2023-2024学年广东省实验中学高二(上)期中数学试卷一.单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.若直线l 的方向向量是e →=(−1,√3),则直线l 的倾斜角是( ) A .π6B .π3C .2π3D .5π62.已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b2=1(a >b >0)的短轴长为4,焦距为2,则椭圆C 的上顶点到右焦点的距离为( )A .6B .√5C .2√5D .43.已知e 1→,e 2→,e 3→为空间内三个不共线的向量,平面α和平面β的法向量分别为a →=e 1→+λe 2→+3e 3→和b→=−e 1→+2e 2→+μe 3→,若α∥β,则λ+μ=( ) A .5B .﹣5C .3D .﹣34.为做好“甲型流感”传染防控工作,某校坚持每日测温报告,以下是高三一班,二班各10名同学的体温记录(从低到高):高三一班:36.1,36.2,m ,36.4,36.5,36.7,36.7,36.8,36.8,37.0(单位:℃), 高三二班:36.1,36.1,36.3,36.3,36.4,36.4,36.5,36.7,n ,37.1(单位:℃) 若这两组数据的第25百分位数、第90百分位数都分别对应相等,则n ﹣m 为( ) A .0.6B .0.5C .0.4D .0.35.已知f(x)=sin2x −√3cos2x ,若方程f(x)=23在(0,π)的解为x 1,x 2,则sin (x 1+x 2)=( ) A .12B .−12C .−√32D .√326.若命题“关于x 的二次方程x 2+2mx +2m +1=0在(﹣1,3)上至多有一个解”是假命题,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .(−3,−54)B .(−3,1−√2)C .(−54,1)D .(−54,1−√2)7.已知cos α=35,α∈(0,π2),角β的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边经过点P(7√210,√210)且β∈(0,π),则α﹣β=( )A .π4B .−π4C .π6D .−π68.“曼哈顿距离”是由赫尔曼•闵可夫斯基所创的词汇,是一种使用在几何度量空间的几何学用语,例如在平面直角坐标系中,点P (x 1,y 1)、Q (x 2,y 2)的曼哈顿距离为:L PQ =|x 1﹣x 2|+|y 1﹣y 2|.若点P (1,2),点Q 为圆C :x 2+y 2=4上一动点,则L PQ 的最大值为( )A .1+√2B .1+2√2C .3+√2D .3+2√2二.多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项是符合题目要求的,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 9.若复数z =m 2﹣2m ﹣3+(m 2﹣1)i (m ∈R ),则下列正确的是( ) A .当m =1或m =﹣1时,z 为实数 B .若z 为纯虚数,则m =﹣1或m =3C .若复数z 对应的点位于第二象限,则1<m <3D .若复数z 对应的点位于直线y =2x 上,则z =12+24i 10.下列对各事件发生的概率的判断正确的是( )A .一个袋子中装有2件正品和2件次品,任取2件,“两件都是正品”与“至少有1件是次品”是对立事件B .三人独立地破译一份密码,他们能单独译出的概率分别为15,13,14,假设他们破译密码是相互独立的,则此密码被破译的概率为25C .甲袋中有除颜色外其他均相同的8个白球,4个红球,乙袋中有除颜色外其他均相同的6个白球,6个红球,从甲、乙两袋中各任取一个球,则取到同色球的概率为12D .设两个独立事件A 和B 都不发生的概率为19,A 发生B 不发生的概率与B 发生A 不发生的概率相同,则事件A 发生的概率是2311.已知f (x )是定义在R 上的偶函数,g (x )是定义在R 上的奇函数,且f (x ),g (x )在(﹣∞,0]单调递减,则( ) A .f (f (1))<f (f (2)) B .f (g (1))<f (g (2)) C .g (f (1))<g (f (2))D .g (g (1))<g (g (2))12.如图,在棱长为2的正方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1中,O 为正方体的中心,M 为DD 1的中点,F 为侧面正方形AA 1D 1D 内一动点,且满足B 1F ∥平面BC 1M ,则( )A .若P 为面ABCD 上一点,则满足△OP A 的面积为√22的点的轨迹是椭圆的一部分 B .动点F 的轨迹是一条线段C .三棱锥F ﹣BC 1M 的体积是随点F 的运动而变化的D .若过A ,M ,C 1三点作正方体的截面Ω,Q 为截面Ω上一点,则线段A 1Q 长度的取值范围为[2√63,2√2] 三.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.已知直线l 1:(a ﹣3)x +(4﹣a )y +1=0与l 2:2(a ﹣3)x ﹣2y +3=0平行,则a = . 14.已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的两个焦点分别为F 1,F 2,椭圆上一点P 满足|PF 2|=|F 1F 2|,且cos ∠PF 1F 2=14,则椭圆的离心率为 . 15.已知a >0,b >0,1a +12b=1,则3a a−1+4b2b−1的最小值为 .16.已知圆C 1:(x +1)2+(y −3m −3)2=4m 2(m ≠0),直线l 的方程y =x +m +2,圆C 1关于直线l 对称的圆为C 2,则C 2所表示的一系列圆的公切线方程为 .四.解答题(本题共6小题,共70分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(10分)为增强学生的数学应用能力,某中学举行了一次“数学应用能力竞赛”.为了解参加本次竞赛学生的成绩情况,从中抽取了部分学生的成绩(得分取正整数,满分100分)作为样本(样本容量为n )进行统计,按照[50,60),[60,70),[70,80),[80,90),[90,100]的分组作出频率分布直方图,并作出样本分数的茎叶图(茎叶图中仅列出了得分在[50,60),[90,100]的数据),如图所示.(1)试估测本次竞赛学生成绩的平均数;(2)在[70,80),[80,90)内按分层抽样的方法抽取5名学生的成绩,从这5名学生中随机抽取2人,求2人成绩都在[70,80)的概率.18.(12分)已知分别过定点A ,B 的直线l 1:ax +y ﹣3=0,l 2:3x +(a ﹣2)y ﹣4a ﹣1=0,l 2与x 轴交于C 点.(1)若l 1为△ABC 中,边BC 上的高所在直线,求边BC 上的中线所在直线方程;(2)若l 1为△ABC 中,边BC 上的中线所在直线,求边BC 上的高所在直线方程.19.(12分)如图,已知四棱锥P ﹣ABCD 的底面为菱形,且∠ABC =60°,AB =PC =2,PA =PB =√2. (1)证明:面P AB ⊥面ABCD .(2)M 是棱PD 上的中点,若过点C ,M 的平面α与BD 平行,且交P A 于点Q ,求面CQM 与面PCB 夹角的余弦值.20.(12分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知圆x 2+y 2﹣4x =0及点A (﹣1,0),B (1,2). (1)若直线l 平行于AB ,与圆C 相交于D ,E 两点,且DE =AB ,求直线l 的方程;(2)在圆C 上是否存在点P ,使得|P A |2+|PB |2=12?若存在,求点P 的个数;若不存在,说明理由. 21.(12分)在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,2csinAcosB +bsinB =52csinA . (1)求sinA sinC.(2)若a >c ,角B 的平分线交AC 于D , (Ⅰ)求证:BD 2=BA •BC ﹣DA •DC . (Ⅱ)若a =1,求DB •AC 的最大值.22.(12分)如图,椭圆的中心为原点O ,长轴在x 轴上,离心率e =√22,过左焦点F 1作x 轴的垂线交椭圆于A 、A ′两点,|AA ′|=4. (Ⅰ)求该椭圆的标准方程;(Ⅱ)取平行于y 轴的直线与椭圆相交于不同的两点P 、P ′,过P 、P ′作圆心为Q 的圆,使椭圆上的其余点均在圆Q 外.求△PP 'Q 的面积S 的最大值,并写出对应的圆Q 的标准方程.2023-2024学年广东省实验中学高二(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.若直线l 的方向向量是e →=(−1,√3),则直线l 的倾斜角是( ) A .π6B .π3C .2π3D .5π6解:∵直线l 的方向向量是e →=(−1,√3), ∴倾斜角α的正切值为tan α=√3−1=−√3;又α∈[0,π), 则l 的倾斜角为α=2π3, 故选:C . 2.已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的短轴长为4,焦距为2,则椭圆C 的上顶点到右焦点的距离为( ) A .6B .√5C .2√5D .4解:根据题意可得2b =4,2c =2, ∴b =2,c =1,∴a =√5,∴椭圆C 的上顶点到右焦点的距离为√b 2+c 2=a =√5. 故选:B .3.已知e 1→,e 2→,e 3→为空间内三个不共线的向量,平面α和平面β的法向量分别为a →=e 1→+λe 2→+3e 3→和b→=−e 1→+2e 2→+μe 3→,若α∥β,则λ+μ=( ) A .5B .﹣5C .3D .﹣3解:因为e 1→,e 2→,e 3→为空间内三个不共面的向量,所以e 1→,e 2→,e 3→可以作为空间内的一组基底, 又平面α和平面β的法向量分别为a →=e 1→+λe 2→+3e 3→和b →=−e 1→+2e 2→+μe 3→,且α∥β, 所以a →∥b →,则a →=tb →,即e 1→+λe 2→+3e 3→=t (−e 1→+2e 2→+μe 3→), 所以{−t =12t =λtμ=3,解得{t =−1λ=−2μ=−3,所以λ+μ=﹣5.故选:B .4.为做好“甲型流感”传染防控工作,某校坚持每日测温报告,以下是高三一班,二班各10名同学的体温记录(从低到高):高三一班:36.1,36.2,m ,36.4,36.5,36.7,36.7,36.8,36.8,37.0(单位:℃), 高三二班:36.1,36.1,36.3,36.3,36.4,36.4,36.5,36.7,n ,37.1(单位:℃) 若这两组数据的第25百分位数、第90百分位数都分别对应相等,则n ﹣m 为( ) A .0.6B .0.5C .0.4D .0.3解:高三一班的第25百分位数是m ,第90百分位数是12×(36.8+37.0)=36.9; 高三二班的第25百分位数是36.3,第90百分位数是12(n +37.1);所以m =36.3,12(n +37.1)=36.9,解得n =36.7,所以n ﹣m =0.4. 故选:C .5.已知f(x)=sin2x −√3cos2x ,若方程f(x)=23在(0,π)的解为x 1,x 2,则sin (x 1+x 2)=( ) A .12B .−12C .−√32D .√32解:f(x)=sin2x −√3cos2x =2sin(2x −π3),x ∈(0,π) 所以−π3<2x −π3<5π3, 故sin(2x −π3)=13,根据函数的对称性2x 1−π3+2x 2−π3=2×π2, 故x 1+x 2=5π6, 所以sin (x 1+x 2)=12. 故选:A .6.若命题“关于x 的二次方程x 2+2mx +2m +1=0在(﹣1,3)上至多有一个解”是假命题,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .(−3,−54)B .(−3,1−√2)C .(−54,1)D .(−54,1−√2)解:由题意可得命题“关于x 的二次方程x 2+2mx +2m +1=0在(﹣1,3)上有两个不同的解”是真命题, 令f (x )=x 2+2mx +2m +1在(﹣1,3)上有两个不同的零点,即{ f(−1)>0f(3)>0−1<−m <3f(−m)<0,即{ 2>010+8m >0−3<m <1−m 2+2m +1<0,解得:−54<m <1−√2. 故m 的范围为(−54,1−√2). 故选:D .7.已知cos α=35,α∈(0,π2),角β的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边经过点P(7√210,√210)且β∈(0,π),则α﹣β=( )A .π4B .−π4C .π6D .−π6解:cos α=35,α∈(0,π2), 所以sinα=45,角β的顶点为坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边经过点P(7√210,√210)且β∈(0,π), 所以sinβ=√210,cosβ=7√210;且β∈(0,π2), 由于cos β>cos α,所以α>β, 故cos (α﹣β)=cos αcos β+sin αsin β=35×7√210+45×√210=25√250=√22; 故α−β=π4. 故选:A .8.“曼哈顿距离”是由赫尔曼•闵可夫斯基所创的词汇,是一种使用在几何度量空间的几何学用语,例如在平面直角坐标系中,点P (x 1,y 1)、Q (x 2,y 2)的曼哈顿距离为:L PQ =|x 1﹣x 2|+|y 1﹣y 2|.若点P (1,2),点Q 为圆C :x 2+y 2=4上一动点,则L PQ 的最大值为( ) A .1+√2B .1+2√2C .3+√2D .3+2√2解:由题意设Q (2cos θ,2sin θ)(0≤θ<2π), 则L PQ =|1﹣2cos θ|+|2﹣2sin θ|, 当cos θ≥12时,即当θ∈[0,π3]∪[5π3,2π)时,L PQ =2cos θ﹣1+2﹣2sin θ=1+2√2cos (θ+π4), ∵θ∈[0,π3]∪[5π3,2π),∴θ+π4∈[π4,7π12]∪[23π12,94π),则当θ+π4=2π时,L PQ 的最大值为1+2√2;当cos θ<12时,即当θ∈(π3,5π3)时,L PQ =1﹣2cos θ+2﹣2sin θ=3−2√2sin (θ+π4), ∵θ∈(π3,5π3)∴θ+π4∈(7π12,23π12),则当θ+π4=32π时,L PQ 的最大值为3+2√2. 综上所述,L PQ 的最大值为3+2√2. 故选:D .二.多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项是符合题目要求的,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 9.若复数z =m 2﹣2m ﹣3+(m 2﹣1)i (m ∈R ),则下列正确的是( ) A .当m =1或m =﹣1时,z 为实数 B .若z 为纯虚数,则m =﹣1或m =3C .若复数z 对应的点位于第二象限,则1<m <3D .若复数z 对应的点位于直线y =2x 上,则z =12+24i解:对于A ,当m =1或m =﹣1时,m 2﹣1=0,故z 为实数,故A 正确, 对于B ,若z 为纯虚数,则{m 2−2m −3=0m 2−1≠0,解得m =3,故B 错误, 对于C ,∵复数z 对应的点位于第二象限, ∴{m 2−2m −3<0m 2−1>0,解得1<m <3,故C 正确, 对于D ,∵复数z 对应的点位于直线y =2x 上, ∴m 2﹣1=2(m 2﹣2m ﹣3),解得m =5或m ﹣1, ∴z =12+24i 或z =0,故D 错误. 故选:AC .10.下列对各事件发生的概率的判断正确的是( )A .一个袋子中装有2件正品和2件次品,任取2件,“两件都是正品”与“至少有1件是次品”是对立事件B .三人独立地破译一份密码,他们能单独译出的概率分别为15,13,14,假设他们破译密码是相互独立的,则此密码被破译的概率为25C .甲袋中有除颜色外其他均相同的8个白球,4个红球,乙袋中有除颜色外其他均相同的6个白球,6个红球,从甲、乙两袋中各任取一个球,则取到同色球的概率为12D .设两个独立事件A 和B 都不发生的概率为19,A 发生B 不发生的概率与B 发生A 不发生的概率相同,则事件A 发生的概率是23解:对于A ,袋中有2件正品和2件次品,任取2件,“两件都是正品”与“至少有1件是次品”是对立事件,故A 正确;对于B ,密码被破译的概率为P =1﹣(1−15)(1−13)(1−14)=35,故B 错误; 对于C ,设从甲袋中取到白球为事件A ,则P (A )=812=23, 从乙袋中取到白球为事件B ,则P (A )=612=12, ∴取到同色球的概率为P =23×12+13×12=12,故C 正确;对于D ,∵P (A ∩B )=P (B ∩A ),∴P (A )P (B )=P (B )P (A ), ∴P (A )[1﹣P (B )]=P (B )[1﹣P (A )],∴P (A )=P (B ), ∵两个独立事件A 和B 都不发生的概率为19,∴P (A )=P (B )=13,∴P (A )=23,故D 正确. 故选:ACD .11.已知f (x )是定义在R 上的偶函数,g (x )是定义在R 上的奇函数,且f (x ),g (x )在(﹣∞,0]单调递减,则( ) A .f (f (1))<f (f (2)) B .f (g (1))<f (g (2)) C .g (f (1))<g (f (2))D .g (g (1))<g (g (2))解:f (x )是定义在R 上的偶函数,f (x )在(﹣∞,0]单调递减,所以f (x )在(0,+∞)上是增函数,g (x )是定义在R 上的奇函数,g (x )在(﹣∞,0]单调递减,所以g (x )在(0,+∞)上是减函数, 所以g (x )在R 上是减函数,所以f (1)<f (2),g (0)=0,f (1)<f (2),但是不能判定两个的正负,所以A 不正确; 0>g (1)>g (2),可得f (g (1))<f (g (2)),所以B 正确; g (f (1))>g (f (2)),所以C 不正确; g (g (1))<g (g (2)),所以D 正确; 故选:BD .12.如图,在棱长为2的正方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1中,O 为正方体的中心,M 为DD 1的中点,F 为侧面正方形AA 1D 1D 内一动点,且满足B 1F ∥平面BC 1M ,则( )A .若P 为面ABCD 上一点,则满足△OP A 的面积为√22的点的轨迹是椭圆的一部分 B .动点F 的轨迹是一条线段C .三棱锥F ﹣BC 1M 的体积是随点F 的运动而变化的D .若过A ,M ,C 1三点作正方体的截面Ω,Q 为截面Ω上一点,则线段A 1Q 长度的取值范围为[2√63,2√2]解:对于A ,设O 为底面正方形ABCD 的中心,连接AO ,AO ′,OO ′, 则AO ′=12AC =√2,OO ′=12AA 1=1,所以△OO ′A 的面积为12AO′⋅OO′=12×√2×1=√22, 所以在底面ABCD 上点P 与点O 必重合,同理正方形ABB 1A 1的中心,正方形ADD 1A 1的中心都满足题意,又当点P 为正方体各条棱的中点时也满足△OP A 的面积为√22,故A 不正确; 对于B ,如图,分别取AA 1,A 1D 1的中点H ,G 连接B 1G ,GH ,HB 1,AD 1, 因为B 1H ∥C 1M ,B 1H ⊂平面BGH ,C 1M ⊄平面BGH , 所以C 1M ∥平面BGH ,因为GH ∥BC 1,GH ⊂平面BGH ,BC 1⊄平面BGH , 所以BC 1∥平面BGH ,C 1M ⊂平面BC 1M ,BC 1⊂平面BC 1M ,BC 1∩C 1M =C 1, 所以平面B 1GH ∥平面BC 1M ,而B 1F ∥平面BC 1M ,所以B 1F ⊂平面B 1GH ,所以点F 轨迹为线段GH ,故B 正确;由选项B 可知,点F 的轨迹为线段GH ,因为GH ∥平面BC 1M ,则点F 到平面BC 1M 的距离为定值, 又△BC 1M 的面积为定值,从而可得三棱锥F ﹣BC 1M 的体积是定值,故C 不正确; 如图,设截面Ω与平面BAA 1B 1交于AN ,N 在BB 1上, 因为截面Ω∩平面DAA 1D 1=AM ,平面DAA 1D 1∥平面CBB 1C 1,所以AM ∥NC 1,同理可证AN ∥MC 1,所以截面AMC 1N 为平行四边形,所以点N 为BB 1中点, 在四棱锥A 1﹣AMC 1N 中,侧棱A 1C 1最长,且A 1C 1=2√2,设四棱锥A 1﹣AMC 1N 的高为h , 因为AM =MC 1=√5,所以四边形AMC 1N 为菱形,所以△AMC 1的边AC 1上的高为面对角线的一半,即为√2,又AC 1=2√3, 则S △AMC 1=12×2√3×√2=√6,V C 1−AA 1M =13S △AA 1M •D 1C 1=13×12×2×2×2=43, 所以V A 1−AMC 1=13S △AMC 1וh =√63h =V C 1−AA 1M =43,解得h =2√63, 综上,可知线段A 1Q 长度的取值范围为[2√63,2√2],故D 正确.故选:BD .三.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.已知直线l 1:(a ﹣3)x +(4﹣a )y +1=0与l 2:2(a ﹣3)x ﹣2y +3=0平行,则a = 3或5 . 解:当a =3时两条直线平行, 当a ≠3时有2=−24−ka ≠3所以a =5 故答案为:3或5.14.已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b2=1(a >b >0)的两个焦点分别为F 1,F 2,椭圆上一点P 满足|PF 2|=|F 1F 2|,且cos ∠PF 1F 2=14,则椭圆的离心率为 23 .解:如图;因为|PF 2|=|F 1F 2|=2c ,可得|PF 1|=2a ﹣2c ,cos ∠PF 1F 2=14,可得|PF 2|2=|F 1F 2|2+|PF 1|2﹣2|PF 1|•|PF 2|•cos ∠PF 1F 2, 即:(2c )2=(2a ﹣2c )2+(2c )2﹣2×2c ×(2a ﹣2c )×14, 解得a =32c ,(a =c 舍). 故离心率e =c a =23. 故答案为:23. 15.已知a >0,b >0,1a +12b=1,则3a a−1+4b2b−1的最小值为 5+2√6 .解:因为a >0,b >0,1a+12b=1,所以0<a <1,且2b =a a−1, 所以3a a−1+4b 2b−1=3(a−1)+3a−1+2(2b−1)+22b−1=3+3a−1+2+22b−1=5+3a−1+2aa−1−1=5+3a−1+2(a ﹣1)≥5+2√3a−1×2(a −1)=5+2√6,当且仅当3a−1=2(a ﹣1),即a =1+√62时等号成立.故答案为:5+2√6.16.已知圆C 1:(x +1)2+(y −3m −3)2=4m 2(m ≠0),直线l 的方程y =x +m +2,圆C 1关于直线l 对称的圆为C 2,则C 2所表示的一系列圆的公切线方程为 y =−34x +74或x =1 . 解:圆C 1的圆心为C 1(﹣2,3m +3)设C 1关于直线l 对称点为C 2(a ,b ),则{b−3m−3a+1=−13m+3+b 2=a−12+m +2,解得:{a =2m +1b =m +1,∴圆C 2的方程为(x ﹣2m ﹣1)2+(y ﹣m ﹣1)2=4m 2. 设直线y =kx +b 与圆系中的所有圆都相切,则√1+k 2=2|m|.即(﹣4k ﹣3)m 2+2(2k ﹣1)(k +b ﹣1)m +(k +b ﹣1)2=0,∵直线y =kx +b 与圆系中的所有圆都相切,所以上述方程对所有的m 值都成立, 所以有:{−4k −3=02(2k −1)(k +b −1)=0(k +b)2=0,解得:{k =−34b =74,所以C 2所表示的一系列圆的公切线方程为:y =−34x +74. 当切线的斜率不存在时,圆C 2的方程为(x ﹣2m ﹣1)2+(y ﹣m ﹣1)2=4m 2. 圆心(2m +1,m +1),半径为2m ,此时切线方程为:x =1. 综上,圆的公切线方程为:y =−34x +74或x =1. 故答案为:y =−34x +74或x =1.四.解答题(本题共6小题,共70分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(10分)为增强学生的数学应用能力,某中学举行了一次“数学应用能力竞赛”.为了解参加本次竞赛学生的成绩情况,从中抽取了部分学生的成绩(得分取正整数,满分100分)作为样本(样本容量为n )进行统计,按照[50,60),[60,70),[70,80),[80,90),[90,100]的分组作出频率分布直方图,并作出样本分数的茎叶图(茎叶图中仅列出了得分在[50,60),[90,100]的数据),如图所示.(1)试估测本次竞赛学生成绩的平均数;(2)在[70,80),[80,90)内按分层抽样的方法抽取5名学生的成绩,从这5名学生中随机抽取2人,求2人成绩都在[70,80)的概率. 解:(1)由题意知样本容量n =80.016×10=50,y =250×10=0.004,x =0.1﹣0.004﹣0.010﹣0.016﹣0.04=0.030. ∴估测本次竞赛学生成绩的平均数为:x =55×0.16+65×0.3+75×0.4+85×0.1+95×0.04=70.6.(2)在[70,80),[80,90)内的学生人数分别为0.040×10×50=20人和0.010×10×50=5人,在[70,80),[80,90)内按分层抽样的方法抽取5名学生的成绩, 则在[70,80),[80,90)内各抽取4人和1人,设成绩在[70,80)内的学生为A ,B ,C ,D ,成绩在[80,90)的学生为E , 则从这5人中抽取2人有10种情况,分别为:(A ,B ),(A ,C ),(A ,D ),(A ,E ),(B ,C ),(B ,D ),(B ,E ),(C ,D ),(C ,E ),(D ,E ), 2人成绩都在[70,80)的情况有6种,分别为:(A ,B ),(A ,C ),(A ,D ),(B ,C ),(B ,D ),(C ,D ),∴从这5名学生中随机抽取2人,2 人成绩都在[70,80)的概率为P =35.18.(12分)已知分别过定点A ,B 的直线l 1:ax +y ﹣3=0,l 2:3x +(a ﹣2)y ﹣4a ﹣1=0,l 2与x 轴交于C 点.(1)若l 1为△ABC 中,边BC 上的高所在直线,求边BC 上的中线所在直线方程; (2)若l 1为△ABC 中,边BC 上的中线所在直线,求边BC 上的高所在直线方程. 解:(1)直线l 1:ax +y ﹣3=0可知直线恒过A (0,3),l 2:3x +(a ﹣2)y ﹣4a ﹣1=0整理可得:a (y ﹣4)+3x ﹣2y ﹣1=0,恒过B (3,4), 直线l 2与x 轴的交点C (4a+13,0),k BC =43−4a+13=32−a ,由题意可得:﹣a •32−a=−1,可得a =12,即C (1,0),所以BC 的中点D (2,2),k AD =3−20−2=−12, 所以BC 边的中线为y =−12x +3,即x +2y ﹣6=0; (2)由(1)可得BC 的中点D (4a+13+32,42),即D (2a+53,2),由题意可得D 在BC 的中线l 1上,即a •2a+53+2﹣3=0,即2a 2+5a ﹣3=0,可得a =12或a =﹣3, 当a =12时,C (1,0),所以k BC =43−1=2, 所以BC 边上的高的斜率为−12,所以BC 边上的高的所在的直线方程为:y =−12x +3,即x +2y ﹣6=0; 当a =﹣3时,C (−113,0),此时k BC =43−−113=35,BC边上的高的斜率为−53,所以BC边上的高所在的直线方程为:y=−53x+3,即5x+3y﹣9=0.所以BC边上的高所在的直线方程为:x+2y﹣6=0或5x+3y﹣9=0.19.(12分)如图,已知四棱锥P﹣ABCD的底面为菱形,且∠ABC=60°,AB=PC=2,PA=PB=√2.(1)证明:面P AB⊥面ABCD.(2)M是棱PD上的中点,若过点C,M的平面α与BD平行,且交P A于点Q,求面CQM与面PCB 夹角的余弦值.证明:(1)取AB中点O,连接OP和OC,如图所示,由于AB=BC=2,∠ABC=60°,所以△ABC为等边三角形,所以OC⊥AB,且OC=√3,又因为PA=PB=√2,AB=2,所以P A2+PB2=AB2,则P A⊥PB,OP⊥AB,所以OP=12AB=1,所以PO2+OC2=PC2,所以OP⊥OC,因为OP⊥AB,OP⊥OC,AB∩OC=O,AB、OC⊂面ABCD,所以OP⊥面ABCD,又因为OP⊂面P AB,所以面P AB⊥面ABCD;解:(2)由(1)知,OC,OB,OP两两互相垂直,以O为坐标原点,OC,OB,OP所在直线分别为x,y,z轴建立如图所示的建立空间直角坐标系,则P (0,0,1),A (0,﹣1,0),B (0,1,0),C (√3,0,0), D(√3,−2,0),M(√32,−1,12)所以BD →=(√3,−3,0),BC →=(√3,−1,0),CP →=(−√3,0,1),CM →=(−√32,−1,12),AP →=(0,1,1),CA →=(−√3,−1,0),取PB 的中点N ,因为M 为PD 的中点,则MN ∥BD , 因为BD ⊄平面CMN ,MN ⊂平面CMN ,所以BD ∥平面CMN , 所以平面CMN 和平面CQM 是同一平面, 则N (0,12,12),所以MN →=(−√32,32,0), 设平面CMN 的法向量为m →=(x 1,y 1,z 1),则{m →⋅CM →=−√32x 1−y 1+12z 1=0m →⋅MN →=−√32x 1+32y 1=0, 解得{y 1=√33x 1z 1=5√33x 1,令x 1=3,则y 1=√3,z 1=5√3,所以m →=(3,√3,5√3),即平面CQM 的一个法向量为m →=(3,√3,5√3),解得{y 2=√3x 2z 2=√3x 2,令x 2=1,则y 2=√3,z 2=√3,所以n →=(1,√3,√3),设平面CQM 与平面PCB 的夹角为θ,cos θ=|cos <m →,n →>|=|m →⋅n →||m →||n →|=√3×√3+5√3×√3|9+3+75×7=√60929,所以平面CQM 与平面PCB 的夹角的余弦值√60929. 20.(12分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知圆x 2+y 2﹣4x =0及点A (﹣1,0),B (1,2). (1)若直线l 平行于AB ,与圆C 相交于D ,E 两点,且DE =AB ,求直线l 的方程;(2)在圆C 上是否存在点P ,使得|P A |2+|PB |2=12?若存在,求点P 的个数;若不存在,说明理由. 解:(1)圆C 的标准方程为(x ﹣2)2+y 2=4,所以圆心C (2,0),半径为2. 因为l ∥AB ,A (﹣1,0),B (1,2),所以直线l 的斜率为2−01−(−1)=1,设直线l 的方程为x ﹣y +m =0, 则圆心C 到直线l 的距离为d =|2+m|√2. 因为DE =AB =√22+22=2√2,而CD 2=d 2+(MN2)2,所以4=(2+m)22+2, 解得m =0或m =﹣4,故直线l 的方程为x ﹣y =0或x ﹣y ﹣4=0.(2)假设圆C 上存在点P ,设P (x ,y ),则(x ﹣2)2+y 2=4, P A 2+PB 2=(x +1)2+(y ﹣0)2+(x ﹣1)2+(y ﹣2)2=12, 即x 2+y 2﹣2y ﹣3=0,即x 2+(y ﹣1)2=4, 因为|2﹣2|<√(2−0)2+(0−1)2<2+2,所以圆(x ﹣2)2+y 2=4与圆x 2+(y ﹣1)2=4相交, 所以点P 的个数为2.21.(12分)在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,2csinAcosB +bsinB =52csinA . (1)求sinA sinC.(2)若a >c ,角B 的平分线交AC 于D , (Ⅰ)求证:BD 2=BA •BC ﹣DA •DC . (Ⅱ)若a =1,求DB •AC 的最大值. 解:(1)因为2csinAcosB +bsinB =52csinA ,结合正弦定理和余弦定理可得2ac ⋅a 2+c 2−b 22ac +b 2=52ac , 即2a 2+2c 2﹣5ac =0,方程两边同时除以c 2(c ≠0), 得2(ac )2+2−5ac =0,令a c =t(t >0),所以2t 2+2﹣5t =0,解得t =2或12,即a c=2或12,所以sinA sinC=a c=2或12;(2)(Ⅰ)证明:在△ABD 中,由正弦定理得AD sin∠ABD=AB sin∠ADB①,由余弦定理得AB 2=AD 2+BD 2﹣2AD •BD cos ∠ADB ②, 同理在△BCD 中,则CD sin∠CBD=BC sin∠CDB③,BC 2=CD 2+BD 2﹣2CD •BD cos ∠CDB ④,因为BD 是∠ABC 的角平分线,则∠ABD =∠CBD , 所以sin ∠ABD =sin ∠CBD ,又∠ADB +∠CDB =π, 则sin ∠ADB =sin ∠CDB ,cos ∠ADB +cos ∠CDB =0, ①÷③得AD CD=AB BC⑤,所以AD AC=AB AB+BC,CD AC=BC AB+BC,CD ×②+AD ×④得CD •AB 2+AD •BC 2=CD •AD (AD +CD )+(CD +AD )•BD 2 =CD •AD •AC +AC •BD 2,所以BD 2=CD⋅AB 2+AD⋅BC 2AC −CD ⋅AD =BC⋅AB 2+AB⋅BC 2AB+BC−CD ⋅AD =BA ⋅BC −DA ⋅DC ,得证.(Ⅱ)因为a >c ,所以sinA sinC =2,即a =2c =1,由⑤式可知AD CD=AB BC=12,所以AD =13AC ,DC =23AC , 由(1)得BD 2=12−29AC 2, 所以BD 2+29AC 2=12,BD 2+29AC 2≥2√23BD ⋅AC ,当且仅当BD =12,AC =3√24时等号成立, 所以BD ⋅AC ≤3√28,故DB •AC 的最大值为3√28. 22.(12分)如图,椭圆的中心为原点O ,长轴在x 轴上,离心率e =√22,过左焦点F 1作x 轴的垂线交椭圆于A 、A ′两点,|AA ′|=4. (Ⅰ)求该椭圆的标准方程;(Ⅱ)取平行于y 轴的直线与椭圆相交于不同的两点P 、P ′,过P 、P ′作圆心为Q 的圆,使椭圆上的其余点均在圆Q 外.求△PP 'Q 的面积S 的最大值,并写出对应的圆Q 的标准方程.解:(Ⅰ)设椭圆方程为x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0),左焦点F 1(﹣c ,0),将横坐标﹣c 代入椭圆方程,得y =±b 2a ,所以b 2a=2①,ca =√22②,a 2=b 2+c 2③,联立①②③解得a =4,b =2√2, 所以椭圆方程为:x 216+y 28=1;(Ⅱ)设Q (t ,0)(t >0),圆的半径为r ,直线PP ′方程为:x =m (m >t ), 则圆Q 的方程为:(x ﹣t )2+y 2=r 2, 由{(x −t)2+y 2=r 2x 216+y 28=1得x 2﹣4tx +2t 2+16﹣2r 2=0,由Δ=0,即16t 2﹣4(2t 2+16﹣2r 2)=0,得t 2+r 2=8,①把x =m 代入x 216+y 28=1,得y 2=8(1−m 216)=8−m 22,所以点P 坐标为(m ,√8−m 22),代入(x ﹣t )2+y 2=r 2,得(m −t)2+8−m22=r 2,②由①②消掉r 2得4t 2﹣4mt +m 2=0,即m =2t , S △PP′Q=12|PP′|(m −t)=√8−m 22×(m ﹣t )=√8−2t 2×t =√2(4−t 2)t 2≤√2×(4−t 2)+t 22= 2√2, 当且仅当4﹣t 2=t 2即t =√2时取等号,此时t +r =√2+√6<4,椭圆上除P 、P ′外的点在圆Q 外,所以△PP 'Q 的面积S 的最大值为2√2,圆Q 的标准方程为:(x −√2)2+y 2=6.当圆心Q、直线PP′在y轴左侧时,由对称性可得圆Q的方程为(x+√2)2+y2=6,△PP'Q的面积S的最大值仍为2√2.。
第一部分选择题(共56分)一、单选题(每小题3分,8题共24分)1.降落伞在匀速下降过程中遇到水平方向吹来的风,若风速越大,则降落伞( ) A.下落的时间越短B.下落的时间越长C.落地时速度越小D.落地时速度越大2.质量为m的木块从半径为R的半球形的碗口下滑到碗的最低点的过程中,如果由于摩擦力的作用使得木块速率不变,则()A.因为速率不变,所以木块的加速度为零B.因为速率不变,所以木块的加速度不变C.因为速率不变,所以木块下滑过程中的摩擦力不变D.木块下滑过程中的加速度大小不变,方向时刻指向球心3.竖直上抛一个小球,3s末落回抛出点,则小球在第2s内的位移是(不计空气阻力,取向上为正方向) ( )A.10m B.0 C.-5m D.-1.25m4.离心运动在生活中有很多的应用,下列说法正确的是()A.物体做离心运动是由于受到离心力的作用B.汽车在山坡上转弯时,会在路上安置凸面镜,这是离心现象的应用C.离心运动的本质是物体受到的合外力突然消失或不足以提供圆周运动所需的向心力D.洗衣机脱水就是利用离心现象,衣服在洗衣筒里紧贴筒内壁时,受到的摩擦力会随之越来越大5.如图,甲、乙两颗卫星以相同的轨道半径分别绕质量为M和2M的行星做匀速圆周运动,下列说法正确的是()A.甲的向心加速度比乙的小B.甲的运行周期比乙的小C.甲的角速度比乙的大D.甲的线速度比乙的大6.如图所示,在匀速转动的水平圆盘上,沿半径方向放着用细线相连的质量相等的两个物体A和B,它们与盘间的摩擦因数相同,当圆盘转动到两个物体刚好还未发生滑动时,烧断细线,两个物体的运动情况是()A.两物体沿切向方向滑动B.两物体均沿半径方向滑动,离圆盘圆心越来越远C.两物体仍随圆盘一起做圆周运动,不发生滑动D.物体B仍随圆盘一起做匀速圆周运动,物体A发生滑动,离圆盘圆心越来越远7.如图所示,小球以初速度v0从光滑斜面底端A向上运动后,沿斜面顶端C射出去,最后落到B点,不考虑空气阻力,则小球运动的水平和竖直分速度图像v x—t、v y—t均正确的是( )8.如图所示,将完全相同的两小球A、B用长L=0.8 m的细绳悬于以v=4 m/s向左匀速运动的小车顶部,两球分别与小车前后壁接触.由于某种原因,小车突然停止,此时悬线中张力之比F T A∶F T B为( )A.1∶1 B.1∶2C.1∶3 D.1∶4二.双选题(每小题4分,部分选对得2分,8题共32分)9.下列哪些说法是正确的:()A.两个互成角度的匀变速直线运动的合运动一定是匀变速直线运动B.曲线运动一定是变速运动C.在恒力作用下,物体可以做曲线运动D.做匀速圆周运动的物体,其线速度和周期不变10.农民在精选谷种时,常用一种叫“风车”的农具进行分选。
广东省实验中学08-2014学年高二下学期期中考试(英语)2高考英语2014-04-28 1300Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease. While temporary and situational loneliness can be a normal, healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a very sad, and sometimes dangerous condition.46. How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?A. Talk to friendsB. Just ignore itC. Go to see a doctorD. Ask your teachers for guidance47. “ It” in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to_________.A. temporary lonelinessB. situational lonelinessC. a new placeD. sleeplessness48. The topic of the 4th paragraph is that _______________.A. one problem of loneliness is a person’s social contactsB. we depend on various people for different reasonsC. lonely people don’t have many social problemsD. lonely people don’t have many friends49. Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problems.B. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness.C. Chronic loneliness cannot be overcome.D. A, B, and C are all correct50. What is the best title of the passage?A. Three kinds of LonelinessB. Loneliness and DiseasesC. Loneliness and Social ContactsD. Chronic LonelinessC20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is one of those classics that has so made its influence upon Science Fiction and popular culture that one needn't have read the book to know its features the dark genius--Captain Nemo; the futuristic Nautilus with its thousands of strange inventions and capabilities; and giant octopi(章鱼) that can drag a ship down to the abyss(深渊). In fact, this book is so foreseeing into modern culture that, even more than 120 years after its first publication, it yet deserves examination.This examination is guaranteed because Jules Verne was so greatly insightful(具有远见的) about future technology and human interaction with it. Although recognizable submarines had been kicking around since the 18th century, it was Verne who pictured this invention on a big scale(规模). He equipped his Nautilus with newborn technologies (like electricity), and carefully researched and described the possibilities (the Nautilus gets all of its electrical power from chemical reactions using seawater). In a word, the Nautilus was the first, detailed picture of a submarine.However, reasonable science, excellent research and fantastic voyages don't always make great stories. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea deserves praise for its futuristic insight and its contributions to the establishment of Science Fiction, but it's not the most attractive. Basically plotless, the Nautilus' adventures, though interesting, are put together without any sense of overall architecture, making the story a very long travelogue. Its time has passed -- its examinations of biological wonders are from the eye of 19th-century Europe, which substituted overall killing for respect and tried to plant its flag on any new land mass, regardless of who might already live there. Fascinating at first, the book becomes tiresome, but is in the end saved, for it is a lesson on how to build solid facts into solid futurism.51. From this passage, we know that Nautilus _____________________.A. is the name of a person in the novelB. is the Captain of a ship in the novelC. is the name of a submarine in the novelD. is a giant sea fish in the novel52. Jules Verne might ________________.A. be the man who constructed the first submarine.B. be the writer of the novelC. be able to produce electricity using seawaterD. be an inventor in the novel53. According to this passage, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is great because __________.A. it is a long travelogue.B. it was written in the 19th century.C. it described fantastic voyages.D. it shows great insight into future technology.54. Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the passage?A. The 19th-century Europe showed little respect for life in a new land.B. Some technologies described in science fiction may eventually be realized.C. Captain Nemo must be an European.D. 18th–century people didn’t know what electrici ty was.55. What is the attitude of the author of this passage towards 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?A. He is objective (客观的).B. He thinks it doesn’t deserve its reputation of a classic.C. He thinks highly of the whole novel.D. He thinks it is not worth reading.第二节信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分2014分)阅读下列56—60关于如何做好演讲的方法,请你把相关的方法与A—F的例子合理地匹配起来,并在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。
2012—2013学年(下)高二级第二学段模块考试英语本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共12 页,满分150分。
注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案标号涂;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。
I. 听力部分( 每空1分,共10分)听录音,将所听到的内容填入题号为1-10的空格处。
(每空填1-3个单词)California has a wine history which stretches back to the 17 century when missionaries bought European wines importe d by the conquistadors from Latin America. Today it’s Californian wine makers, some of (1)_________________________ in the world, constantly experimenting to push the boundaries of the quality ever higher. The main reason that California can make great wine at all is (2)_______________________: it has more than enough sunshine to (3)________________________, but the cool fogs sucked in from the long pacific coast line temper all that heat to produce ideal conditions for building complexity of grapes and making subtle, (4)___________________ wines. The best wines tend to come from near the coast, from areas such as Napa and Sonoma, just north of the San Francisco. But the so-called central coast, north of Los Angeles, also pacific cool, is growing in stature and (5)____________________________.In Napa, they make dense fruit-driven wines. The best of them, Cabernet Sauvignon, high in both (6)_____________________________, and undoubtedly world-class. West across the mountains, Sonoma County has a more diverse array of wines including fine Zinfandel in Drycrik and Pinot Noirs from the cooler Russian river valleys and Sonoma coast.There are (7)_____________________ within California that boast of arts or arrays of grape varieties, but if there is one grape that California can call its own, it’s Zinfandel. It may have originated in Croatia, and be the same as the southern italic Cupertino, but there’s no doubt that in current incarnation, it is California through and through.Zinfandel (8)____________________________ in many different ways with its extremes being a popular sweetish rosy style and a white Zinfandel at one on the scale, a powerful meaty-red with 16-percent or more about the alcohol of the other. But the best red versions (9)________________________ raspberry jam, black pepper styles to wild blackberry and five-spice, depending on (10)_______________________________ the grapes are grown and the treatment they receive in the winery. Californian wine makers are nothing if not versatile; the range of interpretation exemplifies the Californian wine maker philosophy of simply making the best wine they can.II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从11-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
2.图中各地理要素形成的根本原因是A.大气环流 B.太阳辐射 C.人类活动 D.下垫面状况3.图示各要素及地理环境的演化体现了地理环境的A.差异性 B.复杂性 C.整体性 D.稳定性下图为“陆地环境主要构成要素的相互关联图”。
4.松花江和珠江水文特征不同,关键是图中哪个箭头所起的作用A.① B.② C.③ D.④5.下列叙述中,属于①环节的是A.降水多集中夏季——河流有夏汛 B.植被破坏严重——易形成红色沙漠C.高温多雨——土壤有机质分解快,积累少 D.山区坡陡——河流湍急,水力资源丰富6.关于地理要素相互作用产生新功能叙述正确的是A.生产功能是指自然地理环境具有合成有机物的能力B.生产功能是指绿色植物生产量C.平衡功能是指自然地理环境各要素性质保持固定不变D.平衡功能是静态平衡7.各陆地自然带最明显的标志是:A.气候 B.地形 C.水文 D.植被2013国家领导人出访了俄罗斯等四国,行程如图2所示。
本试卷共10 页,60小题,满分100分.考试用时90分钟.注意事项:1、答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和学号填写在答题卡和答卷密封线内相应的位置上,用2B铅笔将自己的学号填涂在答题卡上。
第一部分选择题(共100 分)一、单项选择题Ⅰ:本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分,在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.1、下列各组单位中,都属于国际单位制中基本单位的是()、N 、A B.s、J、 N C.s 、kg、 m D.m/s、 kg、 m2、如图所示,在斜面上放一物体静止不动,该物体受重力G、弹力N和静摩擦力f的作用,该物体的受力示意图正确的是()3、在下列各组物理量中,全部属于矢量的是()A.位移、时间、速度 B.速度、速度变化量、加速度C.速度、速率、加速度 D.路程、时间、速度4、下列各力中按照性质命名的是()A.下滑力 B.库仑力 C.向心力 D.支持力5、以下的计时数据中指时间间隔的是( )A.“嫦娥一号”卫星于2007年10月24日18时5分点火发射B.第29届奥运会于2008年8月8日20时8分在北京开幕C.刘翔创造了12.88秒的110米栏最好成绩D.在一场NBA篮球赛开赛8分钟时,姚明投中第三个球6、以下情况中,可将物体看成质点的是( )A. 对某位学生骑车姿势进行生理学分析B. 计算子弹穿过一张薄纸的时间C. 研究“神舟六号”绕地球飞行D. 对于汽车的后轮,在研究其转动情况时7、水平地面上的木箱受到静摩擦力f ,则()A.地面越粗糙f越大 B.物体的重力越大f越大C.f与重力大小无关 D.f一定与推力相等8、生活中有许多谚语和歇后语都蕴含着丰富的物理知识,下列最能说明“物体间力的作用是相互的”的是()A.秤砣虽小,能压千斤 B.人往高处走,水往低处流C.鸡蛋碰石头——不自量力 D.水滴石穿——非一日之功9、关于质点的概念正确的是( )A.只有质量很小的物体才可以看成质点B.只要物体运动得不是很快,就一定可以把物体看成质点C.质点是把物体抽象成有质量而没有大小的点D.旋转的物体,肯定不能看成质点10、船在静水中航速为v1,水流的速度为v2. 为使船行驶到河正对岸的码头,则v1与v2的方向标示正确的为( )11、一位女士由于驾车超速而被交警拦住。
广东省中山市实验中学2014届高三第一学期期中段考(英语)1高考英语2014-11-2014 1156中山市实验高中2014——2014学年高三第一学期中段考英语试题满分135分,时间120分钟Ⅰ语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分.满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Carmen’s mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was inconstant 1 .Both the mother and daughter knew that the chances were very small finding a donor heart that 2 Maria’s blood type could take years. However, Carmen was determined to save her mother. Shekept 3 hospitals all over the country.Days stretched out. By Christmas, Maria had trouble 4 from one end of the room to the other. Carmen lost all hope. She fell into a 5 of the hospital, crying.“Are you okay?” a man asked.Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her story. This middle-aged man was named Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn’t 6 it through the night. Suddenly, an idea came to Frank’s mind. He knew Cheryl had always wanted to 7 something from herself. Could her 8 go to Carmen’s mother?After reviewing the data, doctors 9 Frank that his wife’s heart was by some miracle a perfect fit for Carmen’s mother. They were able to 2014 the transplant.That cold night, when Cheryl was 11 dead, Frank came to knock at Maria’s door. She was 12 for Frank’s family as she had been doing every day recently. Though Maria had never met Frank before, they both felt a strange bond as they hugged and cried.On New Year’s Eve, Carmen attended Cheryl’s 13 with Frank’s family, who were singing their favorite song “My heart will go on.”One day later, on New Year’s Day, Maria 14 with Cheryl’s heart. Yes, Cheryl’s loving heart would go on, for it was 15 in another loving mother’s chest.1. A. change B. danger C.particular D. pain2. A. matched B. replaced C.controlled D. cooperated3. A. finding B. phoning C.touring D. interrupting4. A. rolling B. running C.walking D. jumping5. A. corner B. bed D. nurse6. A. put B. support C. pass D. make7. A. save B. recycle C. donate D. separate8. A. heart B. brain C. husband D. spirit9. A. informed B. warned C. congratulated D. reminded2014. A. give up B. carry out C. search after D. put off11. A. observed B. predicted C.found D. declared12. A. praying B. begging C.decorating D. disturbing13. A. funeral B. operation C.performance D. anniversary14. A. passed away B. woke up C. leftbehind D. dressed up15. A. optimistic B. alive C. depressed D. changeable第二节语法填空(共2014小题;每小题l.5分.满分l5分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16—25的相应位置上。
广东省深圳实验高级中学集团2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择A.entertainment B.mood 2.Despite years of________by publishers, Alice never gave up but continued writing stories.A.conclusion B.companionship C.rejection D.endurance 3.Darkness would make us more ________ of sight; silence would teach us the joy of sound.A.aware B.appreciative C.delightful D.worthwhile 4.It is widely ______ that parents are the best teachers for their children.A.appreciated B.attractedC.assumed D.acknowledged5.Some students think they enjoy reading just out of interest, but others argue that a better score is their main ________.A.recognition B.attraction C.reputation D.motivation 6.It was not until the fifth grade, ______I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in theA.when; that B.which; when C.that; when D.that; thatA.who B.them C.which.D.whomA.being told be told tell D.tellingA.whose B.thatC.who D.whichparents should talk much to their children during that period.A.that; and B.which; and; so D.which; so 11.The schoolboys and schoolgirls are walking along the street, ______ a small red cap.A.each of them wears B.they each wearC.each wears D.each wearing12.He did not regret ________ what he did but felt that he could have expressed it say saying C.say D.sayingA.took place B.had taken place C.taking place D.will take placeA.When B.While C.Because D.If 15.Turkish officials are saying that the number of people who ________ by the earthquakes that took place in southeastern Turkey ________ at least 20 million.A.had been affected; reaches B.has affected; reachC.was affected; reach D.have been affected; reaches16.We were glad to see that his hard work finally ________ off.A.has paid B.was paid C.had been paid D.paidA.what C.that D.which 18.The novel published last month, ________ author was a 15-year-old girl, is a best-seller.A.which B.who C.when D.whose 19.The poor old man eventually learned to avoid ________ into buying unnecessary stuff.A.talked B.being talked C.talking talk 20.—Why do people like pop music? I hate it so much.—______ it is not your style, that doesn’t mean it is bad.A.Only if B.Even though C.Now that D.In case二、阅读理解All Summer Camp ProgramsLlandovery, Wale, UKLanguage and Music for Life (LMFL) — Founded in 1997, LMFL offers unique 2-week summer music and language courses. LMFL provides quality one-to-one training in a wide range of instruments & voice lessons for highly-motivated musicians of all ages.Study programs & classes include: 2 weeks with Musical Masterclasses: Composition; Violin; Piano; Recorder; Guitar and Classical Singing...Saint-Raphael, FranceFrance Langue and Culture (FLC) — Experience a fun, educational language holiday for all the family this summer! FLC is the most family-friendly language school providing French summer classes for teens and young children.Study programs & classes include: 1- 4 Week Sessions. Children’s Summer Camps for ages 4-12, with homestay accommodation by French host families.Quebec City, Quebec, CanadaEdu-Inter Summer Language School (EI) — EI offers summer French programs for children and teenagers (ages 10-17) and adults (16+). Quebec City is the only major city in Canada that offers a 100% French-speaking environment, making it the ideal location for learning and practicing French.Study programs & classes include: 2 weeks’ Summer French Programs: For Children & Teenagers (ages 10-17). French & Dance. French & Horse Riding...Cambridge, England, UKReach Cambridge — Academic Camps (RC) — RC offers UK & international high school students the opportunity to gain an invaluable academic experience through a summer course. We provid e unique and academic programs for students (ages 14-18).Study programs & classes include: 3 weeks’ Summer Camps. Chemistry & Medicine. Computer Science & Math. Economics & ESL...21.Why is Quebec the ideal location for learning and practicing French?A.It offers summer French programs.B.It is the only major city in Canada.C.It has a Summer French Language School.D.It has a 100% French-speaking environment.22.If a boy is 18 and loves computer science, which summer camp suits him best?A.LMFL.B.FLC.C.EI.D.RC.23.It can be learned from the passage that ____________.A.RC helps kids improve their horse-riding can enjoy one-to-one training at can stay at French host families at EID.FLC was founded in 1997 in FranceOn her blog, Debra Ferrell received the typical birthday greetings when she turned 53, but some of the messages were different. One of them told her about the Smith family who had just lost their four-year-old son to cancer. His older brother was grieving deeply. Could Ferrell offer some support?That message and the 30 or so others like it were exactly what Ferrell was looking for. To celebrate her 53rd, the long-time social service professional had put out a call on her blog. She wanted to commit 53 random acts of kindness by the end of her birth month, and she needed information on people who could use one. When she got the note about the Smith family, she sent a wind chime (风铃) with the message “Listen to the wind and know that I am near” written on it. It now hangs in the four-year old’s bedroom, where his older brother can go to listen to it whenever he wants.This is not the first time that Ferrell has decided to give gifts for her birthday. For her 47th, in 2016, she founded Love in Action, an organization committed to doing something good near her home and beyond Its aim is simple: Do Your Best, Show Your Love!Over the years, the organization has reached out and touched well over 100 strangers, some found via Ferrell’s blog, others with help from her grandkids. The organization also shares inexpensive and creative gift ideas for others to help people in need.Ferrell pays for everything herself: gift cards, pay-it-forward purchases at drive-throughs, and care packages. Her family often gives her some extra birthday cash with a serious warning against spending it on anyone else, which she naturally ignores. “I got a couple of gift cards form birthday this year and was like YESSS!” It’s Ferrell’s party, and she’ll give if she wants to.24.What were the unusual messages Ferrell got on her 53rd birthday?A.Help requests.B.Donation offers.C.Gift ideas.D.Birthday wishes.25.What can we learn about Ferrell from her gift to the Smith family?A.She is caring and brave.B.She is loving and helpful.C.She is patient and romantic.D.She is creative and determined.26.Which of the following best describes Love in Action?A.It involves people in acts of kindness.B.It holds the belief that kindness pays off.C.It offers aid within Ferrell’s neighborhood.D.It mainly aims to educate kids to help out.27.Why does Ferrell’s family give her warnings?A.She thinks little of her family’s concern.B.She treats strangers better than her family.C.She is financially dependent on her family.D.She is too ready to give away her birthday gifts.In many families today, both the mother and the father have jobs outside the home. This can make it difficult to take care of the children. To help, some companies are changing the work rules. These companies are trying to be more family-friendly.What are companies doing to become family-friendly? Many companies are allowing their employees (雇员) to work flexible (灵活的) hours. With flexible hours, people can work full time, but they don’t have to work to a nine-to-five schedule. Some employees choose to come early and leave early. Some employees choose to work ten hours one day and six hours the next. Most companies say that flexible hours increase productivity. In the United States, about one-third of full-time employees have flexible work schedules.Family-friendly companies also allow two employees to share one job. Each employee does half the job and gets half the salary. In the United States, 27% of the companies offer some kind of job sharing.Many family-friendly companies also give paid leave to both parents when a baby is born. In many countries, employers have to give female workers time off before and after the birth of a child. In the United States, for example, female employees get 12 weeks of unpaid time off. New mothers can stay at home, but they don t get their salary. In some countries, employers have to give all workers paid leave for the birth of their child. In Finland, for example, both male and female employees get paid leave. Women get 105 days of paid leave and men get 42.The way people work is changing. For many people, that is a good thing.28.Some companies make some changes in their work rules toA.allow parents to work at home B.give parents more time to relaxC.provide parents with more job opportunities.D.enable parents to take care of theirchildrenA.can arrange their work time themselves B.can work with their babies aroundC.must work from nine to five D.must share jobs with othersA.they have physical problems B.they have a new babyC.they do a good job D.they do extra workA.some companies’ family-friendly rules B.ways of job sharing in some companies C.job opportunities for female employees D.companies’ work rules about getting leaveLike any doctor, Jacques Fellay wants to give his patients the best care. Hidden inside our bodies are genetic (基因的) markers that can tell him which patients could probably have diseases such as AIDS and provide early treatments. However, there are worries for Fellay: they contain sensitive details that could lead to embarrassment, discrimination or even worse.A new kind of encryption, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) (全同态加密), is making it possible for data users to run multiple operations on genetic data without seeing the contents. This can help end big data’s privacy problem, and Fellay’s patients can be some of the first to benefit.In 1978, the concept of homomorphic encryption (HE) was firstly proposed. According to it, one could encrypt and share data with others, who could analyze and perform calculations on the data with no idea what it means. After getting the data back, the data user could simply arrive at the result using the secret key and it will make total sense.In 2009, Craig Gentry firstly provided a workable FHE program. Like HE, it rests on a mathematical idea called a homomorphism, which mostly relies on using algebra (代数) to map data from one form to another without changing its underlying structure. However, it supports multiple operations on encrypted data, rather than only one calculation in HE.Later, Gentry went on to work at IBM, which now has complicated FHE tools to run encrypted data. In the medical field, for example, it detected signs of COVID-19 infection by applying FHE to analyze the encrypted CT scans of more than 1, 500 people’s lungs. In a paper published in October 2021, the team used FHE to collect data from multiple sourcesand predicted the effect of cancer treatments or the process of HIV infection, as in Fellay’s case.Workable, but still slow: calculations on the FHE-encrypted data could take millions of times longer than those on raw data. But, as Goldwasser says, “If you believe that security is not a plus, but it’s a must,” she says, “then in some sense there is no overhead.”32.What is Fellay concerned about?A.Serious diseases.B.Sensitive patients.C.The safety of personal data.D.The lack of genetic information.33.In what way is FHE different from HE?A.It speeds up the analyses.B.It allows more calculations.C.It prevents direct access to data.D.It depends on the use of algebra.34.What is Goldwasser’s attitude towards FHE?A.Contradictory.B.Unclear.C.Favorable.D.Intolerant. 35.What is the main idea of the text?A.FHE protects privacy in the big data era.B.FHE opens a new world for medical workers.C.Gentry proposed a new encryption technology.D.Homomorphic encryption developed over time.三、七选五Often when we have an uncomfortable feeling,such as sadness,fear or shame,our first reaction is to reject that feeling. We may tell ourselves that it is a bad feeling we don’t want to have. 36 For example,some people try to push it away or use alcohol to feel better.Certainly no one wants to feel emotional pain all the time,but when we reject our emotions,we may actually make things worse. Often emotions arise as they give us useful information about the,world. 37An alternative to pushing away our emotions is to accept them. Accepting means that wemust practice allowing our emotions to be what they are without judging them. 38 When we’re happy,we have to accept not only that happiness is a short-term condition,but also that we won’t always be happy. This goes for every type of emotions.Emotions help us decide what we should stay away from and what we should approach.39 Therefore,accepting emotions is helpful,because when we listen to our emotions,we can actually learn important information.40 After all, it’s our instincts (本能) to avoid them. With practice, though, we can learn to accept our emotions. Meditation (冥想) and mindful breathing exercises can be helpful.A.We have emotions for a reason.B.Actually,it is vital to handle our emotions.C.It isn’t easy to learn how to accept emotions.D.It also means accepting that emotions will change.E.Then we may do something to get rid of that feeling.F.Therefore,pushing away emotions isn’t the best idea.G.Without emotions,we would make terrible decisions all the time.四、完形填空One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a businesssaid.“Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise that his life wouldn’t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in 51 there is a new art show.”“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He can’t see. ““Can’t see! You’re wrong. He sees a lot. More than you and I do,” the clerk said. “His wife 52 each painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned something about patience, 53 and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 54 and the courage of a husband who would not 55 blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their arms intertwined(交缠). 41.A.touch B.view C.wander D.stare 42.A.chatted B.argued C.screamed D.yelled 43.A.attempt B.independence C.wisdom D.patience 44.A.Adopted B.Adapted C.Conducted D.Disturbed 45.A.through C.towards D.from 46.A.anxiously B.urgently C.quickly D.sensibly 47.A.comment B.decision C.purchase D.profit 48.A.plugged B.held C.reached D.bent 49.A.led B.found C.forced D.tapped 50.A.brave B.rough D.generous 51.A.wherever B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever 52.A.describes B.draws C.shows D.decorates 53.A.kindness B.pride C.enthusiasm D.courage B.sight C.expectation D.confidence 55.A.get B.hope C.allow D.cause五、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的词或所给词的正确形式。
广东省实验中学2013-2014学年下学期高一年级期中考试物理试卷本试卷分选择题、非选择题二部分,共6页,满分100分,考试用时90分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名.考号填写在答题卡上.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在另发的答题卷各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将答题卷和答题卡一并收回.第一部分选择题(共48分)一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.每题有A、B、C、D四个可供选择的选项,其中只有一个选项是正确的)1.关于匀速圆周运动,下列说法中正确的是( )A.线速度的方向保持不变B.线速度的大小保持不变C.角速度大小不断变化D.线速度和角速度都保持不变2.在地面观察下列物体的运动,物体一定做曲线运动的是( )A.向东运动的质点受到一个向西的力的作用B.正在竖直上升的气球突然遭遇一阵北风C.河水匀速流动,正在河里匀速驶向对岸的汽艇D.在匀速行驶的列车上,相对列车水平向后抛出的一个小球3.一个从地面上竖直上抛的物体,它两次经过一个较低点A的时间间隔为5s,两次经过一个较高点B的时间间隔为3s,则AB之间的距离是(g 取10 m / s2)()A.80 m B.40 mC.20 m D.初速度未知,无法确定4.做平抛运动的物体,每秒的速度增量总是()A.大小相等,方向相同 B.大小不等,方向不同C.大小相等,方向不同 D.大小不等,方向相同5.如图所示,匀速转动的水平圆盘上在离转轴某一距离处放一滑块,该滑块恰能跟随圆盘做匀速圆周运动而不产生相对滑动,则在改变下列何种条件的情况下,滑块仍能与圆盘保持相对静止( )A .增大圆盘转动的角速度B .增大滑块到转轴的距离C .增大滑块的质量D .改变上述任一条件的情况下都不能使滑块与圆盘保持相对静止6.如图所示,a 为地球赤道上的物体;b 为沿地球表面附近做匀速圆周运动的人造卫星;c为地球同步卫星.关于a 、b 、c 做匀速圆周运动的说法中正确的是( )A .角速度的大小关系为a c b ωωω=>B .向心加速度的大小关系为a b c a a a >>C .线速度的大小关系为a b c v v v =>D .周期关系为a c b T T T =>7.若地球卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,其实际绕行速率( )A .一定等于7.9km/sB .一定小于7.9km/sC .一定大于7.9km/sD .介于7.9-11.2km/s 之间8.太阳系中的行星轨道均可以近似看成圆轨道.下列4幅图是用来描述这些行星运动所遵从的某一规律的图像.图中坐标系的横轴是lg(/)O T T ,纵轴是lg(/)O R R ;这里T 和R 分别是行星绕太阳运行的周期和相应的圆轨道半径,O T 和0R 分别是地球绕太阳运行的周期和相应的圆轨道半径.下列4幅图中正确的是( )二、双项选择题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分.每小题只有两个选项符合题意,全选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分)9.关于竖直上抛运动,不计空气阻力时以下说法正确的是( )A.上升过程的加速度大于下降过程的加速度B.当物体到达最高点时处于平衡状态C.从抛出点上升到最高点的时间和从最高点回到抛出点的时间相等D.抛出时的初速度大小等于物体回到抛出点时的速度大小10.小船在静水中的速度已知,今小船要渡过一条河,渡河时小船船头垂直指向河岸,若船行到河中间时,水流速度突然增大,则( )A.小船渡河时间不变B.小船渡河时间增加C.小船到达对岸地点在预定点下游某处D.无法确定渡河时间及到达对岸地点如何变化11.如图,x轴在水平地面内,y轴沿竖直方向.图中画出了从y轴上沿x轴正向抛出的三个小球a、b和c的运动轨迹,其中b和c是从同一点抛出的.不计空气阻力,则( ) A.a的飞行时间比b的长 B.b和c的飞行时间相同C.a的水平速度比b的小 D.b的初速度比c的大12.如图所示,用长为l的细绳拴着质量为m的小球在竖直平面内做圆周运动,则下列说法中正确的是( )A.小球在圆周最高点时所受的向心力一定为重力B.小球在最高点时绳子的拉力不可能为零C.若小球刚好能在竖直平面内做圆周运动,则其在最高点的速率为glD.小球过最低点时绳子的拉力一定大于小球重力mg13.地球半径R0,地面重力加速度为g,若卫星距地面R0处做匀速圆周运动,则( )A2 BC.卫星的加速度为g/2. D.卫星周期为214.如图,在月球附近圆轨道上运行的“嫦娥二号”,到A点时变为椭圆轨道,B点是近月点,则()A.在A点变轨时,“嫦娥二号”必须突然加速B.在A点变轨时,“嫦娥二号”必须突然减速C.从A点运动到B点过程中,“嫦娥二号”受到月球的引力减小D.从A点运动到B点过程中,“嫦娥二号”速率增大第二部分非选择题(共52分)三、实验题(本题共15分,每空3分.把答案填在题中的横线上)15.(1)平抛物体的运动规律可以概括为两点:一是水平方向做匀速运动,二是竖直方向做自由落体运动.为了研究平抛物体的运动,可做下面的实验:如右图所示,用小锤打击弹性金属片,A球就水平飞出,同时B球被松开,做自由落体运动,两球总是同时落到地面.则这个实验()A.只能说明上述规律中的第一条B.只能说明上述规律中的第二条C.不能说明上述规律中的任何一条D.能同时说明上述两条规律(2)某同学在做“研究平抛物体运动”的实验中,让小球多次从斜槽上滚下,实验要求是斜槽底部(选填“水平”或“不水平”),每次释放小球的高度(选填“相同”、“不相同”或“没有要求”).(3)某学生在做实验时,忘记记下小球做平抛运动的起点位置o ,A 为物体运动一段时间后的位置,如图所示. (g 取10 m/s 2)①物体抛出时的初速度为 m/s ;②物体经过B 点时的速度为 m/s ;四.计算题(本题共3小题,共37分.按要求作答,应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,只写出最后结果的不能得分,有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位)16.(12分)汽车以1.6m/s 的速度在水平地面上匀速行驶,汽车后壁货架上放有一小球(可视作质点),架高1.8 m .由于前方事故,突然急刹车,汽车轮胎抱死,小球从架上落下.已知该汽车刹车后做加速度大小为4m/s 2的匀减速直线运动,忽略货物与架子间的摩擦及空气阻力,g 取10m/s 2.求货物在车厢底板上落点距车后壁的距离.17.(12分)“太极球”是近年来在广大市民中较流行的一种健身器材.做该项运动时,健身者半马步站立,手持太极球拍,拍上放一橡胶太极球,健身者舞动球拍时,球却不会掉落地上.现将太极球简化成如图所示的平板和小球,熟练的健身者让球在竖直面内始终不脱离板而做匀速圆周运动,且在运动到图中的A 、B 、C 、D 位置时球与板间无相对运动趋势.A 为圆周的最高点,C 为最低点,B 、D 与圆心O 等高.设球的重力为1N ,不计球拍的重力、与球之间的摩擦力及空气阻力等.求:(1)健身者在C 处所需施加的力比在A 处大多少?(2)设在A 处时健身者需施加的力为F ,当球运动到B 、D 位置时,板与水平方向需有一定的夹角θ,请作出F -θtan 的关系图象.18.(13分)宇宙中存在由质量相等的四颗星组成的四星系统,四星系统离其他恒星较远,通常可忽略其他星体对四星系统的引力作用.已观测到稳定的四星系统存在两种基本的构成形式:一种是四颗星稳定地分布在边长为a的正方形的四个顶点上,均围绕正方形对角线的交点做匀速圆周运动,其运动周期为T1,如下图(1)所示.另一种形式是有三颗星位于等边三角形的三个项点上,第四颗星刚好位于三角形的中心不动,三颗星沿外接于等边三角形的半径为a的圆形轨道运行,其运动周期为T2,如下图(2)所示.试求两种形式下,星体运动的周期之比T1/ T2(结果用最简的根式来表示)高一物理期中考试参考答案一、选择题15.(1)B (2)水平、相同(3) ① 2 ②22或2.816.解析:(1) 汽车刹车后,货物做平抛运动:212h gt =(2分) sg ht 6.02== (2分)货物的水平位移为: m vt s 96.02== (2分)汽车做匀减速直线运动,刹车时间为't ,则:s a vt 4.0'==<s 6.0 (1分)则汽车的实际位移为:m a v s 32.0221== (3分)故: m s s s 64.012=-=∆ (2分)17.(12分)解析:⑴设球运动的线速度为v ,半径为R则在A 处时R v m mg F 2=+ ① (2分)在C 处时R v m m g F 2=-' ② (2分)由①② 式得△F=F’-F=2mg=2N . (2分)⑵在A 处时健身者需施加的力为F ,球在匀速圆周运动的向心力F 向=F+mg ,(2分) 在B 处不受摩擦力作用,受力分析如图因物体做匀速圆周运动,则向心力的大小不变,则1F F mg F mg mgθ+===+tan 向(2分)作出的F -θtan 的关系图象如图.(2分)18.13分解析:各模型的受力分析如图,对正方形模式,四星的轨道半径均为2a ,(1分)则由F F =引向得 )22(4)2(45cos 221222022a T m a m G a m G π=+⋅ ①(3分) 解得21T ② (2分) 对三绕一模式,三颗绕行星轨道半径均为a(1分),由所受合力等于向心力得222022242m G m a a T π⋅+= ③ (3分)解得22T ④ (2分)由②/④化简得:12T T =1分)。
广东实验中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.Opposite to the park________two B.are D.have2.It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house ___________we saw Lily in the passenger seat.A.which B.thatC.when D.where3.I’m going to visit the factory__________your brother worked a few years ago.A.that B.which which D.from which 4.—It is not going to rain, _________?—_________. It’s a good day for it; Yes, it is B.isn’t it; Yes, it it; No, it isn’t D.isn’t it; No, it isn’t5.I suppose there used to be a car factory in this little town, _________?A.didn’t there B.did there I D.don’t I 6.They _________with their parents next month because their own house is to be rebuilt.A.are living B.would live C.are about to live D.were going to live7.Don’t _________. You will get used to _________ in the new city soon.A.lose your heart; live B.lose heart; liveC.lose your heart; living D.lose heart; living8.To help Ms. Wong control her blood pressure, the doctor recommended thatshe_________salt for one month.A.cut away B.cut off C.cut in D.cut out9.It was dark, and we could not ______ who was coming along the road.A.make out B.see through over for 10.He seemed _________ his hometown several years leave be leaving have been leaving have left二、阅读理解Look at the map of Spain and point at the center. You’ve located the country’s capital and one of Europe’s most beautiful cities: Madrid. This popular destination is considered a city of contrasts with its abundant historic sites, resting in the shadows of modern skyscrapers,HistoryThis city of over 3 million people is proud of Western Europe’s largest royal palace, and some consider it to be Madrid’s most beautiful building.Inside the Royal Palace 2,800 rooms are decorated in glory with museum-quality furniture and artworks. Tourists can tour 50 of these large and splendid rooms.ArtThe Internationally respected Prado Museum is the largest and most impressive art gallery in Spain. Opened in 1819, it is filled with works of art that feature the world’s most comprehensive collection of Spanish paintings.ShoppingMadrid has some of Europe’s best shopping, and potential buyers love to look through the stores looking for bargains. But for 500 years, shoppers have gathered to an extremely large outdoor flea market known as the Rastro where they find nearly everything from antiques to CDs.EntertainmentNo trip to Madrid is complete without seeing a performance of Spain’s famous art form, flamenco. Every day, flamenco performers sing, dance or play the guitar in small cafes and grand theaters alike.FoodMadrid has a wide variety of restaurants, but because the Spanish typically eat late at about 9 or 10 p.m., it’s difficult to find good dinner food earlier. If you get hungry before then, the best solution is to try a tapas bar where light snacks are served. Be sure to try the jamon, a kind of dry-cured ham. Spain is famous for it.11.What do we know about the Royal Palace in Madrid?A.It has 50 rooms for visit.B.It can hold 2,800 people.C.It’s been visited by 3 million people.D.It is thought to be the largest in Europe.12.What kind of market is “the Rastro”?A.It’s an outdoor flea market.B.It has almost all sorts of goods in it.C.It has existed for 500 years.D.All of the above.13.What is a must when travelling in Madrid?A.Having dinner earlier.B.Enjoying flamenco.C.Visiting Prado Museum.D.Drinking in a bar.14.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Madrid is at the center of Spain.B.The tourists have access to all the rooms in the Royal Palace.C.You can see various Spanish paintings in the Prado Museum.D.Local Spanish people tend to eat late in the evening.15.What does the underlined word “tapas” in the last paragraph probably mean?A.It means something that people eat after dinner.B.It means some small plates of food before a main meal.C.It is a traditional food in Spain.D.It is food that helps people digest better.There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep — but what does that really mean? It turns out that the answer depends not only on your age, but also on your lifestyle. Some people are productive and happy with fewer hours of sleep, while others need more. Still, experts can determine guidelines that work for most people. The National Sleep Foundation researched the topic and gave new recommendations this week. The foundation acknowledge s that sleep needs will vary lifestyle and stress should be taken into consideration but their recommendations offer a general guideline. For example, teenagers (14-17 years old) need 8 —10 hours’ sleep every day.To create the recommendations, some sleep and medical experts reviewed 312 articles from journals published during the last decade. This is the first time that any professional organization has developed age-specific recommended sleep durations (时长) based on a systematic review of the world scientific literature.A lack of sleep can be linked to weight gain, because that causes an increase in appetite, according to the foundation. It can also have serious consequences (结果) on the brain.People who do not get enough sleep are at increased risk for depression (抑郁症), and can endanger others. Those that become sleepy while driving, for example, risk both their lives and the lives of those around them.Researchers also have found in the past that too much sleep can have negative effects. Low socioeconomic status and depression reportedly are significantly associated with longer sleep. However, experts nowadays find that research on oversleeping is still doubtful and needs more attention. Currently, there is no strong evidence that sleeping too much has health consequences. There is, however, laboratory evidence that short sleep durations of four to five hours have negative consequences. We need similar laboratory studies to determine whether long sleep durations result in physiological (生理的) changes that could lead to disease before we make any recommendations against sleep extension.16.Which is TRUE about sleeping time?A.The time you need for sleep is related to your personal situation.B.Experts’ guideline for sleeping time applies to all the people.C.The less you sleep, the more productive you are.D.The more you sleep, the more energetic you are.17.How did the National Sleeping Foundation do the research?A.By interviewing different people.B.By reading lots of articles.C.By consulting (咨询) other experts.D.By doing systematic experiments. 18.The research shows that people without enough sleep will _________.A.lose some weight more foodC.dream during their sleep faster than usual19.From Paragraph 4, we can learn that _________.A.too much sleep may result in social changesB.researchers now agree with those in the pastC.more research on oversleeping is neededD.research on oversleeping is quite persuasive (有说服力的)20.From which section of a newspaper is the passage most probably taken?A.Health.B.Psychology C.Sport.D.Education.It’s no secret now that the more time we spend on social media, the more we feel dissatisfied with ourselves. We tend to compare ourselves to influences and celebrities- so it’seasy to understand how that can affect our confidence.But, how often have you found yourself comparing your life to your friends? Engaging with social media shared by our friends can be more damaging than looking at content shared by celebrities, new research has found.The study looking at how social media affects body image found that any social media engagement was significantly associated with lower “appearance satisfaction”. Additionally, it found that engaging with content posted by people the participants knew was more than twice as damaging as looking at content posted by strangers, including celebrities.Viren Swami, Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, believes this is partly because we know it’s hard to attain the lives of celebrities or influences, but when we’re comparing ourselves to our friends, it feels like we should- or could-live the way they do.“One possible explanation is that people may perceive a post showing appearance as being much more attainable if it comes from someone they know, adding expectation or pressure on the person engaging in the post, ” he said. “At the same time, people may be more critically engaged with posts by the likes of models and celebrities, and therefore perceive the images they share to be more unrealistic."This is not just confined to body image though. We all have one area in our lives that triggers(触发)us. Maybe you’ve been searching for a new job for months and you find yourself on social media, envying your school friend who just landed their dream role. Maybe. . .All this is to say the obvious: we only see part of people’s lives -and if it’s getting you down, you’re probably comparing your insides to other people’s outsides. Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be thankful and try to live your own life.21.What did the new study find?A.Social media invites unfavorable comments.B.Friends’ posts affect us more than celebrities’.C.Celebrities have a negative influence on our life.D.Body image causes more concern than social life.22.Why are we more likely to compare with our friends according to Swami?A.They serve as role models.B.We know the way they live. ,C.Their lifestyles are accessible.D.We are curious about their life.23.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A.Restricted.B.Related.C.Devoted.D.Exposed.24.What does the author suggest people do?A.Find your dream and fight for it.B.Stop comparing and be yourself.C.Be grateful and lead a perfect life.D.Stop complaining and get down to work.三、七选五Camping Tips &Tricks for a Fun TripMany people idealize camping trips as being this easy, effortless encounter with destinations rich with natural landscapes and nights under the stars twinkling in the sky above.25 That’s why we’ve prepared the best camping tips for you!Plan accordingly, and then plan again. When you’re out in the middle of nowhere, you have to be equipped to nature’s challenges. 26 Therefore, a plan for unexpected weather changes is essential to a successful camping trip. For example, consider packing extra suppliers like blankets. While that might seem like a huge inconvenience, the biggest and real issue occurs when you need something you don’t have.Know what you need.27 Not all beginner campers will need the top-of-the-line, latest supplies. But you should have at least the basics! That includes a decent tent with enough room for people camping with you, a good sleeping bag appropriate for the season, and other supplies like food and water. You’d better create a convenient checklist that lays out everything that you should consider.28 When you’re far away from the major conveniences we rely upon like an urgent care center, police stations, and emergency rooms, you should always remember thatsafety is your first priority! 29 A first aid kit is a great starting point, but it’s certainly not the end of maximizing your safety efforts. Depending on where you plan to camp, you’ll want to grab these items that cover you in most emergency situations: a pocket knife, a fire starter, and a safety whistle.Ready to go camping? Now you know what to expect and how to prepare for your next camping trip, so you actually have fun—rain or shine!A.Always choose a safe campsite.B.Never leave home without safety in mind.C.We encourage you to create a safety supply kit.D.Camping doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.E.A clear 3-day forecast can easily shift into a sudden heavy rain.F.To maximize your comfort, always bring appropriate clothes for cold and rain.G.But for beginner campers, those expectations can rapidly turn into a mess of reality.四、完形填空In August last year, my parents and I visited our relatives in Princeton Junction, New Jersey. Every day I enjoyed walking a circular way starting from their house. One evening Iand daughter were willing to help. I told them I was lost and gave them my address. The mother pointed to a turning a little further down the road and 41 me I was pretty close to home. Expressing my thanks, I started off at a fast 42 .I had been walking for about five minutes when I heard a car drive up behind me and stop. It was the mother and daughter again. They realized that they had not given me the correct direction.They offered to give me a(n) 43 home, and I was so grateful for their help. During our brief conversation I sensed that the teenage daughter was going to a school party and would now arrive late. We didn’t 44 names but I will never forget their act of kindness.30.A.confident B.independent C.adventurous D.tough 31.A.similar B.potential C.general D.regular 32.A.within B.round C.toward D.beyond 33.A.shine B.rise C.set D.fade 34.A.heading B.keeping C.taking D.looking 35.A.silent B.crazy C.quiet D.calm 36.A.delay B.control C.traffic D.service 37.A.cheered B.waved C.sighed D.nodded 38.A.passive B.ridiculous C.fortunate D.desperate place turn sight person 40.A.surrounded B.approached C.reflected D.accompanied 41.A.supported B.responded C.corrected D.promised 42.A.stage B.track C.level D.pace 43.A.tip B.ride C.desire D.option B.gather C.acquire D.exchange五、用单词的适当形式完成短文eggplant either. Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. This got me thinking how English can be 48 crazy language to learn.49 example, when we are traveling we say that we are in the car or the taxi, but on the train or bus! While we are doing all this traveling, we can get seasick at sea, but we don’t get homesick when we get back home.Even the 50 (small) words in the world can be 51 (puzzle). When you see the capitalized “WHO” in a medical report, do you read it as the “who” in “Who’s that”? You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in 52 a house can burn up as it burns down.English 53 (invent) by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race. That is why when I wind up my watch, it starts, 54 when I wind up this passage, it ends.六、根据中英文提示填写单词people.(住所)(根据中英文提示单词拼写)56.All the students are impressed by his amazing learning s . (策略) (根据中英文提示单词拼写)57.I have been looking forward to speaking English f , so I practice English every day.(流利地) (根据中英文提示单词拼写)七、根据首字母填写单词someone) (根据首字母单词拼写)59.Her c look suggested that she failed to understand the complex theory. (根据首字母单词拼写)60.He was looking forward to running a m next month with his friends. (a long running race) (根据首字母单词拼写)61.Mr. Smith was r to be a responsible and warm-hearted person. (to admit)(根据首字母单词拼写)62.It is my turn to a the activity and could you please offer me some practical tips?(to plan or organize something in advance) (根据首字母单词拼写)63.To s my immune system, I joined a fitness club.(to make something stronger) (根据首字母单词拼写)64.The a spent four hours working out in the stadium for the coming race. (a sportsman) (根据首字母单词拼写)八、完成句子65.这支独特的足球队由12位村民组成。
这一“农艺体系”的主要特点是A.自给自足 B.男耕女织 C.精耕细作 D.集约经营2.《新全球史》记载,从公元前6世纪开始,铁制农具在中国骤然增加,铁犁、铁镐、铁镰刀和铁耙在乡村里成为日常用具,这一现象给当时社会发展带来的影响不包括A.“秋七月,初税田” B.“除井田,民得买卖”C.“庶人食力,工商食官” D.“宗庙之牺为畎亩之勤3.北宋诗人苏轼在《石炭并引》记载:彭城旧无石炭(煤),元丰元年十二月,始遣人访获取于州之西南白土镇之北,以冶铁作兵,犀利胜常云。
下列对材料解析不准确的是A.北宋已经开始使用煤作为冶铁燃料 B.北宋时期由煤冶炼出来的兵器异常锋利C.北宋的冶铁供风形式有了很大的发展 D.北宋煤的推广使用部分取代了木材的作用4.明清时期,中国农耕文明发展到一个新的高峰,并分离出一些迥异于传统经济模式的变异,这些变异带有向工业文明演进的趋向。
这里的“变异”主要是指A.私营手工业占据了手工业的主导地位 B.“机户出资,机工出力”的雇佣关系产生C.以经济功能为主的工商业市镇出现 D.白银逐步成为普遍流通的货币5.“嫂嫂织布,哥哥卖布……土布贵,洋布便宜;土布没人要,饿倒了哥哥嫂嫂”,近代中国的这首民谣反映了当时的一种社会经济现象。
C.will have worked; has working; is arriving
11.After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ________her job as a doctor in the countryside.
17.What is the annual fee for subscription if readers book now?
A.$48.B.ou sure to get if you subscribe toReader’s Digest?
After taking a degree at Chichester University in Related Arts, Ginni began to travel the world, eventually getting work teaching English in Japan and Chile. And it was in Chile she discovered she could get lastminute cheap deals on ships going to Antarctica from the islands off Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of the South American mainland. “I just decided I wanted to go,” she says. “I had no idea about what I’d find there and I wasn’t nervous, I just wanted to do it. And I wanted to do it alone as I always prefer it that way.”
相对原子质量 H—1 O—16 C—12 N—14第一部分选择题(共 38分)一、选择题(每小题只有..1.个.选项符合题意,每小题2分,共20分。
)1.下列关于煤、石油、天然气等资源的说法正确的是A.石油裂解得到的汽油是纯净物 B.石油产品都可用于聚合反应C.天然气是一种清洁的化石燃料 D.水煤气是通过煤的液化得到的气体燃料2.现有一瓶乙二醇和丙三醇的混和物,已知它们的性质如下表,据此,将乙二醇和丙三醇互相分离的最佳方法是A.萃取法 B. 结晶法 C.分液法 D.蒸馏法3.化学工作者一直关注食品安全,发现有人将工业染料“苏丹红1号”非法用作食用色素。
苏丹红是一系列人工合成染料,其中“苏丹红4号”的结构式如下:下列关于“苏丹红4号”说法正确的是A.不能发生加成反应 B.可以使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色C.属于芳香烃 D.属于苯的同系物4.下列实验能获得成功的是A.苯和浓溴水用铁做催化剂制溴苯 B.将苯与浓硝酸混合共热制硝基苯C.甲烷与氯气光照制得纯净的一氯甲烷D.乙烯通入溴的四氯化碳溶液得到1,2—二溴乙烷5.已知某有机物A的红外光谱和核磁共振氢谱如下图所示,下列说法中错误的A.由红光外谱可知,该有机物中至少有三种不同的化学键B.由核磁共振氢谱可知,该有机物分子中有三种不同化学环境的氢原子C.仅由其核磁共振氢谱无法得知其分子中的氢原子总数D.若A的化学式为C2H6O,则其结构简式为CH3—O—CH36.右图表示4-溴环已烯所发生的4个不同反应。
I 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节听力理解 (3段共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)每段播放两遍,各段后有几个小题,各段播放前,每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间,请根据各段播放内容及相关小题,在5秒钟内,从题中所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.Which of the following is true about the man?A.He never drinks wine. B.He dislikes hot food. C.He doesn't eat seafood.2.What dish does the man choose?A.Fish. B.Pork. C.Beef.3.Where will the man go after he has finished eating?A.Back to his work. B.For a rest. C.To his home.听第二段对话,回答第4—6题。
4.What do we know about the speakers?A.They live in London. B.It is their first time in England. C.They study in Scotland.5.How can the speakers get to the Tower of London from where they are?A.Go straight, turn right then walk ahead. B.Walk along the river then turn left.C.Walk to the river, turn left then go straight.6.How will the speakers tour around the city?A.On foot. B.By bicycle. C.By bus.听第三段独白,回答第7-9题。
广东省执信中学2013-2014学年高二物理上学期期中试题 理 新人教版
第一部分选择题(共 48 分)一、单选题(每小题只有一个正确选项,每小题3分,共计18分)()1、下列说法正确的是A. 库仑最早引出电场概念,并提出用电场线的方法来表示电场B. 1911年,荷兰科学家昂纳斯在低温实验中意外发现:当温度下降到-269℃时,水银的电阻突然消失了,这就是超导现象C. 半导体的电阻率随温度升高而增大D. 法拉第通过油滴实验测得了元电荷的电荷量()2、关于电场线和磁感线,下列说法正确的是A.电场线和磁感线都是闭合的曲线B.磁感线是从磁体的N极发出,终止于S极C.电场线和磁感线都不能相交D.电场线和磁感线都是现实中存在的()3、电量分别为q1、q2的两个点电荷,相距r时,相互作用力为F,下列说法错误的是A.如果q1、q2恒定,当距离变为r/2时,作用力将变为2FB.如果其中一个电荷的电量不变,而另一个电荷的电量和它们间的距离都减半时,作用力变为2FC.如果它们的电量和距离都加倍时,作用力不变D.如果它们的电量都加倍,距离变为r2时,作用力将变为2F,现欲把()4、有一个灵敏电流表的内阻是R g=200Ω,满刻度电流值是I g=500A这电流表改装成量程为1.0V的电压表,正确的方法是A.应串联一个0.1Ω的电阻 B.应并联一个0.1Ω的电阻C.应串联一个1800Ω的电阻 D.应并联一个1800Ω的电阻()5、如图所示,电源电动势为E=12 V,内阻r=2Ω,滑动变阻器最大阻值为6Ω,调节滑动变阻器使得电路输出功率最大时,滑动变阻器的阻值为A.2ΩB.1.5 ΩC.3ΩD.6Ω()6、在平行板电容器A、B两板上加上如图所示的电压,开始B板的电势比A板高,这时两板中间原来静止的电子在电场作用下开始运动,设电子在运动中不与极板发生碰撞,则下述说法正确的是(不计电子重力)A.电子先向A板运动,后向B板运动,再返回A板做周期性运动B.电子一直向A板运动C.电子一直向B板运动D.电子先向B板运动,后向A板运动,再返回B板做周期性运动二、双选题(每小题有两个正确选项,每小题5分,共计30分)()7、关于电源的电动势,下列说法正确的是A.在某电池的电路中每通过2C的电荷量,电池提供的电能是4J,那么这个电池的电动势是0.5VB.电源的路端电压增大时,其电源电动势一定也增大C.无论内电压和外电压如何变化,其电源电动势一定不变D.电动势是表征电源把其他形式的能转化为电能的本领的物理量()8、如图所示,将平行板电容器与电池组相连,两板间的带电尘埃恰好处于静止状态。
广东省实验中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次阶段考试(期中)英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The Costa Book Awards consistently pick winners that are both of the moment and subsequently endure. It's our pleasure to confirm this year’s Category Winners.First Novel Award WinnerBook: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely FineAuthor: Gail HoneymanEleanor is 31 years old; work finishes on a Friday and begins again on a Monday. Between, her only company will be two bottles of vodka and her own solitary, unique wit (机智). It is contentment, of a kind, but an unexpected shared experience suddenly opens the door to possibility. Challenging reader expectations with a living, breathing character, Gail Honeyman’s debut (初次登台、开张)is a funny and moving diamond.Biography Award WinnerBook: In the Days of RainAuthor: Rebecca StottThe Exclusive Brethren were a closed community who believed the world is ruled by Satan. Into this is born Rebecca. Her father had been an influential Brethren Minister. As her father lay dying, he begged her to help him write the memoir. He wanted to tell the story of their family who for generations had all been members of a fundamentalist Christian sect.Poetry Award WinnerBook: Inside the WaveAuthor: Helen DunmoreTo be alive is to be inside the wave, always travelling until it breaks and is gone. These poems are concerned with the borderline between the living and the dead — the underworld and the human living world – and the acutely intense being of both.Children's Award WinnerBook: The ExplorerAuthor: Katherine Rundell, Hannah HornFour children survive their aircraft plunging into the Amazon jungle, but for Fred and hisfriends it’s only the beginning of a cruel battle for survival. Brimming with adventure and a real command of character and incident, Rundell has few peers in superb children's fiction. 1.What kind of life does Eleanor lead?A.boring and lonely.B.funny and touching.C.exciting and complex.D.ordinary and happy.2.Why did Rebecca Stott write In the Days of Rain?A.To introduce beliefs of the Exclusive Brethren.B.To help her father fulfill his last wish.C.To share the life of fundamentalist Christians.D.To pass on her family traditions.3.For a young adventurous soul, which book seems more appealing?A.Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine B.In the Days of RainC.Inside the Wave D.The ExplorerThe student arrived early, sat front and center, and stood out in my classroom in more ways than one. I’d say that he was about 40 years older than his classmates in my undergraduate communications class. He eagerly jumped into class discussions, with his humor and wisdom of experience. And he was always respectful of the other students’ perspectives, as if each of them were a teacher. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile—and he left with one too.“These students gave me the confidence that I didn’t need to feel bad about my age,” Valencia says.One day, I spotted Valencia on campus. He said he would have to stop taking classes that semester and reapply for next year. By then, he hoped to have earned enough money and have his student-loan papers in order. He asked seriously whether he could still sit in on my communications class.Sure, I said. But he wouldn’t get any credit.No problem, he said.Soon there he was again, back at his old desk, jumping into our discussions on how to find and tell stories in Los Angeles—a 63-year-old man with as much energy and curiosity as any of the youngsters in class.A lot of Valencia’s classmates apparently knew he couldn’t afford that semester’s tuitionbut was still doing the homework. “Here he is, willingly taking a class for the delight of it and benefit of learning,”says Jessica Espinosa, a 25-year-old junior. Afterward, I overheard Valencia wanted to stay in school until he earned a master’s degree, but it had taken him 12 years to finish community college, so he had a long way to go.There is something splendidly unreasonable about Valencia’s determination to get a four-year degree and then a master’s. At his current pace, he’ll be 90 when he finally hangs all that paper on the wall. But that doesn’t seem especially relevant. He’s found all the youthful energy and academic opportunity stimulating. Valencia’s grade in my class this semester will not show up on his transcripts(成绩单). But I’m giving him an A—and in the most important ways, it counts.4.What made Valencia different from his classmates?A.He was respectful to the teacher.B.He activated the class atmosphere.C.He was eager to learn despite his age.D.He often put forward different opinions.5.According to the author, why did Valencia continue to attend classes?A.He treasured the chance of learning.B.He wished to show his determination.C.He needed the credits to further his study.D.He desired to have an A on his transcripts.6.Which of the following best describes Valencia?A.Modest and independent.B.Energetic and generous.C.Enthusiastic and motivated.D.Considerate and intelligent.7.What can we learn from the passage?A.No pains, no gains.B.It is never too old to learn.C.Strike the iron while it is hot.D.Where there is life, there is hope.A video circulated on social media earlier this year, showing a tourist opening the door of a vehicle, reaching out an arm and attempting to stroke a passing lioness. The lioness shrugged him off, but it could have easily gone horribly wrong.Reckless behaviour around wildlife risks the safety of both people and animals. People risk being attacked, mauled (撕咬) and possibly killed, while animals can be harmed,removed or put down, irrespective of whether they were only defending themselves. Animal attacks can also cast a destination in a negative light, causing temporary closures or scaring off visitors. All just so someone could boast that they had stroked a lion or captured a moment on a camera phone.“Tourists are getting more and more reckless around wildlife and the source of the problem is social media.” says wildlife photographer Anette Mosshachers. “People risking their lives or doing stupid things with wildlife are after ‘likes’ and followers, something to show off on social media,” says Mossbacher. “The greater the risk, the more ‘likes’ they get. With some clients, it seems like a sickness or addiction.”Yet social media is not entirely to blame. People have always taken risks for an experience. Foolish behavior and a tendency to get cocky around dangerous animals must have been around since the dawn of humanity. A hunger for attention online might drive some of the current madness, but some individuals might be trying to recreate a piece of the action they have seen on television. Perhaps the adrenaline (肾上腺激素) rush when close to wild animals causes an evaporation of common sense.“There’s a worrying lack of awareness that animals several times our size, weight, speed and strength can easily hurt us,”says wildlife photographer David Lloyd. “I don’t think parks are doing enough to raise awareness. Tourists need to know how their presence can affect wildlife. A good example is cheetahs (猎豹) on vehicle rooftops. It may be a thrill for the bystanders, but the consequences if a mother cheetah falls off would be severe. She would no longer be able to hunt, so her cubs could easily starve.”“People aren’t getting the education about why they need to stay away from wildlife, including avoiding diseases, keeping people secure and letting wildlife be wild,” says Philip Muruthi, vice president of species conservation and science for the African Wildlife Foundation. “We need to educate tourists through signs, pamphlets and frontline drivers. We should stick to guidelines, and there needs to be enforcement through the law.”8.What can we learn about reckless behaviour around wildlife?A.It harms tourists more than animals.B.It enables tourists to get intimate with animals.C.It may bring more profits to a tourist destination.D.It may get animals killed for defending themselves.9.As for Mossbacher’s opinion on what drives people’s reckless behavior, the authoris______.A.sympathetic B.disapprovingC.doubtful D.indifferent10.What does the underlined word “cocky” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Selfish.B.Frightened.C.Arrogant.D.Shocked.11.What can we conclude from the passage?A.Parks are expected to take more responsibilities for educating tourists.B.Raising tourists’ awareness means stressing the danger of animals to them.C.More regulation of the tourist industry is the key to raising tourists’ awareness.D.Penalties rather than education can stop people taking silly risks around wildlife.A new study has found human feelings can accurately be expressed numerically and have more predictive power for how we behave than formal studies of socioeconomic factors like household income and employment status.The study co-author Andrew Oswald, a professor of economics and behavioral science gathered information from nearly 700,000 people, who were asked annually over a three-decade period how they felt on a numerical scale about their job, spouse, health and home. Using the data collected, researchers constructed statistical models to show how people felt and the actions they took as a result of their reported feelings. The study found that ratings of life satisfaction had a direct linear (线性的) relationship to actions people subsequently take. Participants who rated their job satisfaction as a 2 out of 7 had a 25% probability of quitting their job. Those who rated a 6 out of 7 had only a 10 percent probability of quitting. The same was true across other measures like marriage, health and housing.Previous research has also shown data about feelings predict human outcomes, but not in such a linear fashion; the degree of satisfaction served as a good predictor of future actions. Additionally, economists have previously been critical of feelings data because they considered them unscientific and unreliable. But this study shows socioeconomic factors have a lesser probability of predicting human behavior than data on feelings.Though the study shows numbers can quantify feelings, researchers are still a bit confused as to why estimates of seemingly subjective feelings can be such good predictors offuture actions. According to Oswald, a number of factors could be at play. Humans are very experienced in comparative thinking and are able to scale their own life satisfaction against that of their neighbors. We’re also accustomed to using measuring devices for other aspects of life like temperature, distance and weight, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that we’re able to measure our feelings in a similarly accurate way. Another study co-author Caspar Kaiser says that it may also be because we communicate our feelings and do it in a scaled fashion every day. This could be why it comes out in the data more accurately than in objective markers.Ori Heffetz, an economics professor who was not involved in the study, says that this research shows feelings data shouldn’t be underestimated even if they’re more difficult to study. “Scientists who ignore this do so at their own risk,” he says.Looking ahead, Kaiser hopes this same data can be studied in lower-income countries so that it can be applied universally to places with varied levels of economic development. But more than anything else he’s interested in studying why feelings work so well. 12.Paragraph 2 is mainly about .A.research process and findingsB.research topic and significanceC.research subjects and purposeD.research data collection and analysis13.What can we know about the study?A.It also applies to people from lower-income countries.B.It challenges the opinion that feelings data are unreliable.C.It explains why ratings of feelings can foresee future actions.D.It first shows data about feelings can predict human behavior14.What is Ori’s attitude towards the study?A.Neutral.B.Skeptical.C.Supportive.D.Cautious. 15.Which would be the best title for the passage?A.How You Rate Your Life Predicts Your Future BehaviorB.Feelings Forecast Actions Better than Economic FactorsC.Why Your Feelings Affect Your Future ActionsD.Ranking Every Aspect of Your Life Counts二、七选五Resolving(解决) Conflict in FriendshipsConflict is surely a common problem in life and friendships. 16 That's because there isn't enough depth to guarantee all the trouble it takes to smooth over the disagreement. Unfortunately, even when the friendship reaches a deeper level, conflict continues to happen and can break apart a relationship. Here are some resolutions.Resolve it the day it happens. One rule my parents follow in their marriage is that they don't go to bed angry with each other. They always attempt to resolve things the day it happens so that in the morning, it's a fresh start with no past grudge (怨恨). I've found I need a short cool down period so that I don't act in anger. 17 Whatever you do, don't let things ride for too long.18 Sometimes if you sit down and talk things over, you begin to see where the other person is coming from. Realize that everyone has been created differently with various talents, abilities, and personality traits. For example, you might be a leader while your friend is more of a follower. You may be frustrated with him or her for not being very decisive. Yet it is important to understand that each person is unique and needs to be appreciated.Initiate resolution. 19 Even when you think the other person is wrong,it's not a bad thing to say "I'm sorry if I offended you in that way." If you're honest and genuine in delivering your words, there's a good chance your friend will respond positively.Most importantly, be loving in what you do. Try to focus on peacefully resolving the disagreement. It is not a most pleasant task to resolve conflict in any friendship. 20 A.Don't expect too much.B.Try to see the other person's perspective.C.Be the first person in a fight to say sorry for your part.D.Many shallow friendships end up being ruined after an argument.E.To say sorry bravely when a conflict breaks out is a better resolution.F.However, it is worth the efforts because it results in a deeper friendship.G.For some, counting to one hundred before saying anything may be an option.三、完形填空My 5-year-old daughter Kai walked around a bus stop, picking up candy wrappers andplastic bottles and throwing them in the waste bin. We were a visiting family here, but shelooked at us.Our cleanup project began when we drove past an empty field one day and Kai 22 the field was covered by 23 balloons. We had read about how animals could 24 balloons for food. “Stop,” Kai said, and I 25 . Surprisingly, we found the field was full of much trash 26 the balloons. “Can we come back and clean it?” Kai asked. Then each Friday, we returned to have a(n) 27 cleaning.However, it seems we can never 28 the trash completely. I feel something close to 29 ! Why are we making kids clean up our 30 ? It has everything to do with the planet we adults are leaving for kids. Plastic pollution is globally distributed and microplastics have even been discovered in human blood. It is not a 31 story that we have created trash but our next generation cleans up them.Now Kai hopes to become a marine biologist to protect sharks one day. She still has many years to 32 , if adults get serious about solving plastic pollution. We shouldn’t leave our next generation a 33 planet and expect them to save it.The last time our family was at the beach, we still picked up plastic bottles. Most 34 , though, we saw an octopus (章鱼) playing around our feet, a 35 of a harmonious habitat worth protecting.21.A.embarrassed B.discouraged C.concerned D.frightened 22.A.apologized B.confirmed C.spotted D.explained 23.A.loose B.magic C.processed D.abandoned B.mistake C.replace D.change 25.A.pulled over B.blew up C.turned down D.gave in 26.A.due to B.ahead of C.other than D.instead of 27.A.official B.serious C.optional D.regular 28.A.deliver B.remove C.track D.produce 29.A.stress B.comfort C.anger D.pride 30.A.mess B.platform C.court 31.A.scary B.pleasant C.historic D.real 32.A.decide B.struggle C.survive D.contribute B.giant C.distant D.sick34.A.personally B.memorably C.technically D.universally 35.A.promise B.threat C.reminder D.favor四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
广东省实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试数 学本试卷共5页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。
一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知是关于复数的方程的一根,则A .5B .6C .7D .82.,若共面,则实数为A .1B .2C .3D .43.展开式中的常数项为A .B .C .D .4.若,则A .B .C .D .5.从0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9这10个数中任取5个不同的数,则这5个不同的数的中位数为5的概率为12i +z ()20,z mz n m n R -+=∈m n +=()()()1,1,2,0,1,1,3,5,a b c k =-=-=- ,,a b ck 622x x ⎛-⎫ ⎪⎝⎭1560160-240tan 24tan 04παα⎛⎫++= ⎪⎝⎭sin 2α=45-25-2545A .B .C .D .6.一个半径为1的小球在一个内壁棱长为的正四面体封闭容器内可向各个方向自由运动,则该小球表面永远不可能接触到的容器内壁的面积是A .B .C .D .7.已知双曲线的左、右焦点分别为,,过的直线分别交双曲线左、右两支于、两点,点在轴上,,平分,则双曲线的离心率为AB .CD8.函数在定义域上处处可导,其导函数为.已知,,且当时,.若,,,则A .B .C .D .二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分.9.数列2,0,2,0,的通项公式可以是A .B .C .D .10.为响应政府部门疫情防控号召,某校安排甲、乙、丙、丁四名志愿者奔赴海珠、白云、番禺三个区参加防控工作,则下列说法正确的是A .不同的安排方法共有64种B .若恰有一个区无人去,则不同的安排方法共有42种C .若甲必须去海珠,且每个区均有人去,则不同的安排方法共有12种D .若甲、乙两人都不能去海珠,且每个区均有人去,则不同的安排方法共有14种121321521721()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>1F 2F 1F A B C x 24CB F A =2BF 1F BC ∠C ()f x R ()f x '()()1f x f x =-()10f =12x >()()021f x f x x '->-()ln 2a f =2ln 5b f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭52c f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭a b c <<b c a <<a c b <<b a c<<⋯()111n n a +=-+()11nn a =-+2sin2n n a π=1122n na a a +=⎧⎨=-⎩11.如图,在中,,,,过中点的直线与线段交于点.将沿直线翻折至,且点在平面内的射影在线段上,连接交于点,是直线上异于的任意一点,则A .点的轨迹的长度为B .C .D .直线与平面所成角的余弦值的最小值为三、填空题:本小题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.已知圆和圆,则两圆公共弦所在直线的方程为 .13.在中,,,则面积的最大值为 .14.用表示不超过的最大整数,例如,,.已知数列满足,,则 .四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(13分)已知,.(1)当时,求的图像在处的切线方程;(2)若当时,,求的取值范围.16.(15分)在中,内角,,所对的边分别为,,,且.(1)证明:;ABC ∆2B π∠=AB =1BC =AC M l AB N AMN ∆l A MN '∆A 'BCMN H BC AH l O D l OO 6πA DH A OH ''∠≤∠A DH A DC''∠≥∠A O 'BCMN 13221:4C x y +=222:402C x y x y +-=+ABC ∆1BC =2AC AB =ABC ∆[]x x []33=[]1.21=[]1.32-=-{}n a 11a =2112n n n a a a +=+202412202412222a a a a a a ⎡⎤++⋯+=⎢⎥+++⎣⎦()ln f x ax x =-a R ∈2a =()f x ()()1,1f []1,x e ∈()0f x >a ABC ∆A B C a b c 22cos cos 1b cb B Cc +=2c ab =(2)若外接圆的面积为,且,求的面积.17.(15分)已知各项均不为0的数列的前项和为,且,;,数列的前项和为.(1)求的通项公式;(2)求;(3)若对于任意,成立,求实数的取值范围.18.(17分)已知椭圆的离心率为,且过点.直线与椭圆相切于点(在第一象限),直线与椭圆相交于两点,为坐标原点.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)设直线的斜率为,求证:为定值;(3)求面积的最大值.19.(17分)拉格朗日中值定理是微积分学的基本定理之一,它与导数和函数的零点有关,其表达如下:若函数在区间连续,在区间上可导,则存在,使得,我们将称为函数在上的“中值点”.已知函数,,.(1)求在上的中值点的个数;(2)若对于区间内任意两个不相等的实数,都有成立,求实数的取值范围.ABC ∆π2224si 2n a C b -=ABC ∆{}n a n n S 11a =114n n n a a S ++=2n nn ab ={}n b n n T {}n a n T *n N ∈822n n T λ-⋅+≥λ()2222:10x y C a b a b +=>>)y kx m =+C P P 1y kx =-C ,A B O C OP 0k 0k k ⋅PAB ∆()f x [],a b (),a b ()0,x a b ∈()()()0f b f a f x b a-'=-0x ()f x [],a b ()x f x e =()21g x x tx =-+()()()F x f x g x =-()F x ()0,1()0,112,x x ()()()()1212f x f x g x g x ->-t(3)当且时,证明:.0t >1t ≠1ln 22ln 2ln t t t--≥-。
考试用时120分钟. 注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答卷上,并用2B 铅笔填涂学号.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号,不能答在试题卷上.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.第一部分 基础检测(共100分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1. 已知1cos ,(370,520),2ααα=∈︒︒则等于 ( ) A .390︒ B .420︒ C .450︒ D .480︒ 2. 直线xtan057=-y π的倾斜角是 ( )A .52π B .-52π C .57π D .53π 3. 在平行四边形ABCD 中,BC CD BA -+等于 ( )A .BCB .DAC .ABD .AC 4. 已知向量(1,3)a =,(1,0)b =-,则|2|a b +=( )A .1B C .2D .45. cos15︒的值是( )A 6. 已知||5,||3,12,a b a b ==⋅=-且则向量a 在向量b 上的投影等于( )A .4-B .4C .125- D .1257. 把函数()sin(2)3f x x π=-+的图像向右平移3π个单位可以得到函数()g x 的图像,则()4g π等于( )A .2-.2C .1-D .1 8. 在四边形 ABCD 中,AB → =DC → ,且AC → ·BD →= 0,则四边形 ABCD 是( )A 矩形B 菱形C 直角梯形D 等腰梯形9. 已知函数()()212fx x x cos cos =-⋅,x ∈R ,则()f x 是( )A .最小正周期为2π的奇函数 B .最小正周期为π的奇函数 C .最小正周期为2π的偶函数 D .最小正周期为π的偶函数 10. 已知函数14sin()929y A x x x ππωφ=+==在同一个周期内当时取最大值,当时取最小值12-,则该函数的解析式为() A .2sin()36x y π=-B .1sin(3)26y x π=+ C .1sin(3)26y x π=- D .1sin()236x y π=--二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.11. 已知一个扇形周长为4,面积为1,则其中心角等于 (弧度)12. 已知向量a ,b 夹角为60°,且||a =1,|2|a b -=||b =__________. 13. 已知sin cos sin()2sin(),2sin cos πααπαααα+-=-+=-则14. 已知向量,a b 满足||1,||2a b ==,()a b a -⊥, 向量a 与b 的夹角为________.三、解答题:本大题共3小题,共30分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15. (本小题满分10分) 已知函数()2sin f x =63x ππ⎛⎫+⎪⎝⎭(05)x ≤≤,点A 、B 分别是函数()y f x =图像上的最高点和最低点. (1)求点A 、B 的坐标以及OA ·OB 的值;(2)没点A 、B 分别在角α、β的终边上,求tan (2αβ-)的值.16. (本小题满分10分)已知点),0,0(O (2,3),(5,4),(7,10),()A B C AP AB AC R λλ=+∈若 1) 是否存在λ,使得点P 在第一、三象限的角平分线上? 2) 是否存在λ,使得四边形OBPA 为平行四边形? (若存在,则求出λ的值,若不存在,请说明理由。
广东省实验中学2013-2014学年高二下学期期中 数学理试题
广东省实验中学2013-2014学年高二下学期期中 数学理试题本试卷分基础检测、能力检测两部分,共4页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。
第一部分 基础检测(100分)一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题6分,共48分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.若复数(1+b i )(2+i )是纯虚数(i 是虚数单位,b R ),则b 等于 ( )A .2B .-2C .-21D .21 2.为防止某种疾病,今研制一种新的预防药.任选取100只小白鼠作试验,得到如下的列联表:经计算得23.2079K 的观测值为,则在犯错误的概率不超过( )的前提下认为“药物对防止某种疾病有效”。
A . 0.025B . 0.10C . 0.01D . 0.005参考数据:3.有一段“三段论”推理是这样的:对于可导函数()f x ,若0()0f x '=,则0x x =是函数()f x 的极值点. 因为3()f x x =在0x =处的导数值(0)0f '=,所以0x =是3()f x x =的极值点. 以上推理中 ( ) A .大前提错误 B . 小前提错误 C .推理形式错误 D .结论正确 4.下列不等式对任意的(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立的是( )A .ln(1)x x >+B .20x x ->C .sin 1x x >-+D .x e ex > 5.由直线x =-π3,x =π3,y =0与曲线y =cos x 所围成的封闭图形的面积为( )A.12B .1 C.32D. 36.方程322670x x -+=在(0,2)内根的个数有( )A. 0个B. 1个C. 2个D. 3个7.若函数)(x f 满足0)(')(>+x xf x f ,设2)1(f a =,)2(f b =,则b a ,与0的大小关系为 ( ) A .b a >>0 B .a b <<0 C .0>>b a D .0>>a b8.给出下列五个命题:①某班级一共有52名学生,现将该班学生随机编号,用系统抽样的方法抽取一个容量为4的样本,已知7号,33号,46号同学在样本中,那么样本另一位同学的编号为23; ②一组数据1、2、3、3、4、5的平均数、众数、中位数相同;③一组数据a 、0、1、2、3,若该组数据的平均值为1,则样本标准差为2;④根据具有线性相关关系的两个变量的统计数据所得的回归直线方程为,a bx y 中+=∧2=a , 1,3x y ==,则b =1;⑤如图是根据抽样检测后得出的产品样本净重(单位:克)数据绘制的频率分布直方图,已知样本中产品净重小于100克的个数是36,则样本中净重大于或等于98克,并且小于104克的产品的个数是90. 其中真命题为:A . ①②④ B. ②④⑤ C. ②③④ D. ③④⑤二、填空题(4*6分=24分) 9.若bi ia-=-11, 其中b a ,都是实数,i 是虚数单位,则.______=+bi a 10.如图所示是一容量为100的样本的频率分布直方图,则由图形中的数据,可知其中位数为 .11.曲线ln ()xf x x=在点(1,0)P 处的切线方程是 . 12.观察下列等式:212(1)1x x x x ++=++,22234(1)1232x x x x x x ++=++++,2323456(1)136763x x x x x x x x ++=++++++,242345678(1)1410161916104x x x x x x x x x x ++=++++++++,由以上等式推测:对于n N *∈,若2220122(1)n n n x x a a x a x a x ++=++++则.______2=a三、解答题13. (8分)已知复数()z a i a R =+∈,且|1|1z -=,若22,,z z z z -在复平面中对应的点分别为,,A B C ,求ABC ∆的面积. 14.(10分,每小题5分)(1)已知110,02,,b aa b a b a b++>>+>且求证:中至少有一个小于2。
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(每空2-3词)Hello, everyone. In our university, community service is an important part of education. All students are encouraged to volunteer for at least one community activity before_______1_______. A new program called ―___________2______‖ helps high school students who’ve fallen behind. Students majoring in______3________are badly needed. You’d have to volunteer four hours a week for one term and choose to help a child with maths, chemistry or both. You could do an hour for each subject two days a week. Professor Gordon will _______4_______to help you with lesson plan or to offer suggestions for activations. He had office hours every Monday and Wednesday morning. You can _______5_____for the program with him and begin the work the next week. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the community service and gain______6______at the same time. If you have any questions, stop by Professor Gordon’s office this week.第二节:听力理解(共3小题,7-8每题1分,第9题2分,满分4分)听下面一段故事,回答以下3个问题。
7. Who did the woman see in her yard? ks5u________________________________________________________________________.8. What were their names?________________________________________________________________________.9. Why did the other two men follow the man into the house, though they were not invited by the woman?_________________________________________________________________________.II. 语言知识及运用(共三节,满分55分)第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)10. With no time to arrange their wedding, John and Mary will have it __________ by a company.A. organizingB. organizedC. to organizeD. being organized11. -- You should have thanked her before you left.-- I meant ________, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.A. to doB. toC. doingD. doing it12. After graduation from college, he decided to ____________ photography as his career.A. take upB. take overC. take offD. take on13. While building a tunnel through the mountain, ____________________________.A. an underground lake was discoveredB. there was an underground lake discoveredC. a lake was discovered undergroundD. the workers discovered an underground lake14. _______ from his accent, he must be _________ America.A. Judged… fromB. To judge …ofC. Judging… fromD. Judging…of15. Never before __________ to _________ what his parents expect of him more than it is today.A. he has failed; live up toB. he failed not; come up withC. has he failed; live up toD. did he fail; come up with16. When ________ help, one often says ―Thank you‖ or ―It’s kind of you.‖A. to be offeredB. offeredC. offeringD. to offer17. It was not until one of his works was published that_______ to gain his confidence in writing.A. he was ableB. was he ableC. he had been ableD. had he been able18. ___________ the cat family, the small tiger looks like a big cat.A. Having belonged toB. Belonged toC. To be belonged toD. Belonging to19. ___________ in the astronaut’s talk, I didn’t want to __________ one single word from him.A. Absorbing; leave offB. Absorbed; leave outC. Having absorbed; break upD. Being absorbed; break off第二节完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling 20 , but I always knew he was 21 . He never criticized us, but used 22 to bring out our best. He’d say, ―If you put water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t they die.‖I 23 as a child I said something 24 about somebody, and my father said, ―Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a 25 of you. Look for the best in people, and you will get the best in return.‖ From then on I’ve always tried to 26 the principle in my life.Dad’s also always been very 27 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was 28 a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a 29 : stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.I decided to leave, and dad tried to sway me from my 30 , as any good father would. When he 31 I had made up my mind, he said, ―Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. And I’ve always 32 it.I wanted to be an archeologist, but I didn’t pursue my dream. You know what you want. Go fulfill that dream.‖As it turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national 33 for young people. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad 34 me.20. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener21. A. strict B. honest C. special D. learned22. A. praise B. courage C. power D. warmth23. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess24. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual25. A. reflection B. warning C. message D. shame26. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow27. A. understanding B. experienced C. serious D. demanding28. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up D. keeping up29. A. suggestion B. decision C. notice D. choice30. A. decision B. way C. sleep D. future31. A. noticed B. foreseen C. realized D. recognized32. A. liked B. regretted C. demanded D. accepted33. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program D. project34. A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raised第三节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为35~44的相应位置上。