AN / SPY-1雷达系统安装“宙斯盾”作战系统的提康德罗加(CG-47)和阿利·伯克(DDG-51)级战舰是主要的空中和地面雷达。
与此相反,计算机控制的相控阵雷达AN/SPY-1A AEGIS系统将这些功能一起在一个系统中。
▪成组切换的汇率少于2秒每发射器(CG-52和上面MK 41 VLS)▪混合多重短信。
▪教义软件助攻/ ID弱点▪该系统的设计,湛蓝的海水和沿岸AN/SPY-1配置操作,但必须进行修改,以看看上面的地形,以避免造成过多的假目标,从陆地杂波。
秘籍:POLO取消迷雾MARCO地图全开AEGIS 快速建造ROCK ON石头LUMBERJACK LUMBERJACK木材ROBIN HOOD金钱CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S食物HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON汽车REVEAL MAP :显示全地图;PEPPERONI PIZZA:得到1000食物COINAGE :得到1000黄金;WOODSTOCK :得到1000木头;QUARRY :得到1000石头;PHOTON MAN :一对激光武器战士BIGDADDY :一辆装备火箭的汽车STEROIDS :快速建设MEDUSA :村夫变成复仇女神,当他被杀时就成为一名黑暗骑士,如果再次被杀就变成重型投石器;NO FOG :走过的区域不再被雾影笼罩HARI KARI :自杀GAIA :控制动物(但是你的人类成员将失去控制)FLYING DUTCHMAN:神像转成飞翔的荷兰人(?)STEROIDS :立即建成HOME RUN :本关取胜KILL# :杀掉某个玩家,#代表玩家的起始位置(1-8)BIGDADDY :给你无敌车REVEAL MAP :显示全部的地图RESIGN :退出帝国时代2秘籍秘籍不分大小写POLO= 去除黑影MARCO=展现地图AEGIS 加快建筑.建造单位速度(但所有人都和你一样秒建)ROCK ON=1000 石头LUMBERJACK=1000 木头ROBIN HOOD=1000 金子CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S= 1000 食物[1]NATURAL WONDERS= 对自然生物的控制RESIGN=自杀WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY=摧毁自己的建筑I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD=得到一个VDMLHOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON=得到眼镜蛇车TORPEDOx 杀掉对手=(x代表想要杀掉对手的数目)TO SMITHEREENS= 得到一个破坏者BLACK DEATH= 消灭所有敌人[1]I R WINNER=胜利AEGIS 加快建筑速度NATURAL WONDERS 控制自然生物(但是无法控制自己人,而且变不回来!)RESIGN 投降WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY 自我毁灭I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD 获得VDMLHOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON 获得一辆眼镜蛇汽车TORPEDON 击败N号对手TO SMITHEREENS 获得SaboteurBLACK DEATH 毁灭所有敌人I R WINNER 获胜WOOF WOOF 变出会飞的狗FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY 获得狂暴的猴男孩MEDUSA : 居民变成梅杜莎,当死一次会变成黑骑士(blackrider),dadsdsd 再死会变成heavy catapult.RESIGN : 管理权交给电脑E=MC2 TROOPER : 一个佩带核子弹的雷射警察DARK RAIN : composite bowmen 变成隐形射手(不动时是树喔!)HOYOHOYO : 牧师有 600HP and 变成整游戏最快的军种BIG BERTHA : catapults 变成Big Berthas ( +5 杀伤力, +50HP)ICBM : Helopolis多90 射程helepolisBLACK RIDER : horse archers变成黑骑士black riders(+22HP,+armor bonus )JACK BE NIMBLE : catapults launch peopleGAIA : 控制动物 (你将无法控制自己人,变不会来)FLYING DUTCHMAN : Juggernaughts 变成 Flying Dutchman STEROIDS : 建筑物立即建好。
美国舰载四面阵相控阵雷达AN SPY-1研制概况
⑤辅助设备单元 提供特定的工作条件使AN/SPY/1A雷达
1974年把AN/APY-1安装在诺顿湾试验舰上,成功地自动探测并跟踪了在太平洋上空飞行的20架飞机,用EA-6B干扰机对AN/APY-1进行满功率干扰也无济于事。美国空军改用相当于32架EA-6B的满功率干扰机KC-135(配置了TREE SHARK)仍不能完全干扰AN/SPY-1。在这两种情况下,AN/SPY-1的雷达波束均能“烧穿”干扰机并摸拟发射防御导弹。
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AN / SPY-1雷达系统安装“宙斯盾”作战系统的提康德罗加(CG-47)和阿利·伯克(DDG-51)级战舰是主要的空中和地面雷达。
与此相反,计算机控制的相控阵雷达AN/SPY-1A AEGIS系统将这些功能一起在一个系统中。
▪成组切换的汇率少于2秒每发射器(CG-52和上面MK 41 VLS)▪混合多重短信。
▪教义软件助攻/ ID弱点▪该系统的设计,湛蓝的海水和沿岸AN/SPY-1配置操作,但必须进行修改,以看看上面的地形,以避免造成过多的假目标,从陆地杂波。
美国舰载四面阵相控阵雷达AN SPY-1研制概况This paper first briefly introduces the ship-borne AEGIS (AEGIS) area air defense weapon system, and then to the core of the system - the shipboard all array phased-array radarAN/development situation of SPY - 1 were described in detail. The content includes the radar, the main technical performance parameters, the technical characteristics and the improvement and updating plan.AEGIS combat effectivenessThe shipboard all array phased-array radar AN/SPY - 1 is the U.S. navy shipboard AEGIS (AEGIS) a unit area defense weapon system, therefore, in the AN/radar SPY - 1 before, first it is necessary to make a brief introduction of the AEGIS system.The U.S. navy was hit hard by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Since then, the U.S. navy invested a lot of manpower and material resources and financial resources, discusses the hands of missile weapon system integration concept and design, which is developed after the second world war to the AEGIS defense weapon system (AEGIS) area. The AEGIS defense system was formally established by the defense department in 1969. The purpose of the project is mainly used to deal with in the 80 s and 90 s is check the increasing threat of air, since 2000 the main threat is appeared since the 50 s high altitude or low level with high speed and high load of new aircraft andhigh-speed air/surface and surface/surface tactical missile. These missiles employ a deceptive trajectory and increase the high power and multi-functional electronic countermeasures.AEGIS system in October 1970 to complete the system design, in 1971 into the design and production stages, in February 1972 to complete the key design scheme evaluation and set about making and test, the end of 1972 completed components evaluation test, 1973 army proving ground for system level testing/RCA company, installed in 1974 in the NORTON sound test ship for 32 months of sea trial.In 1974, the AN/APY - 1 installed in NORTON sound test ship, succeeded in automatic detection and tracking in 20 planes flying over the Pacific, with EA - 6 b jammer for the AN/APY - 1 full power interference also of no help. The U.S. air force's switch to the equivalent of 32 ea-6b full power jammers (the configuration of TREE SHARK) can still not completely interfere with AN/spy-1. In both cases, the AN/spy-1 radar beam can "burn through" jammers and simulate the launch of a defensive missile.In 1975, AEGIS conducted a six-day "combat" exercise in the sea, focusing on the success of the three sm-1 missiles that had actually fired on unmanned aircraft and missile threats.In March 1976, the U.S. navy organized a multinational fleet off the coast of south California, with 41 ships, hundreds of planes and 18,000 people in five countries. The exercise was "hostile" and lasted for 10 days. The NORTON bay test ship successfully detects and intercepts "enemy aircraft" and "enemy ships" of single or multiple attacks during theall-weather and electronic countermeasures environment. On December 10, 1976, a sm-2 medium-range missile was intercepted, tracked and controlled by AN/spy-1 in a short time after launch,until it successfully hit the unmanned target.To sum up, the AEGIS weapon system is a fast response can be the standard missiles fired into the air and ground targets high-performance air defense combat system, and the first U.S. navy to dense air attack weapon system can make automatic reaction. It provides the wide domain surface/air andface/surface defense of the 1980s and 1990s. The ability to attack the surface of the sea can be provided by using a long-range surface/surface cruise missile and an extended surface/air missile.At the beginning of the AEGIS project, the military proposed five key technical requirements, namely quick response, strong firepower, strong survivability, high availability and high coverage. These five requirements are the "cornerstone" of design AEGIS.1) quickThe AEGIS must destroy the target within two minutes when high-speed, low or high Angle attacks are on target (within 20km).(2) the firepower fierceRequires a strong attack that is strong enough to handle multiple targets at the same time as high killing rates.The ability to survive is strongIt is required to work effectively in strong ECM, metal foil interference and bad weather conditions.(4) high availabilityTo specific environment on the sea (underwater shock, nuclear shock, 20 ° F and relative wind speed of 70 miles per hour, can work continuously at a specific time, can't shut down for a long time to repair.The range is largeTo provide effective area defense fleet, covering 360 ° of space.The composition and technical characteristics of AN/spy-1The AN/SPY - 1 is the heart of the AEGIS system, is the AEGIS combat system is mainly to empty to sea radar, is a target for air and sea for automatic search, detection, tracking and the SM - 2 missile midcourse guidance of multi-function radars.AN/SPY - 1 is a work in E/F spectrum matrix, can provide bearing 360 °, 90 ° Angle of coverage, more than 250 nm r ange.AN/spy-1 is currently available in four types: AN/spy-1a, AN/spy-1b, AN/spy-1c and AN/spy-1d. AN/spy-1a is used to equip the ddg-47 destroyers and the cg-58 cruisers.AN/spy-1b is used to equip the cg-59 cruiser.AN/spy-1c is a project that USES aircraft as a carrier, and is cancelled because it is difficult to implement.AN/spy-1d is used to equip the ddg-51 destroyers.The AN/spy-1 series radar structure and features are basically the same, so this article focuses on the AN/spy-1a. Other parts of the improvement section are introduced only briefly.AN/spy-1a consists of five functional units: antenna unit, radar transmitter unit, signal processing unit, control unit and auxiliary unit. The combination of these five units supports the five key capabilities of AEGIS. This "five" key performance is also the five notable features of the AN/spy-1 series radar.The antenna unit forms and controls the high power emission beam and radiates it into space. It can also receive and amplify the received signals and convert them to medium frequency.The firing unit sends a high power radio frequency pulse to the phased array antenna. Launch unit contains two sets of each type 32 SFD - 261 crossed-field amplifier as terminal amplifier (SFD - 261 design specification for the 5000 - hour life, but by the mid - 70 - s has specified life of 2 ~ 4 times, each group of amplifier, are available on warship drive electric control at the end of the array.The signal processor produces the radar transmitter waveform and handles the selected echo based on the receiver specified by the radar unit. It can also produce and assign AN/spy-1aradar video signal for AN AN/UYA 4 display unit.The control unit contains AN/spy-1a radar calculating unit and display equipment.The equipment is based on AN AN/spy-1a radar computer program to schedule and control radar system functions.The auxiliary device unit provides specific working conditions for the AN/SPY / 1A radarWork best. The unit includes air cooling and water cooling, air dehydration, water purification and several power supplies.The AN/spy-1a radar and adoption rate is ensured by the recombination of redundant technology and rapid computer control in the machine. The radar must work continuously, with a small amount of maintenance personnel.The operation of AN/spy-1a is as follows:First, the use of the AN/uyk-7 computing unit (control unit) is used to generate the appropriate search rf waveform or follow the rf waveform from the signal processor. The signal is amplified and selected in the transmitter channel. The beam direction via the antenna position program instructions into array phase shifter, resulting in a transmitter output, the output through the antenna array surface formed in the specific space Angle beam. By array and channel (distance) and two difference channels (elevation and azimuth) receiving the signal is amplified in the rf preamplifier, first in the radarreceiver frequency conversion and was further enlarged. The signals are then sent to the signal processor. The signal processor can be used to complete the signal from the docking station for constant virtual alarm rate and pulse pressure processing and Angle and distance estimation. These data are used by the AN/spy-1a unit to start the radar tracking. MTI processing can also be used to track and search the two ways of working, if additional clutter is needed.AN/spy-1b adopts a new phase shifter and beam forming technique to reduce the antenna side lobe, thereby reducing the threat of active electronic interference. The AN/SPY - 1 b decay processor will also adopt distribution system in order to realize the fast signal processing, make the signal analysis of central processing unit (CPU) and the fusion center fusion task easy to do.The AN/spy-1d radar update is currently being conducted by lockheed Martin for pre-assembly. Update the purpose is to improve the radar in heavy clutter environment (such as city, industrial zone in the coastal area, migrating birds and sandstorm) rapid acquisition capability of low altitude target.Update items include changes to the transmitter, signal processor, and computer programs. The critical parts of the transmitter are replaced by new devices to reduce internal noise and improve signal stability. The signal processor is changed to the advanced data distribution structure, and the capability of the microprocessor is strengthened, which greatly speeds up the signal processing speed. Computer programwith new processing method, strengthen the management of signal processing and transmitter, improves the eliminate clutter and for fraudulent electromagnetic interference suppression ability, thus ensure the phase synchronization and the current threat is developing target.3 conclusionThe navy equipment AEGIS system is a successful shipboard area defense weapon system, the AN/SPY - 1 radar is its core, is by far the world's first round array of shipborne phased array radar. The AEGIS system, which began in 1969, took 30 years and cost $50 billion. Each AEGIS ship costs $7.5 billion to $900 million.To deal with after 2000 long-range strategic ballistic threats from outer space, the us navy has been set for further development and improvement, including researching new interceptors and radar for the AN/SPY - 1 for further improvement. The improvement plan calls for expanding the zone, and when the target is in the atmosphere, the AEGIS system should be able to identify and re-enter the warhead and the shrapnel, which is the key to the AEGIS system's improvement. This improved AEGIS combat system must be integrated with the U.S. global combat management system and the C&C system deployed at the beginning of the next century. The new AEGIS system will provide the joint forces command with the requisite reliable ballistic missile defense throughout the zone, which is expected to be deployed by the armed forces in the year 2000.U.S. navy shipboard AEGIS system developed for China's navyshipboard equipment has a great reference to regional weapon system, we deal with AEGIS system more in-depth study, in order to "foreign serve China".。
DotA Allstars新手入门教学
DotA Allstars新手入门教学前言、作者:六翼风铃(亲爱的小六)DotA是个极好玩的地图,竞技性绝对是全部3C地图之首。
所以我写了这个帖子,希望从Solo或是其他3C地图来的新手朋友能更快适应DotA的世界,能够享受到DotA Allstars带来的乐趣;也欢迎高手批评指教给予建议让我改进这个帖子。
零、地图介绍篇:首先是关于新手喜欢问的问题———地图重要位置的介绍:以上是DotA Allstar世界的大概地形图,是6.38的地形,由于我不会截新的地图,某人(- -!)又不肯跟我说怎么截,只好将就着看了……地形略有改动请注意,主要是Roshan区的地形变化幅度比较大。
一、保命篇首先,要给刚进入DotA Allstars世界的新手提两点不得不知道的事情。
AEG 总体介绍
◘ AEG作为飞行标准司的成员,担负与航空器审定办公室 (ACO)联系的任务,此任务从航空器初始审定开始,一直 到该航空器使用寿命结束。
★在航空器设计与型号审定过程中,向型号审定部门和厂家提供 运行要求信息和意见
★为适航指令(AD)、使用困难报告(SDR)、补充型号合格证 (STC)提供运行指导
◘ 组织机构
6人 3人
June, 2008
Flight Standards Department, CAAC
◘ 法规文件
June, 2008
AEG 工作标准
◘ AEG还负责为飞行标准司地方办公室提供下列指导:
★飞行机组成员资格要求 ★带有不工作设备航空器的放行要求 ★初始维修要求
June, 2008
Flight Standards Department, CAAC
◘ AEG的具体职责:
★针对航空器型号 ★包括下述评审:
♪ (1)对应于运行规章要求的符合性; ♪ (2)航空器驾驶员的型别等级和资格要求; ♪ (3)在设备故障或者功能失效的情况下的放行要求(即
◘ 具体评审过程以项目管理的方式开展
★飞行标准司作为项目发起人 ★对应的航空器适航审定中心作为项目的责任人:
♪ 上海审定中心:运输类飞机 ♪ 沈阳审定中心:非运输类飞机和旋翼机 ★型号合格证申请人的配合: ♪ 工作计划 ♪ 责任联络人 ★飞行标准其他部门的参与: ♪ 补充提供专业人员 ♪ 带来实际运行管理的经验
宇宙战将全知识最终幻想2宇宙战将全解【游戏知识】1 最终幻想2宇宙战将全解-- 宇宙战将攻略武器等。
武器种类日文名英文名中文名价格攻击力属性回避注意入手地点小刀ナイフ Knife 小刀 150 3 1 亚鲁迪镇、卡迪亚村ダガ- Dragger 宽刃小刀 400 7 1 卡迪亚村、帕鲁姆镇、波夫特镇ミスリルナイフ Mithril 米斯里鲁小刀 800 14 1 亚鲁迪镇*マインゴ-シエ Gouche 左撇用小刀 -- 32 5 大战舰オリハルコン Orhacon 奥理哈康 -- 50 1 费英镇リッバ-ナイフ Ripper 锯齿刃小刀 -- 69 1 龙卷风ネコのつめ CatClaw 猫爪刀 -- 86 1 死亡大道杖つえ Cane 拐杖 250 4 1 亚鲁迪镇メイス Mace 战斗拐杖 500 9 1 帕鲁姆镇、波夫特镇、萨拉马多镇ミスリルメイス Mithril 米斯里鲁拐杖 1500 16 1 亚鲁迪镇*ル-ンのつえ Were 古文拐杖 3000 28 1 卡修恩城、费英镇まじゅつのつえ Magic 魔术手杖 -- 40 1 使用为闪雷术(lv5) 迪斯特洞窟ちからのつえ Power 力杖 8000 53 1 敏西迪亚洞窟まどうしのつえ Evil 魔导师杖 -- 64 1 使用为对空术(lv16) 敏西迪亚塔いやしのつえ Greed 治疗手杖 -- 78 1 攻击对象HP回复帕拉美奇亚城ダイヤメイス Diamond 钻石拐杖 -- 90 1 死亡大道矛ジャベリン Javelin 标枪 200 6 1 亚鲁迪镇、卡迪亚村スピア Spear 战斗矛 500 11 1 巴夫斯克镇ミスリルスピア Mithril 米斯里鲁矛 1500 18 1 亚鲁迪镇*、帕鲁姆镇*トライデント Trident 三叉戟 5000 30 1 大战舰、费英镇まじんのやり Demon 魔人矛 10000 42 1 南方岛ほのおのやり Flame 火焰矛 15000 54 炎 1 敏西迪亚洞窟アイスランス Ice 冰冻矛 -- 66 冰 1 敏西迪亚塔サンダ-スピア Bolt 雷鸣矛 -- 78 电 1 使用为雷鸣(lv16) 帕拉美奇亚城ホ-リ-ランス Holy 神圣矛 -- 90 1 使用为神圣术(lv8) 死亡大道剑ブロ-トソ-ド Broad 宽刃剑 400 8 1 亚鲁迪镇、卡迪亚村ロングソ-ド Long 长剑 600 14 1 萨拉马多镇、巴夫斯克镇ミスリルソ-ド Mithril 米斯里鲁剑 1800 20 1 亚鲁迪镇*、帕鲁姆镇*こたいのつゐぎ Ancient 古代剑 -- 25 1 攻击带诅咒效果雪原洞窟ねむりのけん Sleep 睡眠剑 -- 30 1 攻击带睡眠效果大战舰ウィングソ-ド Winded 风翼剑 5000 42 1 迪斯特城、费英镇ブラッドソ-ド Blood 吸魂剑 -- 0 0 攻击带吸HP效果费英镇だいちのつゐぎ Earth 大地剑 -- 52 1 大鲸鱼体内フレ-ムソ-ド Flame 火焰剑 -- 63 炎 1 敏西迪亚塔アイスブランド Ice 冰冻剑 -- 72 冰 1 敏西迪亚塔デイフエンダ- Defense 防御剑 -- 78 8 回避率高龙卷风サンブレ-ド Sun 圣剑 -- 83 1 帕拉美奇亚城エクスカリバ- Xcalibr 究极剑 -- 100 全 1 迪斯特城**マサムネ Masmune 正宗刀 -- 150 2 使用时为快速术(lv11) 帕拉美奇亚城.改斧アクス Axe 普通斧头 500 10 1 卡迪亚村、帕鲁姆镇、波夫特镇バトルアクス Battle 战斧 600 15 1 萨拉马多镇ミスリルアクス Mithril 米斯里鲁斧 2000 22 1 帕鲁姆镇* まじんのおの Demon 魔人斧头 10000 27 1 南方岛オ-ガギラ- Ogre 奥卡斧头 15000 58 1 敏西迪亚村ポイズンアクス Poison 毒斧头 -- 76 毒 1 攻击带毒效果龙卷风ル-ンアクス Rune 古文斧头 -- 95 1 使用为烟雾术(lv6) 死亡大道弓箭ゆみ Bow 弓箭 150 1 0 卡迪亚村、帕鲁姆镇、波夫特镇ロンクボウ Long 长射程弓箭 250 5 0 萨拉马多镇、巴夫斯克镇ミスリルボウ Mithril 米斯里鲁弓箭 1000 13 0 帕鲁姆镇*もうもくのゆみ(wsc:くらやみのゆみ) Blind 失明弓箭 -- 25 0 攻击带失明效果大战舰ほのおのゆみ Flame 火焰弓箭 5000 42 炎 0 迪斯特洞窟、费英镇こおりのゆみ Ice 冰冻弓箭 5000 56 冰 0 敏西迪亚村キラ-ボウ Killer 杀手弓箭 -- 0 0 随机战斗よいちのゆみ Yoichi 高性能弓箭 -- 90 0 使用为强化术(lv3) 死亡大道普通物品英文名日文名中文名售价说明Potion ポ-ション恢复剂 50 恢复少许HPAntidote どくけし解毒药 200 解除中毒状态G.Needle きんのはり金针 2500 解除石化状态Crucifix じゆうじか十字架 1000 解除诅咒状态MaidKiss おとめのキッス少女之吻 2500 解除青蛙状态Echoscn とんかち回忆棰 2000 解除失忆状态EyeDrop めぐすり眼药 100 解除失明状态FenixDn フェニックスのお不死鸟的尾巴 5000 复活Elixir エリワサ- 圣灵药 50000 使单人的HP、MP全恢复Ether エ-テル以太 2500 恢复少许MPXPotion ハイボ-シヨン强力恢复剂 500 恢复较多HPCottage コテ-ツ小屋 50000 在户外使用,恢复全体成员的HP、MP特殊物品英文名日文名中文名说明使用对象WindFlut ウインドフル-ト风笛呼来龙卷风(lv13)攻击敌人敌全体EarthDrm だいちのドラム大地鼓地震(lv10),对空中敌人无效。
目录一、概述---------------------------------------------------------------- 21。
探测器特点-------------------------------------------------------- 22.探测器应用范围----------------------------------------------------- 2二、产品结构------------------------------------------------------------ 31.产品组成----------------------------------------------------------- 32。
探测器的工作原理-------------------------------------------------- 4 3。
JTW—LD-L805线型感温火灾探测器接口模块--------------------------- 43.1 基本原理------------------------------------------------------ 53。
2 功能特点----------------------------------------------------- 53.3 技术指标------------------------------------------------------ 54.JTW-LD-L805线型感温火灾探测器终端模块基本原理--------------------- 55。
JTW—LD—L805线型感温火灾探测器接口模块的调试-------------------- 5三、系统设计及布线------------------------------------------------------ 71.系统设计方法------------------------------------------------------- 72.系统布线----------------------------------------------------------- 7四、探测器的安装-------------------------------------------------------- 81。
Provisional Description, Profibus-DP for Thyro-P Version 2 Order number:2000000391Table of Contents1.Introduction (2)2.Cyclical Data Exchange (3)3.PIV Interface (5)4.Calculating the Actual Values (7)5.Diagnostic Messages (9)6.Digital Inputs (10)7.Local operation of the Setpoint Motorpoti (11)8.Project Planning of the "Thyro-P" DP Slave (12)9.Annex (17)1. IntroductionThis communications card adds the Profibus-DP communications interface to the Thyro-P (thyristor power controller). It can be used for integrating the Thyro-P into complex systems using the fieldbus. In addition, there are 4 digital electrically isolated inputs on the card (see section 6). These can be accessed via terminal X21.The scope of delivery includes:- A Profibus card- A cover for installing in the Thyro-P- A diskette containing the files needed for project planning- These instructionsThe Profibus connection uses a 9-pin sub D socket (X20). It provides data lines A and B as well as an electrically isolated supply voltage (5 V, 80 mA).Figure 1.1 Profibus card2. Cyclical Data ExchangeCyclical data traffic is used for transmitting the input and output data. The cyclical data traffic has been expanded by a parameter identifier value (PIV) mechanism for transmitting acyclical data (see section 3).Output dataWith the output data the following values are transmitted.Octet Purpose1 2Parameter identifier3 4Parameter valuePIV interface56Setpoint master78Setpoint master error9FunctionsTable 2.1 Cyclical data master"Setpoint master"With it the power of the load can be regulated.Setpoint master 16383== 100 %"Setpoint master error"This value is used in case of failure of the profibus.Setpoint master error16383== 100 %Tip: If the Steller is in remote operation ("Setpoint master" is active only), it can be useful, if the "Setpoint master" is written also on the " Setpoint mopo". So that it is possible to switch from remote to local with out give a skip function to the regulator. This function can activated by setting the second parameter in the parametriertelegramm to 1.“Functions”Over this byte special functions can be executed in the Thyro-P. For executing a function the funct. nr. must be transmitted. Whereby each function is implemented internal by continuous write a value to a PNU address ( see Table 2.2 ).Funct. Nr.Purpose PNU Value0No function--1No function--2No regulator suppressor3203Regulator suppressor3214No acknoledge30205Acknoledge30216No Ext. Error message32807Ext. Error message3281Table 2.2 Executable functionsInput dataActual values (voltage, current, etc.) can be transferred with the input data. However, not all values are always required. Consequently, in order to reduce the transmission time, it has been made possible to select which parameters are to be transferred (see section 8).Octet Purpose1 2Parameter identifier3 4Parameter valuePIV interface5 4 digital inputs 6-?Actual values Table 2.3 Cyclical data slave3. PIV InterfaceCyclical data traffic is supplemented by the PIV (parameter identifier value) interface for transmitting acyclical data. The master can use this interface for reading and editing the process parameters. The PIV interface comprises the following parts:1. Order response identifier (OI)For transmitting commands and fault messages (see Table 3.2)2. Toggle bit order (TO)Handshake for handling orders3. Parameter number (PNU)The required parameter is selected using the PNU4. Parameter valueOctetPurposeBit position765432101OI TO res.HI PNUParameter identifier 2LO PNUParameter value 3HI byte4LO byteTable 3.1 Structure of the PIV interfaceOrder identifier (OI)The master signals the type of order to the slave using the OI (order identifier). The slave responds with the response identifier when it has carried out the order (see Table 3.2).OIFUNCTIONMASTER SLAVE0No order No order1Request parameter Transmit parameter2Edit parameter Inadmissible OI3Illegal PNU.4Parameter cannot be alteredTable 3.2 Order response identifierToggle bit order (TO)The master uses the toggle bit TO to indicate that there is a new order. In response, the slave performs the order and then changes the toggle bit TO (TOs = TOm) to indicate that the order has been carried out. The master cannot send a new order until this happens.This method ensures that each order initiated by the master is processed correctly. Figure 3.1 shows the sequence of events.rNew requestRepeat request Unable to process requestSend responseNew request Send responseNew request Figure 3.1 Order processing sequenceThe "No order" order should be processed first after the slave is initialised (restarted) in order to initialise the toggle bit in the slave. This ensures that the first order is processed correctly.Parameter number (PNU)The PNU is used for selecting the desired parameter value. Refer to the Annex for the table of parameters with the PNU, value range and identifier. Please refer to the "Thyro-P" instructions for more information about the individual values.Parameter valueThe parameter value of the master is ignored in the "Request parameter" order. Once the order has been processed correctly, the current value is sent continuously with cyclical data traffic until a new order is sent. This makes it possible to transmit a further value cyclically via the PIV interface.The parameter value is transmitted to the power controller when the "Edit parameter" order is sent,provided it is admissible for the parameter to be changed. Then, the content of the PNU is transmitted continuously with cyclical data traffic (as for "Request parameter").4. Calculating the Actual ValuesThe voltage, current and power values are normalised and transmitted in LSB. The following conversions must be performed in order to obtain the values in volts, amps or watts:CurrentIeff_1= Ieff_LSB_L1 * I_TYP / I_TYP_LSB [A]Ieff_2= Ieff_LSB_L2 * I_TYP / I_TYP_LSB [A]Ieff_3= Ieff_LSB_L3 * I_TYP / I_TYP_LSB [A] VoltageUeff_1= Ueff_LSB_L1 * U_TYP / U_TYP_LSB [U]Ueff_2= Ueff_LSB_L2 * U_TYP / U_TYP_LSB [U]Ueff_3= Ueff_LSB_L3 * U_TYP / U_TYP_LSB [U]PowerP1= Peff_LSB_P1 * P_TYP / P_TYP_LSB [W]P2 = Peff_LSB_P2 * P_TYP / P_TYP_LSB [W]P3 = Peff_LSB_P3 * P_TYP / P_TYP_LSB [W]Ptot = Peff_LSB_Ptot * P_TYP / P_TYP_LSB [W] ConductanceGeff_1= Geff_LSB_L1 * I_TYP * U_TYP_LSB / ( I_TYP_LSB * U_TYP * 1024 )[S]Geff_2= Geff_LSB_L2 * I_TYP * U_TYP_LSB / ( I_TYP_LSB * U_TYP * 1024 )[S]Geff_3= Geff_LSB_L3 * I_TYP * U_TYP_LSB / ( I_TYP_LSB * U_TYP * 1024 )[S] TemperatureTemp= ( Temp_LSB - 1000 ) / 3.82[°C]The values for calculating the power are 32-bit values; this means they have to be calculated from the 16-bit values as follows:Peff_LSB_Px= Peff_LSB_Px_H* 65536 + Peff_LSB_Px_LP_TYP= P_TYP_H* 65536 + P_TYP_LP_TYP_LSB= P_TYP_LSB_H* 65536 + P_TYP_LSB_LThe conversion factors must be read out via the PIV interface (see section 3).Conversion factor PNU (address)I_TYP90U_TYP93P_TYP_H121P_TYP_L122I_TYP_LSB113U_TYP_LSB118P_TYP_LSB_H119P_TYP_LSB_L120Table 4.1 PNUs of the conversion factorsAll other actual values are normalised as follows:Period1== 1 µsTotal setpoint16383== 100 %Actual on-time value50== 1 sOn-angle alpha1== 0.01° elLED&Relais Bit 0== LED …control“Bit 1== LED …limit“Bit 2== LED …pulse lock“Bit 3== LED …fault“Bit 4== LED …overheat“Bit 5== Relais (1)Bit 6== Relais (2)Bit 7== Relais (3)SW Active Bit 0== Terminal 10 activeBit 1== Terminal 11 activeBit 2== Setpoint master activeBit 3== Setpoint mopo active5. Diagnostic MessagesThe slave sends device-related diagnostic information to the master in the event of a fault.The structure is explained in Table 5.1.Octet Bit position Messages80SYNC fault6MOSI in peak current limitation90Undercurrent in load circuit1Overcurrent in load circuit4Undervoltage in mains5Overvoltage in mains100Regulator suppressor3Limit4Overtemperature115SSC faultTable 5.1 Structure of the diagnostic telegram4 bytes are transmitted with the diagnostic message. Each bit corresponds to a signal which displays the current status of the Thyro-P. Please refer to the Thyro-P instructions for more details about the individual values."Static diagnosis" is triggered if there is a communication malfunction between the Profibus card and Thyro-P; the "SSC fault" message is transmitted. In this case, no data exchange between the master and the slave is possible. This fault indicates that the Profibus card is not inserted in its slot correctly, for example.6. Digital InputsThe Profibus card provides three digital inputs as well as an input for the activation of the localoperation (see section 7), via the 9-pin sub D plug (X21). These are automatically reproduced on the Profibus (see Table 2.3, Octet 5).Pin Designation Function1Earth Earth2M1Ground for IN0 and IN13IN 0Input 04IN 1Input 15M24Ground / internal 24 V supply 6M2Ground for IN2 and IN37IN 2Input 28IN 3Input 39+24+24 V / internal 24 V supplyFigure 6.1 Connection assignment X21Inputs 0 and 1 always relate to ground M1 and inputs 2 and Loc always relate to ground M2. There is also a 24 V supply provided for connecting simple signallers such as limit switches, etc. This would make the following connection possible, for example:SFigure 6.2 Example of connecting inputs7. Local operation of the Setpoint MotorpotiIn certain situations, e.g. failure of the profibus, is it sometimes necessary to change the desired value quickly. This can take place over the LBA. It is however pedantic for certain applications too. . In order to remove this deficiency, the possibility of the local operation of the Setpoint Motorpoti was created over Switchs.Over the input Loc (pin 8) can be activated the local operation of the Setpoint Motorpoti of desired value. It is then possible to switch the value SW_ACTIV between remote (open) and local (closed) over the input IN0 (pin 3).In the local operation mode the Setpoint Motorpoti value can be changed over the inputs IN1 and IN2. Whereby the desired value with pressed switch around 1% per second changes. With simultaneous operation of the UP and Down keys the desired value is reduced.For the local operation the plug X21 is to be connect as follows.UpFigure 7.1 Local operation of the Setpoint MotorpotiNote: When using the local operation the following points are to be considered:1. To prevent a precipitous modification of the setpoint when switching from remote to local, the“setpoint motorpoti" is set in the remote operation equal to the "setpoint master". This takes place automatically by setting the second byte in the Parametrietelegramms to 1 (see figure 8,7).2. With the switch "local" is closed ("4 digital inputs " bits 0 = 0) the process regulatur must bedeactivates and to the "setpoint master" is set equal to "setpoint total", in order to enable a jump-free switching from local to remote. For this the “setpoint total” is to be transferred cyclically.3. With switch from local to remote, the process regulator participates to initialize with the “setpointtotal” and has activate afterwards.8. Project Planning of the "Thyro-P" DP SlaveThis section describes project planning with the "COM PROFIBUS" project planning tool from Siemens.First copy the following files into the corresponding folders (see the instructions supplied with the project planning tool):•PSS104C0.GSD Device master file• PSS_R.DIB Normal display• PSS_D.DIB Diagnostic display•PSS_S.DIB Display in special operating statusThen start the tool. The following window appears once the project planning for the master has been completed successfully ( Figure 8.1 ):Figure 8.1 Editing window for a master systemIt is now possible to assign a new slave to the master. Do this by selecting the product group (on the right-hand side). The Thyro-P is in the Others group. Enter the slave address after you have placed a slave under the master ( Figure 8.2 ).Figure 8.2 Selecting the slave addressThis address must correspond to the address in the Thyro-P thyristor power controller, because the "modify slave address" function is not supported. Note that the Thyro-P has to be switched off after the power controller address has been changed before the new address is activated.This leads you to the "Slave characteristic" window ( Figure 8.3 ) in which you can select the desired slave, in this case Thyro-P. Then enter a name so as to be able to identify the slave unambiguously later on.Figure 8.3 Selecting the DP slaveNow the slave can be configured. Do this by clicking the "Configuration..." button which calls up the "Configuration" window ( Figure 8.4 ).Figure 8.4 Standard configuration of the Thyro-PThe first six modules (0 – 5) are already occupied. Never change these. Table 8.1 provides a more detailed explanation of their function.NO.IDENTIFIER SIZE DIRECTION SIGNIFICANCE02AA 2 words Output PIV interface master/slave11AA 1 word Output Setpoint master21AA 1 word Output Setpoint master error38DA 1 byte Output Functions42AE 2 words Input PIV interface slave/master58DE 1 byte Input 4 digital inputs (bits 0 – 4)Table 8.1 Significance of the default settingsThe actual values which are to be transmitted cyclically can now be entered from module 6 onwards. Do this by marking row 6 and clicking the "order number ..." button, which causes the "Auswahl über Bestellnummer für Slot x" window to appear ( Figure 8.5 ). Please do not be confused by the termFigure 8.5 Selecting the cyclical valuesAfter you have selected the desired value (in this case, "Power L1") and clicked the "take over" button, the value appears in row 6. You can then enter another actual value in row 7. shows a sample configuration.The cyclical transfer of input data resulting from this setting is shown in Table 8.2.BYTE 1 – 456-910 – 1112 – 13 VALUE PIV interface4D in Power L1Load current L1Load voltage L1 Table 8.2 Structure of cyclical transfer (slave/master)Figure 8.6 Example of actual value selectionIt is now possible enter the comments, input and output addresses (see the instructions supplied with the project planning tool).Each actual value that is cyclically transferred, extends the Parametrier telegram by a byte. With its assistance the identifier of the desired actual value is transferred. The Parametrierung can press through the button "Parametrieren" ( Figure 8.3 ) and following operation of the button "Hex..." ( Figure 8.7 ) to be controlled.Figure 8.7 ParametrierenThe identifier of the individual actual values starting from the third byte (pos 2) into the Parametrier telegram are entered. The second byte (pos 1) serves the automatic transfer of the "Setpoint master" for the activation on the "Setpoint mopo" (see section 2 ).The link between the master and slave is displayed when the configuration of the Thyro-P has been completed ( Figure 8.8 ). The symbol shows the status of the Thyro-P, in this case "run-mode".Figure 8.8 Display of the link between the master and slave9. AnnexPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Defaultr / w TAKT 5BETR Operating mode0...4TAKT, VAR, SSSD,SOFT, Rectifier6MOSI Op. of molybdenum silicide rods0..2OFF, RAMP, STELL r / w OFF 7TDS Thyrosoft delta circuit0...1OFF, ON r / w OFF 8SEB Service mode0...1OFF, ON r / w OFF0...1OFF, ON r OFF 9ASM Automatic synchronisation formultiple power controllerapplications11TYP Number of controlled phases 1...3r / w 1 phase Table 9.1 Operating modePNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 12AN1Phase angle of the 1st half-wave0...180°el.01°el r / w60°el 13SST Soft-start time (setting)0...9980 ms20 ms r / w120 ms 14SDN Soft-down time (setting)0...9980 ms20 ms r / w120 ms 15T0_TI Cycle period0...T0_MAX20 ms r / w 1 s 17TSMAX Maximum cycle on-time0...T0_TI20 ms r / w 1 s 18TSMIN Minimum cycle on-time0...T0_TI20 ms r / w0 ms 19SYNC_EXT Synchronous cycle0...1Internal/external r Internalinternal/external20SYNC_ADR Synchronous cycle address0...655350 ms10 ms r / w 1 ms 21T0_KORR T0 correction0...1OFF, ON r OFF Table 9.2 TimesPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 22RE Regulation0...8Uload^2, Uload eff,r / w Uload^2Iload^2, Iload eff,Real power, Speed,U_const, I_const,Without regulationRegulator suppressor request0...1 1 == Request r / w032REG_SPERR_ANFTable 9.3 RegulationsPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 40V_IE Front pulse limit position0...180°el0.01°el r / w180°el 41H_IE Back pulse limit position0...180°el0.01°el r / w0°el Table 9.4 LimitsPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 48UEMA Maximum r.m.s. voltage setpoint0...65535 V V r / w440 V 49IEMA Maximum r.m.s. current setpoint0...65535 A A r / w110 A 50PMA_H Maximum power setpoint0...65535 xW65536 W r / w0 W 51PMA_L Maximum power setpoint0...65535 W W r / w48400 W 57SW_SPRUNG Setpoint jump0..1OFF, ON r / w ON94SW_ACTIV Setpoint activation0...15Bit 0 = 1 (Setpointt10 activ) ...r / w1552SW Setpoint linking0...3_ADD, IADD, _PRO,IPROr / w_ADD 42SW_INP_IU_10Input voltage/current terminal 100...2 5 V, 10 V, 20 mA r / w20 mA44STA_REGLER Control start regulator inputterminal 10Depending onSW_INP_IU_100.3 mV0.6 mV1.22 µAr / w292 µA(240)45STE_REGLER Control end regulator inputterminal 10Depending onSW_INP_IU_100.3 mV0.6 mV1.22 µAr / w20000 µA(16383)43SW_INP_IU_11Input voltage/current terminal 110...2 5 V, 10 V, 20 mA r / w 5 V46STA_POTI Control start potentiometer inputterminal 11Depending onSW_INP_IU_110.3 mV0.6 mV1.22 µAr / w72 mV(240)47STE_POTI Control end potentiometer inputterminal 11Depending onSW_INP_IU_110.3 mV0.6 mV1.22 µAr / w 5 V(16383)53STA_MASTER Control start master0...100 %0.0061%r / w0 % 54STE_MASTER Control end master0...100 %0.0061%r / w100 %(16383) 55STA_MOPO Control start motor potentiometer0...100 %0.0061%r / w0 % 56STE_MOPO Control end motor potentiometer0...100 %0.0061%r / w100 %(16383) Table 9.5 Control characteristicPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 514TEMP Temperature sensor0..3none, PT100,PT1000, NTCr / w none59TEMP_KVE Characteristic number0...7Characteristic 0 ...Characteristic 7r / w No charac-teristicTable 9.6 TemperaturePNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 63IST_1Actual value output 10..120 mA, 10 V--r / w20 mA 64IST_2Actual value output 20..120 mA, 10 V--r / w20 mA 65IST_3Actual value output 30..120 mA, 10 V--r / w20 mA 60OF_1Offset 10...20000 µAµA r / w0 µA 61OF_2Offset 20...20000 µAµA r / w0 µA 62OF_3Offset 30...20000 µAµA r / w0 µA 84DAC_1_VA_U Measuring instrument full-scaledeflection DAC1, voltage0...10000 mV mV r / w10 V85DAC_1_VA_I Measuring instrument full-scaledeflection DAC1, current0...20000 µAµA r / w20 mA86DAC_2_VA_U Measuring instrument full-scaledeflection DAC2, voltage0...10000 mV mV r / w10 V87DAC_2_VA_I Measuring instrument full-scaledeflection DAC2, current0...20000 µAµA r / w20 mA88DAC_3_VA_U Measuring instrument full-scaledeflection DAC3, voltage0...10000 mV mV r / w10 V89DAC_3_VA_I Measuring instrument full-scaledeflection DAC3, current0...20000 µAµA r / w20 mA81DAC_1_CTRL Configuration registeranalog output 1bit-by-bit r / w1882DAC_2_CTRL Configuration registeranalog output 2bit-by-bit r / w2083DAC_3_CTRL Configuration registeranalog output 3bit-by-bit r / w2266I_FA_1Scale end value currentactual value output 10...65535 A A r / w150 A67I_FA_2Scale end value currentactual value output 20...65535 A A r / w150 A68I_FA_3Scale end value currentactual value output 30...65535 A A r / w150 A69U_FA_1Scale end value voltageactual value output 10...65535 V V r / w500 V70U_FA_2Scale end value voltageactual value output 20...65535 V V r / w500 V71U_FA_3Scale end value voltageactual value output 30...65535 V V r / w500 V72P_FA_1_H Scale end value poweractual value output 10...65535 xW xW r / w073P_FA_1_L Scale end value poweractual value output 10...65535 W W r / w50000 W74P_FA_2_H Scale end value poweractual value output 20...65535 xW xW r / w075P_FA_2_L Scale end value poweractual value output 20...65535 W W r / w50000 W76P_FA_3_H Scale end value poweractual value output 30...65535 xW xW r / w077P_FA_3_L Scale end value poweractual value output 30...65535 W W r / w50000 W78ALPHA_FA_1Scale end value alphaactual value output 10...180°el.01°el r / w180°el79ALPHA_FA_2Scale end value alphaactual value output 20...180°el.01°el r / w180°el80ALPHA_FA_3Scale end value alphaactual value output 30...180°el.01°el r / w180°el Table 9.7 Actual valuesPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 90I_TYP Power controller rated current0...65535 A A r / w110 A 113I_TYP_LSB Rated current in LSB0...65535r97UE_I Voltage converter ratio0...65535r / w100 92R_BUERDE_I Load resistor current0...653 ohm.01 ohm r / w0.91 ohm 93U_TYP Power controller connectionvoltage0...1000 V V r / w400 V 118U_TYP_LSB Rated voltage in LSB0...65535r96UE_U Voltage converter ratio0...1000r / w16 123TYP_BEREICH Voltage range changeover0...2230 V, 400 V, 690 V r / w400 V 91R_BUERDE_U Load resistor voltage0...65535 ohm Ohm r / w1680 ohm124R_BUERDE_U_1Load resistor voltagerange 10...65535 ohm Ohm r / w1680 ohm125R_BUERDE_U_2Load resistor voltagerange 20...65535 ohm Ohm r / w1680 ohm95U_NETZ_ANW Mains voltage user0...1000 V V r / w400 V 121P_TYP_H Power controller rated power0...65535 xW xW r / w0 122P_TYP_L Power controller rated power0...65535 W W r / w44000 W 119P_TYP_LSB_H Rated power Hi in LSB0...65535r120P_TYP_LSB_L Rated power Low in LSB0...65535rTable 9.8 Hardware parametersPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 126SPG_MIN Mains voltage monitoring minimum0...1000 V V r / w320 V 127SPG_MAX Mains voltage monitoringmaximum0...1000 V V r / w480 V128UN_S Undercurrent monitoring0...1OFF, ON r / w OFF 130UE_S Overcurrent monitoring0...1OFF, ON r / w OFF 313REL_ABS Load break0...1REL_, ABS_r / w REL_ 311LASTBRUCH_MINUndercurrent monitoring value0..99 %%r / w0 %312LASTBRUCH_MAXOvercurrent monitoring value101...255 %%r / w0 %159LASTBRUCH_MIN_ABSUndercurrent monitoring value0...65535r / w0160LASTBRUCH_MAX_ABSOvercurrent monitoring value0...65535r / w0 Table 9.9 MonitoringPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 0Power controller address 1...998r / w100 32Regulator suppressor0...1OFF, ON r / w0 302--Acknoledge through set to 10...1r / w303SAVE Save the settings by setting to 100.10r / w328--Ext. Error message0...1OFF, ON r / w OFF290--Real-time clock: Date: Year andmonth Low byte month,high byte yearr / w0291--Real-time clock: Date: Day andhour Low byte hour,high byte dayr / w0292--Real-time clock: Date: Minute andsecond Low byte second,high byte minuter / w0293UHR_WRITE_ENABLE Setting to 1 enables time to bechangedSetting to 0 adopts the timer / w0100IMAB_2Pulse switch-off on fault Error bits r / w0 101IMAB_1Pulse switch-off on fault Error bits r / w0 297DA_EN_2Data logger enable register Error bits r / w65535 298DA_EN_1Data logger enable register Error bits r / w65535 806--Version jear2000...r807--Version month 1..12r808--Version day 1..31rTable 9.10 MiscellaneousPNU Symbol Name Value range Combo-Opt Unit R / W Default 706--Actual value Peff in LSB L1 (HI)0...65535r707--Actual value Peff in LSB L10...65535r708--Actual value Peff in LSB L2 (HI)0...65535r709--Actual value Peff in LSB L2 (LOW)0...65535r710--Actual value Peff in LSB L3 (HI)0...65535r711--Actual value Peff in LSB L3 (LOW)0...65535r712--Actual value Peff in LSB total (HI)0...65535r0...65535r713--Actual value Peff in LSB total(LOW)700--Actual value Ieff in LSB L10...65535r701--Actual value Ieff in LSB L20...65535r702--Actual value Ieff in LSB L30...65535r703--Actual value Ueff in LSB L10...65535r704--Actual value Ueff in LSB L20...65535r705--Actual value Ueff in LSB L30...65535r784--Conductance in LSB L10...65535r785--Conductance in LSB L20...65535r786--Conductance in LSB L30...65535r771--Status LEDs & Relais0...255r787--Temperature0...65535r724--Period0...65535 µsµs rr732--Setpoint total0..100 %16383== 100%717--On-time value0...T0_MAX0.02 s r408--On-angle alpha0...180°el0.01°el rr / w15 94SW_ACTIV Setpoint activation0...15Bit 0 = 1 (Setpointt10 activ) ...r733--Setpoint terminal 100..100 %16383== 100%r734--Setpoint terminal 110..100 %16383== 100%722--Current fault register Error bits r65535 723--Current fault register Error bits r65535 731Setpoint master0..100 %16383r0== 100%r0 306--Setpoint mopo0..100 %16383== 100%718--Actual value voltage rectifier0...65535V r719--Actual value current rectifier0...65535A rTable 9.11 Actual values21。
英语选修一的单词表English Answer:English 1 Honors Vocabulary List.A.abrogate (v.): to repeal or annul a law or treaty.accede (v.): to agree to or join something.accretion (n.): a gradual increase in size or amount.accrue (v.): to increase gradually over time.accretionary (adj.): relating to or characterized by accretion.acerbic (adj.): sharp or bitter in taste or manner.acquiesce (v.): to agree or consent without protest.acquiescence (n.): the act or state of acquiescing.ad hoc (adj.): done for a specific purpose or reason.ad hominem (adj.): attacking a person rather thantheir argument.ad infinitum (adv.): forever; endlessly.ad nauseam (adv.): to the point of disgust or boredom. adumbrate (v.): to hint at or foreshadow something.advocate (v.): to support or defend something.aegis (n.): protection or sponsorship.affable (adj.): friendly and approachable.affect (v.): to have an effect on something.affectation (n.): a pretense or artificial manner.affinity (n.): a natural liking or attraction.affirm (v.): to state or assert something as true.affront (n.): an insult or offense.agar (n.): a gelatinous substance used as a growth medium for microorganisms.aggrandize (v.): to make something seem more important or impressive than it is.aggregate (n.): a collection of things.agitate (v.): to stir up or excite.aggravate (v.): to make something worse.alacrity (n.): eagerness or promptness.alchemy (n.): a medieval practice combining science, philosophy, and mysticism.alienable (adj.): capable of being transferred or sold.allegory (n.): a story with a hidden meaning.ally (v.): to join or unite with someone or something.altercation (n.): a noisy argument or fight.altruism (n.): unselfish concern for the welfare of others.ambidextrous (adj.): able to use both hands equally well.ambivalence (n.): having both positive and negative feelings about something.ameliorate (v.): to improve or make better.anachronism (n.): something that is out of place in time.analogy (n.): a comparison between two similar things.anarchy (n.): a状態 of disorder or lack of government.anathema (n.): something that is considered cursed or detestable.ancillary (adj.): additional or supplementary.anecdote (n.): a short, amusing story.anelastic (adj.): not able to return to its original shape after being stretched or deformed.animosity (n.): strong dislike or hatred.annotation (n.): a note or comment added to a text.anodyne (adj.): soothing or painkilling.anomalous (adj.): unusual or irregular.antagonist (n.): someone who opposes or competes with someone else.antebellum (adj.): before the American Civil War.anticipate (v.): to expect or prepare for something.antipathy (n.): a strong dislike or aversion.antiseptic (n.): a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms.antithesis (n.): the opposite of something.antum (n.): a small amount.B.bacchanalian (adj.): drunken or reveling.banal (adj.): ordinary or commonplace.banter (n.): playful or teasing conversation. baroque (adj.): elaborate or highly ornamental. bastion (n.): a fortified place or stronghold. beatific (adj.): blissful or radiant.bedlam (n.): a scene of chaos or confusion.bellicose (adj.): warlike or aggressive.benevolence (n.): kindness or charity.benign (adj.): harmless or gentle.berate (v.): to scold or criticize severely.bewilder (v.): to confuse or disorient.bibliography (n.): a list of books or other sources used in a research project.bigotry (n.): intolerance or prejudice.bilateral (adj.): involving or affecting two parties.bombast (n.): inflated or pretentious language.bonanza (n.): a sudden or unexpected gain or profit.boorish (adj.): rude or ill-mannered.bourgeois (adj.): relating to the middle class.bravado (n.): показной courage or braggadocio.brazen (adj.): shameless or impudent.brevity (n.): shortness in length or duration.brusque (adj.): abrupt or curt in manner.。
SovParaDropNum=9 ;(苏军占有科技机场空投步兵数量)
EliteOccupyWeapon=UCMP5E 3级时占领平民建筑后使用的武器
Aegis one中文说明书祝贺您选择了AE Aegis one音箱这一对使用了金属振膜的强有力的两路分音书架箱请花几分钟阅读本说明书这有利于使音箱获得最佳的表现Aegis one音箱的中低音单元使用了金属振膜技术该项技术在著名的REFERENCE系列已大获成功坚硬的合金振膜可以确保完美活塞运动的实现而且振膜本身可以成为音圈的散热器这些特征可以提供出人意外的清澈感透明度动态范围和功率承受能力Aegis one的高音单元是一只优质的丝膜球顶与其他单元平滑连接所有的单元均经完备的磁屏蔽处理这样您就可以把它放在靠近电视机的位置Aegis one音箱内部接线为优质的OFC线可强化细节和透明度方面的表现Aegis one的最佳摆放高度是当您坐下时耳朵的位置与高音单元平齐或稍低聆听时最好把网罩摘除为充分发挥细节和动态方面的边县音箱需要坚固的支承坚固的脚架包括脚钉脚锥等一系列可靠的支承措施专用的脚架有助于获得良好的声像分离度和纵深感如果Aegis one是放在脚架上的话支承一定要稳固角锥建议放在箱体下方当音箱靠近墙壁时主要对低频产生影响音箱应当远离墙角音箱可以放在离后墙及侧墙相当近的位置但要避免音箱到后墙或侧墙的距离等于音箱离地面的距离需要反复试验才能找到一个能获得丰满而清晰低频的位置相信您的判断和耳朵为获得最佳的声像定位音箱应尽量远离聆听位置在接线时应确保功放处于关机状态否则很容易损坏音箱或功放连接时将音箱的极与功放的极红色用音箱线联接同样地将音箱的极与功放的极黑色联接注意左右音箱分别和功放的左右声道相连接好线后打开功放电源选择相应的节目源并逐渐拧大音量技术指标全频频率38Hz-22kHz响应频率响应 (+/-3dB) 50Hz-20kHz灵敏度 90dB/1w/1m分频点 2.8kHz额定功率 120W重量 7kg箱体尺寸192x362x235mm(WxHxD)。
AEG UPS 典型操作手册编制:审核:批准:宁波海越新材料电仪部2015年10 月备注:1、此典型操作手册适用于除行政中心3#、4#UPS以外的AEG品牌UPS.2、操作过程中步骤与指导书中不一致时,应停止操作,汇报班长及主管技术员。
AEG UPS 典型操作手册一.UPS 的原理框图二.UPS 人机界面1 LED 指示灯: 红, 黄, 绿(从上到下)2 图形化的液晶显示 (LCD)3 4个功能按键 4回车键(ENTER )1. LED 指示灯含义:红灯闪烁: 系统失败=> 需要服务 黄灯闪烁: 自认为失败/预告, 特殊的系统状态 绿灯闪烁: 静态旁路运行 绿灯常亮: 逆变状态运行 声音报警:紧急情况,系统失败(旁路柜上)脱机旁路开关(主机柜内)2.键盘操作4 个功能键的选择依靠于LCD 显示的菜单内容。
当前选定的功能会在LCD 的右侧小区域显示一个图标。
可以数字和柱形显示,因设备结构不同而不同. 在最右侧,显示当前的按键。
UPS在正常情况下的运行显示图:Capac. utilis. L1-L3在手动旁路状态时UPS的运行显示图(Q29 在位置2):Capac. utilis. L1-L3如果在手动旁路运行,UPS是与负载分离开的,负载直接从市电供电。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Aegis是一个默认的Xfire绑定方式,它将XML映射为POJO, 支持代码先行的开发.你开发服务类与POJO,它为你生成XML schema/wsdlXML 和注解映射概览默认情况下,你的POJO类被是基于他们的名字与命名空间被序列化。
如果你有一个类在"org.codehaus.xfire"包里,名字叫"Employee",它会被使用命名空间"" 和本地名字"Employee"进行序列化。
举例:public class Employee{private String name;private String title;public String getName() { return name; }public void setName(String name) { = name; }public String getTitle() { return title; }public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } }在XML里它被转换成:<Employee xmlns=""><name>Santa Claus</name><title>Chief Present Officer (CPO)</title></Employee>在XML Schema里变的更为复杂:<xsd:complexType name="Employee"><xsd:sequence><xsd:element name="name"type="xsd:string"minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1/><xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string"minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1/></xsd:sequence></xsd:complexType>支持的类型∙基本类型: int, double, float, long, byte[], short, String, BigDecimal∙Arrays∙Collections∙日期: java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time∙XML: org.w3c.dom.Docmument, org.jdom.Element, X MLStreamReader, Source ∙以上类型的聚合类如果Java bean里定义了构造函数,一定不能忘记定义一个默认的构造函数(无参)。
(Aegis 需要一个无参的构造器来初始化客户端java 类)使用XML控制映射使用Aegis很容易控制从bean到xml的转换。
.aegis.xml映射配置文件必须存在于和你的bean 或者服务类相同的包中,且命名为与bean或服务类相同名字。
以上例子应当命名为"/org/codehaus/xfire/Employee.aegis.xml", 格式如下:<mappings><mapping uri="" name=""><method name="methodName"><return-type mappedName="" componentType=""/><parameter index="" mappedName=""/></method><property name="" mappedName=""style="attribute|element" componentType=""/></mapping></mappings>当你创建Cla ssName.aegis.xml 来控制映射的时候, 你只会用到一个mapping元素, 并且你不需要在mapping元素上使用任何的属性. 使用一到多个property元素指定属性的映射. 使用name=指明要映射的属性名(Pojo中名字).<method> 用于配置服务类中的方法, <property> 用于配置javabean中的属性.上边的例子显示出了许多可能使用的元素,大部分都是可选的控制命名假设上边的例子需要元素首字母大写,并且使用"urn:north-pole:operations"命名空间. 配置文件就修改成:<mappings xmlns:np="urn:north-pole:operations"><mapping name="np:Employee"><property name="name" mappedName="Name"/><property name="title" mappedName="Title"/></mapping></mappings>命名空间被定义在了mappings元素里。
之后这个前缀被用于为name/title指定QNames元素,使映射变成以下:<np:Employee xmlns:np="urn:north-pole:operations"><np:Name>Santa Claus</np:Name><np:Title>Chief Present Officer (CPO)</np:Title></np:Employee>忽略属性如果要使某个属性不被序列化,可以加ignore来实现。
:<mappings><mapping><property name="propertyName" ignore="true"/></mapping></mappings>控制minOccurs和nillable默认的Aegis的假设任意的java 对象可以为空,那么相关的schema元素应当设为为minOccurs=’0’且nillable=’true’. 配置文件中也有属性对此进行控制。
<mappings><mapping><property name='everpresentProperty' minOccurs='1' nillable='false'/></mapping><mappings>使用Aegis基本类型为了使用在"org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic"包里Aegis提供的多种类型,接下来的例子使wsdl使用"xsd:date"而不是默认的"xsd:dateTime"<mappings xmlns:xsd="/2001/XMLSchema"> <mapping><property name="birthDate"type="org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic.DateType"typeName="xsd:date"/></mapping></mappings>在java代码里设置默认的minOccurs 和nillable 参数如果你有大部分或者所有的属性都有一个非0的minOccurs或者非false 的nillable, 你可以在java 代码里更改Aegis默认设置示例:它从服务工厂得到了binding provider,改变了配置参数AnnotationServiceFactory serviceFactory = new AnnotationServiceFactory();// We 'happen to know' what types are used.AegisBindingProvider binder = (AegisBindingProvider)serviceFactory.getBindingProvider() ;DefaultTypeMappingRegistry tmr = (DefaultTypeMappingRegistry)binder.getTypeMappingRegistry ();// here we disuade XFire from its rather annoying tendency to assume that, just because// anything in Java can be null, that we want to advertise all that nullity all over.Configuration configuration =tmr.getConfiguration();configuration.setDefaultMinOccurs(1);configuration.setDefaultNillable(false);nillable="true":该元素的值可以为空,但是该元素不能省略,也就是说,只能:<minzero xsi:nil="true"><minzero>而不能直接将minzero这个元素去掉(注意:xsi:nil="true"或者xsi:nil="1"应该就是表示这个元素为空)minOccurs="0":该元素可以直接被省略掉,但是不能让该元素的值为空,也就是说,不能:<minzero xsi:nil="true"><minzero>。