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Understanding the KING of POP

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

I. Introduction

Q: What’s your impression of Michael Jackson?

A: 1. Draw a picture of him.

2. He is a _____________________.

3. Good:

4. Bad:


“Michael is our soul, a part of us all...

Losing Michael is losing our soul,

and also..losing ourselves...” By Miss Hsu 2009/7/4

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50. He was one of the greatest

superstars in history, as incredible as the Beatles and Elvis Presley. What do you know about him? Bleaching? Child molester? Plastic surgery? Dangling his baby on the balcony? Gay?

However, regardless of these rumors, he is totally the most gifted, talented genius of

music, dance, and performance. Now let’s forget all these unidentified rumors. Just listen to his music, watch his dance moves, and marvelous concerts.


1. Brace Yourself到各國巡迴演唱會的精彩片段剪接而成的集錦背景音樂是古典樂布蘭詩歌

更顯氣勢磅礡歌迷昏倒的昏倒哭的哭 MJ帥到爆...

2. The opening of Live in Bucharest: the Dangerous Tour 無聲的開場,但一舉手一投足卻都能令觀眾瘋狂。



? Assignment: Getting to Know Michael Jackson 1. 7/16 (四) 22:00 MTV (125台) 永遠的流行樂天王麥可傑克森 (無中文字幕)

簡介: 分為童年、青少年、到天王巨星三個階段,單純就他音樂逐一介紹,並訪問多位知名歌手。


2. 7/17(五) 22:00 華視危險之旅演唱會 (就是今天看的演唱會完整播出)

簡介: Michael Jackson演唱會,觀眾都超級熱情、瘋狂、火爆,來感受一下,到底Michael有什麼魅力,




II. Hit Songs, Classic Dance, Singing, and Symbols 1. Most Successful MJ Songs with Classic Dance 1

* Billie Jean (from Thriller)

Symbols: _________________________ Classic Dance Move:

_______________________ * Beat It (from Thriller)

Symbols: _________________________ Classic Dance

Bonus: Kuso版

* Thriller (from Thriller)

Symbols: _________________________ Classic Dance:

___________________________ * Smooth Criminal (from BAD) Classic Dance Move: ___________________________

* Black or White (from Dangerous)

Classic Scene: ___________________________

2. Classic Dance 2

* Bad (from BAD)

*The Way You Make Me Feel (from BAD)

* Remember the Time (from Dangerous) Classic Dance:

___________________________ * Dangerous-1995 MTV Video Music Awards Performance

3. Work with Other Celebrities

* We Are The World

* Jam (from Dangerous): ________________________________________ * Remember the Time (from Dangerous): ___________________________ (以上所有影片及歌詞可至Miss Hsu’s Blog 點選連結欣賞)
