9,000 1,995 1,995 8,600 94,545 127,273
725 725 1,568
☆选项:1.带内置过滤网; 2.带内置止回阀; 3.大排气孔倒置桶; 4.热敏排气桶。
康森阿姆斯壮目前所能 生产的蒸汽疏水阀:
881/882/883系列 814/815/816系列 1810/1811系列 2010/2011系列
Steam trap Competetion
at SHELL Canada Won By IB 壳牌(加拿大)公司的 蒸汽疏水阀竞赛 倒置桶疏水阀获胜
安装2100只热动力疏水阀 安装2100只倒置桶疏水阀
1984 全部更换为倒置桶疏水阀 每年节约一百万美元
1. 购买成本 2. 安装成本 3. 频繁更换成本 4. 更换失效阀门之前蒸汽损失 5. 查找失效阀门的工时成本 6. 疏水阀失效造成生产停滞和产品质量
六. 蒸汽疏水阀 类型
工作原理 不同类型特点
压力平衡式/波纹管、膜盒 固体膨胀式/双金属片型 液体膨胀式/恒温疏水阀
强烈关闭使 圆盘边缘和 外阀座面磨 损
高流速使盘 面和内阀座 面磨损
两个平面 密封
热 动 力 疏 水 阀 特 点
优点: 间断排放 耐水击 耐冰冻 结构小巧,成本最低
缺点: 节能效果差,寿命短 排空气性能差
J-238TI-P017-07ST Issue 10AE30, AE30A,AE30B 和AE30C液体系统自动排空阀简介AE30自动排空气阀设计用于液体系统。
阀体和阀盖使用去锌抗蚀(DZR )的特殊铜合金。
可供型号AE30 排空阀AE30A 排空阀带止回阀AE30B 排空阀带锁定AE30C排空阀带止回阀和锁定AE30B 和AE30C 带有一个独特的三通锁定系统,可以确保阀打开,关死或作为常规的球阀使用。
标准本产品符合欧洲压力设备指令97/23/EC 。
口径和管道连接AE30, AE30A: 进口½"内螺纹,出口¼"外螺纹BSP 或NPT 。
AE30B, AE30C: 进口½"外螺纹,出口¼"外螺纹BSP 。
压力/温度控制温度℃压力 bar g阀体设计条件 PN10PMA-最大允许压力 10 bar g@120℃TMA-最大允许温度 120℃@10 bar g最小允许温度 -10℃PMO 最大工作压力10 bar g@110℃TMO 最大工作温度 110℃ PMX 最大工作压差 8bar g@110℃最小工作温度 0℃设计最大冷态水压试验压力 15 bar g 最小液体比重0.926本产品用于此区域可能会损坏内部件材质序号 部件 材质 1 阀盖 DZR 铜合金 BS 2872 CZ 1322 阀盖‘O ’形环 绿氟化橡胶 75 3 阀体 DZR 铜合金 BS 2872 CZ 1324 浮子 Acetal co hostafom/不锈钢5 阀锥 EPDM 或纯Viton (IRHD 50-55)6 阀座 不锈钢 BS 970 431 S297 托架/杆组件 不锈钢 BS1449 304 S118 螺栓 不锈钢 BS 4183 18/89 止回阀 不锈钢 ANSI 440B (AE30A 和C)10 簧环(AE30A 和C) 不锈钢 BS 970 302 S2511 锁定阀体 DZR 铜合金 BS 2872 CZ 2132 (AE30B 和C)12 锁定阀杆 Cr.DZR 硬合金 BS 2874 CZ 2132 (AE30B 和C)13 球(AE30B 和C) Cr.DZR 硬合金 BS 2874 CZ 213214 密封(AE30B 和C) 纯PTFE 15 阀杆密封(AE30B 和C) 纯PTFE 16 外罩(AE30B 和C) 聚乙烯17 螺栓(AE30B 和C) 钢18 锁定钥匙 球墨铸铁 BS 2789J-239若空气温度不是16O C ,可用图中的排量乘以下公式加以修正。
WABCO威伯科现货供应型号齐全wabco|威伯科wabco|威伯科W ABCO代理|威伯科W ABCO电磁阀|WABCO空气处理系统:空压机,空气干燥器,四回路保护阀,贮气筒,调压阀,电子空气处理单元|WABCO传动系统:变速箱自动控制,离合器助力和控制排气制动,缓速器控制|WABCO制动器和制动气室:鼓式和盘式制动器,制动气室--因科思国际贸易有限公司wabco公司中国代理商德国WABCO|wabco气动控制阀|WABCO空气干燥器总成|WABCO瓦伯科刹车制动总泵|wabco高度控制阀|WABCO气动阀。
空气处理系统空压机空气干燥器四回路保护阀贮气筒调压阀电子空气处理单元制动器与制动器室盘式制动器复合弹簧制动气室双枪弹簧制动气室常规制动控制系统脚阀手阀挂车控制阀感载阀继动阀电子制动控制系统防抱死制动控制(ABS)电子制动系统(EBS)电子稳定控制(ESC)液压ABS空气悬挂系统电子控制空气悬挂(ECAS)电子减震器控制(ELM)高度阀电子控制系统自动温控系统(A TC)门控系统(MTS)车辆中央控制器(VEA)传动控制系统变速箱自动控制离合器助力和控制排气制动缓速器控制挂车控制系统挂车ABS挂车EBS挂车ELAS紧急继动阀挂车电子中央控制北奔传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530060离合器主缸4700530090离合器主缸5182950206H06/V3车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460037130ABSECU4460043200ABSECU5005420116NG80/H064613150080脚制动阀0014318305NG804613152650脚制动阀5184310005H06/V3福田空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100280空气干燥器1513335609006 4324100940空气干燥器1120835680050 4324101290空气干燥器1417035600070 4324150530空气干燥器1425135643004 4324159040空气干燥器1425335643002 9325000350空气处理单元15290356F0002 9325000820空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀1417035600053 9347144030四回路保护阀1525835685010车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410140250压力开关H0356F06001A0 4460043200ABSECU1417135900003 4613150770脚制动阀1417035500003 4613151090脚制动阀1418335500001 4613151580脚制动阀4613170230脚制动阀1425335500005 9617230040手制动阀1315035300005 9617231020手制动阀1417035380004 9617234290手制动阀9730024020挂车控制阀1417035600042 9730090010挂车控制阀9730090020挂车控制阀1325335622002 9730110010继动阀1612135600091 MQPS-3530001继动阀1417035600091其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀1110835600060福田奥铃空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABSECU11069368000014613150770脚制动阀4721950180电磁阀1106935600030 9617230040手制动阀广汽日野空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101430空气干燥器车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043340ABSECU89540E0040 4460043350ABSECU89540E0050 9721950450电磁阀44510E0140华菱空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324159040空气干燥器3511A6DP5-010 9325000350空气处理单元3511ADQ-010 9347140100四回路保护阀3515ADY-010车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABDECU4613150690脚制动阀4613150770脚制动阀3514FHD-010 4613170190脚制动阀3514ADY-010 4640070010高度阀4721950180电磁阀9617230040手制动阀3517ADY-010 9730090020挂车控制阀3522ADQ-010 9730110010继动阀3527ADY-020 MQPS-3530001继动阀解放空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型40225011卡钳套装3501025-A4S 40225012卡钳套装3501030-A4S’4460043200ABSECU4613180490脚制动阀4720706390电磁阀4721950180电磁阀9730110010继动阀重汽空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器WG9100368471/2 4324101470空气干燥器WG9000360521/2 4324101550空气干燥器WG9000360532/1 9125600000双杠空压机VG1560130080 9125600010双杠空压机VG1099130010/1 9125600030双杠空压机VG1246130008/1 9125600070双杠空压机VG1560130080A/1 9325000350空气处理单元WG9725360851/1 9347140100四回路保护阀WG9000360366/4 9347144030四回路保护阀WG9000360523/1车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4640046300ABSECUWG9160580501/4 4613151020脚制动阀WG9000360152/1 4613152660脚制动阀WG9000360530/1 4613152670脚制动阀WG9000360520/2 4640070010高度阀WG1642440051/1 4721950160电磁阀WG9000360515/1 4721950550电磁阀9617231020手制动阀WG9000360165/19617231430手制动阀WG9000360522/2 9730024020挂车控制阀WG9000360172/1 9730090010挂车控制阀WG9000260525/2 9730090020挂车控制阀WG9000360180/1 9730110010继动阀WG9000360524/2 MQPS-3530001继动阀WG9000260134/3传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410360030转换开关4700530240离合器主缸WG9719230023/5 9700514380离合器分泵WG9114230025/2 9700514730离合器分泵WG9725230041/2 4613150690脚制动阀W20806.02000.01W 4613170060脚制动阀W20705.04100.01W 4613170190脚制动阀W20705.01500.01W 4613170220脚制动阀W20705.01500.01W 4613180250脚制动阀W20705.03200.01W 4613180490脚制动阀W20705.03300.01W 4613180710脚制动阀W20705.04600.01W 4613186040脚制动阀W20705.04000.01W 4721734280电磁阀W20709.02900.01W 4721950180电磁阀W20709.01700.01W 4729000560电磁阀4729000570电磁阀9617230040手制动阀W20705.01400.01W 9617230380手制动阀W20705.05100.01W 9730112030继动阀W20704.02400.01W MQPS-3530001继动阀W20704.01400.01W传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸W20802.01600.01W 9700514240离合器分泵W20803.02800.01W其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀W20703.01000.01W采埃孚传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514240离合器分泵501006795 9700514350离合器分泵501007075 9700514390离合器分泵501007330丹东黄海空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100270空气干燥器4324101290空气干燥器4324159040空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4340140000单向阀4341001240溢流阀4342080270双通阀4342080280双通阀4342080540双通阀9325000350空气处理单元9347022600四回路保护阀9347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器4410140250压力开关4410328090ABS传感器4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460034130ABSECU 4460034160ABSECU 4460037130ABSECU 4460043200ABSECU 4460555060ECASECU 4613170190脚制动阀4613170230脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4613186040脚制动阀4640023300高度阀4721706060电磁阀4721737000电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4728800640电磁阀4729000560电磁阀4750103170调压阀4750103180调压阀9617230040手制动阀9730110010继动阀9730112030继动阀9730112050继动阀9735000340快放阀MQPS-3530001继动阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸9700514240离合器分泵9735000000快放阀福田空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100280空气干燥器1612135600070 4324100940空气干燥器4324101290空气干燥器4324150530空气干燥器4324159040空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4341001240溢流阀1612129610002 4342080290双通阀1417035600097 9347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410140250压力开关16121296100049347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4410140250压力开关4410328090ABS传感器4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460043200ABSECU4460044160ABSECU4460360000继电器4460555060ECASECU 4613180490脚制动阀4721706060电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4729000570电磁阀8959055544ABS齿圈8959055554ABS齿圈9617230040手制动阀MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀广汽日野空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101020空气干燥器车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABSECU4613170190脚制动阀4721950180电磁阀江淮空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器3555100K147 4324101370空气干燥器59550-Y5010 4324159040空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器59550-Y54A0 4342080290双通阀59490-Y54A0 9347141100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460043200ABSECU3735910CF24QZGBA 4460044160ABSECU95670-7A500 4613180490脚制动阀4640070010高度阀64006-Y4010XZ 4721950180电磁阀3506200CF24QZGBA MQPS-3530001继动阀59510-Y30A0其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀59870-Y30A0江西凯马百路佳空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100940空气干燥器4324101020空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4341001240溢流阀4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通阀I车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070120消音器4324070600消音器4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460037130ABSECU4460043200ABSECU4460046300ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4613186040脚制动阀4721950180电磁阀4729000560电磁阀金华青年空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100270空气干燥器4324100940空气干燥器4324101020空气干燥器4324101160空气干燥器4324101370空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4341001240溢流阀4341001260溢流阀4341002440溢流阀4342080290双通阀4342080500双通阀9347140100四回路保护阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514240离合器分泵9700514360离合器分泵9700514390离合器分泵车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070120消音器4324070700消音器4333020250转向节连接4333020260转向节连接4410140190压力开关4410140210压力开关4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4460034160ABSECU 4460037130ABSECU 4460043200ABSECU 4460044160ABSECU金华青年车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460555060ECASECU4613170190脚制动阀4613180250脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4613186040脚制动阀4640023300高度阀4640070010高度阀4720726280电磁阀4721706040电磁阀4721706060电磁阀4721734280电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4729000560电磁阀4729000570电磁阀4750100060调压阀4750103000调压阀4750150040调压阀4757100160自动感载阀4757101350自动感载阀9617222620手制动阀9617230040手制动阀9617231180手制动阀9730090060挂车控制阀9730110010继动阀9730112000继动阀9730112030继动阀MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4460555060ECASECU6122F-3514010 4613150690脚制动阀6180DB-3514010 4613170190脚制动阀6127AJ-3514010 4613180490脚制动阀6127GC-3514010 4613180710脚制动阀6180H-2932010 4613186040脚制动阀4640023300高度阀6122-3550112 4721706060电磁阀4721950180电磁阀6112KG-35270204720170010继动阀6112KG-3527010 9617230040手制动阀6127J-3629024 9730110110继动阀6112KG-3514010其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀6112KG-3516010上海万象空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101520空气干燥器4340140000单向阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070070消音器4460043200ABSECU4613186040脚制动阀4721734280电磁阀4721950180电磁阀申沃空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器SWB563050055 4342080280双通阀SWB563050049 9347140100四回路保护阀SWB563050058车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070600消音器SWB563050051 4324070700消音器SWB563050056 4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460043200ABSECUSWB563050059-1 4460555060ECASECU4613170190脚制动阀SWB563050052 4613180710脚制动阀SWB563050106 4640023300高度阀SWB5630501344729000560电磁阀9617230040手制动阀9617231020手制动阀SWB563050060 MQPS-3530001继动阀SWB563050053 WM-2513701-0贮气筒总成SWB562050007传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸9700514240离合器分泵SWB563050017其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀SWB563050050苏州金龙空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324101290空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器35YNA-11010 4341001240溢流阀4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通阀35K63-51020 4342080290双通阀35G42-33010 9325000350空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀9347141230四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器4410140250压力开关4410328090ABS传感器4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460037130ABSECU4460043200ABSECU4460044160ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4613150690脚制动阀4613170190脚制动阀4613170230脚制动阀4721734280电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4728800300电磁阀4729000560电磁阀4729000570电磁阀9617230040收制动阀9730110010继动阀35RB1-27010MAPS-3530001继动阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530030离合器主缸16G42-05010 9700514240离合器分泵16MC1-04010 9700514600离合器分泵16G42-04010 9700514730离合器分泵16MC1-04010-C1其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀35G42-16010西沃空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100940空气干燥器4324101290空气干燥器4340140000单向阀2140089634 4342080280双通阀2140089633 9347140100四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器4342050260方向控制阀2120089546 4410441020ECAS压力阀4460043200ABSECU2130089552 4613240460脚制动阀2120089542 4640023300高度阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀2140089646厦门金龙空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100070空气干燥器4324100940空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器35YNA-11010 4340140000单向阀4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通阀35K63-51020 4342080290双通阀35G42-33010 9325000030空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀35G42-15010传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514230离合器分泵9700514240离合器分泵9700514350离合器分泵9700514380离合器分泵9700514390离合器分泵9700514600离合器分泵车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070600消音器35RB1-16011 4324070700消音器35RB1-14011 4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460034030ABSECU4460037130ABSECU37WY1-24603 4460043200ABSECU37XE1-24063 4460044160ABSECU37V56-15002 4460046220ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4460650300ABSECU4461350410ABSECU4613150690脚制动阀35G42-14020 4613170190脚制动阀35KA7-14020 4613180000脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀35XA1-14020 4613180710脚制动阀35XG1-140204613186040脚制动阀17YNA-07011 4721734280电磁阀35A03-50010 4721950180电磁阀4728800010电磁阀4728800640电磁阀4729000560电磁阀8959055334ABS齿圈8959055344ABS齿圈9617230040手制动阀9617230380手制动阀9730112000继动阀35G42-27010 MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀35G42-16010厦门金旅空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100940空气干燥器4324210280空气干燥器4325000200气路过滤器4341001250溢流阀4342080280双通道9325000350空气处理单元9347140100四回路保护阀传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9700514230离合器分泵9700514240离合器分泵9700514600离合器分泵车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4340280000双通阀4410140250压力开关4410500110传感器4410507182摆杆4460037130ABSECU 4460043200ABSECU 4460044160ABSECU4460046220ABSECU4460555060ECASECU4613170190脚制动阀4613180490脚制动阀4613180710脚制动阀4640023300高度阀4721706060电磁阀4721950180电磁阀4729000560电磁阀8959055334ABS齿圈8959055344ABS齿圈9617230040手制动阀9730110010继动阀MQPS-3530001继动阀其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型宇通空气处理和制动系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324100802干燥筒9601-07585 4324101300空气干燥器3529-00053 4324101520空气干燥器3529-00019 4324210280空气干燥器3529-00006 4324210340空气干燥器3529-00060 4341001240溢流阀3506-00173 4342080290双通阀3506-00565 9347140100四回路保护阀3515-00009 9347141230四回路保护阀3515-00042A 9347141240四回路保护阀车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070120消音器4410140170车门压力开关4410140250压力开关3506-00442 4410500110传感器3506-00211 4410507182摆杆3506-00459 4460034160ABSECU4460037130ABSECU3550-00227 4460043200ABSECU3550-00213 4460044160ABSECU3506-005624460555060ECASECU3506-007314461900010门控ECU3601-000154461901510门控传感器3758-00017 4613150080脚制动阀3514-000534613151070脚制动阀3514-000264613170190脚制动阀3514-000054613170220脚制动阀3514-000593613170230脚制动阀3514-000584613180490脚制动阀3514-000334613180710脚制动阀3514-000464613186040脚制动阀3514-000424640023300高度阀3506-001704640023330高度阀3506-001704721734280电磁阀3506-011054721950180电磁阀3550-000174726000220车门控制阀4728800010电磁阀3506-010754728800640电磁阀3506-013164729000570电磁阀29V11-450204730170010继动阀3527-000219520030320方向控制阀9617230040手制动阀3526-00006A 9617230380手制动阀3526-000069617230500手制动阀3526-000069730110010继动阀3527-000429730112030继动阀3527-000329750010020调压阀3512-000119750020170调压阀3512-00021MQPS-3530001继动阀3527-00007传动控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4700530050离合器主缸9700514240离合器分泵1604-00213 9700514390离合器分泵1604-00210 9700514600离合器分泵1604-00252其他WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型9735000000快放阀3516-000074342080290双通阀3533-10-0000710米以上9347140100四回路保护阀10米以上9347141230四回路保护阀3553-10-0000210米以上车辆动态控制系统WABCO件号产品名称厂家号码车型4324070700消音器3555-10-000410米以上4410140250压力开关10米以上4410500110传感器2950-81-0000110米以上。
阀门大全(中英对照)air-compressor valve 空气压缩机阀门automatic cutout valve 自动切断阀门backlash valve 无游隙阀门High temperature valve 高温阀门hose valve 水带阀门pipe manifold valves 管道汇集器阀门pneumatic cylinder cock valve 风动汽缸排水阀阀门pneumatic positioner valve 气动阀门定位器pneumatic sander valve 风动撒砂器阀门quick opening valve 快开阀门quick-opening gate valve 速启阀门standby valve 应急阀门; 备用阀门two selenoid 双螺管阀门valve chest 阀门室valve clearance 阀门间隙;阀余隙valveman 阀门操作者wash-out valve 清洗阀门adjusting valve 调整阀, 调节阀admission valve 进气阀; 进浆阀air admission valve 进气阀air bleed(ing) valve 排气阀; 排气嘴air control valve 空调阀air cylinder valve 气筒阀air escape valve 泄气阀air inlet valve (=air intake valve) 进气阀; 进风阀air operated throttle motor 风动节流器, 风动节流阀马达air pilot valve 空气导向阀air pressure governor valve 风压调压阀air relay valve 空气中继阀air release valve (=air relief valve) 排气阀; 放空阀air reversing valve 空气换向阀air shut-off valve 空气关闭阀air signal reducing valve 空气信号减压阀air slide valve 空气分配阀air starting (control) valve 空气起动(控制)阀air straining check valve 空气滤尘止回阀air valve 空气阀air vent valve 气动调压阀, 排气阀air-actuated direction valve 气动控制换向阀air-compressor valve 空气压缩机阀门air-operated valve 气动换向阀air-vacuum proportional valve 空真比例阀air-vacuum two way valve 空真二位阀alarm valve 报警阀aligned grid valve 栅极中点校直的电子管阀Allan valve 阿伦滑阀altitude valve 【航空】高度阀(航空发动机汽化器的可调整阀)ammonia valve 【工】氨阀angle back-pressure valve 背压角阀angle globe valve 折角球形阀angle stop valve 弯形止阀, 折角止阀angle valve 角阀angle water valve 折角水阀annular ring valve 环形阀; 环状阀anti-g valve 【航空】防超重活门, 抗重力阀application pilot valve 作用导阀application valve 作用阀, 控制阀ashpan blower valve 灰盘吹风阀Askania valve 射流管阀atmos valve (=atmospheric valve) 大气阀, 空气阀; 放空阀autocontrol valve 自动控制阀automatic air valve 自动空气阀automatic brake valve 自动制动阀automatic control valve 自动控制阀automatic cutout valve 自动切断阀门automatic delivery control valve 自动输送控制阀automatic drain valve 自动排水阀automatic expansion valve (定压式)自动膨胀阀automatic gas sampling valve 自动气体进样阀automatic reducing valve 自动减压阀(高速制动机)automatic regulating valve 自动调节阀automatic spring loaded valve 自动弹簧阀automatic supplementary air valve 自动补充(空)气阀automatic unloading valve 自动卸载阀automatic valve 自动阀automatic water level valve 自动水准阀automatically operated valve 自动操作阀automatic-control servo valve 自动控制伺服阀auxiliary changeover valve 辅助切换阀auxiliary valve 辅助阀(暖汽调整阀用) back valve 回动阀, 止回阀, 逆止阀, 单向阀backflush valve 反冲阀backlash valve 无游隙阀门back-pressure valve 止回阀back-up valve 列车后端制动阀balance pressure reducing valve 平衡减压阀balance slide valve 平衡滑阀balance valve 平衡阀, 均压阀balanced distribution valve 平衡配气阀balanced safety valve 平衡式安全阀(可变动背压)ball check valve 止回球阀, 球形节流阀ball float valve 浮子阀, 浮球阀ball non-return valve 球形止回阀ball relief valve 球形安全阀ball safety valve 球形安全阀ball stop valve 球形止阀ball valve 球阀, 弹子阀ball-and-lever valve 杠杆球阀bell valve 钟形阀, 装料钟bellows valve 波纹管阀bellows-operated pilot valve 膜盒控制导阀, 膜盒导引阀bevel seat valve 斜座阀, 角阀biased valve 承载阀blast furnace gas valve 高炉煤气阀blast regulation valve 通风调节阀bleed valve 排出阀; 放泄阀bleeder valve 放液阀, 放水阀block valve 隔断阀blocking valve 闭塞阀blow valve 通风阀, 安全阀, 放空阀blow-down valve 排气阀blower drain valve 鼓风机放泄阀blower regulation valve 通风调节阀blower valve 鼓风机阀blow-off valve 排出[泄]阀, 放泄[空]阀, 喷放阀blowout valve 排气管, 排出阀boiler check valve 锅炉止回阀boiler feed valve 锅炉给水阀bonnet valve 帽状阀bottom drain valve 底部放泄阀bottom valve 底阀brake application magnet valve 电磁制动阀brake application valve 制动作用阀brake control valve 制动控制阀brake cylinder release valve 制动缸缓解阀, 制动缸放风阀brake metering valve 制动调节阀brake pipe compensating valve 制动管补偿阀brake release magnet valve 缓解电磁阀brake valve 制动阀brass valve 黄铜阀brass-fitted cast-iron valve 黄铜配制铸铁阀brass-trimmed valve 黄铜配制阀breather valve 通气阀, 呼吸阀breathing type safety valve 呼吸式安全阀(罐车)brine retaining valve 盐水箱保持阀bucket valve 活塞阀buffer change valve 缓变阀building block valve 积木式阀, 集成阀built-in check valve 内装式单向阀bullet valve 球阀buried valve with key 液下控制阀butterfly control valve 蝶形控制阀butterfly throttle valve 蝶形节流阀butterfly valve 蝶阀by-pass valve 旁通阀, 辅助阀, 回流阀by-path valve 旁通阀, 辅助阀, 回流阀caboose valve 守车阀cage type valve 笼形阀cam-operated valve 凸轮控制阀capless tyre valve 无帽胎阀car discharge valve 车辆放风阀car signal valve 车辆信号阀, 车辆放风阀cartridge inserted valve 筒式插装式阀, 插装阀cement valve 【机】水泥止回阀center valve 中心阀centre bypass valve 中间位置旁通的换向阀, M型机能换向阀centre spool valve 中心柱形阀centrifugal saw plate valve 离心机的圆盘保险(溢流)阀centrifugal type injection valve 离心式喷射阀change valve 活页阀;旋转阀, 转换阀;多向阀charge valve 充气阀, 加载阀, 加液阀charging check valve 充气止回阀charging valve 充气阀, 加载阀, 加液阀check valve 单向阀, 止回阀, 防逆阀;检验阀check-valve pump 止回阀配流泵chimney valve 烟道阀choker checkvalve 阻气单向阀cindervalve 卸灰阀Cineston controller brake valve 钦式控制制动联合阀(用于地下铁道)circulating-water valve 循环水阀circulation valve 环流阀clack valve 止回阀clapper valve 瓣阀clock valve 单向绞链阀closed center valve 中间位置封闭的阀(方向阀); 闭中心阀closed crossover valve 正遮盖的换向阀closed exhaust valve 密闭排气阀closed-type fuel valve 密闭形燃油阀closing valve 隔离阀, 节制阀, 隔断阀, 停汽阀clutch application valve 离合器作用阀clutch temperature adjusting valve 离合器温度调节阀coasting valve 滑行阀, 惯性运动阀coaxial valve 同轴管[阀]cold water stop valve 凉水止阀column shut-off valve 柱关闭阀column switching valve 柱转换阀column valve 柱阀combination sliding and rotary spool valve 又移动又旋转的圆柱滑阀combination valve 组合阀combined inlet-outlet valve 进出组合阀combined strainer and check valve 混合滤尘止回阀common slide valve 普通滑阀compensated flow control valve 带压力补偿的流量控制阀;调速阀compensated relief valve 平衡式溢流阀compensating air valve 补充空气阀, 补偿气阀, 平衡气阀compensating valve 补偿阀compensation valve 平衡阀, 补偿阀compression release valve 减压阀compression valve (减振器的)压缩行程阀concentric valve 同心阀condensate valve 凝结水阀condenser level control valve 凝汽器水位调节阀condenser relief valve 凝气器安全阀condenser valve 凝汽阀conductor‘s valve 车长阀, 紧急制动阀cone valve 锥形阀cone-way valve 单向阀conical seat valve 锥形座阀conical valve 锥形阀constant pressure expansion valve 恒压膨胀活门, 恒压膨胀阀constant pressure valve 恒压阀control air type reducing valve 控制空气型减压阀control air valve 控制空气阀control valve 控制阀, 调节阀;控制管, 调节管controllable check valve 可控单向[止回检验]阀controller pilot valve 控制器管制阀conversion valve 转换阀;转向阀Air valves空气阀门Angle Stop valves 角式截止阀Angle Throttle Valves 角式节流阀Angle Type Globe Valves门角式截止阀Ash valves 排灰阀Aspirating valves 吸(抽)气阀Auxiliary valves 辅助(副)阀Balance valves 平衡阀Bellows valves 波纹管阀Blowdown valves 泄料(放空,排污)阀Brake valves 制动阀Butterfly Type Non-slam Check蝶式缓冲止回阀Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator蜗轮传动蝶阀Buttwelding valves 对焊连接阀Clamp valves 对夹式阀门Cock二通Combination valves 组合阀CQ Thread Ball ValvesCQ螺纹球阀Culvert valves 地下管道阀Deceleration valves 减速阀Diaphragm Valves隔膜阀Decompression valves 泄压阀Double Disc Flat Gate Valves双闸板平板闸阀Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves明杆平行式双闸板闸板Double Opening Exhaust Valves双口排气球Drainage valves 排水阀Electric Actuated Stop Valves 电动截止阀Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves电动楔式闸阀Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves电动平行式双闸板闸板Emergeny Cut-off Valves紧急切断阀Exhaust valves 排气阀Free Float Type Steam Trap浮球式疏水阀Flange Ball Valves法兰球阀Flange Gate Valves法兰闸阀Flange Globe Valves法兰截止阀Gauge Valves仪表阀Hand-operated valves 手动阀Hard Seal Butterfly Valves金属密封碟阀High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves高温高压电站闸阀High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves高温高压电站截止阀Hydraulic relay valves 液压继动阀Lift Check Valves升降式止回阀Lift Check Valves升降式止回阀Limit valves 限位阀Lining Ball Valves衬里球阀Lining Butterfly Valves衬里碟阀Lining Check Valves衬里止回阀Lining Cock衬里二通Lining Globe Valves衬里截止阀Lining T-Cock Valves衬里三通旋塞阀Liquid Indicator液位计LPG Pipe Fitting液化气管件Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves 磁耦合截止阀Magnetism Forle Pumps磁力泵Manual Oil Pumps Valves手摇油泵(阀)Meter Needle Type Globe Valves 仪表针形截止阀Oblique Stop Valves直流式截止阀Parallel Slide Valves浆液阀Pintle valve 针形阀Piping Centrifugal Pumps管道离心泵Plunger valves 柱塞阀Pressure valve 压力(増压)阀Piping Pumps管道泵Piping Safety Valves管道安全阀Plunger Globe Valves柱塞截止阀Quick Draining Valves快速排污阀Restrictor Valves过流阀(或节流阀)Safety Valves安全阀Screw Pumps螺杆泵Scum Gate Valves排渣闸阀Solenoid valves 电磁阀Single Disc Flat Gate Valves单闸板平板闸阀Single Opening Exhaust Valves 单口排气球Slurry Pumps泥浆泵Stop Valves截止阀Strainer过滤器Submerged Motor Pumps潜水电泵(排污泵)Swing Check Valves旋启式止回阀Swing Check Valves旋启式止回阀Tank Lorry Ball Valves槽车球阀T-Cock三通Thin Gate Valves薄型闸阀Throttle Valves节流阀Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves微阻缓闭止回阀Triple (tee) valves 三通阀Two-way valves 二通阀Under Water Pumps液下泵Vacuum Pumps水力喷射器(真空泵)Vertical Lift Check Valves立式止回阀Wafer Check Valves对夹式止回阀Wafer plate valves 对夹蝶板阀Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning 对夹式衬胶蝶阀Waste Valves排污箱(阀)Water Seal Gate Valves水封闸阀Wedge Gate Valves楔式闸阀Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y型筒型过滤器2.零部件术语Axis Guide轴套Ball球、球芯Ball seat密封圈Blowdown Sealing Face 启、阀件密封面Body阀体Bonnet阀盖Disc阀瓣Mut螺母Screw螺栓Sealing密封件Spring弹簧Stem阀杆Stem Mut阀杆螺母Stem seal填料Wedge Disc闸板3.规范技术术语Applicable medium适用介质Applicable temperature 适用温度Butt Clamp对夹Chemical analysis化学成份Connecting format连接形式Double disc双闸板Flexible disc弹性闸板Flange法兰Hoop卡箍Inside thread内螺纹Jacket 夹套Mains 电源Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity材料化学成份和机械性能materials材料Materials for main parts主要零件材料Mechanical capacity机械性能Max. Discharging Capacity最大排水量Max. Operating Temperature最高工作温度Max. Allowable Temperature最高允许温度Max. Allowable Pressure最高允许压力Model型号Name of parts零件名称nitrogen (N) 氮Nominal bore 公称通径Nominal Pressure公称压力Nozzle 排气口Outside thread外螺纹Oxidant氧化性介质Parallel 平行Piping管路Piston 活塞Reductant还原性介质Rising stem明杆Seal 阀座,密封面Seat testing pressure压力气密封试验压力Socket卡套Specifications性能规范Single disc单闸板Solid刚性Strengh testing pressure 强度试验压力Steam , condensate蒸汽,凝结水Stroke 冲程,行程Water,oil,steam水,温度,气Wedge楔式Welding焊接4、材料术语Atbas metal镍铬钢Buna-N rubber 丁晴橡胶Casting aluminium brass铸铝黄铜Casting aluminium bronze铸铝青铜Ceramic metal 陶瓷金属Chromel alloy 镍铬合金CHR rubber氯晴橡胶Chrominm-molybdenum-vanadium steel 铬钼钒钢Chromium stainless steel铬不锈钢Chromium-molybdenum steel铬钼钢Corrugation pad波形垫Cuprum alloy铜合金Ductile Cast iron球墨铸铁Expanded graphite柔性石墨Fine Steel Casting iron优质碳素钢Fluorous rubber氟橡胶Gray Cast iron灰铸铁Hayne's alloy钴铬钨合金High tem perature steel高温钢Monel 蒙乃尔合金Low temperature steel低温钢Nylon尼龙塑料Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTEF) 聚四氟乙烯Polythene 聚乙烯Pure aluminium纯铝Pure cupper纯铜Rubber graphite board橡胶石墨板Spring steel弹簧钢Stainless acid-resisting steel 不锈耐酸钢Stainless and Graphite 不锈钢/石墨Stainless steel不锈钢Steel Casting iron碳素钢铸件Shell Test Pressure壳体试验压力Service Fluid工作介质。
据我国有关部门统计,目前全国蒸汽疏水阀拥有量约为万台,大约有80%的产品达不到现行国家标准漏汽量小于3%的要求,其泄漏率大都在10%左右,这样一台蒸汽疏水阀就耍浪费吨标煤,全国正在使用的达不到现行国家标准的疏水阀就要浪费万吨标煤,折合人民币 186203万元,这是一笔相当可观的数字,由此可见蒸汽疏水阀的节能作用之大,及其在国民经济发展中的地位之重要是不可等闲视之的。
本文将结合斯派莎克(Spirax Sarco)公司的蒸汽疏水阀的产品系列介绍各种类型的蒸汽疏水阀和它们的适用场合。
Fluid Connectors for Commercial and Residential CleaningQuick Refernece Guideaerospace climate control electromechanical filtrationfluid & gas handling hydraulics pneumatics process control sealing & shieldingWater ProductsWater ProductsParker is the one choice for your green cleaningand sanitation services worldwide. Offering an arrayof fittings, hoses, valves, and nozzles, Parker insuresquality merchandize that you can count on. Parkerwill provide you with their expertise and ingenuity inorder to keep your business up and running foryears to come.Our fluid and pneumatic tubing, couplings, and valveshave been engineered to outperform all others, workingtogether with a systems approach that streamlinesdevelopment and speeds manufacturing.• Designed for dynamic, static, and rotary applications • Compatible with fast assembly and disassembly of systems • Controlled pneumatic and fluid installations • Withstands pressures up to 300 psiTrueSeal FittingsLIQUIfit FittingsPar-Barb FittingsPrecision-molded from an engineered polymer, these valvesprovide superior strength and chemical resistance. An EPDM D seal secures the connection with a larger surface area than standard O-rings. Full Stainless steel gripping ring eliminates the need for locking clips. A fill flow, self-cleaning ball raises the bar for quality and durability. Availability in 39 configurations.A great solution forwater applications. Fittings are FDA and NSF compliant and assembled by hand.Use with nylon, polypropylene, soft metal, and plastic tubing.TrueSeal Ball ValveFast & Tite FittingsMade of an engineered polymer for superior strength and chemical resistance, LIQUIfit ball valves offer an innovative design for maximumcapability and optimum performance. 39 configurations expand application possibilities, while the valve’s full-flow selfcleaning ball raises the bar for quality and durability.LIQUIfit Ball ValvesFluid Connectors for Commercialand Residential CleaningSpecifically designed with a four-barbdesign that generates maximum gripping and sealing power when combined withhose clamp. Use with clear vinyltubing, urethane, and a variety of rubber tubing and hoses. Meet FDA and NSF 51 requirements and are ideal in medical pollution control.Compact, push-to-connect, full flow profile fittings for water applications. LIQUIfit is suitablefor water, potable liquids,and neutral gas applications. It offerschemical resistance to such things as chlorine, cleaning solutions, and UV; while limiting biofilm development.Robust push-to-connect fittings ideal for watertreatment and harsh chemical environments.Available in acetyl, polypropylene,and kynar, TrueSeal fittings are FDA and NSF 15 compliance; NSF 61 in gray acetyl.Industrial and CustomIndustrial and Custom• Allows for exposure to a wide variety of chemicals, lubricants, fuels, and gases • Designed for dynamic, static, and rotary applications • Vibration and shock• Withstands pressure up to 2,800 psi • Temperatures from -65*F to 250*FLet Parker create exactly what you need, when you need it. Whether it’s a valve, fitting, or hose, we can produce it. In any size, quantity, and configuration, with any connector end. From prototypes, one-of-a-kind pieces, and emergency repair parts; to small or large production runs, our ability to make custom pieces suitable to fit your needs demonstrates the Parker difference.• Specifically designed for carpet cleaning high pressure lines • Specially formulated ball seals for superior durability • Brass and stainless steel construction resists corrosion • 1500 psi working pressure • 1/4” Dryseal NPTF portsCompress-Align FittingsBall ValveDrain CocksDubl-Barb FittingGarden Hose FittingsGround Plug ShutoffPipe FittingsHose Barb FittingsMetric AdaptersPre-assembled with acaptive sleeve, andalways oriented for a fasterinstallation these fittings align to seal even out-of-round tubing.Available in brass, stainless steel, and carbon steel in sizes 1/8” to 3”. Included are90* valves, straight thresd O-ringvalves, solder ends, panel mount valves,3-way and 4-way valves, miniature and micro-valves. Options include tee and oval handles, padlocking handles, actuators, and stainless steel componentry.Economical, high quality brass drain cocks are available with either external or internal seats.An economical choice as a push-to-connect brass barb that doesnot require a hose clamp.These compact, one-piece fittings are a quick way to connect polyethylene tubing.Connect garden to other garden hose, or to tubing with thesesolid brass fittings.Hose-end threads are ¾” garden hose thread. Swivel connections allow hose to twist without kinking. Hose barb ends to be used with 97HC hose clamp or equivalent.Ground plug shutoffs are manufacturedfrom castings or forged bodies for extra strength. Available with pipe, flare, and compression ends.Brass pipe fittings meet all functional SAE J512 industryrequirements, with all threadsmade to Dryseal standards. Most are available in either forgings or extrusions. For use with brass, copper, or iron pipe.An economical choice for general-purpose fluid handling and pneumatics. Commonly used with water, coolant, and compressed air. Intended for use with rubber hose and a hose clamp.A comprehensive range of adapters for NPT,BSPT, and BSPP threads. Produce in both extrusions and forgings to meet exacting requirements.Fluid Connectors for Commercialand Residential CleaningCouplings and HoseCouplings and HoseQuick Couplings allow hoses to be easily connected anddisconnected. Whether maintaining equipment, filling/draining fluid tanks, or changing attachments, there is a quick coupling to fit every need. A variety of options include corrosion resistant materials, valved and straight through designs, sleeve locking features, port configurations and seal material options.Parker offers technical assistance, electronic ordering,customer training, and extensive product information, in both print and electronic forms, to help you when you need it.In addition to, Parker’s Parflex hoses, Parflex also offers several series of permanent fittings designed to fit your applications and needs such as our CV, 91N, and 55 Series.Quick CouplingsHave a Question?Parflex FittingsCV Series55 Series91N Series*GPH Series comes in blue, red, yellow, black and grey.Fluid Connectors for Commercialand Residential CleaningHose The Class 125 Nexbraid PVC hose is a flexible hose designed to handle air, water, and light vacuuming. This hose is compliant with NSF 52 and constructed of a braid pattern reinforcement to ensure durability.This highly durable hose is resistant to flex fatigue, ozone, UV , water, and Nexsyn has excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals including acids andalkalis. The Nexsyn tubing is 25-35% lighter than PVC and rubber tubing of same dimensions.Series GPH is a versatile, flexible, and lightweight hose designed to handle air, mild chemicals, and water. The hose consists of multiple plies of textile reinforcement that provide strength and flexibility, while shielding it from abrasion, mildchemicals, UV lighting and weathering.125 Series714 SeriesGPH Series*Excellent in chemical compatibility with a greater range of fluid chemical compatibility, the 540N hose meets and exceeds SAE and MSHA qualifications.Able to withstand a range of temperature and pressure, the1035HT is constructed of a non-marring and durable nylon fiber.Non-Marring, abrasion resistant polyurethane jacket protects the stainless steel wire reinforcement against wear, fraying and contaminants540N Series1035HT Series919U SeriesParker supplies customers with a variety of hoses and tubes for nearly every application. Whether you are transporting water , chemicals, gas, or electricity Parker is built to last even under the mostextreme conditions.MSHA Accepted, the HBL series can save hundreds of dollars of waste by eliminating gallons of unnecessary in-line grease versus larger bore rubber hoses.Industrial mediumpressure hydraulic hose for use with petroleum, water base and synthetic hydraulic fluids, gases and some solvents and chemical solutions.HLB Series563 SeriesParker Hannifin Corporation Fluid Connectors Group 6035 Parkland Blvd.Cleveland, OH 44124phone 216 896 3000fax 216 896 Your complete source for quality tube fittings, hose & hose fittings, brass & composite fittings, quick-disconnect couplings, valves and assembly tools, locally available from a worldwide network of authorized distributors.Fittings:Available in inch and metric sizes covering SAE, BSP ,DIN, GAZ, JIS and ISO thread configurations, manufactured from steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, nylon and thermoplastic.Hose, Tubing and Bundles:Available in a wide variety of sizes and materials including rubber, wire-reinforced, thermoplastic, hybrid and custom compounds.Worldwide Availability:Parker operates FluidConnectors manufacturing locations and sales offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.For information, call toll free...1-800-C-PARKER (1-800-272-7537)Parker Fluid Connectors GroupNorth American Divisions & Distribution Service CentersNorth American DivisionsEnergy Products Division Stafford, TXphone 281 566 4500fax 281 530 5353Fluid System Connectors Division Otsego, MIphone 269 694 9411fax 269 694 4614Hose Products Division Wickliffe, OHphone 440 943 5700fax 440 943 3129Industrial Hose Division Strongsville, OHphone 440 268 2120fax 440 268 2230Parflex Division Ravenna, OHphone 330 296 2871fax 330 296 8433Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MNphone 763 544 7781fax 763 544 3418Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OHphone 614 279 7070fax 614 279 7685Distribution Service CentersBuena Park, CAphone 714 522 8840fax 714 994 1183Conyers, GAphone 770 929 0330fax 770 929 0230Louisville, KYphone 502 937 1322fax 502 937 4180Portland, ORphone 503 283 1020fax 503 283 2201Toledo, OHphone 419 878 7000fax 419 878 7001fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations)CanadaGrimsby, ONTphone 905 945 2274fax 905 945 3945(Contact Grimsby for other Service Center locations.)8/2012© 2012 Parker Hannifin Corporation。
2、根据阀门运行方式的不同①直行程:阀芯上下做直线运动(直通单座阀、角型阀、套筒阀)②角行程:部分回转,通过阀芯转动 0 到90°完成开关动作(蝶阀、球阀)③多回转:阀杆为螺旋运动方式,通过旋转转化为直线运动(闸阀、截止阀)3、控制目的①开关型:控制阀门开启和关闭两个位置②调节型:控制阀门开启、关闭以及任意中间过程二、电动和气动阀门1、两种成套阀门的配置组合①电动:电动执行器+阀门②气动:开关型:电磁阀+气动执行器+阀门+限位开关调节型:定位器+气动执行器+阀门以上的各项,除了阀门本体,其他都可称之为阀门附件。
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地址:450007 河南省郑州市经济技术开发区经南一路70号
• Integral 3/4" or 1" ports (NPT & BSPP)• High efficiency particulate element as standard • Excellent water removal efficiency• Robust but lightweight aluminium construction• Low temperature -40°C (-40°F) with combined manual /semi-auto drain as standardPortFlow ‡dm 3/s Min temp Max temp Bowl capacity 3 Height mm Width mm Depth mm Weight †OptionsOrdering informationParticulate Filter - P3YSymbolsManual drain Auto drain† Standard part numbers shown in bold. For other models refer to Options chart above.‡ Flow with 6.3 bar (91.4 psig) inlet pressure and 0.5 (7.3 psig) pressure drop.Flow (dm 3/s)P r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - p s i g.05.1.15Flow - (scfm)100200300400500600Flow (dm 3/s)P r e s s u r e D r o p - b a r S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - p s i g - (scfm)100200300400500600(3/4") Filter(1") FilterDimensions mm (inches)Flow characteristicsMaterial specificationsBody Aluminium Sight glass PolypropyleneBody cover ABSElement Sintered P .E.Seals Nitrile NBRDrainsManual / semi-auto:AcetalAutomatic:PA / Ø 10mm brassconnection* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below 2°C (35.6°F).Service kitsDescription Part number 5 micron element kit P3YKA00ESE 40 micron element kitP3YKA00ESG Bowl kit with combined manual / semi auto drain P3YKA00BSC Bowl kit with auto drainP3YKA00BSASpecificationsFluidCompressed air Maximum inlet pressure* 17.5 bar (254 psig)Temperature range*:Auto drainCombined drain -10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F)-40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F)Particle removal 5 micronAir qualityWithin ISO 8573-1: 1991 Class 3 and 5 (particulates) Within ISO 8573-1: 2001 Class 6 and 7 (particulates)Typical flow 5 micron element6.3 bar (91.4 psig) inlet pressure and 0.5 bar (.73 psig) pressure drop 119 dm 3/s (252 scfm)Manual / semi-auto drain Closed at 0.8 bar (11.6 psig)G1/8 thread maleAuto drain bowl pressure to close drain0.8 bar (11.6 psig) Operating rangemanual override facility 0.8 bar (11.6 psig) to 17.5 bar (254 psig) Bowl capacity130 cm 3 (4.4 US oz)D。
Aeras 系列空气源说明书
Aeras 3 Aeras 3 Aeras 4 Aeras 4 Aeras 4 Aeras 6 Aeras 7 Aeras 11(C3-2)(C3-12)(C4-1)(C4-2)(C4-12)(C6-2)(C7-2)(C11-2)A TTENTION: It is recommended that this equipment be installed by a licensed electrical/plumbing contractor only. All installations must conform to local and national codes.Check Compressor Model Being Installed:Doctor:Address:Phone No.:Dealer:Address:This information is not intended to replace the information found in the User Manual . Refer to the User Manual for full installation, safety and precautions.PREINSTALLATION GUIDEMODELS:C3, C4, C6, C7 & C11COMPRESSORCOMPRESSORPLACEMENT• Indoor use only, in a dust-free room.• Ventilation required for room to remain between 35°F to 100°F (2°C to 38°C). Additional forced air and HVAC must be used if ambient temperatures do not fall into this range.• Do not install on surfaces with more than a 5 degree incline.• Allow 12" minimum clearance on all sides for all units.• If unit is placed in an area adjacent to office space, sound eliminating techniques should be considered for the unit.PLUMBING• Connect drain hose to fitting on bottom of coalescing filter and direct it into floor drain/purge bowl for disposal of water.• Connect compressor air outlet to facility plumbing with provided supply hose (3/8" MPT × 3/8" MPT × 6' long).• Connect fresh air manifold to controlled fresh air source.•Connect only equipment suitable for listed maximum pressure of the compressor.PREINSTALLATION GUIDEEQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUTFRESH AIR INTAKE KITSPart Number0050028658-0090050020050028658-010005002005002005014NOTE: Fresh air intake CANNOT be installed on Aeras dual voltage compressor with Sound Shield (PN: C3-12SS and C4-12SS).REMOTE CLEARANCE (ALL SIDES)PREINSTALLATION GUIDEELECTRICALHIGH VOL TAGE• Install a dedicated electrical circuit of sufficient capacity (see SPECIFICATIONS & SITE REQUIREMENTS table).• Any means provided to isolate this device from the supply mains shall isolate all poles simultaneously. The disconnection means and overcurrent protection are to be provided by the installer. This device should always be attached to a dedicated circuit with appropriate wiring and circuit protection.• All Aeras Compressor models are factory set to run on 230 volts mains power. Aeras Compressor models C3-12 and C4-12 are dual voltage capable and can run on 115 volts or 230 volts mains power. (See compressor manual MAINS VOL TAGE SWITCHING for setting voltage procedure.)LOW-VOL TAGE REMOTE SWITCHING (RECOMMENDED)• Maximum wire length for low-voltage, 18-gauge wire is 500 feet.RAMVACRemotePanel (or Equivalent)with Illuminated 24V DCSwitch 1GAerasControlT erminalsFHG123LOW-VOL TAGE REMOTE SWITCHING (AL TERNATIVE)T oggle Switchor Other Non-IlluminatedSwitch(Optional)FHAerasControlT erminalsFHSwitchLightCommon+24V DC+24V DCDC CommonFGHIlluminated Remote SwitchREMOTESWITCHFGHCONNECTORAERAS CONTROL PANELCOMPRESSORConforms to:ANSI/AAMI STD ES60601Certified to:CAN/CSA STD C22.2 NO. 60601-1ETL CLASSIFIED4007136DentalEZ2500 Highway 31 South Bay Minette, AL 36507Phone: 866-DTE-INFO Fax: PN: 7565-058C February, 2022SPECIFICATIONS & SITE REQUIREMENTSPREINSTALLATION GUIDE© 2022 DentalEZ Alabama, Inc. DentalEZ and Aeras are registered trademarks of DentalEZ, Inc. Ramvac is a registered trademark of Ramvac Dental Products, Inc.AERAS 3(C3-2)AERAS 3(C3-12)AERAS 4(C4-1)AERAS 4(C4-2)AERAS 4(C4-12)AERAS 6(C6-2)AERAS 7(C7-2)AERAS 11(C11-2)Max Users 334446711Voltage (AC)230(208-253)115/230(103-126/208-253)115(103-126)230(208-253)115/230(103-126/208-253) 230(208-253)230(208-253)230(208-253)Power Consumption (Amps)10.512/6.12311.517.6/916.32132Breaker Size (Amps)2015302020203040Fusetron Size FRN 15FRN 10FRN 25FRN 15FRN 15FRN 20FRN 25FRN 40Number of Motor Heads12223223HP Per Motor Head 2.501.251.25.501.25 (Left)2 (Right)22Pressure85 PSI/586 kPa to 115 PSI/793 kPa with ± 2% T otal Error BandHigh-Pressure Mode *105 PSI/724 kPa to 125 PSI/862 kPaWeight (lbs)160136190190149250260385Dimensions W × D × H (in)29×21×2930×21×2629×21×2929×21×2930×21×2635×25×3035×25×3041×29×32Dimensions(with Sound Cover)33.3×29×34N/A 33.3×29×3433.3×29×34N/A 35×29×3435×29×3441.1× 33×36Dimensions(with Sound Shield)N/A 30×20×26N/A N/A 30×20×26N/A N/A N/A Pump Up Cycle Time, 85 to 115 PSI (Sec)4560454545454040Tank Size (Gal)1212121212202030Filtration (microns)0.3 Coalescing; 0.01 Final ParticulateDryer Duty Cycle 100%Dryer Dew Point (PDP)-40°F/-40°C dBA Levels (with/without Sound Cover)65/73N/A70/7870/78N/A72/8076/8278/84dBA Levels (with/without Sound Shield)N/A 63/67N/A N/A 66/70N/A N/A N/ANOTES: *High-pressure mode should only be used with a compatible milling machine; not for use in general dentistry.。
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ST Issue 5
AE10S 高排量
4 阀盖 铸铁 DIN 1691 GG 25
5 阀座 不锈钢 BS 970 431 S29
6 阀座垫片 不锈钢 BS 1449 304 S11
7 销托架组件 不锈钢 BS 4183 18/8 螺钉8 浮球及杆 不锈钢 BS 1449 304 S16
9 阀锥* 不锈钢 AISI 440B
15 支撑架 不锈钢 BS 1449 304 S1617 销
AE10S 是高排量浮球型自动排空气和气体阀,用于液体系统,维修方便。
口径和管道连接¾" BSP 或NPT 螺纹连接。
标准该产品完全符合欧洲压力设备指令97/23/EC 。
本产品提供阀体和阀盖标准证书EN 10204 2.2。
阀体设计条件 PN16PMA-最大允许压力 16 bar g@110℃TMA-最高允许温度 200℃最低允许温度 -10℃PMO 最大饱和蒸汽压力 16 bar g@110℃TMO-最高工作温度 200℃@13 bar g 最低工作温度 -10℃
D PMX 最大压差
6 bar g 设计最大冷态水压试验压力 24 bar g 液体最小比重 0.6
尺寸 口径 A B C D E F G H 重量¾"
195 165 118
50 217 6.8 kg
273 + T (T 是实际温度)
排量 d m 3/s
压差 bar (x 100 = kPa)
¾"A E10S 高排量自动排空阀安装时进口在底部,以便浮球机构在垂直平面内上升和下降。
斯派莎克¾"AE10S 高排量空气和气体自动排放阀BSP 螺纹
带浮球的主阀组件 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17
3, 6
例:1- 主阀组件用于斯派莎克¾"AE10S 高排量空气和气体自动排放阀。
AE10S 高排量液体系统空气和气体自动排放阀
ST Issue 5。