulting Assistant Beijing ●Received extensive training on industry analysis,corporation finance and the effective use of Excel andPPT●Cooperated with other team members and conducted in-depth research on Suning Commerce Group Co.,Ltd,used SWOT and4P framework to analyze product portfolio and competitive landscape,andcompleted a30-page report on corporate executives●Completed a20-page stock investment analysis report of Suning Commerce Group Co.,Ltd.independently with reference to company annual reports and research reports and made the presentation on behalf of the whole team2014.04-2014.06Louis Vuitton Company Sales Assistant Jinan ●Received orientation training,including remembering content,texture and characteristics of variousproducts,taking stock of goods and displaying them,learned the way of communication and other kinds of selling skills●Identified clients’needs accurately according to their age,occupation,preference and other info andachieved selling goals the company assigned●Took stock regularly,replaced display arrange and cleaned up the store house;sold bracelets,handbags,scarves and other stores products independently●Offered Sales Assistant position for exceptional performanceExtracurricular Activities2014.09-Present Chase Future Company Ambassador Shanghai ●Initiated“Applying for Overseas University Experience Sharing”Events and successfully invitedadmissions officers at selected colleges including Chicago University,MIT,Cambridge and so on●Adopted various promotion methods including cooperating with students organizations,releasing theactivity news through their online platform like Renren and Wechat;Combined with offline ways like hanging posters,distributing other materials,successfully attractted over400students,ranked No.1 among all student events in2014●Was responsible for the budgets of marketing,daily operation and other parts of the activity;controlledproject funds a total of¥140002011.10-2012.10Public Relations Department of SDU Minister Jinan ●Led a group of12people and negotiated with companies to attract sponsorships for welcome party forthe new students,collected¥2000,tents,audio and other electronic equipment●Visited CASIO’s local branch and discussed with the sales manager for a straw purchase of electronicdictionary,and successfully bought a total of¥15000products at preferential tariffs●Collaborated with vice minister to recruit new members and popularize the department by holdingfreshmen meeting and shooting promotion video●Carried out a series of activities including“winning in workplace”competition,was responsible foractivities overall scheme,including their promotion,inviting guests and live host work●Was awarded as Excellent Minister of Public Relations Department in Shandon University2011.09Crazy English Magazine Campus Sales Jinan ●Built and led a sales team,and cooperated with team members to make the sales plan aimed at freshmen ●Succeeded in selling over40magazines by establishing friendly relations quickly with freshmen byhelping them getting useful information about the new environment and providing them with different choices of English magazines according to their different needs,and became the sales champion of the college2011.07Research of Old City Reconstruction Member Weifang ●Conducted the research of some arising problems during the reconstruction of old districts in three cities:Jinan,Weifang and Wugang in China●Communicated with relevant government officials and interviewed them for their work achievementsand advices and completed the final report according to the information collected by questionnaires and interviews●Wrote and published news about the research on micro blog and the website of SDU,participated in thedefense of the project and the research was awarded“Excellent Practice Project”Honors&Awards2014.09Excellent Graduate Scholarship of Shandong University(50%)2013.01The Bronze Medal of ACTS National Comprehensive English Ability Competition(top30%) 2013.04Second Prize Award of The Seventh Shandong Province English Writing Contest(top5%) 2012.10Outstanding Achievement Award for Volunteers(Top10%)2012.09National Scholarship for Encouragement(Top20%)2012.09Excellent Student Scholarship of Shandong University(Top20%)2012.07Excellent Minister of Public Relations Department in Shandon University2011.09Excellent Student Scholarship of Shandong University(Top20%)Other InformationLanguage Skills:Fluent in Mandarin and English:TEM877/100CET-6:652/710;Computer Skills:Advanced user of Microsoft Office(Excel and PowerPoint);Hobbies:Team leader of School Aerobics Group;Translator of many technology magazines。

5端转录组 10x原理

5端转录组 10x原理

5端转录组 10x原理5端转录组10x原理引言:在生物学研究中,我们常常需要了解基因的表达水平和转录变异等信息。


其中,5端转录组测序是一种常用的方法,而10x Genomics公司的技术则为5端转录组测序提供了高效、准确和经济的解决方案。

一、5端转录组测序原理5端转录组测序是一种用于检测转录开始位点(Transcription Start Site,TSS)和转录起始位点(Transcription Initiation Site,TIS)的方法。


而10x Genomics的技术则在此基础上进行了改进和优化,提供了更高效和精确的测序结果。

二、10x Genomics技术原理10x Genomics的技术基于乳胶微珠(Gel Bead)和微流控芯片(Microfluidic Chip)的原理。

首先,将待测RNA样本与Gel Bead一起混合,每个Gel Bead上都包含一个独特的分子条码(Molecular Barcode)。

然后,通过悬浮液滴芯片(Droplet Chip)将每个Gel Bead封装在一个微小的水滴中,每个水滴中都含有一个Gel Bead和一份RNA样本。


在反应过程中,每个RNA分子都会与其所在的Gel Bead上的分子条码连接起来,形成一个独特的分子标签。


三、10x Genomics技术的优势1. 高效性:10x Genomics的技术可以同时测序数万个单细胞,大大提高了测序效率。

2. 准确性:由于每个Gel Bead上都有一个独特的分子条码,可以避免测序过程中的重复和混杂,提高了测序结果的准确性。

3. 经济性:与传统的单细胞测序相比,10x Genomics的技术可以大幅降低测序成本,节约实验经费。



Advanced Microeconomic Theory
• 它假设生产集Y是凸的。也就是说,如果 y,y‘∈Y且α∈[0,1],那么αy+(1-a)y’∈Y。 含义:企业产品多元化经营 • 凸性假设可以解释为关于生产可能性的两个概 念的结合。
Advanced Microeconomic Theory
Advanced Microeconomic Theory y2
− MRT12 ( y ) =
∂F ( y ) / ∂yl ∂F ( y ) / ∂yk

生产集 Y={y:F(y)≤0}
转换边界 {y:F(y)=0}
Advanced Microeconomic Theory
自由处置的性质 2005©
Advanced Microeconomic Theory
• 假设y∈Y且y≠0。那么不可逆性是说-y 换句话中,将技术可行的生产向量反过来,用 某种数量的产出去生产与原来投入数量相同的 投入品是不可能的。
Advanced Microeconomic Theory
∂F ( y ) ∂yl MRTlk ( y ) = ∂F ( y ) ∂yk
Advanced Microeconomic Theory
3.2.2不同的投入和产出的生产技术 3.2.2不同的投入和产出的生产技术 可以作为产出的物品的集合和可以作为投入 的物品的集合往往是不同的。在这种情况下, 的物品的集合往往是不同的。在这种情况下, 用不同的符号标记区别企业的投入和产出比 较方便。 较方便。



生物信息学(上海海洋大学)智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下上海海洋大学上海海洋大学第一章测试1.生物信息学涉及到以下哪些学科?答案:生物统计学; 生物学;计算机科学2.生物大分子序列里包含了哪些信息?答案:序列信息;功能信息;进化信息;结构信息3.中心法则论述的是遗传信息的流动法则,是指生物大分子的序列决定结构,结构决定功能。



答案:对8.世界上最主要的测序公司之一华大基因,是在哪个国家成立的?答案:中国9.以下哪位科学家提出了分子钟假说?答案:泡林 Pauling10.以下哪些组学研究属于生物信息学研究内容?答案:转录组学;基因组学;表观组学;蛋白质组学第二章测试1.以下哪个数据库不是NCBI的子数据库?答案:genecard2.以下哪些数据库属于一级结构数据库?Genbank ;PDB3.在线生物大分子数据库,不可以通过以下哪种方式进行数据查询?答案:电话查询4.在对基因进行查询的时候,如果我们查询的是“cell division[GO]”,我们是通过一下哪种信息对基因进行查询?答案:基因的功能5.蛋白质的profile描述的是具有多个motif的蛋白质家族中,它们具有哪些Motif,以及这些motif的空间分布答案:错6.蛋白质三级结构的实验测定方法包括( )电子显微镜;核磁共振;X光衍射7.ENSEMBL中的gene tree,收集的是同源基因序列答案:对8.KEGG包括以下几类子数据库()答案:chemical information;system information;genomic information; health infromation9.PDB是一个基于功能域进行分类的蛋白质序列数据库。





直到2015年,10X genomics公司开发了构建基因组大片段Linked Reads文库的技术,用于辅助基因组组装拼接。


该产品通过测定mRNA 3’端或5’端实现定量,具有更高的性价比。

2017年,10X genomics公司推出了单细胞免疫组库(V(D)J-seq)产品,用于检测免疫细胞(如B淋巴细胞、T淋巴细胞、自然杀伤细胞和树突状细胞等)的数量和功能变化。


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3、Overshooting(P231) 、 (
M s ↑ i ↓ 资本流出 BP赤字 ↑ 本币贬值 当本币贬值到足够程度时, 投资者形成本币将升 值的预期时, 才会停止资本的流出而购买国内的 资产,因此, 短期内会出现过调。
5.3 Alternative Assumptions about Wage and Price Rigidity
2010-8-10 10
古典学派:完全竞争+完全信息 新古典学派:完全竞争+理性预期+信息完全
如 果 P AS P
完全竞争 +理性预期 +信息 完全
Y Yf
r LM E r=rf IS
BP=0 Y
r LM E’ 政 政 BP=0 无 效 IS IS’ Y 策 E r=rf 财
r LM LM’ E r=rf E’’ E’’’ IS 政 策 有 效 IS’ Y BP=0 币 货
2010-8-10 1
5.1 凯恩斯主义总需求模型的回顾
IS 曲线及其含义 LM 曲线及其含义 IS—LM 模型 AD 曲线
5.2 Mundell-Fleming Model Mundell1、浮动汇率制 、
2、Fixed exchange rate + perfect capital 、 mobility Ⅰ、财政政策的作用
r LM E’ E r=rf E’’ IS
r LM LM’ E r=rf E’’ IS 政 策 无 效 Y BP=0 币 货
(1)刚性工资+刚性价格—Keynes Model
Y Yf
L Lf
(2)价格可变,粘性工资或刚性工资 价格可变,
P ↑ 超过工资上涨,工资的调整滞后,即成本 滞后 实际利润增加 扩大生产 总供给量 增加 总供给曲线向右上方倾斜。
此时, 的变动既有 此时,AD的变动既有 实际效应, 实际效应,也有名义 效应。 效应。