专利名称:METHODS AND SYSTEMS FORPRIORITIZING DIRTY REGIONS WITHIN ANIMAGE发明人:Juan Rivera申请号:US14043597申请日:20131001公开号:US20140028690A1公开日:20140130专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for identifying modified sections of a drawing region and selecting at least one modified drawing region section to transmit to a remote computer. A localcomputer can execute a prioritization module that can identify a first modified drawing region section and a second modified drawing region section. Each of the first and second modified drawing region section can have a corresponding priority. The prioritization module can determine whether the first priority of the first section is greater than the second priority of the second section and can select the greater priority. The local computer can then transmit the selected modified drawing region section that has the greatest priority to a remote computer that communicates with the local computer over a virtual channel.申请人:Citrix Systems, Inc.地址:Fort Lauderdale FL US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Analytical Procedures and Methods Validation for Drugsand BiologicsDRAFT GUIDANCEThis guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only. Comments and suggestions regarding this draft document should be submitted within 90 days of publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance. Submit electronic comments to . Submit written comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Registe r.For questions regarding this draft document contact (CDER) Lucinda Buhse 314-539-2134, or (CBER) Office of Communication, Outreach and Development at 800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800.U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)February 2014CMCAnalytical Procedures and Methods Validation for Drugsand BiologicsAdditional copies are available from:Office of CommunicationsDivision of Drug Information, WO51, Room 2201Center for Drug Evaluation and ResearchFood and Drug Administration10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20993Phone: 301-796-3400; Fax: 301-847-8714druginfo@/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htmand/orOffice of Communication, Outreach andDevelopment, HFM-40Center for Biologics Evaluation and ResearchFood and Drug Administration1401 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852-1448ocod@/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm(Tel) 800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)Febr uary 2014CMCTABLE OF CONTENTSI.INTRODUCTION (1)II.BACKGROUND (2)III.ANALYTICAL METHODS DEVELOPMENT (3)IV.CONTENT OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES (3)A.Principle/Scope (4)B.Apparatus/Equipment (4)C.Operating Parameters (4)D.Reagents/Standards (4)E.Sample Preparation (4)F.Standards Control Solution Preparation (5)G.Procedure (5)H.System Suitability (5)I.Calculations (5)J.Data Reporting (5)V.REFERENCE STANDARDS AND MATERIALS (6)VI.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION FOR NDA, ANDAs, BLAs, AND DMFs (6)A.Noncompendial Analytical Procedures (6)B.Validation Characteristics (7)pendial Analytical Procedures (8)VII.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND MODELS (8)A.Statistics (8)B.Models (8)VIII.LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES (9)A.Revalidation (9)B.Analytical Method Comparability Studies (10)1.Alternative Analytical Procedures (10)2.Analytical Methods Transfer Studies (11)C.Reporting Postmarketing Changes to an Approved NDA, ANDA, or BLA (11)IX.FDA METHODS VERIFICATION (12)X.REFERENCES (12)Guidance for Industry11Analytical Procedures and Methods Validation for Drugs and2Biologics345This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) current 6thinking on this topic. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to 7bind FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of 8the applicable statutes and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA9staff responsible for implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call 10the appropriate number listed on the title page of this guidance.11121314I. INTRODUCTION1516This revised draft guidance supersedes the 2000 draft guidance for industry on Analytical17Procedures and Methods Validation2,3 and, when finalized, will also replace the 1987 FDA18guidance for industry on Submitting Samples and Analytical Data for Methods Validation. It19provides recommendations on how you, the applicant, can submit analytical procedures4 and20methods validation data to support the documentation of the identity, strength, quality, purity,21and potency of drug substances and drug products.5It will help you assemble information and 22present data to support your analytical methodologies. The recommendations apply to drug23substances and drug products covered in new drug applications (NDAs), abbreviated new drug 24applications (ANDAs), biologics license applications (BLAs), and supplements to these25applications. The principles in this revised draft guidance also apply to drug substances and drug 26products covered in Type II drug master files (DMFs).2728This revised draft guidance complements the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) 29guidance Q2(R1)Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology(Q2(R1)) for30developing and validating analytical methods.3132This revised draft guidance does not address investigational new drug application (IND) methods 33validation, but sponsors preparing INDs should consider the recommendations in this guidance.34For INDs, sufficient information is required at each phase of an investigation to ensure proper35identity, quality, purity, strength, and/or potency. The amount of information on analytical36procedures and methods validation will vary with the phase of the investigation.6 For general371 This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Pharmaceutical Science, in the Center for Drug Evaluation andResearch (CDER) and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and DrugAdministration.2 Sample submission is described in section IX, FDA Methods Verification.3 We update guidances periodically. To make sure you have the most recent version of a guidance, check the FDADrugs guidance Web page at/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm.4Analytical procedure is interchangeable with a method or test procedure.5The terms drug substance and drug product, as used in this guidance, refer to human drugs and biologics.6 See 21 CFR 312.23(a)(7).guidance on analytical procedures and methods validation information to be submitted for phase 38one studies, sponsors should refer to the FDA guidance for industry on Content and Format of39Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs) for Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, Including40Well-Characterized, Therapeutic, Biotechnology-Derived Products. General considerations for 41analytical procedures and method validation (e.g., bioassay) before conduct of phase three42studies are discussed in the FDA guidance for industry on IND Meetings for Human Drugs and 43Biologics, Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information.4445This revised draft guidance does not address specific method validation recommendations for46biological and immunochemical assays for characterization and quality control of many drug47substances and drug products. For example, some bioassays are based on animal challenge48models, and immunogenicity assessments or other immunoassays have unique features that49should be considered during development and validation.5051In addition, the need for revalidation of existing analytical methods may need to be considered 52when the manufacturing process changes during the product’s life cycle. For questions on53appropriate validation approaches for analytical procedures or submission of information not54addressed in this guidance, you should consult with the appropriate FDA product quality review 55staff.5657If you choose a different approach than those recommended in this revised draft guidance, we58encourage you to discuss the matter with the appropriate FDA product quality review staff before 59you submit your application.6061FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable62responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should 63be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are64cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or65recommended, but not required.666768II.BACKGROUND6970Each NDA and ANDA must include the analytical procedures necessary to ensure the identity, 71strength, quality, purity, and potency of the drug substance and drug product.7 Each BLA must 72include a full description of the manufacturing methods, including analytical procedures that73demonstrate the manufactured product meets prescribed standards of identity, quality, safety,74purity, and potency.8 Data must be available to establish that the analytical procedures used in 75testing meet proper standards of accuracy and reliability and are suitable for their intended76purpose.9 For BLAs and their supplements, the analytical procedures and their validation are77submitted as part of license applications or supplements and are evaluated by FDA quality78review groups.79807 See 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1) and 314.94(a)(9)(i).8 See 21 CFR 601.2(a) and 601.2(c).9 See 21 CFR 211.165(e) and 211.194(a)(2).Analytical procedures and validation data should be submitted in the corresponding sections of 81the application in the ICH M2 eCTD: Electronic Common Technical Document Specification.108283When an analytical procedure is approved/licensed as part of the NDA, ANDA, or BLA, it84becomes the FDA approved analytical procedure for the approved product. This analytical85procedure may originate from FDA recognized sources (e.g., a compendial procedure from the 86United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF)) or a validated procedure you87submitted that was determined to be acceptable by FDA. To apply an analytical method to a88different product, appropriate validation studies with the matrix of the new product should be89considered.909192III.ANALYTICAL METHODS DEVELOPMENT9394An analytical procedure is developed to test a defined characteristic of the drug substance or95drug product against established acceptance criteria for that characteristic. Early in the96development of a new analytical procedure, the choice of analytical instrumentation and97methodology should be selected based on the intended purpose and scope of the analytical98method. Parameters that may be evaluated during method development are specificity, linearity, 99limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation limits (LOQ), range, accuracy, and precision.100101During early stages of method development, the robustness of methods should be evaluated102because this characteristic can help you decide which method you will submit for approval.103Analytical procedures in the early stages of development are initially developed based on a104combination of mechanistic understanding of the basic methodology and prior experience.105Experimental data from early procedures can be used to guide further development. You should 106submit development data within the method validation section if they support the validation of 107the method.108109To fully understand the effect of changes in method parameters on an analytical procedure, you 110should adopt a systematic approach for method robustness study (e.g., a design of experiments 111with method parameters). You should begin with an initial risk assessment and follow with112multivariate experiments. Such approaches allow you to understand factorial parameter effects 113on method performance. Evaluation of a method’s performance may include analyses of114samples obtained from in-process manufacturing stages to the finished product. Knowledge115gained during these studies on the sources of method variation can help you assess the method 116performance.117118119IV.CONTENT OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES120121You should describe analytical procedures in sufficient detail to allow a competent analyst to 122reproduce the necessary conditions and obtain results within the proposed acceptance criteria. 123You should also describe aspects of the analytical procedures that require special attention. An 124analytical procedure may be referenced from FDA recognized sources (e.g., USP/NF,12510 See sections 3.2.S.4 Control of Drug Substance, 3.2.P.4 Control of Excipients, and 3.2.P.5 Control of DrugProduct.Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) International)11 if the referenced analytical126procedure is not modified beyond what is allowed in the published method. You should provide 127in detail the procedures from other published sources. The following is a list of essential128information you should include for an analytical procedure:129130A.Principle/Scope131132A description of the basic principles of the analytical test/technology (separation, detection, etc.); 133target analyte(s) and sample(s) type (e.g., drug substance, drug product, impurities or compounds 134in biological fluids, etc.).135136B.Apparatus/Equipment137138All required qualified equipment and components (e.g., instrument type, detector, column type, 139dimensions, and alternative column, filter type, etc.).140141C.Operating Parameters142143Qualified optimal settings and ranges (allowed adjustments) critical to the analysis (e.g., flow144rate, components temperatures, run time, detector settings, gradient, head space sampler). A145drawing with experimental configuration and integration parameters may be used, as applicable. 146147D.Reagents/Standards148149The following should be listed:150151•Grade of chemical (e.g., USP/NF, American Chemical Society, High152Performance or Pressure Liquid Chromatography, or Gas153Chromatography and preservative free).154•Source (e.g., USP reference standard or qualified in-house reference material). 155•State (e.g., dried, undried, etc.) and concentration.156•Standard potencies (purity correction factors).157•Storage controls.158•Directions for safe use (as per current Safety Data Sheet).159•Validated or useable shelf life.160161New batches of biological reagents, such as monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antisera, or cells, 162may need extensive qualification procedures included as part of the analytical procedure.163164E.Sample Preparation165166Procedures (e.g., extraction method, dilution or concentration, desalting procedures and mixing 167by sonication, shaking or sonication time, etc.) for the preparations for individual sample tests. 168A single preparation for qualitative and replicate preparations for quantitative tests with16911 See 21 CFR 211.194(a)(2).appropriate units of concentrations for working solutions (e.g., µg/ml or mg/ml) and information 170on stability of solutions and storage conditions.171172F.Standards Control Solution Preparation173174Procedures for the preparation and use of all standard and control solutions with appropriate175units of concentration and information on stability of standards and storage conditions,176including calibration standards, internal standards, system suitability standards, etc.177178G.Procedure179180A step-by-step description of the method (e.g., equilibration times, and scan/injection sequence 181with blanks, placeboes, samples, controls, sensitivity solution (for impurity method) and182standards to maintain validity of the system suitability during the span of analysis) and allowable 183operating ranges and adjustments if applicable.184185H.System Suitability186187Confirmatory test(s) procedures and parameters to ensure that the system (equipment,188electronics, and analytical operations and controls to be analyzed) will function correctly as an 189integrated system at the time of use. The system suitability acceptance criteria applied to190standards and controls, such as peak tailing, precision and resolution acceptance criteria, may be 191required as applicable. For system suitability of chromatographic systems, refer to CDER192reviewer guidance on Validation of Chromatographic Methods and USP General Chapter <621> 193Chromatography.194195I.Calculations196197The integration method and representative calculation formulas for data analysis (standards,198controls, samples) for tests based on label claim and specification (e.g., assay, specified and199unspecified impurities and relative response factors). This includes a description of any200mathematical transformations or formulas used in data analysis, along with a scientific201justification for any correction factors used.202203J.Data Reporting204205A presentation of numeric data that is consistent with instrumental capabilities and acceptance 206criteria. The method should indicate what format to use to report results (e.g., percentage label 207claim, weight/weight, and weight/volume etc.) with the specific number of significant figures 208needed. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E29 describes a standard209practice for using significant digits in test data to determine conformance with specifications. For 210chromatographic methods, you should include retention times (RTs) for identification with211reference standard comparison basis, relative retention times (RRTs) (known and unknown212impurities) acceptable ranges and sample results reporting criteria.213214215V.REFERENCE STANDARDS AND MATERIALS216217Primary and secondary reference standards and materials are defined and discussed in the218following ICH guidances: Q6A Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for 219New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances (ICH Q6A), Q6B220Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological221Products, and Q7 Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical222Ingredients. For all standards, you should ensure the suitability for use. Reference standards for 223drug substances are particularly critical in validating specificity for an identity test. You should 224strictly follow storage, usage conditions, and handling instructions for reference standards to225avoid added impurities and inaccurate analysis. For biological products, you should include226information supporting any reference standards and materials that you intend to use in the BLA 227and in subsequent annual reports for subsequent reference standard qualifications. Information 228supporting reference standards and materials include qualification test protocols, reports, and 229certificates of analysis (including stability protocols and relevant known impurity profile230information, as applicable).231232Reference standards can often be obtained from USP and may also be available through the233European Pharmacopoeia, Japanese Pharmacopoeia, World Health Organization, or National 234Institute of Standards and Technology. Reference standards for a number of biological products 235are also available from CBER. For certain biological products marketed in the U.S., reference 236standards authorized by CBER must be used before the product can be released to the market.12 237Reference materials from other sources should be characterized by procedures including routine 238and beyond routine release testing as described in ICH Q6A. You should consider orthogonal 239methods. Additional testing could include attributes to determine the suitability of the reference 240material not necessarily captured by the drug substance or product release tests (e.g., more241extensive structural identity and orthogonal techniques for purity and impurities, biological242activity).243244For biological reference standards and materials, we recommend that you follow a two-tiered 245approach when qualifying new reference standards to help prevent drift in the quality attributes 246and provide a long-term link to clinical trial material. A two-tiered approach involves a247comparison of each new working reference standard with a primary reference standard so that it 248is linked to clinical trial material and the current manufacturing process.249250251VI.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION FOR NDA, ANDAs, BLAs, AND 252DMFs253254A.Noncompendial Analytical Procedures255256Analytical method validation is the process of demonstrating that an analytical procedure is257suitable for its intended purpose. The methodology and objective of the analytical procedures 258should be clearly defined and understood before initiating validation studies. This understanding 25912 See 21 CFR obtained from scientifically-based method development and optimization studies. Validation 260data must be generated under an protocol approved by the sponsor following current good261manufacturing practices with the description of methodology of each characteristic test and262predetermined and justified acceptance criteria, using qualified instrumentation operated under 263current good manufacturing practices conditions.13 Protocols for both drug substance and264product analytes or mixture of analytes in respective matrices should be developed and executed. 265266ICH Q2(R1) is considered the primary reference for recommendations and definitions on267validation characteristics for analytical procedures. The FDA Reviewer Guidance: Validation of 268Chromatographic Methods is available as well.269270B.Validation Characteristics271272Although not all of the validation characteristics are applicable for all types of tests, typical273validation characteristics are:274275•Specificity276•Linearity277•Accuracy278•Precision (repeatability, intermediate precision, and reproducibility)279•Range280•Quantitation limit281•Detection limit282283If a procedure is a validated quantitative analytical procedure that can detect changes in a quality 284attribute(s) of the drug substance and drug product during storage, it is considered a stability285indicating assay. To demonstrate specificity of a stability-indicating assay, a combination of286challenges should be performed. Some challenges include the use of samples spiked with target 287analytes and all known interferences; samples that have undergone various laboratory stress288conditions; and actual product samples (produced by the final manufacturing process) that are289either aged or have been stored under accelerated temperature and humidity conditions.290291As the holder of the NDA, ANDA, or BLA, you must:14 (1) submit the data used to establish292that the analytical procedures used in testing meet proper standards of accuracy and reliability, 293and (2) notify the FDA about each change in each condition established in an approved294application beyond the variations already provided for in the application, including changes to 295analytical procedures and other established controls.296297The submitted data should include the results from the robustness evaluation of the method,298which is typically conducted during method development or as part of a planned validation299study.1530013 See 21 CFR 211.165(e); 21 CFR 314.50 (d), and for biologics see 21 CFR 601.2(a), 601.2(c), and 601.12(a).14 For drugs see 21 CFR 314.50 (d), 314.70(d), and for biologics see 21 CFR 601.2(a), 601.2(c), and 601.12(a). For aBLA, as discussed below, you must obtain prior approval from FDA before implementing a change in analyticalmethods if those methods are specified in FDA regulations15 See section III and ICH Q2(R1).pendial Analytical Procedures302303The suitability of an analytical procedure (e.g., USP/NF, the AOAC International Book of304Methods, or other recognized standard references) should be verified under actual conditions of 305use.16 Compendial general chapters, which are complex and mention multiple steps and/or306address multiple techniques, should be rationalized for the intended use and verified. Information 307to demonstrate that USP/NF analytical procedures are suitable for the drug product or drug308substance should be included in the submission and generated under a verification protocol.309310The verification protocol should include, but is not limited to: (1) compendial methodology to 311be verified with predetermined acceptance criteria, and (2) details of the methodology (e.g.,312suitability of reagent(s), equipment, component(s), chromatographic conditions, column, detector 313type(s), sensitivity of detector signal response, system suitability, sample preparation and314stability). The procedure and extent of verification should dictate which validation characteristic 315tests should be included in the protocol (e.g., specificity, LOD, LOQ, precision, accuracy, etc.). 316Considerations that may influence what characteristic tests should be in the protocol may depend 317on situations such as whether specification limits are set tighter than compendial acceptance318criteria, or RT or RRT profiles are changing in chromatographic methods because of the319synthetic route of drug substance or differences in manufacturing process or matrix of drug320product. Robustness studies of compendial assays do not need to be included, if methods are 321followed without deviations.322323324VII.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND MODELS325326A.Statistics327328Statistical analysis of validation data can be used to evaluate validation characteristics against 329predetermined acceptance criteria. All statistical procedures and parameters used in the analysis 330of the data should be based on sound principles and appropriate for the intended evaluation.331Reportable statistics of linear regression analysis R (correlation coefficient), R square332(coefficient of determination), slope, least square, analysis of variance (ANOVA), confidence 333intervals, etc., should be provided with justification.For information on statistical techniques 334used in making comparisons, as well as other general information on the interpretation and335treatment of analytical data, appropriate literature or texts should be consulted.17336337B.Models338339Some analytical methods might use chemometric and/or multivariate models. When developing 340these models, you should include a statistically adequate number and range of samples for model 341development and comparable samples for model validation. Suitable software should be used for 342data analysis. Model parameters should be deliberately varied to test model robustness.34334416 See 21 CFR 211.194(a)(2) and USP General Chapter <1226> Verification of Compendial Procedures.17 See References section for examples including USP <1010> Analytical Data – Interpretation and Treatment.。
其有机碳总贮量约在1 400~1 500 Pg 之间[1(] 1 Pg=1015 g),是陆地植被碳库的2~3 倍,大气碳库的2 倍多,其较小幅度的变动都会引起大气中CO2浓度变化,进而影响全球气候变化。
国外好多文献把土壤有机碳库分为三部分:活跃碳库(active carbon pool),缓效性碳库(slow carbon pool)和惰性碳库(passive carbon pool)。
夏海勇等研究秸秆添加量对黄潮土和砂姜黑土有机碳库分解转化和组成的影响规律,结果表明: 秸秆添加越多, 碳库活度便越高, 越有利于有机物料分解, 降低腐殖化系数; 黏粒含量越高, 有机物料的分解受阻, 腐殖化系数便越高[6]。
ISRM Suggested Methods for Determining the Creep Characteristics of Rock - Springer
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering© Springer-Verlag Wien 201310.1007/s00603-013-0520-6ISRM Suggested MethodISRM Suggested Methods for Determining the Creep Characteristics of RockÖmer Aydan 1, 2 , Takashi Ito 3, Ugur Özbay 4, M. Kwasniewski 5, K. Shariar 6, T. Okuno 7, A. Özgenoğlu 8,D. F. Malan 9 and T. Okada 10Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, JapanTokai University, Shizuoka, JapanDepartment of Civil Engineering, Toyota National College of Technology, Toyota, JapanDepartment of Mining Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USAMining and Geology Faculty, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, PolandDepartment of Mining Engineering, Amirkabir University, Tehran, IranShimizu Corporation, Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanEngineering Faculty, Atılım University, Ankara, TürkiyeDepartment of Mining Engineering, Pretoria University, Pretoria, South AfricaCentral Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry, Abiko, JapanÖmer AydanEmail: online: 12 December 2013Without AbstractPlease send any written comments on this ISRM suggested method to Prof. Resat Ulusay, President of the ISRM Commission on Testing Methods, Hacettepe University, Department of Geological Engineering, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey.1 IntroductionIt is important to note that creep is only one aspect of the time-dependent behavior of rocks. In Fig. 1, three cases are illustrated with respect to the complete stress–strain curve: creep, i.e.,increasing strain when the stress is held constant; stress relaxation, i.e., decreasing stress when thestrain is held constant; and a combination of both, when the rock unloads along a chosen unloading path. This ISRM suggested method deals only with the case of creep, which is particularly relevant for cases where the applied load or stress is kept constant.Fig. 1Possible stress–strain paths during testing for the time-dependent characteristics of rocks (from Hagros et al. 2008)Creep tests have also been carried out on soft rocks such as tuff, shale, lignite, and sandstone, medium-hard rocks such as marble, limestone, and rock salt, and hard rocks such as granite and andesite (i.e., Akagi 1976; Akai et al. 1979, 1984; Ito and Akagi 2001; Berest et al. 2005; Doktan 1983; Passaris 1979; Serata et al. 1968; Wawersik 1983; Okubo et al. 1991, 1993; Masuda et al. 1987, 1988; Ishizuka et al. 1993; Lockner and Byerlee 1977; Boukharov et al. 1995; Fabre and Pellet 2006; Aydan et al. 1995; Chan 1997; Cristescu and Hunsche 1998; Hunsche 1992; Hunsche and Hampel 1999; Ito et al. 1999; Mottahed and Szeki 1982; Perzyna 1966; Slizowski and Lankof 2003; Yang et al. 1999). These experiments were mostly carried out under compressive loading conditions.There are few studies on rocks using creep tests under a tensile loading regime (Ito and Sasajima 1980, 1987; Ito et al. 2008; Aydan et al. 2011). In particular, shallow underground openings may be subjected to a sustained tensile stress regime, which requires the creep behavior of rocks under such conditions.Creep experiments are often used to determine the time-dependent strength and/or time-dependent deformation modulus of rocks. It has often been stated that creep of rocks does not occur unless the load/stress level exceeds a certain threshold value, which is sometimes defined as the long-term strength of rocks (Ladanyi 1974; Bieniawski 1970). Creep behavior is generally divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary, or accelerated, creep stages.The creep characteristics of rocks are very important for assessing the long-term stability of rockengineering structures. These ISRM suggested methods have been developed for laboratory creep testing of rocks in the light of the available creep testing techniques used in rock mechanics as well as other disciplines of engineering.2 ScopeThe suggested methods for creep tests described herein concern the creep characteristics of intact rocks under the indirect tensile stress regime of the Brazilian test and the uniaxial and triaxial compression tests in the light of available creep testing techniques used in the field of rock mechanics as well as other disciplines of engineering under laboratory conditions. Three separate methods have been included because the reader may wish to establish the creep behavior in tension, uniaxial compression or triaxial compression.3 ApparatusesApparatuses for creep tests can be of the cantilever type or the load/displacement-controlled type. Although the details of each testing machine may differ, the required features of apparatuses for creep tests are described in this section.3.1 Cantilever-Type ApparatusThe cantilever-type apparatus has been used in creep tests since early times (Fig. 2). It is in practice the most suitable apparatus for creep tests because the load level can easily be kept constant with time. The greatest restrictions of this type of apparatus are the level of applicable load, which depends upon the length of the cantilever arm, and its oscillations during the application of the load. The cantilever-type apparatus utilizing a multi-arm lever overcomes the load limit restrictions (Okada 2005, 2006). The oscillation problem is also dealt with technically by the producers of such creep devices. If the load increase is done manually by placing dead-weights, as in some creep testing devices, utmost care must be taken during the loading procedure to prevent undesirable oscillations.Fig. 2Examples of cantilever-type creep apparatuses: a single-arm cantilever-type creep apparatus (from Ito and Akagi 2001), b multilever arm cantilever-type creep apparatus (from Okada 2006)The load is applied onto samples by attaching dead-weights to the lever, which may be done manually for low-stress creep tests or mechanically for high-stress creep tests. In triaxial experiments, special load cells are required and the confining pressure is generally provided through oil pressure. Utmost care must be taken in keeping the confining pressure constant in terms of acontinuous power supply to the compressor of the confining pressure system.Deformation and strain measurements can be taken in several ways. The simple approach is to utilize a couple of linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs). When a triaxial creep experiment is carried out, the LVDTs may be fixed onto the sample and inserted into the triaxial chamber. In such a case, special precautions must be taken to ensure accurate measurement of displacements. Strain gages may be used. However, strain gages glued onto samples should be capable of measuring strain over a long period of time without any debonding. For lateral deformation or strain measurements, diametric or circumferential sensors can be used.3.2 Load/Displacement-Controlled ApparatusThis type of apparatus is a servo-controlled testing machine that is capable of applying constant loads onto samples (Fig. 3). The most critical aspect of this experiment is to keep the axial stress acting on a sample constant, which requires continuous monitoring of the load and its automatic adjustment (i.e., Peng 1973). The load applied onto samples should be maintained to within ±1 % of the specified load. When triaxial creep tests are carried out, a special triaxial cell is used as in the previous case. Deformation or strain measurements are carried out in the same way as in the previous type of experiments. This type of experiment is generally used for creep tests under a high stress state.Fig. 3Load/displacement-controlled apparatus (from Ishizuka et al. 1993)There has been some concern with the use of this type of machine that vibrations associated with the constant high-speed operation of the closed loop, which ensures that the chosen parameter (in this case, stress) is kept constant, could affect the results through a fatigue effect. However, the authors are not aware of any evidence to this effect.There are also true triaxial testing apparatuses to perform creep tests under true triaxial stress conditions (Serata et al. 1968; Adachi et al. 1969). The three principal stresses can be controlled independently in such triaxial testing apparatuses. Recent technological advances have made such tests easier to perform.4 Environmental ConditionsThe creep responses of some rocks, particularly evaporitic rocks, mudstone, and tuff, may be influenced by the humidity conditions. Furthermore, the creep responses of all rocks are influencedby temperature. As the results of creep experiments are generally influenced by environmental conditions, special considerations must be given to the environmental conditions. When necessary, creep experiments are carried out in climate-controlled rooms or in environmental chambers that are specially constructed around individual or multiple specimens. The environmental conditions are closely monitored and controlled within close tolerances.4.1 TemperatureCreep tests in a room-temperature environment are carried out in climate-controlled rooms. However, when the creep behavior of rocks at different temperature levels is required, special heating units with thermal insulation are used. The temperature of a specimen measured at mid-height under uniaxial condition and Brazilian tests or the inside temperature of the cell under triaxial stress condition should be maintained to within ±1 °C of the required test temperature with a resolution of ±0.1 °C.4.2 HumiditySome rocks, such as evaporitic rocks and clayey rocks, may be very sensitive to humidity conditions. According to the humidity requirement of creep tests, the humidity of climate-controlled rooms should be monitored and controlled within close tolerances of ±5 % (Wawersik 1983). If the humidity in the room cannot be controlled, the specimen should be sealed in a flexible membrane or coated with plastic or silicone rubber.4.3 SaturationThe creep characteristics of many rocks are generally influenced by water saturation conditions. Special setups, shown in Fig. 4, may be used to achieve the appropriate saturation conditions. For performing creep experiments under different saturation conditions, the specimen should be sealed in a flexible membrane or coated with plastic or silicone rubber.Fig. 4Special setups for testing under dry and saturated conditions (from Ishizuka et al. 1993)5 Preparation and Size of SamplesSpecimen preparation for creep tests should follow the procedures of the ISRM suggested methods for the Brazilian, uniaxial compression, and triaxial compression tests (ISRM 2007). It is generally desirable to keep the size of samples as indicated in the suggested methods. However, the sample size may be smaller than the conventional sizes due to the loading limit of the device and the desired level of stress. In such circumstances, special care must be taken regarding the ratio of grain size to sample height, which should be less than 0.1.6 Testing Procedures6.1 Uniaxial Compression Creep TestsThe procedure described in the method suggested by the ISRM (2007) to test for uniaxial compressive strength should be followed unless the sample size differs from the conventional size. The displacement should be measured continuously or periodically (seconds, minutes, hours or days depending upon the stress level applied on samples) as suggested in the ISRM suggested methods.The load application rate may be higher than that used in the ISRM suggested methods when a cantilever-type apparatus is used. Once the load reaches the designated load level, it should be kept constant. If the experiments are to be carried out under saturated conditions, the sample should be put in a special water-filled cell as illustrated in Fig. 4b.6.2 Triaxial Compression Creep TestsThe procedure described in the method suggested by the ISRM (2007) to determine triaxial compressive strength should be followed unless the sample size differs from the conventional size. Utmost care should be taken to monitor the axial load when the confining fluid is supplied into the triaxial cell. The displacement should be measured continuously or periodically as suggested in the ISRM suggested methods. The load application rate may be higher than that used in the ISRM suggested methods when a cantilever-type apparatus is used. Once the load reaches the designated load level, it should be kept constant. If the experiments are to be carried out under saturated conditions, the saturated sample should be sealed in a flexible membrane or coated with plastic or silicone rubber.6.3 Brazilian Creep TestsThe loading jigs and procedure used in the method suggested by the ISRM (2007) for Brazilian tests should be followed unless the sample size differs from the conventional size. The displacement should be measured continuously or periodically as suggested in the ISRM suggested methods. The load application rate may be higher than that used in the ISRM suggested methods when a cantilever-type apparatus is used. Once the load reaches the designated load level, it should be kept constant. If the experiments are to be carried out under saturated conditions, the jigs and sample should be put in a special water-filled cell.6.4 Monitoring Irrecoverable StrainingDetermination of the elastoviscoplastic constitutive behavior of rocks requires that irrecoverable strains be monitored. The applied load (differential load in triaxial tests) should be reduced to a load level of 1 % of the specified load, and the specimen should be reloaded at designated time intervals. The rate of loading during the reloading step should be the same as that used during the initial loading step.7 Calculations7.1 Uniaxial and Triaxial Compression Creep Tests(a)(1)(b)(2)(3)(c)(4)(5)(d)(6)Axial strain, ε a , and diametric strain, ε d , can be recorded directly from equipment indicating strain or can be calculated from deformation readings depending on the type of instrumentation used and illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4.Axial strain is calculated from the equation$$ \varepsilon_{\text{a}} = \frac{\varDelta l}{{l_{0} }}, $$where l 0 is the original measured axial length and ∆l is the change in measured axial length(defined to be positive for a decrease in length).(c) Diametric strain can be determined either by measuring the changes in the diameter of the specimen or by measuring the circumferential strain. In the case of measuring changes in diameter, the diametric strain is calculated from the equation$$ \varepsilon_{\text{d}} = \frac{\varDelta d}{{d_{0} }}, $$where d 0 is the original undeformed diameter of the specimen and ∆d is the change in diameter (defined to be negative for an increase in diameter). In the case of measuring the circumferential strain, ε c , the circumference is C = πd , thus the change in circumference is ∆C = π∆d .Consequently, the circumferential strain, ε c , is related to the diametric strain, ε d , by$$ \varepsilon_{\text{c}} = \frac{\varDelta C}{C} = \frac{\varDelta d}{{d_{0} }}, $$so that$$ \varepsilon_{\text{c}} = \varepsilon_{\text{d}}, $$where C and d 0 are the original circumference and the diameter of the specimen, respectively.The compressive axial stress in the test specimen, σ a , is calculated by dividing thecompressive load P on the specimen by the initial cross-sectional area, A 0, i.e.,$$ \sigma_{\text{a}} = \frac{P}{{A_{0} }}, $$where compressive stresses and strains are considered positive in this test procedure. For a given stress level, the volumetric strain, ε v , is calculated from the equation$$ \varepsilon_{\text{v}} = \varepsilon_{\text{a}} + 2\varepsilon_{\text{d}}. $$7.2 Brazilian Creep TestsThe tensile strength of the specimen should be calculated using the following formula:$$ \sigma_{\text{t}} = \frac{2}{\pi }\frac{P}{Dt}, $$where P is the load at failure, D is the diameter of the test specimen (mm), and t is the thickness of the test specimen measured at its center (mm). The nominal strain of the Brazilian tensile test sample(7)(8)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)can be given as (see Hondros 1959 and Jaeger and Cook 1979 for details)$$ \varepsilon_{\text{t}} = 2\left[ {1 - \frac{\pi }{4}(1 - \upsilon )}\right]\frac{{\sigma_{\text{t}} }}{E} \,{\text{with}}\,\,\varepsilon_{\text{t}} = \frac{\delta }{D}, $$where δ, ε and E are diametrical displacement in the loading direction, strain and elastic modulus,respectively.If the Poisson’s ratio of the rock is not known or not measured, one may choose a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25. Thus, the formula given above can be simplified to the following form (Aydan et al. 2011):$$ \varepsilon_{\text{t}} = 0.82\frac{{\sigma_{\text{t}} }}{E}. $$8 Reporting of ResultsThe report should include the following:Lithologic description of the rock;Source of the sample, including geographic location, depth and orientation, dates ofsampling and storage history, and environment;Orientation of the axis of loading with respect to specimen anisotropy, e.g., bedding planes,foliation, grain size, etc.;Number of specimens tested;Specimen diameter and height;Water content and degree of saturation at the time of test;Test duration and/or stress rate;Date of testing and type of testing machine;Mode of failure, e.g., location and orientation of failure surface;Any other observations or available physical data, such as specific gravity, porosity, and permeability, citing the method of determination of each;The applied stress level for each specimen in the sample expressed to three significantfigures together with the average result for the sample. Units of stress and strength must be given;If it is necessary in some instances to test specimens that do not comply with the above specifications, these facts should be noted in the test report;Results of creep experiments are generally presented in the space of time and strain fordifferent combinations of experimental conditions (Fig. 5). Figure 6 shows the effect of saturation on the Brazilian and uniaxial compression creep responses of Cappadocian tuff samples from Zelve. Additional presentation may include failure time versus normalized applied stress by the short-term strength in both uniaxial and triaxial compression creep tests (Fig. 7). Figure 8 shows plots of responses during creep tests of Oya tuff and its failure time determined at different temperatures. Depending on the constitutive models chosen, the experimental results may be presented in different forms according to the user and his/her purpose. The “Appendix” included in the suggested methods provides some constitutive models for processing the results from creep experiments as advice to users.Fig. 5Uniaxial compression creep response of Oya tuff (modified from Ito and Akagi 2001): a plot of experimental response on logarithmic scale, b plot of experimental results on linear scaleFig. 6Responses of initially dry and later saturated tuff samples from Zelve during Brazilian and uniaxial compression creep tests (arranged from Ito et al. 2008): a responses during Brazilian creep test of an initially dry and later saturated sample, b responses during a uniaxial compression creep test of an initially dry and later saturated sampleFig. 7a Creep failure time of Oya tuff and Cappadocia tuffs in uniaxial compression tests (from Ulusay et al. 1999).b Creep failure time of Oya tuff in triaxial compression tests (arranged from Ito et al. 1999; Shibata et al. 2007; Akai et al. 1979)Fig. 8a Creep response of Oya tuff.b Relationship between stress ratio and failure time at varioustemperatures (arranged from Shibata et al. 2007)9 Notes and RecommendationsIn this section some notes and recommendations are given. Some guidelines on how to utilize experimental results for modeling the time-dependent behavior of rocks are presented in the “Appendix.”9.1 Power BackupAs creep experiments may involve very long durations, utmost care must be taken to avoid powersupply failures.9.2 Determination of Irrecoverable StrainDetermination of parameters in relation to elastoviscoplastic constitutive laws may require irrecoverable strain and strain rates. In such cases, use of loading and unloading cycles will be necessary. Extra precautions must be taken to ensure that the load level is not less than 1 % of the specified load level.9.3 Stability of Confining FluidThe confining pressure fluid should be stable at the temperature and pressure levels designated for the test.9.4 Stability of Measuring DevicesThe measuring devices must remain stable at the temperature and pressure levels designated for the test.9.5 Safety of Test SystemTest systems under designated temperature and pressure levels must be compatible with the safety standards against system failure and fire. Furthermore, adequate protective shields should be used to protect people in the area from unexpected system failure.AcknowledgmentsThe members of this Working Group acknowledge the guidance and information given by Emeritus Prof. S. Sakurai, Japan and Emeritus Prof. J. A. Hudson (former presidents of the ISRM), Dr. N. Grossman (Portugal), Dr. W. R. Wawersik (USA), Dr. Eda Quadros (Brazil), Prof. P. Nawrocki (UAE), and Prof. R. Ulusay (Türkiye). Furthermore, Emeritus Professor John A. Hudson is thanked for his editorial assistance during the preparation of this document.AppendixIntroductionThis “Appendix” is provided as supplementary material describing constitutive models available in the literature utilizing the experimental results of creep tests. As there have been numerous such models since the 1900s, it is impossible to cover all of them, and interested readers arerecommended to consult textbooks, some of which are listed in the suggested methods reference list. Therefore, this “Appendix” has been prepared with the purpose of serving as a guideline to users utilizing the suggested methods. As defined in the “Introduction” of the suggested methods, a creep test is an experiment carried out under sustained loading condition, and the constitutive models are presented for such a condition.It is claimed that creep behavior is not observed if the level of applied stress is less than a certain threshold value (Ladanyi 1993) in a practical sense (in terms of days). However, experiments carried out on igneous rock (granite, gabbro, etc.) beams by Ito (1991) for three decades show that a creep response definitely occurs even under very low stress levels. The threshold value suggested by Ladanyi (1993) may be associated with the initiation of dilatancy of volumetric strain as illustrated in Fig. 9. The initiation of dilatancy generally corresponds to 40–60 % of the stress level, and fracture propagation tends to become unstable when the applied stress level exceeds 70–80 % of the ultimate deviatoric strength for a given stress state (Aydan et al. 1994; Hallbauer et al. 1973). Therefore, the behavior below the threshold should generally correspond to viscoelastic behavior. The creep threshold according to Ladanyi (1974) should correspond to an elastoviscoplastic response, and it should not be possible to obtain viscoelastic properties directly from the measured responses.Fig. 9Illustration of threshold value and experimental results (arranged from Aydan et al. 1993, 1994)As noted from Fig. 5 in the suggested methods, some responses terminate with failure while others become asymptotic to certain strain levels. The responses terminating in failure are generally divided into three stages as shown in Fig. 10 using one of the response curves shown in Fig. 5. These stages are defined as the primary, secondary, and tertiary creep stages. The secondary stage appears to be a linear response in time (but in fact, it is not a linear response). On the other hand, the tertiary stageis the stage in which the strain response increases exponentially, resulting in failure of the sample. Modeling of this stage in constitutive laws is an extremely difficult aspect as it also depends upon the boundary conditions.Fig. 10Strain and strain rate response of a creep experiment on Oya tuff (Japan) shown in Fig. 5 in the main textThe transitions from the primary to the secondary stage and from the secondary to the tertiary stage are generally determined from the deviation from a linearly decreasing or increasing strain rate plotted in logarithmic time space, as also shown in Fig. 10. Generally, it should, however, be noted that strain data must be smoothed before interpretation. Direct derivation of strain data containing actual responses as well as electronic noise may produce entirely different results. In this “Appendix,” the constitutive laws are divided into two categories, namely unidirectional and multidimensional constitutive laws. These constitutive laws and available yield functions are briefly outlined and discussed together with some examples of applications.Unidimensional Constitutive ModelsConstitutive models are essentially based on responses obtained from experiments and fundamentally are fitting procedures of some functions to experimental results. Therefore, they cannot be purely derived from a certain theory. Nevertheless, they must satisfy certain rules established in constitutive modeling of material science. Unidimensional constitutive models can also be broadly divided into two categories: intuitive models and rheological models. Table 1 summarizes some of the well-known intuitive models, while Table 2 summarizes linear rheological models (Mirza 1978; Doktan 1983; Farmer 1983). Figure 11 compares experimental responses with those from intuitive and rheological models. As can be noted from this figure, each model has its own merits and demerits, and the user should decide which one to adopt for his/her purpose.Intuitive unidimensional creep models (except for Aydan et al. 2003 the references to the citations in this table can be found in Farmer 1983)\( A,B,C,\alpha ,\tau_{1} ,\tau_{2} \), and n are constants to be determined from experimental results. \( \sigma_{\text{a}} ,\varepsilon_{\text{c}} ,\dot{\varepsilon }_{\text{c}} \), and t are the applied stress, creep strain, strain rate, and time, respectively, hereafterRheological models for unidimensional constitutive modeling\( E \) and \( \eta \) are elastic and viscosity moduli, respectively. Suffixes “h,” “k,” and “m” indicate moduli of Hooke, Kelvin, and Maxwell units. \( \varepsilon \) is total strainFig. 11Comparison of intuitive and rheological models with experimental responses: a asymptotic response (intuitive models), b response terminating with failure (intuitive models), and c response terminating with failure (rheological models)When the behavior of rock includes irrecoverable (permanent) strain, nonlinear rheological models have also been developed, and some of them are listed in Table 3 and their responses compared in Fig. 12. Expressions for elastoviscoplastic models can be developed in a similar manner. However, they tend to be rather complicated. Also, it should be noted that such models require the determination of the irrecoverable response from experiments, which definitely requires the implementation of loading and unloading procedures.Table 3Rheological unidimensional nonlinear creep models\( \varepsilon_{\text{e}} \) and \( \varepsilon_{\text{vp}} \) are elastic and viscoplastic components of strain. H and \( C_{\text{p}} \) are plastic hardening modulus and viscoplastic modulus, respectivelyFig. 12Comparison of Bingham- and Perzyna-type viscoplastic responses。
标签:病房紫外线消毒、原因分析、防范措施Abstract:Objective:To investigate the safety factors of ultraviolet disinfection in ward,and to summarize the reasons and to take preventive measures. Methods:3 cases of patients with accidental burns caused by ultraviolet disinfection in July 2015 July 2014 were analyzed,and the corresponding preventive measures were established. Results:after the implementation of preventive measures,no UV radiation accident occurred. Conclusion:to strengthen the management of ultraviolet disinfection,enhance the safety awareness of nursing staff,reduce adverse events,is conducive to improve the quality of nursing service.Keywords:ward ultraviolet disinfection and cause analysis and prevention measures紫外线消毒是利用适当波长的紫外线能够破坏微生物机体细胞中的DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)或RNA(核糖核酸)的分子结构造成生长后细胞死亡和(或)再生细胞死亡,达到杀菌消毒的效果。
RNAseq materials and methods转录组测序方法英文简介
RNA Extraction Preparation for Next-Generation SequencingTotal RNA was extracted using TRK-1001 total RNA purification kit (LC Science, Houston, TX) following the manufacturer's procedure. The total RNA quantity and purity were analysis of Bioanalyzer 2100 and RNA 6000 Nano LabChip Kit (Agilent, CA, USA) with RIN number >7.0. Approximately 5 ug of total RNA representing a specific adipose type was used to deplete ribosomal RNA according to the manufacturer’s instructions of the Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal kit (Epidemiology version) (Epicentre, an Illumina company, Madison, WI). Following purification, the poly(A)- or poly(A)+ RNA fractions is fragmented into small pieces using divalent cations under elevated temperature. Then the cleaved RNA fragments were reverse-transcribed to construct cDNA library using the dUTP method as described [1], the average insert size for the paired-end libraries was 300 bp (±50 bp). RNA libraries were then sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 or 2500 platform using 100 bp paired-end reads.RNA-Sequencing Data AnalysisAll RNA-seq data were aligned to hg19 using TopHat[2] v2.0.9 with default parameters. The mapped reads were assembled using Cufflinks[3] v2.11. All multiple assembled transcript files (GTF format) were then merged to produce a unique set of transcriptomes using the Cuffmerge utility provided by the Cufflinks package. Cuffdiff v2.11 was used for all differential expression analyses with Gencode v21.0 annotation. Transcript abundances were estimated by Cufflinks in Fragments Per Kilobase per Million mapped reads (FPKM) for pairedend reads or Reads Per Kilobase per Million mapped reads (RPKM) for single-end reads[4]. In all differential expression tests, a gene was considered significant if the q value was less than 0.05 (Cuffdiff Default).lncRNA DiscoveryWe filtered the assembled novel transcripts 2 cell lines to obtain putative lncRNAs. Firstly, identical and overlapping transcripts were merged to remove redundancy. Then, transcripts overlapping with known exons of genes were removed. Only transcripts with length>200nt were retained. To identify potential known lncRNA transcripts, we compare the merged transcriptome with lncRNA and protein-coding genes in public databases including GENCODE[5], NONCODE[6], RefSeq [7], and Ensembl [8] to eliminate potential known lncRNA transcripts with further filtering of length>200 nucleotides.In order to obtain a reliable dataset of putative lncRNAs, single exon models were filtered out. Next, we removed transcripts that were likely to be assembly artifacts or PCR run-on fragments according to class code annotated by Cuffmerage. Among the different classes, only those a nnotated by ‘‘u’’, ‘‘i’’and ‘‘x’’ were retained, which repres ent novel intergenic, intronic and cis-antisense transcripts, respectively. But here, most analyses were focused on intergenic, intronic and cis antisense lncRNAs. Extremely low gene expression is generally considered to be transcriptional noise [9]. On average, 85% of the initial reads could be aligned to the hg19 assembly of the human genome sequence. Transcripts with RPKM/FPKM under lower bound of single tail 85% confidence interval (<0.3) for all expression values were removed.Lastly, we calculated the protein-coding capacity of novel transcripts using CPC() which incorporates the sequence features into a support vector machine to assess the protein-coding potential of each transcript. The proportion of coding transcripts miss-classified as non-coding RNAs by CPC was previously shown to be marginal [10,11], suggesting CPC is a robust approach for distinguishing coding from noncoding RNAs. Then those putative transcripts with CPC score<-1 were retained as candidate lncRNAs for the further analysis.Putative lncRNA ClassificationThe assembled putative lncRNAs were divided into three categories: (1) lncRNAs without any overlaps with any genes (RefSeq or Ensembl) were classified as intergenic overlap lncRNAs (intergenic lncRNAs); (2) lncRNAs that were entirely contained within intron of any protein-coding genes in either sense or antisense orientation were classified as intronic overlap lncRNAs (intronic lncRNAs); (3) lncRNAs with exonic overlaps with any exons of RefSeq transcript on the opposite strand were classified as cis-antisense overlap lncRNAs (cis-antisense lncRNAs).Gene Function Enrichment AnalysisDA VID (/) [14] was used to perform gene function enrichment analysis based on GO (/) [12], KEGG ( [13] annotation by submitting closest gene lists for putative intergenic lncRNAs, host genes for putative embryonic brain intronic lncRNAs and overlapping genes for putative embryonic brain cis-antisense lncRNAs, respectively. Only putative intergenic lncRNAs with distance to closest genes <500 kb were kept for this analysis, which would eliminate longdistance irrelevant genes. Furthermore, putative intronic lncRNAs embedded in long introns (<100 kb) of known genes were also discarded to avoid the bias of large introns. Functional terms with Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values<0.05 were considered to be significantly enriched.According to the lncRNA and mRNA interactions information above, the Cytoscape software version 2.8.3 [15] (/webcite) was used to construct regulatory network. The pictures of this article was draw by using Rscript.[1]Parkhomchuk, D., Borodina, T., Amstislavskiy, V., Banaru, M., Hallen, L., Krobitsch, S.,Lehrach, H., and Soldatov, A. (2009). Transcriptome analysis by strand-specific sequencing of complementary DNA. Nucleic Acids Res.37, e123.[2]Trapnell, C., Pachter, L., and Salzberg, S.L. (2009). TopHat: discovering splice junctions withRNA-Seq. Bioinformatics 25, 1105–1111.[3]Trapnell, C., Williams, B.A., Pertea, G., Mortazavi, A., Kwan, G., van Baren, M.J., Salzberg,S.L., Wold, B.J., and Pachter, L. (2010). Transcript assembly and quantification by RNA-Seq reveals unannotated transcripts and isoform switching during cell differentiation. Nat. Biotechnol.28, 511–515.[4]Mortazavi A, Williams BA, McCue K, Schaeffer L, Wold B (2008) Mapping and quantifyingmammalian transcriptomes by RNA-Seq. Nat Methods 5: 621–628.[5]Harrow J, et al. (2012) GENCODE: The reference human genome annotation for The ENCODEProject. Genome Res. 2012 Sep;22(9):1760-74.[6]Chaoyong Xie, et al. (2014) NONCODEv4: exploring the world of long non-coding RNA genes.Nucl. Acids Res. 42 (D1): D98-D103.[7]Pruitt KD, Tatusova T, Brown GR, Maglott DR (2012) NCBI reference sequences (RefSeq): current status, new features and genome annotation policy. Nucleic Acids Res 40:D130–D135. doi:10.1093/nar/gkr1079[8]Flicek P, Ahmed I, Amode MR, Barrell D, Beal K, Brent S, Carvalho- Silva D, Clapham P, Coates G, Fairley S, Fitzgerald S, Gil L, Garcia-Giron C, Gordon L, Hourlier T, Hunt S, Juettemann T, Kahari AK, Keenan S, Komorowska M, Kulesha E, Longden I, Maurel T, McLaren WM, Muffato M, Nag R, Overduin B, Pignatelli M, Pritchard B, Pritchard E, Riat HS, Ritchie GR, Ruffier M, Schuster M, Sheppard D, Sobral D, Taylor K, Thormann A, Trevanion S, White S, Wilder SP, Aken BL, Birney E, Cunningham F, Dunham I, Harrow J, Herrero J, Hubbard TJ, Johnson N, Kinsella R, Parker A, Spudich G, Yates A, Zadissa A, Searle SM (2013) Ensembl 2013. Nucleic Acids Res 41:D48–D55. doi:10.1 093/nar/gks1236[9]Hebenstreit D, Fang M, Gu M, Charoensawan V, van Oudenaarden A, et al. (2011) RNA sequencing reveals two major classes of gene expression levels in metazoan cells. Mol Syst Biol 7: 497.[10]Li T, Wang S, Wu R, Zhou X, Zhu D, et al. (2012) Identification of long nonprotein coding RNAs in chicken skeletal muscle using next generation sequencing. Genomics 99: 292–298.35.[11]Young RS, Marques AC, Tibbit C, Haerty W, Bassett AR, et al. (2012) Identification and properties of 1,119 candidate lincRNA loci in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Genome Biol Evol 4: 427–442.[12]Ashburner M, Ball CA, Blake JA, Botstein D, Butler H, et al. (2000) Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. The Gene Ontology Consortium. Nat Genet 25: 25–29.[13]Kanehisa M, Araki M, Goto S, Hattori M, Hirakawa M, et al. (2008) KEGG for linking genomes to life and the environment. Nucleic Acids Res 36: D480–484.[14]Huang da W, Sherman BT, Lempicki RA (2009) Bioinformatics enrichment tools: paths toward the comprehensive functional analysis of large gene lists. Nucleic Acids Res 37: 1–13.[15]Cline, M. S., et al. (2007). Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape. Nature Protocols, 2(10), 2366–2382.。
专利名称:PIPE INSPECTION SYSTEM AND RELATED METHODS发明人:HOROSHENKOV, Kirill Vjacheslavovitch,ALI, Mohammad Tareq Bin,TAIT, Simon Joseph 申请号:GB2014/051193申请日:20140416公开号:WO2014/170673A1公开日:20141023专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method of inspecting pipes to determine features thereof, the method comprising: deploying an apparatus (2) in a pipe (22) or close to an end region of the pipe(22); emitting (1200) an acoustic signal from the apparatus (2); detecting reflected acoustic signals with a detector array (6) of the apparatus (2) and determining (1206) an acoustic intensity from the detected acoustic signals; analysing (1208) the acoustic intensity signals to derive one or more portions thereof with each portion relating to a feature of the pipe (22); determining (1212) an acoustic signature for each of the portions of the intensity signals; comparing (1214) the or each acoustic signature against at least one library of previously determined acoustic signals; and determining, from the comparison the condition of the pipe (22) being inspected.申请人:ACOUSTIC SENSING TECHNOLOGY (UK) LTD地址:GB国籍:GB代理人:GOSNALL, Toby更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:METHODS发明人:RYCROFT, Andrew Nelson,MAGLENNON, Gareth Adam申请号:GB2014/051220申请日:20140417公开号:WO2014/174257A2公开日:20141030专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A plasmid for transforming comprising an region comprising both AT-rich regions from a predicted region of 232, or comprising a variant thereof that retains the ability to act as an region in and has at least 90% sequence identity with a sequencecomprising both AT-rich regions from a predicted region of M. hyopneumoniae 232. A cell transformed with a plasmid of the invention may be useful in a vaccine composition. A nucleic acid construct comprising a nucleic acid sequence encoding a transposase enzyme and a promoter sequence, wherein the promoter sequence is active in ; optionally wherein the promoter sequence comprises a promoter sequence from , or gene promoter of or promoter sequence from ; optionally wherein the promoter sequence from is a constitutively active promoter sequence, optionally a promoter sequence from theldh, P97, secD, Tuf, rpoB, P146, ATP transporter ATP binding protein, Asparagine-tRNA synthetase or Translation elongation factor gene. The transposase enzyme may be a Mariner family transposase, optionally Himar1 transposase or Himar1 C9 mutant transposase.申请人:THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE地址:GB国籍:GB代理人:PILKINGTON, Stephanie Joan更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:MESSAGING SYSTEMS AND RELATEDMETHODS发明人:Bala Ganesh,Scott Castaldo,Amber Reed申请号:US14195332申请日:20140303公开号:US20140258424A1公开日:20140911专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system and method for allowing a purchaser of a gift to associate a personal message (e.g., an audio and/or video message) with the gift is described. The personal message may be associated with the gift via a unique identifier associated with a parcel(e.g., a parcel tracking number) in which the gift is shipped to the intended recipient of the gift. Once the gift is received by the gift recipient, the gift recipient may also associate a message with the gift via the unique identifier. The gift recipient's message may be in response to the purchaser's message, an unrelated message to the purchaser, a message to the retailer where the gift was purchased, or a message to a common carrier.申请人:United Parcel Service of America, Inc.地址:Atlanta GA US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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我的其中一个偶像是歌手Taylor Swift,这使得我对英文歌曲非常着迷。
Power control methods
专利名称:Power control methods发明人:Gerald Hearns,Christopher Alan Smith,SimonGray,Matthew James Cunningham申请号:US13245101申请日:20110926公开号:US08686580B2公开日:20140401专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:In an oscillating water column (OWC) assembly power may be generated based on a power reference that is derived from an estimate of the available mechanical power in the air turbine or a measured pressure drop across the turbine. The power reference isused to derive a power control torque reference within a power controller . A speed controller uses a comparison of a measured speed of the generator and a maximum speed limit to derive a speed control torque reference. A selector function selects whichever of the power control and speed control torque references is the maximum at any time instant. The selected torque reference is input to an anti stall torque function where it is selectively modified by applying a speed dependent gain that decreases with decreasing turbine speed, preferably so that the main torque reference is zero for a minimum speed limit.申请人:Gerald Hearns,Christopher Alan Smith,Simon Gray,Matthew James Cunningham地址:Irvine GB,Leicester GB,Leicester GB,Leicester GB国籍:GB,GB,GB,GB代理机构:Parks IP Law LLC代理人:Theodore A. Wood更多信息请下载全文后查看。
理论教学授课进度安排表1. Read the text respectively;2. Try to translate some of the sentences in the text;3. The students read the text in chorus.Special difficulties:1. the Johnsons 在姓氏(复数)前加定冠词(the)表示感谢“某一家人”The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.The Richards usually watch television at night. 2. While & When 当…的时候两词一般情况下可换用,但以下两种用法比较有独特性。
While 多用来引导两个同时进行的行为动作,即在“A+while+B”的句型中,A和B同时发生。
While her husband is at work and her children are at school, she does the housework.When 多用来表达动作发生的突然性,即在“A+when+B”的句型中,A正在进行中,B突然发生了,或B正在进行中,A突然发生了。
Jeff cut himself when he opened a bottle of wine.3. Do+V-ing 做某件事“do +some/the +V-ing ”表示在某个特定的时间内重复做某事。
在v-ing 前可加限定词,如,the ,my , some, much等。
Mrs. Jones did some sewing before going to bed. She usually does the washing and ironing on Mondays.1.Check the translation about the Ss’ homewo rk.2.Try to make as many sentences as possible with expressions from Reading part .Grammar :一般现在时与时间频度副词→The Simple Present and Frequency Adverbs1.一般现在时是用来表达式一个习惯动作、有规律的行为以及永恒的现象。
Themed Cemetery Systems and Methods
专利名称:Themed Cemetery Systems and Methods发明人:David Montgomery申请号:US14452750申请日:20140806公开号:US20150020354A1公开日:20150122专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An improved cemetery experience whereby the cemetery and accompanying facilities may celebrate and demonstrate the passion and hobbies of the deceasedindividual, such as a love of sports. The contemplated themed cemetery may be a stand-alone cemetery that celebrates a common passion of a plurality of individuals, yet stillmaintains the traditional burial and memorialization process. The themed cemetery memorializes a specific event or a loved location and provides enjoyment to individuals having a common interest with an opportunity for burial and/or memorial with a common theme. The themed cemetery comprises a visual and physical replica of a venue, such as a sporting facility, e.g., the Los Angeles Sports Arena, the Los Angeles Coliseum, Angel Stadium, Wimbledon, and the like. The themed cemetery is configured to providing space for the deceased while also providing income and revenue by way of advertising for the cemetery operator.申请人:David Montgomery地址:Ladera Ranch CA US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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• sequence 运行时,将自 动为每次进样创建新的 experiment。 • 不同样品可使用不同的 分析方法; • Sample sets( Waters Empower software)可 直接导入至Astra。
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• 替换配置( Replace Configuration )可对已采集的数据进行 修正或更新系统参数; • “One-to-Many” 功能将使得批处理数据更加便捷;
附件: Terminology & Units ASTRA V versus ASTRA 6
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GCC Standardization Organization (GSO)Conformity Assessment DepartmentL ist of GSO Technical Regulations for Motor Vehicles(2014 Model Year)MY2014-D2Technical RegulationYearGSOLead-Acid Starter Batteries Used for Motor Cars & Internal Combustion Engines2007 34 Methods of Test for Lead-Acid Starter Batteries Used for Motor Cars & Internal Combustion Engines2007 35 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Impact Strength - Part 1: Frontal Impact200536Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Impact Strength - Part 2: Rear Impact201237 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Impact Strength - Part 3A: Side Impact200538 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Impact Strength - Part 4: Roof Strength200539 Motor Vehicles - Impact Strength2011 40 Motor Vehicles: Front and Rear Exterior Protection Devices for Passenger Cars (Bumpers etc) and its Methods of Test200741Motor Vehicles: General Requirements2003 42 Motor Vehicles: Conformity Certificates1984 48 Passenger Car Tyres - Part 1: Nomenclature, Designation, Dimensions, Load Capacities and Inflation Pressures200751Passenger Car Tyres - Part 2: General Requirements2007 52 Passenger Car Tyres - Part 3: Methods of Test2007 53 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing of Safety Belt1988 96 Motor Vehicles - Safety Belts1988 97 Motor Vehicles - Flammability of Interior Materials and Testing Methods1988 98 Road Vehicles - Sound Signaling Devices – Technical Specifications1988 99 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Engine Radiator2007135Technical RegulationYearGSOMotor Vehicles - Engine Radiator2007 136 Motor Vehicles - Allowable Limits of Pollutants Emitted to the Atmosphere from Heavy Duty Diesel Engined Vehicles1991 144 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing for Pollutants Emitted from Heavy Duty Diesel Engined Vehicles – Part 1: Determination of Exhaust Gaseous Pollutants1991145Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing for Pollutants Emitted from Heavy Duty Diesel Engined Vehicles – Part 2: Determination of Smoke1991146 Motor Vehicles - Conformity Certificates for Vehicles Manufactured in Multi-Stages1993 153 Motor Vehicles - Dimensions and Weights1993 159 Car Upholstery - Testing Methods of Fabric for Car Seats2005 279** Car Upholstery - Fabric for Car Seats2005 280** Road Vehicles - Retro Reflective Number Plates and its Methods of Test1994 289** Instruction Manual for Appliances Instruments and Equipment1994 290 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing for Door Locks and Door Hinges1994 419 Motor Vehicles - Door Locks and Door Hinges1994 420 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing of Rear-view Mirrors2005 421 Motor Vehicles – Rear-view Mirrors2005 422 Requirements for Storage of Motor Vehicles Tyres2007 581** Multi-Purpose Vehicles, Trucks, Buses and Trailers Tyres - Part 1: Nomenclature, Designation, Dimensions, Load Capacities and Inflation Pressures2005645Multi-Purpose Vehicles, Trucks, Buses and Trailers Tyres: Part 2: Method of Test1996646Technical RegulationYearGSOMulti-Purpose Vehicles, Trucks, Buses and Trailers Tyres: Part 3: General Requirements1996647Motor Vehicles - Safety Requirements for Maintenance and Repair Workshop1997674**Motor Vehicles - General Requirements for Ambulances1997 963* Motor Vehicles - Safety Requirements for Pilgrim Buses1997 967* Motor Vehicles - Periodic Technical Inspection Manual1997 971** Motor Vehicles - Allowable Limits of Pollutants Emitted to the Atmosphere from Light Duty Diesel Engined Vehicles20001040Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing for Pollutants Emitted from Light Duty Diesel Engined Vehicles - Part 1: Determination of Exhaust Gaseous Pollutants20001041 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Testing for Pollutants Emitted from Light Duty Diesel Engined Vehicles - Part 2: Determination of Smoke20001042 Motor Vehicles Tyres - Temporary Use Spare Wheel/Tyres and Their Methods of Test20001052 *Motor Vehicles - Protection Against Theft2000 1053 Motor Vehicle - Head Lamps Safety Requirements.2010 1503 Motor Vehicles - Head Restraints and Their Methods of Test2002 1598 Full-Flow Lubricating Oil Filters for Internal Combustion Engines – Dimensions2002 1605** Motor Vehicles - Noise Emissions2002 1624 Motor Vehicles - Speed Limiters - Part 2: Technical Requirements2002 1625 * Motor Vehicles - Speed Limiters - Part 3: Methods of Test20021626 *Technical RegulationYearGSOMotor Vehicles – Laminated Safety Glass2003 1677 Motor Vehicles – Allowable Limits of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted to the atmosphere from Unleaded Gasoline Vehicles2003 1680 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Unleaded Gasoline Engined Vehicles - Part 1: Determination of Exhaust Gaseous Pollutants After a Cold Start20031681Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Unleaded Gasoline Engined Vehicles - Part 2: Determination of Exhaust Carbon Monoxide Concentration20031682 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Unleaded Gasoline Engined Vehicles - Part 3: Determination of Evaporative Emissions (Hydro- carbons) from the Fuel System Using the Enclosure Method20031683Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Unleaded Gasoline Engined Vehicles - Part 4: Determination of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Engine Crankcase20031684 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Unleaded Gasoline Engined Vehicles – Part 5: Determination of Durability of Pollution Control Equipment20031685 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test for Impact Strength - Part 3B: Moving Barrier Side Impact (In accordance to US standards)20051707 Motor Vehicles - Methods of Test For Impact Strength - Part 3C: Moving Barrier Side Impact(In accordance to European standards)20051708 Motor Vehicles – Child Restraint Systems2005 1709 * Motor Vehicles – Methods of Testing of Child Restraint2005 1710 * Motor vehicles – Speed Limiters - Part 1: General requirements, Equipment Inspection, Certification and type approval20051711 *Motor Vehicles – Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - Requirements20101780Technical RegulationYearGSOMotor Vehicles - World Manufacturer Identifier2006 1781 Motor Vehicles – Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) – Location and attachment20081782Passenger Car Tyres - Treadwear, Traction and Temperature-Resistance Grading20061783 Passenger Car Tyres - Method of Testing of Tyre Temperature Resistance Grading20061784 Road Vehicles – Engine Test Code – Net Power2008 GSO ISO 1585 Motor Vehicles - Safety Glazing Materials - Mechanical Tests2008 GSO ISO 3537 Road Vehicles - Safety Glasses - Test Methods for Optical Properties.1997GSO ISO 3538 Methods of Test for Full-flow Lubricating Oil Filters for Internal Combustion Engines - Part 6: Static Burst Pressure Test2002GSO ISO 4548- 6** Methods of Test for Full-Flow Lubricating Oil Filters for Internal Combustion Engines - Part 1: Differential Pressure Flow Characteristics2002GSO ISO 4548- 1** Methods of Test for Full-Flow Lubricating Oil Filters for Internal Combustion Engines - Part 2: Element By-Pass Valve Characteristics2002GSO ISO 4548- 2** Methods of Test for Full-Flow Lubricating Oil Filters for Internal Combustion Engines - Part 3: Resistance to High Differential Pressure and to Elevated Temperature2002GSO ISO 4548- 3** Motor Vehicles –Methods of Testing Brake Linings – Part 1: Internal Shear Strength of Lining Material.2005GSO ISO 6311*** Applicable for certification if provided or the vehicle is designed for. ** Not applicable for Certification.National Regulations for Member CountriesKINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA:Name of Standard SASO No. Sound Broadcast Radio Receiver-Part1: Limits of FrequencyBandsSASO 380/1997* Sound Broadcast Radio Receiver - Part 2: General Requirements SASO 1323/1997* Road Vehicles – Brake Lining – Compressive Strain Test Method SASO 2441/2005 **Road Vehicles – Brake Linings Frictions Materials - Visual Inspection SASO-ISO- PAS 22574/2010 **Diesel Fuel and Petrol Filters for Internal Combustion Engines -Filtration Efficiency Using Particle Counting and Contaminant Retention CapacitySASO-ISO 19438/2010 **Specification for Non-Specific Short Range Devices and Ancillary Equipment SASO/CITC RI 054/2008*Road Vehicles – Fuel Filters for Diesel Engines - Test Methods SASO 4020/2007 *** Applicable for certification if provided.** Not applicable for certification.The manufacturers should mention in GSO conformity of certificate (Item 10) the following:"Also comply with the National regulations for member countries mentioned in the list of Technical Regulations for MY2014 (D2), when exporting to those countries."Motor vehicles recalls are required in GSO member countries. It is essential that all Motor Vehicle Manufacturers should send all details of recalls to GSO.。
专利名称:DROPLET ACTUATOR DEVICES ANDMETHODS FOR MANIPULATING BEADS 发明人:SISTA, RAMAKRISHNAN,PAMULA,VAMSEE,SUDARSAN, ARJUN,SRINIVASAN,VIJAY,THWAR, PRASANNA申请号:EP09747752申请日:20090518公开号:EP2286228A4公开日:20140409专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention provides droplet actuators and droplet actuator techniques. Among other things, the droplet actuators and methods are useful for manipulating beads on a droplet actuator, such as conducting droplet operations using bead-containing droplets on a droplet actuator. For example, beads may be manipulated on a droplet actuator in the context of executing a sample preparation protocol and/or an assay protocol. An output of the methods of the invention may be beads prepared for execution of an assay protocol. Another output of the methods of the invention may be results of an assay protocol executed using beads. Among the methods described herein are methods of concentrating beads in droplets, methods of washing beads, methods of suspending beads, methods of separating beads, methods of localizing beads within a droplet, methods of forming emulsions in which droplets include beads, methods of loading beads into a droplet operations gap of a droplet actuator, methods of organizing beads in a monolayer, and methods of capturing, trapping or restraining beads.申请人:ADVANCED LIQUID LOGIC, INC.更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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Genome Editing in HumanStem CellsSusan M.Byrne1,Prashant Mali,George M.ChurchDepartment of Genetics,Harvard Medical School,Boston,Massachusetts,USA1Corresponding author:e-mail address:sbyrne@Contents1.Introduction1202.Gene Targeting Strategies1213.Choice of Nuclease Targeting Sites1224.Experimental Procedures1234.1Human iPSC culture and passaging1244.2Preparation of plasmids for transient transfection1244.3Nucleofection protocol1254.4Verification of successful cutting and gene targeting1274.5Cloning by single cell FACS sorting1284.6Genotyping of clones1294.7Verify iPSC pluripotency and quality1315.Alternative Approaches1315.1Low transfection1315.2Viral vectors1325.3Off-targets1335.4Cas9nickases1345.5Orthogonal Cas9systems135 References135 AbstractThe use of custom-engineered sequence-specific nucleases(including CRISPR/Cas9, ZFN,and TALEN)allows genetic changes in human cells to be easily made with much greater efficiency and precision than before.Engineered double-stranded DNA breaks can efficiently disrupt genes,or,with the right donor vector,engineer point mutations and gene insertions.However,a number of design considerations should be taken into account to ensure maximum gene targeting efficiency and specificity.This is especially true when engineering human embryonic stem or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs),which are more difficult to transfect and less resilient to DNA damage than immortalized tumor cell lines.Here,we describe a protocol for easily engineering genetic changes in human iPSCs,through which we typically achieve targeting efficien-cies between1%and10%without any subsequent selection steps.Since this protocolMethods in Enzymology,Volume546#2014Elsevier Inc.119 ISSN0076-6879All rights reserved./10.1016/B978-0-12-801185-0.00006-4120Susan M.Byrne et al.only uses the simple transient transfection of plasmids and/or single-stranded oligonu-cleotides,most labs will easily be able to perform it.We also describe strategies for iden-tifying,cloning,and genotyping successfully edited cells,and how to design the optimal sgRNA target sites and donor vectors.Finally,we discuss alternative methods for genesystems.editing including viral delivery vectors,Cas9nickases,and orthogonal Cas9 Array nucleases,(ZFNs),transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs),or CRISPR/Cas9nucleases have enormously expanded our ability to engineer genetic changes in human cells(Joung&Sander, 2012;Mali,Yang,et al.,2013;Urnov,Rebar,Holmes,Zhang,& Gregory,2010).These nucleases can be custom-engineered to create double-stranded DNA(dsDNA)breaks at a desired sequence in the genome. When these are repaired using the non-homologous end joining(NHEJ) pathway,small insertion and deletion mutations(indels)are produced and disrupt genes.Alternatively,the dsDNA break can be repaired by the homologous recombination pathway—specific base pair changes or gene insertions can be formed using a homologous donor targeting vector.Of these systems,Cas9nucleases have been favored due to their easy construc-tion and lower toxicity in human cells(Ding et al.,2013).Human induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs)have been another great breakthrough for genetic studies in human cells.Their self-renewing capa-bility allows them to be gene targeted,cloned,genotyped,and expanded. Successfully targeted iPSC clones can then be differentiated into a variety of other cell types to analyze the effects of the induced mutations.The ability to easily genetically modify human iPSCs also holds tremendous clinical promise for generating artificial organs and safer gene therapies.However, while immortalized human tumor cell lines have been edited with almost complete efficiency(Fu,Sander,Reyon,Cascio,&Joung,2014),much lower success rates have been achieved in human iPSCs(Mali,Yang, et al.,2013;Yang et al.,2013).This difference may be due to the gross chro-mosomal abnormalities and an unusually robust response to DNA damage in tumor cell lines.In this chapter,we describe strategies to maximize the effi-ciency of genome editing in human ing these design considerations and the transient transfection protocol listed below,we typically achieve gene disruption frequencies of1–25%and homologous gene targeting fre-quencies of0.5–10%in human iPSCs without any subsequent selection steps.sidered and the nuclease targeting sites should be carefully chosen according to the experimental goals.For simple gene disruption,a single cut site can generate indel mutations using the NHEJ repair pathway.When within coding exons,such indels can cause frameshifts and disrupt protein expres-sion.Targeting coding exons towards the beginning of the gene may be preferable,as mutations here may create more complete gene disruption and be less likely to accidentally generate truncated protein artifacts with residual biological activity.Areas possessing relatively unique genome sequences should be chosen,rather than a common domain shared by several homologous members of the same gene family (unless the goal is to target multiple members of the gene family).Alternatively,one can design two nuclease sites to excise the intervening section of the genome.Regions from 100bp to several kb can be excised with biallelic frequencies of over 10%(Cong et al.,2013).These junctions are often religated with perfect precision between the two dsDNA break sites,although indels are also sometimes found.This strategy allows nuclease sites within introns or outside genes to be used;this is particularly useful when no satisfactory nuclease sites can be found within an exon.Again,the organization of the gene must be carefully considered to avoid alterna-tive exon splicing events or truncated products.When specific mutations are desired,a donor targeting vector for homol-ogous recombination is provided along with the nuclease elements.These donors can be single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (ssODNs)or plasmids for engineering point mutations.Here,the nuclease site should be chosen as close to the intended mutation as possible,since homologous recombination targeting efficiencies drop precipitously as the dsDNA break becomes farther from the mutation.For ssODN donors,having the desired mutation in the center of the oligo showed the highest targeting efficiency.90bp ssODNs worked best,although lengths from 70to 130bp were able to produce targeting efficiencies >1%.The highest targeting frequencies occurred when the mutation was within 10bp of the nuclease site;when the mutation was more than 40bp away,gene targeting was barely detectable (Chen et al.,2011;Yang et al.,2013).Alternatively,plasmid targeting vectors for homologous recombination can be used to generate desired point mutations,as well as larger “knock-in”gene insertions.Since the presence of a dsDNA break drastically increases 121Genome Editing in Human Cells122Susan M.Byrne et al. the homologous recombination efficiency,shorter homology arms of 0.4–0.8kb can be used(rather than the2–14kb arms used in conventional gene targeting vectors without nucleases),although increased homology may still improve targeting of difficult constructs(Beumer,Trautman, Mukherjee,&Carroll,2013;Hendel et al.,2014;Hockemeyer et al., 2009;Orlando et al.,2010).Again,the dsDNA break must be positioned within200bp of the mutation,and gene targeting efficiency decreases with larger transgene insertions(Guye,Li,Wroblewska,Duportet,&Weiss,).2013;Moehle et al.,2007;Urnov et al.,2010Several online tools and algorithms are available to identify specific nuclease targeting sites,including:the CRISPR Design Tool( edu)(Hsu et al.,2013);ZiFiT targeter(/ZiFiT) (Fu et al.,2014);CasFinder(/CasFinder/)(Aach, Mali,&Church,2014);and E-Crisp(/E-CRISP/) (Heigwer,Kerr,&Boutros,2014).In addition,specific Cas9sgRNA targets for disrupting human exons can be found from published sets of sgRNA screening libraries(Aach et al.,2014;Shalem et al.,2014;Wang,Wei, Sabatini,&Lander,2014).These algorithms are constantly being refined to incorporate further discoveries about Cas9targeting specificity.The nuclease activity among different sgRNAs can also vary widely. Cas9nuclease activity is positively correlated with areas of open chromatin (Kuscu,Arslan,Singh,Thorpe,&Adli,2014;Yang et al.,2013);however,substantial variations in activity can still be found among neighboring sgRNAs in the same locus.Other characteristics associated with higher levels of sgRNA activity are:targeting sequences with between 20%and 80%GC content,sgRNAs targeting the nontranscribed strand,and purines in the last four bases of the spacer sequence (Wang et al.,2014).While these criteria were statistically significant,they still could not account for all of the observed variation in sgRNA activity.Initial constructs used the human U6polymerase III promoter to express the sgRNA due to its specific initiation and termination sites and its ubiq-uitous expression in human cells.Since the U6promoter requires a G to initiate transcription,this led to the early restriction that only sequences fitting the form GN 20GG could be targeted (Mali,Yang,et al.,2013).How-ever,subsequent studies showed that up to 10extra nucleotides could be added to the 50-end of the sgRNA while retaining similar levels of nuclease activity and that these sgRNA extensions were being processed off (Mali,Aach,et al.,2013;Ran,Hsu,Lin,et al.,2013).Thus,any 20bp sequence next to a PAM can be targeted,although an extra G is still required in the sgRNA expression construct to initiate transcription when the U6promoter is used.Truncated sgRNAs with up to three base pairs missing from the 50-end have been shown to increase specificity without much loss in activity,although truncations beyond 3bp ablated activity (Fu et al.,2014).Appending up to 40extra bp at the 30-end of the sgRNA construct,after the hairpin backbone,resulted in slightly higher sgRNA activity,possibly due to increased half-life of the longer sgRNA (Mali,Aach,et al.,2013).Other promoters besides U6,such as H1or pol-II,may also be used to express the sgRNA.The sgRNA constructs may also be transfected into cells as linear PCR products rather than plasmids (Ran,Hsu,Wright,et al.,2013).Due to the ease of cloning sgRNAs,and the ongoing questions regarding sgRNA specificity and activity,we recommend that users select a few sgRNA target sites and test them empirically.While it is important to try to select sgRNAs that are as specific as possible,a perfectly unique sequence may not exist suitably close to your desired mutation.Alternative approaches are further discussedbelow.human iPSCs with 60–70%transfection efficiency.While we have also had 123Genome Editing in Human Cells124Susan M.Byrne et al. success using ZFNs and TALENs to edit iPSC genomes,the ease of cloning sgRNAs has made CRISPR/Cas the preferred method in our lab.Without any selection scheme,our overall gene disruption efficiencies using a single sgRNA in human iPSCs ranges from1%to25%,depending on the partic-ular sgRNA used.Once the plasmids and cells are ready,the nucleofection process takes a few hours.After nucleofection,it takes5–10days of culture for the transient Cas9transfection to subside and protein expression to turn over.Then,the potentially edited iPSCs can be cloned by single-cell FACS sorting.Eight days after sorting,individual iPSC have formed stable colo-nies,which can be further expanded and genotyped.While this protocol focuses on human iPSC,it can be adapted for use in other cell types,using culture conditions and nucleofection protocols suitable for that cell type(although the amounts of plasmid/ssODN and pro-moters for Cas9expression may need adjustment).Overall gene disruption efficiencies greater than60%have thus been achieved in immortalized tumor cell lines.4.1.Human iPSC culture and passagingA number of different human iPSC lines are available from cell line resources such as Coriell(),ATCC(),and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute(),among many others.Furthermore,numerous academic and commercial facilities offer iPSC derivation services.Detailed protocols for culturing and passaging human ES and iPSC lines are available elsewhere(,).Here,we have used iPSC derived from open-consented participants in the Personal Genome Project(Lee et al.,2009),but this protocol is widely applicable to any human ES or iPS cell line.Cells used for gene targeting should be of a low passage number and free of karyotypic abnormalities.Cells should exhibit normal iPSC mor-phology and express pluripotency markers such as Tra-1/60and SSEA4.Human iPSCs for genome engineering are cultured under feeder-free conditions,in the defined mTesr-1medium(StemCell Technologies)on Matrigel-coated tissue culture plates(BD).We have found lower transfec-tion efficiencies(40–60%)when transfecting iPSCs growing on irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts(MEF),due to incomplete separation of the iPSCs from the MEFs immediately before nucleofection.4.2.Preparation of plasmids for transient transfectionAn increasingly wide selection of plasmids for ZFN,TALEN,and CRISPR/Cas9genome editing,with instructions for cloning,are availablefrom the Addgene plasmid repository (/CRISPR/).This protocol was specifically developed with the plasmids to express human-codon optimized SpCas9and sgRNAs from Mali,Yang,et al.(2013).However,an EF1αpromoter was used to express Cas9instead of the CMV promoter in iPSCs,as it produced a fivefold increase in gene disruption efficiency.Plasmid donor vectors containing homology arms can be easily cloned using isothermal assembly or synthesized as gene fragments (Integrated DNA Technologies).Homology arm sequences should ideally be cloned from the cell line being targeted to obtain identical (isogenic)sequences.Any polymorphic differences between the targeting vector and the genomic locus can decrease gene targeting frequencies (Deyle,Li,Ren,&Russell,2013).All plasmids for nucleofection into iPSCs should be endotoxin-free (Qiagen Endo-free Plasmid Maxi Kit)and at a concentration greater than 2mg/ml,so as not to dilute the nucleofection buffer.Oligo donors (ssODN)should be HPLC-purified and resuspended in sterile distilled water.4.3.Nucleofection protocolThis protocol uses the Amaxa 4D-Nucleofector X Unit (Lonza),but we have also gotten good transfection efficiencies in human iPSCs from the Neon Transfection system (Life Technologies).Traditional electroporation methods will produce lower transfection efficiencies in iPSCs,which will lower the overall gene targeting efficiency.The amounts listed below are for the 20-μl Nucleocuvette strips;if using the 100-μl single Nucleocuvettes,increase all quantities fivefold.A control reaction transfecting a fluorescent protein-expressing plasmid can be used to verify nucleofection efficiency.Expand human iPSCs under feeder-free conditions in mTesr-1medium on tissue culture plates coated with ES-qualified Matrigel (BD)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Each nucleofection reaction will need 0.5Â106cells,although a range of 0.2to 2Â106iPSCs per reaction can be used.Depending on the number of reactions,6-well plates or 10-cm dishes of cultured iPSC may be required.Prepare Matrigel-coated 24-well tissue culture plates,one well per nucleofection reaction.Additional Matrigel-coated 96-well flat-bottom tissue culture plates may also be prepared to culture aliquots of transfected cells for analysis.Pretreat human iPSC cultures with 10μM Rock inhibitor (Y-27632)(R&D Systems,EMD Millipore,or other source)in mTesr-1for at least 125Genome Editing in Human Cells126Susan M.Byrne et al. 30min before nucleofection.Prepare additional mTesr with10μM Rock inhibitor for use throughout the nucleofection procedure.Cells treated with Rock inhibitor should display the characteristic change in morphology of colonies with jagged edges.Combine Nucleofector solution P3with supplement according to man-ufacturer’s instructions(Lonza).For each nucleofection reaction,dilute and combine the DNA mixtures in Nucleofector solution P3(with supplement) to a final volume of10μl.Each nucleofection should contain0.5μg of Cas9-expressing plasmid and1–1.5μg of sgRNA-expressing plasmids. (When multiple sgRNA-expressing plasmids are used,mix them in equal amounts for a total of1–1.5μg plasmid.)If a plasmid targeting vector is being used,include2μg per nucleofection reaction.If an ssODN donor is being used,include up to200pmol per nucleofection reaction.DNA stock solu-tions must be concentrated enough such that the total volume of DNA does not exceed10%of the nucleofection reaction(2μl for a20-μl Nucleocuvette).DNA amounts exceeding4μg per nucleofection may have an adverse effect on iPSC viability.Remove the mTesr with Rock inhibitor media from the cells and incu-bate with Accutase dissociating enzyme(EMD Millipore,StemCell Tech-nologies,or other source)for5–10min.Once iPSCs have detached,add an equal volume of mTesr with Rock inhibitor and pipet to achieve a single-cell suspension.Centrifuge the cells at110Âg for3min at room tempera-ture.Resuspend cell pellet in mTesr with Rock inhibitor and count live cells.Centrifuge the required number of iPSCs at110Âg for3min.Aspirate off the media.Resuspend cell pellet in10-μl Nucleofector solution P3(with supplement)for each reaction.For each reaction,promptly combine10μl of DNA mixture with10μl of resuspended cells and transfer the whole20μl into a Nucleocuvette. Ensure that the sample is at the bottom of the cuvette.Place Nucleocuvette into the Nucleofector device and run program CB-150.Add80μl mTesr with Rock inhibitor medium into each Nucleocuvette well and pipet once or twice to resuspend cells.Transfer each reaction into one well of a Matrigel-coated24-well plate containing1ml warm mTesr with Rock inhibitor medium.Alternatively,the nucleofected cells may also be distributed among one24-well and one or two96-wells,if analysis at intermediate time points is desired.(If Matrigel-coated96-well plates are used,an optional centrifugation step(70Âg,3min,room temperature)can help plate the cells.)A high plating density post nucleofection is impor-tant for cell survival.24h post nucleofection,iPSCs transfected with a fluorescent protein-expressing plasmid may be examined to assess the transfection efficiency.Change the media to mTesr-1without Rock inhibitor.Since the iPSCs were plated at a high density,they may appear confluent.As most of the Cas9-induced cell death occurs between 1and 2days post nucleofection,we advise waiting until 2days post nucleofection to passage the iPSCs.Transfected iPSC can then be propagated using regular iPSC culture proto-cols.After 4or 5days post nucleofection,the transient transfection will have subsided,and the cell population can be assayed for gene editing efficiency.4.4.Verification of successful cutting and gene targetingAs the isolation and genotyping of edited iPSC clones can be time consuming,laborious,and expensive,it is desirable to have intermediate ways to verify successful gene disruption and evaluate gene targeting efficiency.Examining a portion of the targeted cell population will help estimate how many clones should be genotyped and provide guidance for troubleshooting.If the gene being disrupted or inserted is expressed by human iPSCs,the most straightforward assay is to check for expression of that protein by micros-copy or flow cytometry.If the targeted gene is not expressed or lacks a con-venient stain,then a control reaction using an sgRNA that does target an easily detectable expressed gene can be used to troubleshoot the overall pro-tocol and vectors,although individual sgRNA activities may still vary widely.If a gene segment is being inserted into the genome,a dilution PCR for the inserted segment can be done on genomic DNA from the edited cell population;however,care must be taken to ensure that the PCR reaction does not simply amplify residual amounts of the transfected donor fragment itself (De Semir &Aran,2003).PCR primers designed to anneal to genomic DNA sequences outside of the targeted homology region may be used to ensure that only integrated segments are detected.Alternatively,a control targeting vector can be constructed with the same homology arms as the insertion targeting vector,except that a constitutively expressed fluorescent protein cassette is being inserted into the genome.This may provide a quick estimate of knock-in insertion frequencies at that locus using the same sgRNA and homology arms.To directly measure the extent of gene disruption at a particular locus,a mismatch-specific endonuclease assay—either T7endonuclease I (New 127Genome Editing in Human Cells128Susan M.Byrne et al. England Biolabs)or Cel-1Surveyor nuclease(Transgenomic)—is com-monly used(Kim,Lee,Kim,Cho,&Kim,2009;Qiu et al.,2004).These assays involve PCR-amplifying a short region(roughly500bp)around the intended sgRNA targeting site from the genomic DNA of the population of potentially edited cells.These PCR products are melted and reannealed. Any mutations at the intended nuclease site will form a mismatch in the dsDNA,which will be recognized and cleaved by the mismatch-specific endonuclease.Cleaved PCR products can then be analyzed and quantitated by gel electrophoresis.If a restriction enzyme site is inserted or removed at the intended sgRNA targeting site,a restriction fragment length polymor-phism assay may also assess Cas9nuclease activity;here,PCR products around the intended sgRNA site are digested with the restriction enzyme to generate cleaved fragments(Chen et al.,2011).While the endonuclease assays offer a rapid and cheap measure of gene disruption activity,the endonuclease digestion reaction can be sensitive to buffer and incubation conditions and the limit of detection is around1–3% of sequences.We prefer a next-generation sequencing-based assay that has a much lower limit of detection(<0.1%)and provides additional sequence information about the edited sgRNA site(Yang et al.,2013).Here,a 100–200bp region around the edited sgRNA targeting site is PCR ampli-fied and sequenced on a MiSeq system(Illumina).The initial set of genome-specific PCR primers are designed with the requisite MiSeq adaptor sequences appended to the50-end.Then,a second round of nested PCR with standard index primers incorporates the barcodes(ScriptSeq from Epi-centre or Nextera from Illumina).A detailed protocol with primer sequences has been published(Yang,Mali,Kim-Kiselak,&Church, 2014).While each MiSeq run(150bp,paired-end)can be expensive,up to$200different samples can be barcoded,pooled,and sequenced in par-allel to reduce costs(Yang et al.,2013).The resulting next-generation sequencing data can be analyzed by the online CRISPR Genome Analyzer platform,which accepts the sequencing reads,the genomic sequence being targeted,and a donor sequence for homologous recombination(if applica-ble),and calculates the rate of indels and successful homologous recombina-tion()(Guell,Yang,&Church,2014).4.5.Cloning by single cell FACS sortingSeveral days post nucleofection,after the transiently transfected plasmids have been lost and the Cas9nuclease activity has subsided,targeted iPSCsmay be selected and cloned to generate a culture of successfully targeted cells.As was done for traditional gene targeting without nucleases,if a pos-itive selection marker for antibiotic resistance has been integrated into the genome(such as those for neomycin,hygromycin,or puromycin),that anti-biotic may be added to the culture to remove unrecombined antibiotic-sensitive cells.Emerging antibiotic-resistant stem cell clones can then be individually picked by hand and cultured.Alternatively,human iPSCs may be cloned by FACS sorting individual cells into separate wells of a96-well plate.To preserve the viability of the dissociated single iPSC,a cocktail of small molecule inhibitors(termed SMC4,from Biovision)is added to the culture(Valamehr et al.,2012). We find that the viability of isolated iPSCs is further enhanced by sorting the cells(previously cultured in feeder-free mTesr-1media)onto a feeder layer of irradiated MEFs in human ES cell medium.Eight days after FACS sorting,colony formation should be apparent from the individually sorted iPSC,and the SMC4inhibitors can be removed from the ES cell medium. Our detailed protocol for FACS sorting targeted human iPSCs has been published(Yang et al.,2014).We usually achieve20–60%iPSC survival and colony formation post-sort.The gene targeting efficiency in the iPSC population(measured as described in Section4.4)can be used to estimate the number of wells needed for sorting to obtain a successfully targeted viable clone.The iPSC colonies may then be cultured and expanded as usual on a MEF feeder layer for a few passages before being transitioned to feeder-free iPSC conditions.A portion of each potentially targeted iPSC clone may be taken for genomic DNA extraction and genotyping.4.6.Genotyping of clonesOnce potentially targeted iPSC clones have been expanded,they must then be genotyped to identify successful gene targeting.While the use of custom-engineered nucleases greatly increases the frequency of correctly targeted events,incorrect mutations still sometimes occur,including partial integra-tions,random integrations,homology arm duplications,and incorporation of plasmid backbone sequences.In addition,since the use of nucleases allows for potential targeting of both alleles,a genotyping scheme must be able to detect whether the targeted mutation is homozygous or heterozygous.Typically,genomic DNA is purified from a portion of each expanded clone(while freezing or continuing to expand the remaining culture). For simple gene disruptions or small bp changes,PCR amplification andSanger sequencing of the targeted locus would suffice.Heterozygous base pair changes will be apparent as a double peak on the Sanger sequencing trace.Heterozygous indels can similarly be identified through programs that deconvolute a biallelic Sanger sequencing trace(Mutation Surveyor by Softgenetics).Alternatively,the biallelic PCR product can be subcloned into a plasmid vector(TOPO from Life Technologies)for each allele to be sequenced in a separate reaction.Any potential off-target nuclease sites may also be genotyped in this manner to check for mutations.To genotype larger gene deletions,a PCR reaction with primers that span the two nuclease sites can be sequenced.A second PCR reaction with primers located within the two nuclease sites can identify any unexcised alleles and determine whether the gene deletion is homozygous or heterozygous.For targeted knock-in gene insertions,one must not only ensure that the entire transgene has been incorporated into the genome,but also that both homology arms have been recombined to the correct site,without recom-bination into other areas or duplication of the homology arms.Southern blot screening has traditionally been used to determine this,using probes specific to the target locus outside of the homology arm regions.While non-radioactive Southern blot protocols now exist,this screening still requires a relatively large amount of genomic DNA,unique restriction enzyme pat-terns,and probes verified beforehand.A faster alternative is to use a series of PCR reactions to confirm complete and correct integration of the knock-in construct into the targeted locus.One set of PCR primers that spans the inserted gene can confirm complete insertion,while two other sets of primers that span each of the homology arms(with one primer annealing outside of the homology arm region)can confirm proper recombination on each end.New screening techniques have been developed to genotype very long constructs or homology arms.Fluorescence in situ hybridization can measure the copy number of long homology arms to distinguish between correct targeting events(where copy number is maintained)and random gene inte-gration(where an extra copy of the homology arm is added)(Yang&Seed, 2003).Single-molecule real-time DNA sequencing is capable of producing longer read lengths than Sanger sequencing,and has been used for genotyping nuclease-edited human cell lines with an average sequencing read length approaching3kb and ability to detect mutations down to 0.01%(Hendel et al.,2014).。