An example of a profile 1




Reading: Text 11.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for(打开了通道)requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。



一.Reference的三种类型: 从书上引用,从杂志里的文章中引用,从网站引用1, 从书上引用的ref,格式:作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).出版社地址: 出版社名Example:Davidson, M. and Cooper, C. (1992). Shattering The Glass Ceiling: The Woman Manger. London: Paul Chapman.2, 从杂志里的文章中引用的ref,格式:作者名字.年代.文章名. 杂志名(斜体): 第几期, 页数Example:Pringle, J. (2004). Women Senior Managers: Successful Individuals Or Markers Of Collective Change. Women’s Studies Journal, 18, (2), 79-963,从网站引用的ref, 格式作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).Retrieved on年月日. from:网站Example:Adler, M. (2005). Women's Employment Concentrated In Service Industries. Retrieved on 20th September, 2005 from:.(注意: 网站另起一行)二, reference 的注意事项:1, 如果reference有两行或两行以上, 从第二行起,向内缩进五到七个字符Example:Rosener, J. (1995). America’s competitive secret: Utilizing women as a management strategy.USA: Oxford University Press.2, reference与reference中间要隔一行3文章名和杂志名:每个单词的首字母大写,虚词除外4,文章后面列出的所有reference必须与加进文章中的reference一一对应5, reference做完以后,以作者的首字为准,按字母顺序进行排列6,一般情况下,1000字,至少四个reference.这里需要强调一点:国外治学严谨,reference一定要做好!!我们的作业严禁直接抄书或从网上直接复制粘贴(这在国外被界定为抄袭)国外的学校有强大的数据库,抄袭的地方,数据库一搜就发现了一旦发现抄袭,轻则挂科,重则拿不到学位,诚信记录还要被写上一笔你可以翻译中文也可以用自己的话把句子转述一遍但是直接引用和一个句子只改2、3个单词是一样会被判抄袭的!To develop a community profile (社区分布)for one Australian Local Government Area (LGA) of your choice, (excluding the City of Boroondara) using data from the 2001 and 2006 Census available from the ABS website. The focus of the demographic profile will be to describe up to three cultural characteristics of the population within your chosen LGA, and look at changes that have occurred from 2001 to 2006.Examples of cultural characteristics are ancestry, birthplace, language spoken, year of arrival in Australia, religious affiliation, English proficiency, and indigenous status. You are expected to synthesise (综合)the information available, not just replicate (折叠,复制)the tables that you can download. For example, you may choose to group a Census table detailing individual birthplaces into categories, and then show the proportional distribution - not just the number by birthplace; or from Year of Arrival in Australia you may derive the number of years living in Australia. In other words, you are required to analyse and summarise the information you find into your own summary tables and charts. In your demographic profile you should include summary tables, charts and commentary to support the graphs and tables. You should make use of data from both the 2001 Census and the 2006 Census (e.g. using a combination QuickStats, MapStats and Census Tables.制定一个社会形象之一澳大利亚地方政府区(儿)您的选择,(不包括城市Boroondara )使用数据从2001年和2006年人口普查可从澳大利亚统计局的网站上。


A feature in a sheet metal part. A bend generated from a filleted corner, cylindrical face, or conical face is a round bend; a bend generated from sketched straight lines is a sharp bend.
Seebill of materials.
bottom-up design
An assembly modeling technique where you create parts and then insert them into an assembly. Seetop-down design.
area hatch
A crosshatch pattern or fill applied to a selected face or to a closed sketch in a drawing. Seecrosshatch.
broken-out section
A drawing view that exposes inner details of a drawing view by removing material from a closed profile, usually a spline.


并用自己的话简单地写出来。(一句话) ➢ 写下每个主要想法的关键支持点,不要涉及小细节。 ➢ 以符合逻辑的顺序组织主要和相关的支持点,实现连贯性的必要过渡。 ➢ 校对语法、拼写和标点错误等。
六要素:what who when where why how
概要写作(小ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文)
④Finally, the anxiety of dating is greatly lessened with cyber-dating. Traditionally, men take the lead in dating. They are the ones who have to ask a woman out on a date. They have to risk rejection. It’s no better for women, however. Many women still wait for a man to ask them out first. Then, if they don’t want to go out with him, they have to let the man down gently. While it’s true that sometimes with cyber-dating men still get rejected and women still reject, you experience this in the privacy of your own home. Moreover, you never have to see the person again because you have never met! It’s the perfect solution.

HYSPLIT Cheat Sheet说明书

HYSPLIT Cheat Sheet说明书

HYSPLIT Cheat SheetUpdated September 8, 2020What is HYSPLIT?●The HYSPLIT model is a system for computingsimple air parcel trajectories, as well as complexatmospheric transport and dispersion simulations.(https:///hysplit/hysplit/)●HYSPLIT has been developed at the NOAA Air ResourcesLaboratory (ARL) for more than 30 years, and it is still undergoingdevelopment at ARL. (https:///)●Stein et al. (2016), NOAA’s HYSPLIT Atmospheric Transport andDispersion Modeling System, Bulletin of the American MeteorologySociety (BAMS), 96(12): 2059-2077(https:///10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00110.1)●It requires meteorological data to run, but extensive HYSPLIT-compatible meteorologicaldatasets are publically available on the ARL-HYSPLIT website (described below).●The model has been tested extensively by comparison of its predictions against actualmeasurements of atmospheric concentrations and deposition.●HYSPLIT is one of the most widely used atmospheric transport and dispersion models in theworld.●In addition to the basic trajectory and dispersion models, HYSPLIT contains a large suite ofanalysis, pre-processing, and post-processing programs that may be useful in differentapplications.Different ways to run HYSPLIT●Online, via the READY website(https:///index.php)○for trajectories(https:///HYSPLIT_traj.php)○for dispersion(https:///HYSPLIT_disp.php)●Install on local computer, use Graphical User Interface (GUI)●Install on local computer, use command line and/or scriptsInstallation on your local computer●Installation instructions are given on the web pages referenced below.●HYSPLIT requires some additional “helper” programs, like Tcl-Tk. On Windows systems, italso requires Ghostscript and Ghostview and ImageMagick. These helper programs are freely available and can be downloaded from the HYSPLIT download page(s). You should install these first, in the order mentioned above, before you install HYSPLIT.●installation for Windows(https:///HYSPLIT_hytrial.php)(Tutorial: https:///documents/Tutorial/html/install_win.html)●Installation for Apple-Mac(https:///hyreg/HYSPLIT_applehysp.php)(Tutorial: https:///documents/Tutorial/html/install_mac.html)●Installation for Linux(https:///HYSPLIT_linux.php)(Tutorial: https:///documents/Tutorial/html/install_unix.html)Should you become a Registered User?●Please do not register if you will only be using the HYSPLIT model with archivedmeteorological data (as opposed to forecast data) -- this applies to most users●Why might you need to become a registered user?○Registration required to use forecast met data for simulations○Registration required to obtain source code (e.g., for Linux compilation)○Registration information available here(https:///HYSPLIT_register.php)Learn to use HYSPLIT: 1. Online-READY●Online READY system for trajectories and dispersion○Rolph et al. 2017(https:///science/article/pii/S1364815217302360)○READY Summary Handout(https:///documents/Summaries/READY_2017.pdf)○READY is a relatively self-explanatory, menu-driven system, with help(https:///index.php)Learn to use HYSPLIT: 2. GUI, Local Installation●Graphical User Interface (GUI) with locally installed HYSPLIT●The GUI is a great way to learn HYSPLIT. Even if you are goingto eventually run HYSPLIT using command-line and scripting(see next section), you often start in the GUI to learn how andwhat you want to try to do. Eventually, you might decide youwant to automate the process in a script.●Tutorial (online or download)(https:///HYSPLIT_Tutorials.php)●Annual Workshop (next workshop: Summer 2021. Details andregistration posted in the spring.)(https:///hysplit/hysplit-workshop/)●Context-sensitive help throughout GUI●HYSPLIT Users Guide (https:///wp_arl/wp-content/uploads/documents/reports/hysplit_user_guide.pdf)●Frequently Asked Questions(https:///hysplit/hysplit-frequently-asked-questions-faqs/●Forum - Bulletin Board(https:///)●Document folder in local installationMeteorological Data●Meteorological (“met”) data, in HYSPLIT-format, must be provided to the model to run atrajectory or dispersion (concentration) simulation.●Met data includes things like wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, andprecipitation.●Most met data used by HYSPLIT are gridded outputs created by meteorological models,including numerous models that are run at NOAA.●Met data can be “forecast” or be “archived”. As noted above, you have to be registered user touse forecast data. For the typical user, however, archived data is generally used, e.g., to run the HYSPLIT model to help analyze air pollution measurements.●Numerous regional, continental, and global meteorological datasets are archived at the AirResources Laboratory, in HYSPLIT format, and are freely available.●Several ways to obtain met data:○Through the GUI○Through the HYSPLIT met data website -- right click on a file and “save target as”(https:///archives.php)○Via an FTP browser (if you want to download a lot of files)●Conversion programs areavailable in the HYSPLIT suite thatcan be used to convert user-generated met data to HYSPLITformat.●HYSPLIT-format meteorologicaldata files are in “binary” format, soyou can’t readily examine them ina text editor or word-processor.●But, met data can be examined with various tools and utilities through the Graphical UserInterface (GUI), e.g., “text profile”●The met data files can be large. A single one-day file of global met data at ¼ degree (~25 kmhorizontal resolution) is 2.7 GB. But some are relatively small: a one-month file of global met data at 2.5 degree horizontal resolution (~250 km) is only about 115 MB.●Met data can also be examined, analyzed and processed by numerous different programsavailable in the HYSPLIT suite, e.g., the Profile program, which extracts the meteorological data at a given location from a given meteorological data file. An example of the use of theProfile program is given below in the “command line / scripting” section.What meteorological data should you use?●There are generally numerous different data sets that you can use for any given analysis○Output from different meteorological models○Different horizontal, vertical, and temporal resolution○Different meteorological variables provided (but all must have wind speed & direction, etc.)○Different geographical coverage (regional, continental, global)○Available for different times periods○Some are reanalysis datasets, which are run after the fact, and extensively incorporate meteorological measurements to try to create the best possible characterization of theatmosphere●All things being equal, generally want to use the highest resolution met data that is availablefor your case, but this means that files will be bigger (more disk space on your computer), and runs will generally take longer.●It can be very useful to do your analysis with different met data sets, and examine thedifferences.○If the results are relatively similar with different met data sets, then you can be more confident that meteorological uncertainties are not playing a significant role.○If the results are very different with different met data sets, then there may be more uncertainty due to met data uncertainties●In complex terrain (e.g., in the mountains), or when there are sea-lake breezes (e.g., on thecoast), the use of higher-resolution met data is more important. But, in these cases, caution is warranted, as the highest resolution data available to you (e.g., 12 km resolution) may be too coarse to really resolve meteorological phenomena. The same would be true in an urbansetting, with street-canyon flows, etc.Trajectories● A trajectory represents the “centerline” of a dispersion●Can be run forward or backward○Forward trajectories tell you where the air will go○Backward trajectories tell you where the air came from●Back-trajectories are commonly used to help interpret air pollution measurements○Where did the air come from corresponding to any given sample time?○Where did the air come from when the concentrations of the pollutant were high?○Where did the air come from when the concentrations were low?●From the GUI:○Trajectory → Setup Run (creates a CONTROL file in the working directory)○Trajectory → Run Model (executes the hyts_std model)○Trajectory → Display → Trajectory (executes the trajplot program)●Trajectory → Setup Run:What height(s) should you start a back-trajectory at?●Should you start it at the height of your sampler, e.g., 2 meters above the ground?●Not recommended, as the trajectory can then easily hit the ground and lose accuracy●If only starting at one height, then a good choice might be “½ of the height of the planetaryboundary layer (PBL)” (aka mixed layer).●This choice reflects the idea that what you are seeing at your sampler is the averageconcentration of pollutant in the well-mixed boundary layer.●To use this option, you must use the Advanced menu in the GUI (or a SETUP.CFG file incommand line or script execution)●Advanced → Configuration Setup → Trajectory → Menu #2: Define subgrid and MSL/AGL units→ Fraction of the Mixed LayerBasic Concentration Simulations●Can be run forward or backward●Generally is run forward, to simulate what happens to a material after it is emitted to the air●From the GUI:○Concentration → Setup Run (creates a CONTROL file)○Concentration → Run Model (hycs_std model)○Concentration → Display → Concentration → Contours(concplot program)●Concentration → Setup Run:Learn to use HYSPLIT: 3. Command Line / Scripting●Command Line / Scripting with locally installed HYSPLIT●Tutorial shows examplescripts on many pages●Example scripts alsoprovided in the “scripts”subdirectory of theHYSPLIT installation●On any operating system,will need to open a “terminal”●Navigate to HYSPLIT working directory○Windows: cd c:\hysplit4\working↲○Mac/Linux: cd ~/hysplit4/working↲(case sensitive, may be Hysplit4)●It’s generally a good idea to work in the “working” directory, but you can create additionalworking directories to use. When working with the GUI, files are placed into the “working”directory. When you are doing things from the command line or scripts, they will go inwhatever directory you are working in, or to a path that you specify.●If you execute any HYSPLIT program without any arguments, you will generally get a list ofrequired and optional argumentsc:\hysplit4\working>..\exec\profile ↲Usage: profile [-options]-d[Input metdata directory name with ending /]-f[input metdata file name]-y[Latitude]-x[Longitude]-o[Output time offset (hrs)]-t[Output time interval (hrs)]-n[Hours after start time to stop output (hrs))]-w[Wind direction instead of components=1]-p[process ID number for output text file]-e[extra digit in output values (0)-no,1-yes]NOTE: leave no space between option and value●Note- there are sometimes more options available in the command line (or script) executionthan are available in the GUI●In the above example, a “command line” or script execution of the program would looksomething like this:c:\hysplit4\working>..\exec\profile -d c:\metdata\-f RP201612.gbl-y40.2-x-119.6 -w1● A “script” can be thought of as just a series of “command line” entries, one after another●If writing scripts, make sure they are “plain text”○Windows: DOS Batch Scripts (tutorial examples), Python, etc.○Mac/Linux: Shell Scripts (tutorial examples), Python, etc.●Why would you want to use scripts?○Have a record of what you have done, and can do it again, or modify it and do it again○You can set the script up to do multiple runs○But, the GUI is a great way to learn how to use HYSPLIT, and to gain a good understanding of the options. One often uses the GUI to explore and test what onewants to do, and then, once you’ve narrowed things down, you try to write a script to“automate” the process.○GUI: a big script (with many sub-scripts) written in the Tcl-Tk scripting language●Basic architecture of a script to run HYSPLIT would do the following:○Write CONTROL file○Write SETUP.CFG file (optional)○Run HYSPLIT (e.g., hyts_std or hycs_std)○Create graphics (e.g., run trajplot or concplot)○Rename output files and move to results directory to save●Common to use a “RUN” and “SET” script:○The “RUN” script sets some basic paramters for each run○The SET script is called from the RUN script and takes the variables provided○The SET script does everything you want (e.g., see preceding architecture example), and then returns execution to the “RUN” script, and then the next run is started (i.e.,the next line), by calling the “SET” script with a new set of parameters. Deeper HYSPLIT Background (equations, etc.)●NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-224, Description of the HYSPLIT-4 ModelingSystem, Revised Feb 2018(https:///wp_arl/wp-content/uploads/documents/reports/arl-224.pdf)●Supplementary Materials for the BAMS article mentioned abovehttps:///doi/suppl/10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00110.1/suppl_file/10.1175_bams-d-14-00110.2.pdf。

简介文章示例 Profile Essay Example 英语作文

简介文章示例 Profile Essay Example 英语作文

Profile ExampleA profile essay is a kind of educational article portraying an individual, spot, or occasion. It ought to be verifiable and engaging yet agreeable to peruse. Get a bit by bit direct for how to compose a profile paper that will be a hit with your users.Numerous understudies have no clue about how to compose a decent profile article; nonetheless, this can be kept away from by figuring out how to research and utilize all the assets available to you. The way to composing an extraordinary profile exposition is to pick anindividual profile paper illustration of an engaging subject. This will give you enough composting material. You should give a psychological picture of the individual or the spot you are expounding on. Composing a profile article gives you the opportunity to handpick the subject of your inclination.What is a Profile Essay?A profile paper is a structure or spellbinding abstract composing that focuses on the portrayal of a spot, an even, or an individual/individual. In that capacity, the exposition ought toconsistently be all around made, extensive, and have adjusted data on a given subject.For example, whenever requested to depict a remarkable past Feminist, common right lobbyist, giver, association, or archaic city, it comes down to composing a profile article. Thus, it isn’t only some shallow depiction of the subject. Ideally, it is intended to react to questions that emerge when attempting to comprehend the subject.An extensive profile paper brings extraordinary evaluations and ought to exhibit top to bottom examination, information, and association abilities. It is insightful to utilize spatial requestswhen composing profile papers on spots or things.Start the exposition with the individual’s appearance if you are portraying an eminent person. For example, enumerating a portion of the Degrees and the colleges an individual went to can be a decent beginning stage for making a fantastic profile article. On the off chance that it is an article about a city, center around the socioeconomics, world rankings, grants, geology, name, and other striking highlights.How to Write a Profile Essay?IntroductionThis is the thing that will attract or excuse your crowd. A decent presentation spellbinds the peruser and keeps him snared as far as possible. Start with basic issues which will be clarified later in the paper. To make your article engaging, utilize significant and important data. Give perusers the data they want. Beginning with a discussion Is a decent method to make your paper spellbinding. These can either be talks or between numerous individuals. You can uncover data that will be astounding to the perusers like when composing a profile exposition modelabout yourself you can uncover something that your perusers don’t know about.BodyThis segment gives weight and importance to your article. The data given in the presentation is extended utilizing a coordinated organization. The body will decide whether the peruser keeps on taking part in your paper. Contend your focuses utilizing steady proof and attempt to persuade the crowd that you are a specialist with regards to your subject. The thoughts referenced in the presentation structure the start of each passage as per the pattern in which theyshow up in. Here and there, you may like to end a section utilizing an outline sentence albeit this is discretionary. In an illustration of a profile article you can summarize a section by giving the outcome of the subtleties clarified.ConclusionThis is the last piece of your article. It is normally a couple of sentences contrasted with the body. While summarizing your composing presenting new ideas will confound the perusers. In this part you should simply rehash the significant focus helping the peruser to remember their significance, points, and in theevent that they have been satisfied. In an illustration of character profile exposition about a craftsman, you can’t discuss his family foundation in the event that you had not referenced it in the presentation and in this way clarified in the article.Short Example of Profile EssayDrug misuse is ingesting Drugs for different reasons separated from the ones it was intended for. People who consume Drugs like this wind up being dependent and unfit to control their admission. A portion of the indications of this sickness is long haul and hazardous. Thevast majority consume Drugs intentionally without a thought of how they deal with your mind and generally actual wellbeing. Albeit a few groups recuperate from these addictions, others fall once again into the old practices. This is conceivable even following quite a while of recuperation.Albeit an individual may fall back to old propensities, treatment manages job. Treatment ought to be customized by the people. Individuals react to various medicines in their own interesting manners. There are numerous reasons why a few groups get dependent whileothers stay unaffected. For instance, the hereditary cosmetics of an individual is an incredible impact on their odds of getting dependent. Mental insecurity can likewise build the utilization, and raise the odds of getting dependent. The climate of an individual like companions, family and individuals you decide to encircle yourself with can pressure you into consuming Drugs and at last getting dependent.Illicit drug use can be overseen in recovery communities where specialists consolidate treatment and Drugs to change the conduct of the addicts. They are treated as people sincethey react distinctively to Drugs and recuperation.FAQ’s on Profile EssayQuestion 1.How to write a simple profile essay?Answer:Peruse Professional Profile Essays. You can discover profile expositions in proficient magazines and composing.Pick a Subject.Discover Valid Information.Make an Outline.Draft an Introduction.Make a Body.Arrive at an Impactful Conclusion.Focus on Tone and Style. Question 2.How to write a profile essay on famous personalities?Answer:An initial passage/presentation. This should give a concise portrayal of the subject, the extent of the exposition, and present the proposal articulation. The presentation should start with the main sentence that depicts the occasion or the individual.Question 3.What are the topics for a profile essay?Answer:There are various other topics based on which you can write the profile essay:A profile of global voicesA profile of global weatherMy personality profileMy personal profileFake profiles on social media and its consequences Question 4.How do choose a proper title for a profile essay?Answer:Below are the tips to choose profile essay:Concentrate on highlights of the individual, occasion, or thing being talked about or the subject.It ought to mirror your fundamental thought in the articleA decent title should command the notice of the perusersFrom the beginning, it should give a feature of what’s in store in the whole expositionNever pick a subject that is too wide or one that is excessively tightUtilize straightforward words as there is power in straightforwardness Question 5.Why should we write a profile essay?Answer:The primary motivation behind an effective article is to give your pursuers a total depiction of a subject. It is portrayed such that the pursuers think that it’s intriguing and feel locked in. The article ought to be on another and remarkable theme to draw in the perusers. You ought to likewise remember the overall information on the perusers to make your articleengaging. It ought to have the option to add to the information your perusers as of now have.。

译林版高中英语必修第三册课后习题 UNIT 3 The world online Section C

译林版高中英语必修第三册课后习题 UNIT 3 The world online Section C

UNIT3分层跟踪检测(三)EentA级必备知识基础练Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.Having listened to the (scare) story,some children were too scared to move.2.Life is much more rewarding and enjoyable when you quit (resist) it.3.I appreciate you (offer) me help when I was in trouble.4.My father has cut back smoking,though he hasn’t given it up completely.5.There is nothing (tiring) than not succeeding.Ⅱ.短语填空1.If we fail to sell enough goods,compared with last year,we will production.2.People’s eyes and hands the mobile phone,quite unaware of what is going on around them while walking in the pavement.3.However,after-class activities can a lot of time,so students have to learn how to organize their busy schedule.4.They had almost reached the boat when a figurethem.5.Reading her biography,I admiration for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.6.He by a car before he saw it run toward him.Ⅲ.单句写作1.我的钱快用完了,我不得不做一些兼职工作来维持我的生活。



色彩管理蔡圣燕天津科技大学包印学院2013.3深入色彩管理——profile文件及色空间转换技术1ICC Profile文件格式2ICC Profile中的数学模型3理解再现意图ICC Profile文件格式ICC Profile文件格式ICC profile的文件结构ICC profile的文件结构•ICC profile文件结构可分为3部分:–文件头:描述设备及文件的一些属性–标签表:数据目录–标签:详细数据IC CC Profilee的文件结构1. Profile Header1Profile Header•The profile header is 128 bytes in length and contains 18 fields(字段).•The profile header provides theTh fil h d id th necessary information to allow a necessary information to allow a receiving system to properly search and sort ICC profiles.文件头数据偏移量(字节)所描述的内容0-3profile文件的尺寸(Profile Size)4-7色彩管理模块的类型(CMM Type)色彩管理模块的类型(yp)8-11profile的版本(profile Version)12-15设备类型(Input、Monitor或Output)1215设备类型(Input Monitor或Output)16-19设备色空间类型(Color Space for Device)20-23所使用的特性连接空间PCS(Profile ConnectionSpace)24-35Profile创建的日期和时间(Date and Time)36-39色彩特性文件的标志(Profile flags)g字节顺序短整型或长整型数据内字节的排列顺序字节顺序1littl di 字节顺序(II字节顺序小端字节顺序)短整型或长整型数据内字节的排列顺序。

克罗韦尔 1756 ControlLogix 集成运动技术 数据表

克罗韦尔 1756 ControlLogix 集成运动技术 数据表

Technical Data1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsSERCOS Motion Catalog Numbers 1756-M03SE, 1756-M08SE, 1756-M16SE, 1756-M08SEG Analog Motion Catalog Numbers 1756-M02AE, 1756-M02AS, 1756-HYD02The controller can control servo drives through these motion interfaces.Some servo drives are supported through communication interface modules. The controller can communicate with these servo drives over these networks.For more information, see the Motion Analyzer CD to size your motion application and to make final component selection. Download the software from /motion/software/analyzer.htmlTopicPage SERCOS Interface Modules 3Analog Motion Modules5ApplicationCatalog Number Rockwell Automation SERCOS interface drives1756-M16SE 1756-M08SE 1756-M03SESERCOS interface drives that are Extended Pack Profile compliant 1756-M08SEG Analog servo interface drives with quadrature feedback 1756-M02AE Analog hydraulic servo interface drives LDT feedback 1756-HYD02 Analog servo interface drives with SSI feedback1756-M02ASDrives (1)EtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNet Universal Remote I/O RS-232 Serial DH-4852098 Ultra3000 DeviceNet servo driveNo No Yes No No No 2098 Ultra5000 intelligent positioningNoNoYesNoYesNo(1)Each drive has different options you order for its supported communication networks. See the appropriate catalog or selection information for a drive to make sure you select the appropriate option when specifying a drive for a specific network.1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsImportant User InformationSolid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at /literature/) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, Allen-Bradley, TechConnect, ControlLogix, Kinetix, Ultra3000, and Ultra5000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.WARNINGIdentifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.IMPORTANTIdentifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.ATTENTIONIdentifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequenceSHOCK HAZARDLabels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage maybe present.Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsSERCOS Interface ModulesThe SERCOS interface modules use a single, digital fiber-optic link, which eliminates as many as 18 digital wires per axis. Detailed drive-statusinformation can be sent from drive to controller and from controller to drive.The SERCOS interface modules can connect to these servo drives:•2093 Kinetix 2000 multi-axis servo drive •2094 Kinetix 6000 multi-axis servo drive •2099 Kinetix 7000 high-power servo drive •2098 Ultra3000 SERCOS servo driveTechnical Specifications - 1756 SERCOS Interface ModulesAttribute1756-M03SE 1756-M08SE 1756-M16SE 1756-M08SEGNumber of drives, max 3 8168 (Extended Pack Profile compliant)SERCOS data rate4 Mbps 8 MbpsSERCOS cycle time @ 4 Mbps0.5 ms, up to 2 drives (1)1 ms, up to 4 drives 2 ms, up to 8 drives SERCOS cycle time @ 8 Mbps0.5 ms, up to 4 drives (1) 1 ms, up to 8 drives 2 ms, up to 16 drives Drive control modes Position, velocity, and torque Position onlyCurrent draw @ 5.1V DC 760 mA Current draw @ 24V DC 2.5 mA Power dissipation 5.0 W Slot width 1Module location Chassis-based, any slotChassis1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2Plastic fiber-optic cables2090-SCEP xx -0 non-jacketed, chlorinated polyethylene 2090-SCVP xx -0 standard jacket, polyvinyl chloride 2090-SCNP xx -0 nylon jacketGlass fiber-optic cables 2090-SCVG xx -0 standard jacket, polyvinyl chloride Enclosure type ratingNone (open-style)(1)Kinetix 6000 drives let you use a 0.5 ms cycle time.Environmental Specifications - 1756 SERCOS Interface ModulesAttribute1756-M03SE, 1756-M08SE, 1756-M16SE, 1756-M08SEG Temperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)0…60 °C (32…140 °F)Temperature, storageIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock) -40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidityIEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat)5…95% noncondensing1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsVibrationIEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)2 g @ 10…500 HzShock, operatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)30 gShock, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)50 gEmissions CISPR 11: Group 1, Class AESD immunity IEC 61000-4-24 kV contact discharges 8 kV air dischargesRadiated RF immunity IEC 61000-4-310V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 80... 2000 MHz 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHzEnvironmental Specifications - 1756 SERCOS Interface ModulesAttribute1756-M03SE, 1756-M08SE, 1756-M16SE, 1756-M08SEGCertifications - 1756 SERCOS Interface ModulesCertification(1)1756-M03SE, 1756-M08SE, 1756-M16SE, 1756-M08SEGc-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL FileE194810.CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements•EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsAnalog Motion ModulesThe ControlLogix family of analog servo modules is a cost effective option for closed-loop or open-loop motion control of devices that support an analogmotion interface. The analog servo modules provide a ±10V analogoutput-command reference and support a variety of position feedback devices. As many as two axes can be controlled per module, and multiple modules can be used to provide as many as 32 axes of control per ControlLogix controller.Technical Specifications - 1756 Analog Motion ModulesAttribute1756-M02AE 1756-HYD021756-M02ASNumber of axes per module, max 2Servo loop typeNested PI digital position and velocity servoProportional, integral, and differential (PID) with feed-forwards and directional scalingExternal drive = torquePosition loop: PID with velocity feed-forwardsVelocity loop: PI with accel feed-forwards (nested); with directional scaling and friction compensationExternal drive = velocity or hydraulic Position loop: PID with velocityfeed-forwards and accel feed-forwards with directional scaling and friction compensationVelocity loop: N/A (handled by drive or valve)Gain resolution 32-bit floating pointAbsolute position range ±1,000,000,000 encoder counts 230,000 LDT counts 232 (4,294,967,296) transducer counts Rate5 kHz 500 Hz…4 kHz (selectable)500 Hz, 666.7 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz (selectable)Current draw @ 5.1V DC 700 mA Current draw @ 24V DC 2.5 mA Power dissipation 5.5 W Thermal dissipation — 18.77 BTU/hr18.77 BTU/hrIsolation voltage — 30V continuous, user to system30V continuous, user to systemRemovable terminal block 1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H Slot width 1Module location Chassis-based, any slotChassis1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17Power supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2Wire size 0.324…2.08 mm 2 (22…14 AWG) stranded, 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) insulation max (1)Wire category 1(2)2(1)2(1)Wire typeCopper CopperCopperEnclosure type ratingNone (open-style)(1)Maximum wire size requires extended housing, catalog number 1756-TBE,(2)Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsInput Specifications1756-M02AE 1756-HYD02 1756-M02ASInput Type Encoder input: Incremental AB quadraturewith marker LDT input: PWM, Start/Stop rising orfalling edgeSSI input: Synchronous Serial InterfaceEncoder mode 4X quadrature — —Encoder rate, max 4 MHz counts per second — —Resolution — <0.001 in. with single recirculation 8…31 bitsElectrical interface Optically isolated, 5V differential Isolated 5V differential (RS-422 signal) Isolated 5V differential (RS-422 signal)On-state voltage range 3.4…5.0V — —Off-state voltage range 0…1.8V — —Input impedance 531 Ω differential 215 Ω differential 215 Ω differentialOutput load, min — 100 Ω min 100 Ω minTransducer — Must use External Interrogation signal Binary or gray codeClock frequency — — 208 kHz or 625 kHzRegistration Input Type Optically isolated, current sinking24V on-state voltage, min 18.5V DC24V on-state voltage, max 26.4V DC24V off-state voltage, max 3.5V DC24V input impedance 9.5 kΩ 1.2 kΩ9.5 kΩ5V on-state voltage, min 3.7V DC5V on-state voltage, max 5.5V DC5V off-state voltage, max 1.5V DC5V input impedance 1.2 kΩ9.5 kΩ 1.2 kΩResponse time (position latched) 1 μs 1 servo update period(1) 1 servo update period(1)Other Input Type Optically isolated, current sinkingInput voltage, nom 24V DCOn-state voltage, min 17V DCOn-state voltage, max 26.4V DCOff-state voltage, max 8.5V DCInput impedance 7.5 kΩ(1)Servo update period is the period at which the position and/or velocity feedback is sampled and a new servo loop is closed to generate a new servo output. The time of this period is a user-defined setting from 250…2000 μs.1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules SpecificationsOutput Specifications1756-M02AE1756-HYD02 1756-M02ASServo Output Type Analog voltageIsolation 200 kΩ— —Voltage range ±10VVoltage resolution 16 bitsOutput load, min 5.6 kΩ resistiveOutput offset, max 25 mVOutput gain error ±4%Other Outputs Solid-state isolated relay contactOperating voltage, nom 24V DC (Class 2 source) 24V DC 24V DCOperating voltage, max 26.4V DCOperating current 75 mAEnvironmental Specifications - 1756 Analog Motion ModulesAttribute1756-M02AE1756-HYD02, 1756-M02AS Temperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)0…60 °C (32…140 °F) 0…60 °C (32…140 °F)Temperature, storageIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)-40…85 °C (-40…185 °F) -40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidityIEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat)5…95% noncondensing 5…95% noncondensingVibrationIEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)— 2 g @ 10…500 HzShock, operatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)—30 gShock, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)—50 gEmissions—CISPR 11: Group 1, Class AESD immunity IEC 61000-4-2— 6 kV contact discharges8 kV air dischargesRadiated RF immunity IEC 61000-4-3—10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from80... 2000 MHz10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @900 MHzEFT/B immunityIEC 61000-4-4—±2 kV at 5 kHz on signal portsSurge transient immunity IEC 61000-4-5—±2 kV line-line (DM) and ±2 kV line-earth (CM)on signal portsConducted RF immunity IEC 61000-4-6—10Vrms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from150 kHz...80 MHz1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules Specifications1756 Removable Terminal BlocksCertifications - 1756 Analog Motion ModulesCertification (1)1756-M02AE1756-HYD02, 1756-M02ASUL UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada.UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada.CSACSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D.CSA Certified Process Control EquipmentCSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous LocationsCE Marked for applicable directives.European Union 89/336/EEC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 50082-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61326; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements •EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity •EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsC-TickMarked for applicable acts.Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Attribute 1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H1756-TBEDescription 36-pin cage-clamp removable terminal block with standard housing 36-pin spring-clamp removable terminal block with standard housingExtended depth terminal block housing Screw torque 0.4 N•m (4.4 lb•in) —Screwdriver width8 mm (5/16 in.) max1756 ControlLogix Integrated Motion Modules Specifications Notes:Publication 1756-TD004B-EN-E - May 2010Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At/support/, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /support/.Installation AssistanceIf you experience an anomaly within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in this manual.You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Documentation FeedbackYour comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.United States or Canada 1.440.646.3434Outside United States or CanadaUse the Worldwide Locator at /support/americas/phone_en.html , or contact your local Rockwell Automation representative.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.。

U4 Information Technology A Personal Profile作文课件

U4 Information Technology A Personal Profile作文课件

2. 串成句子
①我叫李华,②我是一名学生,③我来自新华中 学。
①My name is Li Hua. ②I am a student. ③I come from Xinhua Middle School.
2. 串成句子
④我听说你们需要一些兼职记者,⑤我对此很感兴趣, ⑥因此我写信来申请一个机会。
Step Ⅲ. 变题,写汉语句子
②写作目的:得知某英文报社招聘兼职记者,表示 感兴趣;你有意应聘,
④我听说你们需要一些兼职记者,⑤我对此很感 兴趣,⑥因此我写信来申请一个机会。
Step Ⅲ. 变题,写汉语句子
Step Ⅲ. 变题,写汉语句子
Step Ⅲ. 变题,写汉语句子
Step Ⅲ. 变题,写汉语句子
Step Ⅲ. 变题,写汉语句子
Step Ⅳ.答题,写英语句子
1.写出关键单词 、短语 2.串成句子
1. 关键单词、短 语Fra bibliotek1. 广 泛 的:
1. extensive
2. 多 的:
2. much, a lot of
3. 知 识:
3. knowledge
4. 棒 的:
4. good, wonderful
5. 和 …… 一 起 工 作: 5. work with



BEC口语讲义Part 1 Interview:Sample ScenariosInterlocuter: Good morning. My name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B?A: Yeah.B: Yeah.I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we‘d like to know something about each of you. Ms A, can you tell me a bit about yourself.A.My pleasure. As you know, my name is A. I‘m from Jiangsu Province. I‘m nowstudying in OO University. And I‘m majoring in international trade there.I: Thank you. Ms A. Now Ms B, can you tell me something about your ambitions?B: Yes, I am now a student with OO University majoring in business administration.I hope I can get my MBA and join a world famous multinational company. And after I have had enough experience, I am going to start a company of my own.I: Thank you, Ms B. And Ms A, could you tell me about your ambitions?A: A big question for me indeed. I‘ve never thought about it, but I bet I‘ll work towards a CEO of a big multinational corporation. That‘s my goal in life. And that‘s why I am spending so much time on English, business English in particular..I: Mr. A, you say you‘re spending a lot of time on business English. Do you think business English is difficult to learn?A: Not exactly, though it may be difficult at the initial stage. The thing is that you need to have some business knowledge before you start to learn business English.I: How about you, Ms B? Is it difficult for you?B: Not really. You know, I like English very much, and my major is business administration. So I have always found business English very interesting.* * * *I: Good morning, my name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B?A: Yeah.B: Yes.I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we‘d like to know something about each of you. Miss A, can you tell me something about your work?A: My pleasure. I‘m working with APC Inc., which is a US-based company. I have worked there for three years on the international marketing side. I must say that it is a very interesting job. I love my job.I: Thank you, Miss A. Now Miss B, can you tell me about your activities outside college?B: Well, I do a lot of interesting things in my spare time. I often go shopping on weekends,something most of the young ladies like me do that in their spare time. And I have worked part time for several big companies. I think, by doing that, I can have some hands-on experience in business. That‘s very important for my future career.I: Thank you, Miss B. And you Miss A, can you tell me about your hometown?A: Hmm…well, my hometown is Nantong. It lies at the mouth of Yangtze River, the longest in China. It has a population of 5 million. There‘s quite some places of historical interests there. And the economy there is growing fast in my hometown. The friendly environment has attracted a lot of investment from overseas.I: Miss B, you said you‘d worked for several companies on a part time basis. Is there any other reason for you to work there apart from obtaining some work experience? B: Yeah. Obviously I can make some extra money from that. You know, my mother is now retrenched. It‘s really not easy for my parents to support me. And I don‘t want to be too heavy a burden for them.I: How about you, Miss A? Are you a part time by any chance?A: Oh, yes. But I don‘t work for companies. I teach several private students. I think teaching is a very interesting job, especially when I see my students are making progress. And just as Miss B said, money is an important consideration for me. So I teach for entertainment as well as for cash.Other possible questions:Life:What‘s your name? Where are you from? Do you think the place you are living in is an ideal place for living? Where do you like to live, in the city or in the countryside? Do you live near here? How did you come here?Work: Where do you work? What kind of work do you like? Who do you work for? What do you like best about your work? What do you think of your present job? What do you think of working at home? Do you like your boss? What kind of boss do you like best?Study: Where do you study? What kind of subjects do you like best? Do you like your school? How do you like exams at school?Hobbies: What do you often go shopping for? Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like best? Do you think football is more popular in China than before? What are you hobbies? What kind of extracurricular activities do you like best? Why are you interested in golf?* * * *Part 2 Mini-presentation: (1 min preparation, 1 min talk)The structure of a good mini-presentation:I.Introduction: one or two sentences. No need to be very long.There are two ways of starting the question in BEC III ―how to…‘ and ‗the importance of…‘,and BEC II questions always start with ‗what is important when doing something‘So, for ‗how to…‘, you can always start with ‗Well, when it comes to xxing…, quite a number of things can be done.‘or ‗Well, as is known to all, it is very important to…The question is of course – how?‘For ‗ the importance of…‘, you can start with ‗Well, in my view, you should not underestimate the importance of …‘ or ‗Well, as is known to all, it is very important to…The question is of course –why?‘For BEC II, you can start with ‗Well, when it comes to xxing…, several vital factors must be taken into account. ‗ or ‗Well, as we all know, many factors must be considered when…, the questions is of course – which ones?‘Basically, ‗how to…‘ asks about methods, ‗the importance of…‘ asks about benefits, and ‘what is important when…‘ asks about factors to consider.II. Main body: 1st point + development sentences2nd point + development sentences(3rd , 4th points + development sentences) ……During the preparation, you should think of at least two points, in the form of key words or key phrases. Then you make a sentence using the each key word or phrase.There are four common ways to construct a development sentence:1.Explanation of the point : In this way, To put it another way, In other words, That is tosay, …so to speak, …let‘s say2.Stating Reasons : As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, Therefore, Due to, Thanks to,On account of3.Giving Examples: Say, For instance, For example, As a good example, By way of example4.Negative hypothesis : If…notBeginning: First of all, To begin with, For one thing, At the first stage, Initially, The company will begin by…Transition: And, And of course, Then, Besides, On the other hand, But more than that, Not only that, Apart from that, And an other thing, On top of that, What‘s more, Beyond those, But most importantly, But above all, Last but not least, Once…, Having (done)…III. Recapitulation or Conclusion: one or two sentences.All in all, In short, In a word, In brief, To summarise, To sum up, To recap, In conclusion, On the whole, Altogether, In a nutshell, To cut a long story shortYou can use the pattern ‗While there are also other considerations in… I believe the factors mentioned above are the most significant ones. ‗for ‗how to…‘ and ‗what is important…‘ questions. For ‗the importance of…‘, you can use ‗While there are also other arguments why… I believe thereasons mentioned above are the most significant ones. ‗* * * *Sample Mini-presentations:A. III-1. Career Development: how to fill a key vacancyWhen it comes to filling a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure. (开题)It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. (要点1,关键词job description)From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on. (发展1,解释)Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. (要点2,关键词recruitment method)This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter. (发展2,例子)Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through t he company‘s recruitment processes. (要点3,关键词recruitment processes)This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. (发展3,例子)This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate (要点4,关键词negotiate terms)and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want. (发展4,解释)Even though different companies vary somewhat in their efforts to fill open posts, the steps mentioned above are very much the norm rather than the exception in any industry. (结论)B. III-11. Recruitment: the importance of having a good CVWell, in my opinion, you should never underestimate the importance of having a good CV. (开题)To begin with, in the majority of cases, your CV is the employer‘s first impression of you. (要点1,关键词first impression)Your first chance to impress your potential employer, let‘s say. (发展1,解释)As you should remember to your advantage, yo u‘ve got only 30 seconds to leave a positive impression on someone, whether he is a customer or a potential employer. (发展1,解释)But more than that, your CV also showcases your essential skills in order to compete in today‘s job market. (要点2,关键词skills)In other words, it provides an illustration of your skills to organize, summarize, prioritize and present information effectively, say, as well as your linguistic and communicative abilities. (发展2,解释)But above all, a CV, by its very nature, also indicates how your qualification and experience match your employer‘s requirements. (要点3,关键词qualification and experience)In this way, your prospective boss will be able to reach a sound decision on your suitability for the position. (发展3,解释)Even though employers these days use a variety of selection techniques, such as analyzing your handwriting or psychometric tests, a good CV is still the single most important part of any application. (结论)C. II-13. What is important when choosing a new supplier? Prices and discounts, ReputationWell, when it comes to choosing a new supplier, several vital factors must be taken into account.To begin with, I think we must consider the price of goods first. We can compare the prices offered by different suppliers and choose the one which is more reasonable. Because only if we get the supply at lower price can we make profits. Of course, it would be even better if the supplier can offer discounts to regular clients.Another point we should also consider is the location of the su pplier. We‘d better choose one who is not too far away from us. If the supplier is too far away, that will most likely increase the cost of transportation.Besides, it‘s also very important to consider whether the supplier is reliable. We would never choo se those who always deliver their goods late or those who can‘t ensure the quality of goods. Because late delivery may bring heavy loss to us, and quality is the lifeline of any business. Otherwise we may lose our own clients. So in this aspect, we must not make any concessions, and lower prices cannot be a valid mitigating factor.While there are also other considerations in choosing a supplier, such as reputation, means of payment, after-sales service, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.D. II-36. What is important when choosing business premises to rent? Location, Length of contractWell, as we all know, many factors must be considered when choosing business premises to rent, the questions is of course – which ones?From my point of view, we should first take the location into consideration. Some companies choose to locate in office blocks downtown; some would like to be near the largest concentrations of their target customers. It depends largely upon the type of the company in question. Companies that provide services must be located within easy access. So they usually choose those places where there is convenient transportation.Another important facet to consider is the size of the premises. Nowadays, more and more large companies prefer an open, spacious working floor which allows colleagues to communicate and interact freely. Of course, a small company would not rent the whole floor. That will be a waste of space and an unnecessary cost burden.Last but not least, the length of contract should not be neglected. A fixed-term contract islegally binding and can only serve to make your situation worse in times of recession. Whenever possible, flexible contract arrangement should be preferred.While there are also other considerations in choosing business premises, such as rent and facilities, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.E. III-7. Career Development: The importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your careerWell, as is known to all, it is very important for a person to acquire a range of skills in the course of his career. The question is of course – why?When he has a range of skills, first of all, he is obviously more competitive than those who don‘t and therefore has better chances of surviving a downturn. To put it another way, companies are likely to retain highly skilled staff members even when mass layoff is inevitable.And that‘s not the only benefit. A person with a range of skills is more likely t o work his way to the top of the corporate ladder. In most companies, whether or not you have the appropriate skills is a relevant criterion for promotion.On the other hand, it will also be easier for a skilled employee to find a job outside his own company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In this way, acquiring a variety of skills in one‘s career offers more professional mobility.So, when all the benefits are taken into account, no wonder acquisition of skills is taken so seriously nowadays.F. III-8. Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesWell, when it comes to assessing different career opportunities, several vital factors must be taken into account.First of all, the type of company should be taken into consideration. Different types of firms have their own benefits and challenges. In a multinational company., say, you can learn international business management and culture, and as an icing on the cake, you may have more opportunities to travel abroad. However, English is the working language in multinationals. You have to be very good at English to work there. So state-owned companies may better suit some people.Salary should be another important consideration. As everyone knows, multinational companies usually offer higher salaries. But if you have just graduated from college, you shouldn‘t be too concerned about that. As a new hand, it‘s more important to gain more experience through working rather than earn quick money.After salary, we should not ignore other financial rewards in the form of fringe benefits. Some companies offer housing allowance, car allowance, children‘s education allowance in addition to salaries. Still others provide staff with free health club and cafeteria. And high tech firms often supplement salaries with stock options.Although there are also other considerations in assessing different careeropportunities, such as training, location, and good colleagues, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.G. III-31. Human Resources: how to select the right staff for promotionWell, as is known to all, it is very important to select the right staff for promotion. The question is of course – how?For one thing, qualification definitely counts a great deal. A good qualification, especially an advanced degree, normally indicates high aptitude and a wide range of knowledge and skills. Even though we often hear clichés like ‗But degrees don‘t mean everything‘, in the real world, qualification actually means a lot.That said, there ARE certain skills and knowledge, or what we call flair, that come only from long-time hands-on experience. So it is only natural that the next thing to consider should be experience. Only by accumulating enough experience can an employee be totally at ease with his duties. Besides, experience can also tell us about his performance, track record, and leadership potential.Well, last but not least, personality should also be a factor in any staffing decision. Different positions require different personal qualities. The highest virtues for an engineer engaged in R & D, for instance, would be meticulousness and creativity. Yet for a sales manager, being energetic and outgoing is much more important because sales managers have to leave a good first impression upon their clients. But for any position, hard-working people are always welcome.So to recap, qualification, experience and personality are the three promotion criteria that we all need to keep in mind.H. III-62. Product Promotion: how to promote an imported brandWith so many people these days making a conscious decision to buy domestic products, the pressure on those companies wishing to promote imported brands is greater than ever before.Initially, a company needs to show how their product is superior to the local equivalents. Maybe it‘s better quality; maybe it‘s more stylish; maybe it‘s better image. Anyway, a company needs to show customers the benefits of being more adventurous in their buying decisions, in order to encourage them to move away from the home brands they currently use.Well, beyond that, if you market a product as something exotic or unusual, say, you‘re bound to attract new clients. As you may also have expe rienced, most people have a strong craving for things novel and unfamiliar. Of course, when the sense of curiosity wears off, such a strategy will usually fall short of expectations.Last but not least, cultural stereotypes are also a powerful selling tool. A cosmetics range associated with French chic, for example, is sure to attract customers. And if people are looking to buy a reliable car, there‘s no better label than ‗made inGermany‘. These national associations can also be exploited at the point o f sale. Playing French music in supermarkets, for example, is proven to improve the sales of French wine.All in all, if you want to successfully promote an imported brand, you need to give your customers a good reason to try something a little bit more exciting than their own home brands.I. III-70. Advertising: the importance of stereotypes in advertisingWell, I‘m very much convinced that you should never underestimate the importance of stereotypes in advertising.First of all, a stereotype is something enduring and easily identifiable to a whole national group. When an Asian audience see Eiffel Tower in an ad, they instantly conjure up the romantic image of Paris at night. And with that in mind, any product associated with French chic, say, cosmetics, perfume, and fashion, will become an easy sell. As another example, the German Audi designers in white lab coats are obviously obsessed with perfection. And so we can guarantee that any product we buy from them is going to be designed to perfection the moment we see this ad.What‘s more, stereotypes can make us feel good about our own value systems or customs. An ad targeted at a British audience might pit a refined Londoner against a brash New Yorker and that‘ll give the impression that the product we‘r e selling is obviously full of taste and discretion. And in this way, stereotypes reinforce the positive qualities in the minds of the viewers.And lastly, stereotypes make good comedy because everybody wants to laugh at other countries and people who are different. A fictitious aboriginal tribe once served as the backdrop for a celebrated cell phone ad. The contrast between the modern and the primitive kept the audience in stitches. And of course, if they‘ve had a laugh, they‘re more likely to remember the advert.So to sum up, stereotypes are useful to advertisers because they‘re basically a shorthand. You‘ve got thirty seconds to get your main selling point across. And with a stereotype you can do that in two.J. III-84. Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriately In recent years, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool.Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks -- from attracting attention, to describing the product, to making the sale. Among these, the first one is undoubtedly the most crucial function. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. Nowadays, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller‘s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a ―five-second commercial‖. The renowned Campbell Soup Company, say, estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of$26 million worth of advertising. However, everyone‘s favorite success story on packaging involves the ubiquitous red Coke can. Marketers everywhere have emulated but rarely equaled the marketing power of its simple design. More recently, the picture of a smiling Tiger Woods, the golf guru, appears on the boxes of a certain brand of cereals, apparently to convey an image of fitness, energy, and vitality. The effort has not been wasted – its sales tripled in one year.In brief, while good packaging can serve many practical purposes, it is with its utility in effective product promotion that marketers are primarily concerned.K. III-87. Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s products Well, as is known to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. The question is of course – how?I think there are several ways to do that. For one thing, we should always make sure that we provide our customers with quality goods and quality after-sales service, as these two aspects are indisputably the lifeline of any business. Continuous new product development and innovation in service are also necessary in reinforcing and expanding customer base.Apart from that, enough emphasis should be laid on the feedback from our customers. If necessary, prompt action should be taken to take care of their needs and demands.Finally, if possible we should provide some incentives to repeat customers. For example, we can grant a certain rebate to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. And offering coupons and free delivery to customers are also effective and feasible methods.All in all, we should try our utmost to keep our customers satisfied and fulfill their expectations. Only by doing so can we maintain clients‘ interest in our products.L. III-113. Production Development: the importance of R & D to a company To illustrate the importance of research and development to some firms, the level of annual investment in research and development by the top ten listed corporations in the States can serve as a telling indicator: each of these firms typically spends more than $1 billion on research and development per year. The question is, why?First of all, firms invest funds in research and development primarily in order to design new products. F or instance, Procter and Gamble‘s R & D resulted in its two-in-one shampoo and conditioner technology. This new technology has been used in its famous Pantene, Head & Shoulders products, which now enjoy a significant market share in various countries.On the other hand, companies also use R & D to improve the products they already produce. Again, Procter and Gamble has improved the technology of Tide detergent more than seventy times. And not surprisingly, Tide is now the leading detergent in North America.What‘s more, R & D can allow one firm a huge competitive advantage and therefore improve revenue streams dramatically. For example, Pfizer, one of the pharmaceutical titans, has successfully obtained patents for such best selling drugs as Benadryl, Listerine and Viagra. In other words, Pfizer now has the monopoly in these lucrative drugs. This ‗license to print money‘ comes directly from Pfizer‘s R & D activities.In short, firms that spend money on R & D have found to their delight that the benefits almost always exceed the expenses.M. III-130. Health and Safety: the importance of a safe working environment for maintaining staff moraleFirms that create a safe working environment not only prevent injuries but improve the morale of their employees as well. I feel strongly that this is something indispensable for any company.First of all, a safe working environment offers peace of mind to staff members and therefore can significantly motivate staff to enhance a firm‘s productivity. As a result, m any leading firms, such as Intel and GE, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Not surprisingly, these are some of the best performing firms anywhere in the world.What‘s more, a safe environment can reduce the occurrence of workplace a ccidents, which are usually a source of staff dissatisfaction and low trust in the management. Taking safety measures can enhance staff loyalty and, in turn, moral. For instance, Levi Strauss and Co. imposes safety guidelines not only in its US facilities but also in Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks, meanwhile, has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries, in an effort to buck against sweatshop-like working conditions. These two companies have been rated highly by their employees.In short, if you want to boost morale among your staff, or to put it in plain words, if you want to see enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty in your workforce, then safety should have your prior attention.N. III-137. International Business: the importance of a global presence for a company With more mergers and acquisitions than ever before, I think it‘s becoming quite clear that a company in the future will need to have a global presence in order to compete in tomorrow‘s market place. This presence can give a company many competitive advantages.To begin with, say, it can give access to local market knowledge, which can help avoid some very, very expensive mistakes on account of cultural conflicts. The Matsushita Firm of Japan learned this at a price, when they, without knowing the negative connotations of the word in the US, first launched their products under the brand name of ―National‘. Only when they switched to ‗Panasonic‘ did the fla t sale become brisk.On top of that, a global presence can spread the risk of doing business. As the saying goes: Don‘t put all your eggs in one basket. If a company sells to more than one market, it can survive a downturn in any one of those markets, tha t‘s something for sure.And if a company becomes truly global, the size of the company means it can realize economies of scale, say, in advertising or distribution or shipping. It can also move its production from country to country and take advantage of the best conditions at any given time.So I think, all in all, when these things are taken into consideration, it‘s quite clear that any company not looking to establish a global presence in the future may not have a future at all.O. III-138. Business Ethics: how to encourage ethical behaviour from employees Figures show that more and more companies are now reporting their ethical performance and it‘s clear, I think, that companies now have to address the issue of ensuring ethical behaviour amongst their staff. The question is of course – how?To begin with, awareness is key. And in order to promote awareness for ethics, the company needs to put ethics high on the training and staff development agenda. The HR department, say, can sponsor some workshops or seminars on business ethics, or even invite some external experts for this purpose.Once these procedures are in place, the company then needs to spell out an official code of ethical practice and ensure that all employees have access to it and can understand it easily. The company then needs to implement an effective and anonymous system of reporting any breaches of this code. Some companies even benchmark their ethical practices against those of industry leaders and see how they‘re doing.I suppose it‘s also vital that companies ensure that their senior managers set a good example, ‗walk and talk‘ so to speak. If they don‘t behave ethically why should staff?All in all, whatever measures a company adopts, it needs to make staff understand why ethics is important not just to the company but also to themselves as well.* * * *BEC II Part 2 questions:Career 职业题1.What is important when looking for a new job? Location, Salary, Good colleaguesSee C, F--Last but not least, good colleagues are not a minor consideration either. As we all know,。



新闻英语知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新中南大学绪论单元测试1.News is something that we come across every day in our life.参考答案:对2.Learning English through news is a bad way to improve your language ability.参考答案:错3.By dictating daily updated news, you can improve your listening skills,grammar, and vocabulary.参考答案:对4.Many English newspapers and news websites have ( ). These make iteasy to read English news anytime, anywhere.参考答案:Apps5.The course consists of () chapters.参考答案:8第一章测试1.Dictating English news can help you improve your listening skills.参考答案:对2.News is information about current events.参考答案:对3.Which one of these is not British Newspaper?参考答案:The New York Times 《纽约时报》4.Which one of these is not newspaper?参考答案:The Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》5.Which one of these is not a commonly recognized news value?参考答案:Fraud(欺诈)第二章测试1.What can "Downing Street" and "White House" refer to?参考答案:British government and American government.2.In what kinds of news are passive sentences frequently used?参考答案:All of the above.3.In the sentence "...Hosack embodies the greatest impulses of the youngnation--reverence for science, compassion for his fellow citizens anddevotion to the civic life of the republic", what rhetorical devices are used?参考答案:Parallelism and metaphor.4.Normally, a story consists of three parts: introduction or background, factsand climax.参考答案:对5.What are the disadvantages of the inverted pyramid form?参考答案:The standardized structure of makes the news lack of variety;Therepetition of the important information makes the news boring andtedious.;Readers cannot find suspense and loose interest for the climax comes first.第三章测试1.We can find _______ in the Washington Post and the Guardian, but not in ChinaDaily.参考答案:both Obituaries and Crosswords.2.The hyphen in the headline, “Little Anti-US Feeling——Diplomat" , stands for_______.参考答案:said by3.Delayed lead includes _________.参考答案:descriptive lead ;suspense lead ;question lead;direct address lead4.In the section of _______ in China Daily there is a subsection of cartoons.参考答案:Opinion5.When do skim reading, we ______.参考答案:search for the visual and verbal signs;think actively while reading;raise questions while reading;read the first and last sentences of everyparagraph第四章测试1.What are the main methods to understand the long sentence?Distinguish other modifiers. ; Make clear which modifies thepredicate. ;Identify the subject and predicate.2.The person whose voice is quoted is an important source.参考答案:对3.The comment from a reader online “I don't know how much more a rationalperson watching and listening to this fool can take. If anything - ever - called for application of the 25 Amendment, this meeting today was it.” gives a(n) ______ attitude toward Trump’s inauguration at a cabinet meeting.参考答案:negative4.What are the questions to ask to find the opinion of the news journalist?参考答案:Who does the article help?;What if the missing part wasmentioned?;Who does the article hurt?;What are not mentioned among 5W1H?5.Finding what is omitted but worth of mentioning is a way to find the opinionof the reporter.对第五章测试1.The falling tone in the news broadcast can show that the report is real,objective and serious.参考答案:对2.What elements might appear in disaster news?(多选)参考答案:The casualties.;The damages.;The rescue.3.Which is NOT the nick name for New York?参考答案:The Big City4.Backgrounds in news appear in different forms, they can be phrases, clauses,sentences, or even paragraphs.对5.In the inverted pyramid structure, the most important information is put atthe very beginning.参考答案:对第六章测试1.What are the three kinds of quotations? (多选)参考答案:Partial quotation.;Direct quotation.;Indirect quotation.2.Which of the following shows the right number for the word?参考答案:fortnight: 143.What can the approximate equality sign (≈) mean in note-taking?参考答案:about4.What can the sign of a star mean in note-taking?参考答案:important5."A powerful cyclone has hit eastern India, downing trees and power lines andcausing widespread damage in coastal areas. " What predictions can youmake from the lead? (多选参考答案:The intensity of the cyclone.; The casualties.;The rescue and reliefefforts.;The damage caused by the cyclone.第七章测试1.In a straight news report, the most important information in the story isalways put___参考答案:up to the top2. A Commentary is usually a piece of___ writing.参考答案:argumentative3.The specific source is some kind_______ to well proof your viewpoint.参考答案:silent opinion4. The goal of creating social media messages is not only to reach youraudience, to share contents and emotions with others, but also to achieve an intended effect and to reflect the _________ of their author.参考答案:unique voice5. In 1979, the Pulitzer Prize Board established a category for a distinguishedexample for feature writing, that is “giving prime consideration to highliterary quality and originality.”参考答案:对第八章测试1.Which one of the following is not true?参考答案:Ask sensitive questions at the last minute of an interview.2.Which one of the following about retelling is not true?参考答案:Add your own opinion while retelling.3.The best evaluations are a combination of praise, areas for improvement, andspecific suggestions.参考答案:对4.Which of the following is not true about open question?参考答案:Television and radio interviews usually end with an open question.5.The focus of a profile interview is a person rather than an event or situation.参考答案:对。

四年级上册英语教案-Project 1 A profile |译林版(三起)

四年级上册英语教案-Project 1 A profile |译林版(三起)

译林版四年级上学期Project 1 A profile教学设计Teaching content:译林版四年级上学期Project 1 A profileTeaching aims:1. The students can complete the profile and introduce themselves.2. The students can complete their friends’ profile and introduce them.Teaching importance and difficulties:1.能综合运用1-4单元所学的单词和句型完成问卷,制作自己的简介,并能向他人介绍自己。


Teaching aids:课件,图片, 朋友画像Teaching procedures:Step 1: Lead inShow the picture of Tom.And show the pictures of Disneyland.Today Tom will go to the Disneyland. Let’s go together.Step 2 Revision(1)Happy Ferris wheelSpeak out the words of the animals and the fruit. When you see the fox you should say “Oh, no!”.(2)Mystical houseMystical house is dark. You should guess the picture according to the part of the picture.(3)Guess, guess, guess!猜猜Tom的喜好,能力等,找到闪烁的图片,迅速说出“I like... I have (I)can…”。



黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学 2024—2025学年高二上学期10月考试英语试卷一、阅读理解Here is a selection of the world’s most unusual buildings that define a place through inventive ways of adapting to local environments.The floating (流动的) homes of Lake TiticacaMore than 500 years ago, the growing Inca Empire began to occupy the Uros’ mainland villages. To resist this threat, the Uros began to build the floating islands with the water- resistant plant called totora, which grows in the lake and is the lifeblood of the Uros community.The perfect desert town: GhadamesGhadames is an impressive example of environmental planning. Thick walls delay the sun’s heat entering a building during the day, and radiate that heat back to the sky at night. By morning, the walls have cooled again. Skilful use of available building materials achieves the maximum comfort with minimal means.Spain’s fairy-tale housesKnown as pallozas, the round houses are built from just a handful of materials: stone, wood and dry grass. Thick stone walls depending on what was available in the area block the cold and conserve internal heat. Inside, the palloza’s fireplaces are essential for maintaining a constant temperature, making it energy-efficient.The Himalayas’ ancient designThe structures in Himachal Pradesh were built by an ancient technique known as kath kuni. Wood and stones create a fantastic balance. The wooden frames (框架) lessen the stress on the openings during an earthquake. Thick stones hold the whole building firmly in place. Above all, pieces of wood interlock together, which makes the structures remarkably flexible, allowing walls to move in case of an earthquake.1.Which structure was built for defending residents against attackers?A.The kath kuni structure.B.The floating structure.C.The Ghadames structure.D.The palloza’s structure.2.What do the houses in Ghadames and pallozas have in common?A.They are sustainable.B.They maximize internal heat.C.They are built for luxury living.D.They’re made of special materials. 3.What makes Kath kuni structures earthquake-resistant?A.The stone frames.B.The narrow openings.C.The flexible wood.D.An interlocking system.“It was written in some sense,” Sophie Blake, a physics professor, would end up in observational cosmology — the study of the origin and development of the universe using specialized telescopes. “I’m not going to lie. My father was a physicist. My mother’s an astronomer. But no kid wants to be like their parents,” she jokes, semi-seriously.Blake always enjoyed building things like a child engineer. It wasn’t unusual for her to experiment with her father’s research equipment. She thanks, in part, her short attention period for her inquisitiveness, “I am always looking for something.”For the last few years, Blake has been searching for signs of the universe’s early existence — from the birth of the first stars to the “cosmic (宇宙的) dark ages” — and she’s building her own equipment to explore beyond the known universe, focusing on its distant past with novel radio technology. Since 2017, Blake and her team have been engineering and planting radio telescopes in two of the Earth’s most remote (and quietest) locations for the best shot at hearing the earliest voice of the universe.Initially, Blake planned a PhD in particle (粒子) physics but switched direction after a visit to a lab with messy equipment and tools everywhere at the California Institute of Technology. “I didn’t know about observational cosmology then but thought, ‘Whatever this is, I want to do that.’”She spent a year at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, after conducting experiments of a balloon-borne microwave telescope launched from McMurdo. “That really inspired my love for remote places,” she said.Eventually, she wanted to engineer her own instruments. After her year at the South Pole, she joined the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. At that time, the site decision was made for the largest radio telescope group on Earth.“This was also a leap of faith because I really couldn’t continue the work I was doing before.” Blake recalls. “I had never done radio before but I thought, ‘Let me give this a try and see how it goes.’”4.What can we infer from Blake’s joke in paragraph 1?A.She follows in her parents’ footsteps.B.She develops an interest in telescopes.C.She lies about her parents’ professions.D.She lives up to her parents’ expectations. 5.What does the underlined word “inquisitiveness” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Talent.B.Courage.C.Curiosity.D.Intelligence. 6.What stimulated Blake’s passion for distant places?A.Her visit to a lab in a university.B.Her wish to build her own equipment.C.Her faith in hearing the cosmic sound.D.Her experience at a South Pole Station. 7.Which of the following best describes Blake?A.Confident and caring.B.Generous and optimistic.C.Modest and open-minded.D.Adventurous and determined.Children who were behind in their development at age 4-5were almost three times as likely to have been out of education, employment, or training at age 16-17, analysis of pupil data has found.4-5-ycar-olds in England are assessed by the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, and those who reach the boundary of a “good level of development” are considered “school ready”.The new study in the journal BMC Public Health has found a significant gap in Not in Education, Employment or Training(NEET)outcomes between those who were ready and unready for primary school. The research drew on data from more than 8,000 Bradford young people whose records are linked as part of the Connected Bradford project. The research found that 11%of children who were not school ready went on to be NEET at 16-17, compared to just 4%of children who were school ready.Lead author Dr Matthew Warburton, Research Officer at Leeds’School of Psychology, said: “These findings tell us that there are clear, early indicators for children and young people being at risk of disadvantage in late adolescence. As schools routinely collect this data, the research could be used to kickstart early intervention in schools based on primary school readiness.”The research team, which also included academics from Lancaster University and the Bradford Institute for Health Research, say this shows a clear need for early intervention by schools to reduce disadvantage in later life.This echoes the message from a series of N8 Child of the North and Centre for Young Lives reports on the need to put children and young people first. Senior author Dr Amy Atkinson, Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Lancaster University said: “Data from the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is readily available for millions of children and young people in England. This information could, and should, be used to identify pupils at increased risk of becoming NEET.”8.What does the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile probably do?A.Record employment status.B.Monitor teenagers’progress.C.Evaluate primary school students.D.Assess 4-5-year-olds’development. 9.What does Dr Matthew imply about the current situation of schools?A.They lack data for early intervention.B.They lack data to identify at-risk students.C.Early intervention is required.D.Early intervention have been done. 10.What do we know about the data according to the last paragraph?A.It is rarely used in England.B.It is not enough for identifying NEET youth.C.It is used effectively for the NEET issue.D.It can solve the issue of NEET youth. 11.The passage is structured in the following way.A.Introducing a topic-Describing related studies -Making suggestionsB.Making a claim -Providing evidence-Drawing a conclusionC.Presenting a problem -Analyzing the causes -Offering solutionsD.Raising a question-Discussing different opinions -Reaching an agreementLord Rees and Neil deGrasse Tyson pour cold water on Elon Musk’s plans to transfer a large human population to Mars at a World Government Summit panel in Dubai. The billionaire’s plans to send humans to Mars are a “dangerous vision”, according to Britain’s chief astrophysicist Lord Martin Rees.Back in 2016, Musk outlined his vision of building a colony on Mars “in our lifetimes” — with the first rocket sending humans to the Red Planet by 2025. For many years the company usedan image of the Martian surface being terraformed (地球化) in its promotional material . However, a NASA-sponsored study published in 2018 dismissed these plans as impossible with today’s technology. Recently Musk has tweeted that he believed it was “possible to make a self-sustaining city on Mars by 2050, if we start in five years”.Lord Rees said, “The only reason for humans to go to space would be for adventure. To live on Mars is not going to be easy. Mars has an unpleasant environment.” “The idea of Elon Musk to have a million people settle on Mars is a dangerous idea. Living on Mars is no better than living on the South Pole or the tip of Mount Everest. If you want to call Mars home, you need to terraform Mars, turn it into Earth.” American astrophysicist and science educator Neil de Grasse Tyson added. However, the size of this task was much larger than actively attempting to prevent the initial catastrophe on Earth, Dr. Tyson explained: “It is so much easier to make Earth return to Earth again rather than terraforming Mars.”“There is no force on Earth as powerful as the exploration of space that impacts our thoughts and ambitions. Thinking about the future is half of what drives the future. Space will always remain as an inspiration for young people and it is an area we need to support,” Lord Rees said.12.What was Musk’s attitude to the vision of building a colony on Mars by 2050?A.Skeptical.B.Optimistic.C.Dismissive.D.Cautious. 13.What makes terraforming Mars a difficult task, according to Dr. Tyson?A.Unpleasant environment in Mars.B.Conflict with NASA’s plan.C.Lack of advanced technology.D.Extreme weather in the South Pole. 14.What is the main message conveyed by Lord Rees in the last paragraph?A.Human development relies on thinking about the future of the earth.B.Mars colonization should be a top priority for young people.C.Space exploration has a huge impact on human development.D.Young people should be more supportive of space exploration.15.What is the best title of this passage?A.Elon Musk Thinks Big About Colonizing Mars.B.Experts Dismiss Elon Musk’s Mars Colonization Plans.C.The Fruitless Exploration of Human Settlement on Mars.D.The Challenges of Establishing Human Habitats on Mars.Adaptations are currently popular in the movie industry. We’re all familiar with film adaptations of books. 16 Book adaptations of films aren’t that common, but it’s a medium that certainly takes skills to master.The most well-known version of a film being adapted to books is via the novelisation (小说化). Movie novelisations went through a boom period before the internet era. Fans wanted to know more about the fictional worlds and experience the story again in a new way. 17 Thus, the novelisation was a great solution.Meanwhile, the screen to page process has also opened up the possibility of sequels (续篇). Perhaps there simply wasn’t financial investment to create a follow-up to a film. Maybe a sequel idea simply felt more appropriate for a novel. 18 In recent years for example, the film Heat, released in 1995 has received its own novel. ET: The Book of the Green Planet continued the extra-terrestrial’s journey after the completion of the film’s narrative.But what are the benefits of reading a novel instead of waiting for the big screen version? Well, a novel can take its reader deeper into the mind of the characters that the film had to represent in a more visual way. 19 Although a film might characterize a fantastic scene or a specific costume choice, it doesn’t always tell why those things are important. Novelisations and sequels can take that extra step and shine a light on some of those movie-making choices.Book adaptations of films obviously won’t ever replace cinema, and there’s no need to choose one or the other. 20A.But what about book adaptations of films?B.Besides, descriptions can be more detailed too.C.For a time, they were everything for cinema lovers.D.Films being adapted to books has been talked repeatedly.E.But they couldn’t simply google it, or immediately purchase the production on tape. F.Regardless, some terrific films have been expanded upon thanks to this medium. G.Actually, these two mediums are considerably interdependent and complementary.二、完形填空I was first going into this final day, the Junior Sled Dog Championship. We’d trained two years and wanted to beat Blake. I knelt down to pat Kenai and my hands 21 from nerves and excitement. Kenai tipped up his face to lick my chin “You are 22 , aren’t you?”Just before the countdown started, Blake shot me a 23 smile, hands trembling too. Then I heard, “Go!” 24 I could yell “Hike!”, Kenai leaped forward. The rest of the dogs 25 after. We started last. We flew down the long hill. Then we 26 a corner. I leaned to keep the sled steady. Kenai saw Blake’s team before I did . His tail flew up, and he 27 . Seeing his tongue still flopping forward, I let him go all out. We closed the 28 . A bridge later, we inched closer. On the next hill, Kenai drew even with Blake’s sled and then we passed it.29 our sled hit a branch. The runners caught. I lost my 30 and fell off the sled. Witnessing the sled come to a stop, I struggled through the deep s now to Kenai. I 31 . His shoulder was bleeding.“Kenai ! No!” My voice came out a howl. Kenai 32 to stand. He looked at me, his blue eyes 33 to keep on He would do it, too. For one frozen moment I saw myself on the winner’s stand with the trophy (奖杯). But no. I bent and gently 34 Kenai in a blanket.The race vet examining Kenai, I watched Blake accept the trophy. Kenai squirming in my lap, I leaned over upon him. Just at that moment, I felt a warm tongue on my wet cheek. I smiled and realized that I had the 35 that really counted.21.A.softened B.shook C.withdrew D.extended 22.A.clever B.thirsty C.helpful D.ready 23.A.broad B.satisfied C.tight D.slight24.A.As B.Beyond C.Before D.After 25.A.pulled B.charged C.jumped D.barked 26.A.cut B.missed C.kept D.rounded 27.A.took off B.backed off C.turned around D.bent forward 28.A.race B.difference D.goal 29.A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Gradually D.Occasionally 30.A.way B.hold C.temper D.sight31.A.quitted B.insisted C.sighed D.froze 32.A.struggled B.decided C.refused D.pretended 33.A.forcing B.begging C.ordering D.persuading 34.A.took up B.put up C.brought up D.wrapped up 35.A.prayer B.praise C.prize D.price三、单项选择36.It is a truly delightful place, ________looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty B.whereC.that D.which37.The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ________ his employees enjoy their work.A.where B.which C.when D.who38.I think that, _____the cost, we have to address this problem. We have to bring justice and compassion to the victims.A.whichever B.whatever C.however D.wherever39.We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of _______ it used to charge.A.that B.whichC.what D.how40.In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of ________ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.A.which B.its C.whose D.whom 41.Evidence has been found through years of study________children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.A.when C.whether D.that 42.Recently, scientists have started a debate on _______the computers will “think” like human in half a century.A.where B.whether C.whose D.which 43.Hawking believes the earth is unlikely to be the only planet life has developed gradually.A.that B.why C.where D.which44.The children were all interested in ________ they had seen in the exhibition.A.which B.that all C.all what D.all that45.As a new graduate, he doesn’t know ______ it takes to start a business B.what C.when D.which46.The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times ________ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant.”A.before B.afterC.since D.while47.Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn’t get a taxi _______ the bus had dropped her.A.until B.when C.although D.where48.______ regular exercise is very important, it is not a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.A.Although B.As C.Considering D.Assuming49.I'll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately.A.In case B.As ifC.Even though D.Now that50.It was _____ he came back from Africa that year _________ he met the girl he would like to marry.A.when; then B.not; until C.not until; that D.only; when四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?【真题训练】-八年

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?【真题训练】-八年

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?初中英语单词背诵【真题训练】学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共15分)1.(1分)(2020·山东中考真题)My People, My Country is ________ movie I've ever seen.A.more educational B.the most educational C.educational D.less educational2.(1分)(2018·山东青岛中考真题)Mount Lao is one of mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year.A.famous B.the more famous C.most famous D.the most famous3.(1分)(2014·山东东营中考真题)Overseas experience may help make our life . So why not try to study abroad?A.usual B.useful C.successful D.traditional4.(1分)(2014·湖北恩施中考真题)-Would you mind not putting your bike here? An English party will be held here.-______. I'Il put it somewhere else.A.Not at allB.Yes, I'd love toC.Certainly5.(1分)(2020·云南中考真题)You are not allowed to play with fire in the forest. It ________kill plants, animals and even people.A.might B.might not C.should D.should not6.(1分)(2011·辽宁中考真题)The cartoon , Snoopy, is very popular in China.A.writer C.character D.designer7.(1分)(2013·天津中考真题)Where are you going this month?We_________ go to Xiamen, but we’re not sure.A.needn’t B.must C.might D.mustn’t8.(1分)(2018·四川乐山中考真题)– Do you mind my smoking here?–______. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking.”A.Never mindB.Of course notC.You’d better not9.(1分)(2015·山东青岛中考真题)Yesterday Lucy told us such good ________ that we were all amazed at B.idea C.suggestion D.answer10.(1分)(2014·江苏常州中考真题)---How nice that Lucy has been invited to the party too! (2014●常州市)---Well, Lucy not come. She is not certain whether her mother will allow her to.A.might B.would C.must D.need11.(1分)(2013·海南中考真题)The story of Tom Sawyer ______ in Missouri, America, in the 19th century.A.had happened B.was happeningC.has happened D.happened12.(1分)(2013·浙江丽水中考真题)On the top of the hill ______ an ancient tower with a history of more than 1, 000 years.A.stood B.ran C.came D.lived13.(1分)(2016·海南中考真题)—Hainan ________ its blue sky and fresh air.—So it is. That’s why more and more visitors spend their holidays weak in famous for used to14.(1分)(2016·山东东营中考真题)Great ______ for football lovers-more than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of B.messageC.situation D.information15.(1分)(2020·黑龙江中考真题)Mr. Jonathan ________ your new English teacher.A.maybe might C.may be D.might is二、完型填空(共30分)(30分)(2020·辽宁中考真题)Mike was a funny student. He loves watching comedies (喜剧) best and hoped to become a comedy 16 one day.When he heard about the talent show (才艺表演) to be held at his school, Mike 17 to take part in. He had never acted on stage before and he was very 18 . But some students laughed at him, "You are not funny at all. No one will like what you do!" his classmate Ken said to him 19 .Mike couldn't understand why he was so unkind to him. For a moment, he thought about 20 the show. But he remembered how much his friends liked his 21 , and also his teachers said he was very funny. So he started to prepare for the show.Mike did great job at the talent show. Everyone 22 his performance (表演), and he won the first prize! His teachers and friends were proud 23 him. Even so, Ken told Mike that he would never succeed. Mike didn't understand why Ken said so, but he realized that it had 24 to do with him. He confidently (自信地) continued to work towards his 25 .As the years went on, Mike met more people like Ken. "You'll do a 26 job," they said to him. Luckily, most people 27 him and some helped him to become even funnier. He got a lot of chances to perform in movies. He was even 28 to appear on television. His fans thanked him 29 his comedies made them feel good when they were unhappy.Now Mike is a comedy star! He is doing what he loves best, and he 30 all day long.We can learn from Mike that as long as we stick with what we like, we will be successful. So just be yourself!16.(2分)A.teacher C.director D.writer17.(2分)A.forgot B.failed C.wanted D.continued18.(2分)A.excited B.angry C.bored D.satisfied19.(2分)A.kindly B.loudly C.politely D.patiently20.(2分)A.writing down B.putting on C.waiting for up21.(2分)A.jokes B.concerts C.books D.articles22.(2分)A.disliked B.minded C.doubted D.loved23.(2分)A.with C.of D.in24.(2分)A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything25.(2分)A.dream B.trouble C.wealth D.luck26.(2分)A.valuable B.wonderful C.terrible D.meaningful27.(2分)A.encouraged B.hated C.punished D.saved28.(2分)A.refused B.invited C.cancelled D.told29.(2分)A.because B.but C.before D.until30.(2分)A.cries B.regrets C.shouts D.laughs评卷人得分三、阅读单选(共24分)(4分)(2016·浙江中考真题)阅读理解。



英语个人简历的范文A great English resume can be like a magic key that unlocks the door to your dream job. Let's take a look at a sample English personal resume.First of all, at the very top of the resume, your name should be big and bold. It's like your flag, waving high to show who you are. For example, "John Smith". Right below your name, you can put your contact information. This is super important, just like leaving a breadcrumb trail for potential employers to find you. You can write your phone number like "123 - 456 - 7890" and your email address, say "johnsmith@email". Oh, and don't forget your LinkedIn profile link if you have one. It's like your digital business card in the professional world.Nextes the objective section. Here, you've got to be clear and concise. What are you aiming for? Are you looking for a job as a marketing executive? Then write something like "To obtain a challenging position as a marketing executive where I can utilize my skills in digital marketing, market research, and brand promotion." It's like setting your target in a game. You've got to let the employer know exactly what you're after.The education section is a crucial part of the resume. Start with the most recent degree. If you have a bachelor's degree in business administration from a well - known university like Harvard, you can write it like this: "Harvard University, Bachelor of Business Administration, 2015 - 2019". Include any relevant coursework too. For example, if you took courses in marketing analytics and consumer behavior, mention them. It shows that you have the knowledge base required for the job. This part of the resume is like the foundation of a building. Without a strong educational background, the whole structure might seem a bit wobbly.Work experience is another biggie. Let's say you worked as a marketing intern at a localpany. Describe your responsibilities in detail. You could write, "Marketing Intern, XYZ Company, 2019 - 2020. Assisted in creating social media marketing campaigns that increased brand awareness by 20%. Conducted market research surveys among 500 potential customers to gather insights for product improvement." This is your chance to shine and show what you can do. It's like showing off your trophies in a showcase. The more detailed and impressive your work experience, the better.Skills are also very important. Are you proficient in Adobe Photoshop? Great, write it down. Do you have excellentmunication skills? Add that too. You can list your skills like "Adobe Photoshop - Proficient, Communication Skills - Excellent, Teamwork - Strong". It's like presenting your toolbox to the employer. You're saying, "Look, I've got all these great tools that I can use to get the job done."Now, let's not forget about achievements. If you won an award for the best marketing campaign in your college, flaunt it. Write something like "Won the 'Best Marketing Campaign' award in Harvard College in 2018 for a campaign that increased student engagement in campus events by 30%." Achievements are like the jewels on your resume crown. They make you stand out from the crowd.Certifications can also add value to your resume. If you have a Google Ads certification, mention it. It shows that you're dedicated to continuous learning and improving your skills. It's like having an extra badge of honor.Volunteer experience can also be a great addition. If you volunteered at a local charity event, write about it. For example, "Volunteer at ABC Charity, 2020. Helped in organizing a fundraising event that raised $10,000 for underprivileged children." It shows that you're a well - rounded person with a sense of social responsibility.In conclusion, an English personal resume is aprehensive package that showcases who you are, what you've studied, what you've done, what skills you have, and what achievements you've made. It's your chance to make a great first impression on potential employers. So, make sure to put in all the relevant information, be detailed and accurate, and present it in a clean and organized way. Just like you're presenting the best version of yourself on a silver platter.。



救助信英语作文Rescue missions are a critical aspect of emergency response and humanitarian aid efforts around the world. These operations involve the deployment of trained personnel and specialized equipment to locate, extract, and provide aid to individuals or communities in distress. Whether it's responding to natural disasters, armed conflicts, or other life-threatening situations, rescue missions play a vital rolein saving lives and mitigating the impact of crises.One of the most well-known and high-profile rescue missions in recent history was the 2018 Tham Luang cave rescue in Thailand. In this incident, a youth soccer team and their coach became trapped deep within a complex cave system due to sudden flooding. The rescue operation, which involved teams from Thailand, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries, captivated the world's attention as they worked tirelessly to find and extract the trapped individuals.The Tham Luang rescue mission was an incredible feat of coordination, skill, and determination. It required the deployment ofhighly trained divers, engineers, and medical personnel, as well as the use of specialized equipment such as underwater robots and portable oxygen supplies. The operation faced numerous challenges, including the treacherous conditions within the cave, the limited visibility, and the need to ensure the safety and well-being of the trapped individuals.Despite the immense challenges, the rescue team ultimately succeeded in extracting all 12 members of the soccer team and their coach, a remarkable achievement that was celebrated around the world. The success of this mission was a testament to the dedication and expertise of the rescue personnel, as well as the power of international cooperation and the human spirit in the face of adversity.Another example of a high-profile rescue mission is the 2010 Chilean mine rescue, in which 33 miners were trapped underground for 69 days after a collapse at the San José mine. The rescue operation, which involved the coordinated efforts of the Chilean government, international experts, and private companies, was a complex and challenging undertaking.The rescue team faced numerous obstacles, including the need to drill a narrow shaft through hundreds of meters of solid rock to reach the trapped miners, the limited supplies and resourcesavailable underground, and the physical and psychological toll on the miners themselves. Despite these challenges, the team ultimately succeeded in extracting all 33 miners, a feat that was celebrated as a triumph of human ingenuity and perseverance.The Chilean mine rescue was not only a remarkable technical achievement but also a powerful symbol of the human spirit and the power of international cooperation. The rescue mission captured the world's attention and inspired people around the globe, demonstrating the importance of rescue operations in providing hope and support to those in dire circumstances.Rescue missions are not limited to high-profile disasters, however. Every day, emergency responders and humanitarian organizations around the world engage in countless rescue operations to save lives and provide aid to those in need. These missions can range from search and rescue operations in remote areas to the provision of medical care and basic necessities to communities affected by natural disasters or armed conflicts.One example of a lesser-known but no less important rescue mission is the work of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the Mediterranean Sea. In recent years, the IOM has been at the forefront of efforts to rescue and provide aid to migrants and refugees attempting to cross the Mediterranean in search of a betterlife. These rescue missions often involve the deployment of specialized vessels and aircraft to locate and extract individuals in distress, as well as the provision of medical care, food, and shelter to those who are rescued.The IOM's rescue operations in the Mediterranean have saved countless lives and provided a vital lifeline to those fleeing conflict, persecution, and poverty. However, these missions are often fraught with challenges, including the need to navigate treacherous waters, the limited resources available, and the political and social complexities surrounding the issue of migration.Despite these challenges, the IOM and other organizations engaged in rescue missions in the Mediterranean continue to work tirelessly to save lives and provide aid to those in need. Their efforts are a testament to the power of human compassion and the importance of international cooperation in addressing global crises.In conclusion, rescue missions are a critical component of emergency response and humanitarian aid efforts around the world. Whether it's responding to natural disasters, armed conflicts, or other life-threatening situations, these operations play a vital role in saving lives and mitigating the impact of crises. The success of high-profile rescue missions like the Tham Luang cave rescue and the Chilean mine rescue have captured the world's attention and demonstratedthe power of human ingenuity and perseverance in the face of adversity.At the same time, the countless lesser-known rescue missions undertaken by emergency responders and humanitarian organizations around the world are equally important and deserving of recognition. These efforts, often carried out in challenging and dangerous conditions, are a testament to the human spirit and the power of international cooperation in addressing global crises.As the world continues to face a wide range of complex and interrelated challenges, the importance of rescue missions will only continue to grow. By investing in the resources, training, and coordination necessary to support these operations, we can ensure that those in need receive the aid and support they require, and that the human spirit triumphs in the face of adversity.。

Motorola Solutions Communities 快速启动指南用户群说明书

Motorola Solutions Communities 快速启动指南用户群说明书

QUICK START GUIDE USER GROUPSWelcome to Motorola Solutions CommunitiesThis Quick Start Guide will help you navigate and engage in your user group forum experience. Please reach out to your user group contact below if you have any questions or need help troubleshooting.●M TUG Contact: Lauren Mora●MPSUG Contact: Tom Malanfant●CSR Contact: Tom Malanfant●MUTUAL Contact: Connie Allen●TRBO Carrier Contact: John JaderholmAlso be sure to check out and follow the M otorola Solutions Blogs to keep updated on the latest industry trends and insights.The following sections will guide you through the User Group experience and will provide details on how to customize the experience to your needs.Browse to h ttps:///en_us/usergroups.html to start your walk-through! Changing your Email NotificationsWhen you are active in your community, you may receive emails alerting you to activity on content and places you are following. You can edit your preferences to choose what content you receive email notifications about and how you view the content with which you interact.To view or change your email notifications:1.Click on the word Notifications in the blue navigation bar2.On the right side of the page, click on the word Notification Settings.3.On the left side of the page, select Web to view your settings.4.To change the setting, select the appropriate radio button for yes or for no.5.Repeat for the same process for Email.6.Click the Save button to save your changes. A confirmation message will appear on the page toacknowledge that your changes have been saved.Updating your Profile Settings and PasswordYou can view and edit your profile information by clicking on the word Profile in the blue navigation bar.When the page reloads you will see all of your profile information and you have the option to update your personal information, as well as, to update your password.To update your information:Click on the blue box called Edit Profile.The page will refresh and you can update the information in the text boxes. When you have finished editing your information in the text boxes, be sure to save the changes by clicking on the Save Changes box.To update your password:Click on the blue box labeled Change Password.After you click on the blue box, a pop-up window will appear and you can modify your password. Be sure to save your changes.How to Search or Find Content and PeopleThere are a few ways to help you find people, places and conten t. Please use the Search box in the top navigation bar to find content across the entire Communities site.To search people:1.Navigate to the Members area by clicking on the word Members in the tabbed navigation Note: Inorder to view the tabbed navigation, you must be a registered user of one of the User Groups..2.In the Search box, type the person’s first o r last name and click the Go! button.Search results for your search query will display on the page. Click the person’s name to access their profile.To search content associated with a person:1.Navigate to the User Group landing page here:https:///en_us/usergroups.html and use the Search box at the top blue navigation bar. Type a person’s name and press the enter key. If the person that you are searching for has a common first or last name, you should use the less common of the two for better search results(e.g., search “Connie” rather than “Allen” or “Mowthorpe” rather than “Chris”).2.The page will refresh and display all of the content associated with the person who you searched for. Apartial listing is below of the search results.To find content:1.Navigate to the User Group landing page here:https:///en_us/usergroups.html and use the Search box at the top of the page to find content by typing in a few words or partial words that you would like to search. The Search box will display content that matches your search query in a listing that you can click on to access.Below is example search on a partial words of “meeting ag” (meeting agenda).2. A listing of search results can be also be displayed on the page by entering your search query in theSearch box that spans the width of the page, and then pressing the enter key. Below is an example.Finding Content via the Tabbed NavigationUse the tabbed navigation to browse people, places and content tabs to help find things you may have seen before, or to discover things you may not yet know about. Note: In order to view the tabbednavigation, you must be a registered user in one of the User Groups.Overview:●Discussions: overview on discussion topics, raised in the User Group.●About Us: overview on the User Group purpose, its administrators and helpful links.●Calendar: overview on past and future events.●Q & A: overview on questions asked and answered, as well as the option to post a question.●Files: documentation storage, as well as, the option to upload a document.●Activity: overview on your activities within the User Group, as well as, a list of all activities.●Sub Groups: overview on all sub groups within the main User Group. For information and discussionswithin the Sub Group, please click on the chosen Sub Group. From here you can browse the content associated with the Sub Group. A Sub Group can also have further Sub Groups: again, please click on the tab Sub Group in the navigation bar to go down a further level.●Members: overview of all members of the User Group, including the ability to search for members.How to Ask a QuestionIf you would like to post a question for others to answer, you need to navigate to the Question & Answer (Q & A) area, which can be found in the tabbed navigation. Click on Q & A to be redirected to the Q & A page.To ask a question:1.Click the button labeled New Question, which will open a new section on the page.2.Enter your question in the top text box next to your profile photo. See below for an example:3.Enter a tag in the “Add a Tag” box, by typing in in a tag and then selecting the appropriate tag from thepre-populated list. Note: You can add multiple tags.4.Write additional comment in the content field. You can format your text however you’d like, and you caninsert images. N ote: This is a required field (in case no additional comments are required, pleaserepeat your question).5.Attachments are optional and can be added by clicking the Attach button.6.Click the Ask button to submit your question.7.The page will refresh to show that your question has been submittedHow to Start a DiscussionDiscussions allow you to ask a question, seek out suggestions, state an observation or assertion to get feedback, or report a problem. Members of your community can contribute by posting replies.1.Navigate to the Discussions tab and click on the Discussions tab.2.Click on New Post which will open a new window for you to type in your content.3.Enter a subject line into the top text box next to the profile image.4.Include additional comments in the content box. Note: Content in this box is a required item.5.Add tag(s) by typing in text and then select the appropriate tag.6.Attach related files (optional).7.Click the Post button to submit your discussion topic.Below is an example of a submitted discussion topic.How to Upload and Modify an Existing DocumentThere are two ways to upload a new document into the User Group space. Note: The Drag and Drop option does not allow for a description to be added, but the Create New > Add File does allow for a description to be added. Before you upload/post a new file, please review the saved filename to make sure that the file does not have spaces in it and that the filename is descriptive without a version number. A poor filenameexample is: meeting-agenda-ver2.pdf, whereas a better name would bemtug-meeting-agenda-april2016.pdf.To post a document:1.Navigate to the Files area in the tabbed navigation and click on the Files.2.On the page Select Create New > Add File3.In the pop-up window, locate the file on your computer and enter a brief description of the file. Click OKwhen finished.4.Alternatively, you can select the Drag and Drop feature to upload a document. Note: If you choose thisoption, you will not be given the option to add in a description. The description will automatically be listed as the filename.5.After you click the OK button, the page will refresh and then the page will display the uploadeddocument on the page. See below screenshot.. The top document was added by Drag and Drop and the second one listed was added by the Create File>Add File option.To amend/modify an existing document:A document description can be edited and tags can be added after a document is uploaded. Please note that you cannot modify documents uploaded by others.1.To modify an existing document you need to locate the document, and the easiest way to do this is bylooking in the Files section. The other option to locate a file is to do a search query using the Search box located in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page. Using the tabbed navigation, click on Files.2.When you see the file that needs to be modified, click on it once and then click on Details box locateddirectly above the file.3.Then click Edit, which will open up a pop-up window where you can edit the description and/or addtags. Click the OK button when you are finished to save the changes.4.After clicking the OK button, the page will refresh and your changes will be visible on the page.How to Follow People and DiscussionsTo follow people:1.Locate the person that you would like to follow by searching for the person through the Members areawhich can be found in the tabbed navigation.2.When you have located the person, click through to his/her profile page.3.On his/her profile page, click on the blue Follow box and select Activities. The blue box will refresh andthe word Follow will change to Following.Please note!Followers as previously established in the Communities while hosted on the JIVE platform, have not been migrated to the AEM version of Communities. Please re-establish your Followers/ Following in the new Communities environment.To follow discussions:1.Navigate to the Discussions area using the tabbed navigati o n and click on Discussions.2.When the page refreshes, click on the blue box called Follow and select your choice(s). The box willrefresh after you selections are accepted and the box will change to the word Following.●Activities: New discussions will appear in your My Activities feed.●Notifications: New discussions will appear in your Notifications feed.●Email Subscriptions: New discussions will be sent to the email address provided in your profile.Note: Email notifications need to be enabled under your Notification settings.How to Send a MessageThe messaging area is designed to look like a mailbox with simple features: an Inbox, Trash, and Sent Items. You also have the ability to delete, and tag items as read, or unread. To access Messages,navigate to Messages in the blue navigation bar and click on Messages..To send a message:1.Click on the blue box New Message, which will then open up a new window to compose a message.2.In the To line, start typing a person’s name and then select the person from the listing of pre-populatednames. Note: You can send the message to more than one person.3.In the Subject line, type a subject.4.In the large text box, type in your message.5.To send the message, click the Send button.6.To verify that the message was sent, check your Sent Items. All Sent messages will display on thepage in a summarize view. To see the entire message, click on the text in the message.7. A new window will open and you can view the entire message. From this window, you can also reply,forward, and scroll through all of your messages.What about my Privacy?Motorola Solutions values your privacy. See our P rivacy Policy and T erms of Use.You can manage your Motorola Solutions Community e-mail communications preferences by c licking here. or write to:Motorola Solutions, Inc.Attention: Privacy Compliance ProgramP.O. Box 59263Schaumburg, IL U.SA. 60159-0263You can also send an email to: p*****************************。

2024秋人教版新版七年级上册英语Unit 1 You and me Project

2024秋人教版新版七年级上册英语Unit 1 You and me Project

➢ Read Andre’s personal profile and underline some good sentences.
➢ Polish your personal profile .
3. I can use am, is and are correctly.
4. I can use proper expressions to make new friends.
Needs work
Getting to know each other is the first step in making new friends.
Here is an example of a personal profile.
My name is Andre Kalu. I'm 13 years old. I'm from South Africa, but now I live in China. I live with my father, my mother, and my brother. We have a pet cat too. His name is Toby. My favourite food is beef noodles. My favourite sport is basketball. I play basketball every weekend with my brother and my friends.
Make your own personal profile
Answer the questions to introduce yourself. 1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What is your favourite sport/food/…? 4. What are your hobbies?

madVR Envy - Envy Profile系统简介说明书

madVR Envy - Envy Profile系统简介说明书
Base Settings and Active Settings
Base Settings are where all default values are set. Base Settings are overridden by settings in activated profiles or by temporary settings you set manually. See Appendix A for how profiles override these settings. Active Settings, selectable in the Profile Bar, show the settings currently in use, after settings from any activated profiles and any temporary settings are applied. Any changes made to the Active Settings are applied immediately and are temporary. Temporary settings revert whenever there is an HDMI signal change, or the Envy is turned off or restarted, unless saved to the Base Settings or to a profile. We show an example of this later in the document.
Welcome! This document provides a high-level overview of the Envy profile system. It is intended to get you started quickly, by touching on just the basics. For a comprehensive understanding of the profile system, please see the Envy Profile User Guide.
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